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Old 12-18-2009, 02:03 AM   #26
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

The Galactic Federation has been around since the beginning and they are not bad at all

Its in the book I'm reading by Ashayanna Deane and from what I gather they truly are here to help us.

Its sounds whacko but when I read their name I had to see if I had each word spelled correctly. It really blew my mind

Now I seen where it was said they defussed all of the vaccine and maybe there is some truth in that as it showed up in my local newspaper. Unless they just want all the kiddies that got the first shots to come back in now for shot number two. The first one they said was defective.

I have to give them some credit and I know I had my doubts on them for a long time. They must be alright IMO
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Old 12-18-2009, 02:15 AM   #27
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
The Galactic Federation has been around since the beginning and they are not bad at all

Its in the book I'm reading by Ashayanna Deane and from what I gather they truly are here to help us.

Its sounds whacko but when I read their name I had to see if I had each word spelled correctly. It really blew my mind

Now I seen where it was said they defussed all of the vaccine and maybe there is some truth in that as it showed up in my local newspaper. Unless they just want all the kiddies that got the first shots to come back in now for shot number two. The first one they said was defective.

I have to give them some credit and I know I had my doubts on them for a long time. They must be alright IMO

What I personally discovered with the implanter type ETs is that they processed one's mind so that no doubt about their intentions was allowed -- one became immediately convinced that those cute little greys just want to help us save the earth biosphere, and one holds onto that idea for dear life.

However, what I noticed when I encountered beings who were represented from Galactic Federation, I had plenty of room for suspicion and doubt, but at the same time I felt good -- no fear mongering or forgetter implants or mind control.

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Old 12-18-2009, 02:29 AM   #28
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
The Galactic Federation has been around since the beginning and they are not bad at all

Its in the book I'm reading by Ashayanna Deane and from what I gather they truly are here to help us.

Its sounds whacko but when I read their name I had to see if I had each word spelled correctly. It really blew my mind

Now I seen where it was said they defussed all of the vaccine and maybe there is some truth in that as it showed up in my local newspaper. Unless they just want all the kiddies that got the first shots to come back in now for shot number two. The first one they said was defective.

I have to give them some credit and I know I had my doubts on them for a long time. They must be alright IMO
Mntruthseeker: I am trying to sort out who the benevolent group are: do you remember what the full title of the Federation......its so confusing to me, because I think there are 3 groups of similiar names ie. Galactic Federation, Galactic Federation of Light & more recently I came across the Galactic Council....I do get a good vibe though from the messages in the vids on this thread (Fed. of Light)
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Old 12-18-2009, 02:33 AM   #29
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

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Old 12-18-2009, 02:35 AM   #30
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Reminds me of this,


but GFOL is on a larger scale.
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Old 12-18-2009, 02:35 AM   #31
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

There is no fear mongering here and no illusion about the difficulties ahead -- very balanced, with much focus on resolving dualities. Everything being relative it is a higher spiritual stand that we humans can bridge, and not something that is too unreal for us to grasp. We can spiritually advance and still have our familiar pleasures.


Last edited by Gnosis5; 12-18-2009 at 02:49 AM.
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Old 12-18-2009, 03:12 AM   #32
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Originally Posted by Initiate View Post

Genesis 2 depicts symbolically the creation of twin flames. The Creator separates Eve from Adam; they are two parts of the same flame. Through the eons, twin flames may incarnate on the physical plane or may choose to remain on other dimensions of existence. According to the choices we make, we often become separated from our twin flame. Throughout the eons of physical incarnations, we yearn for the intense love we felt when joined with our twin flame. Now … to be consciously reunited with our twin flame is a reward that must be earned. Only Spirit reunites twin flames … at the perfect time for each twin flame’s spiritual advancement. We can hasten this reunion by undergoing the initiatory process required of us all. As we mature spiritually, we assist our twin flame in doing the same, regardless of the dimension on which our twin flame resides.

Hello Initiate, this is quite new to me and I'm suddenly "Googling" "twin flame" and "Divine Complement". This is because I experienced something or someone that seems to be what these writers are talking about:


"The previous excerpt brings up the concept of the "Divine Complement". Our Divine Complement, also known as our Twin Flame, is the completion of our fifth dimensional, androgynous SELF. In the dimensions five and beyond, there is no polarity. Therefore, there are no "males" or "females". All beings are androgynous in nature, but they may choose to cloth themselves in a male or female form, just as we may choose to dress like the opposite sex. When we resonate to the fifth dimension, we can decide to send our consciousness, or a portion of our essence that will take embodiment, to the lower dimensions. Then we must choose to take either a male or female form."

There is more on this website.
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Old 12-18-2009, 03:16 AM   #33
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
What I personally discovered with the implanter type ETs is that they processed one's mind so that no doubt about their intentions was allowed -- one became immediately convinced that those cute little greys just want to help us save the earth biosphere, and one holds onto that idea for dear life.

However, what I noticed when I encountered beings who were represented from Galactic Federation, I had plenty of room for suspicion and doubt, but at the same time I felt good -- no fear mongering or forgetter implants or mind control.

Are you saying you've had first hand experience with grays and with the GFOL?

If so, can you please tell us about it in detail?
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Old 12-18-2009, 03:24 AM   #34
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
What I personally discovered with the implanter type ETs is that they processed one's mind so that no doubt about their intentions was allowed -- one became immediately convinced that those cute little greys just want to help us save the earth biosphere, and one holds onto that idea for dear life.

However, what I noticed when I encountered beings who were represented from Galactic Federation, I had plenty of room for suspicion and doubt, but at the same time I felt good -- no fear mongering or forgetter implants or mind control.


OH well I am not talking about greys at all. I dont trust them at all. I am talking about the Halls of Amenti and the Galactic Federation that was instrumental in helping us get back to our home. They had no motive whatsoever but the best thoughts in their mind. Maybe I missed something here. Sorry
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Old 12-18-2009, 03:31 AM   #35
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

This one is from Dec. 8th & is very interesting....I don't know if its been posted before.


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Old 12-18-2009, 03:44 AM   #36
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Originally Posted by Scarab View Post
Are you saying you've had first hand experience with grays and with the GFOL?

If so, can you please tell us about it in detail?
Is that avatar a scarab beetle? I once had a conversation with a Scientologist who recalled in session an existence as a scarab beetle....lol. I think I have been every creature in the ocean!

My first contact with a grey was after a session I was being given a message to not talk about my past life anymore (timing was a bit off I might say!). We spotted who was telling me that and there was a lonely little grey (like the Maytag Repair Man) sitting behind a console pushing "my buttons". We ran the usual process on him until he realized who he really was and went back to his "Source". Everybody goes home with a prize in my game -- they get themselves back.

Then came the investigation in between lives:

We also collected between lives implanting incidents from others and in some cases it was a repeat of what I experienced. Sometimes people say they went to a school and everybody was very very "nice", and they stick very hard to that viewpoint. It seems that almost no doubt is allowed, the mind control is so thorough.

RE GFOL: At first I sensed a 5D complement (male) who was on one of the ships. That helped me to begin healing/clearing on a new level.

Wednesday, while in session and in contact with the "Unpotentiated Potential" we got a present time "layover" and I was aware of a female who opened a portal within herself and streamed our intention and process through the portal and the combined intention of all of us collapsed a longstanding polarity between the Dark and the Light. How that will manifest in 3D keeps me alert to further reports.

At least it keeps one focused on higher intentions for people on this planet and this planet. The depolarization of dualities will, imho, end all wars, etc.

After the session I reached out to communicate with the female on the ship who had contributed her energies but she was clearly wiped out and in no mood for chit chat. That tells me that there is much more to be done...

That is all my contact that has come through my 3D awarenesses.

There are higher ascension states, but this is currently where I am at and it is better than where I was, so I'm going to go with the flow. Sometimes it feels like riding a whale.

Doing my aggressive clearing work is what got me this far and so it makes sense that I keep doing what I have been doing.

Glad you are interested and I hope you help me to help those who want to end the unnecessary cause of war and suffering on this planet.

Negative feeling Karma can be "cleared" in a short time when one goes and looks and by looking gets wisdom.

My apologies for once again laying it on too thick -- my PASSION!


Last edited by Gnosis5; 12-18-2009 at 03:55 AM.
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Old 12-18-2009, 03:49 AM   #37
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post

My apologies for once again laying it on too thick -- my PASSION!
No apology necessary. You told me everything I needed to know. Thanks.

ONE last question. You mention 'sessions'. What kind of 'sessions' are we talking about here?
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Old 12-18-2009, 03:52 AM   #38
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
OH well I am not talking about greys at all. I dont trust them at all. I am talking about the Halls of Amenti and the Galactic Federation that was instrumental in helping us get back to our home. They had no motive whatsoever but the best thoughts in their mind. Maybe I missed something here. Sorry
So far my experiences with the Greys have been karmically negative. Now I am starting to connect with beings who seem more complementary to what I am becoming as I clear myself, and those be the two beings I connected with on the Galactic Fed ship. Hence my sudden interest in something I was never interested in before. I have no 3D knowledge at this point about "Halls of Amenti" and welcome you sharing your good experiences with them.

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Old 12-18-2009, 03:56 AM   #39
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Originally Posted by waitinginthewings View Post
Mntruthseeker: I am trying to sort out who the benevolent group are: do you remember what the full title of the Federation......its so confusing to me, because I think there are 3 groups of similiar names ie. Galactic Federation, Galactic Federation of Light & more recently I came across the Galactic Council....I do get a good vibe though from the messages in the vids on this thread (Fed. of Light)
I understand perfectly because I feel sometimes I'm being torn in two by wondering if I am following the correct path. I was totally against the Galactic Federation until I read this:

In November 1992, the Pleiadian -Sirian Agreements emerged through a confrontation between the Anunnaki races of the Fallen Annu-Elohim competing Fallen Annu-Seraphim Annuaki and Drakonian-Reptilian insectoid races of the Dimension-10 Fallen Seraphim collective and the Human an Guardian races of the Emerald Convenant. All interstellar races knew since 22.326 BC that this confrontation was likely to occure during the long anticipated 2000-2027 AD Stellar Activations Cycle: only humanity has been "left in the dark" regarding knowlege of this events, precisely due to the interstellar political realities that have existed on Earth since 22,326 BC. The 1992 agreements marked the entry of several previously Fallen Annunnaki collectives into the Emerald Covenant following their many thousands of years of covert manipulation of Earth Humans and Annunnaki-Human-Hybrids races.

The Fallen Angelic Annunnaki groups who entered the "one world order" anti-Christian dominion agenda on Earth are as follows:

The Jehovian-Sirius-A Annunnaki that run Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command.

The "Archangel Michael" Nephite-Nephilim-Necromiton Anunnaki-hybrid collective of Orion, Alpha-Centauri, Sirius A and Andromeda.

The Anu-Seraphim Alpha-Omega-Order Templar Melchizedeks

The Truoth-Enki-Zephelium-(Zeta) Anunnaki collective of Arcturus and Orion.

The Anu-Seraphim Pleiadian Samjase-Anunnaki of Aleyone and their Enlil-Odedicrom and Marduke-Necromintion Nibiruian allies

In 1992 all of the above Anunnaki groups officially entered the Emerald Covenant in an effort to gain support from Emerald Covenant races in their intended stand against the competing Reptile-In sectoid Rigelian-Zeta-Zephelium,=,Omicron-Drakonian (Dragon Moth) and Odedicron--Avian Reptilian Fallen Seraphim races of Orion, the Necromiton-Andromie Bee
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Old 12-18-2009, 04:12 AM   #40
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
I understand perfectly because I feel sometimes I'm being torn in two by wondering if I am following the correct path. I was totally against the Galactic Federation until I read this:

In November 1992, the Pleiadian -Sirian Agreements emerged through a confrontation between the Anunnaki races of the Fallen Annu-Elohim competing Fallen Annu-Seraphim Annuaki and Drakonian-Reptilian insectoid races of the Dimension-10 Fallen Seraphim collective and the Human an Guardian races of the Emerald Convenant. All interstellar races knew since 22.326 BC that this confrontation was likely to occure during the long anticipated 2000-2027 AD Stellar Activations Cycle: only humanity has been "left in the dark" regarding knowlege of this events, precisely due to the interstellar political realities that have existed on Earth since 22,326 BC. The 1992 agreements marked the entry of several previously Fallen Annunnaki collectives into the Emerald Covenant following their many thousands of years of covert manipulation of Earth Humans and Annunnaki-Human-Hybrids races.

The Fallen Angelic Annunnaki groups who entered the "one world order" anti-Christian dominion agenda on Earth are as follows:

The Jehovian-Sirius-A Annunnaki that run Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command.

The "Archangel Michael" Nephite-Nephilim-Necromiton Anunnaki-hybrid collective of Orion, Alpha-Centauri, Sirius A and Andromeda.

The Anu-Seraphim Alpha-Omega-Order Templar Melchizedeks

The Truoth-Enki-Zephelium-(Zeta) Anunnaki collective of Arcturus and Orion.

The Anu-Seraphim Pleiadian Samjase-Anunnaki of Aleyone and their Enlil-Odedicrom and Marduke-Necromintion Nibiruian allies

In 1992 all of the above Anunnaki groups officially entered the Emerald Covenant in an effort to gain support from Emerald Covenant races in their intended stand against the competing Reptile-In sectoid Rigelian-Zeta-Zephelium,=,Omicron-Drakonian (Dragon Moth) and Odedicron--Avian Reptilian Fallen Seraphim races of Orion, the Necromiton-Andromie Bee
I'm so glad I don't get involved in politics!! It only gets more complex and intertwined. Although in our work we do look for the "next guy up the chain of command". It is really not work, more a passionate idealistic desire to see all beings in this universe return to the awareness of who they really are.

I am aware of a group of Annunaki Council members (I'm aware they have more than one council in their setup) who told me with pride that they are "The Keepers of the Tech", implying that they were "Multiversals", able to survive universe cycles. They were very interested in the simplicity or our clearing tech and how we could so easily get into their space. And we helped them to clear themselves of a huge traumatic event they experienced.

Before the Duality branched out into body types, it was merely about soft bodies opposing hard bodies (shells). The beings on the negative side of the pole (relatively speaking) were the Reptilians, etc. This is a duality that needs to be healed because it is being viciously played out here -- where we live!!! Ouch!

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Old 12-18-2009, 04:33 AM   #41
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In the Voyager series which is what I am reading, it is explained so very well.

I am trying to digest everything so as to not make any mistakes while reading the second book. She has it down pretty good as far as what is truly happening

The Anunnaki's seem to have branched off as they all apparently do not believe in what is happening. It makes it so much harder to follow

One thing that sticks with me while reading this is the very same thing that so many people tell me on a daily basis. Go with your instincts..............you have to thats for sure

I know one thing for sure..............I want to go home during this wave and thats that. So I am doing the best I can to make that happen

I also know that TPTB's are not interested in letting that happen but we have a very good chance of making it this time. We Will Win

Therefore, I understand why we get so many conflicting stories. Many have gone over on the side to assist us and save themselfs.

So if it feels good, stick to it.
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Old 12-18-2009, 04:42 AM   #42
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
In the Voyager series which is what I am reading, it is explained so very well.

I am trying to digest everything so as to not make any mistakes while reading the second book. She has it down pretty good as far as what is truly happening

The Anunnaki's seem to have branched off as they all apparently do not believe in what is happening. It makes it so much harder to follow

One thing that sticks with me while reading this is the very same thing that so many people tell me on a daily basis. Go with your instincts..............you have to thats for sure

I know one thing for sure..............I want to go home during this wave and thats that. So I am doing the best I can to make that happen

I also know that TPTB's are not interested in letting that happen but we have a very good chance of making it this time. We Will Win

Therefore, I understand why we get so many conflicting stories. Many have gone over on the side to assist us and save themselfs.

So if it feels good, stick to it.

"To honor one's integrity above all else", Code of a Loyal Officer

Thank you for the book referral.

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Old 12-18-2009, 04:48 AM   #43
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mntruthseeker; what confuses me is when tonight I was listening to one of the Galactic Fed of Light vids that gnosis posted here on this thread....Dec. 16th one....& it used the term Galactic Federation refering to themselves, eventhough they are the Gal. Fed. of Light.....it caught my attention & I was confused.....so I wondered if they were interconnected somehow, maybe one is a branch of the other and are working together.....Its too bad really that their names are identical.....because it doesn't help us humans to figure things out....I vote for a name change for one of them......what do ya think
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Old 12-18-2009, 04:58 AM   #44
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
In the Voyager series which is what I am reading, it is explained so very well.

I am trying to digest everything so as to not make any mistakes while reading the second book. She has it down pretty good as far as what is truly happening

The Anunnaki's seem to have branched off as they all apparently do not believe in what is happening. It makes it so much harder to follow

One thing that sticks with me while reading this is the very same thing that so many people tell me on a daily basis. Go with your instincts..............you have to thats for sure

I know one thing for sure..............I want to go home during this wave and thats that. So I am doing the best I can to make that happen

I also know that TPTB's are not interested in letting that happen but we have a very good chance of making it this time. We Will Win

Therefore, I understand why we get so many conflicting stories. Many have gone over on the side to assist us and save themselfs.

So if it feels good, stick to it.

Perhaps you can answer a question I've had ever since I saw a future self that looked like a Birdman. Have you heard of any tall white beings who have long droopy wings (featherless) and who have a larva to pupae reproductive cycle? Are they possibly a group of tall white beings from Arcturus region? Is that the natural reproductive cycle of Annunaki?

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Old 12-18-2009, 05:18 AM   #45
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Is this what the 5th demension is like:

"Lamerius enjoyed the "no time" of fifth dimensional Venus, where personal readiness created environmental markers to indicate that they were ready to make a transition. When one was ready to return from their cycle of deep meditation, known on Earth as sleep, the Sun would rise. When they were ready to take in the beautiful and healing love rays of the Venusian ecosystem, their Sun was high in the sky. When they were ready to return to the Temple for more learning and healing, the Sun was then low upon the horizon.

There was no space-time continuum like on third dimensional Earth. On fifth dimensional Venus, one’s environment was created, or rather chosen, by each member of the group consciousness. Each consensus reality was chosen; much like one would choose a radio station or turn a page in a book on Earth. All the stations and pages existed simultaneously at all times, and one could choose the one that they desired to experience. Others who had also made that choice shared that same reality. "

Taken from:
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Old 12-18-2009, 05:54 AM   #46
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At 5:00, how famous people are "replaced".
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Old 12-18-2009, 06:05 AM   #47
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Waitinginthewings......I also questioned that and both of them are referenced on the Alex Collier site that I frequent. He says Federation Guardians but I noticed that Blossom Goodchild says Light. I have to think they are one of the same. Oh brother, dont get me thinking this late at night LOL

Here is a site that list the different alien races that might help you gnosis.

There are quite a few to go through to find the one you seen in your vision.

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Old 12-18-2009, 10:07 AM   #48
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
I'm sure Project Blue Beam technology is out there. The thing that Project Blue Beam cannot do is to merge or collapse dualities and that is the work I do on several levels.

My understanding is that duality is needed as part of the hierarchy of densities and dimensions so I can’t figure out why it needs collapsing as it serves the Creator’s expression in the grander scheme of things. I understand that as evolving beings we need to transcend this duality and pave the way for other less vibrating beings to take our place. Or I am mistaken and not understanding the concept? Please elaborate. Thanks.
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Old 12-19-2009, 07:25 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by gita View Post
My understanding is that duality is needed as part of the hierarchy of densities and dimensions so I can’t figure out why it needs collapsing as it serves the Creator’s expression in the grander scheme of things. I understand that as evolving beings we need to transcend this duality and pave the way for other less vibrating beings to take our place. Or I am mistaken and not understanding the concept? Please elaborate. Thanks.
Similar question on another thread and I get this a lot of I don't fully explain what I sometimes say in shorthand.

When I say duality or polarity or dichotomy, which are all about the same to me, I have no energy on them per se. The clearing/healing work I do for myself is to look at the dualities wherein I [subconsciously] fixated on the extreme negative-positive ends of the poles (dualities have polar ends).

A simplistic example: I can paint on either an only white canvas or an only black canvas. Think of all the expressions of color between these two oppositions that I cannot freely express. This is what I mean when I say "collapsing dualities", perhaps not a technically correct way of saying it.

The TROM work gets into much more technical detail and mapping and I'm trying to keep it simple but effective.

My clearing work gets me to address the original reason or traumatic incident wherein I decided to be only one way or another. I'm keeping it simple here.

This is one reason why Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree and started reviewing his (traumatic) past lives -- he was clearing himself of negative fixed ways of being/goals. Then he got up and helped others learn how to do same. It led to a golden age, and I can personally see why it would.

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Old 12-19-2009, 07:52 AM   #50
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Default Re: Galactic Federation Public Service Announcements

Originally Posted by mntruthseeker View Post
Waitinginthewings......I also questioned that and both of them are referenced on the Alex Collier site that I frequent. He says Federation Guardians but I noticed that Blossom Goodchild says Light. I have to think they are one of the same. Oh brother, dont get me thinking this late at night LOL

Here is a site that list the different alien races that might help you gnosis.

There are quite a few to go through to find the one you seen in your vision.


Thank you. It did seem that the "Mothman" most closely fit the description of this Birdman I saw.

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