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Old 02-25-2010, 03:51 AM   #1
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Default sheeple programming awareness

after reading several threads about "in your face" subliminal programming.. I thought about starting a thread for being aware of the TV / radio ads, moves, commercials, etc. ...

maybe we could take a different tack on reversing the effects... word of mouth against (bad-mouthing) the products BECAUSE OF the advertising would probably have a better chance of 1) monetarily making a statement , and 2) get awareness out a lot better than a "formal protest" of some sort.

just this morning I heard a radio commercial where the "company ad man" instructed "his crew" to turn on some kind of frequency beam toward a consumer to demonstrate the manipulative effects of "mentally" enjoying a cheesier snack chip... (will listen again for brand or chip name, and edit post later)
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Old 02-25-2010, 07:29 AM   #2
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Default Re: sheeple programming awareness

maybe we could take a different tack on reversing the effects
Heres a better idea......stop watching TV!
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Old 02-25-2010, 11:02 AM   #3
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Default Re: sheeple programming awareness

I don't watch TV, actually having to pay for a license to be brainwashed did it for me. However, it is a very useful tool for those wishing to disect what's on offer, what's being planned , and where people are being led.

I actually make time to listen to the radio for that, very very interesting indeed. It's strange, my radio gave out in my car, I may be one of very few driving in silence these days. Amazing what one notices with that meditative time in a small box hurtling through the stageset. It all just reminds me of the "Truman Show" more and more. There is much to be learned by the fruits offered, but you don't actually have to consume them .
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Old 02-25-2010, 12:27 PM   #4
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Default Re: sheeple programming awareness

Well said swordsmith, it is a handy tool, if a bit mesmerising. I think I am the only person on the metro not plugged into music/games/books/free newspapers/distraction paraphenalia.

It is essential to be in yourself, to inhabit the world, otherwise what is the point to be a bag of skin pretending to be somewhere else.

There is a lot to be learned in the metro!!! cheers
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Old 02-25-2010, 03:04 PM   #5
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Default Re: sheeple programming awareness

Originally Posted by Harper View Post
Well said swordsmith, it is a handy tool, if a bit mesmerising. I think I am the only person on the metro not plugged into music/games/books/free newspapers/distraction paraphenalia.
Whoa. I think that anything dubbed "news" is a distraction, but music, games, and books?! Those can be great things friend!

Music can make you happy and uplift the soul, games can bring friends together, and books will definitely increase knowledge; especially if they're the right books.
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Old 02-25-2010, 03:24 PM   #6
dj kelly
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Default Re: sheeple programming awareness

My feeling is , its probably wise to watch a bit of tv and radio so you have a chance of discerning what is true manipulation and what is not, we all know we are being attacked through tv ect: how ever we dont live in a bubble and just becuase we know what we know here, it can be usefull to keep an eye on whats going on, otherwise all we do is shut ourselfs off from the world and think itll all go away, the programming that is in deed going on cant work so well if you know what to look for, just a thought folks but just remember...."no man is an island", so lets not get to isolationist about everything,

love n light..... DJ
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Old 02-25-2010, 03:28 PM   #7
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Default Re: sheeple programming awareness

TV is only a distraction for people who don't know and are not aware that it is a distraction. It doesn't really matter if you have a TV and tune-in or not, you only need be aware of the "primary purpose" of this machine. The waves cannot affect you just by coming your way, you have to embrace and believe in those 'waves' to be affected, otherwise you can set up a 'block' just from being aware.
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Old 02-25-2010, 03:43 PM   #8
dj kelly
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Default Re: sheeple programming awareness

Majorion, your point is very well founded and i do not disagree that tv is a distraction to the masses, however ,would you just ban tv entirerly, and if you did what would be next, like i said before if we here are awake and aware then it can be usefull to us as well, and people who havnt woke up yet will do so in there own time with or with out this distraction, i have, and you have and so have all the other peeps on here for instance, my aim is not to diagree here just point out that just becuase a thing is used for wrong doesnt mean we have to ban or not use a thing ,just be aware of it and use it for our own good, just a view point maj, not a snipe , lol iv got to much time on my hands lol .

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Old 02-25-2010, 04:21 PM   #9
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Default Re: sheeple programming awareness

At the risk of a misunderstanding, I think TV can be a good thing, granted it is used for the right purpose. We are entering an age (or have already entered) where you can communicate with others via your TV, you can stream internet on your TV, you can choose to use it for purposes other than cable and SAT networks. I think that the PTB had not anticipated that they're own tool could be used against them someday, they probably never imagined anything past their own propaganda broadcasting.

dj kelly, I am in no way referring to yourself, just speaking in general friend.
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Old 02-25-2010, 04:39 PM   #10
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Default Re: sheeple programming awareness

Hello folks,

Majorian I must have explained myself badly, what I was trying to point to was that I feel that very few people are IN what they are doing. Instead of being where they are they are merely covering it up with an overlay of some other fantasy of not being where they are.

So lets say the metro is so horrible that you plug your ears with music and play a sci-fi game where you are the super hero of the universe, in the game. Maybe the metro is horrible to you and you may say you have every right to try to block it out, and of course you do. But by distracting yourself from your true feelings about the metro, you submit to taking it and then try to block it out. - Do you follow? Maybe if there was no music and no game or no fantasy, you would say feck the metro and you might walk. NOW you have learned something new, you made a choice, you are not passive, because you were awake to your feelings about the metro. Imagine that little realisation about everything you do everyday, imagine how well people would know who they were and what they wanted. Imagine how decerning you become.

Eat when you eat; sleep when you sleep.
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Old 02-25-2010, 06:37 PM   #11
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Default Re: sheeple programming awareness

Phoenix said:
Heres a better idea......stop watching TV!

Majorion said:
you can set up a 'block' just from being aware.
... I think that the PTB had not anticipated that they're own tool could be used against them someday,...

Harper said:
... made a choice, you are not passive, because you were awake...

dj kelly said:
...so lets not get to isolationist about everything...
hmmm... all of you are right...

lets see... i havent "watched TV" since 2003... i am becomming isolated... people cant make a choice and wake up if they are not aware of the programming that IS employed by TPTB...

... SO since it is "admitted" that you can block out the effects of programming just by being aware of it... lets use their WEAPON against them to our benefit...

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