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Old 10-06-2009, 07:19 PM   #251
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Hey Tone, have you asked why yet??
I cant help but get the feeling that 1. They are our craft (Our being human controlled) and 2. Its a defence FLEET/formation.
Defence from what I've not checked out yet. It could even be from a rouge human threat.

Could be anything huh

Last edited by iainl140285; 10-06-2009 at 07:25 PM.
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Old 10-06-2009, 07:24 PM   #252
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Hey T3J,

How about asking how many ships are in our Solar System.I mean when you think about it, the distance to get to Earth is like what, a second? Probably not even that. Just a thought.
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Old 10-06-2009, 07:26 PM   #253
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Hey Tone, have you asked why yet??
I cant help but get the feeling that 1. They are our craft (Our being human controlled) and 2. Its a defence FLEET/formation.
Defence from what I've not checked out yet. It could even be from a human threat.

Could be anything huh
Hmmmm..... I wonder if there is a connection here with Barry's recent posts about 'other' uses of the FEMA camps????
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Old 10-06-2009, 07:35 PM   #254
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Fred; I think a very large pinch of salt is required when reading this thread
Shamelessly copy/pasted from one of my other posts...

There is years and years of reading available on the Net, that starts with, "I know a guy who was told by a reliable source, whose best friend used to live with a woman who..."... gimme a break! This kind of "recombinant data" is available in such mass quantities, that now I just take the grain of salt, and toss the data. It saves time.
"Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"

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Old 10-06-2009, 07:43 PM   #255
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Hmmmm..... I wonder if there is a connection here with Barry's recent posts about 'other' uses of the FEMA camps????
Good point Christo!
But a fight between man on man (pardon the xpression) seems more likely than man on ET But who knows .... Not me ... yet
So FEMA camps could be POW camps. Makes sense that they'd be prepared.
Rings a bell to that recent film District 9
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Old 10-06-2009, 08:31 PM   #256
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
Hey T3J,

How about asking how many ships are in our Solar System.I mean when you think about it, the distance to get to Earth is like what, a second? Probably not even that. Just a thought.
When traveling using the 4th dimension travel takes zero seconds from anywhere in the universe. Remember they are using the time/space domain, they can leave and show up as if there has been no time elapsed here in the space/time domain. They can also travel forwards and backwards in time using the 4th dimension as a travel medium.

This is how faster than light travel works. You are faster than light because you are in a dimension where the speed of light is no longer a limiting factor. It is more of a spontaneous transport from the perspective of any one viewing it from the vantage point of this dimension. This is why it is strange that they are parking around the Earth. It is like they are waiting for something to happen, or they are having a great big galactic conference meeting and they already know what is going to happen. Or they are attempting diplomacy to get the rouge earthbound group to make the right decision and be graceful loosers?

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Hey Tone, have you asked why yet??
I cant help but get the feeling that 1. They are our craft (Our being human controlled) and 2. Its a defence FLEET/formation.
Defence from what I've not checked out yet. It could even be from a rouge human threat.

Could be anything huh
The black tech corporations probably have their own fleet of UFO's. Actually if I dowse up the number of ARVs (alien reproduction vehicles) that we have the number comes up 1,230 right now. However, when it comes to these other civilizations even the most advanced of our secret craft are totally lame compared to the numbers and sophistication of theirs.

I agree that the most likely reason is that they are here is because of the potential rouge earthbound threat. I actually believe that Majestic may play the fake alien invasion card. Perhaps they have not made the call yet if they will do it and this fleet is here to try to influence them into making the correct decision? The good guy fleet might also be keeping out some rouge groups of ET's if there are any. I personally think that if there are any that they would have been asked to leave by now. Then they would have to be the dumbest bunch of advanced ET's in the galaxy to try anything in opposition to the non-rouge elements.

However, if there are rouge alien groups (playing devils advocate) that where an eminent threat then why would the good guys just now be showing up like this. If their intention was to defend Earth from an outside threat then why would this be happening just now instead of like 50 years ago. It is more likely that it is an earthbound threat.

I was talking to a UFO researcher the other day. He said that he has a friend that has some of these 4 generation night vision goggles. Apparently he can go out almost any night and see craft with these goggles that are having battles in the sky above where he lives. This has been on going for some time now. That phenomena is more than likely our secret craft shooting at the good guys. The number one threat to the long term agenda of Majestic is the good guys from off world. They represent a loss of power and control for Majestic.

Who knows, right now there could be a diplomatic conference going on somewhere on Earth or on one of the ships. These advanced cultures would go for the diplomatic option and then leave the defend against agression as the last option. This is what any ethical being would do, right?
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Old 10-08-2009, 12:22 PM   #257
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I just listened to the October 6th Coast To Coast that is available over on the Avalon General Discussion. There, David Wilcock said that 3 different independent sources deep on the inside have said that the disclosure will happen between now and Christmas. We will see.
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Old 10-08-2009, 12:51 PM   #258
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I just keep visualizing a responsible and free solar system at peace. I hope the various powerful factions of all races see the light and do the right thing. This isn't antigravity science. This isn't even rocket science. Well maybe it's Keylontic Science.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-08-2009 at 01:28 PM.
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Old 10-08-2009, 04:11 PM   #259
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Alex Collier also stated that there was going to be an undeniable fly over of craft by the year's end. If this was to happen, how could the Government deny it? Alex made that statement in August 2009. If I know anything about our Government, they will wait till the last darn second and even then might not even reveal it. In my opinion, the Government hasn't disclosed to the public because of the contracts they signed that allowed for abductions of our citizens to take place. Also the abduction of our children to be used as a food source for our Draconian rulers. If that was ever to be disclosed, there probably would be a revolt against the government and a witch hunt of our political leaders.

The History Channel is going to have a special that will air in about 2 weeks on disclosure. Maybe that will end up being blocked out. Why are we even thinking that the Government would do the right thing? We should turn that table around and fire these bastards that have sold us out on so many levels.

Here we are between a rock, a boulder, a hard place, surrounded by alien agendas above and below us, every other country setting their sights on us, and a government who has sold us out with the money we just forked over to them thinking we could buy our way out of it without taking the proper responsibility of ourselves to command what we want in the name of sovereignty. Talk about being compromised on every level.

Something is brewing! That something is ME! We have been sold out and we, the People, signed off on the paper work already.

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Old 10-08-2009, 05:17 PM   #260
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Lionhawk how did you managed to post exactly at 11:11 am ?
anywoh great tread T3J, myplanet2 ,and everyone even those plaing devils advocates here
are doing splendid job .
those are amaizing times and it is great to get difrent perspective here
usually dont have much time or talent to post but read you every day guys
thank you .
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Old 10-08-2009, 05:30 PM   #261
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11:11 Central is 12:11 Eastern, the time zone i'm in, so no mysteries here, but glad your reading jazzgad, this is fun stuff isn't it!!
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Old 10-08-2009, 06:19 PM   #262
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
The History Channel is going to have a special that will air in about 2 weeks on disclosure. Maybe that will end up being blocked out. Why are we even thinking that the Government would do the right thing? We should turn that table around and fire these bastards that have sold us out on so many levels.
The History Channel just had the excellent James Fox documentary "I know what I saw" on the night of the 4th. Someone already put it on youtube.

Here is part 1

Something is brewing! That something is ME! We have been sold out and we, the People, signed off on the paper work already.
Come on now, nothing is set in stone. There is no contract, only manifestations of the collective consciousness of everyone on the planet which is in a state of radical evolution right now. I look at the top viewed videos on Google Video about once a week to get a feel for the consciousness of the section of the world population with internet access.

All of the sudden yesterday there was a banned BBC documentary from a few years ago that showed the factual history of the Neo Conservative illusion of world geopolitics that where created based off of Straussian Philosophies of social control. It shows the brutal truth that the hole thing is a lie.

Not some of it is a lie, the entire thing. Now to be fair, this was obviously an illuminati smear campaign against the Neo Cons, however this does not change that 90% of what is in this movie is factual. The 10% that is not factual is the stuff about who actually did the 911 job and a few other misdirects so that you will not know what the illuminists have been up to. You can tell it is Illuminati information because the film makes Kissinger and Clinton look like the good guys. Obviously they are not the good guys and are actually just he other side of the turd coated coin.

CLICK HERE, for part one of this 3 hour long history lesson, must watch?

It shows just how far the PTB will go to lie to us and control things. I was already aware of how we where being lied to, but I did not have all of the details until after I watched the 3 parts of this documentary. This is the kind of information that shocks people out of their mental slumber. I think that we will see more of this kind of thing surfacing as the opposing sides of the PTB begin to smear each other in order to try to stay afloat. It is like a civil war of the power mongers and neither one of them are going to win. We will be the winners.
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Old 10-08-2009, 07:30 PM   #263
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Come on now, nothing is set in stone. There is no contract, only manifestations of the collective consciousness of everyone on the planet which is in a state of radical evolution right now
Great point!

There has been no contract signed that I'm aware of.....there are 6 billion people out there right now...who have the spark to survive...and I have seen quite a different "beginning"..not an ending.

This whole thread is based on a perception of things we have learned, things we have seen, experiences we have had....and not saying they are not true...I myself have had such experience....but forgive me folks for being very blunt here.......

Where is the proof?

Not saying there is not truth connected here...but seriously....what are we doing here? Where are we going with this?

Are we to believe that there is going to be a war...right in our little space of our word? World wide invasion maybe...to be destroyed...and eaten? To be made slaves of the PTB for their mass consumption?

People have been lulled to sleep..thinking that the power to control a situation such as war is out of their control. That the government is so powerful that "we the people" are just going to have to deal with our small part of the planet..that small space around us that says...this is our world..and that other stuff out there is out of our hands...there is nothing we are able to do.

I realize what the government system is all about...but if we just sit there and do nothing..they have already won. They have achieved their goal of making you powerless over your world. Yes..the reality of the situation is darker then you can handle..and do you know why?
Because they have told you that....one of the biggest catch phrases lately is "you can't handle the truth"...do you think that is an accident that every one uses it? It is used because that is what you have been programmed to believe.

And they rock you in the cradle of deception....making you believe you are powerless over anything other then that little space that is around you...you have no control over the atrocity.

Our Mod Anchor just bought a new place..an olive orchard I think....and many of the 6 billion people out there are working on trying to improve their existence...they are not going out so quietly..as the love for their family..their friends...and mankind will not allow it.

No folks...understand this right now...we may be experiencing a revolution...and evolution.....but perish we will not...and we will come back to survive in what I can only hope is unity and peace.

By all means ....shine a light on the darkness...make it go away! Expose it! But do not believe for one minute that a group of lizards is going to take us all out...because our will to survive is strong..and when we truly unite to what is going on...they will lose their power over us....and it may be a battle....but if there are that many UFOs our there...you can be assured there are some good guys sitting back waiting to step in....maybe in those other dimensions you speak of T3J....but I feel confident enough to say...any total take over of 6 billion people will be impossible.

The light is already shining on the truth....all we have to do is get up out of our chairs..and stop being so complacent ..and take back our power....so I ask you....what are you doing to fight back...do you have a plan? Because I'm telling you..that little space of your world is closing in...and soon they will be knocking on your door.
What is your first reaction if someone touches one of your children?.....feel the fire?

Perceptions ..."don't get on the ships" or "go on the ships"....what's wrong with just staying here and fighting for our rights...and standing up now?

They are so good at putting you in fear....they create wars to distract and control....
They are even so cleaver as to make you cheer it on...giving you such a good cause as 'terrorism"....the other programmed catch word.
They deem mass murder as "justice"...they even throw "freedom" in there to season the soup.

With loving respect I leave you with
a song that might light your fire

Last edited by BROOK; 10-09-2009 at 07:01 AM.
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Old 10-08-2009, 09:30 PM   #264
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What do you call a W-4? What do you call your income tax returns? Something based in charity? What do you say to the family that has a missing child that just disappears into thin air? What are you doing when you write your bills every month? What is your mortgage or your rent called. When you write that check every month, are you submitting to something? Or are you under the impression that you are buying goods and services? Does that mean you are better than anyone else? Say a starving bunch of kids in Africa? I will argue that there are contracts on every level, as high as you want to go. The contracts between the US Government and some of these ETs are submissions based in compromise. If these contracts didn't exist, these things wouldn't be happening. But they are and that has been proven. Even your soul has a contract.

According to Wikipedia, a general description of a contract could be the following, "According to legal scholar Sir John William Salmond, a contract is "an agreement creating and defining the obligations between two or more parties".

Then there is the breaching of such contracts. But for the sake of not going down that road, what I have discovered is that it is these contracts that have caused much of the mess we find ourselves in. Now if we stood up in unity and decided to forget these contracts and rewrite our own agreements in the now, we will have a chance to change the future for a better one.

Also the statement that we have already won is false. Look around in the now and tell me what you see. We haven't won that freedom that everyone is seeking. That kind of statement causes complacency. Now maybe on some la la dimension we have, as that would be a possible alternate reality, but the reality I am currently anchored to doesn't support this claim. We are not free. And to bring what I consider one of the most important points to the question that Brook asked is, "what are you doing to fight back...do you have a plan?"

How do we go about calling a Global timeout? Reclaiming our sovereignty? When you see a demonstration marching on D.C. I can envision everyone holding up a sign and all the signs say YOUR FIRED! In one voice of unity. Instead I see a bunch of different signs, each defining what one might be polarized to and marching against. So much separation marching forth. If we were to say, YOUR FIRED and take over with a council of beings with regards to unity and one free Earth, we may have a shot at it. But everyone is going to have to get out of that chair and get her done.

I say to you T3J, that with your abilities, I would entertain you or challenge you to report your possible findings at the poles of this Planet. In particular the South Pole and tell us what you find there. I found an army just waiting. Waiting for the time when there will be a great fight. A fight for our very right to just breathe, if it goes that far. You can then say nothing is written in stone because then it will be the moment of truth as to the theory we have already won.

We can debate and go on and on about all this, in the meantime "they" are still having their way with us. Now if you can take the personal responsibility to nullify these contracts in all forms, that bind us in any way, and come together in unity with one focused intent, then we have better odds as to reclaiming our sovereignty. Our resolve will be put to the ultimate test every step of the way till at such time we over come those forces that want us enslaved. Our work is cut out for us and as long as we sit here and do nothing as in taking responsibility for our personal quest for freedom, consider the battle has already been won by them. Everyone talks about how great we are, how great our potential is, but if it is never applied what do you end up with? It takes 90% thought and only 10% action to make it happen. The numbers are ridiculous in the sense it would only take 10% of action to achieve what we have thought out. Where is that 10%.

I don't know about how it is with everyone. I see people post things though that are of the heart, such as Brook, Rythm, Bushy Cat, Unified Serenity, and many others, that make me shed tears. Just because I am a male doesn't mean I can't process and have deep feelings of these issues. It is really one sad state of affairs and I hope with all that I am that we can come together and reclaim our sovereignty. There is no reason why any one on this Planet should be starving, out in the cold, exposed to a war, and so forth. As a parent, you would make sure that your child would have everything he/she needed to board a school bus. Or to go on a journey. You would also worry as to how they are doing with that venture. Do you not think for an instant that our Creator doesn't think along the same lines? For all of his Creations, including the dark ones?

The only thing I know is that if I die, it will only be a physical death. What else could I possibly lose that I haven't already lost? But one thing they will not get is my sovereignty, contract or no contract. Contracts are like watermelons. Now if we took them and just smashed them to the ground, we would have that much less to be carrying.

I have to stop here. Thanks for the healthy exchange as this is what happens when we bounced things back and forth. Triggering different view points that are all valuable to what makes us all.

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Old 10-09-2009, 12:43 AM   #265
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Lionhawk wrote: "I can envision everyone holding up a sign and all the signs say YOUR FIRED! In one voice of unity. Instead I see a bunch of different signs..."

thanks for sharing your vision and, the problem, in the same sentence... what else don't we know?
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Old 10-09-2009, 12:54 AM   #266
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Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
I have to stop here. Thanks for the healthy exchange as this is what happens when we bounced things back and forth. Triggering different view points that are all valuable to what makes us all.

I'm ready for the fight...

a fight for you

a fight for my 4 year old

and I don't lose
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Old 10-09-2009, 12:54 AM   #267
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
I concur Anchor! I did choose. It was no accident. As with the title of the thread, what I am discovering is that something is beginning to brew on this forum site as well. Just to think I have only been here a few days only to discover that this forum site is about to go through a major transition for the better. I have uncovered something. I knew the first day I came here that it was already here. Agents. Lurking, surfing, intervening, and manipulating. At first I just brushed it off as I was getting acquainted with the site. But certain events that have transpired over this passed weekend, have opened my eyes as to the degree of what is happening here.

It starts here. This isn't about paranoia. There is proof and I am only one of several who have had several experiences concerning this issue. The reason as to their presence is very clear to those who 'KNOW." What this forum is all about. It's simple. They don't want anyone to know. That is their number one priority is for us to be unenlightened, underpowered, and just shunted from our true essence. So what this site represents is something they will not want us to discover. Ourselves.

I have bounced around and there is a vast amount of valuable information to absorb. But don't get glued to it as it will also serve their purposes. Don't allow the information to become like fly paper. In other words, read it, ponder it, and let it go. It isn't about using discernment. It is about using extreme discernment.

There is a fire that is going within this site and there will be a gathering of energy to purge these agents. I can already see them screaming. I can also see them running. Running away from the flames. I also suspect that now since I have addressed this, the heat will be turned up. Let's turn it up.

Reminds me of the Matrix movie except it is going to happen right here. The beauty of that is I know there are many a Neo already 'anchored' here. They don't want us to realize that either. They want us to stay separate from each other and they create much dissent and run many tactics of controlled confusion. Promoting competition to keep us divided. It's time to anchor ONENESS. Also kick this duality paradigm down the road. Let the first battle start here. We need to clean this mess up and restore what the Creators of this site had intended.

So for those who read this, stand back away from it so you can see it with both of your eyes. Make a choice. Others have already. They are coming out of the woodwork and have been under the radar just waiting for the right moment to set this back upright. Consider it your right to make a positive difference here. After all look at all the time you have spent here. If you value that then you can empower yourself to make that positive difference.

Remember when Neo is in the train station and decides to quit running and he turns around to face the Agent?


I nominate this post of the year.
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Old 10-09-2009, 01:03 AM   #268
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The contracts between the US Government and some of these ETs are submissions based in compromise. If these contracts didn't exist, these things wouldn't be happening. But they are and that has been proven. Even your soul has a contract.
Proven, or speculated? You have to have a legal body that presides over such contracts or else the contract is just an idea. What legal body presides over a contract with off world civilizations? If such a contract is violated then what court presides over the case? Illegal contracts are not contracts, they are ideas.

What legal body presides over this "contract" that my soul has? This kind of projection of the Athenian philosophy of rule and law on to the realm of metaphysics and spirituality holds no weight.

Also the statement that we have already won is false. Look around in the now and tell me what you see. We haven't won that freedom that everyone is seeking. That kind of statement causes complacency. Now maybe on some la la dimension we have, as that would be a possible alternate reality, but the reality I am currently anchored to doesn't support this claim. We are not free. And to bring what I consider one of the most important points to the question that Brook asked is, "what are you doing to fight back...do you have a plan?"
I spent a decade in "battle" with all of these illusions of opposition. No matter how many times I thought I had won, the next battle would be just around the corner and more difficult to get past due to increasing intensity levels. Freedom is a state of mind, not a condition of the material world. If you choose to stop believing all of the false core beliefs that have been inserted into society then you become free. If you choose to continue to hold value in material weath and goods, then you will never be free. It is a self made prison that they trick you into volunteering for. It is an illusion that they have created that makes you believe that you can not transcend this make believe prison without battling you way out of it. The battle for your freedom is in your consciousness, not in the world around you.

How do we go about calling a Global timeout? Reclaiming our sovereignty? When you see a demonstration marching on D.C. I can envision everyone holding up a sign and all the signs say YOUR FIRED! In one voice of unity. Instead I see a bunch of different signs, each defining what one might be polarized to and marching against. So much separation marching forth. If we were to say, YOUR FIRED and take over with a council of beings with regards to unity and one free Earth, we may have a shot at it. But everyone is going to have to get out of that chair and get her done.
This is an artifact of the illusion that the real PTB who do not hang out in Washington have created. The decision makers are out of plain site, you will never know who they are. How can you route out an invisible hierarchy with external actions? The truth is that if people stopped having a consciousness that looks outside of themselves for guidance then suddenly the collective consciousness of the planet would manifest a world where the rulers are no longer necessary.

I say to you T3J, that with your abilities, I would entertain you or challenge you to report your possible findings at the poles of this Planet. In particular the South Pole and tell us what you find there. I found an army just waiting. Waiting for the time when there will be a great fight. A fight for our very right to just breathe, if it goes that far. You can then say nothing is written in stone because then it will be the moment of truth as to the theory we have already won.

If you want to battle the PTB, you do it with information. The more people that have the truth, the less controllable the population is because they no longer need control. The invisible enemy that you are fighting against does not sit on a throne or at a desk. The invisible enemy you are trying to fight against is the Cognitive Dissonance that results in a society that needs to be ruled over. You destroy the unconscious behavior of the masses and get them to wake up, and you have arrived at the solution that you are looking for. Or at least that you say you are looking for.
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Old 10-09-2009, 01:18 AM   #269
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The time for postulating, the time for watching, the time for sitting on the fence has ended. The time for doing is upon us. It is very very clear what has led to the position we are in. It is very clear their is a stalemate in progress. It seems we, the earth born, have it upon us to break the stalemate and step up to the plate and save ourselves. SOS has a new meaning "Save Our Selves!" Many people of the earth have no idea what is going on. They are safe and warm in their illusionary cages that the PTB has set up to trap them in the matrix.

Who is going to set them free? The ET's? What's the Catch? Well people. I am very sorry. But I can't watch anymore. Those that are guiding and protecting us want us to make the next move. after all, it's about us. It's up to us to wake everyone up. Disclosure is not enough. It's time to prove by doing. And everyone here has the abiltity to prove by doing. Stand up and start doing. One person can't do it alone but the 800 or so active members of this forum could. Take what you know and figure out how to prove it to your loved ones and friends. Share your successes and your losses and the turn arounds you witness.

Last edited by Initiate; 10-09-2009 at 01:29 AM.
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Old 10-09-2009, 01:19 AM   #270
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Brook... Love the fire!!!

A sleeping dog that no one should ever waken... a sleeping dog that resides in the intestinal fortitude of every 3rd dimension being on this planet.

Tptw's only defense against is to pick apart the planet piece by piece, slowly by slowly, and group by group, so that the population can not rise up en masse... There is an inherent flaw in tptw's thinking contained within the EGO of power, control, and deceit they cannot see... We the target, reflect back the HATE (not on purpose) they see in themselves and the sleeping doG becomes the woken God within us!

Kinda like picking up a cat that had all their claws that suddenly freaked out??? They walk on water and can fly and can shred everything in their path!!!!!
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Old 10-09-2009, 01:32 AM   #271
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Contracts are only valid if there is a meeting of the minds both written and verbal... And Contracts undertaken through deception can certainly be rescinded/voided by either party when such deception comes to light!

And if there are deceptive contracts at play here who is holding those contracts in order to judge them as enforceable on either party?????????? Surely a third party holder of deceptive contracts cannot enforce such a thing so the whole idea of this is nonsense!!!

Who do I call or go to to see a copy of any and all contracts that I don't remember or know I agreed too?

Without notice of where these contracts are or how to obtain them then they are all null and void for lack of proper 'service'!!! Pretty simple!!!!

Last edited by Christo888; 10-09-2009 at 01:36 AM.
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Old 10-09-2009, 05:47 AM   #272
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

S.O.S. = Save Our Selves! I love it!

As for the agents. That is to be expected. I hope there are some agents who are tasked with learning from this site...and with implementing the best ideas and approaches in a public education program. If malevolent aliens are the real bosses of some of the agents...then arguing with them is a way to challenge the bad-guys in this solar system. I would also expect some white-hat agents who are tasked with making sure there is an orderly paradigm-shift through evolutionary rather than revolutionary means. This would actually be a good thing...I think. If and when things really heat up...I would like to find a good white-hat agent...and follow their instructions precisely. It worked for the heroes in the original 'V' series. Unfortunately...a good agent is hard to find!! The alphabet agents and Jesuits probably know more about what's really going on than just about anyone else. I just hope that most of them do the right thing when it really counts.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-09-2009 at 05:53 AM.
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Old 10-09-2009, 06:16 AM   #273
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

I think your missing the point altogether Ortho.

"You, and others here, are white hat agents". You just don't know it yet. Above the 3D world your it.
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Old 10-09-2009, 06:31 AM   #274
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Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Originally Posted by Initiate View Post
I think your missing the point altogether Ortho.

"You, and others here, are white hat agents". You just don't know it yet. Above the 3D world your it.
Originally Posted by Lionhawk:
"I have uncovered something. I knew the first day I came here that it was already here. Agents. Lurking, surfing, intervening, and manipulating. At first I just brushed it off as I was getting acquainted with the site. But certain events that have transpired over this passed weekend, have opened my eyes as to the degree of what is happening here. It starts here. This isn't about paranoia. There is proof and I am only one of several who have had several experiences concerning this issue. The reason as to their presence is very clear to those who 'KNOW." What this forum is all about. It's simple. They don't want anyone to know. That is their number one priority is for us to be unenlightened, underpowered, and just shunted from our true essence. So what this site represents is something they will not want us to discover. Ourselves."

My comment: I get your point Initiate...but I also think I at least partially grasped Lionhawk's point...plus I added some of my own points. I used the shotgun approach...and I think that at least some of the buckshot connected with the target.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-09-2009 at 06:37 AM.
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Old 10-09-2009, 07:42 AM   #275
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Sorry if I in someway caused offence. In no way was that the intent. It just frustrates me to no end that I know that the solution is in us but It's like treading through mud to get the point accross to the non aware. I wanted to stimulate debate with those who are aware, like your self, to figure out how this can be done. without taking away free will. How do we take the blinkers off?
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