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Old 02-19-2010, 06:12 PM   #1126
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Jnana View Post
From "Far Journeys" by Robert A. Monroe, Chaper 16 "The Gathering", first published in 1985. This is part of an out of body experience into the future guided by a high-level advisor ("Inspec"). The advisor's comments are in italics, the rest is Monroe describing the experience.
Nice, thanks for the find!
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Old 02-20-2010, 04:18 AM   #1127
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
What is even stranger is that there where no cloud formations or rain on the Sat. images to correspond to the radar images. Phantom radar geometry? Errrrrrrrrrrrr?
I must correct myself on this comment. I just read Colin Andrews new article about this.....


Apparently these radar images do correspond to dark clouds that never have any rain in them. Many people have now seen them.
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Old 02-20-2010, 07:50 PM   #1128
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([I]It is what we call the gathering. These have manifested from other nearby energy systems only to witness the big show, as you call it, that you can perceive, it may occur once every eight-seven million of your earth years

From "Far Journeys" by Robert A. Monroe, Chaper 16 "The Gathering", first published in 1985.])

HI, Jnana, I was just re-reading Monroe's book last week and that chapter jumped out at me. Here is one more quote that I really liked:

(from the INSPEC being)

"That is the key to the understanding of the event. It will offer human consciousness a rare potential to emerge raidly into a unified intelligent energy system that will range far beyond your time-space illusion, creating, constructing, teaching as only a human-trained graduate energy is able to do."

Now THAT would be a really exciting reason to be on earth at this time! ;-) I wonder if Robert Monroe, who has since passed on, is helping out from whatever dimension he's on.
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Old 02-21-2010, 07:56 PM   #1129
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Update, 2/21/10

Number of mother ships parked near Earth = 18,532 (-589)

Number of the mother ships that are supply ships = 10,613 (+482)

Number of craft parked in the mother ships = 16,448,864 (-811,490)

Number of species of ETs currently involved = 71

Number of total ETs aboard all of these ships = 112,861,695 (-2,549,360)

57% of the mother ships are now supply ships. Where as a month ago only 51% of the mother ships where supply ships. It will be interesting to see if the percentage of supply ships continues to rise or not. I do not currently have any particular speculation for the reason of this trend. Your guess is as good as mine.
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Old 02-21-2010, 08:23 PM   #1130
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Update, 2/21/10

Number of mother ships parked near Earth = 18,532 (-589)

Number of the mother ships that are supply ships = 10,613 (+482)

Number of craft parked in the mother ships = 16,448,864 (-811,490)

Number of species of ETs currently involved = 71

Number of total ETs aboard all of these ships = 112,861,695 (-2,549,360)

57% of the mother ships are now supply ships. Where as a month ago only 51% of the mother ships where supply ships. It will be interesting to see if the percentage of supply ships continues to rise or not. I do not currently have any particular speculation for the reason of this trend. Your guess is as good as mine.
tone3~~(?) how many miles distant are the mother ships and supply ships from our planet? Are they parked liked in balanced radius out and away around from Earth or spotty concentrated locations together?
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Old 02-21-2010, 08:26 PM   #1131
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Most of them are parked in the 4th dimension.
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Old 02-23-2010, 11:29 PM   #1132
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Colin Andrews was nice enough to include my findings on the Aussie Radar anomalies.


Long story short, they dowsed up as scalar weather control technology.
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Old 02-24-2010, 07:21 PM   #1133
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Update, 2/24/10

Number of mother ships parked near Earth = 18,044 (-448)

Number of the mother ships that are supply ships = 10,935 (+322)

Number of craft parked in the mother ships = 16,028,945 (-419,919)

Number of species of ETs currently involved = 71

Number of total ETs aboard all of these ships = 112,156,471 (-705,224)

60% of the mother ships are now supply ships
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Old 02-24-2010, 07:55 PM   #1134
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are they all well meant or is it a mixed bag?

when you say minus something in brackets, what do you mean?

bw l
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Old 02-24-2010, 08:34 PM   #1135
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I checked if there where any of the species with the less evolved consciousness that have been a problem for some in the past and it comes up no. They are all here to help as far as I can tell. With what exactly? They wont hand out that info and I can only speculate.

The minus sign in the brackets is just an indicator of how much the numbers have changed since the last time I dowsed them up.
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Old 02-24-2010, 08:52 PM   #1136
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any news as to when they might be springing into action?

bw l.
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Old 02-24-2010, 10:22 PM   #1137
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Originally Posted by lightblue View Post
any news as to when they might be springing into action?

bw l.
Within the next two years maybe less depending on how you resonate.
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Old 02-24-2010, 10:45 PM   #1138
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by joe2288 View Post
Within the next two years maybe less depending on how you resonate.
Good answer, like I stated earlier in this thread. There are timelines where they have already shown up, where they are showing up now, and where they will show up in the future, and probably some where they never show up. We move seamlessly from one timeline to another. So choose your timeline.
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Old 02-25-2010, 12:17 AM   #1139
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
We move seamlessly from one timeline to another. So choose your timeline.
This may seem like a simpletons question, however i apologise, Im pretty new to all this spiritual stuff, how does one choose their timeline? does it make a diff if ur conscious there is a choice to be made?
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Old 02-25-2010, 12:27 AM   #1140
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

“The battle for your freedom is in your consciousness, not in the world around you.”

But in the world there are different perceptions of reality.
We automatically assume that a fleet of 71 Alien races MUST have a kind of united purpose, which is either positive or negatively oriented towards Mankind. Now, if it is said that they are positively oriented, then we all automatically envision any kind of “help”. But that can be a childish assumption.

What if the fleet is there to fulfil different scenarios, as different as the opinions and perceptions regarding Aliens. Maybe they are there as a kind of multifacetted karmic mirror of Mankind, ready to “give and serve” everybody the different experiences man requires. That might include also violent action, which is also a kind of help - from their perspective - but not necessarily perceived the same by some of the humans.

tone3: Can you fine-tune your questions and figure out whether there are different fractions within the fleet with different tasks, which include violence against humans?

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Old 02-25-2010, 12:31 AM   #1141
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Fast foward to 1:25 he can explain it the best
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Old 02-25-2010, 12:48 AM   #1142
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

So, lets see which timeline we are in(side): All good, all bad or mixed pickles...
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Old 02-25-2010, 02:08 AM   #1143
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Bad, Evil, Adversity, what ever you want to call it. It enters into your experience only when you need it for a catalyst for learning. If you learn easily from life lessons then there will be less "Evil" in your life. If you are stubborn and refuse to learn then there will be more "Evil" in your life. The more subtle lessons a person ignores from their life, the more intense the illusion becomes in order to snap them out of it. There are no victims, only people experiencing varying levels of adversity.

If an individual learns easily and allows their paradigm to shift easily, then they will shift to more harmonious timelines the more harmonious their consciousness becomes. That is how you choose your timeline.
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Old 02-25-2010, 02:24 AM   #1144
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by bashi View Post
tone3: Can you fine-tune your questions and figure out whether there are different fractions within the fleet with different tasks, which include violence against humans?
We need to allow ourselves the luxury of thinking outside the box. Our society is structured with power factions and groups with agendas because it is generally at a low state of consciousness. All of those things are born out of the collective insecurity that drives people to want to control the world around them.

The minority on our planet that have allowed their consciousness to evolve to higher levels no longer have any insecurity. Therefore, they no longer have any desire to control the world around them. They instead allow the world around them to take its own path and just accept what happens as the way it is supposed to be.

So you have to ask yourself, if a society was able to hold it together long enough to avoid destruction of themselves, what kind of consciousness do you think they are resonating at? The only way to get to that level without destroying themselves would be that if the people running the show where not insecure and obsessing over control of their reality.

No, there are not violent groups up there in this 71 species. One of my sources for this dowsing information has been the logistical organizers up there. The name they gave themselves was the Psarions. Each one of the species has its own niche specialty. All 71 species form a holographic cohesive task force.

I have checked and there where two species that where bad news. They are not present. Perhaps those two species are the remnants of civilizations that did not make it because of the collective insecurity of their societies. That is basically what people from the military industrial complex would be like if we fugged up and nuked it all to s--t and there where a few stragglers left over that had access to off world tech.

Ringing any bells? Avatar? Perhaps that whole movie was a warning of what can happen if an insecure race is allowed to roam around unchecked?
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Old 02-25-2010, 02:42 AM   #1145
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
If an individual learns easily and allows their paradigm to shift easily, then they will shift to more harmonious timelines the more harmonious their consciousness becomes. That is how you choose your timeline.
Wow, you have a way with words. I've never heard it put so perfectly before!
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Old 02-25-2010, 06:11 AM   #1146
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Colin Andrews was nice enough to include my findings on the Aussie Radar anomalies.


That's great!

Thank you again for everything you contribute here, Brad. It's most appreciated.
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Old 02-25-2010, 10:58 AM   #1147
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Truthseeker512 View Post
This may seem like a simpletons question, however i apologise, Im pretty new to all this spiritual stuff, how does one choose their timeline? does it make a diff if ur conscious there is a choice to be made?
The phrase timeline is usually used when a prediction doesn't come true.
"Aliens were going to show up on Tuesday but the time line changed."
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Old 02-25-2010, 11:56 AM   #1148
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM


We need to allow ourselves the luxury of thinking outside the box.

The minority on our planet that have allowed their consciousness to evolve to higher levels no longer have any insecurity. Therefore, they no longer have any desire to control the world around them. They instead allow the world around them to take its own path and just accept what happens as the way it is supposed to be.
All that said, there is still something which does not add up:

There are a lot of people – specially in the trigger-happy military- which think ET is bad. They will “engage” ET, no matter whether benevolent or else. It is their perception of ET, and they have a right to their own view, no matter how other people look at it.
These people are a significant part of our reality show right now and they are not just “disappearing” physically. For that something must happen…
But what? The question is:

How will a “benevolent ” intervention be “enforced” on multi-perceptional mankind without violating the Free Will?

That’s were my request for further questioning by dowsing is originating from.

So you have to ask yourself, if a society was able to hold it together long enough to avoid destruction of themselves, what kind of consciousness do you think they are resonating at? The only way to get to that level without destroying themselves would be that if the people running the show where not insecure and obsessing over control of their reality.
Thank you for sharing your galactic expertise in Alien civilizations. But look at earths ants and you might get an idea about other systems.

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Old 02-25-2010, 04:42 PM   #1149
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The minority on our planet that have allowed their consciousness to evolve to higher levels no longer have any insecurity. Therefore, they no longer have any desire to control the world around them. They instead allow the world around them to take its own path and just accept what happens as the way it is supposed to be.
{End Quote}

I normally don't reply to suggestive posts but i'm curious...
IMO, this sounds more like giving up on the world around you. Whenever I read statements like this I think of TPTB. They always say similar stuff like this. I for one just can’t stand by and watch people starve, children die, innocence perish due to others corrupted ways. Most people who think like this lock themselves in their homes and hope/pray someday soon things will change without them physically getting involved. This is not a special person in my book but a person who has convinced his/her mind to do nothing and still feel good about it. I don’t know what’s up with humanity anymore…

What kind of love or consciousness did you obtain that will keep your heart from feeling the obvious pain that exists in this world? Who or what gave you the proof that this is the way it is supposed to be? It’s only this way because too many scared people find inventive ways to justify why they shouldn’t care or get physically involved cleaning up our mess. I too meditate, raise consciousness, and believe things happen for a reason but I also know that I can change things by getting involved and not just sitting back claiming how consciously evolved I’ve become…if I was judging, this will probably be in the range of arrogance….and it’s always proven when people say “well, you’re just not on the same level yet”…or something to that account. I think you’re a decent guy but lately I’ve been seeing these statements thrown around way too much lately by hermits (not saying you) who forgot that they are still here and are still part of this world, its reality, and its problems. If you can’t grasp that yet, then maybe you’re not as consciously evolved as you think. I put a lot on the line every day attempting to liberate my life, families, friends, careers, other peoples lives and careers from oppression and it gets discouraging seeing people displaying this do nothing mentality. We have the power to stop all the BS in the world NOW, YESTERDAY and TOMORROW but we sit back fooling ourselves with theories. I’ve read books researched and studied here and there, near and far, just about everywhere I can find information. There isn’t one person or group who can or has proved any of this stuff. But when the facts and clear answers are in sight most rather turn away…the power of fear is amazing.
Maybe I’m reading too much into this, if so…my apologies. Perhaps you or someone else can assist me in finding these facts…the same facts that have made you and others accept things for being the way they are. Thanks in advance.

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Old 02-25-2010, 04:58 PM   #1150
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Peace of mind View Post

IMO, this sounds more like giving up on the world around you. Whenever I read statements like this I think of TPTB. They always say similar stuff like this. I for one just can’t stand by and watch people starve, children die, innocence perish due to others corrupted ways. Most people who think like this lock themselves in their homes and hope/pray someday soon things will change without them physically getting involved. This is not a special person in my book but a person who has convinced his/her mind to do nothing and still feel good about it. I don’t know what’s up with humanity anymore…

What kind of love or consciousness did you obtain that will keep your heart from feeling the obvious pain that exists in this world?
I agree with you and many of the New Age movement has been infiltrated to lead us to believe that we should do nothing

All my life I searched and found most of the information out there rather inconsequential and not more than flattery to keep ones ego happy

When I found Keylontic Sciences I had the struggle of my life because I could realize that all that I have been taught was wrong and that I needed in many cases start from scratch

At least now, while I can not solve the problems of the world, I am doing something about it through grid keeping that help the planet stabilize its energy, and many of us are doing the same individually, and avoid earth changes when possible

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