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Old 09-11-2008, 05:13 PM   #1
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Exclamation Meditation program #1 part 2

Our end goal of this training program is to change world events through group meditation while at the same time to reach enlightenment.

Hi and welcome to the meditation group.

I wish you a warm welcome from the start of this exciting journey you are about to go on.

There are TWO main reasons for this group.
1, To become Enlightened and free from the 3rd dimension
2, To change the world we live in through group meditations

If you wish to know a little about me please check my profile.
I had better apologise before hand for the spelling!

OK people this is still LESSON 1 but PART 2

Please make sure you protect yourselves each time you before you do any form of spiritual work.

Trouble with visualising.

For those who have trouble visualising try these methods.
Void Meditation

"Void Meditation" is what is known as "stilling the mind." The benefits of void meditation are the ability to turn off unwanted thoughts and influences at will, being able to control your thoughts instead of your thoughts controlling you (as with the average person), and a sense of inner peace. Void meditation is essential. Power meditation which will come later changes the strength of our thoughts and it is very important to be able to control thoughts and to turn them off or focus them at will. Thought power, also known as 'witch power' is needed for success in anything you are tring to do. Power meditation, strengthens our thoughts, and people who are more aware or sensitive will be able to pick up on our thoughts and feelings telepathically. Void meditation will train your mind to be silent so others will not know what you are thinking. The Japanese Ninja use this technique to avoid being detected while carrying out important missions that require one to advance or infiltrate, unnoticed. Void meditation trains your mind so you can focus during spiritual work and in every day life so your mind brings you the desired result.
There are several techniques for void meditation. The goal is to turn off all of your thoughts and focus on the here and now. You get your mind to be completely still for a specified length of time. In the beginning, this can be extremely difficult, as thoughts will come into your head continually. Before you know it, you will again be thinking about something. Don't get upset with yourself as this is very normal and even for advanced practitioners, certain meditation sessions may not go as smooth as usual. Just keep bringing your mind back to focus. Patience and persistence are the keys here. It definitely helps to do some breathing exercises beforehand to induce a trance state. Some people find meditating after a heavy meal causes the mind to be easily distracted.
Always try to meditate when you are fully awake and alert. If you try to do void meditation when you are tired, chances are you will quickly fall asleep.
1. Breathing exercises are optional. This is a simple method of breathing that will induce a trance state:
 Breathe in for a count of 7,
 Hold your breath for a count of 7
 Exhale for a count of 7
Repeat this several times until you feel relaxed.
2. Now, get your entire mind to be completely still and free of any thoughts for a specified amount of time with no thoughts or music in your head. Your mind should be a total blank. You should focus on being in the here and now. For beginners, five minutes is fine. Intermediate and advanced practitioners can go anywhere from 15 minutes to however long they feel is essential.

Void meditation can be done with your eyes open or closed. When your eyes are open, you will more than likely see a mist around objects as you settle into a trance state. This is normal. If you choose to close your eyes, you may fall asleep, but this is an individual choice and use whatever method works best.
For meditation with your eyes open:
Choose something small to focus on. This can be a point on the wall, a second hand on a clock, or even a piece of lint on your clothing. Many choose to meditate on a candle flame. The important thing is to concentrate on your object of choice
For meditation with your eyes closed:
Focus inside of yourself and relax. You can put yourself deeper and deeper into a trance with a feeling of falling. This is normal. For people who are new, this falling sensation that often accompanies a deep trance can make you feel dizzy. To stop the sensation, focus on the front of your body.
Everyday void meditation:
Void meditation can be done anywhere and at any time with just focusing on the here and now and concentrating totally on whatever you are doing. This method works best for those of you who are unable to secure any privacy. Just set a goal to focus on the here and now for a specific amount of time each day and you will benefit.
Advanced Void Meditation:
 Visualize an object and hold the image in your mind. At first, it will fade in and out, but as you progress, it will remain longer and longer. This is definitely a needed ability for any spiritual practice and focusing your mind power.
 Focus on a specific chant or sound. You can do this either aloud or in your head. This is what is known as a "mantra." You breathe in and on the exhale, chant a specific mantra or tone of your choice. One common chant used is the OM mantra, or Ohm.
 Focus on a specific emotion- anger, happiness, sadness, love, hate. You can choose an emotion going by how you feel on a specific day.
 Focus on a specific texture, for example, running your fingers back and forth across velvet or a terry towel.
 Focus on a specific odor or taste.
Advanced void meditation that includes adding physical positions trains both your mind and develops an iron will, and extreme inner strength.
1. Keep your entire body still. Do NOT move. This is what the advanced yogis do.
Get into a comfortable position. Don't scratch any itches, just ignore them and stay focused. Muscle cramps may come and go. Ignore any physical fatigue or mental fatigue. Just continue to remain focused.
2. Add uncomfortable and/or awkward positions. Make sure these are taken from a Yoga or Tai Chi book, so that they are physically beneficial. This is a discipline that is taught in many Martial Arts schools where one learns to ignore pain, while retaining intense focus. This strengthens the mind for physical combat and drastically increases your sense of self-confidence. This will also increase your resistance to pain.
Many martial arts masters meditate under cold waterfalls, in snow or other painful conditions. One's physical health must be built up here, for obvious reasons. A cold shower can be substituted. As with anything new, be sure to start out gradual.
These techniques, when mastered, will give one total control over one's mind and emotions. If one faces death, one will not freeze up or panic with fear and the odds of one's survival will greatly increase.
3. Running and meditating; focusing on your running steps, increases endurance both mentally and physically.


A deep trance makes it possible to access the subconscious mind and to program it as we see fit. The active left side of the brain blocks out any attempts to access the passive right side where the seat of the unconscious is. This is analogous to turning off the electricity to a room or a building in order to fix the wiring. The right side of the brain is where we can program our minds to manifest what we want in reality.

To get into a trance state takes practice. Remember, each of us is individual and some may find this easier than others. The important thing is to be persistent and patient with yourself. Persistence and consistency are everything here.
Performing breathing exercises before trance is highly recommended, as this will naturally calm the nervous system.

1. Sit comfortably. Do not lie down because you might fall asleep.
2. Breathe in for a count of 7, hold for a count of 7 and then exhale for a count of 7. Do this breathing until you are completely relaxed. Ideally, you should no longer be able to feel your body.
3. Imagine you are climbing down a ladder in the dark. Don’t visualize a ladder; just imagine you can feel yourself doing it. On the exhale, feel yourself climbing a step or two down the ladder. On the inhale, feel yourself holding still on the ladder.
4. Now, let go of the ladder and free fall backwards. If you get dizzy or disoriented, just bring your attention to the front of your body and this will stop. This mental falling effect, when combined with deep relaxation and mental calmness, will cause you to enter the trance state.
What is needed is a mental falling effect inside your mind. This changes the level of brain wave activity from the awake level (Beta) to the asleep level (Alpha) or the deep sleep level (Theta). Once your level of brain wave activity reaches Alpha you will enter a trance. Once you get the heavy feeling, stop the mental falling exercise. If you don’t like the ladder, imagine you are in a lift [elevator], feel yourself falling on the exhale and holding on the inhale. Or, Imagine you are a feather, feel yourself floating down on the exhale and holding still on the inhale. You need a mental falling effect to lower your level of brain wave activity.
5. Keep doing this for as long as it takes. The time it takes to enter trance will vary, depending on your experience with deep relaxation and mental calmness.
A trance feels like: Everything gets quieter and you feel like you are in a much bigger place. There is a very slight humming feeling in your body. Everything feels different. It feels a bit like putting a cardboard box over your head in the dark, you can feel the atmosphere change. It’s like everything goes fuzzy or slightly blurred. Any sharp noises, while in trance are painful.
6. To bring yourself out of the trance:
Concentrate on moving your fingers or toes. Once you can move a finger or toe, flex your hands, move your arms, shake your head, i.e., reanimate your body; and get up and walk around for a few minutes.

What this exercise does:
In order to advance in psychic power, we must train our minds. When we are in a trance state, our brain waves slow down considerably. There are two sides to the brain- the left logical/intellectual masculine side and the right creative/intuitive feminine side. The right side is the seat of the subconscious. This is the area of the mind that is open to suggestion and programming and the seat of our astral power. When the left side of our brain is active in thinking, the right side cannot be accessed. Trance states shut off the left side so we can access and program the right side (subconscious).
It takes training to be able to induce a deep trance state. Deep trance states are not always necessary, but for specific workings, they are very important. Once we train our minds to go deeper and deeper into a trance, this becomes easier and easier and takes less and less time as we become adept. The mind is like a muscle and for most people, this exercise will be an introduction to a part of the mind that has never even been accessed before.
It is *very* important to never be startled out of a trance state, especially a deep one, so make sure you are in a room or area where you are left alone and the phone is turned off. Being startled and pulled out of a trance the wrong way can be extremely painful and the pain can last for days, especially if you are doing energy work in this state.
It is normal when in a trance state for any sounds to be very painful. This is because in this state, our senses are extremely heightened.
An adept can place themselves in a deep trance within seconds at will. In closing, it is not necessary to always go into a deep trance to work with your mind. The trance state is used to train your mind. With very important or difficult workings, a deep trance is often necessary.

Opening your Chakra’s

Opening your chakra’s will open your spiritual eyes and lead you to see the truth and obtain enlightenment. In addition, you will discover many so-called "supernatural" powers within yourself when you empower your chakras. When the chakras are correctly aligned and empowered, healing of both physical, and mental ailments will often occur miraculously. These meditations are extremely powerful and often, the effects can be felt hours later.
Opening the Third eye charka
This exercise is done with a specific tone and chant. You need to do this exercise for 4 days in a row. Regular meditation on the third eye should follow to completely open it up and establish an energy uptake. This exercise only gets it going. Further work is needed and must be consistent to reap maximum results.
1. Sit with your back straight.

2. Place your hands in the position as shown in the photo that I have added to my photos albums under 3RD EYE. For people who are right handed, your right hand should make a fist around your left index finger; for people who are left-handed, your left hand should make a fist around your right index finger. The thumbnail should press on the side of the finger as shown, at the spot where the cuticle ends.
When you feel a very faint electrical shock, you will know you have the correct spot. Don't get discouraged if you cannot find it. It should be apparent in those who have naturally stronger auras. What this does is redirect the flow of energy to the third eye that has been shut off for centuries in most people.
This mudra can be used at any time during regular meditation on the third eye. Keep this position throughout the meditation.
3. Breathe in through your nose and on the exhale vibrate OTH. Release your breath slowly through your mouth and vibrate:
OH-OH-OH-TH-TH-TH in one long exhale (vibrate the sound one time per exhale, as with the Yogic "humming breath").
Your tongue will be vibrating between your teeth. It may take a few seconds to adjust this to where you feel it in the middle of your forehead (3rd eye), don’t worry, just keep on going.
Try to get it to the correct vibration where you can feel it in your forehead. This can take some experimenting. Just do the best you can. You may have to try as many as ten to fifteen times or more to get it right.
4. Do the above 4 times in a row and then relax.
5. Now, align your third eye correctly by visualizing it point end facing inside as illustrated at left. The color of the third eye is brilliant white, like a miniature sun.

6. It is very important the above exercise be done for FOUR consecutive days, preferably 24 hours apart. Then it is a done deal and you will have performed the initial step of opening and activating your third eye.
7. After you are finished, it is important to meditate on your third eye to get the energy flowing, this way it will fully open.
Just close your eyes and "look" at the 3rd eye in the middle of your forehead. It is important to relax and not to strain your eye muscles, even though your eyes are closed. At first, there is usually just blackness depending on how active your 3rd eye is, then possibly swirling colors and shapes like a kaleidoscope. Like scrying into a mirror, the colors and shapes will give way to images when you do the meditation long enough and regularly. Remember to keep your gaze soft and relaxed. Feeling pressure here or a knot is normal after the above exercise is completed. This usually diminishes in time.
1. One of the first experiences is a headache or pressure in the center of the forehead. This sensation may also feel like it is originating from within, usually an inch or more beneath the surface of the forehead as it affects the sixth chakra. This is a positive indication the pineal gland is awakening and beginning to function in a healthy manner.
You may also find you can feel this ache or pressure whenever you focus your attention on your third eye or meditate on your third eye. This is perfectly normal and eases with time.
Some people can experience a migraine lasting several hours. The severity of the side effects will depend on how atrophied your pineal gland is to begin with.
The 3rd Eye is directly related to the 6th chakra and the pineal gland. It is located on the middle of the forehead above the brows and along with the 6th chakra that sets in back of the third eye and the pineal gland, it is the psychic sight of the soul.
In the average person, the pineal gland is atrophied and dormant. Because of centuries of humanity being cut off from practicing power meditation where energy is circulated like blood where it is needed, many areas of the human soul have ceased to function. Another sad result of xianity.
The third eye contains the last of the three knots. Once this knot is open and energy flows through, the crown chakra is easy to open. The third eye contains the astral sight. Through the third eye, astral images are transferred to the brain. The third eye is also important in telepathy and influencing others. I have found in willing others, thought energy should strongly be directed to the other person's third eye, even though this cannot be seen. The third eye is receptive to energy directed at it.
The third eye, along with the sixth chakra, controls the eyesight, the sinuses and the skin. It is with the third eye that we can see auras, do scrying and see energy. The pineal gland and the sixth chakra are behind the third eye.
The third eye is the front of the 6th chakra. The 6th chakra is where the ida and pingala serpents meet. When the kundalini pierces this chakra, it opens the last of the three knots. A flash of light is often experienced whrn this occurs. Opening the 3rd eye is a major step in consciousness.

If you get stuck, just ask me.
Our end goal of this training program is to change world events through group meditation while at the same time to reach enlightenment.
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Old 09-11-2008, 08:28 PM   #2
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Smile Re: Meditation program #1 part 2

Thank you contactee.
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Old 09-12-2008, 12:38 AM   #3
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Default Re: Meditation program #1 part 2

thanks for this.
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Old 09-12-2008, 01:07 AM   #4
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I feel so fortunate to involved in this and learn more! This is just what I have been wanting to do. Help myself first so that I can help others!! I am glad to see that other advance meditators agree with you too Mr. Chris.
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Old 09-12-2008, 04:44 AM   #5
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Default Re: Meditation program #1 part 2


This is fantastic information - I am very grateful for your assistance.

I hope I'm not leading too far off the path here, but I have been hoping to find some insight into a recent experience:

I'm doing my usual: I lay down in bed, close my eyes, go through a short prayer (1-2 min), then begin to clear my mind using the sound of my breathing for focus. After a few minutes, I notice a slight feeling of pressure on my stomach - a bit of nausea. Shortly after (my eyes are closed) I see this strange chaotic mesh of black strings. The strings are slightly back-lit which gives enough contrast to see against a dark charcoal background. Near simultaneously, my eyes begin to flutter up and down nearly out of control. Being my 1st involuntary experience, I am frightened, so I open my eyes and it all seems to stop. A couple of seconds later, I close my eyes and it all starts again... and it's building. My heart rate starts to go up. The eye fluttering expands to include my head and torso. I open my eyes... and they stop fluttering, but the rest of my body is still shaking. So I close my eyes again and they immediately start to flutter... even before I can get my eye lids all the way down. In total it lasts a couple minutes, although it felt a lot longer. Once it stopped, I was so full of energy that I couldn't get back to sleep for a while.

What does this type of experience indicate? Thank you for your generosity.
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Old 09-12-2008, 08:04 AM   #6
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Default Re: Meditation program #1 part 2

Hi Jonathon, and thanks for tghe message.
Well, first things first. You must do the protection exercise in the meditation program before doing any kind of work.

What you are experiencing is a form of trance. There are different forms of trance. You eyelids flutering is perfectly normal so dont worry. If you feel uncomfortable with the movement of your body you can sit on the floor with your legs crossed. This position when you start to enter trance your eyelids will flutter (which is fine) and you will gently feel yourself rocking backwards and forwards. This is a nicer experience and less frightning to some. The balck strings you are experiencing is also fine and nothing to worry about. This just means that your 3rd eye is slightly open. If you do the 3rd eye opening exercise for the 4 days you will see colours and patterns.
I know new experiences can be frighening for some but from what you told me it is actually very positive.
I will be giving instructions to allign the chakra's and empower them shortly which you will be able to feel a huge benifit.
I would say to you to practice the protection exercise and feel the energy that flows through you when doing it. Some can feel this energy and others cant Yet..but we will be covering feeling energy as well shortly.
I hope i have reasured you as this is all good signs of opening up.
keep up the good work!
Originally Posted by Jonathon View Post

This is fantastic information - I am very grateful for your assistance.

I hope I'm not leading too far off the path here, but I have been hoping to find some insight into a recent experience:

I'm doing my usual: I lay down in bed, close my eyes, go through a short prayer (1-2 min), then begin to clear my mind using the sound of my breathing for focus. After a few minutes, I notice a slight feeling of pressure on my stomach - a bit of nausea. Shortly after (my eyes are closed) I see this strange chaotic mesh of black strings. The strings are slightly back-lit which gives enough contrast to see against a dark charcoal background. Near simultaneously, my eyes begin to flutter up and down nearly out of control. Being my 1st involuntary experience, I am frightened, so I open my eyes and it all seems to stop. A couple of seconds later, I close my eyes and it all starts again... and it's building. My heart rate starts to go up. The eye fluttering expands to include my head and torso. I open my eyes... and they stop fluttering, but the rest of my body is still shaking. So I close my eyes again and they immediately start to flutter... even before I can get my eye lids all the way down. In total it lasts a couple minutes, although it felt a lot longer. Once it stopped, I was so full of energy that I couldn't get back to sleep for a while.

What does this type of experience indicate? Thank you for your generosity.
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Old 09-12-2008, 08:06 AM   #7
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Exclamation Re: Meditation program #1 part 2

I just want to thank you all who have private messaged me regarding your success in these exercises.
It brings me joy to hear that some of you who have been trying to do these things for years now without success are having successful results.

THANK YOU ALL for your positive messages!
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Old 09-12-2008, 05:52 PM   #8
visual co-creator
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Last edited by visual co-creator; 10-03-2008 at 04:03 PM.
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Old 09-12-2008, 06:40 PM   #9
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Default Re: Meditation program #1 part 2

Suppressing religions.

Originally Posted by visual co-creator View Post
What is "xianity" ?
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Old 09-12-2008, 08:50 PM   #10
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2. Place your hands in the position as shown in the photo that I have added to my photos albums under 3RD EYE. For people who are right handed, your right hand should make a fist around your left index finger; for people who are left-handed, your left hand should make a fist around your right index finger. The thumbnail should press on the side of the finger as shown, at the spot where the cuticle ends.
Which thumbnail should press against which finger where the cuticle ends?
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Old 09-12-2008, 09:16 PM   #11
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depending if you are left or right handed. I will assume (which i hate to do) that you are right handed. hold up your left hand and close all of your fingers apart from the one next to your thumb. Now with your right hand wrap it around your left hand finger that is sticking out and make a tight fist around it. Now with your right hand thumb push your thumbnail into the side of this finger that your fist is around. Push it on the side of the finger where your nail begins.
Hope this helps. If you go to my profile and look under photo albums you will find the picture in there.

Originally Posted by robyn View Post
2. Place your hands in the position as shown in the photo that I have added to my photos albums under 3RD EYE. For people who are right handed, your right hand should make a fist around your left index finger; for people who are left-handed, your left hand should make a fist around your right index finger. The thumbnail should press on the side of the finger as shown, at the spot where the cuticle ends.
Which thumbnail should press against which finger where the cuticle ends?
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Old 09-13-2008, 02:01 AM   #12
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Question Re: Meditation program #1 part 2

Wow what a trip that was. I almost fell backwards several times.

I have a quetion I hope you can help me with. I am very very new at all of this. I had a friend explain how to find the light years back but this is so very different

I have been on oxygen for almost five years now. I just got myself off all my medication except the nexium. Psss looking for an alternive soon. I use just the inhalers which I know better than not to us.

Now I have found myself forgetting to hook back up my oxygen, which is a good thing as I still get the tell -tell headache but with alot more time in between.

Now finally my question. Should I continue to do the same breathing lesson as the others?

Thank you and thank you so much for doing this.

I am so excited to finally learn all of this.

Peace love & lights to all

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Old 09-13-2008, 10:53 AM   #13
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Default Re: Meditation program #1 part 2

Hi to all, to weeks ago I began meditations to awaken my Kundalini energies. I have been meditating for about 3 hours daily and have since had some very interesting results. Perhaps I will describe them later. For now I would like to add the Taoist Micro-cosmic orbit meditation as taught by Mantak Chia to the list of practices here. I'm not sure about the rules of this thread so please let me know if Im intruding. Also the video Atom to Cosmos and the books Kundalini: Psychosis or Trancendace and Stalking the wild Pendulum- appendix, decribe a physical model of the opening of the 3rd eye based on scientific labratory measurements and expeiriments. Hope this helps.
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Old 09-13-2008, 11:13 AM   #14
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Hi, you are not intruding dont worry. What i do say is that this program should only be done on its own. The reason for this is that these techniques are the original ones, and all that are out their for the public to see are manipulations of the originals. You will start to see the differences very shortly in the program. Here is a small example, The raising of the life force has to be done is a wave like pattern as for every major chakra, there is one in the middle and one the other side.There are also the true meanings of colour that differ from the public ones, There are 6 3rd eyes to open, not just the one 3rd eye that most know about. There are countless differences and for the saftey of people as these are incredibly powerful awakenings i Strongly sujest if you wish to take part in the program, Only do what is outlined in the program. This is for safety reasons.
Please dont think i am being a pain people, this really is for safety and i cant stress this enough.
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Old 09-13-2008, 11:59 AM   #15
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Are you aware of this and if so please comment for us all.




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Old 09-14-2008, 06:01 PM   #16
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Hi, yes i am aware of the intention experiment. It would be unfair for me to comment at this stage as i have not seen their instructions. My comon sense tells me that getting a group of people to meditate without experience is asking for disaster. If one becomes distracted or has a negative thought while doing this will only cause the opposite to manifest. This is why i am running the meditation program so everyone can learn to strengthen their minds without distraction. This is very very important.
As i said though, without having all of the program for the intention experiment i think it is unfair for me to comment.

As for the video i cannot watch it as my computer dies on me when i watch any video. I am having to use my daughter's laptop which turns off all the time! I should be getting a new computer in the next week or two so remind me then and i will share my view.

Originally Posted by GFWeye View Post
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Old 09-19-2008, 08:21 PM   #17
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done now the four days of third eye chakra work... in the first post you mention that addional work should be done to keep the thrid eye going... is this meditating of the third eye... or something else?

many thanks
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Old 09-20-2008, 11:50 PM   #18
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Hiya ama-gi,Thank you Very much for your instructions. they are very much a true blessing. My question is, after seeing the "flash" in the 3rd eye,is it common to "see" not only colors and patterns, but also images and "scenes"
as if looking thru very dark glasses^I^(sorry,the question mark on my KB is dead so I use ^I^ as a shrug) any imput will be very welcome.
I look forward to your next lessons
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Old 09-21-2008, 12:19 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Jonathon View Post
Shortly after (my eyes are closed) I see this strange chaotic mesh of black strings. The strings are slightly back-lit which gives enough contrast to see against a dark charcoal background.
a mesh of black strings.. those would be the elusive 'third eyelashes'
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Old 09-29-2008, 09:42 AM   #20
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Hi, with the "trance" part of this exercise i have no trouble, im getting better at "void" each day, but the opening of chakra’s im having some trouble.

the hands position, i can find the "spot",
but the humming of OTH i find difficult, can u paste some links to mp3 or videos of the OTH humming, nothing ive tryed huming vibrates in/near my 3eye.
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