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Old 10-24-2008, 04:22 AM   #126
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Default Re: Quebec/Montreal survival community

Hi Olam,
Glad to read you woke up...Nice testimony!It is a fact that many people here are **** scared and i think this is legitimate due to the kind of info we seek/find on those kind of forum.I know i feeded my spirit whith fear scenario and even worst i realise i helped spread the fear to people that were living quietly ignoring the nibiru rumors or the mayan calendar speculations or other conspy theories...i m so guilty.
To my defense i must say that since childhood i deeply feel something is gonna happen that will radicaly change our world as we know it.So for me it was normal to warn loved ones.Now i let people be...

I found a way to beat the fear ,its easy...if you fear a cataclism then simply be prepare to the best of your knowledge,once your prepared your fear will vanish.

If you seek for fear...fear you gonna find!
You seek for love? love your gonna find!

Love and peace to you all

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Old 10-24-2008, 01:02 PM   #127
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Default Re: Quebec/Montreal survival community

Hi Olam, I agree with the direction you are taking.

I had already downloaded the info on Krishnamurti from St. Clair's forum and plan to purchase his latest book. I have been reading and rereading the Wingmakers' site for the last two years. Some people seem to flow in this direction naturally ie my husband. He agrees with all of this but goes on with his life unconcerned and impeccably as possible. I, on the other hand, must constantly watch that I don't give in to fear. I was told once that I must "flex my courage" but that I was courageous. Well that at least was a good start!

I have learned over the past few years to trust my intuition and go within to find answers. That helps me sift thru all the different kinds of info we are
encountering lately.

As I mentioned once before on this thread, because of our volunteer work, family and age, I don't believe we will move anywhere unless forced to by circumstances. We plan to stay put and do whatever we can within our own small world.

Most of our friends and relatives are unfamiliar with our view of reality. That's why this forum is so important to me.
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Old 10-26-2008, 03:28 PM   #128
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Default Some encouraging news

Hy everybody, I'm posting some encouraging news transmitted by Mark Kimmel from Cosmic Paradigm:www.cosmicparadigm.com

I send you all love light and grace from the sacred cave and cristal mountain.

-- --------------------

In his first communication, posted on 9-25-08, Justine from the star system Altair, talked about the pyramid structure of our current civilization, a structure based on wealth and power, and how fear controls this structure. He also pointed out that puppet masters, beings who are not indigenous to this planet, have enslaved us, and have placed their kind in positions of power.

On 9-27-08, Justine described himself as an embodied spirit, and pointed out other similarities to Earth humans. He went on to describe his beautiful planet, Supsten, as one with an advanced civilization, a civilization we can look forward to in our future. His planet was also enslaved by the dark energy, but not as completely as is Earth; his people overthrew it. His people are bringing energy crystals to earth to help us during our time of transition and to show his peaceful intent.

Justine returned on 9-28-08 with comments about when we might see craft from another planet and that it was a very complicated process to organize such a massive effort. Personal choice will result in a bifurcation of Earth humans with the majority choosing to remain in 3rd dimension existence rather than reaching out for new ways of being. Finally he said that now was the time of our transition.

On 9-30-08, Justine commented on the situation with the economy, and more importantly what was going on behind the headlines. Many wealthy and powerful people are pawns in the hands of agents of the dark energy. Light energy is coming to humanity from many sources, including the vast armada of starships huddled about our planet. These are extraordinary times that will result in a transformation of Earth.

In a brief commentary on 10-1-08, Justine commented on the value of the great diversity of Earth, and that a revitalized Earth will retain much of it. He called for us humans to transmit our unique vision of a new Earth.

On 10-2-08, Brenton from the Andromedan star system communicated on human origins on this planet. Our primitive ancestors, one race of whom came from Andromeda, were highly conscious; they believed in God. In time their memory of who they were and where they had come from diminished.

Brenton returned on 10-4-08 to tell us that our moon is an artificial structure, placed here to control the planet and her people. He discussed removing the moon and correcting the tilt of Earth’s axis. This will cause changes in weather and other energies, but result in a temperate climate for the planet. This gigantic effort requires cooperation among many star civilizations and celestials.

On 10-7-08, I was surprised to hear from Flavius, an earlier incarnation of my cumulative oversoul from the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine. He described growing up in a wealthy household and his career in the Roman army. His main purpose in communicating was to describe how Constantine’s decree that Christianity become the state religion had affected him and other traditional Romans. One interesting aspect of this was the treatment of homosexuality and how the bishops used it to get a lever over the army.

Brenton returned on 10-15-08 to tell us that everything is energy, that our physical reality is just a lower density, and that we, and everything on our planet, are holograms of one kind or another. Energy shifts are affecting our physical bodies, and dismantling the institutions created by mankind. He advised us to store what we need to care for ourselves for this, the time of our transition. The initial results of the transition will not be existence at a dramatically higher frequency.

On 10-17-08 Justine returned to explain that capitalism, as we know it, is collapsing. We will experience it most immediately with the collapse of fiat currencies. Capitalism, in league with fossil fuels, created the population explosion of the last sixty years. Capitalism will be replaced by an economic system amenable to humanity. Not everyone will welcome this transformation. Acquiring precious metals is a good strategy for the interim time. He reiterated that he and our other brothers and sisters were here to assist.

Unexpectedly, on 10-19-08 Earth asked to communicate, telling us of her origins and her future. Humans were brought to this planet, as were animals and plants. It was a paradise for humans, animals, and plants before the dark energy descended upon her. Hosting the darkness, with its fear-based enslavement, was a role she had agreed to play, until it was her time to return to a lighter density. Sixty years ago she cried out that she had experienced enough of the fear; many from other star systems came to assist her release. She talked about how the pending pole shift, the removal of the moon, and the withdrawal of the dark energy would herald a return to her former beauty, and create a paradise for her human inhabitants.

Second, these messages will make more sense if you have read the third book of the Paradigm Trilogy: “One: Toward a Civilization of Light.” It is available at: http://www.cosmicparadigm.com/About_..._Of_Light.html It will be available at Amazon and other bookstores in the near future.
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Old 10-27-2008, 08:11 AM   #129
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Default Re: Quebec/Montreal survival community

Bonjour a tous ! J'ai quitté Montreal il y a quelques mois pour Sherbrooke. Je resent le besoin urgent d'enligner mes flutes vers un futur sécurisé (Espérer le meilleur & se préparer au pire !)

Mon allié & meilleur ami ma réveillé en 2005.
Le systeme de brainwash occidental na jamais réussi a me transformer en mouton & ce depuis ma naissance, mais j'ai du payer le prix plusieurs fois en étant dans des classes spéciale pour hyper-actif bourré de Ritalin, des centres de réadaptation pour adolescents non-conformistes.

Bref je suis pret a tout, mais je manque de préparation face au facteurs climatiques Nord Américain, j'ai des amis Algonquin dans le Parc de la Vérendrye mais mon choix optimal est l'Amérique du Sud.

Je n'ais pas encore vue des personnes de Sherbrooke sur le forum, mais ce n'est pas grave depuis cet été je suis sur le mode ''Nomad'' & franchement Sherbrooke l'aisse a désirer, malgré le fait que c'est la ville avec les citoyens les plus acceuillant que j'ai vu dans ma vie(Peut être que j'ai habité pendant trop longtemps a Montreal !).

Si j'ai la chance de pouvoir monter a Montreal pour un meet-up, je pourrais peut être au début du mois prochain, a la prochaine !

(By the way i preffer to speak french in that thread, but i speak both languages)

I recognise the God that is within . . . . . . .
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Old 11-04-2008, 06:42 PM   #130
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Default Re: Quebec/Montreal survival community

hello bonjour, Im really excited to have found this forum, Im not really into forums but i think that this one can be a good tool to communicate important information and to make contact with people who are ready to go to the next level.

For me everything started when i was 5 years old , i lived in Santiago Chile in the 80's and thats when i saw a UFO right above my head. I don't remember anything else but my parents say that i arrived at home crying . The day after in the news everyone was talking about UFO sightings , that's when i started to understand . I've never seen an ET and the UFO that i saw could have been man made so that's why Im into all the disclosure issue.

Now i live in Montreal and Im tired of the mass manipulation that we have to live through , Im tired of feeling the negativity surrounding our societies . We need to help the others and ourselves see far away our planet and our universe and everything starts within each one of us . We are at a breaking point in Earth history , we are the solution , we have the spirit , we have the technologies , we're no longer babies , It's time to be one with our biosphere , we are the guardians and they know that we could be much more.

Can't wait for the next MTL ground crew meeting and meet all you wonderful
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Old 11-05-2008, 02:11 AM   #131
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Default 2 UFO SIGHTING in Montreal - from Astraelia

SIGHTING of 2 UFOs IN MONTREAL / from Astraelia

Tuesday 4 nov 2008around 6.30pm.

I was outside in this beautifull indian summer night, looking at the sky.
I was sending telepathic waves to our brothers and sisters the beloved Celestrials that are in mission around the Earth in the invisible spectrum.
I was asking if I should go to the sacred site tomorrow for 2 days as I was planning, and I was asking if there was any plans from their part to further contact evolution at the sacred site.

Then I notice what seem to be 2 very bright stars appear in front of my eyes where I was gazing. There was very few other stars in the sky at that early time of the evening. They were not blinking like planes, they were in a diagonal formation an angle like when the time on a watch is at 11 oclock, I was strongly attracted to them and it seemed to me they where moving, moving together like locked on at the same distance & speed in a cluster moving in the same direction. I found a tree top to use as a fix point to be sure that they were moving and yes, affirmative they were.

So at that point it was clear it was classic UFO shamanic language if I can express myself in this manner. Clear for the initiate, invisible for the non initiate. Than after the moment I realised this was a genuine UFO sighting and in answer to my request, then with discretion, the 2 UFO started to progressively fade into the invisible spectrum mode together. Saying that will be all for tonight, it is tomorrow and the next 2 days now that will be the next step. I than knew it was their answer... YES I should go, they will be there in heart or in sight but they will be there and I will be their shaman to celebrate together with them, in brotherhood, joy, spirit and hope.

I then went in my room were the spherical stone is at the feet of the Flame of Stone I also found at the site after having looked for it for years knowing I would find it one day.

I then put the medieval music the Hymn to ste-Cecilia from Pursell, and with the sacred stone over my heart chakras I started to sing and do a sacred ceremony in spirit with the Celestrials and all the sacred world of Light that all initiates in all Ages, in all Times have seen and known. It was the most powerfull heavenly and lightfull moment and concert, I really felt fully connected to them, I was healed by this connection, inspired, one with all that is. I felt the awesome power of the sacred stone, This is one more of it's great powers it is revealing. The power to unite the sacred dimension of the Celestrials with our dimension and make us all become One. It is a portal stone, that has the power to open a spiritual sacred dimensionnal doorway.This was one of the most beautifull moment of my life. An unexpressible communion. We are blessed my friends, more than we have ever known. more than we ever hoped or wished for, we are ... believe it. Great things are in the making, it has been shown to me and to many initiates. The powers of above are coming back to Earth. It is time that we play the role we have been sent here for, within ourself first and foremost. And also within the circle of initiates that we are.

-- -----------
When I was at the site, when I arrived the 2 eagles of the Matawini mountain came see me and called so I would notice them. After I rested in the evening after a day at the sacred cave, I saw one pulsating light in the sky, and it was not moving, it kept pulsating steadily at the same position for around 7 minutes. So they were at the rendez-vous.

I have also received a email from someone in montreal that saw the same 2 UFO over montreal at the same time I saw them around 6 30 pm and saw them fade out together.

While I was at the site I also saw something I never saw before, 3 huge meteors in the same trajectory within 5 minutes almost visually an inch wide compare to a hairline width normal meteors are. I do not know if it was natural or of extraterrestrial origin, but they were huge and autoluminescent.


There is more about this UFO sighting than I thought. I have found on a internet forum that this exact sighting configuration has been seen in many different countries and at different dates all over the world. The exact same configuration I saw. Two UFO in diagonal that appear like 2 very bright stars, non pulsating, that moves in unisson and than progressively fade out in the invisible spectrum.
It seems to be a message that there will be soon the revelation of the Celestrials presence for all to see, and this in order to end the statu guo paradigm of silence and denial about their presence.

The angle of the diagonal of the 2 UFO is the angle of the 11 th hour of the clock. Again, like the previous mass sighting of the countdown clock of 2012 I saw this summer that was similar to a sighting of Miriam Delicado, there seems to be this message of the final hour draws close, prepare...

You can read these exchanges between people of different countries on this diagonal 2 UFO internationnal sightings at:



2 recent developments:

- The great indian chief and chaman, 95 years old Elder William Commanda of Maniwaki came to the Sacred Cave with his wife to do a sacred spiritual ceremony and give transmission of his blessings to me. It was the most magical moment, the sacred cave was awaithing him, I never saw the cave so beautifull it was like a heavenly emanation. The Eagle came to see him during the pipe ceremony of Cammanda and a Blue Jay came sing with me and my chamanic drum.

- Matawini Sacred Site of Astraelia Web Site: I have finally a web site. You can now see many of the recent photografs of the new discoveries.


- I will soon make an invitation for a meeting at my home and we will also go do a group meditation in the pine tree circle where the Blue Katchina crop circle appeared.

Bliss Love and Light to everyone


Last edited by astraelia; 12-06-2008 at 07:58 PM.
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Old 11-20-2008, 07:50 PM   #132
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: 2 UFO SIGHTING in Montreal - from Astraelia

Originally Posted by astraelia View Post
Tuesday 4 nov 2008around 6.30pm.

I was outside in this beautifull indian summer night, looking at the sky.
I was sending telepathic waves to our brothers and sisters the beloved Celestrials that are in mission around the Earth in the invisible spectrum.
I was asking if I should go to the sacred site tomorrow for 2 days as I was planning, and I was asking if there was any plans from their part to further contact evolution at the sacred site.

Then I notice what seem to be 2 very bright stars appear in front of my eyes where I was gazing. There was very few other stars in the sky at that early time of the evening. They were not blinking like planes, they were in a diagonal formation an angle like when the time on a watch is at 11 oclock, I was strongly attracted to them and it seemed to me they where moving, moving together like locked on at the same distance & speed in a cluster moving in the same direction. I found a tree top to use as a fix point to be sure that they were moving and yes, affirmative they were.

So at that point it was clear it was classic UFO shamanic language if I can express myself in this manner. Clear for the initiate, invisible for the non initiate. Than after the moment I realised this was a genuine UFO sighting and in answer to my request, then with discretion, the 2 UFO started to progressively fade into the invisible spectrum mode together. Saying that will be all for tonight, it is tomorrow and the next 2 days now that will be the next step. I than knew it was their answer... YES I should go, they will be there in heart or in sight but they will be there and I will be their shaman to celebrate together with them, in joy, spirit and hope for all the childs of Light.

I then went in my room were the spherical stone is at the feet of the Flame of Stone I also found at the site after having looked for it for years knowing I would find it one day.

I then put the divine mystical medieval music the Hymn to ste-Cecilia from Pursell, and with the sacred stone in my hands, over my heart chakras I started to sing to the night wind and do a sacred ceremony in spirit with the Celestrials and all the sacred world of Light we are living in and that more and more are discovering in the inner sacredness of their heart. It was the most powerfull heavenly and lightfull moment and concert, I really felt fully connected to them, I was healed by this connection, inspired, one with all that is. I understand more my role as a musician, mystical and celestrial initiated person. This is the dimension I was send to play my role, at least this is one of them it is clear to me now.

I will go tomorrow and do another ceremony with the Celestrials at the cristal altar I discovered this summer of 2008. This summer I made a great discovery, I discovered that the whole sacred cave and mountain are in cristal. And there are rivers of cristal obelisques and pyramids.

I will also go at the new site I discovered that is crowned with a huge 8 feet long UFO shaped stone. It is another sign that indeed this megalithic sacred site of Matawini is of celestrial origin and that my coming back here as the second incarnation of the Matawini Shaman that centuries ago had previously left for me to discover the sacred stone & the UFO stone message on the rock dome altar, this sacred site is beyond doubt deeply involved with a mission that is related to the Celestrials.

So I am leaving tomorrow morning and will bring the spherical Celestrial Stone with me.

When I was at the site, when I arrived the 2 eagles of the Matawini mountain came see me and called so I would notice them. After I rested in the evening after a day at the sacred cave, I saw one pulsating light in the sky, and it was not moving, it kept pulsating steadily at the same position for around 7 minutes. So they were at the rendez-vous.

I have also received a email from someone in montreal that saw the same 2 UFO over montreal at the same time I saw them around 6 30 pm and saw them fade out together.

While I was at the site I also saw something I never saw before, 3 huge meteors in the same trajectory within 5 minutes almost visually an inch wide compare to a hairline width normal meteors are. I do not know if it was natural or of extraterrestrial origin, but they were huge and autoluminescent.


There is more about this UFO sighting than I thought. I have found on a internet forum that this exact sighting configuration has been seen in many different countries and at different dates all over the world. The exact same configuration I saw. Two UFO in diagonal that appear like 2 very bright stars, non pulsating, that moves in unisson and than progressively fade out in the invisible spectrum.
It seems to be a message that there will be soon the revelation of the Celestrials presence for all to see, and this in order to end the statu guo paradigm of silence and denial about their presence.

The angle of the diagonal of the 2 UFO is the angle of the 11 th hour of the clock. Again, like the previous mass sighting of the countdown clock of 2012 I saw this summer that was similar to a sighting of Miriam Delicado, there seems to be this message of the final hour draws close, prepare...

You can read these exchanges between people of different countries on this diagonal 2 UFO internationnal sightings at:



2 recent developments:

- The great indian chief and chaman, 95 years old Elder William Commanda of Maniwaki came to the Sacred Cave with his wife to do a sacred spiritual ceremony and give transmission of his blessings to me. It was the most magical moment, the sacred cave was awaithing him, I never saw the cave so beautifull it was like a heavenly emanation. The Eagle came to see him during the pipe ceremony of Cammanda and a Blue Jay came sing with me and my chamanic drum.

- Matawini Sacred Site of Astraelia Web Site: I have finally a web site. You can now see many of the recent photografs of the new discoveries.


- I will soon make an invitation for a meeting at my home and we will also go do a group meditation in the pine tree circle where the Blue Katchina crop circle appeared.

Bliss Love and Light to everyone

Namasté to all,

Happy to see all of you re-acting to what futur may manifeste.
Je suis de la région de Montréal, de langue francaise. But I can communicate in english. Been fallowing Projet Camelot from the beginning and love the way they leave the door open always for change and new development. I am one of those who believe that I will be at the right place at the right time...for what ever is coming are way. Had experience with UFO's , as long as I can remember always know...that life is much more then what I deal for..and bargenning for a better deal now! I am working on my connection with my higherself... my feeling is that will soon be part of a intergalactical sociaty and discernement we have to develop on a personnal level. It is great to get prépared for time to come, I do, my own way. To create " une petite société autosuffisante et autonome" is the way for a better world I believe.
I am not sure what I can bring in it yet. I'm just happy to see that you do act on it. Like many of you I am quiet anxious to see in are little yard some concret developement. May are faith in a better world keep us going no matter what so we can make the difference we work so hard for.
p.s. hope my english is ok.
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Old 11-22-2008, 10:20 PM   #133
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Default CELESTRIALS annonce their coming open revelation


A beautifull message that arrived the day of my birthday,
I could not have a more encouraging & uplifting gift.
May I share it with you, in hope & brotherhood.



Thursday, November 20, 2008

We are coming

The following communication was provided on 11/19/08 and on 11/20/08.

From an ambassador from Andromeda

The appearance of our great starships will be a shock to almost everyone on your planet. It will be a first time for most people to see a fully materialized ship from another planet. Heretofore, many appearances have been holographic images transmitted from our ships in orbit. Our arrival will cause many changes to your previously held beliefs.

Our current plan is to make appearances in a number of locations simultaneously. This will heighten the value of our debut. As we have stated many of your systems and institutions will be shocked by our arrival. Many people will continue to deny the reality of what they see with their own eyes; many will fear. So this will not be a momentary appearance and then we depart; no, we will stay awhile.

There will be some interchange of communications from our ships to you via your radio and television. We will also be transmitting telepathically. The basic message will be as follows:

We are here at the request of many of this planet. We come in peace. We do not wish to overwhelm you, or to be treated as superior. Only our technology sets us apart from you.

This is the end of an era for the people of this planet. The darkness that has overwhelmed you for many thousands of years is lifted. You may now see yourselves as the beautiful beings whom you are. You are our sisters and brothers. Welcome back into the family.

We would like to help you correct your presence on this planet, so that you will no longer assault Earth. We wish to help you live at peace with each other and with your home.

To that end, we will help you develop technology that will enable you to do this. Also we are making certain adjustments to the planet to return her full function to her. She is a beautiful sphere that has been chained these many years.

There will be a period of transition to the new. We will work to minimize its impact on all of you. Please join with us in a spirit of friendship and mutual assistance.

This is a preview of the message you will receive when we make our appearance. Please broadcast it so that many will know.

Conditions on your planet are quite fragile, much more than you are being led to believe. Your economy and governments are stressed. Your environment is stretched to the limit. You are unable to continue on this path. Major changes will be required. Are you ready to undertake these changes? Are you ready to step up to become citizens of the cosmos? Are you ready to fulfill your destiny?

The most obvious group who will be forced to openly recognize our existence is your military. They will come to see that they have no place in peaceful interaction between civilizations from different planets. Sophisticated weapons of your military were designed with the assistance of those who came here under the guidance of the dark energy. We wish them to be turned off before we make our appearance so that there will be no injuries to those on your planet or to our ships.

Next will be governments, who will be forced to admit that they are part of a larger whole. They will send emissaries to meet with us, to speak for the people, however our mission is to speak to the people directly; we will do that. Many will “hear” us speaking to them directly. All will be startled. Those who are awake will accept us as their brothers and sisters. Those who are less awake will be dismayed, but they too can see us as non-threatening, if they will change their perspective.

And, yes, many will fear us and reject us. Those who cling to old religious notions will fear us the most. Religious leaders can do much to ease the fears of those who look up to them. Will they do that? We will see.

Scientists will change their views of what is possible and what is not. Some of their physics will be outdated. Again, some will resist. We anticipate that most will eagerly accept.

Those who deal with the environment will see us as a way to cleanse the Earth. That we will do, as well as changing attitudes about your planet. Many of our transmissions will be made to help people to understand Earth as a living organism.

All institutions set up by the agents of the dark energy will be impacted. We will not impose our ways on you; only show you at there are other ways. Showing ourselves will assist you to rethink your priorities.

We come here not to destroy Earth or her people, rather we wish to jolt humankind with the realization that there is more to living than leading a self-centered life. Those who are caught up in that mode will fail to accept us.

Your methods of transportation will be seen as outmoded. This will lead to demands for radical change. We will show you the way; you must implement it for yourselves.

Communications will be altered as you see that you can communicate without the need for electronics. This will change the shape of your telecommunications.

We have previously spoken of the energy sources that we have installed. These will ease your burden during this time of transition.

Yes, the impact of our showing ourselves in this density will be overwhelming, particularly to those who cling to the old ways. This may produce a few weeks of painful adjustment. Be prepared for dislocations of the conventional.

It is only after we make ourselves know that we will make certain adjustments to your planet. We have previously spoken of these. These too will cause some temporary adaptations. Be prepared and help those who do not yet understand. Earth is returning to her pristine, beautiful state. Humankind is returning to its state before the dark energy invaded your planet and modified you. Some will be see this as ascension; in reality it is a returning and new grounding. From there you will advance to be a planet of the cosmos.

All facets of your current context will be affected. Look to each other in preparation for our time of arrival. Examine for yourself how it would change your life. Do a little homework in anticipation of our arrival. Discuss it with others.

I am the God of this universe. The words of Bren-Ton are my words to you. You are me; I am you. You are my creatures, but at the same time we are one. You are all of me. Now is the time when your sisters and brothers will make their appearance. Welcome them.

You too may have lived on other planets than Earth. Recall those experiences now to assist the transformation of this planet. Recall your training for this moment.

Those of you who read these words will resonate with them in a particular fashion. They will trigger within you something long buried. Be open to that new urging, those new insights. Come from a place of love for your sisters and brothers and for your planet Earth. I am the God of this universe; I welcome you to the fullness of your being.

Whew, I am overwhelmed. Thank you, God. Thank you Bren-Ton.

In Truth, Love and Joy,



Last edited by astraelia; 12-06-2008 at 06:17 AM.
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Old 12-06-2008, 08:44 PM   #134
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-- -------------- CANCELLED -----------------------
from Astraelia

I had many e-mails of people who would come
but could not because they were to busy
with the nearing Christmass time.

Last edited by astraelia; 12-09-2008 at 11:43 PM.
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Old 12-07-2008, 06:40 PM   #135
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Default LE TUNNEL OBSCUR DU TAO- de Astraelia


Il existe un tunnel obscur dans la Lumière infinie.
On l'appelle "temps"
Lorsqu'un humain entre dans ce tunnel,
On appelle cela "naître".
Lorsqu'un humain marche au long de ce tunnel,
On appelle cela "vivre"
Lorsqu'un humain sort de ce tunnel,
On appelle cela "mourir"
Considérer que vivre se réduit à évoluer au long de ce tunnel obscur,
Cela s'appelle "illusion"
Percer des trous dans ce tunnel obscur,
Cela s'appelle "science".
Savoir que la Lumière est autour du tunnel,
Cela s'appelle "Foi".
Voir la Lumière dans le tunnel obscur,
Cela s'appelle "Amour"
Voir la Lumière à travers le Tunnel obscur,
Cela s'appelle "sagesse".
Eclairer le tunnel obscur de sa propre Lumière,
Cela s'appelle "illumination"
Confondre la Lumière et le tunnel obscur,
Cela est au delà des mots.

Texte Taoiste
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Old 12-08-2008, 03:09 AM   #136
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Default Re: Quebec/Montreal survival community

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Old 12-10-2008, 05:08 PM   #137
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Quebec/Montreal survival community

let us all know, when the next meeting is

the eXchanger
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Old 02-13-2009, 04:08 AM   #138
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Default Re: Quebec/Montreal survival community

Hi, just wondering if people in Quebec/Montreal are still here?
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Old 01-21-2010, 11:00 PM   #139
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Default Re: Quebec/Montreal survival community

Hi Montrealers!

I just joined the Project Avalon site. and to my surprise ..came across this sub group...

GREAT!!.. so . anyway I am willing to communicate with anyone who is serious and interested in planning something in the near future . I live near metro Henri Bourassa

if anyone is willing to get anything going please feel free to email me at { raven6210@hotmail.com } ..merci! thanx!..

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Old 01-24-2010, 12:04 AM   #140
Cosmic Dancer
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Default Re: Quebec/Montreal survival community

Hi M45 and Ravencalls!

I just wanted to let you know that there are many from the Montreal area that are presently active at this time. Some of us are also on this forum.

We have a Radiant Zone meeting coming up on Feb. 7, 2010 by the Rainbow Community Group in Montreal. See the link here:


If you'd like more information on the meeting or would like to just connect with other like-minded Montrealers, feel free to join us or contact me by PM.

Much Peace and Love !
-- Cosmic Dancer
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