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Old 02-15-2010, 06:19 PM   #76
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

who are Bill and Kerry??

~ you are love ~
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Old 02-15-2010, 06:23 PM   #77
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

Originally Posted by illuminate View Post
who are Bill and Kerry??

~ you are love ~
They are the founders here..of Project Avalon and Project camelot
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Old 02-15-2010, 06:24 PM   #78
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[QUOTE=DOMINIC 777;238866]
Originally Posted by King Lear View Post
But what if I'm right?
Will you still laugh then?

No, he would probab;y lear at you
What is learing at someone mean lol
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Old 02-15-2010, 06:41 PM   #79
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

what has always made Camelot so special is the mixture, the spiritual connection to the one showing us others are out there and the advancment in technology bringing us to the proof it isn't imagined.

The attraction for all of us here is the knowledge we crave and the voices of those willing to share.

I myself hope this storm will pass and the sun will rise again in the morning.
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Old 02-15-2010, 06:42 PM   #80
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

Originally Posted by DOMINIC 777 View Post

What is "Lear"ing at someone mean lol
Coming from the King, just about anything...
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Old 02-15-2010, 06:44 PM   #81
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

Ok...well this convo is fun...maybe we should continue it in the chat room? (see signature)
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Old 02-15-2010, 06:50 PM   #82
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

Originally Posted by illuminate View Post
who are Bill and Kerry??

~ you are love ~
People.. Just like you and I.

I am thankful they have made this choice. I am thankful it was done quickly and decisively as opposed to dragging it out, and creating bigger problems. I love them both, and I am happy they are following their own path(s) even if it requires a little separation into different approaches.

It was meant to happen, and I am happy to see it continue to evolve and grow.

In light, of love
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Old 02-15-2010, 07:28 PM   #83
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

Originally Posted by DOMINIC 777 View Post

What is learing at someone mean lol
Hello joe..play on words ..leer =a facial expression of contempt or scorn; the upper lip curls.
His name is King LEAR.....therefore he would leer at you
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Old 02-15-2010, 07:31 PM   #84
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

Originally Posted by Shaynard View Post
People.. Just like you and I.

I am thankful they have made this choice. I am thankful it was done quickly and decisively as opposed to dragging it out, and creating bigger problems. I love them both, and I am happy they are following their own path(s) even if it requires a little separation into different approaches.

It was meant to happen, and I am happy to see it continue to evolve and grow.

In light, of love
I agree, they have done a great job..and they must be under real pressure..
therefore we send them our love and compassion
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Old 02-15-2010, 10:59 PM   #85
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

Hello Dominic777, I am back from the matrix to my inner sanctuary ...

I’ve just read all I had written in response to your question, only to conclude how I have not said let alone found anything that had not been told in the past ... Anyhow, I am going to post this ...

Here we go ...

Anchor said: “there is a reason for everything. From the highest perspective, everything is perfect. Find your own place in that perfection”

Astra said: “Thanks Anchor, well said!”

Dominic said: “how can you find a place in perfection, when all of Mankind is imperfect (Iignorance) ... therefore what tools do we use for perfection ...Reason, intuition, love ...or is it something greater ...what is that authority?

Well, I can relate to what you have been trying to convey ... I asked the very same questions vey often .. still do, though... as I am just a seeker of Truth, like all our fellow Avalonians are.

There is so much grief, torture, treachery, desperation, suffering around us ... and one has to ask questions and get clarifications as to how to transcend and evolve from this pitiful state of Humanity.

Who is that perfect one who knows the answers? Indeed, how to find perfection while living in the world of hidden agendas, where all of a sudden we learn that we have been lied about pretty much everything? We live in a “very interesting times” – just like an ancient curse says it nicely...
Lets change this phrase a bit and say how we “live in the ever changing world” in which “Power corrupts, but absolute Power corrupts absolutely!” - We could all agree on this one, am I right?

So, where does this “absolute” and “corruption prone Power” come from? It comes from ignorance, from the infamous 3D Reality, from the dense, uncultivated Mind, desire of “me”... etc ... etc... this “ignorance” breeds fear ... fear breeds more “ignorance” ... and the vicious "Merry-Go-Round” continues ... we try to escape it, transform it, transcend it ... so, we start changing world around us ... I point finger ... I judge ... “me” accuse – while “they” abuse ... no ending ...

If we think this power is external and we have to conquer it externally, then we have to grasp and transform a corrupted Reality by the means of 5 senses ...

But we know we are multisensory beings ... we have been born with an internal power that, unfortunately, get’s berried as we exit the age of “innocence of a child” and enter the “real world of adults” ... we conform to the rules of Society, PTB, institutions of all kinds imposed on us only to enslave free thinking and free spirit ... Welcome to the 3D Realm! ...where we have an Illusion of conquering the contaminated Illusion! ...

The pursuit of external power has produced distorted understanding of the evolution of Mankind ... it generated and perpetuated conflict between nations, superpowers et. etc.... it seems like we are at the very edge of destruction. Are we?

We have been born with engraved ability to fully acknowledge the sacredness of life ... Welcome to the real Power, True Reality in which we understand life/others/Universe without judgment, but from our heart. It is about listening to intuition while knowing that we are not the only intelligent form of life that exists (and Avalonians know this very well!!!).

So when important questions arise in us, there is the option of receiving inspiration from the other sources much different than the matrix ... We can call this place /source as we like it , “the Universe” or the “Higher Self”... or something else ... as long as I allow myself to get that guidance and acknowledge the existence of nonphysical reality I will be on my way home ...
I know to some this could sound too “new-age -ish” ... perhaps naive, or not well sounded in “reality” ... Or not? I know many of us have had this experience when, either while meditating, lucid dreaming, having OBE or just spontaneously we enter the Seat of our True Self... a place where there is no fear that breeds ignorance ... a place of "oneness" ... no Ego
Of course another question comes to mind and that one is – how we stay in this state of so called “bliss” all the time, while the ptb continues with agendas, while we have to pay our bills, for example ... and do much more of the “matrix thing”?! It is all about choosing to learn through Wisdom instead of through fears and doubts. It is about responsibility. It is about a sincere Self-observation that will allow us to acknowledge false addictions of the Ego to External Powers ...

And then we come to the essence of a spiritual relationship with the Self and with the Universe. We come to our inner power. Illusion of 3D becomes a learning instrument for a spiritual growth.

This could be a separate thread, I guess, but at the same time I feel there is a need to say it here .. as everything is, shall we say, intertwined ... and we all know this fact...

In a nutshell – I talked waaaay too much here, while You, Dominic, gave answers while asking your questions

To go back to the topic of your thread ... to Kerry and Bill and why they do not agree ... I will quote others and try to make my point:

Originally Posted by Céline View Post

To answers the threads question...

i find the duality between the two to be a positive in the growth of the two forums...as well as my personal growth...

Mods, founders..in my opinion are required to show a common front so that the members who rely on them can feel secure...

Growth...Love...Truth...These are my Goals...and i know...theses are Bill And Kerrys goals as well.

We may not all take the same road to get there, but in the end it brings us together.
well said

Originally Posted by DOMINIC 777 View Post
there is a far deeper question to the question... if they disagree on sensitive issues,Bill is probably looking at it from a rational and reality perspective, whilst Kerry is looking at the sensitive issue, IN AN INTUITIVE WAY....therefore which is the higher authority?
Or how abou this: a scientific –eye and an intuitive heart combined together – what a perfect blend of human potential

Originally Posted by mudra View Post
For every agreement you 'll find a disagreement.
This is the way this 3D plane is rigged...dichotomies in a perfect balance .
That's how the mind functions when it deals with knowledge.
The only way to step out of the confusion this may generate is to ground yourself in
your own truth and to learn from soul's knowingness rather then mind's knowledge.

You are the truth .
mudra, thank you

Originally Posted by Frank Samuel View Post
. Truth is define by each person as it resonates with you or not, this is the beauty of the journey within.

Blessings to all...
Anchor said: “there is a reason for everything. From the highest perspective, everything is perfect. Find your own place in that perfection”

Yes ... and blessings and peace to you all ...

in Lve and Light
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Old 02-16-2010, 12:10 AM   #86
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

If the two of them did not disagree, especially did not publish their disagreement there would be no need for this Thread, which is an entire distraction away from the information that was given.
The premise and foundation of Camelot is to publish words or videos of whistleblowers, period, not to publish Bill or Kerry's "take" on the validity.

Myself? Personally, it was a "given" in my mind that they have disagreements, big deal! I am saddened and disappointed, just as is Kerry that their personal views are being aired because it leads to discussions such as this.

Who cares really, which one is right or wrong in their initial discerning of a whistleblower.... any one of them can get derailed at any time... we are "both the deceiver and the deceived"... if you don't "get that", well then, you have not yet faced your true self.

Why is that so difficult for most posters here to realize?
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Old 02-16-2010, 01:05 AM   #87
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

I'm glad to hear they have differences. Also they will continue to differences at various times. One must remember both are very strong people.
Having the differences provides checks and balances.

Lastly, "Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?" because both are human.
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Old 02-16-2010, 01:07 AM   #88
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
Why is that so difficult for most posters here to realize?
If you do a quick count you may find that most posters have not found it that hard at all.

Here is a list of contributors to this thread at the time of this post to help you check:

Name Posts

DOMINIC 777  29 
Spregovori  6 
Kulapops  4 
Astra  4 
Céline  3 
Anchor  3 
Moxie  3 
Stargazer1965  3 
K626  2 
SteveX  2 
gita  2 
King Lear  2 
joe2288  2 
Rocky_Shorz  2 
Frank Samuel  1 
swordsmith  1 
voltus  1 
Peace of mind  1 
lucrum  1 
orthodoxymoron  1 
lightblue  1 
metaw3  1 
Shaynard  1 
eleni  1 
Northern Boy  1 
morguana  1 
mkspllmn  1 
mudra  1 
sunny D  1 
Majorion  1 
Stardustaquarion  1 
tone3jaguar  1 
illuminate  1
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Old 02-16-2010, 01:09 AM   #89
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

i think its great for them to split the site into two , its getting two big and needs to evolve. both can present their own information from different contexts. i think it can only be a bonus. we get more content and we can choose between more information. camelot was getting off track somewhat in 2009 and was infact quite stale.

this statre of affairs may have been due to a string of non events which many of us thought were going to be earth changing, but nothing happened.

this division of information and therefore increase in content can only be a good thing.
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Old 02-16-2010, 01:23 AM   #90
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

Right now - All I can really say is - Hmmm, still Processing...
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Old 02-16-2010, 02:01 AM   #91
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

I read these threads and am constantly shaking my head these days.

Avalon is about finding safe places, information and resources for building communities and site suggestions.

What difference does it make if Bill or Kerry agree? Bill's current focus is Avalon and Kerry's Camelot. Camelot has always been Kerry's primary interest. Camelot is also in Kerry's name for the simple reason that she is a US citizen who lives in California and Bill is not a US citizen and lives in Europe. Whether they were a couple or not is nobody's business.

Kerry has her own focus with her own priorities as does Bill. When they do agree they work together on a project. When their focus is elsewhere their attention is on what works for them as individuals.

If the OP is referring to the kinsuemie2 situation... disagreement was likely due to the two having different pieces of information. And it is likely that Kerry, who is here in the US, has a closer tab on what is going on then Bill, who is thousands of miles away in Europe.
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Old 02-16-2010, 07:20 AM   #92
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

Originally Posted by Carol View Post
I read these threads and am constantly shaking my head these days.
i must agree with you dear carol..


i do not fear change...or even chaos...

i find some very balancing properties with chaos that is sometimes needed..

just keep picturing the beautiful pheonix..born of chaos and fire!

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Old 03-07-2010, 06:14 PM   #93
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

any one here divorced its the same story . We start down a path enjoying the travel .sooner or later you end up at a fork in the path which way one goes depends on the path they feel most comfortable inevitably they get to a fork where its time to go similar but separate ways . Feelings for each other alter only slightly but enough to cause them to separate and take the road or path of one`s own choosing
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Old 03-07-2010, 06:37 PM   #94
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

off to paint a phoenix thanks celine

with bill, or with kerry

we just get more, and, more

good stuff
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Old 03-07-2010, 07:19 PM   #95
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

The Phoenix

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Old 03-07-2010, 08:19 PM   #96
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

sometimes splits happen (in work, love, friendships etc), its a part of learning and growing, all apart of the cycle of life.

love m x
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Old 03-07-2010, 08:24 PM   #97
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

morguana, your energy has been extra extra special today and it has not gone unnoticed. Thank you for you. xx

Ah, Fleetwood Mac, brings back memories.
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Old 03-07-2010, 08:38 PM   #98
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

Originally Posted by gita View Post
morguana, your energy has been extra extra special today and it has not gone unnoticed. Thank you for you. xx

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Old 03-07-2010, 09:04 PM   #99
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

thanks girls

feel so very much love for folk
m x
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Old 03-07-2010, 09:33 PM   #100
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Default Re: Why do Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy Disagree?

morguana has probably been the only calm, collected, and uplifiting person today.

Everybody else...
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