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Old 10-21-2008, 05:26 PM   #226
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Ok Barry! And a big Thank you!

Very welcome

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Old 10-22-2008, 11:24 PM   #227
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Barry are the future humans who time travelled back to this time in earth's history (according to Dan Burisch's testimony) the Hybrids which eventually colonize other cosmic bodies?

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Old 10-22-2008, 11:30 PM   #228
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry are the future humans who time travelled back to this time in earth's history (according to Dan Burisch's testimony) the Hybrids which eventually colonize other cosmic bodies?

All the Best
It seems feasible but cannot say with certainty

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Old 10-24-2008, 06:35 AM   #229
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Barry I have been going through the information disks you sent and there was something mentioned and I was hoping you could shed some light on it please?

Here is the quote:"Glimpses of Sam-Ra (could be Sem-Ra) and others from that realm" "Glimpses of shadows running from one room to another"

Was Sam-Ra the name of an entity whom you had contact?

Have you heard of Dr Michael Wolff Kruvant? He reportedly had contact with an Off Planet Intelligence named Anon-Ra.

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 10-24-2008 at 07:35 AM.
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Old 10-24-2008, 12:06 PM   #230
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry I have been going through the information disks you sent and there was something mentioned and I was hoping you could shed some light on it please?

Here is the quote:"Glimpses of Sam-Ra (could be Sem-Ra) and others from that realm" "Glimpses of shadows running from one room to another"

Was Sam-Ra the name of an entity whom you had contact?

Have you heard of Dr Michael Wolff Kruvant? He reportedly had contact with an Off Planet Intelligence named Anon-Ra.

All the Best
long and complicated story i will try and shorten. Sem-Ra, an Egyptian Goddess was my guardian of sorts. First came on the scene in early 1978 as a sort of protector, not long after a parapsychologist came to join our team, from that time on our work took different turns, sometimes into the occult, the Kabbalah, etc etc. Yes I have heard of Dr Wolff, not that much, just a perusal.


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Old 10-25-2008, 01:10 AM   #231
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Speaking of the occult, did you ever see, in dreams or at the bases, 'sigils' or 'seals'?

There was a story about someone who went into an underground base and a reptilian came at him but suddenly stopped when it came to a 'seal' on the floor.

I thought maybe the area the reptilian could move freely around was fortified with a specific energy (hence the sigil/seals).

So many people who have reported ' ET experiences' also have poltergeist activity which leads me to wonder if somehow they are emitting an energy or frequency which is conducive to other-plane entities.

Maybe the people's own energy field acts as a door-opener because of their interactions with certain ET Beings? A blending of energies occurs, the ET's and the person's which results in this certain energy combination which is an 'attractor'?

I noticed while reading through your info that you also experienced some very unusual 'activity'. Barry did the 'unusual activity ' begin after real ET experiences or after the false ones?

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Old 10-25-2008, 04:59 AM   #232
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Old 10-25-2008, 05:05 AM   #233
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

I would be interested in your short take on this recent insider talking to questioners on ATS. He hypothezises that came 2012, those people who have 51% up their sleeve go on to the fourth dimension, the negative people go with their Mob to the negative 4th density, and the luke warm ones go to another 3rd density planet.

I saw myself that this could be a possibility but what do you think? I suppose my little animal angels will go straight to the 4th positive without me. he, he.
Old 10-25-2008, 05:54 PM   #234
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Speaking of the occult, did you ever see, in dreams or at the bases, 'sigils' or 'seals'?
In the facilities not seals or symbols as such no.

There was a story about someone who went into an underground base and a reptilian came at him but suddenly stopped when it came to a 'seal' on the floor.

I thought maybe the area the reptilian could move freely around was fortified with a specific energy (hence the sigil/seals).

So many people who have reported ' ET experiences' also have poltergeist activity which leads me to wonder if somehow they are emitting an energy or frequency which is conducive to other-plane entities.
Early in 1978 the parapsychologist whom joined our team originally contacted me after seeing a report in a newspaper of a case we were working on. This centred around a family whom had close proximity ufo sightings and immediately after suffered poltergeist activity in their home. This parapsychologist was working on the idea of maybe the two were somehow linked to each other.

Maybe the people's own energy field acts as a door-opener because of their interactions with certain ET Beings? A blending of energies occurs, the ET's and the person's which results in this certain energy combination which is an 'attractor'?
That was our findings too

I noticed while reading through your info that you also experienced some very unusual 'activity'. Barry did the 'unusual activity ' begin after real ET experiences or after the false ones?
Since very early childhood i have had experiences of a ufo/alien nature and paranormal ones. Here would perhaps not be the time and place to enter into those. Much followed an incident when i was 2 years old and was suffering from double pneumonia, a killer in those days of early fifties. I was getting gravely ill, inside an oxygen tent, hospital staff informed my parents i had not long to live, a priest was summoned to read last rites. I did actually die for a few minutes and shocked everyone when my tiny body resumed its life.

All the Best

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Old 10-25-2008, 05:57 PM   #235
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Originally Posted by Tuza View Post
I would be interested in your short take on this recent insider talking to questioners on ATS. He hypothezises that came 2012, those people who have 51% up their sleeve go on to the fourth dimension, the negative people go with their Mob to the negative 4th density, and the luke warm ones go to another 3rd density planet.

I saw myself that this could be a possibility but what do you think? I suppose my little animal angels will go straight to the 4th positive without me. he, he.

To be brutally frank with you I do not see anything untoward occuring in 2012, certainly nothing of the proportions many are alluding to, we will see a 2013, 2014, 2015 etc etc.


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Old 10-25-2008, 05:58 PM   #236
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Originally Posted by Norval View Post
Goes the weasle?


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Old 10-26-2008, 04:29 AM   #237
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A brief background before I ask my questions.

Colonel Philip Corso reported that the Military was in possession of a Being which was itself the guidance system of a craft.He also stated the EBE was an electro-biological entity---one of the ones that "goes to Mars".

He said the EBE had two separate brains- one for running the Entity and the other brain was laced with integrated circuits and other types of crystal electronics. (Silicon?)

The EBE works as a biological system perfectly functioning as an integrated machine with the ship.

Essentially the EBES interfaced with the ship becoming the ship's guidance system.

The EBE would remote view to where they wanted to go and the ship would take them their via their thoughtwaves. A mind/ship interface.

According to Philip Corso Jnr they are trying to create a 'surface' by atomically aligning the atoms in metals to protect the integrated circuitry as outside influence, such as radiation, can still affect the Integrated circuitry.

He also stated that this EBE came from the future. A future where mind and machine were successfully integrated.

Barry are people being augmented with non-human intelligence? And by non-human intelligence I refer to all implications of the descriptive words "non-human" be it "Off World", "Alien" or/and " artificial intelligence" -" computer intelligence" etc.

The way society is heading in the present time, we are moving more towards computer intelligence. (and if this is where we are heading in the reality we know about, then the possibility exists that in the hidden reality which underlies this 'public' reality then this has already occurred)

And if we are interfacing human intelligence with a non-human intelligence (computer) then how far of a stretch of the imagination would it be for a hybrid of human and non-human intelligence to have been created?

Just as using non-human intelligence to augment human intelligence may also be in use 'occultly'.

Has this been achieved?

The Off Planet/On planet intelligences (not present day humans) are they part human/part machine intelligences?

Seems to me that our society is working their way towards this end and if our society is then Other forms of Intelligences may have already surpassed this evolution event and be more machine intelligence than human. Just as Colonel Philip Corso's testimony seem to confirm.

Don't know Barry but humans seem to be so pre-occupied with creating cyber-genetic Beings and Immortality that in my mind the next step would be to create synthetic DNA that does not degrade or mutate when placed in hostile conditions or is effected by deep space travel.

Not to mention the heightened psi ability (especially tuning into people's brain waves, an EEG machine can read a persons brain waves.
A Being with part cyber-brain could also achieve the same, read a person's brain wave -then entrainment, they 'match' the brain wave pattern and are able to telepathically link to that person.) then there is the heightened health benefits. No gene degradation.

Is this the answer to the Human Mk 2? Part organic part synthetic DNA? Or various levels in between like 50% organic/50% synthetic or in-organic?

Cotton and Polyester. Are there are various 'mixes' being created?

All the Best
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Old 10-26-2008, 07:41 PM   #238
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
A brief background before I ask my questions.

Colonel Philip Corso reported that the Military was in possession of a Being which was itself the guidance system of a craft.He also stated the EBE was an electro-biological entity---one of the ones that "goes to Mars".

He said the EBE had two separate brains- one for running the Entity and the other brain was laced with integrated circuits and other types of crystal electronics. (Silicon?)

The EBE works as a biological system perfectly functioning as an integrated machine with the ship.

Essentially the EBES interfaced with the ship becoming the ship's guidance system.

The EBE would remote view to where they wanted to go and the ship would take them their via their thoughtwaves. A mind/ship interface.

According to Philip Corso Jnr they are trying to create a 'surface' by atomically aligning the atoms in metals to protect the integrated circuitry as outside influence, such as radiation, can still affect the Integrated circuitry.

He also stated that this EBE came from the future. A future where mind and machine were successfully integrated.
yes sounds very much like a biological/machine interface drone, Military were working on human computer interfacing for weapons systems 30 years ago. RIWS, Remote Interface Weapons Systems being one such program.

Barry are people being augmented with non-human intelligence? And by non-human intelligence I refer to all implications of the descriptive words "non-human" be it "Off World", "Alien" or/and " artificial intelligence" -" computer intelligence" etc.
That is part of the 'supersoldier' genetic program yes

The way society is heading in the present time, we are moving more towards computer intelligence. (and if this is where we are heading in the reality we know about, then the possibility exists that in the hidden reality which underlies this 'public' reality then this has already occurred)
Has already been implemented within Military/Intel circles yes by more than one nation

And if we are interfacing human intelligence with a non-human intelligence (computer) then how far of a stretch of the imagination would it be for a hybrid of human and non-human intelligence to have been created?
The hybrids are part human part off planet Intelligence, far superior genetics and Psi

Just as using non-human intelligence to augment human intelligence may also be in use 'occultly'.

Has this been achieved?
It has yes

The Off Planet/On planet intelligences (not present day humans) are they part human/part machine intelligences?
Genetically enhanced for interfacing yes

Seems to me that our society is working their way towards this end and if our society is then Other forms of Intelligences may have already surpassed this evolution event and be more machine intelligence than human. Just as Colonel Philip Corso's testimony seem to confirm.

Don't know Barry but humans seem to be so pre-occupied with creating cyber-genetic Beings and Immortality that in my mind the next step would be to create synthetic DNA that does not degrade or mutate when placed in hostile conditions or is effected by deep space travel.
As detailed in my past releases yes, to face hostile environs, moon, mars, deep space etc

Not to mention the heightened psi ability (especially tuning into people's brain waves, an EEG machine can read a persons brain waves.
A Being with part cyber-brain could also achieve the same, read a person's brain wave -then entrainment, they 'match' the brain wave pattern and are able to telepathically link to that person.) then there is the heightened health benefits. No gene degradation.
You would be shocked to know what can be achieved

Is this the answer to the Human Mk 2? Part organic part synthetic DNA? Or various levels in between like 50% organic/50% synthetic or in-organic?
For the sake of simplicity here, yes, but its more complex

Cotton and Polyester. Are there are various 'mixes' being created?
much more

All the Best

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Old 10-26-2008, 11:52 PM   #239
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Don't know Barry but humans seem to be so pre-occupied with creating cyber-genetic Beings and Immortality that in my mind the next step would be to create synthetic DNA that does not degrade or mutate when placed in hostile conditions or is effected by deep space travel.
As detailed in my past releases yes, to face hostile environs, moon, mars, deep space etc
I know you spoke about hybridizing Off-Planet Intelligence's genetic material with human genetic material to create humans MK2 but I didn't realize you were referencing synthetic DNA.

So is this how the Off World Intelligences have become so genetically superior?

They re-engineered their genome by using synthetic DNA?

And the super soldiers etc would be an amalgam of :

Organic human DNA + synthetic human DNA + Organic alien DNA + Synthetic alien DNA

Are Transgenics included? plant and/or animal?

computer chip/nano technology?
crystalline implants?

Human intelligence + Artificial Intelligence

Sound like cyborgs.

Have I understood the above correctly?

I heard someone speaking about nano-technological trans-neural genetics combined with photonics. Barry do you know anything about this? I believe it is connected to the super-psi program.

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Old 10-27-2008, 12:18 AM   #240
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Lightbulb Re: Questions for THEWATCHER


Thanks again for all your valuable contributions. One question:

What does a remote viewer see exactly? i have heard that rather than images, numbers and symbols are deciphered by the RV. is this true?

may we all find our way........

L/L 13



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Old 10-27-2008, 12:20 AM   #241
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post
I know you spoke about hybridizing Off-Planet Intelligence's genetic material with human genetic material to create humans MK2 but I didn't realize you were referencing synthetic DNA.

So is this how the Off World Intelligences have become so genetically superior?

They re-engineered their genome by using synthetic DNA?

And the super soldiers etc would be an amalgam of :

Organic human DNA + synthetic human DNA + Organic alien DNA + Synthetic alien DNA

Are Transgenics included? plant and/or animal?

computer chip/nano technology?
crystalline implants?

Human intelligence + Artificial Intelligence

Sound like cyborgs.

Have I understood the above correctly?

I heard someone speaking about nano-technological trans-neural genetics combined with photonics. Barry do you know anything about this? I believe it is connected to the super-psi program.

All the Best
I have to be very careful here as certain answers would lead to certain areas which might be compromising for myself at this stage. Due to the complicated nature of this a brief explanation would not suffice as more questions would be induced. I need to rethink this area before i openly give further data.

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Old 10-27-2008, 01:22 AM   #242
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Love/Light 13 View Post

Thanks again for all your valuable contributions. One question:

What does a remote viewer see exactly? i have heard that rather than images, numbers and symbols are deciphered by the RV. is this true?
totally depends on how advanced the training was, i have to giggle sometimes when i see commercial companies of one sort or another whom offer courses for joe public to learn RV. They might mean well and its gimicky, but you firstly need to be psychically adaptable to a decent level, or its a waste of time and money. The training the Military/Intel use is very advanced, forget the rubbish about this being dropped years ago because it went deeper underground. The facility utilises those already psychically gifted and enhance that. With further chemical and/or computer enhancement the ARVer will be in a position to be the eyes ears and senses of the controllers. We will see in full colour, full stereo sound, we sense in all usual ways, full spatial awareness. Downside being all secure installations on both sides have 'RV sensors', highly trained individuals whose sole task is to sense and eject a perceived threat from an RVer at that facility. The only interaction received by the RVer is being sensed by anyone with a high Psi count. Unless its one of the sensors, then its a battle of minds and whomever is stronger to stop the sensor from tracking the RVer back to their facility/point of origin. We mostly had set targets being, at that time, cold war Military/Intel in nature. Sometimes we were to remote influence an individual or group or inanimate objects that posed a perceived threat to us. Other tasking was along the lines of sat. tracking and an occasional off planet RV.

may we all find our way........

L/L 13



"out of MANY, we are ONE"
Hope that clarifies

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Old 10-27-2008, 02:48 AM   #243
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sounds profoundly unimaginable......

thanks for the response

L/L 13
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Old 10-27-2008, 03:35 AM   #244
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
I have to be very careful here as certain answers would lead to certain areas which might be compromising for myself at this stage. Due to the complicated nature of this a brief explanation would not suffice as more questions would be induced. I need to rethink this area before i openly give further data.

Ok Barry, Thanks for sharing what you could and my deepest apologies for asking questions that may cause you any distress or problems.

When I started to read your reply to my earlier set of questions I recalled a post a lady made to a public list. It seemed to me that there was a connection to what you've been trying to inform us all about.

Below is her post and as you can read there are direct implications as to the depth of the hybridization and transgenics which have been performed.

~~~snippets from post below~~~

My husband is not a normal person.

He has some unusual DNA.

He was born with some unusual abnormalities, and when he was in the NSA, a scientist did some DNA tests on him.

He has half cat, and half human DNA.

Cat DNA, has the same code as human DNA, but it is reversed.

He has abilities that I have never seen before. He was born with canine teeth that had to be extracted, and where they were, now he has the normal amount of teeth that a regular person has.

His blood was changed to a different blood type.

He also has an extra vertabre in his neck.

My husband was also put through the M.A.P. program at the University in Chico long ago. M.A.P. is Memory Assimilation Processing.

A drug was put into his occipital nerve, and he was shown information, and learned to process it quickly.

When he shakes someone's hand, he picks up their whole life memories and experiences. This program also taught him how to become part of a machine etc.

This training was done, so if a helicopter pilot was killed during an operation for instance, and he had to know how to fly one, he could touch the person, assimilate all of his knowledge, and fly the helicopter.

My husband is an amazing being, and he is constantly helping people.

Some of his work in the NSA was so traumatic that he suffers from night terrors that you wouldn't believe. I have helped him through those, and they are much less now.

My biological father in law enforcement formerly worked with my husband in the NSA years and years ago.

My father also worked with my grandfather in special ops when I was a child.

My father can tell the exact minute that a person is going to pass on with his gifts.

He tells me to be quiet about my gifts. I always felt different.

As for me, objects would manifest in my hands at thought. These were feathers at the time, and I ended up with a whole box of them. I could make things vanish as well, and this scared me because where did the things go? I prayed that a fly would leave the room, and it went poof gone. I felt sorry for it because where did I send it, and what power was being manifest within me I thought. I also knew that I had to control my mind because it was too powerful, and I was very weak minded back in those days. I had to change my thinking because if I didn't, the things would show up in my life, and if I wished harm on someone, I got the karma back nearly instantly.~~~~end post

So as you can imagine Barry when I began postulating on the information you've shared and added it to the information from this lady's post they do seem to converge. Plus I've also heard there are other people who have cat DNA in their genetic code who also seem to have been augmented.

I hope this explains where my thoughts progressed from. Once again I do apologize for treading into 'areas' best left alone.

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 10-27-2008 at 04:23 AM.
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Old 10-27-2008, 01:23 PM   #245
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Ok Barry, Thanks for sharing what you could and my deepest apologies for asking questions that may cause you any distress or problems.

When I started to read your reply to my earlier set of questions I recalled a post a lady made to a public list. It seemed to me that there was a connection to what you've been trying to inform us all about.

Below is her post and as you can read there are direct implications as to the depth of the hybridization and transgenics which have been performed.

~~~snippets from post below~~~

My husband is not a normal person.

He has some unusual DNA.

He was born with some unusual abnormalities, and when he was in the NSA, a scientist did some DNA tests on him.

He has half cat, and half human DNA.

Cat DNA, has the same code as human DNA, but it is reversed.

He has abilities that I have never seen before. He was born with canine teeth that had to be extracted, and where they were, now he has the normal amount of teeth that a regular person has.

His blood was changed to a different blood type.

He also has an extra vertabre in his neck.

My husband was also put through the M.A.P. program at the University in Chico long ago. M.A.P. is Memory Assimilation Processing.

A drug was put into his occipital nerve, and he was shown information, and learned to process it quickly.

When he shakes someone's hand, he picks up their whole life memories and experiences. This program also taught him how to become part of a machine etc.

This training was done, so if a helicopter pilot was killed during an operation for instance, and he had to know how to fly one, he could touch the person, assimilate all of his knowledge, and fly the helicopter.

My husband is an amazing being, and he is constantly helping people.

Some of his work in the NSA was so traumatic that he suffers from night terrors that you wouldn't believe. I have helped him through those, and they are much less now.

My biological father in law enforcement formerly worked with my husband in the NSA years and years ago.

My father also worked with my grandfather in special ops when I was a child.

My father can tell the exact minute that a person is going to pass on with his gifts.

He tells me to be quiet about my gifts. I always felt different.

As for me, objects would manifest in my hands at thought. These were feathers at the time, and I ended up with a whole box of them. I could make things vanish as well, and this scared me because where did the things go? I prayed that a fly would leave the room, and it went poof gone. I felt sorry for it because where did I send it, and what power was being manifest within me I thought. I also knew that I had to control my mind because it was too powerful, and I was very weak minded back in those days. I had to change my thinking because if I didn't, the things would show up in my life, and if I wished harm on someone, I got the karma back nearly instantly.~~~~end post

So as you can imagine Barry when I began postulating on the information you've shared and added it to the information from this lady's post they do seem to converge. Plus I've also heard there are other people who have cat DNA in their genetic code who also seem to have been augmented.

I hope this explains where my thoughts progressed from. Once again I do apologize for treading into 'areas' best left alone.

All the Best
Thankyou, as you can see quite plainly how certain augmentations and enhancements turn an individual into something useful to such an agency, but leaves that individual wide open to attack from less than open minded people. I would not begin to explain my personal history in such an open arena as this. You are very astute Ara and can easily put the pieces together without too much prompting

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Old 10-27-2008, 10:17 PM   #246
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Thankyou, as you can see quite plainly how certain augmentations and enhancements turn an individual into something useful to such an agency, but leaves that individual wide open to attack from less than open minded people. I would not begin to explain my personal history in such an open arena as this. You are very astute Ara and can easily put the pieces together without too much prompting

Thank you Barry. And Yes I can see how an individual with such talents could be 'useful' to those not with the best intentions. I feel for all those who have been used in such a manner, especially when it goes against who they are at the core. That is great sadness. Unfortunately there will always be predators willing to prey on those with added abilities. Greed comes in many forms my friend.

Continue to stay safe.

All the Best
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Old 10-27-2008, 10:56 PM   #247
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Thank you Barry. And Yes I can see how an individual with such talents could be 'useful' to those not with the best intentions. I feel for all those who have been used in such a manner, especially when it goes against who they are at the core. That is great sadness. Unfortunately there will always be predators willing to prey on those with added abilities. Greed comes in many forms my friend.

Continue to stay safe.

All the Best
i am perhaps more fortunate than many in having a group of people looking out for my best interests and safety of my family as well as myself. Unfortunate events recently were beyond even their control and powers, a certain nation flexing muscles and causing my trauma

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Old 10-27-2008, 11:45 PM   #248
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
i am perhaps more fortunate than many in having a group of people looking out for my best interests and safety of my family as well as myself. Unfortunate events recently were beyond even their control and powers, a certain nation flexing muscles and causing my trauma

Obviously this 'certain nation' is not happy with information you are releasing.

How can they work from the shadows if you tell everyone they are there. LOL

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Old 10-27-2008, 11:58 PM   #249
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Obviously this 'certain nation' is not happy with information you are releasing.

How can they work from the shadows if you tell everyone they are there. LOL

All the Best
They have never been overly pleased with the detailing of their facility and programs, let alone the naming of personnel, and thats why a great deal of, lets say, 'hassle' ensued during the 90's. It again is only with the protective measures in place i am still here to continue disclosing. Every once in a while i go too far and things happen, such as recent events. This is meant to bring it home to me that the data is not for public consumption. However because of the nature of my past i survived that and received excellent medical care after my release from that nation. Until i draw my last breath i will continue to push this data into the public domain.

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Old 10-28-2008, 12:50 AM   #250
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Barry during Dr Bill Deagle's latest PC interview he mentioned a RAMBO CHIP, apparently this chip is a "rage control chip" which when flipped can cause a person to fly into a fit of rage, flip it the other way and it reverses the effect. It was created in the 1960s as part of Delgardo's Research.

Bill also spoke about wet-wiring humans' brains with platinum and paladium micro-wires.

He spoke of a custom made CT implant that could implant these micro-wires into specific nuclei in the brain to use super-computers to convert neural-net stochastic firing sequences into particular images to see and hear what the human was perceiving and also to control behavior.

Once again the technology he speaks of resonates with your release of information.

Thought you may appreciate knowing there are others who have information which correlates to your own.

All the Best
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