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Old 09-14-2008, 05:43 AM   #1
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Default Did Einstein Plagarize His Greatest Achievement?

This link was provided to me recently. I think, perhaps, yesterday. It turns out that there are provable aspect of Einsteins work that are either not his to claim, or openly disputed (and swept under the rug) by reputable scientists.


Some of the info in this link I have heard before, most of it I haven't. I cannot verify it. I will say that I do not intend to question how brilliant Einstein was. That is unquestionable. But even brilliant people, alas, are fallible. For example:

Have Einstein's relativity theories ever been "generally accepted"?
Many prominent scientist have expressed their doubts, but one in particular should have been listened to. Louis Essen, professional metrologist, inventor of the atomic clock and co-author of a book on the experimental estimation of the speed of light thought Einstein's ideas ridiculous. He may well have forfeited a Nobel Prize for saying this rather too publicly. As he said, Einstein’s theories arbitrarily made “space and time intermixed by definition and not as the result of some peculiar property of nature … If the theory of relativity is regarded simply as a new system of units it can be made consistent but it serves no useful purpose”.

See his essay, http://www.btinternet.com/~time.lord/Relativity.html

Whilst on the subject, see also:

New Scientist book review, May 13, 2002, page 48: Margaret Wertheim reviews Robert Marc Friedman's “The Politics of Excellence” (Time Books):

"Seen as a purveyor of metaphysical nonsense that would corrupt the vigorous strain of experimental physics admired by conservative Nobel committee members, Einstein’s nomination provoked an extraordinary depth of hostility."

[Though his nomination for the Nobel prize was not for his relativity ideas, these would have contributed to the impression of "metaphysical nonsense".]

Dingle, H, “The Case Against Special Relativity”, Nature 216, 119-22 (1967)

McCrea, W H, “Why the Special Theory of Relativity is Correct”, Nature 216, 122-4 (1967)

and later correspondence: Nature, vol 217, Jan 6 1968, p19
Or, the possible misattribution to Einstein of what appears to have already been documented (5 years prior):


Did Einstein discover E=mc2?
Well, no! I received the following from Theo Theocharis, August 23, 2000, and relayed it to APS News on his request:

In the APS News, Vol. 9, No. 8, August/September 2000, p. 2, the "This Month in Physics History" column was entitled "September 1905: Einstein's Most Famous Formula", and it stated:

"But it was later that year [1905], in a paper received by the Annalen der Physik on September 27, applying his equations to study the motion of a body, that Einstein showed that mass and energy were equivalent, a startling new insight he expressed in a simple formula that became synonymous with his name: E=mc2. However, full confirmation of his theory was slow in coming. It was not until 1933, in Paris, when Irène and Frédéric Joliot-Curie took a photograph showing the conversion of energy into mass."

The "100 YEARS AGO" item in the 6 April 2000 issue of Nature (Vol. 404, p. 553) is taken from the 5 April 1900 issue of Nature (note the dates), and it states:

"The calculations of M. Henri Becquerel show that this energy is of the order of one ten-millionth of a watt per second. Hence a loss of weight of about a milligram in a thousand million years would suffice to account for the observed effects, assuming the energy of the radiation to be derived from the actual loss of material."

The assumption that accounts for the stated (in the 5 April 1900 issue of Nature) figures is E=mc2. But according to APS News, this is "Einstein's most famous formula" which in September 1905 was "a startling new insight".

I think that there is a problem that ought to be resolved.

I am unsure if this issue has been resolved or not. I likely will not research it much more, as this information really only serves to reinforce my probablistic thought process.
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Old 09-14-2008, 10:59 AM   #2
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Default Re: Did Einstein Plagarize His Greatest Achievement?

The answer is simple, understabd GTR.

Oh well, here it goes.
Science (from the Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge" or "to know") is the effort to discover, and increase human [B]understanding of how the physical world works[/B. Thats from wiki
A new way of looking at the same thing is a new understanding. A new understanding can't be rediculous. And a scientific theory doesn't have to be useful.
Louis Essen, being a prominent scientist with an inferior understanding of science is surprising? Earth is still flat for some ppl.

Next part, E=Mc^2?

Take a look at http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0608289 You'll have to read the paper.

At a crucial point in his reasoning, Einstein skips a line,
claiming: “It is clear that the difference H – E can differ from the kinetic energy K of the body with respect to the other system only by an additional constant C.”

Someone can't understand a derivation. O_o
We already know whats up with the Peer Reviews.

A theoritical proof is always considered more concrete than emperical speculation. So, the credit goes to Einstien.

Also, Einstien would have to be an Oracle to know that E=mc^2 would become that big to plagiarize it.

Einstien wins 2-0!
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Old 09-14-2008, 12:31 PM   #3
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Default Re: Did Einstein Plagarize His Greatest Achievement?

I wonder why no one didn't put 'torque' in the equation. After all it should be taken into account.
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Old 09-17-2008, 11:32 AM   #4
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Default Re: Did Einstein Plagarize His Greatest Achievement?

Is Isaac Newton also a fraud?

I watched the LaRouchePAC video the Harvard Yard yesterday and in that they claim Newton was an occultist who knew nothing about science. All his work was done by others or plagiarized. Worth watching if you're into the History of Science or the decline in American education.
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Old 09-17-2008, 12:01 PM   #5
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Default Re: Did Einstein Plagarize His Greatest Achievement?

This illustrates the complexities that can occurr of any given theory and i have used light here as the example because of the topic.Certain enviromental conditions and the presence of certain mediums tend to change the behaviour of any model and light is no exception:
Physicists Slow Speed of Light

Light, which normally travels the 240,000 miles from the Moon to Earth in less than two seconds, has been slowed to the speed of a minivan in rush-hour traffic -- 38 miles an hour.

An entirely new state of matter, first observed four years ago, has made this possible. When atoms become packed super-closely together at super-low temperatures and super-high vacuum, they lose their identity as individual particles and act like a single super- atom with characteristics similar to a laser.

Such an exotic medium can be engineered to slow a light beam 20 million-fold from 186,282 miles a second to a pokey 38 miles an hour.

"In this odd state of matter, light takes on a more human dimension; you can almost touch it," says Lene Hau, a Harvard University physicist.

Hau led a team of scientists who did this experiment at the Rowland Institute for Science, a private, nonprofit research facility in Cambridge, Mass., endowed by Edwin Land, the inventor of instant photography.

In the future, slowing light could have a number of practical consequences, including the potential to send data, sound, and pictures in less space and with less power. Also, the results obtained by Hau's experiment might be used to create new types of laser projection systems and night vision cameras with power requirements a million times less than what is presently possible.

But that's not why Hau, a research scientist at both Harvard and the Rowland Institute, originally set out to do the experiments. "We did them because we are curious about this new state of matter," she says. "We wanted to understand it, to discover all the things that can be done with it."

It took Hau and three colleagues several years to make a container of the new matter. Then followed a series of 27-hour-long trial runs to get all the parts and parameters working together.

"So many things have to go right," Hau comments. "But the results finally exceeded our expectations. It's fascinating to see a beam of light almost come to a standstill."

Lene Hau, Zachary Dutton, and Cyrus Behroozi (from left to right) stand by the equipment they used to create the ultra-high vacuum and super-low temperatures with which they slowed down pulses of light. The process also compresses the pulses from 2,500 feet to 0.002 inches in length. Photo by MaryAnn Nilsson.

Members of Hau's team included Harvard graduate students Zachary Dutton and Cyrus Behroozi. Steve Harris from Stanford University served as a long-distance collaborator.

Making a Super-atomic Cloud

The idea of this new kind of matter was first proposed in 1924 by Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose, an Indian physicist. According to their theory, atoms crowded close enough in ultra-low temperatures would lock together to form what Hau calls "a single glob of solid matter which can produce waves that behave like radio waves."

This so-called Bose-Einstein condensate was not actually made until 1995, because the right technological pot to cook it up in did not exist. Vacuums hundreds of trillions of times lower than the pressure of air at Earth's surface, and temperatures almost a billion times colder that that in interstellar space, are needed to produce the condensate. Temperatures must be lowered to within a few billionths of a degree of absolute zero (minus 459.7 degrees F), where atoms have the least possible energy and all but cease to move around.

Hau and her group started with a beam of sodium atoms injected into a vacuum chamber and moving at speeds of more than a thousand miles an hour. These hot atoms have an orange glow, like sodium highway and street lights.

Laser beams moving at the normal speed of light collide with the atoms. As the atoms absorb particles of light (photons), they slow down. The laser light also orders their random movement so they move in only one direction.

When the atoms are slowed to a modest 100 miles an hour or so, the experimenters load the atoms into what they call "optical molasses," a web of more laser beams. Each time an atom collides with a photon it is knocked back in the direction from which it came, further slowing it down, or cooling it.

The atoms are now densely packed in a cigar-shaped clump kept floating free of the walls of their container by powerful magnetic fields.

"It's nifty to look into the chamber and see the clump of cold atoms floating there," Hau remarks.

In the final stage, known as "evaporative cooling," atoms still too hot or energetic are kicked out of the magnetic field.

The stage is now set for slowing light. One laser is shot across the width of the cloud of condensate. This controls the speed of a second pulsed laser beam shot along the length of the cloud. The first laser sets up a "quantum interference" such that the moving light beams of the second laser interfere with each other. When everything is set up just right, the light can be slowed by a factor of 20 million.

The process is described in detail in the Feb. 18 issue of the scientific journal Nature. (Warning: Don't try this at home.)

Relativity and the Internet

Slowing light this way doesn't violate any principle of physics. Einstein's theory of relativity places an upper, but not lower, limit on the speed of light.

According to relativity theory, an astronaut traveling at close to the speed of light will not get old as fast as those she leaves behind on Earth. But driving at 38 miles an hour, as everyone knows, will not affect anyone's rate of aging.

"However, slowing light can certainly help our understanding of the bizarre state of matter of a Bose-Einstein condensate," Hau points out.

And a system that changes light speed by a factor of 20 million might be used to improve communication. It can be used to greatly reduce noise, which allows all types of information to be transmitted more efficiently. Also, optical switches controlled by low intensity light could cut power requirements a million-fold compared to switches now operating everything from telephone equipment to supercomputers.

But what about the cost and exotic equipment needed for such improvements? "Technologies that push past old limits are always expensive and impractical to begin with; then they become cheaper and more manageable," Hau says matter-of-factly. She sees the possibility that slow light will lead to "significant advances in communications ten years from now, if we get to work on it right away."

What will she do next?

Hau sweeps her hand over a roomful of equipment and explains how things are already being set up to slow light speed even more, to one centimeter (less than a half-inch) a second. That's a leisurely 120 feet an hour.
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Old 10-22-2008, 07:57 PM   #6
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Default Re: Did Einstein Plagarize His Greatest Achievement?

Not a physicist, not a scientist, but if you get a chance read the book "Gravitational forces of the sun". The author points out the various anomalies mentioned by other physicists regarding relativity/Einstein. This includes comments that Relativity is more make than physics.

My view is that Einstein is a fake used to misdirect attention away from Tesla and real engineering real physics. Tesla said that the equations of these physicists wandered around and never actually did anything. Physicists, some of which, tried to patent Tesla's AC work, found their niche as the sacred few that understood relativity. People buy into this for self importance, job security, prestige, money, etc.. Misdirection technology and science is important to the power structure.
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Old 10-22-2008, 08:16 PM   #7
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Default Re: Did Einstein Plagarize His Greatest Achievement?

great post bfft!!

imo, einstein was wrong on a few things. lol

there are many young people today who know much more than einstein ever did.
he was brilliant yeah.
but we are beyond brilliance today. lol
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Old 10-23-2008, 05:14 AM   #8
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Default Re: Did Einstein Plagarize His Greatest Achievement?

Originally Posted by Realview View Post
Not a physicist, not a scientist, but if you get a chance read the book "Gravitational forces of the sun". The author points out the various anomalies mentioned by other physicists regarding relativity/Einstein. This includes comments that Relativity is more make than physics.

Good book

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