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Old 09-27-2009, 01:08 PM   #51
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

There is something brewing here, that's for sure... In the middle of this husk, I'll make a very invisible comment.

Many whistleblowers, Alex Collier being very detailed about it, have mentioned it. There is a gathering in our solar system.

But what's brewing inside each of us is most interesting... I bet that's why "they" are here.

Namaste, Steven
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Old 09-27-2009, 01:14 PM   #52
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Tango View Post
...Do NOT follow the leader... But, go within to find the truth... Your consciousness will NOT lie to You. You, will Not Lie to You. Believe in YOU. Don't get sucked into some what one that says. I have this information; because I am Special...

...Yes, I risk being banned for sounding the alarm...I will tell you

that the reason you are here is for YOUR consciousness...
It is all true, but I trust everyone here is mature enough to integrate this knowledge. We can see clearly the hidden intention behinds words and thoughts, intuition do not lie...

On the other hand, we clearly see the Law of Attraction in play here.

You will not be banned Tango.

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 09-27-2009 at 01:25 PM.
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Old 09-27-2009, 01:19 PM   #53
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Forgive me for asking, but what happened to you? You sound wounded. Really hurt? Even your words are confusing and I'm not saying that to make you look bad. I don't even know who you are but the energy I am reading off your latest post is not what you are capable of. You sound like you have a handle on this stuff and yet your wording with the word believing just seems to jumble what you really mean. I'm just trying to understand and that is all. I am a little surprised as to your responses and yet maybe I should keep my nose out of it.

Has something happened outside of this forum that has cause you this pain? Then maybe you went to the forum looking for something or someone to relate with and didn't find what you were looking for as far as a real friend?

You sound like you got left out in the cold.

Just trying to understand as I know some days everything just goes to poo.

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Old 09-27-2009, 01:42 PM   #54
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Update on numbers as of this moment for anyone keeping score is 7,623 people have assended, as mentioned previously by Jim Self sep 17 the number was 7,103, he mentioned that they are cheering us on watching us.
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Old 09-27-2009, 01:57 PM   #55
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Barcarolle View Post
Update on numbers as of this moment for anyone keeping score is 7,623 people have assended, as mentioned previously by Jim Self sep 17 the number was 7,103, he mentioned that they are cheering us on watching us.
Thanks for this info, and getting this thread back on track.
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Old 09-27-2009, 02:01 PM   #56
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

You mean there are people who don't like the stuff I post? Whatever, I am not loosing any sleep over it.

Posted By Ferdia
I thought the purpose of threads was to share information, this thread is full of ambiguous, and even dangerous comments, which tango is right to redicule
So you have justifications for ridicule? Good luck with that paradigm. I once new a few people in middle school that had a philosophy like that.

I guess some people cant take some critisism without letting their EGO manifest, i guess a few people like to TELL us things instead of providing a service (service to self mentality perhaps) i better not dissagree or i may be dowsed as a dark entity right.
Here we go again with the demonizing of the ego. Yes I have an ego and I use it constructively. It is called duality, this stuff about not standing up for yourself because the "new age" movement has deemed all individualistic and confident personalities as the evil ego is in my opinion just another ploy to get us to be more submissive. Nice try, I am not a push over.

Tango is a Troll, here is the first ever post I saw him make in Avalon. This was during a mature constructive conversation / thread about the Steven Greer Interview.

You, MAY want to ask the same of Oprah...

Or, any other TV or Cable Anchor, Host, or Interviewer...

The lense adds weight... Kerry, knows that, it's 101.

And, it wasn't a complaint, it was an observation.
Here, give us 10 names of weighted interviewers...
Its, More for females than males. I don't make the
rules. We just have to live with them.

It's the same as the stunt on the stage. She's just lucky
it was someone like, Bob Dean that she pulled that on,
Someone else might have walked off the stage.

When camelot started it was about 'recording' history.
Now the recorder [honorable job] as it was; Now, wants fame.

I've seen this happen before! Can you deal with the
out come... The herd here at PC/PA has thinned. Wonder why?

When it all comes crashing down, and someone has to be kept
after school; are YOU going to stick around and pay all the bills ?
When one has a good product going, you don't change the blueprint.
Just look at the numbers... They speak for themselves. They don't lie...
Kerry, had a good thing going in the beginning. It is a business. You
know, book keeping and such...

Doubt Me.... You'll seee...


" I'm not dancing around this one."
Then a few posts later

First Kerry " Does NOT belong in front of the camera." She has a weight
gain thang going on, also she tries to hide it by wearing Black. Hon, just
push the potatoes away, girl... See, in the past with her behind the camera
we don't see those arms flayling around... And, behind the camera she
doesn't tap or poke the guest... In the past two camera's were used to
give more of a POV... To use one camera and go from a three shot to a
one shot then a two shot cutting out Bill, was in very poor taste. Greer's
head twisting back and forth made it appear as tho he was confused...
And, the background was terrible. This is why a blue background is
normally used... Or velvet would have NOT shown where it was folded.
Hell, even a white wall would have been better. It looked amature...
carelessly put together.
I will continue to stand up for myself, I don't care if half the forum (not likely) turns against me in the process. I am just sharing what I am coming up with, and I am not telling anyone what to do with the information or what it means. If people want to get defensive because I post some things that are enigmatic and strange then perhaps the reader should look into what kind of motives the people playing the victim have.

So, the people that are in here to specifically distract the reader away from information that they do not like, or perhaps have even been tasked to pretend to not like the info, can come in hords and I will keep posting what ever the f--k I want to.

And Tango, "we have all been warned about following a false god". What in the world does that have to do with anything posted in this thread. Shew troll shew. You all are just throwing gasoline on my fire.

Last edited by tone3jaguar; 09-27-2009 at 02:03 PM.
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Old 09-27-2009, 02:21 PM   #57
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

A lot of ego in defence here bro, but no substance.

23 dimensions, the tsarions, chipped at sedona- i discern that this is dangerous information. Be your own guru by all means, but don't expect to recruit converts, none of us has all the answers and we have been down the rabbit hole long enough to know unsubstantiated bs when we see it,
one love, people get ready...
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Old 09-27-2009, 02:45 PM   #58
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Update, 9/27/09

823 Ships

55 Species
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Old 09-27-2009, 02:47 PM   #59
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

bring it on
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Old 09-27-2009, 02:49 PM   #60
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Tango View Post
As, once again the Mods protect YOU.
Tango I don't know why you say this - I've got personal things to attend to today - and I'll get back with you later - your posts are sometimes quite difficult to interpret and as of yesterday I haven't had enough time to do anything but quickly skim.
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Old 09-27-2009, 02:55 PM   #61
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by feardia View Post
A lot of ego in defence here bro, but no substance.

23 dimensions, the tsarions, chipped at sedona- i discern that this is dangerous information. Be your own guru by all means, but don't expect to recruit converts, none of us has all the answers and we have been down the rabbit hole long enough to know unsubstantiated bs when we see it,
one love, people get ready...
This universe has 8 dimensions. Once you cross the multiversal barrier it goes all the way up to 23 dimensions. The 23rd being pure source energy where universes are born from. It is not relevant information for anyones path, however I think it is interesting to think about. Dangerous? How exactly?

Tsarions? Isn't that the last name of one of Jordan Maxwell's deciples? I said that they are called the Pasarions. Dangerous? How exactly?

Chipped at Sedona? Where exactly did you get that from? The Sedona vortex sites open up into hyperdimensional information conduits during every full moon. This was conveyed to me while at Bell Rock by an ancient American Indian shaman spirit named black feather.

I am not trying to recruit anyone, perhaps you did not read the post I just made in the Camelot Radio thread

Posted By Me in the "camelot radio (a valiant attempt)varitas seems to be the show to carry the torch" thread.

I feel sorry for anyone who is looking for a leader or leaders outside of themselves that are either purposefully or innocently creating a timeline where difficult things happen. People should not be encouraged to follow anyone down any particular timeline. They should be encouraged to look within themselves and find what future is best for them.

The reality that "so and so" has created for themselves with their personal core beliefs is not locked in of everyone. Everyone is not going to experience the same chain of event leading up to 2012. This is why it is imperative for people to listen to information and decide for themselves what is true and what is not. Guess what, there is more than one truth and there are millions of parallel timelines created from all of those truths. Choose your timeline, do not let Camelot, George Green, or anyone else choose it for you.

You and you alone have the power to shape the reality you experience over the next couple of years and do not let anyone lead you away from that power when they attempt to evangelize your truth for you. Learn from the mistakes of religions of the past that have locked people into one version of reality and brake free from this vicious cycle of giving away your power.
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Old 09-27-2009, 03:03 PM   #62
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I think there is a divergence in our timelines, i'll stick to 11 dimensions (and a possible 12th) and us on our way to the 5th, I trust no aliens and would be very concerned about what is being beamed into sedona (cydonia) from the moon,
good journey...
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Old 09-27-2009, 03:06 PM   #63
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Well neither one of us can prove which one of us is right, this does not make either of our informations dangerous. They are just opinions. Fearing what one does not understand is the roadblock that dogma instills in people. This roadblock is not there by accident.
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Old 09-27-2009, 03:20 PM   #64
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

No harm to you bro, from what I am hearing you are in a very dangerous situation having anything to do with ascension through technology and the aliens with the bright light of conditional love is a very precarious path to be travelling, and that is not discerned through dowsing or channeling, that is me talking as a citizen of this planet using my own discernment and information from a number of sources which concur e.g Alex Collier, george Kavassalis, Ashana Deane and numerous others.

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Old 09-27-2009, 03:25 PM   #65
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It is my hope that there are beings out there who are here to help humanity and that we can also help ourselves through the troubled times ahead.

I enjoy reading everyone's comments and love this website. I wish for you blessings and much joy always...

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Old 09-27-2009, 03:44 PM   #66
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM


It's all interconnected. Even with this thread that Tone3Jaguar started. It's all good as far as I am concerned. Others might disagree or might have blockages that prevent them to see the beauty in one another. Everyone has their own path and we should honor those paths. It doesn't have to be a persecution on any level no matter how ambiguous it may sound to someone else. These blockages within an individual does not justify them to exercise lower frequency tactics such as ridicule or any form of persecution onto another. It only causes compromise. Which is a common attribute in this duality. This is all second hand information and should not be accepted as your truth until you, yourself can prove it for yourself in the first hand. If the sharing of one's path can trigger something within you that is resonant, then a dialogue to investigate further for the purposes of soul growth should be encouraged. In my book, respect is earned. But that is my book and that works for me. It may not work for someone else and that's alright with me. Whatever floats your boat. If you think that you can cause obstruction onto another, who's path has the right to it's own sovereignty, then there is always going to be discourse. The person doing this will end up owning this discourse. Just another lesson. I don't know about anyone here but when you get tired of learning those lessons over and over and finally realize that the only information that you can't argue with is what you know in the first hand, then things start to make better sense. So if you are new to this, and you want to save yourself a bunch of unneeded grief, realize that second hand information from another path, may not align with you and you will always have to remember that. If you exercise any of the lower tactics, just know that the blocks you are reacting to are within you and not the one you think you are reacting against.
Your insight here is pin point accuracy

We all have a path...and the sharing of knowledge is wonderful...however...things when filtered through the conscious...perceived by the EGO....can be tricky at best....to top it off..the programing methods of the ones who fight this enlightenment, and findings of this important knowledge...can really confuse the messages.
Therefore learning what you can, then filtering as much as you can through "knowing" firsthand the truth and learning the purpose of your path is the key as far as I can see it...and that is exactly as I see it....maybe not how you perceive it...and you must learn that the truth you seek is just that as well..filtered by the programming and forces that "don't want you to know" the TRUTH.

Now, I have been on this forum for a year now..and have never spoken about these things...however, some of the posts by you Lionhart, have sparked a memory...not one that was forgotten..but one I choose to forget for a while until the time came that it would be of purpose...and exactly where to apply that knowledge.
I have been visited all my life...from the age of three...and even just recently..I had the marks to show me it was real....and when I was around 27...I actually dug an implant out of my leg...still have the scar...it won't go away. And I know there are other implants....anytime I get close to the truth....and ever since I have been on a path of enlightenment ...Migraine headaches triger...I, who have never had a migraine in my life..suffer now and have been for about the last 9 years...and there is no medicine that will stop it...it's just something I have had to learn to live with....but I know after years of cat scans, MRI, and waves of different types of drugs..that nothing will work..and...I know that anytime I try to remember..they trigger.
I have seen my past life...and I have seen brief glimpses of the future..the parts i am directly involved with...and all the implants they can put in me have not been able to repress that part of me....thankfully.

So...Lionhawk...my memory spark was the "PTAAH"...and it indeed must have an energy imprint connected with it..because as soon as you described it...I felt it. This anyone here can call "bs" on...I am not afraid of the ridicule anymore...in fact I spread the word to everyone I know and care about, in preparation for the coming events...and some will joke with me and say.."hay brook, have you seen any ufos lately"....but they know I'm not completely off my rocker, as they know the job I do to earn a living ...and the sanity I must maintain to do the job, goes hand in hand...so in other words..they know I'm not a complete "loon"..therefore when the time comes..the seed has been planted..for the "wake up"...which indeed is coming soon..hence the gravitation to this thread...and it's title "Something is brewing, HMMMM"

Indeed something is brewing...and things are moving at a pace that is hard to keep up with...so guys...lets get it together..and figure out a plan...to fulfill your path and mine, and anyone else who is on the path to bring us to the next level of evolution....it will be well worth the effort to put our minds together...and filter the truth and start to understand our true purpose here at this time.


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Old 09-27-2009, 03:56 PM   #67
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by feardia View Post
I think there is a divergence in our timelines, i'll stick to 11 dimensions (and a possible 12th) and us on our way to the 5th, I trust no aliens and would be very concerned about what is being beamed into sedona (cydonia) from the moon,
good journey...
I'm not sure what is in Sedona now...but I was called there about 4 years ago...by my guides...to glimpse exactly what these "bad" guys did to me before...it was ugly..and they are muderous scum, trying to divert the paths of everyone.

So I'll say it again...let's get back on path and not let their perceived control divert us...I know we have it in us to discern the truth
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Old 09-27-2009, 04:23 PM   #68
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The healing energies and demands that we handle our stuff are out through the roof. Ignore the impetus and opportunity at your peril. There is a huge triggering going on, and it's for the purpose of dredging up what must become the focus for the personal spot light, and then it leaves, never to return. It's also natural to project what is coming up from within us onto others, because old habits die hard. But this is all getting better, unless you refuse to do your work.

The only place any real work is taking place is within us. Steven is right that that is also what all the interest we are receiving from out and about is focused on.

We are pioneering this shift, because it's never happened before that a planet ascended with a conscious population on board. We're along for this ride, or we hit the off ramp (die). ( A soup of circumstantial data is shaping up towards there being upwards of a billion people who know they will not be able to ride this out, and who will there for find their exit ticket along the way. Dowse THAT one T3J.)

Earth is headed for the 5th, and it is impossible for us to stay on her back without ourselves ascending to at least the 5th.

What we need is being provided. What ever path we are on, the clues for us to chase down are being left in our path (not necessarily by someone or something else. we are ourselves multidimensional and just because we have parts of that shut off at the moment doesn't mean it isn't active)

Where we are going, we can not take our baggage with us. It won't fit through the proverbial door.

If you are triggered, be thankful, because it's just showing you what's next for you to deal with.

I saw some incorrect statements about channeled work, unless we are looking at different things. I've gained more, personally since reading and listening to channeled works than in several thousand years of wallowing around in the dark. Of course personal discernment is always key, and you must never "believe" anything you encounter without confirming it with your intuition, and reading the energy signature for resonance with your own frequency.

And I very highly recommend that you find a way to be in personal contact with your guides as quickly as you can manage it. Nobody knows when the shift proceeds. Most of what we are now doing is in terms of preparation. packing for the trip. cleaning out the garage ahead of the move. Earth too. She's undergoing the same turmoil that we are, lightening her load as well, so to speak.

We have more friends now than we can count. There is so much help available. Just listen. With your heart. It won't speak through your mind (unless you've already connected through your heart.)

My own personal work is sped up to many hundreds of times normal pace. I'm going through the ringer, but I've never been happier and more free since entering this game of 3D, here on earth.

Enjoy yourselves. keep it light. And by all means, do your work. It's both the easiest and most difficult thing ever. But what a joy each accomplishment is.

Love you all.
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Old 09-27-2009, 04:30 PM   #69
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by feardia View Post
No harm to you bro, from what I am hearing you are in a very dangerous situation having anything to do with ascension through technology and the aliens with the bright light of conditional love is a very precarious path to be travelling, and that is not discerned through dowsing or channeling, that is me talking as a citizen of this planet using my own discernment and information from a number of sources which concur e.g Alex Collier, george Kavassalis, Ashana Deane and numerous others.

I have never heard a single story from anyone that visited any of the Sedona Vortex sites that has had a negative experience unless they slipped and injured themselves on the sand stone which does not count.

I do not look to people that are popular for the answers, I look for the answers myself. What so and so has to say about where we are headed and what is safe and what is not safe is irrelevant to my path. I did not even listen pas the first 5 min of Colliers presentation on the U-stream because he was preaching a dogma.

There is a huge difference between the way I present information and the way that others do. I show people what I have learned and then state that they should make up their own minds weather or not the information is important enough for them to integrate into their paradigms.

Where as others, not naming names, would stand up in front of thousands of people and evangelize the version of reality that they have adopted as if everyone should buy into it. That is dogma and giving away ones power to shape the future that is ahead of them. I do not care if it is the Dali Lama, Alex Collier, George Green, Pat Robertson, or who ever. If you buy into other peoples explanations of how things are then you are allowing others to construct your reality for you. Not figuratively, actually changing your future to be congruent with theirs.

It is like the Hopi said over a year ago in the message that they released

"Find your water and let the current take it where it will"


"Find somebody elses water and get in their canoe and ride the rapids with them"
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Old 09-27-2009, 05:23 PM   #70
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No disrespect to anyone but I'm glad there are people like Tango here to speak out about what they feel is wrong. Long live freedom of speech
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Old 09-27-2009, 06:39 PM   #71
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Hey.... Tone3jag... U said your completely mobile... Do you have your stuff

in the car right Now... The computer your on; yours or someone else's...

Are U staying with friends, relatives; do you have a weapon in the car with



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Old 09-27-2009, 06:40 PM   #72
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Ahhh! Brook that is wonderful to hear. I just got here and to hear you say what you did, kind of floors me in away. Well my dearest, you are not alone anymore if that is something I can say. Maybe the fire I started is starting to get bigger. That calls for a celebration. We can put all the logs on that fire now and there is no stopping it. That includes anyone else who wants to just put down their baggage and join a little party. A company of great spirits sounds like what the Doctor ordered. Leave your limits at the door and expand ourselves. Be free for a day without lugging around our blocks around our necks. Crack some jokes and lighten up. What say you people? Why not make light of the lives you have endured so far instead of jumping around like fleas on a Planet that could use some hugs, compassion, a little joy, and some freedom to express our true selves. Brook came out of hiding and why don't we start there and go on down the line?

Also thank-yous go out to all of you that have sent private messages to my inbox and the friends who have brought over my favorite pie. ahahahahaaa
It is all good and please don't feel like I am blowing anyone off as I have been very busy and I'm actually kind of slow to these new gadgets that I have never seen before.

What say you? Oh, lets keep those counters going though. Something we can look forward too.
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Old 09-27-2009, 09:46 PM   #73
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
I have never heard a single story from anyone that visited any of the Sedona Vortex ...

...It is like the Hopi said over a year ago in the message that they released

"Find your water and let the current take it where it will"


"Find somebody elses water and get in their canoe and ride the rapids with them"
whatever floats your boat, I know my truth, and i am sure you know yours, i dont listen to everything alex c says or b&k for that matter, but there is truth everywhere, and for you there is probably a little bit of truth in what you are saying, i jumped into the river long ago, it is taking me home, i am enjoying the ride, i hope you do too,
and the flu vaccine might be a bit dodgy too, just my intuition,
one love, people get ready....
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Old 09-27-2009, 09:54 PM   #74
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Tango View Post
Hey.... Tone3jag... U said your completely mobile... Do you have your stuff

in the car right Now... The computer your on; yours or someone else's...

Are U staying with friends, relatives; do you have a weapon in the car with



Nope, I have two portable tool bags full of my tools, three 10 gal. plastic containers with the essentials in it, and clothes. I am on a laptop, it is my only computer. I do not need weapons, if I get into trouble I have other means of defending myself. Staying currently at my fathers house. This is the first time in a decade that I have not been paying rent.

This is because some arrogant illuminati loosers politically forced me from my position as head golf course superintendent at XYZ club in SWF. Luckly I have no debt other than the car payments, therefore the unemployment is more than enough to pay the bills.

The douche bags who cost me my job thought they won a battle. In reality they just gave me 6 mths. of needed R and R. I have tried to start up my own consulting business. This is very slow going because most people do not have any spare change to pay for metaphysical work.

Therefore, I am doing my best to keep my mind fresh and creativity flowing with the blog I created and have been enjoying this change of pace. I feel as though it will soon be time for me to make a move. Just waiting on the intuitive flash I need to lead me in the right direction.
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Old 09-27-2009, 10:12 PM   #75
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Give me your word that if you start to lose it... You'll get help...

Also, promise me You won't hurt anyone; N' I'll stand down...

Do you Understand... ? Or, I'm going to send someone to talk to you...

Are You eating...?



Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Nope, I have two portable tool bags full of my tools, three 10 gal. plastic containers with the essentials in it, and clothes. I am on a laptop, it is my only computer. I do not need weapons, if I get into trouble I have other means of defending myself. Staying currently at my fathers house. This is the first time in a decade that I have not been paying rent.

This is because some arrogant illuminati loosers politically forced me from my position as head golf course superintendent at XYZ club in SWF. Luckly I have no debt other than the car payments, therefore the unemployment is more than enough to pay the bills.

The douche bags who cost me my job thought they won a battle. In reality they just gave me 6 mths. of needed R and R. I have tried to start up my own consulting business. This is very slow going because most people do not have any spare change to pay for metaphysical work.

Therefore, I am doing my best to keep my mind fresh and creativity flowing with the blog I created and have been enjoying this change of pace. I feel as though it will soon be time for me to make a move. Just waiting on the intuitive flash I need to lead me in the right direction.
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