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Old 07-15-2009, 10:48 PM   #1
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Exclamation More and More Stealth Cell Towers and Stealth uses

I only had a cellphone for a few months but did not like the way it made me feel, so I gladly got rid of it. I was very happy that in my area there was horrible cell phone reception,the area I was in refused to allow one to go up for awhile. this is what they show you pictures of

Here's some stealth examples of what they are putting up

Wireless carriers are in a heap of tower trouble. On one hand, they serve fickle customers who will switch providers at the first sign of spotty cellular coverage. On the other, those same subscribers grouse about the unsightly towers and other gear needed to ensure calls don’t get dropped or interrupted.

Making matters worse, municipalities are passing ordinances that place strict limits on tower placement. So providers are coming up with increasingly creative and unusual ways to camouflage antennas. They’ve long adorned towers with bogus bark and leaves. But now they’re getting stealthier than ever.

Big Air

Bob Jones wants to do away with costly and unsightly towers altogether. Jones, president of Sanswire Networks, proposes sending blimps 13 miles into the air to provide coverage for large swaths of land. The remote-controlled blimps would stay up for about a year and a half before being replaced.

Against the Grain

Carriers add onto existing grain silos or build fake ones from the ground up to conceal offending equipment.

Dry as a Bone
Water Towers

No irrigation, but good reception — municipalities are asking mobile-phone service providers to build nonworking water towers that blend in better with the cityscape. This one in San Dimas, Calif., may look like a vintage wooden tower. It’s actually made of fiberglass.

Blowing Smoke

Who said chimneys are just for channeling smoke? This one conceals a cell tower atop a small shopping center in San Mateo, Calif.

Phony Façade
Brick Walls

If the buildings in your city are a little taller than they used to be, they may be concealing wireless gear in an unused floor. Some cell phone companies are adding height to buildings, complete with fake windows, to hide antennas behind brick façades.

No Dead Air

It’s always rude to talk on the phone while visiting a graveyard. Still, coverage should be top-notch for the neighborhoods surrounding cemeteries that house cell towers.

Give Me a Sign
Cell Sign

Lurking inside this sign for the Colorado Sports Café is a coverage-boosting cell phone tower.

See Who Salutes
Flag Poles

Patriotic and practical: Some fiberglass flag poles do more than proudly wave the Stars and Stripes.

Spurious Spruce

One of the most common ways carriers conceal towers is by disguising them as trees. The cell phone companies idea of "greening" the environment. They come in all forms too — from counterfeit cacti to poseur palms.

Here’s the Steeple

Some might find the notion of cell towers hidden inside crosses a little, well, sacrilegious. It will hasten your return to source, god, maker whatever term you prefer, with the direct damage of it being overhead. Still, it’s a way for houses of worship to generate added income while keeping eyesores tucked inconspicuously away. Some equipment is also hidden in windows, steeples, and false bell towers.

FAA may be concerned about cell tower in the skyCell Tower in Arizona
May 30, 2009
MESA, AZ - Airport officials received a number of calls from Mesa residents during the early morning hours about a UFO over the airport as they witnessed a large balloon with blinking lights descend from the dark sky. Friday the airport was still in possession of the object.

"The airport is concerned, and we're forwarding our incident report to the FAA to address that concern," said Brian Sexton, spokesman for the airport, regarding the incident that was first reported at 6:28 a.m.

The UFO turned out to be what is being described as a cell tower in the sky.


To capture the ultimate crown in zoning approval,
try permitting this nine-mile-high multi-use cell tower

The Kevlar-laminate tower would be 9.3 miles tall, 754 feet across, and weigh approximately 800,000 tons, or about 1,600 times the weight of the beefy 1,000-foot Stainless LLC guyed tower recently erected in Miami for ABC Channel 10.
Tower techs working on the top of the structure, according to the York University designers, would be able to ride an elevator that would take about 40 minutes moving at 22 miles per hour.

The team has filed for international patent protection for their design, in partnership with space technology company, Thoth Technology Inc., so don't expect to see a separate, tall, tall, tall tower division at Rohn, Valmont, Sabre or Structural Components anytime soon.

June 22, 2009
WASHINGTON, DC - In response to a U.S. Supreme Court invitation, the United States Solicitor General has filed a brief (here) expressing the federal government's view that the Eighth Circuit and Ninth Circuit correctly interpreted 47 U.S.C. Sec 253(a) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in their rulings in favor of local governments,

The Solicitor General, who has offices in the Supreme Court Building as well as the Department of Justice Headquarters, has been called the "10th justice" due to the relationship of mutual respect that develops between the justices and the Solicitor General.

President Obama appointed Elena Kagan as the U.S. Solicitor General in March 2009. This review was one of the first invitations provided by the Supreme Court.

After building eleven towers without authorization,
Wyoming county cracks down on wireless telco

Washington Monument cell tower replica to move to new Mississippi location
June 17, 2009
RIDGELAND, MISSISSIPPI - The cell phone tower that is a miniature replica of the Washington Monument will have to make way for planned frontage roads along Interstate-55.
June 19, 2009

Feds eye Acadia mountaintop for 80-foot tower
June 5, 2009
ACADIA NATIONAL PARK, MAINE - The top of Acadia National Park's Cadillac Mountain is one of dozens of sites under consideration for an 80-foot tower designed to enhance federal Homeland Security Monopole homeland security communications.

Church might be looked at as a soft sell, but it could be viewed as a pariah Church Cell Tower Installation
May 31, 2009
SPRING VALLEY, CA - With the explosion of wireless technology, and its increased demand for cell towers, churches are often a soft sell for phone companies offering lease revenue in exchange for hiding their towers on rooftops, steeples or crosses

New Hampshire residents enlisting
The Lord's help to defeat church cell site

March 20, 2009
NORTH ANDOVER, NH - The sign in front of an Elm Street home reads, "LORD PLEASE HELP US."

Nightmare on Elm Street own the road, another sign says, "My bedroom is right up there. PLEASE don't put a tower across from where I sleep!! Madison Age 8."

Residents are waging a visible fight against Trinitarian Congregational Church, which plans to install a cell phone antenna in its steeple at 72 Elm St.

"What we want is the Lord to hear us and we want the church to hear us," said an Elm Street homeowner.

"We don't know what long-term radiation is going to do."

Residents, cities, county and state synchronized against defeating swimMonopole
club monopole application
December 2, 2008
CRANFORD, NJ - After a year of nine meetings on a contentious application to construct a cellular tower at the Cranford Swim Club, the public will still have to wait for a decision on a 120-foot monopole to be erected at the rear of the swim club property on the border of Cranford and Westfield.

Governing bodies seeing towers in a new shade of greenCell Tower
November 18, 2008
SAN JACINTO, CA - With the country's threatened and overburdened economy, cell tower leases are starting to look more palatable to city governments as they seek funding to maintain basic services.

Such is the case in San Jacinto at the Luz del Sol 5-acre park where the housing slump doesn't generate enough landscape maintenance fees to pay for the park's upkeep.

Trixi's Antler Saloon, named after the former trick rider, roper and show girl who bought it in the 1950's. Go to Trixi's bar to get 5 bars on your cell

To be continued
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Old 07-16-2009, 12:54 AM   #2
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Default Re: More and More Stealth Cell Towers and Stealth uses

Newest wrinkle in moving administrators is by threatening to pull children out December 16, 2008
MARSHALLTOWN, IA - Although six weeks ago the Marshalltown Community School District Board of Education approved a cell site at the high school football field, community members addressed the Cell Tower Lease board yesterday in hopes of a reversal of the decision.

One area resident asked the board why they would "take this chance with the lives of children."

She also appealed to their budget needs by inferring that some parents might have their children open enroll out if the structure is built, which is about $5,000 per student yearly.

The money the district would get from U.S. Cellular, $2,000 per month, might not make up for the loss of money if enough students open enroll elsewhere.

fire tower to fire your brain cells

More pictures in the gallery on this site that designs and installs stealth products

Military Stealth technology being used as well

HyperStealth Cloudcam pattern being installed on a Cellular tower in Baltimore in March 2006 using the HyperStealth Consealment™ System

Here's a link to the site
Lightning and Thunder Disruption Camouflage Patterns


Cell Phone Towers Can Help Predict Big Floods

ScienceDaily (July 14, 2009) — Though New Orleans residents were told to evacuate days before the arrival of Hurricane Katrina, no one could have predicted the real extent of the devastation.
Now researchers from Tel Aviv University say they have found a novel and reliable way to help predict the intensity of the next big flood, using common cell phone towers across the United States. Their model, which analyzes cell phone signals, adds a critical component to weather forecasting never before available.

As Cactus

"By monitoring the specific and fluctuating atmospheric moisture around cell phone towers throughout America, we can cheaply, effectively and reliably provide a more accurate 'critical moisture distribution' level for fine-tuning model predictions of big floods," says Prof. Pinhas Alpert, a geophysicist and head of Tel Aviv University's Porter School for Environmental Education.

As Art

Prof. Alpert and his co-researchers Prof. Hagit Messer Yaron and doctoral fellow Noam David reported on their research in the April 2009 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Information the weather girl can use

As Jesus Crucified
Cell phone towers emit radio waves that are diminished by moisture in the air, a factor that can be used to improve model warnings on flood levels. In addition, the researchers measured the rainfall distributions and were able to accurately estimate the size of impending floods before they struck. This was demonstrated in post-analysis of two case-studies of floods in the Judean Desert in Israel, where cell phone towers — and flash floods — are abundant.

Using real data measurements collected from the towers, the researchers demonstrated how microwave links in a cellular network correlated with surface station humidity measurements. The data provided by cell phone towers is the missing link weather forecasters need to improve the accuracy of flood forecasting. The microwave data used in this study was supplied by two cellular providers Cellcom and Pelephone in Israel.

Last edited by judykott; 07-16-2009 at 02:19 AM.
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Old 07-16-2009, 03:41 AM   #3
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Default Re: More and More Stealth Cell Towers and Stealth uses


the fact that you had poor reception means that your cell phone was also using more power to try to reach the cell tower. (The radio equivalent of shouting louder).

This could explain why you noted exagerrated effects.

If you had had good reception, the phone would not have had to "shout" so loud and you may not have noticed the effects. (Also the battery would last longer!).

Not that any of this makes them a good thing - I am not making excuses. The Cell companies use all the same tactics as tobacco companies - and a large swathe of the western world uses them (me included ) - they are so convenient!

However something to note if you are in a remote location!

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Old 07-16-2009, 05:58 AM   #4
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Default Re: More and More Stealth Cell Towers and Stealth uses

Originally Posted by Anchor View Post

the fact that you had poor reception means that your cell phone was also using more power to try to reach the cell tower. (The radio equivalent of shouting louder).

This could explain why you noted exagerrated effects.

If you had had good reception, the phone would not have had to "shout" so loud and you may not have noticed the effects. (Also the battery would last longer!).

Not that any of this makes them a good thing - I am not making excuses. The Cell companies use all the same tactics as tobacco companies - and a large swathe of the western world uses them (me included ) - they are so convenient!

However something to note if you are in a remote location!

I did not use the cellphone for the short time I had it in the area where I live as I have a land line, so the "exaggerated effects" is invalid. Some people are just more sensitive and notice effects more than others. Hence me giving up the phone for those reasons, not the reception which had nothing to do with it at all. Battery life would have been no concern of mine either, nor did I find it necessary or convenient to have one. As I stated in the first few sentences of the thread, I could feel the effects of the phone, which were not pleasant so choose to give it up especially after some research on them.

I think you missed the point as I was happy there were not cell towers in my area, till recently. They slid them in by stealth form in a local church tower and cross. What I object to is that I am being bombarded with waves of energy that I do not wish to be exposed to, they are not being just used as cellphone towers and transmissions, there are add ons of other forms as well.

Just as Haarp is being used for other purposes than what is stated, so are the cell towers. When they wished to know where people were in times past, keep an eye on them, control, listen to what they said,see who their friends were, subdue them , they would imprison them and put them in a tower in a cell.

I do not see this as much different. Now one is imprisoned by the cell they carry with them, and the tower controls their cell activity. Now they know where you are, who your friends are, what you think and say, and now with picture phones know what your friends look like, where you are going, etc, etc. They have really improved the nature of the cell and the information and results they get from it since the Tower of London, with its cells.

Now when people are out they do not talk to who they are with they are to busy talking to someone elsewhere further breaking down the social structure, causing more auto accidents and deaths, all the time being exposed to waves that have been proven from the start to cause issues in tissues.

I hear a lot of talk about "I will not take the vaccine" for fear of what it would do to ones health, yet I see choices for convenience to continue to use something, a cell phone, which I feel adequately proven to cause many forms of cancer, particularly of the brain one of the more tenacious forms. Sleep disturbances, hearing problems, and the little matter of heating delicate brain tissue is bothersome to me as well. The matter of safety on the road from people talking or worse yet texting while driving is matter of concern as I have had several close calls with distracted drivers on a cell.

I have a choice of not taking the vaccine and having it put into my body. But for convenience sake of others my choice of being exposed to cell towers, although I do not want and would not choose to have a cell phone receiver, I am still exposed to the waves being broadcast from them so still have some exposure though not as great.

Right now there is a known factor going on and little is done, which has far more reaching consequences and control of ones life than a vaccine. Yet we expose our children daily at schools, churches and every corner of the planet with cell towers. They even put one on Everest. Which is why the PTW have more confidence to push for something else which is will not be healthy for anyone, the vaccine, and most people will go along with that being more convenient to do so, rather than looking at the consequences of their actions and the long term implications of it.

One of the major selling features of having a cell phone was fear, having one for safety reasons. Parents blindly buy them for the children although in many countries it is advised for children not to have them. I am sure they have saved some lives, but what has been the cost? How many lives were taken? Just as other things are hidden in the vaccines, I just would like to keep my eyes open to all avenues of things that are used to put things into our bodies and right now the cell towers are carriers of many ills and control.

Last edited by judykott; 07-16-2009 at 06:16 AM.
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Old 07-16-2009, 06:09 AM   #5
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Default Re: More and More Stealth Cell Towers and Stealth uses

When it comes to cellphones I try to shorten the time i'm on it to a necessary minimum. After several seconds I have an unpleasant sensation in and around my ear, that is why when I am at home I talk with my phone away from my head, through the speaker.
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Old 07-16-2009, 09:15 AM   #6
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Default Re: More and More Stealth Cell Towers and Stealth uses

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
I hear a lot of talk about "I will not take the vaccine" for fear of what it would do to ones health, yet I see choices for convenience to continue to use something, a cell phone, which I feel adequately proven to cause many forms of cancer, particularly of the brain one of the more tenacious forms.

Sorry if it sounded that I was trying to contradict you I was not. I agree with everything you have said.

I use my cell phone infrequently but I do have it on me while I am at work. I had a cellphone way back from the start of the idea, when it was the size of two house-bricks and had a proper handset with a curly wire I guess I got used to it then.

Thanks for taking the time to post all those pictures as well - they do ram the point home well.

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Old 07-16-2009, 04:35 PM   #7
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: More and More Stealth Cell Towers and Stealth uses

I understand the opinion on cell phones. However, I use a blackberry mainly for text messaging and it's useful when I'm out on the road and I need help. It's much easier to stay in touch with people.

I don't like unsightly cell towers either but I live in a state where they're very strict about putting anything up. You cannot put billboards up in this state and cell towers are harder to build. Reception is good enough so I'm not sure why more towers would be needed.
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Old 07-16-2009, 04:39 PM   #8
Humble Janitor
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Default Re: More and More Stealth Cell Towers and Stealth uses

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
I did not use the cellphone for the short time I had it in the area where I live as

[... Huge quote text removed ... - Anchor..]
I understand but what do you propose we do about this? Ban cell phones altogether? It wouldn't work. I don't use the phone part of my blackberry and I keep it turned off most of the time. It does not affect the social structure and it actually serves to help me plan things with friends to where we can get together and socialize MORE. I do not text while driving either.

Again, good points but I'm not sure what would solve this problem. If the government banned cell phones outright, people would not be able to communicate violence and protests and such using their cellphone cameras, etc.

Last edited by Anchor; 07-16-2009 at 11:06 PM. Reason: dead text removal
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Old 07-16-2009, 06:09 PM   #9
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Default Re: More and More Stealth Cell Towers and Stealth uses

Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
Sorry if it sounded that I was trying to contradict you I was not. I agree with everything you have said.

I use my cell phone infrequently but I do have it on me while I am at work. I had a cellphone way back from the start of the idea, when it was the size of two house-bricks and had a proper handset with a curly wire I guess I got used to it then.

Thanks for taking the time to post all those pictures as well - they do ram the point home well.


Yes, I did post a lot of pictures. I found it fascinating all of the clever, some beautiful, some grotesque but the bottom line is the deception of the stealth and the many implications. Promise not to post as many pictures in the further posts on the subject, besides I am almost out of pictures

I just wanted more food for thought out there as to some of the reasons and to get some thinking going about the agenda of it all. I am working on more now and to further answer the question of what the big deal is besides ,most agreeing that is does damage to the brain there is much more
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Old 07-16-2009, 09:06 PM   #10
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Default Re: More and More Stealth Cell Towers and Stealth uses

Interesting thanks for the thread judykott, some of those pics are classic.
I canceled my cell phone a little under a year ago now, I never liked the feeling I had after using them. I thought I would miss it but I actually enjoy not having one. It's nice to be able to really get some peace and quite, something that was never possible when someone could phone you no matter where you are.

Here are some images showing what cell phones do to the body.

Healthy Blood Cell Formaition No Cell phone in Use

Blood Cells Radiated by Cell Phone

Another Study
Normal Cells:

After 5 mins on Cellphone:
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Old 07-16-2009, 09:33 PM   #11
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Default Re: More and More Stealth Cell Towers and Stealth uses

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
I understand the opinion on cell phones. However, I use a blackberry mainly for text messaging and it's useful when I'm out on the road and I need help. It's much easier to stay in touch with people.

I don't like unsightly cell towers either but I live in a state where they're very strict about putting anything up. You cannot put billboards up in this state and cell towers are harder to build. Reception is good enough so I'm not sure why more towers would be needed.
I have never had an issue arranging my social life without one. It was not about the look of the towers that are being put up in camouflage fashion, it is not about reception either that was not the point of the thread, it is about the effects of the towers and what they are doing. This thread is about awareness.

I see so many threads on here ranting I will not take a vaccine , I will not be chipped, when many are carrying the fricking mark of the beast already that they hold in their hands and hold to their heads in the form of a cell phone.The cell phone is the transition tool , it always was. Everything they worry about a chip doing a phone does and more. Cell phones tell where you are, and subjects the body to toxins and possible extermination, and radiation. The same as a chip it could be a quick or long death but it is still a death, a cell phone has the same capabilities. Or it could just be used in combo with other things to weaken the immune and reproductions systems.

The theory that your accounts could be tampered with or frozen with the chip is not valid as that can be done now anyway with the electronic banking system, it would be more efficient cut at the source and not the chip anyway. They would not need to go to someone's chip for that, So that covers all the things that a chip or a vaccine could do.

Here are the things a chip or vaccine might not be able to do that a cell phone can. A phone now can eavesdrop, tell where you are, who your with, access your computer ,all your codes, pictures, modify behaviour, can access your banking codes if blackberry and computer linked. Phone elbow is now more common than tennis elbow, and finger problems from texting.

It seems to me apparent that for all the worry about chipping, what was so clever is they got cell phone users to pay for their own monitoring devices in the form of the infrastructure, the cell towers that they would need for any kind of chip and other monitoring and other transmissions to be put out there. But the phone is far more dangerous than the chip could ever be, the capabilities for monitoring are far greater, and people use it with their own free will. Billions of dollars were saved by having this intentional bridge to actual implants in place and paid for by willing customers and the unwilling people are now exposed to second hand radiation from being in the close proximity of cell users, and by the towers.

Some of the social problems I see is people do not talk as often with the people they are with. I consider this to be rude. Phones going off in movies, theaters, yoga classes, restaurants, or when guest in other people's homes, I find an infringement as they frantically try to find the phone that should have been turned off in the first place. Worst yet ignoring who they are with and conversing with someone somewhere else.Below are a few sentences and a link to follow with the complete story.

Cell Phone Companies and Security

This is a fascinating story of cell phone fraud, security, economics, and externalities. Its moral is obvious, and demonstrates how economic considerations drive security decisions.

Susan Drummond was a customer of Rogers Wireless, a large Canadian cell phone company. Her phone was cloned while she was on vacation, and she got a $12,237.60 phone bill (her typical bill was $75). Rogers maintains that there is nothing to be done, and that Drummond has to pay. continued on the link

The myth and the marketing to make people believe they are safer because of a cell is fatally flawed.Here's some links to security issues which are growing not shrinking.
The same technology that lets you stay in touch on-the-go can now let others tap into your private world — without you ever even suspecting something is awry.
Eavesdropping is easy. All it takes is a two-minute software install and someone can record your calls and monitor your text messages. They can even set up systems to be automatically alerted when you dial a certain number, then instantly patched into your conversation. Anyone who can perform a basic internet search can find the tools and figure out how to do it in no time.

But the scarier stuff is what your phone can do when you aren’t even using it. Let’s start with your location.
Is Someone Keeping Secrets from You?
Reveal All with the Worlds Most Powerful Spyphone
Download FlexiSPY spyphone software directly onto a mobile phone and receive copies of SMS, Call Logs, Emails, Locations and listen to conversations within minutes of purchase.
Catch cheating wives or cheating husbands, stop employee espionage, protect children, make automatic backups, bug meetings rooms etc.


But today, we’re taking on a different kind of underused force in your phone: its ability to keep your family safer. We’ve seen how cell phones can be used to let other people spy on you. This trick, though, turns the tables and lets you watch them.(except what you install for you can easily be hacked and now your set-up opens you up to others, I am not just talking TPTW.)


1 Beware the Virus

The cell phone is nothing less than a simplified computer. Combine this fact with the number of cell phones that are out there, and you have an attractive target for an attacker.

2 New Technology Problems

Thanks to the rapidly changing technology, the cell phone market is chock full of all kinds of new and interesting perks. Camera phones, MP3 players, and more can be added to make your mobile experience all the more interesting. Unfortunately, these same features can bring with them some nasty side affects.

3 Trusting Your Cell Phone Company

When you sign up for a phone service like T-Mobile and you purchase one of their costly Sidekick devices, you wouldn't expect to find you personal pictures online. Unfortunately, this is exactly what Paris Hilton found. As it turned out, T-Mobile stores the pictures she takes on their server. Someone figured out how to get to this information and the pictures ended up online, along with her task list, address book, and more. (Remember these are young kids working)

4 Stolen/Lost Phone

Cell phones are small. This is one reason they are so popular. Unfortunately, small things have a way of getting lost or stolen. This threat is obvious, and the solution should be equally as obvious, but is ironically rarely employed

5 Privacy

When you make a call on a cell phone, do you talk about things that might be best kept person to person? I regularly hear people talking about all kinds of personal subjects on these mobile devices. Passwords, credit card numbers, and more are all routinely discussed. Why is this a security issue?

6 VoIP, Caller ID and Voice Mail

Voice over IP is a growing phenomenon, as are its security issues. With a little time and a solid understanding of a VoIP system, it is easy to target phone systems and trick them into passing fake information. This could be as simple as changing the caller ID number listed with the phone call, or as dangerous as being able to bypass security checks and accessing a mobile phone users account.

7 Wi-Fi Fallout

Wireless networking has created several loop holes for phone users. Thanks to VoIP protocols, many new phones are supporting the technology to make free 802.11 calls. This is great, but you need to be aware of the dangers of using 802.11 to pass any information.

8 Bluetooth Problems

Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows local devices to create a small network through which information can be passed. When it comes to cell phones, this information usually consists of addresses and small files. Unfortunately, if the Bluetooth settings are not correctly applied, an attacker can retrieve address book, call history, and more from a target phone. In addition, viruses have been seen in the wild that have been able to reproduce over the Bluetooth connection. To avoid these problems, simply disable the Bluetooth component of your device until you need it.

9 Big Brother

When you make a call, your phone must find the local tower and establish a wireless connection. While this is a necessary part of the communication process, it does make it easy for various three letter agencies to track your movements. If needed, authorities can use a triangulation process to find your position down to several feet. Combine this with the fact that some phones include GPS system, and you now have a true Orwellian tool.

Now, this is a bit on the paranoid side, but 911 uses this same process to locate people who call them and then are disconnected. What is to stop someone else from doing the same to track and/or locate your position? If this is something that concerns you, turn off your phone, remove the battery, and wrap the phone in tinfoil.

Cell Phone Radiation, Driving, and Manners

Not all problems related to cell phones are tied to digital security (OK, so I needed one more item to make it an even ten). It would not be a top ten list if you did not include the dangers associated to radiation and cell phone manners.

Cell phones emit energy when establishing a connection. Energy in the form of radio waves is also known as radiation. Radiation can cause problems with cells in your body and lead to nasty things like cancer. The true danger of the problem is related to the amount of power and the frequency of the radio signal. To put this in non technical terms, the only difference between a cell phone and a microwave is the amount of energy used to create a signal. No one in their right mind would stick their head in a microwave! So, keep this in mind and use the antenna. It serves to keep your head out of the way of the signal, and thus keeps the signal out of your head.

Next we have to address the whole driving while talking on a cell phone problem. It is illegal in some areas, and generally frowned upon in the remaining. Fortunately, there are many accessories that can eliminate the dangers related to holding the phone up to your ear (i.e. ear piece, speaker phone, car phone systems).this last statement has since been refuted in several science articles stating that the attachments do not make a significant difference in safety.

Finally, it wouldn't be a top ten list if we didn't mention cell phone manners. Not that this is a security issue, unless you consider being targeted with angry stares and insulting comments a problem. Just keep in mind the golden rule (treat others as you want to be treated) and everything else will fall into line.

Something I find very disturbing is the sales job or how your kids will be safer, when it is proven that it is not so. Not that just observation would point that out on the streets and sidewalks.

Cell Phones Dangerous For Child Pedestrians, Study Finds

ScienceDaily (Jan. 27, 2009) — Children who talk on cell phones while crossing streets are at a higher risk for injuries or death in a pedestrian accident, said psychologists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) in a new study that will appear in the February issue of Pediatrics.

Specifically, it took the children who were on a cell phone 20 percent longer to begin crossing the street, and they were 43 percent more likely to be hit by a vehicle or have a close call in the virtual environment. In addition, the children looked both ways 20 percent fewer times before crossing the street and gave themselves 8 percent less time to cross safely in front of oncoming traffic when they were on the cell phone.

“Cell Phones have been linked to harassment and sexual exploitation of both children and adults”But there are some dangers associated with cell phones too. When you give a cell phone to children, you made them accessible to everyone. Besides, you most consider that most of the time, they will be out there without the parental supervision.

What I see is the cell phone like the television is used as an electronic babysitter, and a very poor substitute for parental interaction.

All health effects are more pronounced in children, and the longer the use the more the problems compound.

Here is a new health problem coming from cells
Are You Allergic to Your Mobile?

Move over brain cancer and cellular tower fears that could cause other unspeakable trouble to one’s health. And forget about the bacteria that might be living on your phone, because while that’s nasty to think about there is something potentially far worse. The new concern, according to a new article on WebMD, is that mobile phones could be the cause of some skin allergies.

Last week the British Association of Dermatologists issued a warning to doctors regarding skin allergies caused by a bit too much contact with mobile phones. British dermatologists are calling it "mobile phone dermatitis." And it isn’t that the gabbing on the phone was the problem, rather it was the materials in the phone, namely nickel. The symptoms could be red or itchy skin on your cheek and ear, or for heavy texters, red and itchy fingers. But in fairness, after too much texting your fingers might turn red anyway!

So is this a real concern? Well, according to the findings from some universities 10 out of 22 devices have nickel (and not of the wooden variety of course). The dermatologists who conducted the study recommend nickel-sensitive people (which is a very common thing) to spot-test cell phones for nickel using a consumer test kit. The good news is that even phones that have nickel don’t necessarily have it in areas where you’re all that likely to be exposed.

The Canadian Medical Association's journal, CMAJ states that, "Cell phones intended for rugged use ... often have rubber coating and no surface nickel. Those with more fashionable designs often have metallic accents and are more likely to contain free nickel in their casings."

Various makers of headsets, wired as well as Bluetooth models, of course were quick to jump on these findings to suggest that a headset could spare you from the nickel exposure. That’s good news for allergies, but isn’t the jury still out on the potential hazards of Bluetooth devices? And how do we know the headsets are free of nickel? After all, it’s always something.

So to sum it up I feel as if it adds up to some very conclusive evidence that cellphones cause damage to the health, cause more deaths through accident than they save by quicker response time, allergies, open you to radiation which can effect your reproductive system, opens people up to more sexual predation (particularly children), opens up a myriad of security issues for your banking, home, computer, and that basically it is the same as being chipped but worse. That now a whole infrastructure has been paid for in the form of towers stealthily put up everywhere, so that if they take a step to implant the system is in place, but in reality the cell phone is worse to have in your possession than a chip because it has far more ranging implications.

I could probably come out with some articles written or paid for by the cell companies, just like the vaccine companies or the chip companies that would use propaganda and sales techniques to get you to believe how safe they are and how a cell would make you safer but I do not think you would fall for it. This is just information to ponder it is not about fear, just reality of choices we make because of brilliant marketing.

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Old 07-16-2009, 09:53 PM   #12
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Default Re: More and More Stealth Cell Towers and Stealth uses

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
I understand but what do you propose we do about this? Ban cell phones altogether? It wouldn't work. I don't use the phone part of my blackberry and I keep it turned off most of the time. It does not affect the social structure and it actually serves to help me plan things with friends to where we can get together and socialize MORE. I do not text while driving either.

Again, good points but I'm not sure what would solve this problem. If the government banned cell phones outright, people would not be able to communicate violence and protests and such using their cellphone cameras, etc.
I would not mind at all if cell phones were banned. They already have patents in place to make them safer, but the way they are set up that is not the purpose to be safe. Before television and phones I would imagine people actually talked more and interacted more. I certainly find that the case.

I think there would be less violence if there was more personal as opposed to impersonal contact with people. Perhaps a return to more courteous interaction, in full sentences as well. The friends I have that are teachers say it is a growing problem.

There are things called cameras that do not have to be attached to radiation devices to capture the violence and protests.I found the occasion one time with a gang of kids engaged in a fight that instead of capturing the moment on film, I stepped in with communication and asked them to stop and they did. I really did not see it as a Kodak moment

Better yet some things can be voted with the dollar or with holding of it. I will not spend my money on such a device that there is so much evidence of the harm it could cause. Unfortunately as I say others choice of this product then exposes me to some extent as well. Some will say they could not live without one, when it may very well be the reverse.
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Old 08-19-2009, 10:25 AM   #13
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Default Re: More and More Stealth Cell Towers and Stealth uses

Second transmitter switches over:

A second analogue transmitter is to halt part of its service as the switch to digital television continues.

The Preseli transmitter serving the Pembrokeshire area stops broadcasting BBC Two from midnight on Wednesday and starts transmitting Freeview channels.

Four weeks later, the remaining terrestrial analogue channels - BBC One, ITV1, S4C and Five - will go.

Digital switchover began in Wales last week at the Kilvey Hill transmitter, which serves Swansea and Neath.

Once the switchover has begun, viewers in the area will need to install or retune Freeview, BT Vision or Top-Up TV equipment.

Cont. on link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/south_west/8208472.stm

Loved this tag line - Analogue viewers have also been reminded with on-screen captions about the need to convert.

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Old 08-19-2009, 04:20 PM   #14
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Default Re: More and More Stealth Cell Towers and Stealth uses

I'm one of the few people in this country (Holland, more cellphones than inhabitans) who doesn't have (& never had) a cell phone. Call me old fashioned, but I don't trust anything that's offered for free, by corporate ca(nni)bals. If there's one device with possible hidden, instant mind control abilities, it's the cell phone.
And indeed, even at parties people bear more attention to their text message screen, than what's happening around them.
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