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Old 10-30-2009, 12:21 AM   #501
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Update 10/29/09 Number of Craft no longer static

Number of mother ships parked near Earth = 1,071

Number of Craft parked on the mother ships = 30,162

Number of mother ships that are supply ships = 61

Numbers of ET's on all of these ships combined = 2,543,363

They are still arriving, I guess they had a down time on new arrivals or something.
Interesting T3J What else can you find out? Maybe they had to wait for the phantom ship to lead them through the chaos barrier to some kind of dimensional transit window areas. I have heard that it is difficult for the higher dimensional beings to come down to our denser plane of existence. How many more are coming?

I wonder when they plan a massive light show in the skies of earth. Soon would be awesome! Just freak this planet out! Big time! That shoud shake a few minds out of their robotic state.

Last edited by JesterTerrestrial; 10-30-2009 at 02:16 AM. Reason: Big time Freak out!!! COME ON ALREADY!!!
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Old 10-30-2009, 12:34 AM   #502
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

I was wondering what the interplanetary equivalent of a flat tire would be myself JT.
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Old 10-30-2009, 02:02 AM   #503
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
If your numbers are correct 3Tone...I just hope they're the good-guys. I keep thinking about "V".
That is what the PTB want you to think about. You think that it is a coincidence that the V television series is coming back out right now? Remember the PTB have time viewing technology. If they saw the unveiling of the truth about ET's right around the near future then they would plan their media around trying to shift perceptions in the direction of their agenda. Don't fall for it.
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Old 10-30-2009, 02:30 AM   #504
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
That is what the PTB want you to think about. You think that it is a coincidence that the V television series is coming back out right now? Remember the PTB have time viewing technology. If they saw the unveiling of the truth about ET's right around the near future then they would plan their media around trying to shift perceptions in the direction of their agenda. Don't fall for it.
So, essentially you are agreeing with Camelot, Wilcock and others that disclosure is going to happen very soon?
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Old 10-30-2009, 03:33 AM   #505
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

I think that it is going to happen, no way I am pegging a date on it. Like I said earlier in this thread, I think it will happen sometime after the end of the 6th day in the Galactic Underworld of the Mayan Long Count Calendar. That would be sometime after Mid November 2009.

Why is it called the Galactic Underworld? Well I will give you a hint. The last underworld that ended in 1999 was called the National Underworld. That one was about 400 years long and had to do with the evolution of the consciousness of Nations. The one we are in now is supposed to be about the evolution of the conciousness of the Galactic societies rather than the National Societies.

We are just about through with the transitional time period where the nationalistic consciousness will morph into the galactic consciousness. This underworld we are in now only lasts for 12 years and we are nearing the end of it. The next one after this that only takes 260 days and ends on the 2012 date is called the Universal Underworld. My guess is that during that time our consciousness will morph into an understanding of multiple universes.
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Old 10-30-2009, 04:32 PM   #506
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I am going to do my best now to give daily updates for a more coherent view of what is going on up there. Before I give todays update, I must apologize for forgetting to check on the number of species for the last update yesterday 10/29/09.

For a recap, for a few weeks the number of species involved in what ever is going on was 55. Then a little more than a week ago the number of species went to 56. I just checked it today and the number of species had jumped to 57.

We where speculating to figure out why there had been a few day period last week where no new ships where showing up. It seems as though now that they where waiting for this other species / star nation to show up.

Next I decided to ask the Pasarions, (head logistical organizers for what ever is going on), if they would be willing to tell me how many species would be eventually involved in this effort. They said that this would be OK.

Number of species currently stationed in the ships around the Earth = 57

Number of species the Parions claim will eventually be involved = 71

Number of mother ships currently parked around the Earth = 1151

Number of the mother ships that are "Supply" Ships = 83

Number of Et's present on the ships = 3,712,113

Number of craft parked inside of the mother ships = 44,223

As you can see if you compare these results with the results from yesterday, there has been alot of new arrivals over the past 24 hours or so. Like I said, I am now going to be doing my best to do an update every day now. Things are ramping up and my intincts are telling me to do this.
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Old 10-30-2009, 04:41 PM   #507
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
went aboard last night, as has been the case every night for a while now. While there, I was told that "reinforcements are coming." I was told 3,000 reinforcements. I believe they were referring to ships / crafts, not beings.

this was just writen to me today
Mntruthseeker: I am wondering what is meant by "reinforcements" what are they for, should we be expecting some catastrophe, or natural disaster, or something else, that they are bringing in reinforcements?
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Old 10-30-2009, 05:16 PM   #508
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Dr. Greer had a thing or two to say about what is brewing at the conference this weekend. As I understood it, the dark cabal now has a limited time to do the right thing and start telling the truth and using the technology they have for the benefit of humanity. Greer was saying it would be days, weeks, or months, that this was unlikely to stretch to years. He was very adamant about it. The schedule is not fixed and depends on what people decide to do. I'm not sure exactly what is supposed to happen, but the ETs are going to take some kind of action, make themselves known, and I don't know what else. The impression I got is that it will be transformative in a big way. It will be a very good thing, but not necessarily without a period of trouble. That's a brief and possibly erroneous summary of an hour long talk.
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Old 10-30-2009, 05:23 PM   #509
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post

Next I decided to ask the Pasarions, (head logistical organizers for what ever is going on), if they would be willing to tell me how many species would be eventually involved in this effort. They said that this would be OK.
Is it possible to ask them what they are about to do and when?
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Old 10-30-2009, 07:29 PM   #510
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Jnana View Post
Dr. Greer had a thing or two to say about what is brewing at the conference this weekend. As I understood it, the dark cabal now has a limited time to do the right thing and start telling the truth and using the technology they have for the benefit of humanity. Greer was saying it would be days, weeks, or months, that this was unlikely to stretch to years. He was very adamant about it. The schedule is not fixed and depends on what people decide to do. I'm not sure exactly what is supposed to happen, but the ETs are going to take some kind of action, make themselves known, and I don't know what else. The impression I got is that it will be transformative in a big way. It will be a very good thing, but not necessarily without a period of trouble. That's a brief and possibly erroneous summary of an hour long talk.
Originally Posted by Spregovori View Post
Is it possible to ask them what they are about to do and when?
As Jnana stated, the answer to that question is not set in stone so to speak. I had already thrown the theory out there way back in the first few pages of this thread that they may be attempting diplomatic negotiations with the group formerly known as Majestic 12 and maybe even others.

Part of that theory was that the ET's could see with their advanced technology that these groups of power mongers would try to pull off the false flag alien invasion and the the ET's where not going to allow that for one second.

What Geer apparently had to say about this at the Rio Rico conference that Jnana just reported to us is seeming to back up the data that I am coming up with. Perhaps the theory that I just stated was only a part of why they are here right now.

Perhaps the decision has been made by the majority of this military industrial complex to cut the losses and allow the whole thing to unfold without resistance. Then with the heavy compartmentalization and splinter factions of the secret government there may be some hold outs that are either to addicted to power and control or are scared sh-tless at what might happen to them if the truth came out.

At any rate, I do not think that it will matter for the masses weather they come clean or not. With as many massive city sized supply ships that are currently parked near Earth as there are, you would have to guess that there is probably more than enough advanced tech to free our world on them.

If this does go down, I will be one of the first people in line to get a personal UFO to fly around in, LOL.

Last edited by tone3jaguar; 10-30-2009 at 07:41 PM.
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Old 10-30-2009, 07:43 PM   #511
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
If this does go down, I will be one of the first people in line to get a personal UFO to fly around in, LOL.
Not without a proper driver's license, buddy!

Pertaining to the number of craft and beings that you are getting... are you able to discern if these are all physical beings or if some of them are actually inter-dimensional beings as well?
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Old 10-30-2009, 09:36 PM   #512
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Old 10-30-2009, 10:04 PM   #513
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by TempestGarden View Post
Pertaining to the number of craft and beings that you are getting... are you able to discern if these are all physical beings or if some of them are actually inter-dimensional beings as well?
All of the ones that I am dowsing are 4th dimensional. We are all actually interdimensional beings. However, I am dowsing the beings that are able to show up in our reality physically. They can also phase out of our reality at will, if this is what you mean by interdimensional. Generally in order to travel trans-dimensionally using consciousness interface technology like they do, you generally have to be the next step up in humanoid evolution from where we are now. There are no doubt 5-8th dimensional beings also involved in the project, however 5th-8th dimensionals do not need ships and are not physical beings in the sense that we would think of them as.
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Old 10-30-2009, 10:26 PM   #514
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
I had already thrown the theory out there way back in the first few pages of this thread that they may be attempting diplomatic negotiations with the group formerly known as Majestic 12 and maybe even others.

Part of that theory was that the ET's could see with their advanced technology that these groups of power mongers would try to pull off the false flag alien invasion and the the ET's where not going to allow that for one second.

I am just a little confused at how is it that they can not answer such a question or that such a question can not be asked? Or are they reluctant to answer it?

Jnana has a theory, you have a theory, Greer has a theory....but they (ET) have the answer.

I might be wrong but the M12 and others (black government) do not exactly work for the betterment of humanity?

If they negotiate with scum, they do it only to prevent them from distorting their descent? I mean...why else would someone so advance talk to a low life?

And with all ET technology (beyond imagination and our understanding) can M12 and others actually do anything?

My "theory" here is that IF they are negotiating with them they are doing it to protect us. When a sociopath sees he/she has failed and that outcome will not be as planed...the sociopath WILL go down with a bang. One last stand of Mr.Crazy....say hello to my little friend....
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Old 10-30-2009, 11:46 PM   #515
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Spregovori View Post
I am just a little confused at how is it that they can not answer such a question or that such a question can not be asked? Or are they reluctant to answer it?

Jnana has a theory, you have a theory, Greer has a theory....but they (ET) have the answer.
I have checked with them on why they are here and posted it up numerous times. They are here for disclosure. Even if I did get a date out of them I would not post it up because then all of the sudden I go from intuitive to self proclaimed prophet and then unleash the hounds.

I might be wrong but the M12 and others (black government) do not exactly work for the betterment of humanity?

If they negotiate with scum, they do it only to prevent them from distorting their descent? I mean...why else would someone so advance talk to a low life?
This is all theory, but if they did not give these people a chance to come clean before they showed up, the ET's could risk having to defend themselves to prevent negative things from happening to them. The ET's recognize that we are all one consciousness and therefore are more interested in helping the most troubled of us than judging and running the most troubled of us over.

And with all ET technology (beyond imagination and our understanding) can M12 and others actually do anything?

My "theory" here is that IF they are negotiating with them they are doing it to protect us. When a sociopath sees he/she has failed and that outcome will not be as planed...the sociopath WILL go down with a bang. One last stand of Mr.Crazy....say hello to my little friend....
Exactly, if this can be prevented than an advanced spiritual being will try to prevent it.
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Old 10-31-2009, 08:17 AM   #516
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

For those who are not familiar with John Walson's Mystery Space Machines here's the link to 'Strange Things Above'.


Scroll to John Walson's Strange Things Above (Left o. t. page)

Most of the videos are not working, but there are a lot of photographs.

Last edited by TRANCOSO; 10-31-2009 at 08:21 AM.
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Old 10-31-2009, 06:47 PM   #517
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Spregovori View Post
I am just a little confused at how is it that they can not answer such a question or that such a question can not be asked? Or are they reluctant to answer it?

If they negotiate with scum, they do it only to prevent them from distorting their descent? I mean...why else would someone so advance talk to a low life?
I was giving my interpretation of what Greer said, not my own view, which is basically wait and see.

I don't think it is possible to get a specific answer to "what is going to happen" because "it depends". Whether we can muddle through or some sort of cosmic reboot is required is very much in the balance right now.

I don't think anybody mentioned negotiations. Really, it is up to us. I think that is why Greer is urging everyone to write Obama and their representatives to get ET power technology released for the good of humanity.

If you have been following what Greer has been saying about the dark cabal over the last decade, they have gone from about 1/3 being in favor of disclosure to about 2/3 being in favor of disclosure as of some recent communication to Greer. Unfortunately, the remaining 1/3 are the most ruthless. They must be turned to the light.

Last edited by Jnana; 10-31-2009 at 06:53 PM.
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Old 10-31-2009, 07:05 PM   #518
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Jnana View Post
I think that is why Greer is urging everyone to write Obama and their representatives to get ET power technology released for the good of humanity.
If I write to Obama some secretary will intercept this and mark it as spam. I might even turn on my PC next day with nothing but FBI on my screen (it did happen to someone I know) or I might get special and my identity will get an extra mark among all the yottabytes of their data.

Obama will not see it. The 1/3 u mentioned might see it...but they wont care.

One more thing...

There are usually always two sides of a story. If there are the bad people...than there must be a good people. If they are negotiations with bad people..there must be negotiations/talks with good people.

Who are the good people?

I hope that they do not only talk to a bunch of wannabees.

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Old 10-31-2009, 08:04 PM   #519
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Update 10/31/09, Happy Halloween

Number of mother ships parked near Earth = 1,232

Number of the mother ships that are supply ships = 123

Number of craft parked in the mother ships = 53,414

Number of species of ETs currently involved = 58

Number of total ETs aboard all of these ships = 4,627,322

Number of Species of ETs that the Pasarions say will eventually be involved = 71

Looks Like things are still ramping up, I guess when the dowsing turns up that all 71 species have arrived, then we will be close to go time. It is important to note that over the last 24 hours or so the number of species involved has gone from 57 to 58.

Last edited by tone3jaguar; 10-31-2009 at 08:12 PM.
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Old 10-31-2009, 09:34 PM   #520
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Almost 1 million more enteties since yesterday ...
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Old 10-31-2009, 11:00 PM   #521
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WOW! I'm ready- something is brewing- I have a feeling it's time soon- am feeling it........
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Old 11-01-2009, 12:45 AM   #522
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Old 11-01-2009, 12:48 AM   #523
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Old 11-01-2009, 01:20 AM   #524
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
WOW! I'm ready- something is brewing- I have a feeling it's time soon- am feeling it........
lol dont hold your breath

Seems like the last species are slow to turn up

Only 6 new ones this last month

I think most of the earth will celebrate Christmas unaware of any aliens

Christmas 2012 that is lol
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Old 11-01-2009, 12:02 PM   #525
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