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Old 06-08-2009, 09:39 PM   #1376
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Posted for simply interests sake, and member reactions possibly....

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Old 06-09-2009, 12:48 AM   #1377
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
No topic area is off limits now, free reign............
Thanks, that is good to read. So, We have free reign to ask questions, now in a perfect world you would have free reign to answer them. LOL

Hmm, Time to dream a perfect world into existence.

All the Best
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Old 06-09-2009, 03:33 AM   #1378
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Thanks, that is good to read. So, We have free reign to ask questions, now in a perfect world you would have free reign to answer them. LOL

Hmm, Time to dream a perfect world into existence.

All the Best
I second that!
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Old 06-09-2009, 05:08 AM   #1379
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Posted for simply interests sake, and member reactions possibly....

Excuse me for invading your post but I couldn't help but have to re-read this sentence several times in the 'FEMA' website that you posted the link too. I did already copy and save the entire article in case they change it.

"... The NLE 09 scenario will begin in the aftermath of a notional terrorist event outside of the United States, and exercise play will center on preventing subsequent efforts by the terrorists to enter the United States and carry out additional attacks. This scenario enables participating senior officials to focus on issues related to preventing terrorist events domestically and protecting U.S. critical infrastructure.

NLE 09 will allow terrorism prevention efforts to proceed to a logical end (successful or not), with no requirement for response or recovery activities..."

So does this infer that the gov't already knows that a terrorist act will occur before the July 2009 date of these exercises?

If so, then may the unknown become known for the highest and best good of all. a penny for your thoughts.

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Old 06-09-2009, 08:47 AM   #1380
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Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Excuse me for invading your post but I couldn't help but have to re-read this sentence several times in the 'FEMA' website that you posted the link too. I did already copy and save the entire article in case they change it.

"... The NLE 09 scenario will begin in the aftermath of a notional terrorist event outside of the United States, and exercise play will center on preventing subsequent efforts by the terrorists to enter the United States and carry out additional attacks. This scenario enables participating senior officials to focus on issues related to preventing terrorist events domestically and protecting U.S. critical infrastructure.

NLE 09 will allow terrorism prevention efforts to proceed to a logical end (successful or not), with no requirement for response or recovery activities..."

So does this infer that the gov't already knows that a terrorist act will occur before the July 2009 date of these exercises?

If so, then may the unknown become known for the highest and best good of all. a penny for your thoughts.
The most shocking part is
" Rumors of foreign troops on our soil have been circulated for a long time. BUT this is not a rumor. It is a blatant fact as stated by FEMA on their government website. THIS IS AN INVASION "

Presumably when the SHTF foreign troops would replace the local police which won't be any longer reliable due to the circumstances like trying to find
food when the shelves of the supermarket are empty . Under the conditions the foreign troops theoretically would have no scruples in shooting the local population . At least twice (that we know of ) the secrets services have used the ruse of a training exercise for staging black operations . The 9/11 and the London bombing come to mind .
Are those two links giving us a hint of things to come ?
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Old 06-09-2009, 12:24 PM   #1381
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Helvetic View Post
Im wondering if there is a picture available from Dr. Aanerrson?
No picture available of Dr Aanerrson at this time
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Old 06-09-2009, 03:08 PM   #1382
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If someone were to see one of these beings, would they be able to fit a description of being someone who was an albino?
I remember seeing someone like that when I was young.
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Old 06-09-2009, 03:25 PM   #1383
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Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post

"... The NLE 09 scenario will begin in the aftermath of a notional terrorist event outside of the United States, and exercise play will center on preventing subsequent efforts by the terrorists to enter the United States and carry out additional attacks. This scenario enables participating senior officials to focus on issues related to preventing terrorist events domestically and protecting U.S. critical infrastructure.

NLE 09 will allow terrorism prevention efforts to proceed to a logical end (successful or not), with no requirement for response or recovery activities..."

So does this infer that the gov't already knows that a terrorist act will occur before the July 2009 date of these exercises?

If so, then may the unknown become known for the highest and best good of all. a penny for your thoughts.
The exercise isn't happening after an ACTUAL terrorist event, the scenario will be that a theoretical event just happened, and the response to it.
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Old 06-09-2009, 04:25 PM   #1384
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Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
If someone were to see one of these beings, would they be able to fit a description of being someone who was an albino?
I remember seeing someone like that when I was young.
Yes they do look like Abinos. Another source ( wife of ex NSA member ) had contact with these beings in the US and told me they had 'cybernetic' voices and surgery scars in the throat area were some kind of commuinication boxes had been installed
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Old 06-09-2009, 04:43 PM   #1385
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To carry on with Lincoln's account-

It was not until the second meeting with Dr Aanserrson that he suspected something strange was occuring. Even though this being appeared human he carried himself in a way of intellectual superiority. He made scientists working on projects in the facility who were educated at the finest colleges and universities appear as schoolchildren during consultation and lectures.

At the second meeting Dr Aanserrson had red eyes while the first time lincoln had seen him, his eyes were blue. This was either due to contact lenses or shapeshifting Lincoln told me. This is what alarmed him most. Also during the second meeting there was small talk as to where they were all from and when Dr Aanserrson was asked ( most in the working group assumed a Scandinavian origin ) he stumbled around a reply. He seemed to struggle to identify a place or a town and after appearing confused for a moment, replied in a soft but authoritive voice- "We should not discuss such things". They assumed they offended him and the subject was dropped.

The third meeting was in a new location and more interesting circumstances developed. Lincoln was transferred to another place for the same project and told his "consultants" would meet them for a briefing. When the consultants arrived there was Dr Aanerrson and two other beings of the same appearance. There was one male and one slightly shorter female that closely resembled the photograph on this thread, but had longer hair pulled into a pony tail with a metal ring. The two other beings were introduced as "special assistants" for a briefing and lecture.

Lincoln told me the thing that struck him at first was the non-verbal comm between this beings. By this he meant that after Dr Aanerrson spoke to government personnel he would direct the other two by just looking at them. Lincoln assumed this was telepathy after seeing it a few times.

More to follow
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Old 06-09-2009, 09:32 PM   #1386
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Originally Posted by Lorien View Post
The exercise isn't happening after an ACTUAL terrorist event, the scenario will be that a theoretical event just happened, and the response to it.
It's true that military exercises are normal, and that often there's international cooperation for them, BUT (it's a BIG but!!)... there was a synchronization of 'exercises' with both the 9/11 and the London subway attacks.

NY9/11/01: "Several different war game exercises were in play on the day of the attack. The limited public information on these exercises shows that they simulated the following events:
* Hijackings
* Attacks on buildings using aircraft as missiles
* Attacks using toxic or infectious substances

UK7/7/05: Search results vs content on page
"The 7 July 2005 London bombings (also called the 7/7 bombings) were a series of .... So we had to suddenly switch an exercise from fictional to real. ... Forensic examiners had initially thought that military grade plastic ...... Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway injured far more people (12 dead, 1000+ injured). ...

No mention of exercises on yahoo page (Last updated: July 03, 2007.)
Old 06-09-2009, 10:00 PM   #1387
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Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
Also during the second meeting there was small talk as to where they were all from and when Dr Aanserrson was asked ( most in the working group assumed a Scandinavian origin ) he stumbled around a reply.
I think he ate too much GM (genetically modified) food - a faulty memory.
Old 06-09-2009, 10:30 PM   #1388
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
The use of civilians within the facilities for genetics, mindcontrolling technologies, Milab operations, yes, requires mostly adult but some children also, withing the Milab procedures, NOT as far as we are aware for more insidious procedures. Numbers are unavailable to us both UK and US figures alone would reach into the hundreds per quarter for all procedures. Vast majority will leave with no lasting effects other than some mind trauma and eventually PTSD. We can perhaps try and obtain active facility listings.
Watcher - As for the children, are they mostly kidnapped?

Thank you
Old 06-10-2009, 07:26 AM   #1389
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UFO disclosure June 2009 timetable revealed

Michael Cohen m.cohen@allnewsweb.com

In regards to my previous article I have been inundated with emails, mostly of a positive nature from readers noting that my version of events gels with theirs.
Some have been sceptical or downright negative. I should clarify that by 'Invasion' I do not mean an 'Independence Day' scenario.

The bottom-line reality is that the world stands at the cusp of open first contact. Admittance of definitive knowledge of an alien presence on earth by the governments of the world's major nations is literally days away. And that is a certainty. Disclosure, however, will be gradual. It is, in fact, already happening.

Over the next few days these events will occur:

NASA will finally admit that it has 'some evidence' that aliens might be monitoring earth and that it is seriously researching UFO events.
There will be an admittance by another government agency or relevant organization that there is reason to believe that some signals that have been picked up by radio telescope are probably of alien origin
The government of a major European nation will outright admit having knowledge of UFOs visiting our planet.
We are living in very exciting times. Yes, many are fearful of what open contact might mean. however others look to the very near future with anticipation and intense curiosity.

We are about to discover things about ourselves and the universe that are going to completely alter our very sense of being and existence.
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:32 AM   #1390
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Thanks Helvetic for your encouraging post .
I find it bit strange this snippet " There will be an admittance by another government agency or relevant organization that there is reason to believe that some signals that have been picked up by radio telescope are probably of alien origin " . I have reason to believe that radio waves are " slow " when we talk about planetary or galactic communications as a matter of fact useless is more accurate . Who uses " radio communication " hasn't got a superior technology then what is is commercially available now , unless it was designed to be detected by us . Have you heard of the " non locality " effect as the base of instant comunication ? Henry Deacon , if the memory serves me well ,mentioned this effect in one of his interviews on project Camelot .


Last edited by Steve_A; 06-10-2009 at 11:26 AM.
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Old 06-10-2009, 03:18 PM   #1391
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Operations lab at Oak Ridge

Attachment 876

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Old 06-10-2009, 03:20 PM   #1392
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Attachment 877

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Old 06-10-2009, 03:22 PM   #1393
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Oak Ridge operations lab 2

Attachment 878

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Old 06-10-2009, 03:35 PM   #1394
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Lincoln told that all the pieces fell into place after working late one evening with Dr Aanerrson and the female neing. Having only worked with her a short time he assumed she could not speak english and Lincoln never attempted comm with her except for a "hello" upon her entry into the room. She always replied with a smile and a nod. Lincoln never heard verbal comm from the female the entire time he worked with her.

After a short break and snack Lincoln returned to the room with the female and the doctor and upon entry noticed a large man, or what he thought was a manin the room with the other two individuals.. He was already past UMBRA security doors and there was no guard to stop him from entering. He basically walked right upon them. He looked up to notice this no man at all but a very large lizard-like creature that walked bipedal!

This being had two arms and two legs and appeared human-like, but the face was reptilian and mossy green. This being flinched as Lincoln entered as he assumed he had startled the being. There were no words spoken and the female being turned and looked Lincoln in the eyes and the lizard being turned to leave the room out another door ( the room had three doors ).

More to come
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Old 06-11-2009, 01:56 AM   #1395
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There is a recent article at http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,525695,00.html regarding a nearby star which may be getting ready to go supernova. (since perception is relative to proximity what we view as just happening has already occurred)
QUOTE from article :It's possible we're observing the beginning of Betelgeuse's final collapse now.
If so, the star, which is 600 light-years away, will already have exploded — and we'll soon be in for a spectacular, and perfectly safe, interstellar fireworks show.

Are the effects of supernova on the redirection of doors both cosmic and perceptional taken into account when the machine computes probable futures?

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Old 06-11-2009, 12:19 PM   #1396
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
There is a recent article at http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,525695,00.html regarding a nearby star which may be getting ready to go supernova. (since perception is relative to proximity what we view as just happening has already occurred)
QUOTE from article :It's possible we're observing the beginning of Betelgeuse's final collapse now.
If so, the star, which is 600 light-years away, will already have exploded — and we'll soon be in for a spectacular, and perfectly safe, interstellar fireworks show.

Are the effects of supernova on the redirection of doors both cosmic and perceptional taken into account when the machine computes probable futures?

All the Best
Thank you for this information Ara. While on the subject of stars, I can confirm that the 'Albino' Annunaki that Lincoln came into contact with are from the Sirius star system. It is actaully a binary star system wit a small ignited gaseous planet ( appears to be a third sun ).

The stars are

1) Sothi ( or Suthisi )

2) Safais

3) Anu ( gaseous burning planet )

These beings are from a planet near the star Sothi. The planet is called Sothi 3. These beings also inhabit several other planets in the Sirius system. There is a heirarchy of sorts when it comes to choice of home in that system. There is a large R&D and propulsion factory/lab on Sothi 3. This is where their craft and travel systems are produced.

A personnel exchange exchange program is in place between these beings and factions of our governments. Heavy involvement with US Naval Space Command, Department of Navy, Majestic and other groups involved. Humans are regulary transferred to these planets. Many times a clone is left in place and the Annunaki are able 'download' themselves into the cloned body and 'wear' the new body to experience life on earth first hand. The memories of the previous individual are worn by the new lifeform to pass themselves off as human. The PPU ( Psychological Program Unit-Tripseat ) chair can record an individuals life timetrack on video, download and transfer data. Some people are walking around with a 'double-track'. Namely they are wearing their own memories with the memories of another downloaded on top. The key is to seperate the two tracks and discover what the truth of the own lives are. Interestingly enough the PPU unit can scan past lives and the technicians watch previous lives of the individual on video. According to recently disclosed files of mine, a previous scan of me revealed a past life in Greece and I started talking Greek on the chair. This is all connected. I was around from the time of Atlantis over 10,000 years ago when the exchange program with the Aldeberan Aryans was taking place with human atlantean government. I remember all this very clearly. The Sirians were heavily involved then and like members of the Montauk project such as Duncan Cameron, I did not take normal incarnational cycles. We are talking life extension, transference of conciousness and cloning being used back then. Past life regression has revealed the following- My cycle progressed as following ( this is only my earthn history, it goes back much further on other planets )

1) Atlantis

2) Himalayas

3) Mesopotamia and Kaish

4) Greece

5) France

6) Scotland

7) Cornwall

More details below-

I am a fallen angel

I am a son of Fire

I come from the time of the sinking of Atlantis

This was the Great Flood

I was decieved by Lucifer, the Light Bearer

I was once a lieutenant of Azazel

Chief over the Order of Bene-elim

I was incarnated into flesh during the time Atlantis was invaded

I became a 'Man-Spirit'

I walked amongst Annunaki and other star races in the ancient days

Certain star races corrupted the people of Atlantis

I was born into a human body created by the Annunaki

I come from Nephilim bloodline

Many great leaders descend from this ancient stock

We are compassionate and glorious

Some of us are evil and selfish

We are the original mystics and romantics

We are Zion

Some of us stayed loyal to the Light Bearer

Many of us, after realising our deception, united with the Confederated Galactic Councils

We sought grace over thousands of years and incarnations on Terra

We sought the Elohim

The human government destroyed Atlantis by accepting flase gifts from the Star races

Also with the help from the Melchizedek priests who had been corrupted

The Order of Merlin tried to save me but I was in too deep

I left my physical vessal at this time and many of the Great White Brotherhood travelled to our base in the Himalayas

My soul still aches from this event

Much needed rest took place in our Abode in the Clouds

The war had to go on- when can we stop?

Onto the plains of Mesoptomia we traveled

I was a member of the Tribe of Dan at this time

I was known as the 'Leader of the Hills'

We carried on the wars with our fallen Nephilim brothers

Eventially we escaped the Middle-East and headed to Greece

New bodies were acquired again

I was a commander of the Spartan army at this time

My military might growing stronger with each battle from the time of Atlantis

The Nephilim war raged on and blood spilled onward

All the way up into Rome and France

Here I was a Merovingian Priest-King

We had learnt to settle our conflicts in a more honourable way by this time

We had our death matches in the Pont De L'Alma tunnel

Glorious man to man matches

From France to Scotland took our wandering tribe

Here I was an 'Illuminated' warrior of the ? Celtic Clan

The year is now 2008 and I am over 26,000 years old

I now dwell in the land of King Arthur

Michael Prince of Aldebaran

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Old 06-11-2009, 12:23 PM   #1397
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When my daughter was born I named her Kaisha. I could not remember hearing the word before. Later I discovered the Tribe of Dan were located in the area of the Middle-East known as 'Kaish'.

I had never heard the term 'Leader of the Hills' before either, so I did some research on this. What I found was very interesting.

In the ancient Mayan text called the 'Troano Manuscript' it talks about the sinking of Atlantis when 64 million people died and calls Atlantis 'The country of the Hills of Earth'. It also appears to refer to the lost tribes of Isreal which came to the middle-east from Atlantis after the Great Flood. The text is as follows-

'In the year 6 Kan, on the 11 Muluc, in the month of Zac, there occured terrific earthquakes which continued until the 13 Chuen without interruption. The country of the hills of earth... was sacrificed.
Being twice upheaved, it dissappeared during the night, being constantly shaken by the fires of the underneath. Being confined, these caused the land to rise and sink several times in various places.
As the last surface gave way the ten tribes were torn asunder and scattered. They sank with their 64,000,000 inhabitants'
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Old 06-11-2009, 12:38 PM   #1398
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The following information is relevant ( bear in mind that 'Anu' may be a title for a group of beings. This seems to be the case with 'Jesus' and 'Merlin' as well


I fear if we as a brotherhood cannot let go of our addiction to war and radiation, a nuclear war will be inevitable.

It is interesting now that I look at the symbols of the Unitied Grand Lodge of English Freemasonry and understand them. Firstly I see the Ark of the Covenent. From my understanding the Annunaki leader 'Anu' ordered Abraham to carry a glowing element ( Uranium ) in a wooden box ( possibly the Ark of the Covenent ) from Ur ( the ancient city of Sumer located on the Euphrates River ) and deposit this element in the Temple of Soloman. There was great fear generated by this element. I estimate this would have occured at the end of the third millenium B.C and would have been a method of mass mind control.

As you know radiation has the power to control minds. Anu had complete control over the known world at one point in history. I cannot tell others what to do, only speak for myself. The time has now come for me to only work with stable forms of radiation and purge all forms of unstable radiation that have built up in my mind and body. My goal is now to infuse my mind and body with stable electro-magnetic energy. When emotions- fear, anger, guilt etc become denser than our physical bodies, we are greatly weakened. A negative thought actaully has physical weight. This gets back to Uranium again. Our emotional bodies must 'quicken' and raise to the vibrational frequency of Uranium. Thereby dissolving engramic blocks in our bodies and allowing the free flow of chi around our bodies. Hence our emotional bodies become lighter than our physical bodies. I have to wonder whether Anu deposited the Uranium in the temple and city structures to ultimately raise the vibration of Humanity.

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Old 06-11-2009, 01:05 PM   #1399
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The areas in the middle-east being discussed are deserts today because of the nuclear wars between the Watchers at the time. Before this time the Garden of Eden was a lush forest area.

Whole planets in the Alebaran star system are now desert because of this war. Many of the Aryan warriors from this sector have moved to the planet of Taygeta in the Pleiades now the ancient war is drawing to a close.

Lincoln tells me this has been a great and ancient war ( probably over a million years old ). Very complex indeed, involving numerous species. He says it scattered the Sirian Annunaki to several planets. This explains their genetic relationships to other Annunaki and their apperance differing greatly he says. From Alibino, to human-like, to lizard-like and even shapeshifter. This is evolution at it's best. One solid species breaking apart into several other evolved species. Some of these beings growing sinister and greedy, while others growing into peaceful spiritual beings.
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Old 06-11-2009, 01:27 PM   #1400
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Pic below shows Lincoln's genetic upgrade and life-extension proceedure which took place at Oak Ridge last year. This shows the injection site where alien related nano-tech was put into his body ( a type of serum ). Lincoln was strapped into one of the seats at the time and as the nanites made their way to his brain he convulsed for approx five mintutes.

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