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Old 09-28-2009, 02:06 AM   #101
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by BROOK View Post
After being on this forum for a year now..and finally saying what I said on this thread...having it called "metephysical" is disturbing....there is nothing Metephysical about the needle mark and bruise on my arm a month ago...or the the UFO in the Salt Lake Desert and missing time I had..and the being in my room as a child...telling me to not be afraid, and go back to bed, as I cowered out of my bed and moved away from the being....nothing at all. It was all very Physical...I many times wish is was a delusion
You should consider looking into the testimonies that the Disclosure Project has about how the abductions take place. They have talked to some of the scientists who actually engineered the implants. The black ops world has multi dimensional capabilities that can very easily be just like a real invasive abduction. Your experiences and memories are real, however make sure to question who intentions was behind it. They have actually been doing this to world leaders in order to get other countries to unify in a military world government. The innocent by standers like you are targeted so that there will be those random people in the public who convey what has happened to them. This is the agenda of Majestic should you accept it as a possibility.
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Old 09-28-2009, 02:13 AM   #102
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Wow! Tone3jaguar starts a thread and people are having problems keeping their meds in balance. Now if the emotional body of those would just unplug, we might learn something that is of greater value. In which this thread and the intent was to keep people informed of the possibilities that are manifesting in the now. Let's face a reality here. I want to leave this Planet. Just look at what has happened in this thread and it becomes very obvious as to why I want to leave it. I'm very tired of swimming in a polluted river with a bunch of floating debris that I find myself exerting extra effort just to navigate around. I didn't say that I agreed with the reported results but I do support the effort of what is trying to be conveyed by Tone3 jaguar. It does exists in that field of potential. So I can accept the possibilities as being probable. There are no limitations. We limit ourselves, PERIOD. But to try to limit everyone's thinking is just a disgrace with the innuendos and ridicules. So if I may say it, Grow up will ya? Every path is different and it isn't your job to say what works for you is to work for everyone else. Hey, if what works for you is working then God Bless you. But if you are coming here to create chaos, because there is something lacking in your paradigm, then you will only end up showing what is lacking within you. Look in the mirror, then get real with yourself because you are the one who is polarizing yourself for more baggage. I got tied of carrying that baggage. It takes to much effort to lug around.

If you don't like what is presented here, then just move on. It doesn't need to get personal. Many here are striving to move forward and we find ourselves surrounded by parasitic behaviors that have only one purpose in mind. To suck the life force out of you. So if you are a parasite just know you are revealing to everyone what you are with lame threats and boring comments. What you can't stand is that someone may have succeeded in the developments of the spirit and are not just talking the talk but walking it. That's in the first hand and you can't touch that. Why do you think that there have been secret societies in the past where a lot of this stuff was kept secret. Because many can't handle the truth. It's your paradigm, and if you want it to be limited so you are comfortable and secure then that is of your choosing. But it is not for you to dishonor someone else's paradigm because of your limitations in yours.

And we wonder why we are at BASE 0. Isn't it obvious as to why? I respect the right to free speech as with many out there. But not the abuse of it and to justify it because someone feels entitled emotionally is an abuse of that gift. It damn sure isn't no blessing. It is one thing to have the right to free speech but another to abuse that right by infliction of negativity onto others. Same with free agency. All the problems we are facing in this sector is because of the abuse and misuse of that gift. You choose!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...................

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Old 09-28-2009, 02:40 AM   #103
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Mark, you may have a point,
this probably isn't the thread for me......

As an adult and parent of 53 years, it's hard to listen&read some of this "stuff"

However, I will try to persevere.........and learn what I might

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Old 09-28-2009, 03:03 AM   #104
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

I think what we are really dealing with here is that a large quantity of the population are in the process of their own shamanic death. The shamanic death is when an old paradigm suddenly passes away.

Right now people are in the various stages of what one goes through after a death. The results of the death of an old ego are the same on the consciousness of an individual as the death of a person that was close to them.

Those stages would be denial, then anger, then confusion, then acceptance of the new paradigm. Information is not what is causing this, the false core beliefs people have held for so long are being automatically removed due to the increases in the frequencies of consciousness.

Once those things are stripped away the person is left sitting there viewing a unfamiliar version of themselves. They may not like what they see, therefore they project what they see that they do not like in themselves onto others.

This would be the denial. Then they get though with that and realize that denial is not working like it used to so they convert their fear into anger and once again externalize it.

Once this does not work then they become confused because their philosophy is suddenly different then it used to be and acclimation to the new paradigm is nessesary.

After confusion aspect of mourning the death of the old ego people begin to accept the new version of their personal reality they now find themselves in. Some people may get stuck at one of these stages.

Externalization of these stages of mourning of the death of the old paradigm are what will cause people roadblocks in the acclimation process. My advice to people going through this would be to stop blaming others for the way that you feel about things and start looking at yourself so that you can move on.
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Old 09-28-2009, 03:07 AM   #105
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
You should consider looking into the testimonies that the Disclosure Project has about how the abductions take place. They have talked to some of the scientists who actually engineered the implants. The black ops world has multi dimensional capabilities that can very easily be just like a real invasive abduction. Your experiences and memories are real, however make sure to question who intentions was behind it. They have actually been doing this to world leaders in order to get other countries to unify in a military world government. The innocent by standers like you are targeted so that there will be those random people in the public who convey what has happened to them. This is the agenda of Majestic should you accept it as a possibility.
T3J... I'm aware of all the possibilities....but I don't really talk about it..and this is the first time I've done so...only because Lionhawk sparked a memory. And because of the nature of the thread except for the "other stuff"...the basis of the thread..."something brewing"...I decided to say what I said...there are very few that know this ...and I have only just mentioned it because of the recent yet again visit....it is very real...and that is about it.
Am I afraid?..not really...mad mostly...from past life experience...this is not the first life I've been visited...and probably will not be the last...However...this time I have some helpers in the background...they slap me in the face from time to time so I can see better.

And again...there is something big on the horizon....this is important...Knowing the truth is of utmost importance....and following your path....your true purpose to be here at this time and place.
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Old 09-28-2009, 03:12 AM   #106
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Lets face it we are all here for a reason, we have been manipulated and controlled for eons and its now time for us to grow outside the DNA constraints given to us and do the unexpected, break free from the self imposed shackles(remembing who we really are)

We need to remove ego, detach emotional baggage, be completely open minded and aware, and be ready to follow the universal lead.

Was perfectly said in this thread that we cannot leave with baggage, baggage acts as an anchor and a psychic magnet that will forever hold you back. I dont want to do this for another few thousand years, im tired and i also want to go home.

Having a 3D mind will not allow us to recall all we have learned, we will incarnate again with no memory and continue making the same mistakes over and over, by allowing, learning and with focused intent we can outwit the puppet masters and magic makers by evolving ourselves.

Everyone here is on their own journey, we have millions of realities ahead and we right now can choose our own path .... Enjoy the journey, the times ahead are unprecedented and exciting. Allow everyone to be positive, appreciate everyone's views as we all have something to offer, remove the negative energy it does not resonate in here and let your light shine so we all can feel your love so we all can grow together as one.

Lionhawk you have added significant power to this site and my hat goes off to you, some may feel threatened. This place was heading in a backward direction then your arrival rejuvenated some of us in sheer excitement ...... Some others here provide excellent service but unable to allow others to share the center stage, this is not a competition, no medals ceremonys our own reward is going home.

Enjoy all the information we are getting, this stuff will not be available for us much longer...... Study it, love it, decern it, decipher it and above all enjoy it.

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Old 09-28-2009, 03:21 AM   #107
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Reader View Post
Mark, you may have a point,
this probably isn't the thread for me......

As an adult and parent of 53 years, it's hard to listen&read some of this "stuff"

However, I will try to persevere.........and learn what I might

I agree, its quite mind blowing really and it challenges your core belief of who and what you perceive yourself to be! i have been listening to this stuff for so long now that it has changed my perception of who and what i am! i now realize that i am an observer! infinite consciousness having a particle reality experience! imo its all about the neural networks and the activation of thought-forms from the field of consciousness, that brings the Truth!

Im sure you'll find what you need regardless

best wishes for your evolution

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Old 09-28-2009, 03:40 AM   #108
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

All I can say is that it isn't about me. I am only trying to share the lessons I have learned on my path. Just know I have been a hard head in my past and to the point where everything came with great sacrifices. In other words I have done it the hard way. Savy? I don't want anyone here to believe me. Absolutely NOT! You have within your hands your very life. It is a responsibility and you will be accountable for it. Check your baggage and you will see what I am speaking of. I didn't come here to prove anything. I also didn't come here to be attacked on any level. But I find that is also happening and I haven't been here a week yet. So there must be something to the energies I am anchoring here is all I can figure. The dark don't like it and ask me if I care. So with that I say we move on and start getting ourselves prepared for what is ahead on our separate paths. There is a sense of great urgency in the air right now and the Field of Potential is about to manifest something. A birth is about to take place and I find that exciting!

Again thank-you for the kind words but forgive me if my head doesn't swell up. Again it isn't about me.

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Old 09-28-2009, 03:40 AM   #109
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I usually just read, but wanted to say hello & welcome to Lionhawk. Thanks for starting the thread to Tone3Jaguar. And that I liked the topic of latest forecast from people's own experience/viewpoint/guidance. This seems to be my only focus of late... the immediate future.

Squabbles always happen, they do not bother me so much anymore. They happen less here than elsewhere on the 'net. Perhaps the energy of the original topic has run it's course anyway.

Thanks again for the info. The only way to know something is to experience it. So i appreciate it when other experiencers share. Whatever is coming I want it to be big.
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Old 09-28-2009, 03:50 AM   #110
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

One thing is for sure is that there are multiple Jaguar glyph people participating in this thread. Looks like Slide Show is a tone 10 jaguar. Lets get a role call of all of the Jaguar's in here.
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Old 09-28-2009, 04:09 AM   #111
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
I didn't say that I agreed with the reported results but I do support the effort of what is trying to be conveyed by Tone3 jaguar. It does exists in that field of potential. So I can accept the possibilities as being probable. There are no limitations. We limit ourselves, PERIOD. But to try to limit everyone's thinking is just a disgrace with the innuendos and ridicules. So if I may say it, Grow up will ya? Every path is different and it isn't your job to say what works for you is to work for everyone else. Hey, if what works for you is working then God Bless you. But if you are coming here to create chaos, because there is something lacking in your paradigm, then you will only end up showing what is lacking within you. Look in the mirror, then get real with yourself because you are the one who is polarizing yourself for more baggage. I got tied of carrying that baggage. It takes to much effort to lug around.

If you don't like what is presented here, then just move on. It doesn't need to get personal. Many here are striving to move forward and we find ourselves surrounded by parasitic behaviors that have only one purpose in mind. To suck the life force out of you. So if you are a parasite just know you are revealing to everyone what you are with lame threats and boring comments. What you can't stand is that someone may have succeeded in the developments of the spirit and are not just talking the talk but walking it. That's in the first hand and you can't touch that. Why do you think that there have been secret societies in the past where a lot of this stuff was kept secret. Because many can't handle the truth. It's your paradigm, and if you want it to be limited so you are comfortable and secure then that is of your choosing. But it is not for you to dishonor someone else's paradigm because of your limitations in yours.

And we wonder why we are at BASE 0. Isn't it obvious as to why? I respect the right to free speech as with many out there. But not the abuse of it and to justify it because someone feels entitled emotionally is an abuse of that gift. It damn sure isn't no blessing. It is one thing to have the right to free speech but another to abuse that right by infliction of negativity onto others. Same with free agency. All the problems we are facing in this sector is because of the abuse and misuse of that gift. You choose!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...................

It's a problem...isn't it? If the secrets of the universe are revealed to the general public...we go nuts. If the secrets of the universe are concealed within secret societies...they become incredibly corrupt. I vote for revealing the secrets of the universe to the general public. Yes...we will go nuts...but eventually we will get over it and grow up. Then everyone will be an elite. Hopefully we will survive...and become at least a 1 civilization...instead of being a -1. Not making disagreements personal is an excellent place to begin. Just stick to the facts.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 09-28-2009 at 04:12 AM.
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Old 09-28-2009, 04:26 AM   #112
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Ahhh... OK. Well the whole metatron thing never sat well with me but hey that is also a way to somehwere. It's kinda like the whole Golden Mean thing... I don't see it!

I see a whole bunch of ships in the air above with fishing lines and bobbers hangin here at eye level... and a note on the hooks that say "pick me... pick me."

But I have a vivid imagination like a kid... And I do often yank that fishing pole right out of their hands from time to time. My grandfather often took us out fishing in the boat and one day my cousin fell asleep with the rod in his hand so my grandfather took a bucket and dropped it down his line into the water... my cousin fought that thing for the longest time... I think it was the largest bucket fish on record!

Anyway... this sucks I'm missing out on all the cool stuff.
Does Jim Self have a list of names of people who were here and now are not here?
I've only had a few interactions with Metatron, and they were only a few words here and there, so I don't really get a sense of what he's about. So I don't really have an opinion. I have to say when I first heard the name, I though someone was having me on. It sounded like a transformer, or something. But I've been so wrong so often when I prejudged in the past, or went on assumptions, that I really almost never do that anymore. I did enjoy Metatron's "press release" (joke) on the 09-09-09 event, and my experiences since have resonated with what he said to expect.

Jim Self seems to have a closer relationship, as he refers to Metatron quite often, but Jim's work is not about Metatron, or about these remarkable beings who've already ascended. It's about giving some tools we can actually use to strengthen our various energy fields, and cleaning them and the various bodies, to ease our transition. Just reading this thread shows how much stronger the need to do that has become in just the last couple of weeks. No coincidence, as I see it.

Jim didn't say anything about the identities of the ascended. It was remarked a couple of times in passing, while discussing other matters, almost anechdotally.

Most of what resonates the most strongly with me now, could never be proven, so I don't go off in search for any, except perhaps inside of me. If I can find what I'm hearing about inside myself, and feel good when I look it over, then that's proof enough for now, and it's been working really well.

I really like Jim Self. He's obviously a very kind and gentle soul, who cares very much that we have an easy time of it.

I can't call what I'm doing easy, but it's the most rewarding thing I've ever done.
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Old 09-28-2009, 04:44 AM   #113
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Jim didn't say anything about the identities of the ascended.

What does he say about the ones that are not ascended? What is to become of them?
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Old 09-28-2009, 04:55 AM   #114
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Thank-you Sideshow Shaman!

I just figure it is within's everyone's power to know that they have the right to know the truth. Same as the right to defend ones' self. You have the right to be your own sovereign being. You have been given the Gift of Free Agency. What more do you need to realize that all these things are yours to exercise on any level you see fit? Everything else is a management issue. Internal or external. The basics stay the same incarnation after incarnation, but the management issues are always what seems to get changed. It's just an issue of how you manage what you are and in what direction you are going on your journey. The journey could be to anywhere. Enough said.

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Old 09-28-2009, 05:22 AM   #115
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
It's a problem...isn't it? If the secrets of the universe are revealed to the general public...we go nuts. If the secrets of the universe are concealed within secret societies...they become incredibly corrupt. I vote for revealing the secrets of the universe to the general public. Yes...we will go nuts...but eventually we will get over it and grow up. Then everyone will be an elite. Hopefully we will survive...and become at least a 1 civilization...instead of being a -1. Not making disagreements personal is an excellent place to begin. Just stick to the facts.
An important thing to note, do we really think the bad guys understand the 'secrets of creation'? Personally, I think they are very ignorant to the secrets of creation or they would align themselves very quickly with the light because it really is in the own Self interest. The more karma they create, the more they run from their divine plan, the worse off things are going to get for them.

The more they align with the higher will, the will of the infinite, the more that the true mysteries of creation will be revealed to them, the more they will grow in true power, true wisdom when they are in alignment. Truthfully, it is only ignorance that drives the dark forces, if only they would turn around and pass their test "all would be given unto them".

I suggest the secrets of the universe will not be revealed by the 'secret' societies, because they don't know them at this point! True, the bad guys know the secrets of manipulation, but they don't know truth, or they'd align themselves with it, because it's to their best interest to do so from an enlightened standpoint!

The secrets will be uncovered, discovered, and revealed by those that are in alignment with the higher Will, which is the will that is 'win win' for all life.

Let's see if we can all "win" here on this forum too! It's all about coming up higher for each one of us after all, together we are more... nice to have the varying viewpoints, that's what drives things forward.
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Old 09-28-2009, 05:26 AM   #116
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Sharing my understanding on the ascension bit:

Ascending out of this world is not something that we're looking to do at this important time.

The goal is to ascend in consciousness while remaining here so that we can help with the collective ascension . To be in the world but not of it. To be in the game, but see through it.

Any talk that we are supposed to 'disappear' I would suggest is dangerous talk... However, I understand that in the example with Jim Self he may be talking about people that have passed from the body (died), then ascended, this is a good thing, they graduate from the schoolroom and don't have to come back here under amnesia again...

For us here though, we're here for a big party!!!

Raising up and healing of this planet and all of it's people is what we came here to do, let's enjoy our jobs and celebrate our planet and the goodness that abounds here when we know where to look .
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Old 09-28-2009, 05:31 AM   #117
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by BROOK View Post
What does he say about the ones that are not ascended? What is to become of them?
The majority of the rest of us are working on it, and will get there with varying degrees of success, and a minority of us for whom this is just too hard, and for whom it's too little-too late at this point, will go through some sort of death cycle, and not be on earth when she speeds up and phases into 4D, on the way to 5D.

they'll be fine. No one is left behind this time, like what happened in the Atlantis attempt. Enough of us are going through with it to make all the difference that's needed.

exactly when and how this will finally play out, No one knows. There is no exact script for this, because it's never happened this way before. We could conceivably become something never before seen in existence. A planet of form AND density has never before ascended with a conscious population of creator beings on board. The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective calls it the reality show of the universe. Except that OUR solutions to the problems of polarity that we face, will be written into the Akashic records for all to draw on, and that's happening in real time, so some of what we've accomplished is already available for use to other conscious species elsewhere, and the really big deal right now is apparently the potentials being created by the 7000 plus and growing number of us who've already made it and blazed the trail for others to follow.

Much of this can only be experienced through our higher aspects for now, so the better in balance and harmony we are, the more of this we will be able to experience and use to speed our progress.

I'm comfortable with the veracity of the above info.
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Old 09-28-2009, 07:06 AM   #118
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Sharing our truth and our wisdom, revealing our experiences and learning from another is the main reason why so many of us are here on this forum. In this occasion, I want to thank you ALL for sharing your truth and wisdom. It has without any doubt raised my frequency in the last 12 months, I learned so much from you...

You know, we all hold a part of the ultimate truth in our hearts, no matter what ultimate may mean. I guess, we'll have to learn and learn again, until the timepoint of merging with our creator...There're so many truths and wisdoms to be learnt, not only here on the earth as a 3D beings, but also in the higher planes of existence. The only problem that we face now is, we're (still) unable to merge our truths together and see the whole picture of the creation.

Nevertheless, many of us feel the comming changes. This thread popped up almost timely with the changes happening right now in my life. The things speeded up enormously, it's almost unbelievable...It's like I'm experiencing 41 years of my existance on the earth in just one month now...

I'm definately having some strange time now. I feel that I'm literally forced to let go of so many boundaries, the heaviest one is the feeling that I have to quit working...which I can't imagine I can afford to...and I can't see the purpose of that now...but I trust the guidance of my heart...No matter what, I know I have to stay calm and centered.

Just to point to few things here...it is not only about my feelings...for example of quit working...something is brewing in the company where I'm employed, and I may be the first one to sense the changings there. The situations that are occuring right now are just confirming my feelings about the whole situation.

Or should I also mention that I've obviously been attacked by some very negative forces in the last four weeks? I can feel their downgoing and dark energies, and they do not stop on me...it all culminated last friday, when my wife was almost forced to burn our house...yes, I said she was forced, the circumstances of that small fire, well it wasn't only coincidence...

So yes, some of us really "see" and feel he comming changes more or less.

And one more thing...I am convinced that there are some beings around to assist us in our further growth. I don't know if they need any spaceships, maybe the do...but I was clearly shown a fake landing of UFO's in one of my recent dreams. In my dream, we, the humanity, gathered to wellcome the "extraterrestrials" (yes, we knew the will come, strangely). Up in the sky, it really looked like the Ships were not man made. But...the first UFO that "landed" had the US flag drawn on it...So I would suggest we all beware...

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Old 09-28-2009, 07:51 AM   #119
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Anyone got a date that we have to be gone by???
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Old 09-28-2009, 07:58 AM   #120
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

"Anyone got a date that we have to be gone by???"

You mean if you wanna fail the test?


Those who seek to save their lives (run away) will LOSE them.

Those who seek to lose their lives (egos) for my sake (the Christ consciousness), will save them.


Planet earth will not only be saved by the light bearers here, it will be raised up into an Age of wonder unsurpassed in cosmic history!

Children of today will live past 1000 years!!!

Streets within your lifetime (assuming you don't cut and run) will be PAVED WITH GOLD.

We're in for a party. Stick around
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Old 09-28-2009, 09:17 AM   #121
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
I'm very tired of swimming in a polluted river with a bunch of floating debris that I find myself exerting extra effort just to navigate around.
Strength to you!

Reminder: You chose this Your probably regretting it sometimes, but it is quite helpful to remember that you chose, and you are a very qualified and very strong swimmer.

I for one am glad you did choose. We need all the help we can get down here.

There is a saying that I heard around these parts. The truth will set you free but first it will p!ss you off. What I see is that people on here - looking for answers are finding those answers of the p!ss-off variety.

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Old 09-28-2009, 09:18 AM   #122
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

I am here! ... And I can stand on the surface and see the whole sky. I only remember neon blue lights and mountainous cliffs, ... other than that I am here now!

This is a cool place, I can see why others may want to try to steal it! I want to meet my brothers and sisters and cousins and other close ones from all over the Universe.

Right now it is what it is....

But if you have ill will intentions then you do not have my permission to be here and you are not allowed to interfere with anyone's freewill.

How do we want to make our World????

Way to cool of a planet with lots of beautiful people whether they are awake or not!

Absolutely beautiful... where else in the Universe would you go???

The irony!!! 3rd dimension... the most sought after dimension in all of creation! Go figure!

Last edited by Christo888; 09-28-2009 at 09:38 AM.
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Old 09-28-2009, 11:48 AM   #123
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

feardia - I was interested that your brought up the name of
George Kavassilas, along with others who hold a different view
on ships arriving, E.t.'s and technology etc.

I was going to suggest that folks visit G.K.'S website (can't
remember the format, but easy to find with his name) and
listen to his talks. So glad you brought it up.

I have questions over some of G.K.'s information (as with most)
but I do feel after listening to him my attitude is "Don't get on
the ships!"
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Old 09-28-2009, 02:22 PM   #124
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

I did a post on George K about two months ago..this is my perception of his talk after listening to it twice

I watched one of the many videos of a whistleblower here on Avalon...and it started out with a man describing that he knew of our ultimate origin ....the creation of US..then he said..this is his perception

He carried on to describe many levels of dimension ....then he said..."and on this level is where the ego is created..." At that point I realized that the series of videos is exactly what he said...it was his Perception ...and I watched further..and I saw his ego describing heaven and hell....the ET phenomena ..through great research he explained all the past Gods and the reason for the pyramids...their basis of origin and purpose.

It was fascinating ...and because I have never done any of this research myself...it seemed very plausible....but was it the "TRUTH"

How much of that information came from "Knowing"..and how much came from the ego based brain..with the research to cloud the perception?

Herein lies the delima :

First..where is the proof?...is it based on conjecture? From past research and theory? could the truth be clouded by such theory and research?

I believe he did tap into a "knowing"...he seemed very convinced of that fact..and seemed very genuine...but how much of the information was filtered through the brain..and processed by the EGO....DELIMA...what is the truth? Is this ultimate truth? Is it "his" truth..filtered by ego?

This is where "knowing" comes in handy...because it is not filtered by ego..it simply is the Truth.

The worst predictions of those who say they "know" have nothing to do with Ultimate Reality.
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Old 09-28-2009, 02:24 PM   #125
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

I concur Anchor! I did choose. It was no accident. As with the title of the thread, what I am discovering is that something is beginning to brew on this forum site as well. Just to think I have only been here a few days only to discover that this forum site is about to go through a major transition for the better. I have uncovered something. I knew the first day I came here that it was already here. Agents. Lurking, surfing, intervening, and manipulating. At first I just brushed it off as I was getting acquainted with the site. But certain events that have transpired over this passed weekend, have opened my eyes as to the degree of what is happening here.

It starts here. This isn't about paranoia. There is proof and I am only one of several who have had several experiences concerning this issue. The reason as to their presence is very clear to those who 'KNOW." What this forum is all about. It's simple. They don't want anyone to know. That is their number one priority is for us to be unenlightened, underpowered, and just shunted from our true essence. So what this site represents is something they will not want us to discover. Ourselves.

I have bounced around and there is a vast amount of valuable information to absorb. But don't get glued to it as it will also serve their purposes. Don't allow the information to become like fly paper. In other words, read it, ponder it, and let it go. It isn't about using discernment. It is about using extreme discernment.

There is a fire that is going within this site and there will be a gathering of energy to purge these agents. I can already see them screaming. I can also see them running. Running away from the flames. I also suspect that now since I have addressed this, the heat will be turned up. Let's turn it up.

Reminds me of the Matrix movie except it is going to happen right here. The beauty of that is I know there are many a Neo already 'anchored' here. They don't want us to realize that either. They want us to stay separate from each other and they create much dissent and run many tactics of controlled confusion. Promoting competition to keep us divided. It's time to anchor ONENESS. Also kick this duality paradigm down the road. Let the first battle start here. We need to clean this mess up and restore what the Creators of this site had intended.

So for those who read this, stand back away from it so you can see it with both of your eyes. Make a choice. Others have already. They are coming out of the woodwork and have been under the radar just waiting for the right moment to set this back upright. Consider it your right to make a positive difference here. After all look at all the time you have spent here. If you value that then you can empower yourself to make that positive difference.

Remember when Neo is in the train station and decides to quit running and he turns around to face the Agent?

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