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Old 04-21-2009, 08:43 PM   #1201
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Kathleen View Post
May I ask who "We" is?

Thank you.
You may but the answer will not be as expected, let us just say we have The Watchers best interests at heart and on a more selfish note, have a vested interest in his welfare
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Old 04-21-2009, 09:01 PM   #1202
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Originally Posted by Kathleen View Post
Thank you for answering. Perhaps it is proper to have the Watcher's best interest at heart. I respect that.

I have no "expectations" .....just the desire to know who we are dealing with. I have the Avalon community's best interest at heart and selfishly, my own curiosity.
Perfectly understandable, we respect that. We mean to merely assist with questioning on The Watchers behalf and buffer him from intimidation should any arise
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Old 04-22-2009, 05:08 AM   #1203
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Excerpt from post above "Was microwave technology used to regrain memories?
This technology is used to control, trigger, erase rather than regain"

Is this also true of current public microwave communication systems?

A well known, supposedly ex, alphabet agency personality seems almost fanatical about bringing to light the activation of a vigilante program every time a person goes into a rampage and is in the news. Is this a similar use of that technology? And if so does food effect the results in anyway? Or does a person have to be specifically targeted, programmed or implanted in order for microwave technology to have its effect?
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Old 04-22-2009, 05:48 AM   #1204
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Just because it hasn't been asked yet:
What do you think of Virgil Armstrong, the "Haunebu people" and hollow earth?

Last edited by thuras; 04-22-2009 at 06:56 AM.
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Old 04-22-2009, 08:38 AM   #1205
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Good evening Barry and Co,

It's taken a week for me to catch up and at the end I thought I missed the bus.

You have spoken of all these under ground facilities and I have to wonder what they did with all that "spare" dirt?

Do you know if there were any facilities near the Edinburgh RAAF Base 25kms north of Adelaide, South Australia?

Can you tell us who funds the facilities in Australia?

Just how important globally is Pine Gape to the over all picture that you have painted re: UFO etc?

Thanks for waiting for me. Take care.

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Old 04-22-2009, 10:46 AM   #1206
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Will Barry return?
If not give him my regards.

Moving forward. I will assume that if these replies are not coming from Barry himself, they must be coming from either another Watcher, or whomever was authorising Barry to release the info. he has up to this point.

How many Watchers are out there? (I do not expecct an actual answer to this but it is a question non the less )

Why are the Watchers using forums like these to release info.?

Do the Watchers believe that total disclosure will only come as a result of public action?

Do the Watchers use forums like these to gather info.?

Do the Watchers have an mission objective? If so does this run on a time line? It would seem from Barrys posts that info. could only be released at certain points in time.

Should an incident ever be immenint and to the Watchers knowledge would they advise the public?

Thank you in advance.
Best Regards
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Old 04-22-2009, 12:45 PM   #1207
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER


I think the magic word in this post could be 'minder' which has been used to describe the relationship between the owners of this website. So why not you have at least one 'minder' also? Keeps you in the loop.

Other people making similar unproven claims have been ridiculed, it's just that they were wise and didn't argue back.

I think you made an important point that many other people have made the same claim in public, which of course would include yourself. As Emmenegger said in a recent interview, he feels that there are many people in X - conference and UFO circles that use third hand information and use it as their own. You can understand the frustration of some people who have to try and sift through the **** to find the good stuff, which is possibly why an other member of this forum asked for a glimpse of evidence to back up your claims and the even more frustration that they had when this request was refused. That, in my opinion, only places you among the sea of people who make these claims. I'm sure that with you being a first generation being, you can understand that.

It's good that you mention about the 28" TV, as this tells me you have a very old broken television at home, or you showed this 'amazing' feat of strength twenty years ago. By the way I know a couple of TV delivery guys who do the same every day.

If you really have heightened psychic ability, you will probably be knowing what I'm thinking right now.

Best regards,


Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post

You are requested to slowly read and digest the information you are about to be presented with. This information has to a limited degree been available in the public domain via numerous outlets but not presented in full to a mass media outlet. The reasons for that are only too obvious. The information may appear outrageous, unbelievable, far fetched. But you are reminded that there are numerous other individuals whom claim the same or similar, some far beyond the claims of The Watcher. By doing this we hope the members here will gain a deeper, fuller picture of the state of play. Camelot and Avalon originators too. Data disclosures began many years ago with The Watcher and members are reminded of this when they compare The Watcher data with similar individuals whom arrived within the public domain disclosures during recent years.

Other individuals making similar claims have not been subjected to ridicule, scorn or abuse post disclosure. With that we expect the appreciation from members of courtesey and an open mind post disclosure for The Watcher. Not one individual making these and similar claims can provide positive proof or solid evidence of their respective claims, NOT ONE can thus far. Their respective identities can be verified, their status, to a certain degree, BUT NOT their actual claims. Please kindly bear this in mind when reading and comparing with other similar individuals.

With that said we will now open the book on The Watcher............

The Watcher is a first generation genetically modified/altered/augmented being. This initially began at the age of two when his physical body died for a few minutes and was brought back to life in the hospital (see history timeline).During his childhood he was part of a genetic program which monitored his physical and psychological progress and modifications. These were enhanced further later in life by way of OPI and assisting agencies.

The Watcher has high psychic abilities, some inborn, some placed within and nutured. He has undergone specific training protocols using these abilities which include advanced remote viewing, and remote influencing.
The Watcher has 3 distinct personalities, his everyday persona BMK, plus two others brought about by the programming he received. The second personality is a psy-ops operative by the name of Major Barney Kavanagh. This ID is /was used for certain specific roles which we feel is not to be detailed here just yet. His third ID is that of a programmed to destroy type. Upon triggering this ID will await instructions/orders. If these orders are not forthcoming rapidly the ID goes into a self imposed mind zoning which in effect closes the ID to all outside stimulus but requesting orders of anyone within contact. After a specified time this ID, if not receiving instructions/orders will snap back to original ID, BMK.
This third ID is mostly dormant but can be accidentally triggered by anger, if hurt or attacked, or a perceived threat situation appears high enough, the ID will go into RAGE, its designed programmed protocols. This in effect causes this ID to rampage, destroying anything and anyone in its way as it tries to fulfill its pre-programmed protocols. Even a small frame individual, within this state, can pick up a large 28" TV set (not flat screen lcd type, older type) and hurl it across a room.

We will not go into any great detail concerning the full psychic abilities of The Watcher. In the past these have caused great concern and been the focus of unwanted attention by numerous agencies from several nations. To say The Watcher has been 'used' by these agencies would be an understatement.
It would be foolish to think the abilities of The Watcher and the many individuals like him are not being monitored by those wishing to use them as a weapons system. We know these background levels of monitoring take place.

The Watcher has undergone much in his lifetime and at this late stage he deserves at least a level of respect, just as his peers deserve, those whom have come forwards to state openly what they too have undergone.


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Old 04-22-2009, 02:52 PM   #1208
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Helvetic View Post
In the 1950's a bloodline study was started by the NSA based at Harwell laboratories to find these children to be used in project Mannequin.The NSA is looking for people of certain bloodlines and these are mainly people of Celtic/Blueblood (aristocratic) genetics. People with these genetics have a predisposition to paranormal ability as these cultures have practised paranormal abilities for generations. Therefore it is in the genetic memory of individuals with these bloodlines. These individuals have an RH-negative blood factor.
Hi Guys,
I was wondering how much of this does play into it, or if it's just a coincidence with me.
My father had rare type blood, B-
My mother did have 8 other miscarriages. My brother and I were only two surviving children because of the RH-, as well as other health problems she had.
I also believe there could be celtic blood line in my family history. (Yeah lots of red heads here! lol)
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Old 04-22-2009, 02:57 PM   #1209
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
Hi Guys,
I was wondering how much of this does play into it, or if it's just a coincidence with me.
My father had rare type blood, B-
My mother did have 8 other miscarriages. My brother and I were only two surviving children because of the RH-, as well as other health problems she had.
I also believe there could be celtic blood line in my family history. (Yeah lots of red heads here! lol)
if your father had B- , then there shouldn't have been any conflict. The problems arise when mother is Rh- and the child in her womb is Rh+. And only if this is the second child with Rh+.
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Old 04-22-2009, 03:01 PM   #1210
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
The Watcher has 3 distinct personalities, his everyday persona BMK, plus two others brought about by the programming he received. The second personality is a psy-ops operative by the name of Major Barney Kavanagh. This ID is /was used for certain specific roles which we feel is not to be detailed here just yet. His third ID is that of a programmed to destroy type. Upon triggering this ID will await instructions/orders. If these orders are not forthcoming rapidly the ID goes into a self imposed mind zoning which in effect closes the ID to all outside stimulus but requesting orders of anyone within contact. After a specified time this ID, if not receiving instructions/orders will snap back to original ID, BMK.
Would you be able to tell me what duty a psy-op would carry out regarding a milab?
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Old 04-22-2009, 03:14 PM   #1211
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by burgundia View Post
if your father had B- , then there shouldn't have been any conflict. The problems arise when mother is Rh- and the child in her womb is Rh+. And only if this is the second child with Rh+.
I don't know much about the Rh factor,
just that my father was B- and my mother A+
Shouldn't have been a conflict, but yet, she lost 8 other children. Oops 9, one pregnancy was twins. Older than me.
None of her pregnancies went to full term. I was born at 7 months gestation, and my brother at 8 months gestation. twins at 6 months, and died within 24 hrs. Others didn't make it that far.

But I'm wondering if the fact that my father had B- blood type, and was considered rare enough that he was on a list at the hospital to give blood on emergency situation, (and did) if that has any bearing considering milabs?

Last edited by Kari Lynn; 04-22-2009 at 03:17 PM.
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Old 04-22-2009, 03:20 PM   #1212
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
I don't know much about the Rh factor,
just that my father was B- and my mother A+
Shouldn't have been a conflict, but yet, she lost 8 other children. Oops 9, one pregnancy was twins. Older than me.
None of her pregnancies went to full term. I was born at 7 months gestation, and my brother at 8 months gestation. twins at 6 months, and died within 24 hrs. Others didn't make it that far.

But I'm wondering if the fact that my father had B- blood type, and was considered rare enough that he was on a list at the hospital to give blood on emergency situation, (and did) if that has any bearing considering milabs?
i am B- ( I inherited the(-) from my grandmother). it is supposed to be "reptilian" blood.
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Old 04-22-2009, 09:09 PM   #1213
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Original quote from Steve_A..................


I think the magic word in this post could be 'minder' which has been used to describe the relationship between the owners of this website. So why not you have at least one 'minder' also? Keeps you in the loop.
Minder is a good term to use, we can go along with that.
Other people making similar unproven claims have been ridiculed, it's just that they were wise and didn't argue back.
The Watcher, like many, has a temper, his programming and training takes over and fights back in these situations. We are here to calm the waters.

I think you made an important point that many other people have made the same claim in public, which of course would include yourself. As Emmenegger said in a recent interview, he feels that there are many people in X - conference and UFO circles that use third hand information and use it as their own. You can understand the frustration of some people who have to try and sift through the **** to find the good stuff, which is possibly why an other member of this forum asked for a glimpse of evidence to back up your claims and the even more frustration that they had when this request was refused. That, in my opinion, only places you among the sea of people who make these claims. I'm sure that with you being a first generation being, you can understand that.
The Watcher fully appreciates, as we do, the frustration here. the refusal was handled less than satisfactorily in our eyes but The Watcher has his hands tied to a degree here. The member demanding proof was a little too focussed on earthly, fixed boundaries with fixed regimented rules and regulations concerning such documentation. It has not been an easy task for The Watcher here in trying to state the situation he was in.Non terrestrial assisted teams, specialising in operations with individuals from two nations, beyond the terrestrial restrictions and limitations of regular forces. Elimination of tracing and a paper trail eliminates such documentation. This is an area that members will simply have to take in their stride and will not be given the golden fleece they request no matter how forcibly.Move on to other things was a term used by one of your website originators.

It's good that you mention about the 28" TV, as this tells me you have a very old broken television at home, or you showed this 'amazing' feat of strength twenty years ago. By the way I know a couple of TV delivery guys who do the same every day.
This made us chuckle somewhat. The said TV receiver was a 2003 model Samsung large screen, deep backed as most of that type are. Measuring approx. 30" across, 23" high, 20" deep and possibly weighing somewhere around 25Kg, we do not exactly know nor care. But to be picked up from its stand and hurled across a room as if it were a shoebox by an individual whom was at the time very ill, barely weighing 115Lbs, due to illness, we thought was quite impressive. This was in recent times.
Those TV delivery guys have a unique method of delivering the TV sets then? Throwing them 15ft across the room, or perhaps from the truck to the front door? LOL LOL LOL. Its a wonder they still have employment.
If you really have heightened psychic ability, you will probably be knowing what I'm thinking right now.
Among the data running around your mind is that you think all of this is utter rubbish, (your terminolgy being somewhat more coloured than allowed here in print). That is OK, that is fine and respected. Each to their beliefs.Best regards,


Thankyou for your input
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Old 04-22-2009, 09:14 PM   #1214
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Excerpt from post above "Was microwave technology used to regrain memories?
This technology is used to control, trigger, erase rather than regain"

Is this also true of current public microwave communication systems?
Surely the Governments only have your best interests at heart?

A well known, supposedly ex, alphabet agency personality seems almost fanatical about bringing to light the activation of a vigilante program every time a person goes into a rampage and is in the news. Is this a similar use of that technology? And if so does food effect the results in anyway? Or does a person have to be specifically targeted, programmed or implanted in order for microwave technology to have its effect?
That would not be a very wise action to take. Triggering of programmed individuals can take several forms. A link usually has to be made, instigated beforehand yes. To a lesser degree but still damaging is Aspartame. This is an area others are more suited to answering.
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Old 04-22-2009, 09:23 PM   #1215
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Originally Posted by thuras View Post
Just because it hasn't been asked yet:
What do you think of Virgil Armstrong, the "Haunebu people" and hollow earth?
We deeply respect a pioneer such as Virgil and his views. Do you refer to this..............http://enc.slider.com/Enc/Haunebu ?As for hollow earth theories, interesting theories but thats as far as they go
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Old 04-22-2009, 09:28 PM   #1216
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Originally Posted by Kosams View Post
Good evening Barry and Co,

It's taken a week for me to catch up and at the end I thought I missed the bus.

You have spoken of all these under ground facilities and I have to wonder what they did with all that "spare" dirt?
FROWNING with puzzlement......How on earth did anyone accomplish civilian tunneling such as the London Underground, or even Channel Tunnel? If its on military sites this causes no concerns to locals nor has to be explained.

Do you know if there were any facilities near the Edinburgh RAAF Base 25kms north of Adelaide, South Australia?
You almost give precise location, do you wish to be more precise?

Can you tell us who funds the facilities in Australia?
If they are US facilities the funding, overt and covert, comes from the US.

Just how important globally is Pine Gape to the over all picture that you have painted re: UFO etc?
Pine Gap is a very strategic facility covering numerous aspects besides their openly stated remit, including Echelon.

Thanks for waiting for me. Take care.

No problem
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Old 04-22-2009, 09:41 PM   #1217
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Will Barry return?
If not give him my regards.
For the time being his health requires stabilising and less stress. The Watcher will return at some point.

Moving forward. I will assume that if these replies are not coming from Barry himself, they must be coming from either another Watcher, or whomever was authorising Barry to release the info. he has up to this point.
You may call us Watchers also, or minders as Steve A terms us.

How many Watchers are out there? (I do not expecct an actual answer to this but it is a question non the less )
Not necessary to play the numbers game

Why are the Watchers using forums like these to release info.?
An ideal scenario to assist the enquiring minds found at these sites. Censorship takes place all too frequently in modern living, disclosing data in these forums allows more freedom of speech and we can reach those we feel will receive the data more openly.

Do the Watchers believe that total disclosure will only come as a result of public action?
Full disclosure will come about after a very long time, areas of less disclosure will and has been filtering into the public domain. There are levels to be adhered to. The public will play a significant part in allowing low level disclosure and perhaps middle level also.

Do the Watchers use forums like these to gather info.?
There is little point in gathering data in such places, individuals have their privacy which we respect. We share a common interest in getting the information out to others, these forums offer that.

Do the Watchers have an mission objective? If so does this run on a time line? It would seem from Barrys posts that info. could only be released at certain points in time.
Yes several, timelines are adhered to, at this point we aim to push The Watchers disclosures fully into the public domain.

Should an incident ever be immenint and to the Watchers knowledge would they advise the public?
That would depend on which type of incident you refer to, local, national or global?

Thank you in advance.
Best Regards
You are welcome
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Old 04-22-2009, 09:43 PM   #1218
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
Would you be able to tell me what duty a psy-op would carry out regarding a milab?
Two different areas of speciality and remit. Psy-ops may include the specialising in assisting with retrievals so there might be a slight connection
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Old 04-22-2009, 10:58 PM   #1219
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Would you be able to give some information about the Chimera programs?
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Old 04-22-2009, 11:03 PM   #1220
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Will you say something about Rh- bloodlines?
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Old 04-23-2009, 12:17 AM   #1221
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Do you refer to this..............http://enc.slider.com/Enc/Haunebu ?
Exactly. According to VA and others, they are somewhere in New Swabia/Antarctica oder South America.
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Old 04-23-2009, 12:54 AM   #1222
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

How about conscience, do Watchers have anything of that kind or is it irreversible damage of supra personality condemned to darkness of Echelon database .

Are the others posing here under the same name suffering the same syndrom and proud to annouce that to the world ?

With one little suspicion the whole army can be undermined, i re-mind you.

In Truth
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Old 04-23-2009, 05:20 AM   #1223
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Two different areas of speciality and remit. Psy-ops may include the specialising in assisting with retrievals so there might be a slight connection
Retrievals? As in collection of the milab victims from their home? Transport?

What if the milab victim were already in the facility, on an exam table, wide awake, what would a Psi-op be called upon for?
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Old 04-23-2009, 06:20 AM   #1224
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Kosams View Post
Good evening Barry and Co,

It's taken a week for me to catch up and at the end I thought I missed the bus.

You have spoken of all these under ground facilities and I have to wonder what they did with all that "spare" dirt?
FROWNING with puzzlement......How on earth did anyone accomplish civilian tunneling such as the London Underground, or even Channel Tunnel? If its on military sites this causes no concerns to locals nor has to be explained.

Do you know if there were any facilities near the Edinburgh RAAF Base 25kms north of Adelaide, South Australia?
You almost give precise location, do you wish to be more precise?
"DSTO in South Australia"
In South Australia, DSTO's existence began when the British and Australian governments agreed in principle to cooperate in long-range weapons research. Britain's vulnerability to attack by the new ballistic missile technology became apparent in the latter stages of World War II when German V2 rockets were launched from The Hague in Holland and directed on to London. With warfare now able to be conducted from a distance, the British government was keen to embrace the new technology and, with it, the development of guided weapons, in order to deter future aggressors.

Britain looked to its Commonwealth territories late in 1945 in order to find a partner and a suitable site for a proving range because of the unavailability of suitable sites at home and the need to ensure safety.

A large tract of arid land in the north-west of South Australia was chosen following extensive inspections. The one-time Salisbury Munitions Factory, built between 1940 and 1941 to service the demands of World War II was selected as the project's technical base. http://www.dsto.defence.gov.au/page/356/

There have been rumors that there was a 'craft' being stored there but has since been moved to Pine Gape.

Can you tell us who funds the facilities in Australia?
If they are US facilities the funding, overt and covert, comes from the US.

Just how important globally is Pine Gape to the over all picture that you have painted re: UFO etc?
Pine Gap is a very strategic facility covering numerous aspects besides their openly stated remit, including Echelon.

Thanks for waiting for me. Take care.

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Old 04-23-2009, 10:54 AM   #1225
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
Would you be able to give some information about the Chimera programs?
any one in particular?...................

Chimera (genetics), a single animal organism with genetically distinct cells from two different zygotes
Chimera (plant), a single plant organism with genetically distinct cells from two different zygotes or from a mixed-species callus
Chimera (paleontology), a fossil which was reconstructed with parts from different animals
in paleontology, a taxon composed of the fossils of several different species but presumed to be from one species
Chimera (virus), a virus containing genetic material from other organisms
Chimera (protein), a hybrid protein made by splicing two genes
Chimera (EST), a single cDNA sequence originating from two transcripts
Chimaera, a cartilaginous fish related to sharks
Chimaera (genus), the namesake and type genus of the order Chimaeriformes
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