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What Does It Mean ? What does this all mean for the Ground Crew ?

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Old 09-05-2008, 03:07 PM   #1
Bill Ryan
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Default The next six weeks

Hi, All:

Most people will have seen this (posted on Project Camelot yesterday), but the issues are so important that they are very important to restate here.

This is a brief summary of our own concerns and focus at the moment. There's a lot more detail, and what's below is essentially a series of bulletpoints.


We had a telephone interview scheduled yesterday [3 Sept] with Benjamin Fulford which was unexpectedly canceled at the last minute. It appears he's very concerned over the latest turns of events, and would only say that we should be aware of 8 September. We know nothing more than this, other than he stressed that things are constantly changing.

Two weeks previously he publicly stated that he had learned from his own sources that 30 September would be important, being the end of the US Fiscal Year. It was then, he had been told, when US bankruptcy could be announced, with various complex major consequences.

Half Past Human, using its very unusual and creative predictive web bot technology, have identified 7 October as the date for a crucial event - preceded by a plateau of 11 days of tension starting on 27 September. The aftermath of the 7 October event, they say, will last till mid-February. They do not know what this is, save that’s it’s partly economic, partly military. They're confident of their prediction, and note that this situation is totally unique in their experience.

They compare the five months of 'release language' they have identified on the net (in connection with the period of time following the incident) with the far shorter 10 or 11 days following 9/11. This implies the possibility of a far more major and impactful event or situation.

Half Past Human first got our attention at Camelot when they predicted regime change in Pakistan as far back as last February. President Musharraf, facing impeachment, resigned one day later than the exact date they had identified five months earlier.

We interviewed George Green by phone two days ago and have just published this here. He believes WW III is on its way and is planning to relocate to Ecuador.

Our source Hawkeye (see here, here, here, here and here - 7 July, and 11, 12, 23 August - or search for 'Hawkeye') stated in his last messages to us that the first ten days of October would be highly significant. We have not heard from him in the last several weeks.

There are clear parallels to the events depicted in Timeline 1, variant 83 - although this timeline has been broken and some important details are clearly different.

There is no-one we know, or are aware of, who is saying that we should all relax and that this is all hype.


Personal comment here - but this is a guess:

It may be that there will be an economic event or situation (possibly connected with or coincident with a military event somewhere) - and then there may be another situation engineered to be superimposed on top of that. That could be an Avian Flu incident (real or faked), an induced major earthquake, or (God forbid) even the faked alien invasion (or appearance) that credible sources - including Jim Marrs, Linda Howe, Steven Quayle and even our own Henry Deacon - insist is possible.

In our summary above we omitted to also mention that oil industry whistleblower Lindsey Williams, talking with Jeff Rense on 22 July, stated that he had learned from an insider source - and (strangely!) had been authorized to release publicly - that an event would occur shortly before the US election that would guarantee McCain to be President. He did not know what that was. Aspects of Williams' testimony raised questions, but we state this for the further record.

The real issue is what to do about this information. This is what Avalon is all about. It may be smart to figure out what defensive action to take privately - in terms of safeguarding of assets, taking sensible logistical precautions, or where one might physically be (assuming choice) - and to be fully aware of how to correctly interpret any breaking news early. This is one of the purposes of this forum, and we'll do what we can to help.

Best to all, Bill

Last edited by Bill Ryan; 09-05-2008 at 03:19 PM.
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Old 09-05-2008, 03:33 PM   #2
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It is difficult to see exactly what is to happen as there is so much misinformation out there, on purpose obviously.
I cannot believe that the plan is to destroy the northern hemisphere, it seems more likely a faked alien invasion could happen where huge swathes of the population could be wiped out without apportioning any blame to those in control. Secret weaponry could be used that we may not know of, that would leave the land intact.
If they run to their underground bases with an army, are the army going to stand by while their families and friends are destroyed? or could they stage a coup underground?
The economy is ailing badly in the UK with the car industry reporting huge drops in new sales and heavy price rises in food and energy. This does not happen overnight as it seems to be and so is being driven. But to what end?
Something is definitley going to happen soon, let us all hope that we can organize ourselves with the help of this site to survive whatever that something is.
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Old 09-05-2008, 04:18 PM   #3
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Thanks Bill...Hmmm it is all VERY CONFUSING with so many various factors to consider...yes, the UK is majorly in a bad way already, so everyone ( in the know) can only keep progressing in their research/ plans/actions and continue taking those wobbly baby steps forward..into the unknown!! I am not convinced the staged alien hollographic show will happen yet..that will be like a grand fanale once population has already been brought to its knees with so many previous blows....it will be easy to round up everyone for the tagging/microchips/camps at that point due to the mass hysteria...
My intuition is that we will be put through the gauntlet of economic depression.. the bigger disasters created by haarp will create more uncertainty around the world...then there will be an outbreak of avian flu or similar..maybe anthrax being used as another fear element to back up the 'terrorist' threat..the wars will continue to escalate..people will then be in true fear factor...and then the grande finale....aliens..military..terror..mass suicides from the religous sectors...and only then, will we witness what the bigger plan/picture is ...

In the meantime, there will be a global movement of 'ground crew' who will be stealthily building their own version of NWO..whicxh includes peace, sharing, caring, love, support, higher spiritual growth and UNDERSTANDING ...that nothings happening that isnt meant to on our evolution path....and we will be there to stand in our corner of truth /awareness and we WILL prevail in preperation for the indigos and next generations to take us where we are destined! ( and maybe, with a bit of help from our pleiadian galactic brothers we will move forward into the light!!
best wishes to all!!
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Old 09-05-2008, 04:38 PM   #4
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I think you pretty much right Fire, although we have to look at the natural earth changes that are happening. Not everything is a conspiracy and there seems to be a multitude of agenda's going on at the moment.

I am focusing on creating a future built on love, understanding, sharing etc. The thing is from getting from here to there is going to be a bloody nightmare. My Spiritual belief system is more connected with a Taoist than any other form of belief, the thing is I can't seem to bring myself to wrap everything in white light and believe that this will make things all fine.

My personal feelings suggest that events will get very very ugly indeed, and if we are not part of a supportive community for whatever reason, than many people will be forced to use violence in order to protect themselves or others.

If you look at what happened during collapse on countries such as african states, then you will soon realise that it gets ugly very quickly. I don't state this to come across as a negative person, infact just the opposite.

I firmly believe that contrary to the Hollywood action movies, the lone survivor is NOT going to life happily ever after in this movie.

Hence we need communities in safe places, and we need them to be as interconnected as possible and we need them NOW.


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Old 09-05-2008, 05:18 PM   #5
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yup I totally agree with all u mentioned Jay...i am in no doubt that when the meltdown happens people will turn very ugly out of fear ( fear= False Evidence Appearing Real?) i have been considering ways of protection -legal or otherwise... and i do get extremely overwhelmed with so much to consider at times! Like you, i also find it hard to wrap myself in the white light and think thats gonna be ok...lol..nope indeed its going to be tough! but the one thing we have total control over is how we resond to all this...either fear or love ( love for ourselves and each other)
right now, we are building a community based on positivity, and this is all we can focus on for now.....but one thing I feel is true..this major shift/transition/cleansing of the earth will likely last for at least the next 20 years..so if we survive, we will have to be in a place of safety and strength in numbers!! lets just commit to spreading the word to as many as will listen to help this new population of 'aware' peeps grow rapidly...we have time to still do alot of positive work collectively....but saying that, i still lie awke at night trying to 'intuite' where the hell is the next best safest place to move into and build up on.!!!!!
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Old 09-05-2008, 05:28 PM   #6
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I am the same really, I don't think a night goes by when I don't attempt to get answers from my inner guidance as to what is the best plan to do.

The Guidance I get over and over is to create the Sanctuary, it reminds me of that film "Build it, and they will come".

My question to my guide in response to that is, ok bubba have you got a spare £100,000?

Stunned silence is the reponse!

Still, there's always the lottery, wonder if I can get a lottery grant...lol

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Old 09-05-2008, 08:36 PM   #7
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HI All - just 'got here' so to speak so have been catching up on all the threads - I can see I'm going to be nailed to this chair a lot in the future! The thing that concerns me most (almost!) is mass panic. We've all seen what a mob running wild can do - innocent people get swept up and hurt, or worse. If / when things 'go purple' I'm worried that certain types of people will lose the plot completely and start reacting without thinking. Mind you, I am one of life's calmer souls! What is it they say ' If you can keep your head when all others around you are losing theirs - maybe you don't fully understand the situation!!' Like a lot of folk nowadays, I don't have a partner, so it's just me and my dog and I am VERY concerned about how us 'lone souls' will be treated. I feel very vulnerable I guess.

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Old 09-05-2008, 09:00 PM   #8
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Welcome Vicki !! there are many of us 'singles' out there..but we're not alone! just see how fast this forum opens up new friendships and support..keep positive, there is power in numbers!
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Old 09-05-2008, 10:48 PM   #9
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Dont worry vicki, sticking together in a crisis is an English trait
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Old 09-06-2008, 12:58 AM   #10
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Hi Vicki. I felt the EXACT same way! But with this forum we are singles no longer! I am just so relieved to have found everybody here...
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Old 09-06-2008, 01:15 AM   #11
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Yes, we ARE all family here !
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Old 09-06-2008, 05:24 AM   #12
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I'm sure of the "october suprise". There will be something major that will go down to ensure McCain's presidency. However, I am also confident that it won't work.

Am I the only one who thinks we are on the eve of triumph here? That the powerful are choking out their last breath? Yes, there are economic hard times. But underneath it all, a green revolution is taking place on behalf of mother earth. I truly believe we are adapting faster than these "prophets" give us credit for.

Bring it on We are not afraid
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Old 09-06-2008, 12:33 PM   #13
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Thanks all of you - you're right! Now I realise that I'm not the only 'lone' soul, I feel SO much better...and much more sure that 'good' will triumph in the end.

"But underneath it all, a green revolution is taking place on behalf of mother earth. I truly believe we are adapting faster than these "prophets" give us credit for." Notkuroda - well said!!!
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Old 09-06-2008, 01:10 PM   #14
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Good will win in the end, it always does. Sometimes with all this negative s*** that is printed everywhere, it is often very difficult to feel that the 'good' guys are making any head way at all.


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Old 09-06-2008, 04:12 PM   #15
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I think all the confusion is part of the plan, keep you in fear of the unknown. Plus, I think the plans are unfolding and are constantly changing. I don't care how big you are or how much you know or control, you can't control everything all the time. There are just too many variables. I think 'they' do have a plan and many items in place for contingency. I am trying to make myself aware through Camelot, Avalon, and other sources, but not to try and figure out what is going on. It's all going down the crapper is what is going on. It almost has to do so. It's too bad, too top heavy, too corrupt. It's gotta get bad for all to awaken, to get enough together to make changes now is almost too late. Too much has been put into motion. Not that I am promoting it, but it's to that point. There's not much I can do to rebuild all that has been damaged, taken, corrupted,....but I can prepare and create my future. What's been put into action and started must play out to some degree. I am preparing to deal with that, handle it the best I can. That is to have food and water on hand and spread the word to those that are willing to listen. Once it's time to rebuild, then I will. That time is not now. Now is the time to educate yourself, plan for surviving rough times, what ever that may be. It's quite evident, no one knows what lies ahead. Plan for the worst and hope for the best. Live in love, not in fear. If it gets as bad as some believe, I will still help everyone that I can. I will give my food and water to those in need. I will not succumb to greed and fear and anger. Service to others rather than service to self.
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Old 09-06-2008, 06:49 PM   #16
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can I get everyones opinions on this thread please....

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Old 09-06-2008, 07:44 PM   #17
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For what it's worth - no I don't think the manure will be expelled at speed in October! It's possible that something may happen - like the first domino falling, which may trigger a sequence of events - but I honestly don't think one major event will kick the whole thing into touch. And we all need to remember that it is HOW we all choose to react that will be the governing factor. WHATEVER happens, whatever 'the PTB' try to steer/goad us into - if anything - if enough of us can hang on to our sanity and steer 'true north', then I honestly believe all will be well in the end. The power of positive thought is about to come into its own.

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Old 09-06-2008, 08:36 PM   #18
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to tell you the truth my priority is to get more pple to know the truth, as stated in many interviews, these high secure elite loses power by beeing exposed. you want a katalist-effect on changes? get more pple involved. these events are nice know hows but yet, still not enough pple know in my opinion.
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Old 09-06-2008, 08:46 PM   #19
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hey Aware... I think there is going to be a massive explosion of people waking up and joining in...for example this site isnt even officially launched yet and there is over a 100 of us...many different forums out there all sharing with their own networks etc...
even today, i posted this site to around 4,ooo people in my group contacts on Facebook! if only 5% of each n every one of those peeps also sending on..and another 5% etc....within months there will be a mass awakening..especially when world events kick of later this month.... trust the process my friend...we still have time!!!

I urge everyone to be doinbg the same...get every single contact u have on pc..inc groups on network sites ...and start spreading the news!!! PEACE
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Old 09-06-2008, 10:01 PM   #20
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Default Re: The next six weeks

Although I do not live in the U.S., I have been following updates to Ron Paul's movement for several months... Even read The Revolution: A Manifesto. This is an open question: what do you think (or know) about any potential influence Ron Paul's work may have in the coming weeks/months? He is 'waking people up' in his own way after all... perhaps not about UFOs, Higher Selves, safe zones, and various other Project Camelot topics :P but still in a (seemingly) beneficial direction when compared to the current situation. Thoughts?

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Old 09-06-2008, 11:29 PM   #21
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Old 09-07-2008, 12:28 AM   #22
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I suppose I think a little differently than some. If it comes down to a nuke war then I want to go out right away. I certainly don't want to die slowly with radiation poison.

Anyway this is my first post and someone did a great job putting this forum together. Looks and feels nice.
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Old 09-07-2008, 12:35 AM   #23
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Hello, all...
I am from the USA, and I am practically embarrassed to acknowledge the candidates we have for president/vice pres. I have never, in my 52 years in this plane of existence, been so alarmed and aware of the impending events. Ron Paul, by the way, is a true patriot, and really the only hope we have. As for being alone, remember that there is strength in numbers. If you are are a part of this community, you have good, strong, caring neighbors who, coincidentally, are all on the same page!!!

God bless all, and peace, love and kindness to you all.

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Old 09-07-2008, 12:37 AM   #24
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Hello everyone. This is my first post. This is awesome. Thank you Bill and Kerry! It's interesting that September 8th is a date of possible significance. It just happens to be the 251st (2+5+1=8) day of year. Afterall eight is the number that's ushering in the NWO. Monday may be interesting indeed.
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Old 09-07-2008, 12:47 AM   #25
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I'm torn about Ron Paul and Barrack Obama. Many people say Obama has the positive forces on his side and looking over him, and is not controlled by the negative forces like The Illuminati and Bilderbergs. Based on seeing both Democratic and Republican conventions, I think Obama's speech was more powerful than McCain's (which McCain tried to echo Obama's but didn't do as well in my view). And with Ron Paul wanting to completely get rid of the Federal Reserve and the IRS, and reformatting the way government works, I'd vote for him. If both Barrack and Ron ran together under the same ticket, this country would have a heart attack. So I'm back and forth.
Bill "the Doctor"
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