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Old 05-28-2009, 12:32 PM   #1
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Default Ground Crew Mobilize!

I am in a state of happiness and hope this morning. Im not shur exactlly whats caused this, maybe this beautiful day in Ohio today. In my hopefulness i had a vision of the people rising up and saying no to the powers to be. "after 3 days theyll steal for food, after a week they will kill". I could not stop pondering on this and i saw them moving people with no hope to camps and military vheicals lining every roadside. It reminded me of Red Dawn (A great old movie with patric swazey). We can stop this. We need to let every one know we are not week. Im going to seek permission to promote Project Camelot Interviews in my city of Columbus, Ohio. I was thinking like the advertisements they put out on cards similar to the ones for events and night clubs that reference a few details and how to access the interview. People need to know this stuff is out there. Whose with me? I was wondering if any one has any strings they can pull to hook me up with someone who can to the printing fairly inexpensive. If a few of us got together we may get a discount?? Any how ive had a calling. Its time to go to work.

P.s. Is anyone in the Columbus, Ohio are interested in orginizing with me?
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Old 05-28-2009, 12:48 PM   #2
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

Originally Posted by lemon_sky88 View Post
... promote Project Camelot Interviews in my city of Columbus, Ohio. I was thinking like the advertisements they put out on cards similar to the ones for events and night clubs that reference a few details and how to access the interview. People need to know this stuff is out there....
P.s. Is anyone in the Columbus, Ohio are interested in orginizing with me?
I have often thought that the internet is our best hope for resisting the powers that be. Getting people to watch Project Camelot interviews would be a great way to get people started thinking for themselves.

You might also want to start a separate thread for Ohio under the United States sub-forum for people in your area who may not see this thread...
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Old 05-28-2009, 12:56 PM   #3
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

Thanks again seashore for helpin this newbie out! =) I just have to do something and I started thinking. Putting my self back to where only work, kids, food, house, dog, wife exists. (which is where most of the silent majority lies. When i only have an hour or so to sit down at the comp I say theres a million places to go, what should i visit today. Believe it or not a million options and im stumped. People need ideas. The government has thought for people for so long that we have a hard time concieving how to break out. We need to hit the streets and put this word out. Im going to start a thread for Ohio area to see about orginizing. This is a thread to get ideas pumping on how best to flood the media, the streets, and anything mainstream to get bill and kerry and the wide variety of extrodinary people they give us access to out there. Lets take this into our own hands and wake people up. Feel free to get creative and shoot us all some ideas on here =)
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Old 05-28-2009, 12:59 PM   #4
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

No offense to PC or the interviews, but if your trying to get people interested and start their awakening I would steer away from PC at first and try something a little less shocking.

Granted there are certain interviews on PC that are easily believed, but if they watch the wrong one they will just think that your crazy and not listen to anything else you say.
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Old 05-28-2009, 01:02 PM   #5
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

Originally Posted by Lorien View Post
No offense to PC or the interviews, but if your trying to get people interested and start their awakening I would steer away from PC at first and try something a little less shocking.

Granted there are certain interviews on PC that are easily believed, but if they watch the wrong one they will just think that your crazy and not listen to anything else you say.
Yeah, maybe you're right.

Where to start?
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Old 05-28-2009, 01:05 PM   #6
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

9-11 truth might be a good place to start. That is what got me started with all of my research...

A Jim Marrs YouTube video?
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Old 05-28-2009, 01:32 PM   #7
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

when 9 years ago I started reading metaphysical books and wakening up
from this propaganda dream I was similarly eager to wake up all my friends
and anyone who would listen ,bought copies of books in 5 and passed along.

but as they say when pupil is ready teacher will appear ,conversely if he/she is not
it is waist of time and resources ,especially that 9 years ago all was great in USA
materialistic dream very comfy for many too comfy .
so in this respect the changes and tribulations are best for many people in the world
to wake up,if some one ask what I think is happening i tell them my version
this grid is almost done and thank god ,we are moving to other dimensions
and also that is a good think no need to panic.

but over all I don't concern myself with state of people awareness ,
i m concern only with my awarnes and vibrations ,we are where we are
and were we are at this moment is perfect ,there is a plan for
each and every one of us to wake up ,some need tender touch some need
bucket of iced water ,and besides it is good thing we are doing it in sequense
some are doing it earlier and are way showers to next wave and the next wave
will show way to the next and so fort ,that way chaos and disruption are minimalized .

but that is my truth and my way ,if you feel urge to educate your friends and family
go for it ,good luck
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Old 05-28-2009, 02:26 PM   #8
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

granted i am relativly new. I can understand the initial excitement your noting too. My beliefes and ideas evolve every day and the way i feel today about things if i were asked again tommrow may differ slightly. But the way i feel, may be directlly related to the george green posts avalon did. I can understand alot of points and his call to orginize with like minded people. Were gona need each other if this thing gose really bad and we need to be ready. Project avalon is not all to well known. it has a good foot hold but I would like to boost project avalons energy by injecting my own through creative ways to reach out to the general public or silent majority. I can understand the shock factor, im starting to think tho that this shock factor is being pulsed but our oposition as well. now is the time to initiate shock. our economy is going down down down. there talking about population control if not already initiating. building concentration camps. (this is a big one for the silent majority) religion will be rewritten by some to coralate with events and/or religion may just be denounced who knows? there going to start talking radical actions and there gona start soon. the people expect them to be consistant and they wont be this time. when this happens that little pamflet i gave referencing george green, david wilcox and so on wont seem so crazy. I can see a few waking up as a result in the short term as well. so i dont think this idea is too outlandish.
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Old 05-28-2009, 04:24 PM   #9
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

Count me in!
Well, let me know what I can help you in. I'm a professional designer both in print, media and web, I also know 3D and Video Editing. My time is limited but I can definably help design flayers or poster cards.

The best way to get the MSG across in my perspective, and this has been stocking my head for the past few months. Is to create like a 15 to 30 min video (short real) that points out exactly how people are living today due to our government (something impressive). And from there show possible solutions and 'how to' solve the problem. Instead of bombarding them with Secret governments, and UFOs, E.T.s....ex.

A good example is how the movie "The secret" starts out. and here are my key points.

Sample points:
1. Most people work a 9-6 job or even more. But little or no time for themselves or their family!
2. In many cases, money earn is mostly used for home bills, food and gas with rarely no money left.
3. Your children grow up to do the same thing! Work and pay!

4 .... then something along the lines of; "Is this really want you want in life?.. be a slave of society?"
5 .. "So who is running the show and what can I do?

Then slowly bring-in what our government does and how Project Camelot is doing to 'Help the People' and stop this secret societies.

I'll be more then glad a edit such a video to bring the msg across. Then the second thing is to put the FULL dvd where everyone can download it and Burn it to share with others... and not sell it!

But again this is just my take. I don't have the footage so I'm limited to such video. I know this would help, I have been working on the media side for some time now and my gut tells me so.

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Old 05-28-2009, 04:42 PM   #10
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

Exallent, Master Yoda! You may just be exactlly what we need. It would be too cool if you helped to design maybe a pamflet or card of some sort to pass out. I agree the footage would be awsome and dvd's are relativly cheep to burn and fund. If this stuff was easy to access it would help this cause greatlly. Let me know how things develop, as soon as you come up with something let me know i will pursue prinding and then use my spare time to distribute in downtown Columbus. Id like to get a string of distributers together across the us and eventually nationally. My bro is good with web design i could get him to do the web page... Then all could access the printables and burnables. We need to wake ppl up is the bottom line and this is the best idea yet so lets get crackin master yoda! well when u can (im still stuck as a slave myself) a system crumbles best from within tho =) thanks again yoda!
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Old 05-28-2009, 04:44 PM   #11
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

I wonder if we could talk kerry and bill into putting something together? do u know where to post to be in touch with them?
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Old 05-28-2009, 05:10 PM   #12
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

Originally Posted by lemon_sky88 View Post
I wonder if we could talk kerry and bill into putting something together? do u know where to post to be in touch with them?
Hmm no I don't. Yes we do need a direction as far as what we want to put as far as content.

I can put anything, but its best if we can ask Everyone to spare some content ideas. Anyone?
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Old 05-28-2009, 05:28 PM   #13
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

Hmmm i think next step im going to work on contacting them. I think they will have a healthy opinion as to how to go about this. and will like the idea =)
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Old 05-28-2009, 09:26 PM   #14
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

Essential Weapons For Ground Crew:

Esoteric Agenda knowledge for noobs, the best movie that takes the whole agenda and puts it into a nice rounded production. I can't promote this movie enough.


I recommend Michael Badnarik's Constitution Classes for no ******** and right to the point lessons to learn about your sovereignty and reasons to get involved.


Download it!

Copy it!

Give it away!
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Old 05-29-2009, 12:16 AM   #15
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

Hi and welcome to the forum, I like your enthusiasm.

Check out this forum for groups in your area and see if there is any activity.

You can pm a moderator for help in coordinating things on the forum.

You might also start a meetup group to activate some folks in your area.

Join this group and check to see if there are folks in your area.


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Old 05-29-2009, 01:16 AM   #16
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

Originally Posted by lemon_sky88 View Post
Hmmm i think next step im going to work on contacting them. I think they will have a healthy opinion as to how to go about this. and will like the idea =)
Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy <support@projectcamelot.org>
Put ***KERRY in the subject line to grab her attention.
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Old 05-29-2009, 11:54 AM   #17
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

Thank you both very much for all the great help! Your awsome =)
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Old 05-29-2009, 02:32 PM   #18
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!


Any feedback from Bill Ryan and Kerry?

Also, is there such a site like a '101' site that teaches / opens people minds to what is going on from the ground up? I did a Google research but had no luck. I did see a few videos, but not much of a break down site. If no such site exist, I'm willing to create such a site. Something little different from the rest.
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Old 05-29-2009, 02:48 PM   #19
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

No corrospondence back just yet. its around 11am here i sent an e-mail to them at about 9 am.. hopefully we hear back today.. I explained what we were looking to do in detail so im hoping for some good feed back.
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Old 05-29-2009, 02:51 PM   #20
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

If we had a website to promote that made it as easy as got to the web page and bam a video or step by step info and links to youtube or somethin. this would make it alot more inexpensive than burning a ton of dvds. this is an exallent idea!
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Old 05-29-2009, 03:15 PM   #21
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!


I've been pondering different ways of making this stuff more public as well, but I agree with the previous post stating that the interviews will be too overwhelming for new eyes and ears. Especially if they view one an interview that is very outside the range of acceptance for them personally.

I have leaned more towards directing people to The Disclosure Project site first as a precursor. Their site provides a number of supportive factors that help people believe, question, and become curious as to what's really going on.

This site provides military personnel, scientists, former Nasa employees, physicist, etc with documentation and statements made in front a mainstream media in Washington D.C. with each providing their real names, work history and classified documents. These factors make it very hard for people to discredit and allows to research it themselves for accuracy. Once this reality sinks in, people will then be more open to learning or being exposed to more information. Although there are skeptics, the ZeitGeist- Federal Reserve is very eye opening too. Especially now. Some say it's a brain wash/deception, but anytime you are presented with information that YOU can easily research the credibility/accuracy. Chances are, much of that info is accurate (though there are a couple of areas where it does leave out updated information/amendments). The deception is likely from those telling you not to believe it.

The rabbit hole can go as deep as you choose to believe it goes.
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Old 05-29-2009, 03:22 PM   #22
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

Do u have a good starting point site we could reference?
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Old 05-29-2009, 03:55 PM   #23
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

Ok, so I'm reading this post and I'm looking at the Disclosure Project website .. and then (big question with a light bulb is like in top of my head!) "why build another site? we have plenty of sites to go around right?" .. So I was thinking why not just help Project Camelot build the site in such a way that's more Visual and content oriented for does that don't want to believe or are brought to this knowledge for the first time?

They have plenty of evidence / interviews and even a time line! (which I have already started working on a graphical level. A time line where people can see post and past future events)

I'll be more the glad to help work with the Admin of the site to design the new look and feel and then get everyone opinion on it. This will help Project Camelot draw more people.. and get more people involved.

Again, this is just food for thought.

Last edited by MastaYoda; 05-29-2009 at 04:32 PM.
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Old 05-29-2009, 04:36 PM   #24
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

Food for thought = Energy = Influence and Action. I like it my friend, I like it. Im trying to get in touch with Kerry now. her e-mail is listed in a reply to this thread id urdge u to make some contact too. There are other threads that ive seen a way to contact admin but im not shur how to refence them.. Any one out there, can u provide us with the proper contact info.. I want this ball rollin asap im very excited about being able to be involved! By the way im still awaiting a reply from kerry and i will post it here as soon as i hear from her
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Old 05-29-2009, 04:43 PM   #25
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Default Re: Ground Crew Mobilize!

This is what kerry wrote back to me. i did detail our plans to distribute and our ideas and what we need. I think this is usefull. I could deffinatlly use some help designing a card/advertise ment about 4" X 7" to have printed and distribute. id like it to be front and back. reference maybe what kerry has subjested and maybe anything else we can find...

I suggest you refer people to the 11 min documentary I made called "Have You Seen a UFO" available on our site under SHORTS:


It is a great introduction for anyone who doesn't have the time or inclination to watch our other videos.

In addition, for newbies, the recent interview with Marcia Schafer, wife of Robert Dean is a good introduction to the overall subjects we cover. Marcia works with executives in various industries to awaken them -- highly recommended.

Marcia Schafer video Groundcrew 101: http://www.projectcamelot.org/bob_dean.html

Best wishes,

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