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Old 10-18-2008, 10:44 PM   #201
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Oops, sorry about that.

Thanks Swamisalami

Yes CNS Central Nervous System.

Note to self...stop with the abbreviations!

All the Best
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Old 10-19-2008, 01:23 AM   #202
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Hi Barry, another question for you...I'm full of questions

Would an animal such as a dog or cat be aware of the presence of an abducter even if unseen by the person?

Would the animal react and how, and is it possible that the animal would not be aware or rendered incapable of reacting?

Thanks again
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Old 10-19-2008, 01:30 AM   #203
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Originally Posted by LadyGolfer View Post
Hi Barry, another question for you...I'm full of questions

Would an animal such as a dog or cat be aware of the presence of an abducter even if unseen by the person?

Would the animal react and how, and is it possible that the animal would not be aware or rendered incapable of reacting?

Thanks again
animals, cats, dogs, horses in particular have very keen ultra senses and would possibly sense 'something', on that score though the abductors would know that and render the animal immobile.

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Old 10-19-2008, 08:35 AM   #204
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

As I try to follow all the info which is coming through the forums, I have a SMALL problem in getting it processed in my head. I try to create my own "Big Picture" but with all the info spreading its getting more difficult. So I've got some, maybe stupid, questions:

As far as you know Mr. King, how many "ET"-races are there?

Which of them are the real thing and which are created?

Who are benevolent and who are malevolent?

How to differentiate those two?

Why do they, the abducters, choose certain families and continue to abduct through generations?

As I read somewhere on Avalon, there is also ET-activity (ET-contact) down here in The Netherlands. Do you know anything about any activity in The Netherlands?
(For a small country like The Netherlands there is a lot "fogged" out on Google Earth. I can't keep myself from asking why?)

Thanks for the effort


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Old 10-19-2008, 02:30 PM   #205
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Originally Posted by Swamisalami View Post
As I try to follow all the info which is coming through the forums, I have a SMALL problem in getting it processed in my head. I try to create my own "Big Picture" but with all the info spreading its getting more difficult. So I've got some, maybe stupid, questions:
Nope, not stupid, some very valid questions here. i know that feeling well, overwhelming data from so many sides, it gets confusing and very complicated

As far as you know Mr. King, how many "ET"-races are there?
very debateable, some researchers claim x number of races, others state another number, impossible to track half the time. One source stated 57, just like Heinz LOL. I know of several but as i said so many conflicting reports. Lets say for convenience, several

Which of them are the real thing and which are created?
Wow thats a doosie LOL, most are genuine, as far as i'm aware only one or two are created so really cannot be counted

Who are benevolent and who are malevolent?
Thats tricky as even some that portray a kind helpful benign side to them could hide a hidden agenda. But i will go so far to say here that what is accepted as benign are Nordics, Tall Whites, Old Ones or Elders.

How to differentiate those two?
Anything looking small and grey is not going to have your best interests at heart, mainlyalso the reptoid looking beings, they look menacing and might just be not the best of company

Why do they, the abducters, choose certain families and continue to abduct through generations?
The generations thing is something researchers are still puzzled over and still working on an answer to. We simply do not know fully why this is so

As I read somewhere on Avalon, there is also ET-activity (ET-contact) down here in The Netherlands. Do you know anything about any activity in The Netherlands?
(For a small country like The Netherlands there is a lot "fogged" out on Google Earth. I can't keep myself from asking why?)
Nope sorry, have no data

Thanks for the effort


Hope that was of some help, best wishes

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Old 10-19-2008, 02:42 PM   #206
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

I was just wondering...TheWatcher... Do Aliens have a fashion for clothing..and-or other stuff? Do they listen to music? What kind of t.v AND OR movie shows do they watch? (I am just asking as a Question or two, if they do or not) And...I am also wondering...If Aliens have any conspiracy theories? Do they have any "Area 51"?

Thanks, TheWatcher...If you could answer.

Last edited by Carol; 10-19-2008 at 03:40 PM. Reason: inappropriate
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Old 10-19-2008, 03:37 PM   #207
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Please consider checking out "The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy". I am 2/3s of the way through & find it a very facinating read. Also are you familiar with some of the other names listed below.

It's my opinion that many individuals have a different piece of the puzzle. Some parts corroborate, some do not. Also, through another book, The Montauk Project, Experiments in Time", by Preston Nichols,I have learned about the "pro-active" strategy of purposely disinforming & misinforming credible sources: specific individuals esteemed in their industries, the public & others for the purpose of misleading the target(s) or encouraging the same to draw to an incorrect conclusion. The "plants" are everywhere.

Consider, please checking out these names, not necessarily in this order:

1. The Montauk Project

2. The Philadeliphia Experiment

3. Dan Burish

4. James Titor

5. James Casbolt

6. Phil Schneider

7. Project Paperclip

8. The Montauk Monster

9. Nikola Tesla

10. The Granada Treaty

11. D.U.M.B.

12. The Dulce Project - http://think-aboutit.com/dulce/M-QUESTI.html

13. Alex Collier - Defending Sacred Ground

14. Wing Makers - Ancient Arrows Project

15. House Subcommitte Meeting on TACHYON EXPERIMENTS JULY 09,2000

16. Great Zulu Shaman and Elder CREDO MUTWA On Alien Abduction & Reptilians A Rare, Astonishing Conversation 9/30/99 by Rick Martin

OF PEACE With introductory material by Leonard C. Lewin
The Dial Press, Inc. 1967, New York
Library of Congress Catalog card Number 67-27553 Printed in the U.S.

I've only started by research from a few months ago. There's so much out there. It's just a matter of exerting time, effort & discretion in determining what may be true or not.

I beg you to, please, attack the task with an open mind. I am sincere & NOT a fanatic.
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Old 10-19-2008, 05:24 PM   #208
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Originally Posted by gordon View Post
I was just wondering...TheWatcher... Do Aliens have a fashion for clothing..and-or other stuff? Do they listen to music? What kind of t.v AND OR movie shows do they watch? (I am just asking as a Question or two, if they do or not) And...I am also wondering...If Aliens have any conspiracy theories? Do they have any "Area 51"?

Thanks, TheWatcher...If you could answer.
Well lets see if the following graphics give an indication of this
Forgive my sense of humour, its a bit wacky at times

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Old 10-19-2008, 05:28 PM   #209
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Thanks for the videos Barry-great.
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Old 10-19-2008, 05:29 PM   #210
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Originally Posted by Antaletriangle View Post
Thanks for the videos Barry-great.
You are very welcome, glad to be of service

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Old 10-19-2008, 05:31 PM   #211
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Thanks for the videos Barry-great.
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Old 10-19-2008, 05:41 PM   #212
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Them pictures.....
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Old 10-20-2008, 05:59 AM   #213
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What have you heard, or what do you know, about ouija boards.
I have a ouija board and haven't played it in a long time.
I have experimented with it before and to make a long story short, I KNOW that they work. If you or anyone really wants details then I can give them. But, do you know how they function? Is there some power in the board itself?
I have seen, from different sources, but not first hand, inscribed "writing" on supposedly "ET material from craft or whatever."
Can you elaborate on these questions and the engraving on the ET material?

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Old 10-20-2008, 06:11 AM   #214
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by warngen View Post

What have you heard, or what do you know, about ouija boards.
I have a ouija board and haven't played it in a long time.
I have experimented with it before and to make a long story short, I KNOW that they work. If you or anyone really wants details then I can give them. But, do you know how they function? Is there some power in the board itself?
I have seen, from different sources, but not first hand, inscribed "writing" on supposedly "ET material from craft or whatever."
Can you elaborate on these questions and the engraving on the ET material?

Ouija boards came from China. With a ouija board you can open gates to other levels of excistence and attrack good or bad spirits. If used incorrectly they can cause a lot of trouble.

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Old 10-20-2008, 06:13 AM   #215
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by gordon
I was just wondering...TheWatcher... Do Aliens have a fashion for clothing..and-or other stuff? Do they listen to music? What kind of t.v AND OR movie shows do they watch? (I am just asking as a Question or two, if they do or not) And...I am also wondering...If Aliens have any conspiracy theories? Do they have any "Area 51"?

Between you and I Gordon, I hear some of them are quite Taken with Californication.

I've also heard that Star Wars (the original episode ) made quite an Impact on some Off-Planet Intelligences.

As for clothes, have to say I've never seen an Alien in a G-String but that doesn't mean they don't wear one under their 'all in one alien-grey jump suits' Could explain why they say they can't reproduce though, maybe their jocks are too tight. Actually it could also explain why they walk funny, probably experiencing butt-floss!

All the Best
Ara (writing with tongue in cheek!:)

Last edited by Ara; 10-20-2008 at 07:18 AM. Reason: oops..abbreviated again!!!!!!! so sorry!!!!
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Old 10-20-2008, 07:00 AM   #216
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by ara View Post

between you and i gordon, i hear some of them are quite taken with californication.

I've also heard that star wars (the original episode ) made quite an impact on some op intelligences.

As for clothes, have to say i've never seen an alien in a g-string but that doesn't mean they don't wear one under their 'all in one alien-grey jump suits' Could explain why they say they can't reproduce though, maybe their jocks are too tight. Actually it could also explain why they walk funny, probably experiencing butt-floss!

All the best
ara (writing with tongue in cheek!:)

op = ???
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Old 10-20-2008, 07:17 AM   #217
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Originally Posted by fawziya View Post

Please consider checking out "The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy". I am 2/3s of the way through & find it a very facinating read.
***Ok thanks for the heads-up regarding this book. As soon as time allows I will locate a copy and read through it.

Also are you familiar with some of the other names listed below.

***The only one I am not familiar with is number 15. But I will rectify that ASAP.

It's my opinion that many individuals have a different piece of the puzzle.

*** Indeed they do and therein lays the issue at hand, it's a matter of cross referencing all the data publicly available and seeing where the information overlaps.

Some parts corroborate, some do not. Also, through another book, The Montauk Project, Experiments in Time", by Preston Nichols,I have learned about the "pro-active" strategy of purposely disinforming & misinforming credible sources: specific individuals esteemed in their industries, the public & others for the purpose of misleading the target(s) or encouraging the same to draw to an incorrect conclusion. The "plants" are everywhere.

***Yes I understand the above very well. That is one reason 'weeding' is paramount in this garden of information.

Consider, please checking out these names, not necessarily in this order:

1. The Montauk Project

2. The Philadeliphia Experiment

3. Dan Burish ***(I have followed Dan Burisch's information for some time, very interesting.)

4. James Titor

5. James Casbolt

6. Phil Schneider

7. Project Paperclip ***(Arh yes the Nazi Scientists, hmm, lots of connections within the "alien abduction field", hybridization, creating the Ultimate PSI Warrior etc )

8. The Montauk Monster

9. Nikola Tesla

10. The Granada Treaty

11. D.U.M.B.

12. The Dulce Project - http://think-aboutit.com/dulce/M-QUESTI.html

13. Alex Collier - Defending Sacred Ground

14. Wing Makers - Ancient Arrows Project

15. House Subcommitte Meeting on TACHYON EXPERIMENTS JULY 09,2000

16. Great Zulu Shaman and Elder CREDO MUTWA On Alien Abduction & Reptilians A Rare, Astonishing Conversation 9/30/99 by Rick Martin

***(very interesting interview between Credo and David Icke if you can locate it, maybe on youtube?)

OF PEACE With introductory material by Leonard C. Lewin
The Dial Press, Inc. 1967, New York
Library of Congress Catalog card Number 67-27553 Printed in the U.S.

I've only started by research from a few months ago. There's so much out there. It's just a matter of exerting time, effort & discretion in determining what may be true or not.

*** We have been 'flooded' with all manner of information. Maybe this thread can act as an Ark where we can ask questions and receive good honest answers, hopefully it will prevent us from drowning in disinformation.

I beg you to, please, attack the task with an open mind.
*** Oh fawziya I never attack anything however I will 'work' the task with an open mind as I hope I have always done.

I am sincere & NOT a fanatic.

*** Your sincerity is apparent and I don't judge anyone as a fanatic, you are searching for the truth. And if searching for the truth is ordained as fanaticism then we can all be judged 'fanatics'.

Best of Luck with your search my friend. Project Camelot is a good forum to post any data/information you feel may be a correlation piece ,unless of course you wish to ask Barry about it.

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Old 10-20-2008, 07:41 AM   #218
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Why do they, the abducters, choose certain families and continue to abduct through generations?

BMK: The generations thing is something researchers are still puzzled over and still working on an answer to. We simply do not know fully why this is so
Is it ok if I attempt to answer this from a non nuts and bolts perspective?

For discussion sakes let us assume that the soul occupying that human form you are now residing in previously occupied a form that was "alien" or an "Off-planet form".

By entering into this human form maybe the soul carries it's previous "energy body" as a 'spirit body' into this new form.

If that previous form had specific gifts, abilities then those gifts may still be available in a dormant state until the physical body's genetic structure was such that an alignment takes place and those 'gifts' become active for the physical form to connect into and draw off.

Maybe they are trying to align or pick and choose the right combination of genes within physical DNA which allows for the person to connect into and draw off their previous abilities? I would think this would be especially useful when creating hybrids.

Just a thought the came to me while reading Brian Scott's book Transformation of a Common Man.

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 10-20-2008 at 11:45 PM. Reason: to expand upon how the thought originated
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Old 10-20-2008, 08:02 AM   #219
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Barry, a few years back a man named Peter Khoury had a sexual experience with two entities. He was able to remove a thread of hair from his private part after this experience. Peter said that during his sexual encounter with these entities that he bit one on the nipple and 'she' never reacted, it was as though she didn't feel any pain.

If you scroll down to the pictures at the bottom of this website you will see drawings of the hybrids whom Peter had his sexual encounter with :


Some background on Peter's case:

Sydney, Australia. July 23, 1992. according to diary entries.

Peter had been recovering from head injuries received in a job site assault (he worked in the building industry in his own cement rendering business). At about 7 am, having returned to his Sydney suburban home from the train station, after dropping off his wife, Khoury felt unwell and lay down on the bed to sleep. He awoke with a start sometime later, becoming aware of something alighting on the bed. He was shocked to see two strange women kneeling on the end of his bed.

Both were naked. One appeared Nordic and the other Asian. Aspects of their appearance were quite odd. The Nordic female had a very elongated face and a sharply point chin. Her eyes appeared to be blue and 2 to 3 times larger than normal. She had very fine wispy blonde hair that seemed to be oddly blown up. Her skin colour was quite light. The dark brown skinned Asian looking woman seemed to have almost completely black eyes. Her hair was black and set in a firm page-boy style.

Although no normal communication occurred, the Nordic woman seemed to be in charge and Khoury got the impression she was giving the Asian looking woman some sort of instruction. What followed was quite disorientating for Khoury. The Nordic woman, who seemed to be over 6 feet tall and apparently very strong, reached forward and pulled Khoury's head to her breast. He resisted, trying to pull away.

She did this 3 times. Finally Khoury, trying to cope with the shock and disorientating nature of this experience, bit on her nipple apparently swallowing a piece from it. The Nordic woman, although seemingly confused, did not react with any pain and nor was there any sign of blood. She seemed to convey to the other woman that this was not the way things were supposed to happen. Khoury was overcome with a coughing fit. Moments later, looking up again, he found that both women had vanished.

The coughing caused Khoury to go to the bathroom to get a drink of water. When he went to urinate he found it very painful to do so, due to, it turned out, some very fine blonde hair wrapped tightly under his foreskin. Khoury removed the hair and had the foresight to place it in a plastic sachet bag with a seal. He did that because he felt there was no way it should have been there.

It was unlike his wife's hair. Khoury concluded that something extraordinarily bizarre had just occurred and linked the 2 pieces of blonde thin hair (about 10-12 cm & 6-8 cm long) to the strange tall, blonde haired Nordic looking woman. Even though Vivian (his wife)had been very supportive of him about his 1988 abduction experience, Peter refrained from telling her what occurred for about 2 weeks. She accepted it far better than Peter did, telling him it was something he has no control over and they would deal with it as best as they could.

Peter's 1988 experience:

A frightening and life changing alien abduction experience occurred on July 12, 1988. Khoury had lay on a bed and was overwhelmed by paralysis. A number of beings became apparent around him. One of them, a tall thin golden yellow coloured being, with large black eyes, inserted a long needle like object into the side of his head. Khoury blackout. He regained consciousness with a start and rushed into the adjoining room where he found other family members in a "switched-off" state. Rousing them, Khoury found that while they thought only some 10 minutes had passed, in reality it seemed between 1 to 2 hours had passed. An injury to his head was verified.

A friend recently asked me if those two females could have been PLFs.
What do you think?

All the Best
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Old 10-20-2008, 03:18 PM   #220
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Thanks, TheWatcher for those pictures.

Consider, please checking out these names, not necessarily in this order:

1. The Montauk Project

2. The Philadeliphia Experiment
1. The Montauk Project: What I know about this project is that they, the U.S Goverment has a underground base...I have read that the whole area is now a forest-private area, that the entrance to the base is blocked by concrete. (I am getting a sence that the concrete blocked entrance is not preventing people getting in, but it is more like stoping people-creatures getting out.)

2. The Philadeliphia Experiment: Ahh! An Interesting Subject. I have seen many stories so called facts about the Philadeliphia Experiment, It is a real shame that most of those stories-facts are madeup. Thanks to people like TheWatcher, now everybody can better understand the inner parts of the hidden truth.
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Old 10-20-2008, 09:25 PM   #221
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Originally Posted by warngen View Post

What have you heard, or what do you know, about ouija boards.
I have a ouija board and haven't played it in a long time.
I have experimented with it before and to make a long story short, I KNOW that they work. If you or anyone really wants details then I can give them. But, do you know how they function? Is there some power in the board itself?
I have seen, from different sources, but not first hand, inscribed "writing" on supposedly "ET material from craft or whatever."
Can you elaborate on these questions and the engraving on the ET material?

Yes like most i played with a ouija board as a teenager, then for research we used one in the 70's when a parapsychologist joined our team. This research, often very light hearted and in jest, sometimes a little more serious. Subconscious controlling of the board.
No power that we found within the inanimate board no. The sitters themselves hold the keys to any data you might get amongst the gobbledegook. Inscibed writings on materials by ET? possibly, possibly not

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Old 10-20-2008, 09:49 PM   #222
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry, a few years back a man named Peter Khoury had a sexual experience with two entities. He was able to remove a thread of hair from his private part after this experience. Peter said that during his sexual encounter with these entities that he bit one on the nipple and 'she' never reacted, it was as though she didn't feel any pain.

If you scroll down to the pictures at the bottom of this website you will see drawings of the hybrids whom Peter had his sexual encounter with :


Some background on Peter's case:

Sydney, Australia. July 23, 1992. according to diary entries.

Peter had been recovering from head injuries received in a job site assault (he worked in the building industry in his own cement rendering business). At about 7 am, having returned to his Sydney suburban home from the train station, after dropping off his wife, Khoury felt unwell and lay down on the bed to sleep. He awoke with a start sometime later, becoming aware of something alighting on the bed. He was shocked to see two strange women kneeling on the end of his bed.

Both were naked. One appeared Nordic and the other Asian. Aspects of their appearance were quite odd. The Nordic female had a very elongated face and a sharply point chin. Her eyes appeared to be blue and 2 to 3 times larger than normal. She had very fine wispy blonde hair that seemed to be oddly blown up. Her skin colour was quite light. The dark brown skinned Asian looking woman seemed to have almost completely black eyes. Her hair was black and set in a firm page-boy style.

Although no normal communication occurred, the Nordic woman seemed to be in charge and Khoury got the impression she was giving the Asian looking woman some sort of instruction. What followed was quite disorientating for Khoury. The Nordic woman, who seemed to be over 6 feet tall and apparently very strong, reached forward and pulled Khoury's head to her breast. He resisted, trying to pull away.

She did this 3 times. Finally Khoury, trying to cope with the shock and disorientating nature of this experience, bit on her nipple apparently swallowing a piece from it. The Nordic woman, although seemingly confused, did not react with any pain and nor was there any sign of blood. She seemed to convey to the other woman that this was not the way things were supposed to happen. Khoury was overcome with a coughing fit. Moments later, looking up again, he found that both women had vanished.

The coughing caused Khoury to go to the bathroom to get a drink of water. When he went to urinate he found it very painful to do so, due to, it turned out, some very fine blonde hair wrapped tightly under his foreskin. Khoury removed the hair and had the foresight to place it in a plastic sachet bag with a seal. He did that because he felt there was no way it should have been there.

It was unlike his wife's hair. Khoury concluded that something extraordinarily bizarre had just occurred and linked the 2 pieces of blonde thin hair (about 10-12 cm & 6-8 cm long) to the strange tall, blonde haired Nordic looking woman. Even though Vivian (his wife)had been very supportive of him about his 1988 abduction experience, Peter refrained from telling her what occurred for about 2 weeks. She accepted it far better than Peter did, telling him it was something he has no control over and they would deal with it as best as they could.

Peter's 1988 experience:

A frightening and life changing alien abduction experience occurred on July 12, 1988. Khoury had lay on a bed and was overwhelmed by paralysis. A number of beings became apparent around him. One of them, a tall thin golden yellow coloured being, with large black eyes, inserted a long needle like object into the side of his head. Khoury blackout. He regained consciousness with a start and rushed into the adjoining room where he found other family members in a "switched-off" state. Rousing them, Khoury found that while they thought only some 10 minutes had passed, in reality it seemed between 1 to 2 hours had passed. An injury to his head was verified.

A friend recently asked me if those two females could have been PLFs.
What do you think?

All the Best
That is one hell of a story, only ever heard something similar once in my 42 years of working within this subject. If these were female PLFs things certainly have changed in the 27 years since i was directly involved. Darn it!! I missed the best bits LOL
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Old 10-20-2008, 11:30 PM   #223
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That is one hell of a story, only ever heard something similar once in my 42 years of working within this subject. If these were female PLFs things certainly have changed in the 27 years since i was directly involved. Darn it!! I missed the best bits LOL
Yes they have upgraded the models to 'Models'! Could you imagine throwing one of them over your shoulder! LOL

I think there is something very biased going on as we never hear about Brad Pitt looking aliens. Seems they cater to men's desires but not women's. That's a thought, why don't we ever hear about alien encounters with gorgeous looking males? Why do the majority of the stories relate to encounters between human females with other human males (set up by the aliens) or between females and reptilians?

Has anyone on this board ever come across any information pertaining to human females having sexual encounters with good looking male aliens? (all joking aside, this is a serious question)

So Barry, you've heard a similar story before? Are you able to share?

Also regarding the hair samples left behind, do you think they were left behind deliberately? Maybe the whole event was staged and the hairs were left for a purpose.

There seems to be a concerted global effort to keep all physical trace elements sequestered so why allow this reported alien hair sample to be analyzed within the public domain?

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 10-20-2008 at 11:50 PM.
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Old 10-20-2008, 11:42 PM   #224
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Hi Ara, will respond to your post and think on if I can safely relate details of the case i have investigated. BTW, your package was sent airmail today, rather yesterday now, Monday. You should receive this shortly. Regards

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Old 10-21-2008, 12:41 AM   #225
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Hi Ara, will respond to your post and think on if I can safely relate details of the case i have investigated. BTW, your package was sent airmail today, rather yesterday now, Monday. You should receive this shortly. Regards

Ok Barry! And a big Thank you!

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