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Old 09-28-2009, 02:42 PM   #126
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Nailed it again
The worst predictions of those who say they "know" have nothing to do with Ultimate Reality.

Last edited by BROOK; 09-28-2009 at 04:50 PM.
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Old 09-28-2009, 03:28 PM   #127
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
We need to clean this mess up and restore what the Creators of this site had intended.
Mess??? Some of us like the thing you call a mess
You can't just walk into a forum and decide that it's wrong and not what you want it to be

Last edited by Swanny; 09-28-2009 at 03:38 PM.
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Old 09-28-2009, 03:37 PM   #128
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

"Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"

Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.

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Old 09-28-2009, 05:01 PM   #129
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Mess??? Some of us like the thing you call a mess
You can't just walk into a forum and decide that it's wrong and not what you want it to be
I have been here for a year now..and with the good comes the bad...It's all in what you allow yoursef to see.

I personally have run into blatant racism, follow me I'm the leader..and self proclaimed "indigos" that are in delusion....no indigo that I would perceive would say the things that they do..and have such a narrow vision.

I have also seen bright minds leave for these vary reasons...there was a young man here..brilliant..and he left due to racist mentality shown on the forum. He was more then uncomfortable with it.

So you see Swanny...there are those who love the group...the core group..and then there are those here who would disrupt it..and have been doing a very good job at it...keeping us from the truth..diverting the direction...I have seen it too..but choose not to buy into it..and that is what I believe Lionhawk is conveying here.
My opinon only for what small weight it's worth ...love you guys

Last edited by BROOK; 09-28-2009 at 05:06 PM.
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Old 09-28-2009, 05:42 PM   #130
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

LionHawk.(and everyone interested) Your recent post has prompted me to make a post I've been putting off for several weeks now, but since you've opened the can, I may as well pull some worms out of it and play with them a bit.

I'm seeing the bifurcation you've pointed to, but see it from a different angle (naturally )

I'm not saying you are, but I can't look at it as a game within a polarity. That is nearly impossible for me to use that point of view anymore. I still understand it, but don't function that way.

I've seen Many (more than 100) examples of people mentioning noticing just this thing. The splitting of humanity along the lines of "time to move on" and "we have a fight on our hands", with even more oblivious to most of what's happening (character acters - extras). I don't see many character actors or extras here on Avalon, except for the occasional "you people are all delusional, get a life..." types.

The game we are in the midst of, is playing on all levels simultaneously. The outcome will be determined by which level of play we focus our attention on. If we're here, now, doing what we are doing, we're all "in the game", and are playing on some level. On one end of the spectrum we have as the prize, going home to plug our brilliant facet of all that is, with it's broad range of experiences enjoyed from that specific perspective, unique to that facet, back into all that is, so that it may complete it's self exploration. On the other end of the spectrum, the prize might be finally defeating the forces of darkness, or further down, their minions, or further down, the patsies of their minions, or all the way down to as tiny as the lesson learned by burning ourselves with the magnifying glass we were tormenting an ant with. Or anything in between.

The split I'm seeing, is about whether to stand up and engage, or whether to walk away from polarity and choose non judgement, unconditional love, and unity.

for many, the decision is made. Some plan how to rule in their stead (thereby inviting the law of attraction to transform them into the "next bad thing"). Some see the solution to polarity as being the recognition that it's a rigged game, and you can never win a game like that unless it's by leaving it. choosing a solution from outside the games fixed parameters. And many sit on a fence or waffle from side to side. (or from side to no-side)

I'm going to attempt to describe my perspective/model of what this playing field is made up of. the difficulty is in it's being spread across so many levels, only 2 of which have the structure of "form" and only 1 of which has such palpable density and linear time.

Before all the duality was set in density, we chose to experience it in as great a contrast as possible, which necessarily entailed shutting off much of ourselves. We agreed to do that. We blocked knowledge of ourselves, and our relationship to the creator, so we could fully experience this duality from the perspective of contrast. total immersion. We chose our experiences and lived them in total immersion. we've been the best of the best, the holiest of the holy, the worst of the bad, the most dastardly of the evil. We've all done it all. Every single one of us, without exception, has done it all.

Some chose blind alleys to go down, and have not found their way back. They explored locking away the divine spark, as irretrievably as possible, and succeeded. annunaki are such a splinter. But they came from the same place we came from, and will eventually return, just as we now are. No sparks are lost. ever. Some roles have simply become habitual. Defined as something you repeatedly do that you are no longer aware you are repeatedly doing.

Those acting out the dark so we may experience the fullness of the light in complete appreciation, have payed, and will continue to pay, a heavy Karmic price, because none are truly and natively evil. It's just a role some have become lost in.

Fast forward, and we are at the very ending of this game. All has been done. All have been experienced. We're ready to go home and share all our wonderful experiences with All that is.

But all but a few, by ratio, still don't know who and what they truly are. It's being turned back on now, with the pair of waves bath us. The one that brings what we do need to return to who we truly are, and the one that washes away all of who we are not, but have believed ourselves to be, out of habit.

Who and what we truly are, is the key to unravelling this whole thing. That was the point all along. Could we hide who and what we are, immerse ourselves in the most outrageously dense experiences and play, and find our way back home? rediscover ourselves and bring the whole experience home.

Well, we've done it. The experience part. We've completed the exploration, and there is nothing left to do here. It's time to go home and return to our wholeness in love and light and complete harmony.

But what about those so immersed in who they are not, that they are having a difficult time discovering who they are? They will have to heal. The 09-09-09 crystal activation was about 2 things. providing us the drive and opportunity to rediscover our multidimensional nature, and healing. These beings holding the contrasting dark, need to heal. Not be beaten. To beat them, just gives us more healing to do ourselves. The contest is over. It was never about winning or losing. It was about "what would this be like"? It was about how low can I sink and yet find my way back into the light?

We need to peel ourselves away from the structures of conflict, contrast, never again, always, you should, you shouldn't, if you this, then I that, I don't want what you offer, why don't you want what I offer, I'm good-you're bad, I'm bad-you're good, that's unfair, why do you have more than I do, I'd like to be more like...., you're too much like, that reminds me of something I didn't like, I'm hurt, I regret hurting you, you're too out of control, you're too in control, you cause my lack, etc. The list could be extended to billions or trillions of items. It's everything we can experience as a harmonious whole, split into contrasting pairs. It's polarity, duality. It's what we came to master, and master it we did. But we've forgotten its just some play. We've forgotten we're immortal players. We've forgotten we carry All that is within us from one unique perspective, which is "I".

So what is this split you are perceiving at Avalon? I'll tell you what I see and from where I view. Since we are creator beings, we have certain abilities we can and do use all the time. We just say it wasn't us, so as not to break the illusion that we're small and able to be affected from without. but we are actually huge, and capable of anything we'd care to create. The real split I see is on either side of self awareness/acknowledgement. Some of us are embracing the shift back to what we are, while others are afraid of losing what they have invested in what we are not. We pretend not to create our mutual reality, and instead say this is the way it is, or it's predestined, or God did it, or it's the devil, or those bad people are doing this to me, or whatever.

Since our reality is created by ourselves, and no one else, some of us are creating a future where all harmony is restored because we say it is so, and some create a future where the idea of completing the contest is necessary in order to "win".

What I say, is that the game of "win" can never be "won". The game of win can only be abandoned, and declared complete.

Some are totally immersed in the sniffing out of past secrets, and hidden agendas, and machiavellian plotting, and "what does it all mean???", and that sort of thing.

And others have recognized rightly or wrongly that it's an endless loop unless one just steps out of it, and are searching for all the clues as to how we do that, and how we return to our natural wholeness of harmony, love, balance and light. And how to bring our beloved brothers and sisters with us, no matter what role they have chosen to play. No longer a competition, but a loving embrace. Non judgement. It's ok to wake up from the nightmare. compassion at all the time spent in the desolation of believing we were all alone, and not a part of the loving beauty we came from.

I think you can see which side of the fence I've landed on. (the side of no sides )

My advice to my Avalonian friends is find out it's ok and we don't need to struggle. The longer we hold struggle in place, the more struggle our future contains. It's so typical 3d to struggle against struggle. When you can just cease struggling. It takes two to fight. I saw fight club last night for the first time. the lead character's plight is a good metaphor for what the PTB would face if we stepped out of the conflict. Would they just fight with themselves? would they pretend they needed to chase us around in the hopes we would then embrace being chased around once again? Would the promote that we need to find our inner greedy *******? Probably all of that. And probably there would be some feints and jabs to get us to react to them. They'd kill a few (who were actually on another level of play volunteering to be killed. Yes that's how it is. Free choice is a given.) they'd lock some up, they'd vaccinate some, ruin some children, restrict, punish, complain, hype up some fear, distract. None of that matters. none of it. I've confirmed and reconfirmed that over a billion people are about to die. I don't see that in a negative light. Those people are choosing to exit with a flourish. They know the final act we are now in, is going to get rough. All of our garbage must be purged now, in order for us to ascend. We're ascending with the planet as a whole. That is something new in creation. That has NEVER happened before, and nobody know's exactly how it's going to play. there are only projections and probabilities, and the likelihood is that this is going to be grand.

Just think of what we can create here by embracing the love that we are, and non judgementally helping the rest to find their divine spark as well. We are attempting to bring Heaven to earth, so to speak. We are removing the polarity and linearity and density from the game, while reconstructing all that we are, as a gift to All that is.

This is so beautiful, what's going on right now. And it's so hard to see people talk about how to "overcome" the forces of darkness. Are we like the man who will continue to refuse to ask for directions, or look at a map? What will it take to realize we've gone down a dead end alley, and need to go to a reset point?

Disclosure? I say discernment. I interact with several beings of higher dimensions, and realms. They disclose to me all the time. Should I get in line in front of some gov't office begging to be let in on some secrets? yikes. That hurts to even look at the tragic comedy of that suggestion. Fight the illumined ones? why? Avoid gov't oppression? why, when I'm creating it through my blatant ignoring of the law of attraction? Demand change? I'm a creator. Who's permission do I need to change anything?

If there is a split going on, it's not exactly as it seems in 3D viewing. You could say there is a bifurcation of timelines. Some creating peace and harmony directly, which is what will manifest for them, and some creating the idea that through struggle, peace and harmony can be "won" back from those who would deny us.

My suggestion is that nobody can deny us without our asking them to on another level of play. Kind of like "hey dearest friend, when we incarnate this time, would you please show me what it's like to be denied, and could you please make it really extreme? I'd love to have that experience, and I know you love me enough to go through the pain of doing that for me."

I actually believe it's possible for there to be a timeline split, although that's a cheap tasting description of what's really occurring. but it's a familliar concept at Camelot, so I'll run with it. The two above described groups of humans, ascenders and strugglers, plus the 3rd group of simple somniacs filling in the spaces between to give the impression of more players, are drifting apart in what they are creating. The ascenders are getting impatient with the strugglers and somniacs. The strugglers are shreaking at the ascenders that they are being naive and deceived, and at the somniacs that they are about to be eaten or something equally silly. The somniacs are simply saying "huh? what are you talking about. everything is perfect. Pizza and beer for the game friday?" until the car wreck or bomb, or tsunami, or tornado, or mugger, or poisoned apple takes them out at which point them shoot to the finish line with their pizza and beer and cheer on the rest of us playing it out all the way.

That's about what I wanted to say on this. Hope it's of some use, if not, toss it.

T3J, if you are inclined and if it can be done in such an instance, I'd be interested in you doing a dowse on the number of our playmates who know they are not riding this coaster all the way and who hold exit tickets. I think it would be comforting for many to know that this is expected, allowed for, not at all dastardly, and will be very visible and perhaps a bit shocking, as they assign all sorts of nefarious daring-do to the news that so many have died. I get over a billion. And I for one thank them for their participation and interest, and look forward to seeing them at the finish line.
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Old 09-28-2009, 06:32 PM   #131
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

I've confirmed and reconfirmed that over a billion people are about to die
Where have you confirmed this information? and of 6 billion..7000 + will ascend...what of the rest?

Is that where the possible time line split you speak of occurs?
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Old 09-28-2009, 07:13 PM   #132
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by BROOK View Post
Where have you confirmed this information? and of 6 billion..7000 + will ascend...what of the rest?

Is that where the possible time line split you speak of occurs?
Over 7000 up until now. It'll be all of us eventually, but over 7000 have now ascended without going through a death cycle. That's what's unique about this figure. the actual number who have ascended via a death cycle would be enormous by now, but I haven't heard any figures. The shift occurs when a certain number of beings are able to reach and hold a certain frequency which matches the frequency of other factors in play at the same time.

The timelines don't split and it's either or. It's both, and then more. It's thought that the Other timeline will simply fade out of the other ones existence. Over time.

But time is now collapsing. The apparency is that it's speeding up. but that it's stretched out into past and future in either direction. past and future are both contracting in the direction of now. it's not known (by anyone) exactly how this will play out, because we are doing it.

But the likelihood is that those who embark on one timeline or another will simply fade from one anothers awareness. Like the ascenders and strugglers. they'll become less and less aware of each other, (after they are done looking oddly like each other) until they find themselves no longer even noticing each other or ending up in the same places. Eventually they'll have a hard time even remembering each other. The new timelines will come complete with new "pasts" which will have only vague impressions of what existed on the timeline we have selected for ourselves. This has already happened several times for many of us. Do any past occurences seem almost surreal now? Like did that even happen?

The billion plus came first from following the plans of the controllers with their eugenics programs. Then Clif High in some recent releases said strong indications of a billion to one and a quarter billion dead was growing in the language. Since I was aware that some goodly number of people on earth now were not likely to see this all the way through, I asked The 9TH dimensional Pleiadian Collective, who have given me tons of brilliant advice said that yes, that number range was in line with what they were seeing as a strong probability, although nothing is set anymore. anything is possible, but I look at how tenaciously many are holding on to the old time line, and I don't doubt that it would take a miracle to rewrite these probabilities.

I don't see it as a negative. If people want out, I'm not going to begrudge them the decision. I'm completely at peace with their decisions, even if it involves less interested members of my immediate families. To each their own. And something will be "arranged" for them, whether it's disease, war, famine, accidents, natural disaster, or whatever.

Then as the shift continues to unfold, those who are solidly in any divergent timelines, will simply end up in a different place on the other side of the shift. And to me, this is really the main concern. We have such an amazing opportunity to reach so high in so short a time, that it would be a shame if too many opted to take the long way home.

The different dimensions closest to us are not absolutes. There are 3rd, 4th, and 5th existing in a great many shades of gray. The highest reaches of the 3rd is almost identical to the lowest reaches of the 4th, except that a few of the denser and more polarized aspects of the 3rd are gone from play and time is not perceived the same way. And the top of the 4th has many aspects of the 5th available to it, except that form is still part of the structure and in the 5th it is not. At least not recognizably so.

What scares me a bit is the idea that too much work left to do on a personal level would mean arriving in the lower 4th on the other side of the shift. That would mean having the thoughts and issues we have now, but without time to spread out the law of attraction. You think it, and it manifests now. consider that!!! would you want what you think to manifest now? Just think, you're driving along and someone cuts you off, and you think, "what an a**hole". You get the idea. Manifesting now is much more desirable if you have your issues behind you and are in control of your thoughts and desires.

You've got to remember that all of this is best guess and highest probability stuff, because Nothing is set. No timeline is selected. No exact template for this shift/ascension is put in place. All options are open, including having all of this change completely, except for the fact that the 3D game is at it's end, and the universal wish is that it be put to rest for more harmonious and loving ways of carrying on with our various explorations. 12th dimensional archangels and ascended masters don't even know exactly how this will happen in the end. And they all say so. they talk only in probabilities and potentials.

Last edited by Myplanet2; 09-28-2009 at 07:38 PM.
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Old 09-28-2009, 07:25 PM   #133
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Thank you for your answer Myplanet2 ..it does sound a bit scary in part...the potentials...the what ifs
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Old 09-28-2009, 08:16 PM   #134
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

T3J, if you are inclined and if it can be done in such an instance, I'd be interested in you doing a dowse on the number of our playmates who know they are not riding this coaster all the way and who hold exit tickets. I think it would be comforting for many to know that this is expected, allowed for, not at all dastardly, and will be very visible and perhaps a bit shocking, as they assign all sorts of nefarious daring-do to the news that so many have died. I get over a billion. And I for one thank them for their participation and interest, and look forward to seeing them at the finish line.

My personal opinion is that you do not go down one timeline or the other. You coexist on millions of parallel timelines. I could start dowsing the number and by the time I have gotten the answer I could be in a different timeline where the number is different. You could kick the bucket in a parallel timeline and still have a half a million to a million parallel selves that are still alive and kicking.

I am staying away from any kind of hard predictions about things like this now because I do not want to lock myself or anyone else down to a certain set of timelines by effecting their beliefs about the future. You are probably right that the number in the timeline you checked was accurate. On the other hand you could have moved to a different timeline since you checked and did not realize it. The number in your current timeline may be less or more. Hopefully less. Because of this timeline jumping deal that everyone is doing, and is oblivious to, you might want to consider the number you have arrived at as one probability in a sea of millions of possible outcomes.

I had been checking back before I was shown the truth of the timeline logistics. When I was doing that I was dowsing percentages that would not make it. Every time I had checked it the quantity of people had gone down. The future is all probabilities. In an instant a person can have a paradigm shift, seamlessly transition into a different time line and make it. The old version of themselves continues down the timeline they left from like nothing happened. This kind of splitting does not happen every now and then. It happens anytime. Instead of one timeline of doom and gloom and one timeline of happiness and light. You have millions of them that are right now being segregated into subsets that all are slightly to drastically different to each other.

This is why I think it is dangerous for anyone to tell stories about what is going to happen. When doing this they are actually locking people down to one subset of timelines. Where as if the person forms their own beliefs then they have many more possible worlds to live in leading up to the shift. Perhaps after the shift all of your parallel selves and all of the things they learned become a singularity, and you benefit from the accumulated knowledge of millions of parallel lifetimes instead of one linear set of lives?

Here is another researcher who has found evidence of parallel timelines with his team of remote viewers and some interesting protocols they established for viewing future events. It is a must watch for anyone interested in this fringe mind bending stuff.

My personal investigations into this parallel timeline deal started after I had multiple very real out of body experiences where I was shifted through multiple parallel timelines and my vantage point were some of my parallel selves. I then began to dowse how many parallel timelines I was in and the number was over 1 million. I then checked if I had died in any of them and got that I had in less than 10 of them. I then checked to see how many of them I had actually gotten as far with my souls progression in as I had in this life and the number was about 700. So right there I realized that some of my parallel selves would make it and some not. Giant brain f--ker. People have gone mad thinking about this stuff.

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Old 09-28-2009, 08:32 PM   #135
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
Strength to you!

Reminder: You chose this Your probably regretting it sometimes, but it is quite helpful to remember that you chose, and you are a very qualified and very strong swimmer.

I for one am glad you did choose. We need all the help we can get down here.

There is a saying that I heard around these parts. The truth will set you free but first it will p!ss you off. What I see is that people on here - looking for answers are finding those answers of the p!ss-off variety.


Anchor said it plain as day. "The truth will set you free but first it will p!ss you off."

I revealed a truth. Why? To bring to your awareness what is happening in the now. I don't have any regrets doing that. None! I wasn't looking for trouble when I came here. I'm also not here to create trouble. But I am here to share and the truth of what I know. It is a choice to observe it or not. At the same time, going back to this truth, I have every right to defend myself. How I do that is another story. One that they haven't figured out yet. It's like this. I have been attacked. Not because I went looking for it. I am also not the only one who has been attacked. I'm also not talking about how one may be attacked on a thread either. I'm talking about behind the scenes. With the use of technology that I have seen them use before. Again I didn't go looking for it. That was when I first started to bring this out in the open. I have better things to be doing then deal with this kind of thing. But at the same time, I have seen what kind of damage this stuff can do. I figure that if people have a heads up they can prevent bad stuff from happening. You can't do that if you just sit on the fence. I'm not sitting on the fence. Another thing is that if I didn't see all the positive people who are here, I would just probably leave myself. I came here because the work that many are doing to expose the truth, is so important in the now. I came to contribute. Not take. I brought my gifts and my talents, to help. That's it. Whether you accept that help is of your choosing. I have already been doing that. The results are showing up and I can only hope that it adds to the log pile that others here have already stacked up in these terms. We are here to help each other on any level we are capable of. So get a grip and either participate in the "SOULUTION, " or just sit on the fence and watch it pass by you. It matters not to me as I find these times very exciting and more exciting as I participate in them. Savy? If there is another way of putting it, it is walking the walk. Not talking the talk. I can back up what I am saying and it is no ego trip. So spare me that will ya?


Thanks for your input and I get for the most part of what you're saying. But I also have to tell you that this is not a game. Maybe some are treating it like a game, but it is no game. If you were to have contact with any real ascended being out there, they will tell you that the darkside is here. These things even have the gall, to attack Heaven. They don't succeed but they try. I can't sugar coat it as others have. If the emissaries from Heaven say that we are in a war and that it is a battle for souls, then just look around and tell me that is false. When I look around, I see it. Not because I want to. Again the truth will set you free. What you don't know is that I have been fighting for my right to live since I can remember. My childhood was terrifying. By the time I was 7, I had experienced a Draconian, an abduction attempt, and lived in a house that would make the movie Poltergeist look like a cartoon. So you bet I take this stuff seriously. You wouldn't want to have this resume'. Hell I don't even want it but I have had to make due with the cards that were dealt me. What else can you do but try to make the best of it? Also to still have some kind of sense of humor. It's like this.... If you are a lighted being, they want to snuff you out. Plain and that simple. Their hate is what drives them and it is our love of Creation that drives us to go forward. Even the best of the best are prone for an attack. Not because they asked for it. Nobody in their right mind wants that. It is a perception. It is also whether you can perceive the whole spectrum and not just limited parts of it.

When I was young, my father took up the bottle because he didn't know how to deal with what was happening in the home place. He wanted to numb his perception because of what was going was beyond any explanation. When you are a parent, one of the first instincts is to protect your young. He didn't have any answers as to how to do that. When these things come after your kids, it gives a whole new meaning to the word game.

When you have friends, you also want to protect them. Hiding behind some rock somewhere isn't going to get that done. It's also selfish. On the same lines of suicide. A very selfish act. I am not about to hide from it now. I don't know how.

But make no mistake as a battle has been going on for years. Ets and the rest of it. That is why it is important that we at this forum and everywhere else, do what we can to insure that we become into being. In the meantime, I am going to do what I can behind the scenes, to insure, that the mess is dealt with. It has already begun and there are more here that concur with that because they have seen what has happened. It just isn't a forum, it is a place where souls gather to improve themselves to become into being. The forum is just a template, an intersection where this can take place. Look at where everyone is addressing from. All over the World. This is where we are at. Anchored in this 3D and in order for us to move upward, we have to just shed all the stuff and just BE.
Then the real work begins. Many are striving to graduate. Once you graduate, then you go to work. There are those also here, that could have left already as in what you call ascension, but because of the nature of what is going on, they are staying behind to see this whole thing through. Many think it is about their ascension. That's the illusion. It's about Gaia's ascension and that is why we are here. We came to assist her. Whatever that takes.

If you end up on a ship, you will have more responsibilities than you could dream of. No one is going home so quickly. But you will have better facilities and tools to assist what is about to happen. Do you think these Ets are here to just fly by and say Hi? We're here. They have been assisting the Planet for eons. The good ones that is. I can't help it that we have bad ones too. I didn't make or write any of this up. It isn't scifi. It just is. It is about the battle for souls. It is whether or not you choose where you decide where you make your stand.

So with that I want you to know I am making a stand in this forum. I will not go hide behind a rock. But rest assured I will make this stand with others as well because we know the value and importance that this format can achieve in terms of light. In terms of growth. My fire is lit, and you are more than welcomed to throw a log onto it. I gladly share it for the cause is greater than most will ever know.

In humble service, I bid you all a great day!

Let the truth set you free! Right on Anchor!

Last edited by Lionhawk; 09-28-2009 at 08:46 PM.
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Old 09-28-2009, 08:54 PM   #136
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

fair enough, T3J. Nothing in your answer to disagree with.

Maybe one little clarification. I do believe it can be of benefit to spell out that the likelihood is that a lot of people will exit the game in the next while, and that it's by choice. This way, there is the option of not being drawn into the lower bands out of Grief or desire for revenge, etc. It leaves a way open to encounter death and not have your frequency knocked down as a result.

If it's possible to maintain a victim mentality, it's possible to return to fear and anger as ways of reacting, rather than to exercise choice in how one will deal.

everything else harmonizes with the model I currently favour.
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Old 09-28-2009, 08:59 PM   #137
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I was once in the hostile universe paradigm. Actually I am 32 and I was in that paradigm for 31 years. That was the logical conclusion that I had come to based off of what I had seen and experienced which is very similar to what you describe. Even now I have this dualistic consciousness where sometimes I am in the old paradigm and sometimes I am peaceful in the new one. The new one being that the dark supernatural happenings in my life where actually a necessary catalyst for the development of my soul. I am still in the process of phasing out of the old hostile universe paradigm and into the peaceful universe paradigm. I think that this is exactly where I am supposed to be right now.

It is truly enigmatic because on the one hand I know that all forces regardless of polarity are all part of the learning template here in 3d reality. On the other hand when ever I am faced with the now rare circumstances of a supernatural or technological attack I go defensive because that is part of my warrior nature. Then every time after it is over I look back at what happened with impartiality because I know that it was all just an illusion.
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Old 09-28-2009, 09:09 PM   #138
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Here is another good way of visualizing the whole timeline deal that I found on a Google image search. I am not sure who came up with this, but I think it is a great graphic to explain the logistics.

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Old 09-28-2009, 09:37 PM   #139
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Lionhawk, I'm sorry, but no. We are miles apart in our perspectives.

disengaging is not hiding. Walking away from a conflict is not hiding, nor is it a sign of a lack of courage. If it is true that no one wins a fight, and that it simply strengthens a polarity, then deciding one will "take a stand" is simply an intentional prolonging of a terminally ill game. And yes, it is a game. Not the slightest shadow of a doubt about that. It can look all serious and scary with 3D eyes and emotions, but it's just a silly little game from another perspective, which is where I choose to look from.

If you succeed in turning Avalon into some sort of battleground where "good" makes its final stand against "evil", and it actually takes hold, then I'll take my final leave of this place with all alacrity, because I'm not interested in taking a thousand steps back after all the forward progress I've made in being here, and learning and growing, over the last year.

fear holds no interest for me at this point.

All the ascended beings I've been in contact with, including those who've never descended in the first place, meaning they never came down into the lower realms to have that experience and then having to work their way back up and out, say virtually the same thing. Yes, there is dark, but it's so the light will mean something, and it's only seen as polarized to the degree that you describe in good ole 3D. nowhere higher than that. It's our 3D perspective to take that view. I've addressed the issue of the idea of battles in heaven and the creator in a power struggle with some entity that thinks it knows better, and all that fantasy, and the 12th dimensional beings say that's nonsense. never happened. It's hilarious to even consider. Its 3D invention. Ask the being formerly known as Jesus, or ask Archangel Metatron, or Michael. The story originates in our realm, not theirs.

After sorting that controversy out, the higher dimensional beings go on to describe how to disentangle ourselves from this "mess" as you put it, and never once has one of them that I've talked to, said "fight", or "take a stand".

Not sure what your "ships" reference refers to. The only higher dimensional beings I'm in contact with who even use ships, are the Arcturians, and we'd never see those if they didn't want us to. The Arcturians are my primary guides, personally, and they are warriors and protectors. They don't fight. They use love to restore harmony, as do all the rest.

The way up and out of this mess is not to follow the patterns that got us into it. Einstein said something about a problem requiring a higher level of consciousness to solve it than the one that created it. I agree with this view in this case.

Anything which guides you towards conflict, is not of the highest light. Of that I am also 100% certain. You have to watch who you talk to.
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Old 09-28-2009, 09:44 PM   #140
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post

I was once in the hostile universe paradigm. Actually I am 32 and I was in that paradigm for 31 years. That was the logical conclusion that I had come to based off of what I had seen and experienced which is very similar to what you describe. Even now I have this dualistic consciousness where sometimes I am in the old paradigm and sometimes I am peaceful in the new one. The new one being that the dark supernatural happenings in my life where actually a necessary catalyst for the development of my soul. I am still in the process of phasing out of the old hostile universe paradigm and into the peaceful universe paradigm. I think that this is exactly where I am supposed to be right now.

It is truly enigmatic because on the one hand I know that all forces regardless of polarity are all part of the learning template here in 3d reality. On the other hand when ever I am faced with the now rare circumstances of a supernatural or technological attack I go defensive because that is part of my warrior nature. Then every time after it is over I look back at what happened with impartiality because I know that it was all just an illusion.
Here's a tidbit from Jim Self, T3J. Paradox only means what we understand it to mean in 3D. In 4D and beyond, it actually means what was true before, may not be true now, and what was false before, may not be false now. This is interesting because it is the basis of choice, and also has the interesting quality of bypassing the apparency of time. This is what changes the past to bring it in support of the now moment. And changes the future to bring it into support of the now moment. 4th and 5th D have no then. It provides choice. We choose now, and "then" supports our choice. too cool.
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Old 09-28-2009, 09:57 PM   #141
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Here is another good way of visualizing the whole timeline deal that I found on a Google image search. I am not sure who came up with this, but I think it is a great graphic to explain the logistics.

Bashar and the 9th Dimensional Pleiadian collective have excellent descriptions for this multiple timeline model. Their description includes covering how the model changes as our perceptions and vibrational frequency change. Not far from the linear perspective that is more customary for us still, is the notion that all these parallel universes coexist in the now, outside of 3D, and not even in the sense of running concurrently, but literally now. A single point in which everything happens, and we simply choose from the smorgasbord of experiences. So that shifts the notion of us having lived so many times, to the notion of a large number of examples of Me having the experience of a lifetime, at the same time, and if we contact another one, we are drawing on the experience of another me, all coordinated by our higherselves/oversouls.

To project out from this premise, you have to bend your linear 3D consciousness tools to see that the entire round trip learning experience away from All that is (insert label of choice) took no time. it was a singularity which occurred in not time at all.

A hint of the scope of the intelligence at work here.
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Old 09-28-2009, 10:04 PM   #142
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Yes the paradigm. That term can screw with your head if you're not careful. Everyone's understanding of that is a personal one at best. But if we look at it in dimensions it makes better sense to me. But the word paradigm gives the idea of endless possibilities of what you want. Now this is where I have to back up and not put the cart before the horse.

When you are two years old, it's not like you have any spelling B trophies. Or have any education to speak of. You barely have any sense of where the toilet is. You have no idea where that stuff goes. Heck, they didn't even have kindergarten when I came up in my little town. I must be getting old. Never thought I would ever say that.

This stuff is dimensional to me. Heaven as most call it, is in the very paradigm that everyone seems to want to get away from. That shift has not occurred yet as far as I know it. It might shift to another paradigm after 2012 but it hasn't yet. Maybe in another time line. The possibilities are endless. My point is I am in the now dealing with the present paradigm as it stands. Anything else is just la la land. I'm not saying it isn't real but I am in this one and that is where I am working from. I am grounded here as with everyone else. If you were in another paradigm we wouldn't be having this conversation. So I am dealing with what I have. As far as I can tell , we are still in a hostile paradigm.

It isn't like I could go back to another paradigm either, in this life stream. They would be different worlds apart. What I am saying is that we chose to come here in this time line and that is what we are dealing with. We were birthed here into all this stuff. We were born into it. Some born into a war, famine, cold, and every possibility imaginable with it's polarity. It is what it is here. I have heard people say we will be going into the fifth like it is going to be one cool ride. At the same time they don't work on advancing themselves to change their base frequency to match those higher densities. It's just dreamland as in another paradigm that they feel entitled to. What I am saying is that we are here and everything else is somewhere else until we accomplish what needs to be done here first. The cart before the horse is just a crazy painting. I don't need to complicate what is already complicated. I strive to simplify it the best way I can so that I can see clearly what I have to do next. I'm not going to be skipping the rungs on a ladder just so I can get there quicker with the possibility of risking the missing of a rung. It's a long fall. I just want to get it right the first time so I don't have to go back and start all over again. Been there done that. Who hasn't?

Just know that where we are is still here. The big picture isn't pretty and it is how we swim through it. The more stuff that is hanging off you the slower you'll be able to swim. Granted we are striving to get to that other paradigm but we have to swim through here first. I know I can't have a bunch of stuff hanging on me anyways. I sink without as it is.
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Old 09-28-2009, 10:30 PM   #143
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
It isn't about using discernment. It is about using extreme discernment.
My new sig

There is a fire that is going within this site and there will be a gathering of energy to purge these agents. I can already see them screaming. I can also see them running. Running away from the flames. I also suspect that now since I have addressed this, the heat will be turned up. Let's turn it up.
Yes, lets.

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Old 09-28-2009, 10:34 PM   #144
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Jumping on the MP2 bandwagon, another quote from Einstein...

"The the most important decision a person will ever make is if they live in a hostile universe or a peaceful one."

Even if your reality right now seems apparently fixed, it could change in an instant with one shift in your set of core beliefs. One time I had a massive shift in consciousness when I first woke up to the spiritual world almost 13 years ago. The reality was so much different that there where even buildings where there did not used to be buildings. That is how radically one can shift their timeline.
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Old 09-28-2009, 10:35 PM   #145
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Mess??? Some of us like the thing you call a mess
You can't just walk into a forum and decide that it's wrong and not what you want it to be
I dont think that is what is happening (or being said).

The site will evolve beyond the bounds of the original intention (which was achieved quite well at the time).

What is certain is that it wont be shaped by individuals.

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Old 09-28-2009, 10:39 PM   #146
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Some interesting ideas here.
It's great how the mind works, you can think to yourself that you have it all worked out, even find people that think along the same lines as you, and then something new pops up and that that was so true doesn't quite fit anymore.
It's safe to say none of us know where we are headed, we just think we might have an idea.
IMO the most important thing is not to let the ego take over and look down on others just because you think you know something they don't, only an ars ehole would do such a thing, and my bet is that they don't allow over inflated egos in the next dimension
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Old 09-28-2009, 11:23 PM   #147
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
I dont think that is what is happening (or being said).
Yea I think you maybe right. Guess I just dont like arrogant jumped up people that think they know better than others
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Old 09-28-2009, 11:53 PM   #148
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by lindabaker View Post
I believe they are here to see the Lotus open.
I'd like to know where I can find more information about this.
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Old 09-29-2009, 12:36 AM   #149
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Ok, so I am the curious cat. I was sitting here thinking, if there really are that many craft parked around the earth then I wonder if they will let me take pics of their craft. So I went outside and sent the message out with my inner voice that said.

"If any of the craft and beings that are around the Earth right now or anywhere in the cosmos would allow me to take pictures of your craft in a safe way for you then please come here now."

I had done this because I had heard Steven Greer telling the story of a woman he knew who had one night sensed that there was a craft nearby, but could not see it. So she just took out the camera on automatic and took a couple of shots and the camera took pics of a craft. I figured, what the hell. I have a camera with a flash and it is getting dark out.

Here are the results, the lens is clean and these pics where taken with my Cannon Digital set on automatic with the flash on. You decide for yourself, I personally have never seen stuff like this on any of my night time photos.

For this pic there was cloud cover where the points of light showed up. Moreover, you usually do not get very good pics of stars with the flash on. So I think that rules out stars.

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Old 09-29-2009, 12:37 AM   #150
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Also to note was that you could not see any of these things, the just showed up on the photos.
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