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Old 11-26-2008, 11:32 PM   #626
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Deb View Post
Why Thankyou Where the three are if there are three, would there be two other people that would control the artifacts as well.

Hi Deb/Ara,

Can you please clue me in on what these artifacts are and their function? This has gone straight over my little head

A pointer would bbe much appreciated

Best Regards
Hi Iain,

To begin with I posted an article about a Being whom Howard Middleton Jones wrote about as having been "Resurrected" within the Great Pyramid. Howard also mentioned that there were three other Beings waiting in tombs.

Barry then mentioned that maybe not only bodies but also artifacts were waiting to be Resurrected. (I imagine this could refer to the 're-starting/maybe re-booting?/re-activating of certain artifacts.)

Deb asked if each Being may controlled a specific artifact and then asked what would happen if all three artifacts were 'put together', like different parts of a machine.

I mentioned recalling something about ancient artifacts known as 'Red Book', 'Blue Book' and 'Yellow Book' and how ancient priests had separated them for safety reasons. If I recall correctly they had something to do with 'time'. Each one showing events from a certain perspective and outcome.
"What happens if we do nothing". "Best possible outcomes". " Worst possible outcomes". When all were placed together it gave the viewer an insight and ability to control the destiny of time, people and outcome events.
( plus so much more.) (So much control+Too much Power= ="greed +corruption" hence why the original technology was reportedly separated)

I have suspicions that the "Yellow Disk" that Dr Burisch has spoken about may be a replica of the original technology. (no malicious intent is insinuated or directed to anyone by stating this. )

Hope that fills in a few blanks Iain.

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 11-27-2008 at 04:51 AM.
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Old 11-27-2008, 12:40 AM   #627
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by sleepingnomore

Is there an alternate purpose for the vitamin K injection given babies at birth? Is it due to our genetic manipulation?

Kindest wishes

There is a rare disease called Vitamin K deficiency bleeding, which occurs in approximately 1 in 10,000 babies. In about half of babies who suffer this bleeding problem after the first week of life, many will die or sustain significant brain-damage due to the disease, because of bleeding into the brain.

thats the official line and looks relatively straight forward. Its the later childhood vaccs that concern me and worry me, all is not as it seems


Thank you Barry, I am aware of the reasons they say the injection is necessary. I think I asked because thinking about it I was always suspicious that it was mandatory all over the world. I'm not sure when it was first implemented but all the news about immunizations and their dangers and "real" purpose as well as the new Gardisill injections make me question everything.

Old 11-28-2008, 05:17 AM   #628
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Barry, when we are awake our brainwave frequencies exist between one band, when asleep they are at another etc.
It's been said our brain is the actual mechanical/physical means by which our consciousness frequencies are able to tune into this physical existence. So the brain is the Radio which receives the 'channels'/'levels of our consciousness'.

My question is: since our consciousness frequencies are not inside our physical brain/radio is there technology in use which is able to block transmission of certain frequency bands? Are they able to 'seal off' awareness of other levels?

Is consciousness or conscious awareness being held within a narrow frequency band instead of a broad frequency band?

In the late 1960s the Soviets broke the genetic code of the human brain.

It had 44 digits or less and employed 22 frequency bands across nearly the whole EM spectrum. But only 11 of the frequency bands were independent.

The Soviets found they could make a person do something just by sending subliminals into the body, bypassing the ears.

Up to 16 of the Russian Woodpecker scalar transmitters have been observed to carry a common phase-locked 10 Hz modulation.

10 Hz is used to put people into a hypnotic state.

The Russians can manipulate the moods of everyone in a 75 mile radius, with a circularly polarized antenna, and people's bodies have been shown to pick up the "new" mode of expression.

Even "sleep" frequency will make everyone tired and fall asleep.
If so, are certain people 'allowed' to have access outside of the normal range, if they are under the monitor and control of the Ultimate Controlling force? ( I am referring to those behind and above the NSA/USAF)

The below if for those readers who are interested in scalar technology:
Meyl - Scalar Wave Transponder - Field-physical Basis for Electrically Coupled Bi-directional Far Ra

This is prof. dr. Konstantin Meyl's pioneer booklet Scalar Wave Transponder - Field-physical Basis for Electrically Coupled Bi-directional Far Range Transponder (2008) which is the first book that develops the theoretical foundations for a scalar wave transponders which are operable beyond the close range.

With the current RFID technology the transfer of energy takes place on a chip card by means of longitudinal wave components in close range of the transmitting antenna.

Those are scalar waves, which spread towards the electrical or the magnetic field pointer.

In the wave equation with reference to the Maxwell field equations, these wave components are set to zero, why only postulated model computations exist, after which the range is limited to the sixth part of the wavelength.

A goal of this paper is to create, by consideration of the scalar wave components in the wave equation, the physical conditions for the development of scalar wave transponders which are operable beyond the close range.

The energy is transferred with the same carrier wave as the information and not over two separated ways as with RFID systems.

Besides the bi-directional signal transmission, the energy transfer in both directions is additionally possible because of the resonant coupling between transmitter and receiver.

First far range transponders developed on the basis of the extended field equations are already functional as prototypes.

Meyl's books explain in clear and mathematical correct terms the emerging new physics with most fascinating applications that jump right out of it.

By extending current electromagnetics to include longitudinal/scalar waves the strange ideas of people like Nikola Tesla suddenly become not only understandable but also realizable as practical machines that will change the way we live - towards the better. 70 pages, some pictures, diagrams, drawings, etc. A must read for everyone.
All the Best
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Old 11-28-2008, 02:51 PM   #629
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry, when we are awake our brainwave frequencies exist between one band, when asleep they are at another etc.
It's been said our brain is the actual mechanical/physical means by which our consciousness frequencies are able to tune into this physical existence. So the brain is the Radio which receives the 'channels'/'levels of our consciousness'.

My question is: since our consciousness frequencies are not inside our physical brain/radio is there technology in use which is able to block transmission of certain frequency bands? Are they able to 'seal off' awareness of other levels?

Is consciousness or conscious awareness being held within a narrow frequency band instead of a broad frequency band?

If so, are certain people 'allowed' to have access outside of the normal range, if they are under the monitor and control of the Ultimate Controlling force? ( I am referring to those behind and above the NSA/USAF)

The below if for those readers who are interested in scalar technology:
All the Best

Greetings ARA
I enjoy your posts .
It is true that the 10 HZ frequency is related to the human brain functions ,
but according to Vikipedia , the Woodpecker was decommisioned in the Year
1989 . The series of "woodpeckers " transmitters had the function as an over the horizon radar . Incidentally Russia was not the only power to have sunk a lot of money on OTH radar , also Australia did the same . At that times satellites started to be used for early warning purpose ; the satellites were much more effective and precise than the short waves frequencies ( 7 to 19 MHz ) of the OTH which are prone to interference from electrical storms .
No disrespect intended ARA but , I do not think that a carrier in the short wave range and with that modulation could do mind or mood control .

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Old 11-28-2008, 03:59 PM   #630
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Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post

Hi Iain,

To begin with I posted an article about a Being whom Howard Middleton Jones wrote about as having been "Resurrected" within the Great Pyramid. Howard also mentioned that there were three other Beings waiting in tombs.

Yes, I always read your posts Ara

Barry then mentioned that maybe not only bodies but also artifacts were waiting to be Resurrected. (I imagine this could refer to the 're-starting/maybe re-booting?/re-activating of certain artifacts.)

Deb asked if each Being may controlled a specific artifact and then asked what would happen if all three artifacts were 'put together', like different parts of a machine.

I mentioned recalling something about ancient artifacts known as 'Red Book', 'Blue Book' and 'Yellow Book' and how ancient priests had separated them for safety reasons. If I recall correctly they had something to do with 'time'. Each one showing events from a certain perspective and outcome.
"What happens if we do nothing". "Best possible outcomes". " Worst possible outcomes". When all were placed together it gave the viewer an insight and ability to control the destiny of time, people and outcome events.
( plus so much more.) (So much control+Too much Power= ="greed +corruption" hence why the original technology was reportedly separated)

I have suspicions that the "Yellow Disk" that Dr Burisch has spoken about may be a replica of the original technology. (no malicious intent is insinuated or directed to anyone by stating this. )

Hope that fills in a few blanks Iain.
It does indeed Ara, thank you very much
All the Best

Best Regards
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Old 11-28-2008, 09:07 PM   #631
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by enemyofNWO View Post
Greetings ARA
I enjoy your posts .
It is true that the 10 HZ frequency is related to the human brain functions ,
but according to Vikipedia , the Woodpecker was decommisioned in the Year
1989 . The series of "woodpeckers " transmitters had the function as an over the horizon radar . Incidentally Russia was not the only power to have sunk a lot of money on OTH radar , also Australia did the same . At that times satellites started to be used for early warning purpose ; the satellites were much more effective and precise than the short waves frequencies ( 7 to 19 MHz ) of the OTH which are prone to interference from electrical storms .
No disrespect intended ARA but , I do not think that a carrier in the short wave range and with that modulation could do mind or mood control .


And the new system has been seperated into two seperate systems of attenuation (someone else can add the exact terminology). There is a Grounding wave/pulse, 'GWEN'/'HAARP' and there is a Conducting wave/pulse, Cellular/Satelite, two different systems in coherence- coherts with each other. Both systems have for lack of better terminology benign purposes, but when they 'seek' out a target- your mind, they work together to pulse information or to 'effect' your thoughts. The system is self adjusting to increase its power source directed at you when it has 'discovered' your energy field.

So when you talk on your Cell phone - known programmed target- in essence you are being grounded into a conducting system of subliminal programming of wireless instructions unaware. The synthetic replacement of 'God'. And for whatever purpose is posed by whomever proposing that purpose if you are honed in on by the overall system simply by your cell phone number as you roam around the planet!

Perhaps soon just the filling in your teeth and your biological blueprint may be all that is needed to 'follow' you.

But it only works if you are not aware of it!!!!!

That's what the co mic books say anyway.
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Old 11-29-2008, 12:03 AM   #632
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by enemyofNWO View Post
Greetings ARA

***Hi enemyofNWO,
I enjoy your posts .

***Thank you.

It is true that the 10 HZ frequency is related to the human brain functions ,
but according to Vikipedia , the Woodpecker was decommisioned in the Year 1989 . The series of "woodpeckers " transmitters had the function as an over the horizon radar . Incidentally Russia was not the only power to have sunk a lot of money on OTH radar , also Australia did the same . At that times satellites started to be used for early warning purpose ; the satellites were much more effective and precise than the short waves frequencies ( 7 to 19 MHz ) of the OTH which are prone to interference from electrical storms .

No disrespect intended ARA but , I do not think that a carrier in the short wave range and with that modulation could do mind or mood control .

*** Thanks for sharing your opinion here with me, it is very much appreciated. I like to see things from other people's perspectives and I do respect your opinion.

I imagine there is technology being implemented far beyond the understanding of 'we the people' where awareness is being limited. Why do I say this? Because it doesn't serve the purpose of those who wish to remain unseen, if they can be seen. Influence is best received from the shadows.

All the Best
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Old 11-29-2008, 12:26 AM   #633
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Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
And the new system has been seperated into two seperate systems of attenuation (someone else can add the exact terminology). There is a Grounding wave/pulse, 'GWEN'/'HAARP' and there is a Conducting wave/pulse, Cellular/Satelite, two different systems in coherence- coherts with each other. Both systems have for lack of better terminology benign purposes, but when they 'seek' out a target- your mind, they work together to pulse information or to 'effect' your thoughts. The system is self adjusting to increase its power source directed at you when it has 'discovered' your energy field.

So when you talk on your Cell phone - known programmed target- in essence you are being grounded into a conducting system of subliminal programming of wireless instructions unaware. The synthetic replacement of 'God'. And for whatever purpose is posed by whomever proposing that purpose if you are honed in on by the overall system simply by your cell phone number as you roam around the planet!

Perhaps soon just the filling in your teeth and your biological blueprint may be all that is needed to 'follow' you.

But it only works if you are not aware of it!!!!!

That's what the co mic books say anyway.
Christos888 that was very informative.

Barry has revealed that our brainwave signatures are recorded (I believe by satellite) and held within this massive network of super computers. In one of my previous posts I asked Barry about this and apparently if someone wanted a particular person/s to see specific objects or to hear specific things they would adapt those projections to the person's personal brainwave fingerprint and 'send'. Such is used for mass sightings of "religious figures" etc.

Maybe our Brainwave signatures are akin to our own personal IP addresses?

When they want to send out a projection they send it too all those within an IP range of say 'X' - 'Z'. All those who fall within that range get the projection?

I imagine they 'ping' our 'computers' to see which 'ports' are open too.
Or look for 'backdoor' entries.

All the Best
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Old 12-01-2008, 11:16 PM   #634
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Christos888 that was very informative.

Barry has revealed that our brainwave signatures are recorded (I believe by satellite) and held within this massive network of super computers. In one of my previous posts I asked Barry about this and apparently if someone wanted a particular person/s to see specific objects or to hear specific things they would adapt those projections to the person's personal brainwave fingerprint and 'send'. Such is used for mass sightings of "religious figures" etc.

Maybe our Brainwave signatures are akin to our own personal IP addresses?

When they want to send out a projection they send it too all those within an IP range of say 'X' - 'Z'. All those who fall within that range get the projection?

I imagine they 'ping' our 'computers' to see which 'ports' are open too.
Or look for 'backdoor' entries.

All the Best
Hi Ara

Hmmm... makes me think about how many of our 'so called' Landline phones are now 'Cordless' or 'wireless technology' and how this type of technology could also be used to 'SEND' the type of messages/frequencies that you have been discussing about?

I have had times when chatting on the my cordless phone when for the life of me, all of a sudden I just go 'BLANK' in my thought processes and after reading what has been posted here, I couldnt help but ponder, could there be a connection ?
There also have been times when odd noises/signals have been heard whilst chatting on certain topics.

Has anyone else here, have that occur whilst talking on the 'cordless phone' ?

Also brings to mind how there was a big move to switch from the old analogue CDMA mobile phone [cell phone] technology to the digital 3G mobile phone technology.
From what I found out, CDMA didnt have the right or enough 'band frequency' but that the 3G digital did.

So much changing from analogue to digital over the last decade, cant help but make one ponder why?

Perhaps this change over from the CDMA - analogue, to the 3G - digital, could/would make it easier in setting off implants, from no matter where the person is in the world. As well as tracking?

Just going back to re:

Barry has revealed that our brainwave signatures are recorded (I believe by satellite) and held within this massive network of super computers.

Makes one ponder if we arent all walking about with 'Our BarCode' numbers above our heads, which is seeable by those who have the technology to see in a higher frequency range?

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Old 12-02-2008, 12:24 AM   #635
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Originally Posted by Opal View Post
Hi Ara

Hmmm... makes me think about how many of our 'so called' Landline phones are now 'Cordless' or 'wireless technology' and how this type of technology could also be used to 'SEND' the type of messages/frequencies that you have been discussing about?

I have had times when chatting on the my cordless phone when for the life of me, all of a sudden I just go 'BLANK' in my thought processes and after reading what has been posted here, I couldnt help but ponder, could there be a connection ?
There also have been times when odd noises/signals have been heard whilst chatting on certain topics.

Has anyone else here, have that occur whilst talking on the 'cordless phone' ?

Also brings to mind how there was a big move to switch from the old analogue CDMA mobile phone [cell phone] technology to the digital 3G mobile phone technology.
From what I found out, CDMA didnt have the right or enough 'band frequency' but that the 3G digital did.

So much changing from analogue to digital over the last decade, cant help but make one ponder why?

Perhaps this change over from the CDMA - analogue, to the 3G - digital, could/would make it easier in setting off implants, from no matter where the person is in the world. As well as tracking?

Just going back to re:

Barry has revealed that our brainwave signatures are recorded (I believe by satellite) and held within this massive network of super computers.

Makes one ponder if we arent all walking about with 'Our BarCode' numbers above our heads, which is seeable by those who have the technology to see in a higher frequency range?

Hi Opal
Your post brings to mind a comment James Casbolt made, that he and others like him are "Digital" people. I imagine he was referring to the implants connecting them into this world-wide computer network as to why they are "digital people". Plus there is the issue of a clearer 'channel' of information which can be passed digitally where as using analogue the 'information channels" reportedly degrade.

This brings to mind 'sleepers', those who have 'sleeper sub-programs' buried within their matrix. Maybe all it will take is a tone/ or specific radio frequency (tuned to a channel only they will hear) to switch the sleepers on at once? James is concerned about his own sleeper program being triggered before he is able to de-activate or remove it. Apparently Barry is helping him with this.

In reference to your cordless phone happenings, Yes I also experience strange occurrences during certain phone conversations.

Also if the OPI have advanced technology to create PGLF, who is to say some of them haven't created "human" looking PGLFs in the past? We do not know how far their genetic engineering has gone. I imagine a natural step for them to take is to unite human and PGFL Human together. Maybe this was achieved in the past? Possibly where the "Zero" bloodtype originated from? (It's not 'O' Bloodtype, it is "zero" bloodtype)

This is one of the questions I plan on asking Barry about.

Opal, I was listening to some information from Billy Meier and apparently those who referred to themselves as the Pleiadeans also used PGFLs, however their ones looked Human.

Makes one ponder if we arent all walking about with 'Our BarCode' numbers above our heads, which is seeable by those who have the technology to see in a higher frequency range?
I located this information from the Cassiopaen material, it may be connected to the above statement you've made:

Q: (L) So, in effect, we ARE the new Neanderthals on the
eve of extinction. You have said that those who transition into
4th density in the body will go through some kind of
rejuvenation process or body regeneration or something.
Does that mean that these present "Neanderthal" type bodies
that we presently occupy will morph into something more in
line with the new model? Is it genetically encoded into some
of them to do so?
A: Something like that.

Q: (L) So, that's why they have been following certain
bloodlines for generation after generation; they are tinkering
with the DNA and arming genetic time-bombs that are
waiting to go off.

(A) What is interesting is how do those who are trying to get these people, to abduct them, how do they spot them? How do they get the information? By following the bloodline, or by some kind of monitor you can detect from a long distance - and they can note that "here is somebody of interest" or "here is somebody dangerous" or "let's abduct this one" or whatever. How do they select?
Do they search the genealogies or is it some kind of remote

A: Now this is interesting Arkadiusz, as it involves the atomic "signature" of the cellular structure of the individual. In concert with this is the etheric body reading and the frequency resonance vibration. All these are interconnected, and can be read from a distance using remote viewing technology/methodology.

Q: (L) Can it be done in a pure mechanical way without using
psychic means?

A: At another level of understanding, the two are blended into one.

Q: (T) Computerized psychic remote viewing, maybe. Like
artificial intelligence. Maybe a mind connected to a

A: That is close, yes.
All the Best
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Old 12-04-2008, 01:01 AM   #636
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Once again i apologise for not being in a position to stay and respond to posts and questions. I have some serious problems and must try to resolve these before being allowed time here, thankyou, Barry
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Old 12-04-2008, 01:25 AM   #637
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I wish you well in working everything out.

Best Regards,
Old 12-04-2008, 02:23 AM   #638
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Once again i apologise for not being in a position to stay and respond to posts and questions. I have some serious problems and must try to resolve these before being allowed time here, thankyou, Barry
First off, Are you okay?????? (No detail expected, a yes or no will be appreciated)

I think I can safely say WE MISS YOU!

Please stay safe.

All the Best Barry.

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Old 12-05-2008, 12:02 AM   #639
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I am ok yes, thankyou

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Old 12-06-2008, 12:02 AM   #640
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Hi Opal
Your post brings to mind a comment James Casbolt made, that he and others like him are "Digital" people. I imagine he was referring to the implants connecting them into this world-wide computer network as to why they are "digital people". Plus there is the issue of a clearer 'channel' of information which can be passed digitally where as using analogue the 'information channels" reportedly degrade.

This brings to mind 'sleepers', those who have 'sleeper sub-programs' buried within their matrix. Maybe all it will take is a tone/ or specific radio frequency (tuned to a channel only they will hear) to switch the sleepers on at once? James is concerned about his own sleeper program being triggered before he is able to de-activate or remove it. Apparently Barry is helping him with this.

In reference to your cordless phone happenings, Yes I also experience strange occurrences during certain phone conversations.

Also if the OPI have advanced technology to create PGLF, who is to say some of them haven't created "human" looking PGLFs in the past? We do not know how far their genetic engineering has gone. I imagine a natural step for them to take is to unite human and PGFL Human together. Maybe this was achieved in the past? Possibly where the "Zero" bloodtype originated from? (It's not 'O' Bloodtype, it is "zero" bloodtype)

This is one of the questions I plan on asking Barry about.

Opal, I was listening to some information from Billy Meier and apparently those who referred to themselves as the Pleiadeans also used PGFLs, however their ones looked Human.

I located this information from the Cassiopaen material, it may be connected to the above statement you've made:

All the Best
It would not surprise me in the least if OPI created human type PLFs for whatever purposes.


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Old 12-06-2008, 12:03 PM   #641
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Hi Barry ,

Welcome back . I have a few questions that might have been asked before , please forgive me if that is the case . Here they are . Sometime my wife suddenly looks at the digital clock and see 11.11 or 03.33 and other double or trilple numbers ; is this a random event ? I heard of other people noticing this phenomenon . What's your opinion ?

Another quick question . About crop circles , who are the responsible entities
doing this ? Are they terrestrials or off world . There are obvious messages in some of those crop formations . Considering that the military technology is probably advanced by 50 years on what is available on the market now , I would not be surprised if the militaries have the tecnlology to do things like that for the purpose of misleading a section of the sheeple . What's your opinion ?
Thanks and
Be well
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Old 12-06-2008, 01:00 PM   #642
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
It would not surprise me in the least if OPI created human type PLFs for whatever purposes.


Welcome back Barry. Thanks for your input above.

Hope all is now well.

All the Best
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Old 12-06-2008, 07:24 PM   #643
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Originally Posted by enemyofNWO View Post
Hi Barry ,

Welcome back . I have a few questions that might have been asked before , please forgive me if that is the case . Here they are . Sometime my wife suddenly looks at the digital clock and see 11.11 or 03.33 and other double or trilple numbers ; is this a random event ? I heard of other people noticing this phenomenon . What's your opinion ?

Another quick question . About crop circles , who are the responsible entities
doing this ? Are they terrestrials or off world . There are obvious messages in some of those crop formations . Considering that the military technology is probably advanced by 50 years on what is available on the market now , I would not be surprised if the militaries have the tecnlology to do things like that for the purpose of misleading a section of the sheeple . What's your opinion ?
Thanks and
Be well
Thankyou, although i must state that my time here will be sporadic and occasional, still sorting many problems out. I have that a lot, lol I often wake from sleep to see triples, 1.11am, 2.22am, 4.44am etc etc. Daytime less often but might be working then suddenly turn and see the clock reading 3.33pm. Its one of those strange little eccentricities we go thru.
Crop circles. Well we know a certain percentage are manmade, some very intricate patterns produced but lack the final 'touch'. OPI may well be giving us signs, but also i have it on good authority that the military have sat capabilities of producing excellent crop patterns but again lack that final 'touch'.............when the composition and integrity of the crops are changed. Who might be responsible for such details?


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Old 12-06-2008, 07:26 PM   #644
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Welcome back Barry. Thanks for your input above.

Hope all is now well.

All the Best

Hi Ara, thankyou, still same circumstances but finding ways to be here occasionally

Warmest regards

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Old 12-06-2008, 08:39 PM   #645
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Thanks for sharing your time with us and answering the many questions sent your way... It's good to see there are people out there willing to make a difference
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Old 12-06-2008, 08:51 PM   #646
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Originally Posted by Alterego View Post
Thanks for sharing your time with us and answering the many questions sent your way... It's good to see there are people out there willing to make a difference
my pleasure, i believe everyone has the right to information, and not to be kept in the dark


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Old 12-06-2008, 08:58 PM   #647
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Have you ever read the wingmaker information? If you have what do you think of it?

Old 12-06-2008, 09:15 PM   #648
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Originally Posted by sleepingnomore View Post

Have you ever read the wingmaker information? If you have what do you think of it?

When that data first appeared i followed it with curiousity, its fgascinating yes but hold certain reserves on some aspects. As i've stated before I do not pretend to know everything so its based on my opinion and what i know also


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Old 12-07-2008, 05:29 AM   #649
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post

Hi Ara, thankyou, still same circumstances but finding ways to be here occasionally

Warmest regards

Hi Barry, I'm sad the circumstances haven't changed yet for you, however, I am very happy you are able to find ways to be here every now and then.

And as a friend, I appreciate knowing you are okay.

Take care and Be well

All the Best
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Old 12-07-2008, 03:50 PM   #650
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
When that data first appeared i followed it with curiousity, its fgascinating yes but hold certain reserves on some aspects. As i've stated before I do not pretend to know everything so its based on my opinion and what i know also



Thanks Barry, I have the same reserves I think.
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