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Old 11-12-2008, 08:07 PM   #351
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Ara, Barry and others on this thread . . . I found this very interesting article that seems relevant to recent posts:


Scholars suggest Human DNA shows signs of being an Invasive Extraterrestrial Parasite

by Dr. John Chang

Many scientists have documented that over 95% of Human DNA does not have a known purpose. This DNA has been colloquially referred to as "Junk DNA".

Up to 97% of the human genetic information (DNA) is seemingly needless, repetitive "junk" - only about 3% is known to generate proteins, deserving the name "gene". The rest used to be called "junk DNA", lately renamed as "non-coding introns", sometimes labelled by the mysterious, though not very explicit description that these self-similar strands "regulate gene expression". LINK

However, other researchers have not been content to simply classify this predominant part of DNA as "one of life's mysteries". Scholarly groups at the forefront of investigative researchers are gathering details which suggest that DNA may not substantively exist as a "building block of life". Rather, it appears that the substantive function of DNA is to act as a "parasitic inhibitor" and "regulator" of life on planet Earth.

(see more at link above)

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Old 11-12-2008, 08:14 PM   #352
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how does someone find the link to your site ?

thank you
the eXchanger
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Old 11-12-2008, 09:53 PM   #353
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry, there are many hybrids existing within society now aren't there?
yes there are, lets use the term the 'perfected' ones walk among us as a reaction testing procedure, to see if they can be distinguished from everyone else

All with differing degrees of hybridization?
with different degrees yes

(ie: This one here may be 3/4 "alien" + Human, this one 1/4 "alien" +human, etc etc etc)
something along those lines

When these other new human hybrids are brought into society since they will be existing side by side with "bog humans", will they we able to and or allowed to interbreed with bog humans?
that side of it is not within my need to know

Or is that one of the ways those behind this evolution of the human genome plan on evolving the lines? Ensuring breeding patterns through generations until there is nothing left of the 'old human genome'?
again i would be only able to guess and i'd rather not guess

Purposefully interbreeding certain hybrids with bog humans to pass on their "traits"?
that would be a decision of logic but within the hands of the controlling factions

I imagine there are those who believe it would be wise to allow their own hybrids to interbreed only with each other, thereby ensuring the offspring's genetic pool doesn't suffer dilution? Super humans breeding more super humans as opposed to super humans breeding with bog humans which brings dilution of the gene pool into the arena.

Is this correct?
that would be logical yes

Also when re-modeling a home it is wise to ensure the "material" used is of good quality and not flawed, I imagine the same could be said when re-modeling the human genome. Has the acquired/donated "genetic material" been "quality assured"? Last thing you want is to remodel a home only to find the new material doesn't stand the test of time.
smart cookie

Barry in ancient texts (which I believe is the future (our present ) engraved in the material of the past) the texts speak of Annunaki (or those OPI who interact and visit here) who are genetic architects and genetic engineers.

The artifacts/texts speak of how 'they' changed the 'prototype' human of the time into 'modern man'. In essence it was their architectual and engineering feats which created the latest human genome prototype.

Is our present time an echo of a time past? Are the same Factions of Beings (and/or their descendants?) carrying on with this experiment/mission which began in earth's history?
echoes or loops

What do you know of the myth of Enki and Enlil as the two opposing forces and their Factions/Alliances influencing humanity? Or of their own beliefs in the way humans should evolve?
yes have heard of this, look back in time to instances when mankind was given a 'boost'...........hmmmmm

All the Best
Warmest regards

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Old 11-12-2008, 09:58 PM   #354
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Originally Posted by Helvetic View Post
Barry, I just read the article "Fake “Alien Abductions” Conducted by Shadow Government Para-Military Operatives (MILABS) by Richard Boylan, Ph.D"

Im realy wondering what do you think about that informations about the MILABS. For me personally that soundsa little to much science fiction.

Not having read that article i cannot comment yet, just can say that MILABs do occur and are relatively frequent


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Old 11-12-2008, 10:10 PM   #355
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post

Wow! Incredible.
The only thing I can think that may cover a snippet of this in the public so far would be the ability to chose the sex of your baby (Although I'm not 100% sure they have actually done this) That story in itself caused an uproar though. Most people arent keen on messing with nature - regardless of the health benifits if used for good.

So, will the hybrids be engineered, born and allowed to grow from childhood?
I'm no scientist and have only data available to me but with the ease of manipulating DNA i can see many possibilities ahead

Could this lead on to new treatments for us regular/bogs as Ara used lol
this will be the publics acceptance lever by being offered 'breakthroughs' in medicine yes

If announced as a civi/military project, will they be raised as members of the general public or are they to be used purely for military operations?
could be closed shop initially, depends on public reaction i guess, again the alien Nation scenario comes to mind here, integration

Since the whole alien 'secret' hasnt been publicly announced - except for your fantastic effort of course I am guessing the fact that alien genetics were incorporated into the hybrid program wont be announced either? Our scientists will claim this achievment as their own?
its the safe way to go under the circumstances

IMO, the only way the public may accept this is, as you mentioned above - eradification of certain illnesses.

As always, a bbig thanks Barry

Best Regards
My pleasure

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Old 11-12-2008, 10:13 PM   #356
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Originally Posted by ChaliceWell View Post
Ara, Barry and others on this thread . . . I found this very interesting article that seems relevant to recent posts:


Scholars suggest Human DNA shows signs of being an Invasive Extraterrestrial Parasite

by Dr. John Chang

Many scientists have documented that over 95% of Human DNA does not have a known purpose. This DNA has been colloquially referred to as "Junk DNA".

Up to 97% of the human genetic information (DNA) is seemingly needless, repetitive "junk" - only about 3% is known to generate proteins, deserving the name "gene". The rest used to be called "junk DNA", lately renamed as "non-coding introns", sometimes labelled by the mysterious, though not very explicit description that these self-similar strands "regulate gene expression". LINK

However, other researchers have not been content to simply classify this predominant part of DNA as "one of life's mysteries". Scholarly groups at the forefront of investigative researchers are gathering details which suggest that DNA may not substantively exist as a "building block of life". Rather, it appears that the substantive function of DNA is to act as a "parasitic inhibitor" and "regulator" of life on planet Earth.

(see more at link above)


Yes have read that, very interesting, another 'leaked' clue as to where we are going with genetics?


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Old 11-12-2008, 10:14 PM   #357
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Originally Posted by eXchanger View Post
how does someone find the link to your site ?

thank you
the eXchanger

Hi Susan, which site are you referring to?


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Old 11-12-2008, 10:34 PM   #358
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Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Hi Ara,

Good post.
They surely cannot outbreed the earths existing population of humans! Which leaves a few scenarios:

If it is the case that they cannot breed with us 'Bog humans' We will live side by side. 2 distinct races.

OR they take out a large portion of the human population

OR as mentioned in an earlier post between yourself and Barry, us regular humans are altered to be more like the hybrids.

As for echoing the past - I believe this is the case. It has been done before. Just think, we bog humans may be the hybrid race to the original earth inhabitants! Crazy

Good trains of thought there Iain.

Could this lead on to new treatments for us regular/bogs as Ara used lol
this will be the publics acceptance lever by being offered 'breakthroughs' in medicine yes

LOL Iain I never coined the term "bog humans", the kudos for that goes to Barry!

All the Best

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Old 11-13-2008, 12:01 AM   #359
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Research testimony that includes ancient representations,

suggest that DNA was implanted in humanity by Manipulative Extraterrestrials.
The fact that over 95% of DNA does not support vital biological living processes suggest that it is conceivable for biological life to exist without any DNA.
It seems the ancients left quite a bit of information about DNA, genetic engineering, re-engineering, it's history of 'evolution', within the annals of ancient scripts.

If they recorded how they accomplished their genetic feats in the past I imagine the artifacts (Tablets, manuscripts etc ) containing such information are being collected by those who are following in the Ancients' 'footsteps'.

Ever heard of Hox genes? I imagine the OPI Genetic Engineers know how to use Hox genes to their advantage.

Hox genes : 'The Molecular Architects'

As animal embryos develop, their body plans are coded for by their genes, it would be expected that the genes controlling the growth of a mammal embryo would be very different from those controlling the growth of an insect embryo.

A study published in 1994 caused a stir by discovering that there are identical master control or hox genes which code for the development of eyes in mice and fruit flies, even though such structures are very different.

Since then other hox genes have been isolated which code for most of the structures seen in the basic bilaterian body plan.

There seems to be a fundamental genetic link between all metazoans no matter how distantly related they are. The significance of this for the Cambrian explosion is obvious.

Development or mutation of just one hox gene in the ancestral metazoan could potentially initiate a large morphological change in the animal. Here we have a mechanism for the kind of rapid evolution and development of a large range of body plans in a very short space of time required for the Cambrian explosion event.

Eight master regulators.

The same eight genes, with only minor variations in the genetic code, were present all across the animal world. Literally, from fish to fowl, we share the same master control genes that sculpt the basic body plan.

It was subsequently discovered that mammals possess four sets, or 'clusters', of Hox genes as opposed to the single set controlling development in the fruit fly.

By studying these gene clusters in other species, it has become clear that their overriding mechanism, as well as their basic genetic codes, have been highly conserved across evolution and time, suggesting an early development in the history of life

Hox genes act by producing proteins in the developing embryo.

These proteins act at the tip of a developmental cascade, turning on their target genes by directly binding to very specific DNA sequences preceding the other gene codes, thus causing these target genes to produce new proteins themselves
like a set of molecular dominoes, they recruit a host of protein messengers that lay down the pattern of the basic body plan.
Speaking about degrees of hybridization, Dr Michael Wolff Kruvant found Non-Coding (ET) Genetic sequences within his own DNA, more so than the "In-Betweens".

In-Betweens is Michael's tern for humans with hybrid ET-Human genetics, due to ET intervention with their parents' reproductive material before they were born. He also revealed he had been around a research project where government scientists created human-extraterrestrial hybrids, attempting to replicate ET Genetic engineering.
Michael reported that he found an extra terrestrial marker gene is some humans' genetic samples, but that other humans do not have these ET Marker genes.

Michael was a microbiologist, chemist and a Botanist. I imagine part of his addition to the banks of genetic engineering was in the form of transgenics, human DNA with plant DNA. (probably why some of the reports of EBEs say they absorb nutrients through their skin and they were "plant like" )

He carried out research on neurotransmitters and their role in mental functioning and control. Among the secret projects Dr. Wolf worked on was "remote viewing"—a military-intelligence term for "applied clairvoyance". He says: "Ninety-nine per cent of telepathy and remote-viewing research is classified."

According to Michael some of his own genetic material was used to create super-soldiers.

Barry, Michael's information substantiates your own information.

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 11-14-2008 at 11:56 PM.
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Old 11-13-2008, 12:03 AM   #360
THE eXchanger
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Your own posting board...
the one, someone else from here
referred me to once
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Old 11-13-2008, 12:08 AM   #361
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Originally Posted by eXchanger View Post
Your own posting board...
the one, someone else from here
referred me to once
Oh I see, well certainly i could do that but as you know Susan, the Realms so far has maintained stability by being a very small very close knit community. I would obviously have to consult friends there before i could openly post a link and allow further membership, regards

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Old 11-13-2008, 01:53 AM   #362
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Hi Barry,

Do you know if the world leaders/dictators operating outside of the shadows like the Bushes, Rockafellas, Rothchilds are manufactured reptilian PLF's.

Where do the Royal families of the world originate from as well?

Also who are the ET's sitting on top of the pyramid pulling the strings in our 3D reality?

Thanks for sharing your valuable insights
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Old 11-13-2008, 02:14 AM   #363
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Hello Barry,

Although not to familiar with the "language" and discussions of DNA etc..., my question would be this:

Is it not true that humans "HAVE" the capabilities to perfect our own DNA, enlighten ourselves?

Is it a thought process? A puzzle?
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Old 11-13-2008, 02:23 AM   #364
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post

Ever heard of Hox genes? I imagine the OPI Genetic Engineers know how to use Hox genes to their advantage.

All the Best
Ara, no . . . hadn't heard of Hox genes before. After reading your explanation of them, however, it seems as though they operate as "modules" that can be used to build "modular humans" in a way that is similar to building modular homes. That's a very interesting concept.

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Old 11-13-2008, 02:23 AM   #365
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Purposefully interbreeding certain hybrids with bog humans to pass on their "traits"?
that would be a decision of logic but within the hands of the controlling factions

Barry it sounds as though it doesn't matter who 'wins' (white hates/dark hats) there will still be controlling factions ruling the roost here.

When those in Control take away the individual's right to reproduce naturally (with whomever they choose ) they walk the path of a Dictatorship society.

As for Logic ruling the future, I hope emotions are not deemed 'illogical' only to become an 'endangered quality of Humanity'.

I imagine both logical thinking and emotional thinking are required to maintain
a joined resonance. Feel with the Mind and Think with the Heart as they say.

Barry in previous posts you've mentioned the humans MK2 being a necessary upgrade so they can live in hostile conditions. What type of hostile conditions are being referred to here? Excessive heat, excessive cold?
Different atmospheric conditions? Different degrees of sunlight?

Also you've mentioned on a couple of occasions Alien Nation.

In that movie/series the genetically upgraded humanoids were created for an Overseer group who were taking them to other planets to be slaves.
( Albeit a 'smart/intelligent' slave race, lots were scientists and engineers. )

Is that part of the agenda Barry? Are some OPI planning on using humans MK2 as a worker class on other planets?

All the Best

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Old 11-13-2008, 02:26 AM   #366
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Originally Posted by ChaliceWell View Post
Ara, no . . . hadn't heard of Hox genes before. After reading your explanation of them, however, it seems as though they operate as "modules" that can be used to build "modular humans" in a way that is similar to building modular homes. That's a very interesting concept.


All the Best
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Old 11-13-2008, 04:01 AM   #367
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Hi Barry,
Is there a genetic link or "pull", addiction to 'Brown' food substances... coffee, tobacco, chocolate, etc. Is there a nuero transmitter that the DNA wants and is not available through normal foods (besides the chemical trigger excuse)?
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Old 11-13-2008, 10:52 PM   #368
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post

Barry have you spoken with or corresponded with Dan Burisch?
unfortunately there are many i have had no opportunity to speak with, Dan is one of them

His testimonies are very interesting, however, like you and Dr Michael Wolff Kruvant, he is restrained from revealing too much too soon.
this is unfortunately the controls that are out of our hands

According to Dan Burisch there are 'time issues' involved hence why the timing of the release of certain information is of most importance.
yes, agreed

It all comes back the the "Play Book" directing the destiny of this reality.

Since Dan is restrained by Treaty Conditions, are you or those who are championing your whistleblowing cause
also restrained by Treaty Conditions?
there are areas i cannot discuss without obtaining clearance

Is this proverbial "play book" a part of Treaty Conditions?
there are numerous conditions

Barry do you know of information pods which monitor and control the flow of information? Maybe they are akin to information bots?
many would simply not understand the complexity and how advanced things really are

All the Best

Warmest regards

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Old 11-13-2008, 11:13 PM   #369
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Originally Posted by Reunite View Post
Hi Barry,

Do you know if the world leaders/dictators operating outside of the shadows like the Bushes, Rockafellas, Rothchilds are manufactured reptilian PLF's.
the pet theme from David Icke, personally i would say no

Where do the Royal families of the world originate from as well?
i'm sure of human origins

Also who are the ET's sitting on top of the pyramid pulling the strings in our 3D reality?
there are vying factions for power and control

Thanks for sharing your valuable insights
Hope its helpful, regards

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Old 11-13-2008, 11:41 PM   #370
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Thanks Barry for taking the time to reply to my endless questioning.

It seems the more I ask the more questions are raised. LOL

Once again, thank you.

Take Care

All the Best
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Old 11-13-2008, 11:53 PM   #371
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Originally Posted by sammytray View Post
Hello Barry,

Although not to familiar with the "language" and discussions of DNA etc..., my question would be this:

Is it not true that humans "HAVE" the capabilities to perfect our own DNA, enlighten ourselves?
beyond me too i'm afraid, only certain data is available to me, this is beyond me sorry

Is it a thought process? A puzzle?
Wish i had that data

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Old 11-14-2008, 12:19 AM   #372
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Do you have the same DNA as most of us?

Do you think our DNA contains traces of plants and animals?

I gotta tell ya, some people truly resemble plants and animals

You say "beyond you", does that mean you dont know? What do you think, personally? - about humans having the capabilities to perfect our own DNA. In addition, a procedure, a process etc..?

Thank you kindly for your insight

Last edited by sammytray; 11-14-2008 at 12:23 AM.
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Old 11-14-2008, 01:13 AM   #373
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post

Barry it sounds as though it doesn't matter who 'wins' (white hates/dark hats) there will still be controlling factions ruling the roost here.

I try and be not so pessimistic as parameters can change so much, from what i have seen of the projections, several scenarios can play out, this controlling stormtrooper type you state would be the worse case scenario. Over a period of time i think there will be even more variables brought into the equation

When those in Control take away the individual's right to reproduce naturally (with whomever they choose ) they walk the path of a Dictatorship society.

to be perfectly honest i cannot see that taking place or allowed to even begin to that level

As for Logic ruling the future, I hope emotions are not deemed 'illogical' only to become an 'endangered quality of Humanity'.
depending on the variables there are more 'logical' factions than controlling ones

I imagine both logical thinking and emotional thinking are required to maintain
a joined resonance. Feel with the Mind and Think with the Heart as they say.

Barry in previous posts you've mentioned the humans MK2 being a necessary upgrade so they can live in hostile conditions. What type of hostile conditions are being referred to here? Excessive heat, excessive cold?
Different atmospheric conditions? Different degrees of sunlight?
we all see certain changes in our environment now, whether by nature or by man made devices these climatic changes will continue and worsen. Hostile environs will include necessary colonisation of nearby planets in due course

Also you've mentioned on a couple of occasions Alien Nation.

In that movie/series the genetically upgraded humanoids were created for an Overseer group who were taking them to other planets to be slaves.
( Albeit a 'smart/intelligent' slave race, lots were scientists and engineers. )

Is that part of the agenda Barry? Are some OPI planning on using humans MK2 as a worker class on other planets?
no i have not seen any references to that efect but a resettlement/colony being set up elsewhere, and an extension of this planet continuing

All the Best

Apologies for late response, warmest regards

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Old 11-14-2008, 01:15 AM   #374
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Hi Barry,
Is there a genetic link or "pull", addiction to 'Brown' food substances... coffee, tobacco, chocolate, etc. Is there a nuero transmitter that the DNA wants and is not available through normal foods (besides the chemical trigger excuse)?
not to my knowledge no


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Old 11-14-2008, 01:16 AM   #375
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Thanks Barry for taking the time to reply to my endless questioning.

It seems the more I ask the more questions are raised. LOL

Once again, thank you.

Take Care

All the Best
My pleasure i assure you, keep em coming, if i can answer i will

warmest regards

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