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Old 10-19-2009, 06:17 AM   #426
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Phtha View Post
"...Sun gazing and fasting will recharge the pineal. Nothing else is needed.
Even just Sun gazing, in fact it will super charge the pineal.

Like plugging in a PC to the wall socket for electricity, the Suns photons go straight through the eye sockets and charges up the brain when looking directly at it, creating new neurons, reactivating all of the glands, increasing memory, destroying fear, fixing eye sight, killing cancer, healing injuries, and all else.

The pineal is the seat of the soul. It shrinks slowly as we age, and when the pineal finally collapses the soul is forced out, it leaves through the eyes, and this is why our bodies die. The sun will recharge the pineal, it will make it grow again...."
I use to sit on the stairs to the beach and watch the sunrise before work. I could feel it do something but didn't know enough about this way back when in order to really get into it. I guess now's the time!

Can it be an hour at sunrise and an hour at sunset?
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Old 10-19-2009, 06:33 AM   #427
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Yea that is the safest time, one hour after Sunrise or one hour before Sunset.

I also do it in mid day now and then, but only for like 8-10 seconds at a time. During Sunrise or Sunset its much easier on the eyes.

Check these vids out, HRM is giving a speech all about it:

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
I use to sit on the stairs to the beach and watch the sunrise before work. I could feel it do something but didn't know enough about this way back when in order to really get into it. I guess now's the time!

Can it be an hour at sunrise and an hour at sunset?
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Old 10-19-2009, 06:54 AM   #428
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Phtha View Post
Sun gazing and fasting will recharge the pineal. Nothing else is needed.
Even just Sun gazing, in fact it will super charge the pineal.

Like plugging in a PC to the wall socket for electricity, the Suns photons go straight through the eye sockets and charges up the brain when looking directly at it, creating new neurons, reactivating all of the glands, increasing memory, destroying fear, fixing eye sight, killing cancer, healing injuries, and all else.

The pineal is the seat of the soul. It shrinks slowly as we age, and when the pineal finally collapses the soul is forced out, it leaves through the eyes, and this is why our bodies die. The sun will recharge the pineal, it will make it grow again.

Phtha... you're a genius!!!

I just realized a missing part of the riddle of 'Thoth.'

Lucky 13

It takes RAdiance and MAgnetism!
They have 'RA MA dan' wrong!!!

Last edited by Christo888; 10-19-2009 at 07:02 AM.
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Old 10-19-2009, 08:17 AM   #429
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Phtha View Post
Yea that is the safest time, one hour after Sunrise or one hour before Sunset.

I also do it in mid day now and then, but only for like 8-10 seconds at a time. During Sunrise or Sunset its much easier on the eyes.

Check these vids out, HRM is giving a speech all about it:
YouTube - Solar Gazing with HRM; Part1
YouTube - Solar Gazing with HRM; Part-2
I am all for new modalities of learning and healing. However, 8-10 seconds of direct mid day sun light can permanently damage the eyes. The lens of the eye focuses the light into a pinpoint like a magnification glass. If people are going to do this then stay away from he mid day staring at the sun. Perhaps this guy has special genetics or something that enable his eyes to deal with mid day sun light directly in the eyes. There have been those that have lost their eyesight looking into the sun like this.
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Old 10-19-2009, 10:26 AM   #430
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

One thing we can be sure the Visitors were watching was the moon mission that finished weekend before last. No doubt from a Visitors’ point of view, that was a type of test case in human-alien relations. I’m sure all the fifty-plus alien races were observing how we all responded to the moon mission.

In the week since then, I’ve had unexpected good fortune suddenly manifesting itself in my relationships and my work. I won’t really be surprised if something similar happens soon in my health and my finances. I also believe I’ve been aware – and have confirmed by dowsing -- that the inhabitants of that Visitor colony on the moon have been sending me positive energy that caused the above results in my life. I wonder if maybe everybody else who sent consciousness of positive manifestation and protection to the moon colony has been experiencing something similar? I’m sure that the Visitors at that colony have much more strongly developed manifestation powers than we do. So if they simply return our favour by visualising positive manifestation or sending healing for us, the effects on our lives are inevitably quite significant.

In fact, maybe alien-human relations have been changed significantly just by the fact that some humans, including some of the people on this Forum, behaved as intelligently and passionately as they did. I believe we forget that we do all make a difference.
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Old 10-19-2009, 01:14 PM   #431
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Update 10/19/09

Number of mother ships parked near Earth = 1,014

Number of craft parked inside of the mother ships = 23,324

Number of Mother ships that can be classified as supply ships = 43
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Old 10-19-2009, 02:06 PM   #432
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Update 10/19/09

Number of mother ships parked near Earth = 1,014

Number of craft parked inside of the mother ships = 23,324

Number of Mother ships that can be classified as supply ships = 43

4% of the motherships are supply craft - are they larger than the other motherships? 43/1014 = 0.0042 x 100 =4%

Small ships per mothership = 23324/1014 = 23

Can you check and see estimated number of crews?
Also check if one of the species is HUMAN?
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Old 10-19-2009, 02:42 PM   #433
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by TraineeHuman View Post
One thing we can be sure the Visitors were watching was the moon mission that finished weekend before last. No doubt from a Visitors’ point of view, that was a type of test case in human-alien relations. I’m sure all the fifty-plus alien races were observing how we all responded to the moon mission.

In the week since then, I’ve had unexpected good fortune suddenly manifesting itself in my relationships and my work. I won’t really be surprised if something similar happens soon in my health and my finances. I also believe I’ve been aware – and have confirmed by dowsing -- that the inhabitants of that Visitor colony on the moon have been sending me positive energy that caused the above results in my life. I wonder if maybe everybody else who sent consciousness of positive manifestation and protection to the moon colony has been experiencing something similar? I’m sure that the Visitors at that colony have much more strongly developed manifestation powers than we do. So if they simply return our favour by visualising positive manifestation or sending healing for us, the effects on our lives are inevitably quite significant.

In fact, maybe alien-human relations have been changed significantly just by the fact that some humans, including some of the people on this Forum, behaved as intelligently and passionately as they did. I believe we forget that we do all make a difference.

Have you ever listened to Gregg Braden ? He has a book out called Spontaneous Healing of Belief. You can find an audio of it in You Tube and its absolutely beautiful. Yes, you will heal yourself and it will be your own doings. I know its true You will see that its all up to you
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Old 10-19-2009, 03:39 PM   #434
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Update 10/19/09

Number of mother ships parked near Earth = 1,014

Number of craft parked inside of the mother ships = 23,324

Number of Mother ships that can be classified as supply ships = 43

This makes 1 mother craft per 503029 square kilometers of earth surface.

(size of Spain)


This makes 1 craft per 21868 square kilometers of earth surface.

(size of my country well a little bit more...something like Guyana)


If you only take land surface which is
148,940,000 km2

1 mother craft per 146883 square miles of earth land surface

(a little bigger than Bangladesh)

1 craft per 6385 square kilometers of earth land surface

( a little less than the size of

If my math is correct they have a nice coverage.
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Old 10-19-2009, 03:53 PM   #435
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post

4% of the motherships are supply craft - are they larger than the other motherships? 43/1014 = 0.0042 x 100 =4%

Small ships per mothership = 23324/1014 = 23

Can you check and see estimated number of crews?
Also check if one of the species is HUMAN?
Good Idea, by the way my information source for this intel is the lead organizing group called the Pasarions. The method for getting the intel is a combination of pendulum dowsing and conscious telepathic communication with them. This is possible for me because I have been working with higher dimensional beings of all different types for over a decade using telepathic communication and the pendulum. These ET's are all 4th dimensional in the ships. There are those of higher dimensions that are involved, but they do not need ships. We all have the capability of doing what I am doing here, this is not a special talent.

Number of ET's on the Ships = 1,554,233

Number of Species still 56

The non-supply ships also have supplies on board, however that is not their main purpose. There is also an effort going on to monitor and stabilize the earth to prevent sudden earth changes to the best of their ability.

Smallest Supply ship = 12 miles wide
Smallest Mother Ship = 4,000 feet wide

Largest Supply ship = 35 miles wide
Largest Carrier Mother Ship = 24 miles wide
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Old 10-19-2009, 04:16 PM   #436
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Number of ET's on the Ships = 1,554,233
1532,774ET per mother craft

1ET per 95 square kilometers of earth land surface....

1ET per 4375 "earthlings".

the "waiting lines" might get a little long...

What about other classifications of mother craft...some are supply...but what about others?

Last edited by Spregovori; 10-19-2009 at 04:25 PM.
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Old 10-19-2009, 04:50 PM   #437
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They are still arriving every day, who knows how large the welcoming party will be when the time comes if they show up.

the "waiting lines" might get a little long...
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Old 10-19-2009, 05:16 PM   #438
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Good Idea, by the way my information source for this intel is the lead organizing group called the Pasarions. The method for getting the intel is a combination of pendulum dowsing and conscious telepathic communication with them. This is possible for me because I have been working with higher dimensional beings of all different types for over a decade using telepathic communication and the pendulum. These ET's are all 4th dimensional in the ships. There are those of higher dimensions that are involved, but they do not need ships. We all have the capability of doing what I am doing here, this is not a special talent.
Can you ask them what their plan is? Or, more importantly, who their alliance is with?
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Old 10-19-2009, 05:26 PM   #439
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
This is ditto for me:

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

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Old 10-19-2009, 05:56 PM   #440
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Great stuff as usual Christos.

I'm glad you brought it up Tone. Actually HRM in the above videos states that people should not state at the Sun during the noon hours. There is a safe UV index for gazing, I believe it was 2.5 or so. During the Sunrise/set periods there is no UV at all.

I've been Sungazing for some time and only recently came across the above videos. I find that before gazing the Sun during noon hours I need to first Sun Graze for awhile, 30 mins or so, with meditation to relax my mind. When I get to a certain state I can stare right at the Sun, I pierce through the intense light and underneath is a dark strobe like orb. Unexpainible really. But I do know for those short periods my eyes are not dmged at all. In fact I can close my eyes after and I have no 'glare' effect stuck in my vision what so ever.
I would not recomment it though, at least at first.

HRM later states during question period that it is possible to gaze at noon but when speaking to the masses he is required to say it is dangerous (as it is if your not careful).

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
I am all for new modalities of learning and healing. However, 8-10 seconds of direct mid day sun light can permanently damage the eyes. The lens of the eye focuses the light into a pinpoint like a magnification glass. If people are going to do this then stay away from he mid day staring at the sun. Perhaps this guy has special genetics or something that enable his eyes to deal with mid day sun light directly in the eyes. There have been those that have lost their eyesight looking into the sun like this.
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Old 10-19-2009, 06:02 PM   #441
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Phtha View Post
"... When I get to a certain state I can stare right at the Sun, I pierce through the intense light and underneath is a dark strobe like orb. Unexpainible really..."
"...underneath is a dark strobe like orb..."

The Black Sun!
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Old 10-19-2009, 06:11 PM   #442
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Tone3 - Update -

Update on Balloon Boy charges
Last Updated on Monday, 19 October o 09:14 Written by Peter Monday, 19 October o 08:59

The family who is at the center of the Balloon Boy case was taken from their home last night, in what looked like an FBI raid. We now know that the story of the six-year-old boy trapped in a balloon as it flew across the sky was a hoax, Sheriff Jim Alderden confirmed that the family “put on a very good show for us, and we bought it”.

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Old 10-19-2009, 06:28 PM   #443
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

lol well that though has crossed my mind, I don't know enough about that my-story to say though.

The ancients taught that there are actually 3 suns in our solar system, Sol-Om-On?
The Spiritual Sun, Intellectual or Soular Sun, and the one we see, the Material Sun, they say that because of the alignment of these Suns are the cause of the Planets peculiar elliptical orbits rather then circular.

There are times recorded in the past when they were said to be visible to all.
"In the fifty- first year after Christ three suns were seen at once in the sky and also in the sixty-sixth year. In the sixty-ninth year, two suns were seen together. According to William Lilly, between the years 1156 and 1648 twenty similar occurrences were recorded."

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
"...underneath is a dark strobe like orb..."

The Black Sun!
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Old 10-19-2009, 06:58 PM   #444
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Phtha View Post
The ancients taught that there are actually 3 suns in our solar system, Sol-Om-On?
The Spiritual Sun, Intellectual or Soular Sun, and the one we see, the Material Sun, they say that because of the alignment of these Suns are the cause of the Planets peculiar elliptical orbits rather then circular.

Ohhhh.... the Sun in the sky, the pineal gland, and the becoming 'YOU' transformation of the Scarab Beetle.
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Old 10-19-2009, 07:00 PM   #445
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Here is something I PM'ed to a friend, might as well share it here:

My discernment is pretty strong when it comes to constantly putting our attention on ET stuff… that’s what we start to manifest and most of it is astral and not so nice generally speaking… that’s not because their aren’t nice guys ‘up there’, it’s because the ones that are trying to interfere in the third are not nice guys.

The good guys work in the etheric only when they are here on this planet (which is true 6th dimension) and understand that we are about to go through a major evolution right now, but that to go through this evolution, we have to do it by connecting to our own inner divinity, rather than them showing up and doing it for us, or becoming our new government… so the good guys are not trying to show up in ships, rather trying to stop the bad guys from pulling off their moves, but doing so within the laws of free will and non-interference.
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Old 10-19-2009, 08:14 PM   #446
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
Here is something I PM'ed to a friend, might as well share it here:

My discernment is pretty strong when it comes to constantly putting our attention on ET stuff… that’s what we start to manifest and most of it is astral and not so nice generally speaking… that’s not because their aren’t nice guys ‘up there’, it’s because the ones that are trying to interfere in the third are not nice guys.

The good guys work in the etheric only when they are here on this planet (which is true 6th dimension) and understand that we are about to go through a major evolution right now, but that to go through this evolution, we have to do it by connecting to our own inner divinity, rather than them showing up and doing it for us, or becoming our new government… so the good guys are not trying to show up in ships, rather trying to stop the bad guys from pulling off their moves, but doing so within the laws of free will and non-interference.
So you are saying that the 4th and 5th dimensions only have negative beings in them? I have to disagree that there are no physical positive ET's. Beings who are in a state of spiritual evolution do not skip directly to the 6th dimension from the 3rd. They work their way up gradually. The hostile universe paradigm is a fear based majestic 12 propaganda spin cycle. The 4th dimensionals ET's can travel interdimensionaly and also in this dimension. It is just a matter of cranking down their frequency enough to materialize here.
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Old 10-19-2009, 08:16 PM   #447
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Sarahmay View Post
Can you ask them what their plan is? Or, more importantly, who their alliance is with?
Their alliance is with the creator of all that is. Their plan is to strategically integrate earth into the galactic community.
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Old 10-19-2009, 11:39 PM   #448
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
So you are saying that the 4th and 5th dimensions only have negative beings in them?
No, I'm saying that none of the otherworldly Beings that are working within the will of God are interfering directly here, within the atmosphere, in the 3rd, 4th or 5th.

They may have a presence in those dimensions outside of the atmosphere, but not here within planet earth itself.

If the good ones ever manifest here within the atmosphere, (and they have to be advanced spiritually enough to accomplish this), but they will manifest in the etheric only, only in the 6th. They follow the laws of God, and the law of on-interference and free will is critical at this exciting raising up of humanity to the divine state of grace from whence she came many years ago...

So yes, there are good beings in the 5th, and not so many in the astral (4th) . But none of the other worldly ones are trying to show up here in their spaceships in the third. Nor are they experimenting on humans underground right now either.

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Beings who are in a state of spiritual evolution do not skip directly to the 6th dimension from the 3rd.
This I don't agree with Jesus, Gautama Buddha, and many others have ascended directly to the spiritual realms and earned life eternal in the mind of God. Virtually all of humanity embodied here today is from higher realms, they have become trapped here in the 3rd (trapped, or think of it like a playground to experience this level of separation for a bit), and are now ready to come up higher. All will have to make it to a new 5th at least as part of this ascension process. Many will become fully enlightened to the level of the Christ, which is the spiritual consciousness, the 7th +, and will no longer need to embody here again, they will earn their spiritual victories and life eternal in the mind of God.

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
The hostile universe paradigm is a fear based majestic 12 propaganda spin cycle.
Majestic is a U.S. based organization that is how old? 50 years? The dark forces have been manipulating planet earth for many millenia. To use Majestic as a scape goat for everything is exactly the same as using the "devil" as a scape goat for everything. The situation is enormously more complex.

The truth however is simple, the truth is that in reality, there is no separation, we are all One. We are unique and beautiful individualization's and expression's of infinity, but infinity is Oneness. When we truly know this, we are free.

Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
The 4th dimensionals ET's can travel interdimensionaly and also in this dimension.
My understanding is, it is much harder to physically go up than it is to go down. Astral beings are generally trapped in the Astral, they can't travel upwards in dimensions.

5th and 6th beings can, with the right technology OR spiritual advancement, come down to lower dimensions.

My point is that Et's that are trying to manifest here in the third in their UFO's are generally multi-dimensional, and they're not of the light.

What kind of lesson would humanity learn if a bunch of ET's showed up and solved their problems for them? What would be the point of the whole thing.

We are not slaves, we are infinite spiritual Beings having a material experience and this world is OUR creation. We screwed it up by giving up our power to deceivers outside of us, so we're the ones who are going to fix it. That simple.

That's because God's will is not that a bunch of aliens show up and shock and awe humanity to sign on the dotted line and join their government. Rather, it is that humanity connects to the divine within themselves to heal and raise up their own planet.

My understanding is God is not creating slaves to follow direction, God is creating free willed divine Beings, co-creators, to share the kingdom with. That's you when overcome your own illusions of separation and realize the true power for change lies in Oneness, Oneness of you with your source which lies inside of you.

May the force / source be with you.

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 10-19-2009 at 11:55 PM.
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Old 10-20-2009, 12:26 AM   #449
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No, I'm saying that none of the otherworldly Beings that are working within the will of God are interfering directly here, within the atmosphere, in the 3rd, 4th or 5th.
The interdimensional laws of non-interference from higher dimensions exists so that we can be allowed to live out the karma that we chose to come here to learn from. However, as we approach the ascension to the 4th dimension, peoples karmic cycles are being stripped away in preparation for it. The law is in place so that karma works, if karma is no longer necessary then the law no longer applies. This is why they are probably going to show up. It will no longer be interference.

My understanding is, it is much harder to physically go up than it is to go down. Astral beings are generally trapped in the Astral, they can't travel upwards in dimensions.

5th and 6th beings can, with the right technology OR spiritual advancement, come down to lower dimensions.
I have been under the impression that all dimensions have an astral mirror world associated with them. Our astral is the third dimensional astral world. Then when you get to the 4th dimension there is also a much less veiled astral world connected to it. Why would a 4th dimensional being not be able to move back and forth from our current vibration in the 3rd dimension to the 4th and then back to the 3rd at will?

Are you saying that you think that the ET's are 3d astral beings? The only 3d astral beings that I know of are the souls of the dead and also thought form entities. It is my opinion that the ET's parked around the Earth right now are 4th dimensional material beings. They have technology that enables them to use the 3rd dimensional astral world as a medium for transit. I could be wrong, but that is the way that I currently understand it.

If the beings parked around the Earth where up to no good then they would have already acted. I am going to choose to live in the peaceful universe, which universe are you going to choose?
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Old 10-20-2009, 12:30 AM   #450
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Tone3- I'm under the same impression regarding dimensions- it makes sense.
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