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Old 01-09-2009, 02:17 AM   #801
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1970. My research centred at this time on reports of lights and structured craft being seen near and entering/leaving the waters of the
two large reservoirs near Enfield. The William Girling and King George reservoirs. Opposite lies an area off Sewardstone road known as Barn Hill. This will crop up again in later years.

In March of 1970 two young Enfield children went missing, searches included the reservoirs. In june of 1970 the two bodies were found in a copse near Barn Hill. The location where the bodies were discovered, in a small copse, lies less than 400yds from a main road. Great mystery surrounds the death of these two young children. A press blackout ensued and any investigation or enquiry met with stonewalling. The families were told not to speak with anyone and were moved away from the area. Strange that even in a mild summer the official word, what few of them there was, was that the children died from exposure.

My interest, as stated, was due to the almost flap conditions in the area, so many reports of lights and objects being reported almost daily. A tip off from a friend alerted me to the events of the day when the two children were found. My friend called round to see me and mentioned all hell was breaking loose at the location. I went to see for myself. It did look very strange. So many police, others in plain clothing, and then the stranger part, army there in numbers too. Speculation was rampant within the scores of joe public types stood along the roadside held back by police. I moved along, asking questions here and there but no one knew what was going on.
A great deal of activity could be seen at and around the small copse, not far from the ridge. Police and army personnel. Police officers carried two blanket covered stretchers from the copse and headed for the official vehicles parked nearby. Then more army personnel went up to the copse carrying spades and sacks.

In short, the topsoil was removed from the copse where the two bodies were found. Years later the grass barely grew within the copse. Very little information was given out afterwards, the press played the whole thing down, the official word was the unfortunate deaths were due to exposure to the elements. In June, and less than 400yds from a main road and civilisation.

Sadly, as is life, this soon became forgotten and local life continued. So did the spate of sightings in the area. I tried to obtain info from as many official sources as possible, snooping everywhere trying to find any scrap of data regarding the events connected to the deaths. I trod on several toes and probably peed off many people with my incessant enquiries.

As an aside, a few months later, we noticed, over a period of several nights, two people sitting in a car whom simply sat there, occasionally looking over towards our home. Most of my family commented on this, and my parents came close to phoning the police more than once. At that time I was working night shifts at Fords and sometimes decided to take the bus which meant i had to pass by the car and go across the park to the bus stop on the A13 Ripple road. I did this 3 times over 3 nights. The same couple in the car, watching nothing in particular, and as soon as i left my home they looked over towards me and watched till i passed their car.
A strange little piece of trivia i agree, no harm came of it, after several more nights of sitting there for a few hours, they simply showed up no more.

(please excuse if this makes little sense in places, its late here as i type, after 2am).

In December of 1970, a few weeks after this car event above, I was driving to work at Fords one night when I suffered a near fatal car crash. That put paid to my investigations for a while LOL.

Next..........1972 and my first run in with MIBs, only these black suited gentlemen were of the NSA variety. With their green Mercedes car sporting false (unissued) number plates.

Back soon...............
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Old 01-10-2009, 11:18 PM   #802
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Perhaps my slowness in detailing this part of my past has stifled any and all input from others? My apologies

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Old 01-11-2009, 02:12 AM   #803
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Not at all Barry, we're patiently waiting. The energies have seemed to affect a lot of members.
Old 01-11-2009, 07:05 AM   #804
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Perhaps my slowness in detailing this part of my past has stifled any and all input from others? My apologies
No Barry, it's ok, we're still here.

All the Best
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Old 01-11-2009, 05:14 PM   #805
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Always keeping an eye on this thread. Certainly a great read.
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Old 01-11-2009, 06:24 PM   #806
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Trying to keep this short n sweet but at same time trying to keep the relevent info flowing, in order for later dot connecting

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Old 01-11-2009, 06:58 PM   #807
Jacqui D
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Barry when you mention the MIB were you aware they were that or did you think someone was just out there to get you.
Were the MIB the typical type that we know of ( black suits, glasses etc)?
Are you still being watched by these today?
I know about the accident you had the car crash do you think they were out to kill you or warn you off.

Can you now sense the MIB's around before you even see them?
Do they have an energy that you pick up on?
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Old 01-11-2009, 07:55 PM   #808
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Originally Posted by Jacqui D View Post
Barry when you mention the MIB were you aware they were that or did you think someone was just out there to get you.
Were the MIB the typical type that we know of ( black suits, glasses etc)?
Are you still being watched by these today?
I know about the accident you had the car crash do you think they were out to kill you or warn you off.

Can you now sense the MIB's around before you even see them?
Do they have an energy that you pick up on?
Barry, the MIB you are aware of were any of them other intelligences wearing human cadavers? Dan Burisch has spoken about a Rogue group of J-Rods who transfer their intelligences into human cadavers in order to move around here. These ones are the other type of MIB, not the human ones. I imagine the J-Rods aren't the only group with the technology to do this.

If they are J-rods wearing a cadaver then I imagine Jacqui's question whether the MIB have a different energy feel to them may be very relevant. Great question Jacqui.

All the Best
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Old 01-11-2009, 11:16 PM   #809
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Originally Posted by Jacqui D View Post
Barry when you mention the MIB were you aware they were that or did you think someone was just out there to get you.
Were the MIB the typical type that we know of ( black suits, glasses etc)?
Are you still being watched by these today?
I know about the accident you had the car crash do you think they were out to kill you or warn you off.

Can you now sense the MIB's around before you even see them?
Do they have an energy that you pick up on?

Hi Jacqui, at the time of the events of 1972 and indeed into 1973 these guys were your typical agency guys, white shirts, black suits and yes weirdly enough in summer they liked their mystique of wearing raybans. I knew from a certain point whom they were and what they wanted. It was later in the 70's that the more unearthly type of MIB manifestations came my way, but fear that was simply due to my high profile within the ufo community, that tended to attract all kinds of weirdness. During the 90's I received a lot of nonsense from these types. Being watched today? Certain agencies are doing some monitoring yes as far as sensing the more surreal types thats a yes and no. The car accident of December 1970 I put down to sheer bad luck.

Warmest regards

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Old 01-11-2009, 11:26 PM   #810
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry, the MIB you are aware of were any of them other intelligences wearing human cadavers? Dan Burisch has spoken about a Rogue group of J-Rods who transfer their intelligences into human cadavers in order to move around here. These ones are the other type of MIB, not the human ones. I imagine the J-Rods aren't the only group with the technology to do this.

If they are J-rods wearing a cadaver then I imagine Jacqui's question whether the MIB have a different energy feel to them may be very relevant. Great question Jacqui.

All the Best
The 1970's and the 1990's were two periods of time where i attracted much attention from both agency types MIB and these other, non earthly types. Anything is within possibilities as to their identity. Many scoff at the very idea of these stereotypical MIB types but many have seen them and come under their attention over the years. They are menacing only if you display fear, once you stand up to them and appear non disturbed by their appearance its like a process kicks in whereby they are not programmed to accept such response from humans and shut down. As long as fear and stress is shown by the poor sod under their attention they will continue with their preset programming of harassment and intimidation. Show you are not scared and they react.


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Old 01-12-2009, 02:18 AM   #811
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
The 1970's and the 1990's were two periods of time where i attracted much attention from both agency types MIB and these other, non earthly types. Anything is within possibilities as to their identity. Many scoff at the very idea of these stereotypical MIB types but many have seen them and come under their attention over the years. They are menacing only if you display fear, once you stand up to them and appear non disturbed by their appearance its like a process kicks in whereby they are not programmed to accept such response from humans and shut down. As long as fear and stress is shown by the poor sod under their attention they will continue with their preset programming of harassment and intimidation. Show you are not scared and they react.


If you don't mind, I'd like to try and make a connection between not showing MIBs fear and not showing the PTB fear. They are both programmed to elicit fear from the sheeple and by the sheeple standing up and throwing off the chains, the MIBs/PTB shut down or weaken when they do not get the fear that they desire.
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Old 01-12-2009, 10:18 AM   #812
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
The 1970's and the 1990's were two periods of time where i attracted much attention from both agency types MIB and these other, non earthly types. Anything is within possibilities as to their identity. Many scoff at the very idea of these stereotypical MIB types but many have seen them and come under their attention over the years. They are menacing only if you display fear, once you stand up to them and appear non disturbed by their appearance its like a process kicks in whereby they are not programmed to accept such response from humans and shut down. As long as fear and stress is shown by the poor sod under their attention they will continue with their preset programming of harassment and intimidation. Show you are not scared and they react.



Hi Barry,
Can it go the other way also though, I mean, if you show no fear are there groups who will take interest in this?

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Old 01-12-2009, 07:39 PM   #813
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Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
If you don't mind, I'd like to try and make a connection between not showing MIBs fear and not showing the PTB fear. They are both programmed to elicit fear from the sheeple and by the sheeple standing up and throwing off the chains, the MIBs/PTB shut down or weaken when they do not get the fear that they desire.
It would be foolhardy to not show fear to some extent to those PTB, agencies, etc, as they are capable of many nasty things, its not simply fearing for ones own life but when family and close friends are threatened, its natural to show some fear and anxiety.

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Old 01-12-2009, 07:40 PM   #814
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Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Hi Barry,
Can it go the other way also though, I mean, if you show no fear are there groups who will take interest in this?


Indeed so, like being in a goldfish bowl, your actions/reactions are watched, several players, several factions keeping tabs to see if they can use you to their advantage

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Old 01-13-2009, 12:28 AM   #815
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Indeed so, like being in a goldfish bowl, your actions/reactions are watched, several players, several factions keeping tabs to see if they can use you to their advantage
So how does one know when one is being manipulated for another's cause Barry?

All the Best
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Old 01-13-2009, 12:42 AM   #816
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So how does one know when one is being manipulated for another's cause Barry?

All the Best
Unless someone drops hints or someone says you have little or no idea


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Old 01-13-2009, 12:43 AM   #817
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1972......MIB appear but these ones are NSA.I worked at that time for a local freight company on late shifts, 1.30pm till 10pm. It began with being followed nightly from the road by the company all the way to the A13 turnoff where i would turn right for home and the call turned left, towards London. The car, later in daylight identified as a green Mercedes 4 door saloon (sedan). This following was simply that, at first, following, the car 2 or 3 lengths behind me all the time. After a few nights I got annoyed and decided to try and outrun it. I floored the pedal and shot away from the Mercedes but it quickly caught up and placed itself behind me. Driving at reckless speeds of 90mph along the winding River road. River road runs thru a heavy industrial area and its dangerous at the best of times, near lethal at speed at night.
This following got on my nerves so much I gathered together 2 or 3 workmates in the car, taking them home after work, in order to get witnesses to the tagging.
One day on the drive to work in the early afternoon I noticed the Mercedes parked along by the trailers next to the company i worked for. I muttered a few swearwords and turned around, heading back homewards. The Mercedes followed, again a discreet 3 car lengths behind. At least I was seeing the thing in daylight and decided to make as many mental notes about the vehicle as i could, just in case.
We drove at an ordinary rate until we reached Barking power station, then the Mercedes accelerated and drew level with me, driving side by side. The rear nearside window lowered and a middle aged balding man sitting in the back of the car turned and looked at me, within seconds the window raised and the Mercedes sped off.
I was getting really peeved by the antics of the car and occupants and word soon got round the company that I was being messed with. The boss of the company called me into the office one day to ask if there was something he or the company could do, or even to notify the Police for me. I declined saying I could handle the situation.
Days later, again daylight, arriving for my shift, the Mercedes was parked again among the trailers. I hurriedly turned around and sped off back along Thames road towards River road. The Mercedes rushed up behind me getting very close, we raced along River road, traffic permitting. Nearing the straight just before the power station the Mercedes accelerated, drew level then drove at me, I responded on instinct and yanked the steering wheel left. To avoid a hit from the Mercedes. Unfortunately I hit some gravel and lost control, I skidded into a fence and hit the concrete uprights causing about £100 worth of damage to my car.
Strangely that was the last of the tagging from them, was I taught a lesson? possibly, the next time I came across the vehicle was on my 21st birthday, June 10th 1973, in daylight, in a carpark in Barking town centre. This time the occupants got out of their car and approached me.

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Old 01-13-2009, 12:57 AM   #818
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Unless someone drops hints or someone says you have little or no idea


So the person who drops hints would have to be someone 'in the know'. Someone connected to the projects?

Is it possible to pick up through 'other channels' ie psi abilities if one is being used?

I imagine all sides playing here look for people they can use to their own advantage.

All the Best
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Old 01-13-2009, 01:38 AM   #819
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
So the person who drops hints would have to be someone 'in the know'. Someone connected to the projects?
Mostly but not always

Is it possible to pick up through 'other channels' ie psi abilities if one is being used?
I imagine all sides playing here look for people they can use to their own advantage.

All the Best

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Old 01-13-2009, 01:39 AM   #820
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I should add here that, after the incident of being forced off the road i decided upon advice, to get the vehicle checked. I contacted the Citizens Advice Bureau, The Automobile Association legal dept. and, after being informed by the C.A.B that the registration number of the Mercedes would be within the jurisdiction of Salford City Council, I wrote to them too. I basically stated that an accident occurred and that I was trying to trace the driver of the other vehicle. Salford wrote back stating that the number DBA 919K was indeed unissued, all they had on their records was a Suzuki motorcycle licence number DBA 919L. I kept these 3 letters for possible future use. Andy Collins used them in 1978 in his 130page report on my life "The Paul Grant Affair" (privately published within the ufo community, copies sent to prominent ufologists around the World).

The 10th June 1973 daylight encounter was basically a stand off between 2 of the occupants of the Mercedes and myself. A 'quiet little chat'. It was made abundantly clear at that meet whom they were. Enough said.

April 1974 I actually managed to capture the vehicle on film. I purchased a new super 8mm cine camera and projector and wished to try it out, a new toy LOL. Myself and two of my younger brothers drove over to the wasteground adjacent to the freight company I used to work for, on a piece of ground we termed the thames wasteground. We had the camera, I was filming as we all goofed about acting stupid LOL. It was an overcast cold day. As we goofed around one of my brothers stood still, looking over towards Thames road, then pointed. With the camera I panned across and there, parked among the trailers was the green Mercedes. I zoomed in with the By todays standards,pathetic 2x zoom and kept the button down, recording. Within seconds as if sensing our attention was on them, the Mercedes drove away. I kept filming till it was out of sight. We finished off the 50ft of film and returned home. A few days later I sent it off for processing at Kodak. When I received the small reel of film back I connected up the projector and played the 2/3 minute film a number of times. There was the damn car, should I need to place it with any official one day. Over time I forgot about the film and believe I actually threw it out one day in a fit of anger and frustration. I looked back on that action and mentally kicked myself for throwing it away.

Within one month or so I was to experience an aborted abduction attempt at Barn Hill, off Sewardstone road, Chingford, Essex........the same Barn Hill from 1970.

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Old 01-13-2009, 01:57 PM   #821
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Hi Barry/Ara,

I was wondering if either of you read the Jake Simpson transcript on Camelot: It will only take 5 mins to read if you have not yet done so.


In it he mentions a device, AI surveillance created by us to monitor ever action, thought and emotion of every person on earth. This is something I had not heard of previously - can either of you shed any light on this?

Any other comments on the points made in this interview?

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Old 01-13-2009, 10:42 PM   #822
Jacqui D
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It would be interesting to see how many on this site have seen or think they may have come across these MIB'S.
You have certainly had your fair share Barry and of course everything else in your life.

If i may i would like to tell a little story here when the MIB's showed themselves to me and my daughter.
It was around 2003-4 i was into David Icke's stuff and looking into the reptilian agenda when i became obsessed with visiting Canterbury Cathedral in Kent.

I had made various trips on several occasions looking for symbols, pictures in fact anything that i felt would prove to me that a reptilian species existed here on Earth but not only that how long they had actually been here.
Today my knowledge has speeded up of course and now know much more but then i was just feeling the way.

I discovered a murel on the wall of the Cathedral that fascinated me, i remember e.mailing David Icke on this telling him i had found proof that the reptilian race was here on earth at least from the 14th century.

There is a clear depiction of a retilian creature in human stance brandishing what looks very clear to me as a weapon in it's hand rather like a light sabre as you would see in star wars the movies.
A piece of the puzzle was coming together for me anyway, telling my family wasn't easy, they thought i was crazy.

So i decided to get my daughter along (who was 32 at the time) to try to get her to see what i had found right under everyones noses but no one taking any notice.

The trip was fraught, train breaking down waiting in station for around an hour eventually headed off. We had a strange conversation on the train with this stranger also, it was just a weird day.

After arriving in canterbury and leaving the station we began making our way to the Cathedral, we both began feeling quite heady, my daughter remarked that she had a bad headache coming on i told her this was normal and she had to try fight it.
The energy is very negative in that area it hits you if you are a sensitive being.
My daughter felt so bad she just wanted to go home, i managed to convince her that it would only last for awhile which it always did and would pass because i knew we had someone helping us on this venture.
After all this compulsion to go and find this picture was given to me in thought process, i would usually receive info this way.

On entering the cathedral the largest spider i have ever seen scuttled inches away from our feet, which scared the living daylights out of both of us, hate spiders something in a previous life i feel.

First i showed her all the ancient egyptian symbolism, then i showed her the murel on the wall.
Not sure of the size of the thing but it's huge, it's called the St Eutace painting.
It depicts christ's journey, but as all old paintings it has some pretty strange creatures in it. But one clear being is a reptile creature, green in colour and vaguely resembling i said at the time to my daughter one of the ninja turtles cartoon characters.
We laughed at that and then began to pull quite a crowd around, who were wondering what we found so funny in a very serious place like Canterbury Cathedral.
We pointed the creature out to some tourists who found it very interesting, we moved on and left quite a crowd all scrutinising the old painting.

But back to the MBI's, we made our journey home without any problems this time unlike the journey going.
On leaving the train we made our way to stations car park where my daughter had left the car, still talking about the day we left the car park and made our way out on to the side road which was quiet we thought for the time of day peak time 5pm when the commutors started making there way home from London.

My daughter turned the corner when suddenly a black van unmarked with blacked out windows swung in front of us.
My daughter slammed the brakes on, the van pulled up at an angle to the right of us.
My daughter was in shock so was i we sat in the car and watched as the door to this van slowly opened. Inside were 3 men all dressed in similar black clothing and dare i say it with dark glasses on.
At a quick glance i noticed the 3 men looked exactly the same.
My daughter never noticed this she was still in shock and feared for her life but did see 3 men in there.
I said something like "Oh my god MBI's"
My daughter said "Sh...t your joking"
She stuck her foot on the reverse and the car shot backwards, as she did so the door on the van shut and pulled off fastly!

We sat for a second or two just taking in the situation thinking Weird! or what!
Wondering why a thing had happened to us my daughter started driving the car again and made our way to the end of the road, noticing all the time that there was not a living soul around anywhere on the road or on the streets.
We took a left turning which brought you out onto the main road through the town. Standing in front of us was a policeman in full combat uniform, he hailed us to stop. we looked at each other and thought what else this day just gets weirder and weirder.
My daughter wound her window down and the policeman came over.
He said we would have to turn back, we noticed that police tape had been put across the road, the like to which they put out when a crime has been commited.
"So what's going on?"
My daughter asks, he says. "There's been a robbery at the Nat West bank, we have cornered of the road you can't go through."

We had clear vision of the road and there was no traffic either way, so we thought they must off cornered of all traffic the other way also.
The policeman waved us back, my daughter reversed back down the road we had just come down.
Still no cars anywhere, but we thought well the police has obviously closed all roads, robbers may be armed or something.
My daughter and i chatted about the MIB's saying how scary was that! and discussed the robbery saying it would be in the papers tomorrow or maybe even make the local news.

After taking the long way round which added around 10 minutes on our journey we eventually got back on the original main road and sat and watched as we waited for the lights to change green.

Now this was weird because there was no police, no police tape across the road nothing, in fact the buses were running as usual and it was quite busy, there were people walking up and down the high street all was back to normal.

We felt as though we had gone through a different dimension or something.
There was never anything said on the local news nothing was printed in the papers and when we asked around no one even knew what we were talking about.

We have no explaination why we were stopped by these MIB's. And the police stop well we have no answer for that either.

Last edited by Jacqui D; 01-17-2009 at 01:41 PM.
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Old 01-13-2009, 11:03 PM   #823
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Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Hi Barry/Ara,

I was wondering if either of you read the Jake Simpson transcript on Camelot: It will only take 5 mins to read if you have not yet done so.


In it he mentions a device, AI surveillance created by us to monitor ever action, thought and emotion of every person on earth. This is something I had not heard of previously - can either of you shed any light on this?

Any other comments on the points made in this interview?

Hi Iain,

Do I think this AI exists? Yes.

Thank you for bringing this interview to my attention, very interesting read.
Opens a whole can of worms though doesn't it? Implications galore on many levels.

All the Best

ps...I've sent an email to you Iain.

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Old 01-13-2009, 11:24 PM   #824
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Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Hi Barry/Ara,

I was wondering if either of you read the Jake Simpson transcript on Camelot: It will only take 5 mins to read if you have not yet done so.


In it he mentions a device, AI surveillance created by us to monitor ever action, thought and emotion of every person on earth. This is something I had not heard of previously - can either of you shed any light on this?

Any other comments on the points made in this interview?

Will check that asap, thanks


have now read that, very interesting material


Last edited by THEWATCHER; 01-14-2009 at 12:02 AM.
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Old 01-14-2009, 06:46 PM   #825
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Hi Iain,

Do I think this AI exists? Yes.

Thank you for bringing this interview to my attention, very interesting read.
Opens a whole can of worms though doesn't it? Implications galore on many levels.

All the Best

ps...I've sent an email to you Iain.

Yes Ara,
A HUGE can of worms!
Kinda makes you wonder what is there we can do to protect ourselves.
Or if there is even any point

Thanks for the pm.

Barry, it would appear the AI is not talked about so much as people physically struggle to do so.
Have you ever come across this thing in your disclosures?

I think many would benefit if this thing was more widespread.

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