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Old 12-13-2008, 02:14 PM   #676
Sol Invictus
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

I got the 6am knock. I'm out of here.

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Old 12-14-2008, 05:53 PM   #677
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Originally Posted by Sol Invictus View Post
Hi there 'the watcher'.

Got a question. Ever come across these in your travels?

Look forward to your thoughts.
Sorry, they ring no bells nor have any meaning to me


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Old 12-14-2008, 08:54 PM   #678
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from me from here on in.

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Old 12-14-2008, 11:02 PM   #679
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Originally Posted by Sol Invictus View Post

from me from here on in.

Can i ask about their origins? how you came about them? and what you suspect they mean?


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Old 12-18-2008, 03:13 AM   #680
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I doubt very much they represent images that 'real' victims can associate with. Much of my past since the 1970's has been deliberately kept hidden because of the nature of my work and that of the others i'm associated with. False accusations you placed within the thread by James Casbolt should be read by all here. Prove its all BS or bugger off.

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Old 12-18-2008, 03:20 AM   #681
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I should ask, is it simply because certain individuals are openly posting here at this forum that you feebly try to debunk their claims? would you openly slate, to their face, others such as Duncan, Lear, or any of the other witnesses or whistleblowers whose claims have been detailed on this forum?. You i think are the one with a problem, get it sorted.

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Old 12-18-2008, 05:34 AM   #682
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
I doubt very much they represent images that 'real' victims can associate with. Much of my past since the 1970's has been deliberately kept hidden because of the nature of my work and that of the others i'm associated with. False accusations you placed within the thread by James Casbolt should be read by all here. Prove its all BS or bugger off.

I just seen the light.

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Old 12-18-2008, 05:49 AM   #683
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I got the 6am knock.

I am out of here.

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Old 12-18-2008, 05:55 AM   #684
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I got the knock.

I'm out of here.

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Old 12-18-2008, 06:13 AM   #685
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Old 12-18-2008, 08:26 AM   #686
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He who knocks at 6am should move very very slowly and
keep both hands where they can be seen...
Old 12-18-2008, 11:12 AM   #687
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Barry - now I do not know you personally, but I do know that over your many years of dis-closure you have incurred considerable personal costs through the FREE distribution of materials to ANYBODY who requests them. And I know for a fact that any offer of payment/gifts is against your beliefs 100% and I have nothing but the upmost respect for your effort and genuinity.

Remember - we need the lows to appreciate the highs.
We need the negative to experience the positives.

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Old 12-18-2008, 12:14 PM   #688
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Hi iainl140285,

All is not what it seems.

Barry M. King did indeed make CDs and VHS video tapes which he sold in various UFO magazines, even published his own magazine, which was described as some as 'bizarre' during the 80s.

You can see this material on Youtube. It's this material that he offers. I suggest that you carefully scrutinize each and every video, even the 'documentation' that is revealed in one of them with the stock 'ET photo'.

Nothing wrong with that I suppose.

He also endorses a book "Cosmic Top Secret" by a guy called Jon King (apparently no relation) who also published a UFO magazine called UFO Reality, also around the same time period, late 80s early 90s. He claimed that, "A large triangular area of South-West England, centred on Barbury Castle, would be receiving "energy codings" to prepare humanity for ET contact between 1998 and 2013, by which time the dimensional shift will have occurred." By the way the book costs 25 quid.

Any similarities between James Casbolt, Barry King and Jon King are merely coincidental.

So, to conclude, your assumption that Mr. King created these CDs etc. free of charge to get the word out, is not strictly correct.

One could be forgiven in thinking that his recent publications are just copies of is old 'works' that have stopped selling.

But then I'm just a cynic and I'm sure, there's nothing wrong with that either.

Best regards,


Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Barry - now I do not know you personally, but I do know that over your many years of dis-closure you have incurred considerable personal costs through the FREE distribution of materials to ANYBODY who requests them. And I know for a fact that any offer of payment/gifts is against your beliefs 100% and I have nothing but the upmost respect for your effort and genuinity.

Remember - we need the lows to appreciate the highs.
We need the negative to experience the positives.

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Old 12-18-2008, 12:52 PM   #689
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Hi Steve
Thanks for the heads up, its healthy to have many perspectives to consider

Personally, I take what I need and discard what I dont. I have never boarded a ride where I did not know the out come if you know what I mean

Keep up the good modin

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Old 12-18-2008, 01:07 PM   #690
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Hello Barry,

Im wondering if you could leave some comments about the following disclosure from Edgar Fouche.

" The TR-3B is the most exotic aerospace program in existence. 'TR' stands for tactical reconnaissance, which means the craft is designed to get to the target and stay there as long as is necessary in order to send back information. It is powered by a nuclear reactor and can operate for a long time without refuelling. This also allows it to hover silently for long periods. Located in the centre of the triangle is the circular crew compartment and surrounding this is a plasma filled accelerator ring called a Magnetic Field Disrupter (MFD). This generates a magnetic vortex which effectively neutralizes the effects of gravity on mass. The MFD also makes the craft considerably lighter, which means it can out manoeuvre any other conventional craft. "

Question: Who is the force behind the TR-3B? NSA, NASA, NATO, ACIO?

..." The reason why this race uses EBEs (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities), going back to Roswell, is because they are neither humanoid nor sentient beings. In the autopsy document, EBEs are described as absolutely identical to each other, that is to say, they are manufactured beings. This is logical, in my opinion. Indeed, there is no reason to send a living being to explore the universe on a one-way journey when your scientific knowledge is advanced enough to create an EBE which can do it for you. Today, we have moved closer to this type of technology: Beings are being designed with higher perceptive capabilities, for example better visual abilities, where the bodies are programmed for a mission and then they are sent into space. "

..."They have never sent us an alien ambassador, and there are no underground bases where military personnel work alongside aliens. If we had had some sort of technology-exchange program with them, why would we have to invest billions of dollars in Research and Technology in order to do everything on our own? We could give them hundreds more human beings in exchange for their science. "

..."PH: In other words, you are saying that the manipulation of human beings is being carried out by the government, and not by aliens.

EF: Three people I trust swear that they are absolutely sure of this. Think about it—one of the reasons which comes to mind is that if there were some alien germ which could infect us, we could alter human genetics through injections. But what would happen if aliens came to Earth and released microbes which could modify our atmosphere? We would have be able to adapt. In other words, maybe we know that aliens are coming and they will settle on Earth. How can we protect our race? "

..."PH: Is this how you explain the reasoning behind abductions?

EF: Exactly. It’s for the protection of the species. Or maybe they’ve learned how to improve our species from genetic engineering. "

..."The New World Order exists for a different reason, it’s part of a Majestic 12 plan to unite the world under a single government. Supposing there’s an alien threat, how could we unite the world under one power? How could we all agree? We would never agree, not even through the United Nations. Not unless a pre-existing authority imposed the terms of the future new order. "

..."PH: So, as far as you are concerned, the UFO phenomenon is in reality a major conspiracy devised by the people of the New World Order, who may be acting exclusively for their own benefit? We blame aliens for abductions, but in actual fact it’s the government’s doing?
EF: Put it like this: we are under threat. Whoever has sent these genetically designed androids or robots (EBEs) to Earth has transmitted a return signal. These beings have found an inhabitable planet with intelligent life forms, and sooner or later the real “striking force,” the real aliens, will arrive. So we have embarked on this massive program; we have eggs from all these people. We have created special, genetically modified children, and we have placed them in all areas of society through adoption, including placements with individuals connected to the government. "

..."They have given these children to people connected to the government. I think I have met some of these children. But why would they do this?
EF: OK, I’ll tell you. A microbiologist friend of mine is a great believer in junk DNA; that is to say, the potential of our DNA has never really been grasped. In reality, it can form a third DNA helix, which is an important evolutionary change. Once the One World Order is established, all the genetically modified individuals will be injected with another DNA element."


The treat "Area 51 Insider Speaks Out : Edgar Fouche" can be found here on
the Project Camelot Forum


Thank you for your comments Barry!
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Old 12-18-2008, 06:57 PM   #691
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Before i answer any more questions here I will wait to see if Steve the mod checks his facts and apologises for his false assumptions which being a mod gives others here a false impression of myself. He and others like him, cynics, debunkers, have tried many times over the past 14, nearly 15 years to insult, character assasinate and generally post false assumptions, misquote and mess up my disclosures for their own agendas. Either these stop or I do not bother to disclose here any more. James Casbolt might not mind being called all manner of names and have false assumptions cast upon him but I've been around many years and do not take kindly to libel or slanderous remarks. I tend to do something about that

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Old 12-18-2008, 07:00 PM   #692
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Originally Posted by Steve_A View Post
Hi iainl140285,

All is not what it seems.

Barry M. King did indeed make CDs and VHS video tapes which he sold in various UFO magazines, even published his own magazine, which was described as some as 'bizarre' during the 80s.

You can see this material on Youtube. It's this material that he offers. I suggest that you carefully scrutinize each and every video, even the 'documentation' that is revealed in one of them with the stock 'ET photo'.

Nothing wrong with that I suppose.

He also endorses a book "Cosmic Top Secret" by a guy called Jon King (apparently no relation) who also published a UFO magazine called UFO Reality, also around the same time period, late 80s early 90s. He claimed that, "A large triangular area of South-West England, centred on Barbury Castle, would be receiving "energy codings" to prepare humanity for ET contact between 1998 and 2013, by which time the dimensional shift will have occurred." By the way the book costs 25 quid.

Any similarities between James Casbolt, Barry King and Jon King are merely coincidental.

So, to conclude, your assumption that Mr. King created these CDs etc. free of charge to get the word out, is not strictly correct.

One could be forgiven in thinking that his recent publications are just copies of is old 'works' that have stopped selling.

But then I'm just a cynic and I'm sure, there's nothing wrong with that either.

Best regards,

Steve, check James thread, my response to this can be found there, YOU my friend are the one whom is incorrect, please get your facts right.

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Old 12-18-2008, 07:09 PM   #693
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Is there any Info that You can share relative to the "Treaty of Anchara"...

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Old 12-18-2008, 07:14 PM   #694
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If I'm wrong, then Wikipedia is wrong. Actualkly your page there was deleted as none of the information presented could be verified, but I'm sure there they must have a different criteria.

But as I stated various times in these forums, it's up to each and every one of us to accept or not what is being posted.

I have not slandered, nor mis-represented anybody, nor have I insulted or threatened anybody.

However, if you feel that you have been hard done to by me, please enter in contact with Colin or any of the other moderators.

Best regards,


Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Steve, check James thread, my response to this can be found there, YOU my friend are the one whom is incorrect, please get your facts right.

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Old 12-18-2008, 10:20 PM   #695
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Originally Posted by Steve_A View Post

If I'm wrong, then Wikipedia is wrong. Actualkly your page there was deleted as none of the information presented could be verified, but I'm sure there they must have a different criteria.

But as I stated various times in these forums, it's up to each and every one of us to accept or not what is being posted.

I have not slandered, nor mis-represented anybody, nor have I insulted or threatened anybody.

However, if you feel that you have been hard done to by me, please enter in contact with Colin or any of the other moderators.

Best regards,

IF you continue with the false data, incorrect assumptions and leading others along the pathway of falsehood then i certainly will inform Bill and Kerry of your posts here. After all a moderator is supposed to be impartial and certainly not capable of posting false information as you have done. I have countered attacks (not just verbal) by the best of them and still survived. These false data serve as an irritant only but must be corrected as YOU might lead people along the wrong path

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Old 12-18-2008, 10:49 PM   #696
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One should do what one feels the right thing to do.

You may speak with Kerry and Bill, by all means. Once again I have nothing to hide.

As for being impartial, I am exactly that. I think in another post I stated that I would not express my personal views and that each person should draw their own conclusions. If that is not being impartial, I don't know what is.

It is not my intention to lead people along any path, least the wrong one. Each one is free to say what they like as long as they follow the forum guidelines of not threatening, being abusive, racist, sexist (or any other 'ist'). If anyone deliberately lies to try and grab limelight they can, once again it's for the individual to arrive at their own conclusion.

To be quite honest with you, I'm really suprised that you are so taken aback about things others have found on the internet. But then, that is your right also.

Best regards,


Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
IF you continue with the false data, incorrect assumptions and leading others along the pathway of falsehood then i certainly will inform Bill and Kerry of your posts here. After all a moderator is supposed to be impartial and certainly not capable of posting false information as you have done. I have countered attacks (not just verbal) by the best of them and still survived. These false data serve as an irritant only but must be corrected as YOU might lead people along the wrong path

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Old 12-19-2008, 12:33 AM   #697
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Originally Posted by Steve_A View Post

One should do what one feels the right thing to do.

You may speak with Kerry and Bill, by all means. Once again I have nothing to hide.

As for being impartial, I am exactly that. I think in another post I stated that I would not express my personal views and that each person should draw their own conclusions. If that is not being impartial, I don't know what is.

It is not my intention to lead people along any path, least the wrong one. Each one is free to say what they like as long as they follow the forum guidelines of not threatening, being abusive, racist, sexist (or any other 'ist'). If anyone deliberately lies to try and grab limelight they can, once again it's for the individual to arrive at their own conclusion.

To be quite honest with you, I'm really suprised that you are so taken aback about things others have found on the internet. But then, that is your right also.

Best regards,

No 'limelight' being grabbed here, I'm helping people, freely. Your info was incorrect and yes fed up with such over the years. Check, those tapes from Miles NOT me, never had Cds from my disclosures made by me and sold. Let others here see what you are implying too. You have provided incorrect info and i corrected you. I have freely, at my own time and expense, supplied a number of members here with DVDs and CDs of past materials in order to let them see all available data. These included copies of those Bases DVDs as put together and sold by Miles. Copies on CD of the complete Voice files, copies on CD of FSR mag archive showing my work as published by that mag in the 70's. I do not need constant radio interviews or mag slots, i'm happy to answer questions freely and advise where i can. I do not seek publicity nor seek any financial gain from my disclosures. Let everyone here make their mind up as to my integrity. So, has it sunk in yet that Miles Johnston put together and sells all that video material? I hope so as any further aspersions on my character will be dealt with.


BTW I do not need to threaten anyone, no reason to, but i will stand up for myself when subjected to lies, false info and indeed threats from others.
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Old 12-19-2008, 01:17 AM   #698
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
No 'limelight' being grabbed here, I'm helping people, freely. Your info was incorrect and yes fed up with such over the years. Check, those tapes from Miles NOT me, never had Cds from my disclosures made by me and sold. Let others here see what you are implying too. You have provided incorrect info and i corrected you. I have freely, at my own time and expense, supplied a number of members here with DVDs and CDs of past materials in order to let them see all available data. These included copies of those Bases DVDs as put together and sold by Miles. Copies on CD of the complete Voice files, copies on CD of FSR mag archive showing my work as published by that mag in the 70's. I do not need constant radio interviews or mag slots, i'm happy to answer questions freely and advise where i can. I do not seek publicity nor seek any financial gain from my disclosures. Let everyone here make their mind up as to my integrity. So, has it sunk in yet that Miles Johnston put together and sells all that video material? I hope so as any further aspersions on my character will be dealt with.


BTW I do not need to threaten anyone, no reason to, but i will stand up for myself when subjected to lies, false info and indeed threats from others.
We all have the God given unalienable right to be free from threat. I am pleased to see that we agree on that point. Some values are worth defending to the death.
Old 12-19-2008, 01:18 AM   #699
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Dr Greer PLF interview data and links.........




Steven Greer: Well, of course, she's asking me this question so I have to answer it in -

with the statement that the question is based on facts not in evidence. My own assessment of

this is as follows. There's a lot of mythology around this subject. I personally don't see

that there's any evidence at all that there's some sort of a group of extraterrestrial

lifeforms that are calling the shots at all. Now, we have had interaction with various

extraterrestrial civilizations and my understanding, from people I have on the inside, there

are several dozen, maybe upwards of up in the fifty to seventy range of different star

systems with people that have been documented over the decades. However, I think that

they're more concerned with our own ability to cause trouble not only here, but out in space

as we develop the ability to go out in space with weapons. There's no evidence, in my

opinion, that there's hostile intent in the least from these civilizations, and if that were

so, we'd have known about it a long time ago. Now, there are reports of different strange

looking creatures and I'm going to step into an area here that sounds really science

fiction, but I can't ignore it because I have multiple different corroborating people who've

worked in facilities where this stuff's going on, where we have engaged in really

extraordinary genetic experiments and have come up with things that are called PLF's, and

this a Programmed Life Form. Now, Programmed Life Form is a human created thing that looks

alien, because it's really quite bizarre, but it's not extraterrestrial. Now, people look at

it and they go, "Well, this was what was going on in the Four Corners area around Dulce"

[New Mexico]. There's a facility that's underground in England that I have a couple of

people who've worked in and who have recounted this and they have seen these sort of

creatures, but they are not of extraterrestrial origin. They're of human manufacture. Now,

if you can imagine what's gone on covertly from the forties to today in the area of

antigravity and energy generation and of the ability to electronically "dematerialize and

re-materialize" objects, all this has been going on in the human domain. The similar level

of technology advancement has occurred in the biological and genetic area. Don't think that

whatever was Dolly the sheep was the first thing we've ever cloned or experimented with. So

there have been extraordinary projects going on within these same sort of mad scientist

covert programs dealing with this stuff and it has been used to give people the impression

that those things are "aliens." Now, the whole thing gets very complex because what I

believe is that the majority of what people have been told, and maybe have seen, is really a

human created smoke screen, a sort of a - it's like a - you know, the Wizard of Oz with the

old man behind the curtain...

George Noory: Yes.
THAT BIT THAT COUNTS................

Now, there are reports of different strange looking creatures and I'm going to step into an

area here that sounds really science fiction, but I can't ignore it because I have multiple

different corroborating people who've worked in facilities where this stuff's going on,

where we have engaged in really extraordinary genetic experiments and have come up with

things that are called PLF's, and this a Programmed Life Form. Now, Programmed Life Form is

a human created thing that looks alien, because it's really quite bizarre, but it's not

extraterrestrial. Now, people look at it and they go, "Well, this was what was going on in

the Four Corners area around Dulce" [New Mexico]. There's a facility that's underground in

England that I have a couple of people who've worked in and who have recounted this and they

have seen these sort of creatures, but they are not of extraterrestrial origin. They're of

human manufacture.

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Old 12-19-2008, 03:19 AM   #700
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Originally Posted by Sol Invictus View Post
I got the 6am knock. I'm out of here.
Damn them!
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