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Old 09-29-2009, 12:57 AM   #151
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Well Glory be..... I just watched this lady called Miriam, one of the Camelot interviews. It was posted last month and she had a message. That's weird........how can that be? It was a healthy message but that is my opinion. Has anyone here in this thread seen it? I concur. Sounds like good advice.


OH,OH, lookey there. The new sig looks good on you Anchor! That's pretty coool. Wear it well!


Last edited by Lionhawk; 09-29-2009 at 01:09 AM.
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Old 09-29-2009, 01:02 AM   #152
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

So I was sitting here thinking, wow holy f--king s--t I can't believe that actually worked. Let me try that again sitting in the same spot. For a frame of reference I am sitting on the back deck of my fathers house in Charlotte N.C. Again for these pics I could see nothing before the flash went off. However, this time I watched the sky while the flash was going off and I could see the what ever they are light up at the same time and duration as the flash. I encourage others to try this themselves and post up in this thread.

Here you go

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Old 09-29-2009, 01:11 AM   #153
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Tango View Post
Yes, I risk being banned for sounding the alarm. But, I've been
wounded before.
I was out of town for the day visiting family gathered from 5 locations. Now, I'm playing catch up.

No one will be banned for respectfully sounding the alarm. No one has been banned from here for a long time. Don't call names, don't make personal attacks, don't make statements that look like threats to those not familiar with your intent. Say what you need to say "With Respect". Kerry does not condone any kind of censorship, nor any kind of senseless banning. If you want to warn, warn! Ridicule is not respectful - no one deserves that. Each is on their own path. Some will resonate with Tone3jaguar, some with Tango, some with Lionhawk, some with MyPlanet2 or Anchor. Some with parts of what several have to share.

Please stop bashing each other with the ridicule stick. I know each and every one of you is capable of respectful disagreement, some have just exercised that muscle more than others. Some have been wounded in ways you can barely imagine. Yes, some show more ego than others - do you have to shout it in their face every time they poke their head up to share?
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Old 09-29-2009, 02:41 AM   #154
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

This thread has taken off - so much to catch up on

Myplanet2 made reference to a split "whether to stand up and engage, or whether to walk away from polarity and choose non judgement, unconditional love, and unity"

Interesting comment and mostly true, however unconditional love does not exist in the 3rd Dimension, you may attempt to hold a high frequency but unconditional love is a 5th+ Dimensional state of consciousness, this where I believe a fundamental issue is with people seeking the unconditional love frequency.

To completely raise your resonance or frequency you must pass the Shadow Self(dark side), you cannot pass it using ignorance of the Shadow Self and its existence, the problem I see are people just blocking out all the bad things creating a bubble, self imposed blockage or protective shield mechanism from the Shadow and by doing so creates denial to its existence. I notice so many people portray an artificial resonance without strong foundation and this I feel is where we must think about carefully as without this understanding we may never reach our goal. E.g. You talk to someone who is happy with themselves, joyous and in a fantastic mood, and if someone were to mention something negative(oh the market is going to collapse watch its only a matter of time) they cant handle the thought of the information, they resort to attacking the messenger sometimes showing a side that they themselves didn't even know about.

Those who understand and know of the shadow self and its part have the greatest opportunity in respecting its place and thus further understanding how unconditional love can be attained as once you reach unconditional love you no longer are in the 3D realm.

So being in love and light is a conscious choice of being but at the same time understanding the dark and shadow side and its roll is as equally important.

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Old 09-29-2009, 03:04 AM   #155
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That was a cool run down. Different but very much an important truth. Let me read that again. Absolutely! The template of duality is what operates here in this world. Which makes love conditional. Now pushing unconditional love into the fifth is very close as to what I have experienced. In the sense that the Angelic realm resides in the upper part of the fourth and unconditional love resides there as well. But for the purposes of the 5th, one must go there to be able to experience that. Well said! Also the statement I hear all the time is that the ego is a bad thing and shouldn't be able to participate in the journey. That will only cause more separation within you if you exercise that. Your ego can be a healthy ego and it is a part of who you are. Take it out of you and you will have a dull and boring existence. It puts some gratitude emotionally back into you. If it is healthy and balanced, it will also make things just go better. If you deny it you are deny a part of yourself. If you embrace it as a part of who you are, then you will have a better sense within you. Any denial of self is a blockage.

Balance is always key!

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Old 09-29-2009, 03:08 AM   #156
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
So I was sitting here thinking, wow holy f--king s--t I can't believe that actually worked.
Tone3, We have the cuss word filter on for a reason. I don't mind the occasional bypass, but please cease, you are going way overboard with it.

Thank you,
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Old 09-29-2009, 03:35 AM   #157
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Makes sense. An attachment holds condition, staying in the shadows.
Light in the shadows=freedom to rise to our dimensions...enlightenment.

I agree. Denial of self is a blockage, and so we cannot see Self. Ego's
great- we just need to see it for what it is. Balance is crucial, as you
say, and acceptance. Balance is an interesting subject, because much
of the population on the planet would say that we here are pretty unbalanced
and belong in the looney bin. It's a rather fun little secret...

Love Always,
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Old 09-29-2009, 03:43 AM   #158
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Someone also mentioned that when the ETs look down on the Planet, they see a bunch of mad bees. Alex Collier maybe?

Thanks Bushy Cat! Love your energy!
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Old 09-29-2009, 03:52 AM   #159
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Thanks, Lionhawk.
Well, maybe see mad bees swarming planet, and compassionate ET's understand,
and also see balance where there is balance...

Last edited by bushycat; 09-29-2009 at 07:26 AM.
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Old 09-29-2009, 04:03 AM   #160
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Barcarolle View Post
This thread has taken off - so much to catch up on

Myplanet2 made reference to a split "whether to stand up and engage, or whether to walk away from polarity and choose non judgement, unconditional love, and unity"

Interesting comment and mostly true, however unconditional love does not exist in the 3rd Dimension, you may attempt to hold a high frequency but unconditional love is a 5th+ Dimensional state of consciousness, this where I believe a fundamental issue is with people seeking the unconditional love frequency.

To completely raise your resonance or frequency you must pass the Shadow Self(dark side), you cannot pass it using ignorance of the Shadow Self and its existence, the problem I see are people just blocking out all the bad things creating a bubble, self imposed blockage or protective shield mechanism from the Shadow and by doing so creates denial to its existence. I notice so many people portray an artificial resonance without strong foundation and this I feel is where we must think about carefully as without this understanding we may never reach our goal. E.g. You talk to someone who is happy with themselves, joyous and in a fantastic mood, and if someone were to mention something negative(oh the market is going to collapse watch its only a matter of time) they cant handle the thought of the information, they resort to attacking the messenger sometimes showing a side that they themselves didn't even know about.

Those who understand and know of the shadow self and its part have the greatest opportunity in respecting its place and thus further understanding how unconditional love can be attained as once you reach unconditional love you no longer are in the 3D realm.

So being in love and light is a conscious choice of being but at the same time understanding the dark and shadow side and its roll is as equally important.

It's not easy to know whether you are using the same terms with the same definitions as others, so I refrain from disagreeing until it's clear. I think I see where you point, so let me elucidate a bit.

If it's true that Paradox in 4D means something different than it does in 3D, then the door is open to consider that things are changing at a basic level. The only person I've heard define paradox as a 4D construct was Jim self, who said that it means "what was true before may not be true now, and what was untrue before, may be true now." The net result would be choice, under that definition.

I'm not certain that unconditional love is unavailable in 3D, but I tend to agree. But that doesn't mean that will remain true. I can see a scenario where this could be. I've heard a few teachers mention that we're on uncharted territory right now in this shift, and that it may not be entirely accurate to think that we are going anywhere in this shift. The possibility has been suggested that we are bringing the higher dimensions here where we are. bringing heaven to earth, as another way of putting it.

Although it's not yet real to me, it makes some sense, or at least is worth considering.

I hesitate to concur that the shadow self must be passed before the frequency can be raised to 5D consciousness level. perhaps I don't know what you mean by that. I think it's plain that anyone who is oblivious of their dark side is going nowhere beyond 3D, because it would mean most of their work is before them. All the dark aspects of all the polarities have to be reintegrated and discharged before a truly higher frequency can be maintained for more than a short span. It's part of who we are. It's part of all that is, and as Bashar is fond of saying, "All that is, wouldn't be all that is, without all that is".

we split what we look at as polarity apart for contrast and context, and came to the densityville of 3D to fully experience that contrast.

So if you mean that this has to be repaired before stably climbing to the higher frequencies, approaching unconditional love, then I would agree with that notion.

What I'm seeing as I do my work and rise up, is that these dimensions are not discrete places, but that they are all available here and now, under the right circumstances. There is little 3d structure left for me now. I'm seeing a natural choice of 4D structures in my daily life, and I see myself consciously moving towards unconditional love, although I'm nowhere near yet. Just getting the first tastes. I don't know whether that means I'm making brief visits to 5D, or whether I'm bringing 5D tools to 3D.

Maybe the rules are changing. maybe as earth nears 4D, the new definition of paradox is becoming possible more broadly, and what was true a moment ago, is no longer true now. I'm staying flexible and open to this possibility.

having just spent some months examining my dark side, I can see why some would try to wall it off, but it can never work. Unless that too changes, and it can work.

Uncharted territory. we can make new rules.
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Old 09-29-2009, 04:09 AM   #161
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

I think the ET's look down at our planet and see a little of themselves in us. They where not always advanced spiritual beings. They went through this once upon a time just like we are. They probably just feel compassion for us.
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Old 09-29-2009, 04:19 AM   #162
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
I think the ET's look down at our planet and see a little of themselves in us. They where not always advanced spiritual beings. They went through this once upon a time just like we are. They probably just feel compassion for us.
I'll bet you're quite right on this. I'll bet also we fascinate them enormously. Pretty good show going on.
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Old 09-29-2009, 04:27 AM   #163
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I think unconditonal love can exist in 3D when we "stradle" dimensions, 3D-4D, etc., infrequently getting glimpses of 4D, fleeting, then back to 3D with some memory of it. One could say we're already in all dimensions, but I'm speaking of our experience. In uncharted territory we can make new rules, because it seems true that the paradox, due to the nature of Now, has to keep changing. It's the horizon we don't ever reach. We get to a point which was horizon, but now the sky's changed.
I'm staying flexible, too, and staying open to all possibilities (cannot conceive negative ones). It's so fabulous being on the crest of a wave...

Love Always,
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Old 09-29-2009, 08:32 AM   #164
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Took 3 hours but i finally caught up

I also agree with lionhawks reply about this not being a game, as mentioned my myplanet2.

This may have been a flippant remark but completely dangerous. if you honestly think this is a game then you have already given up.

Nearly all of the new age religions now preach slogans of giving your self to the lord, or giving up your power to another ect, i can see great danger in this as this also implys that someone will come to save us so dont worry or let someone else worry about it, its too difficult or who cares mentality.

All of these forms of conditioning are to prevent us from taking responsability and doing something for greater good for not only us but for everyone else, unfortunately so many people have the victim mentality conditioned in their being ........ the truth is we were not given a chance to know the truth for eons, and have been mind controled every step we have taken.

Here is a chance while we still have some freedoms left to act and make things difficult for these control freaks and give them something off their radar and AI super computers give them. If we move like sheep we are easily controled, but if we all scatter in all directions then things begin to work for us.

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Old 09-29-2009, 09:25 AM   #165
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
Tone3, We have the cuss word filter on for a reason. I don't mind the occasional bypass, but please cease, you are going way overboard with it. Karen
Hi Karen - On the issue of swearing, which I am also prone to do, I have to add here that swearing has medicinal properties. Normally, I'm very friendly out in public. But once I said 'W_T_F?!?' with a bank representative, and she blew back 4 feet in her wheely chair.

Bad language could be good for you, a new study shows. For the first time, psychologists have found that swearing may serve an important function in relieving pain.

The study, published today in the journal NeuroReport, measured how long college students could keep their hands immersed in cold water. During the chilly exercise, they could repeat an expletive of their choice or chant a neutral word. When swearing, the 67 student volunteers reported less pain and on average endured about 40 seconds longer.

T3G - I also swear when I'm blown back by certain experiences or perceptions - !

Last edited by no caste; 09-29-2009 at 09:41 AM.
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Old 09-29-2009, 12:18 PM   #166
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Ive got finger torrettes
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Old 09-29-2009, 12:27 PM   #167
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Next time try the phrase 'sacred coital dung'!
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Old 09-29-2009, 12:50 PM   #168
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
Someone also mentioned that when the ETs look down on the Planet, they see a bunch of mad bees. Alex Collier maybe?

Thanks Bushy Cat! Love your energy!
Hey, it's a lot harder in the 3rd dimension than it looks! Come on down here and try it for awhile...
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Old 09-29-2009, 02:13 PM   #169
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Barcarolle View Post
Took 3 hours but i finally caught up

I also agree with lionhawks reply about this not being a game, as mentioned my myplanet2.

This may have been a flippant remark but completely dangerous. if you honestly think this is a game then you have already given up.

Nearly all of the new age religions now preach slogans of giving your self to the lord, or giving up your power to another ect, i can see great danger in this as this also implys that someone will come to save us so dont worry or let someone else worry about it, its too difficult or who cares mentality.

All of these forms of conditioning are to prevent us from taking responsability and doing something for greater good for not only us but for everyone else, unfortunately so many people have the victim mentality conditioned in their being ........ the truth is we were not given a chance to know the truth for eons, and have been mind controled every step we have taken.

Here is a chance while we still have some freedoms left to act and make things difficult for these control freaks and give them something off their radar and AI super computers give them. If we move like sheep we are easily controled, but if we all scatter in all directions then things begin to work for us.

I was completely serious when I said this was a game. It's so obvious when looked at from outside. My wife yesterday recounted the story of an experience she had a few months back, where she was driving to the store and 3D flickered and winked out for a couple of seconds intermittently. Her 9th Dimensional Pleiadian guides told her she slipped through the "veil" to another dimension momentarily, and then put things back as they were. I've personally had the "hologram" waver and bend and twist, to where space was not uniform. These types of experience show things not to be as solid and rigid as they pretend to be.

I'm not sure how you are connecting dots here, because I don't interact with any new age religions, or even know what they are. The game here is extreme "highs and lows in polarity". So hell yeah, it can seem serious, but looked at from above, it's no more serious than stubbing the toe. War, death, pain, hatred, abuse, etc, at the end of the day, is no more serious than stubbing the toe. War is a stepped up football game, or chess game. Same thing only bigger and more extremes piled on.

No, there is no one to give ones responsibility and power to. Nobody in a position to receive such, would accept it. They know why we are here, and what we are here to do.

This isn't about giving up, or being a victim. Again, I don't know how you connect those things with likening what we are doing to a game.

What is not obvious from within this game, is that it has already been won. The game is over, and the contestants are still standing there on either side of the line in the sand saying "yeah???? What of it???? you want to go again????"

The idea of winners and losers or even gloating winners and sore losers, is only possible within the game. The game just needs exiting. just put down the football. It's over. We won. Walk away from the line, and so will the other "side". They are only still standing there glaring at you, because you are still standing there glaring at them.

Last edited by Myplanet2; 09-29-2009 at 02:18 PM.
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Old 09-29-2009, 03:05 PM   #170
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

MyPlanet2 -

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post
I was completely serious when I said this was a game. It's so obvious when looked at from outside.
This reminds me of a quote I read recently: There is a God! And he's a gag writer!

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post
What is not obvious from within this game, is that it has already been won. The game is over, and the contestants are still standing there on either side of the line in the sand saying "yeah???? What of it???? you want to go again????"
It's a game mirage IMO, to be played, in case it's not a mirage. All D's are equal, even 0 D, 1 D etc.

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post
It's over. We won. Walk away from the line, and so will the other "side". They are only still standing there glaring at you, because you are still standing there glaring at them.
I have the feeling that we (humanity) have all looped through this before. It's in our memory. And I guess that would be genetic memory. I just had a thought about what 'harmonic convergence' means, for me. I'm going to think about it for a bit.
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Old 09-29-2009, 04:35 PM   #171
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And the prize is your soul!
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Old 09-29-2009, 06:00 PM   #172
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Sarahmay View Post
Hey, it's a lot harder in the 3rd dimension than it looks! Come on down here and try it for awhile...

Sarahmay that is so true!!! Never put it together in that perspective...

Ya it must be nice to sit back and drive around all life in biological thought ships and travel through time and dimension...

Come here in 3d for awhile show us what you got! Easier on the other side of the fence to laugh and joke about this side of the fence isn't it!

Interesting perspective...
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Old 09-29-2009, 06:55 PM   #173
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Cool stuff 'Myplanet2' ... JC Penny- "It's all inside"
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Old 09-29-2009, 08:52 PM   #174
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
And the prize is your soul!
who would be stupid enough to offer their soul up as a prize? Nobody can touch your soul without your permission. I really don't know where you get your stuff from, but please post links so we know where not to go for info.
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Old 09-29-2009, 09:11 PM   #175
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Sorry dude as I am not a link junkie.
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