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Old 11-12-2008, 01:01 AM   #51
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Default Re: Midlands UK

Originally Posted by Lee BURTON View Post
Hi everybody, i live in Derby and will subscribe to this thread, i'll say hello to everybody and wish you all good health.
And ill send my email to Sunrunner
Hello Lee Burton....we share the same surname....

We're probably distant cousins or something....

Or maybe not...just homed in on your name there...hope you're
enjoying the forum...

edit to say...just noticed you've posted in the 'cracking the code'
thread...so have I.

Last edited by jaby; 11-12-2008 at 01:12 AM.
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Old 11-14-2008, 05:01 PM   #52
Dusty Nothing
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Burntwood here...... But I am not proud, the negative vibes around here get a bit too much sometimes, most depressing place I have ever lived, get frowned upon for smiling..... So just count me as Birmingham, most can remember that.
I'm all for any meetings around my area, I think it is getting to the time where many of us should start really conversing with like minded people, who knows what we can achieve.
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Old 11-14-2008, 05:22 PM   #53
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Default Re: Midlands UK

Yeah it's crazy here in Stoke-on-trent,don't get me wrong there are some good people here but the vast majority have "turned off ,tuned out and dropped on!"lol! What i mean they're happy with their lot mostly as long as they can carry on workin for peanuts and moan about the price increases and have a potters holiday and a beer they have no worries!!!?
I cannot converse with anyone except my mother about issues in this neck of the woods-they either think i'm a nice but crazy person and ignore me or give me mad looks and "I'm hard" vibes etc.It is a little taxing to say the least.
Hope everyone is o.k.?

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Old 12-10-2008, 02:53 AM   #54
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Default Re: Midlands UK

Hey guys great idea, I'm in Lincoln which is obviously kind of Midlands, Yorkshire boarder but I would class myself as Midlands as I am in Nottingham mainly if not in Lincoln due to family and football..

Would love to come to meetings or watever and meet with like minded people, I have had my Kundalini awakening and get alot of vibrations with alot of things at the moment, my feelings are running wild.

I do how ever feel its the government/elite plans we have to fear the most in the coming years... not Nibiru, Pole Shifts etc...
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Old 01-26-2009, 07:32 PM   #55
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Default Re: Midlands UK

its all gone a bit quiet here
steve antale avid
surely you are the logical front runners here in terms of profile and postings?!?!
(or is that me merely passing the buck?!?!)
i must say i am quite proud of our midlands profile on the 'big international boards'
maybe that's it - that we prefer virtual to physical

would birmingham be the logical place to meet up?

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Old 01-26-2009, 09:17 PM   #56
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Default Re: Midlands UK


I really am an idiot. Although this isn't ground crew per se it certainly runs parallel to the Camelot and Avalon aims. If you're interested PM or email me, or contact Amit on the email address provided.


Hope this message finds you all well.

It is my opinion that the next two weeks (starting from 19/01/09) are going to be crucial with regard to world affairs at the moment. I’m sure many of you feel the same way. As we can already see the pound is taking a beating, and banks share prices are falling rapidly. I will be doing a major piece on the economy on BBC Radio Derby this Sunday from 9pm to 10pm. You can listen online if you wish.

On Saturday 31st January from 1pm to 6/7pm we’re organising a small get together/meeting. This will be at the same place as always, the West End Community Centre in Derby.

The aim of this will be mainly for Networking - Meet more like minded people, freemen to meet other freemen, people who would like to grow food meet people who already are .. etc AND Sharing – Sharing in some of the recent Commercial Redemption and Freeman experiences and philosophies. Also sharing in any forms of information that people feel are relevant and important.

I see it as a group sit around and chat where everyone can speak up and offer something. No holding back !!

There are so many topics we could cover in this type of meet up. The most important thing is that everyone in attendance can take something away from the day, even if they may not have had anything to add.

Here is a list of the type of topics we feel are relevant :


This is by no means a definitive list. I am sure there are many other things that people would like to talk about. We can work that all out on the day. There will be no specific speakers, but we are hoping on attendance by people who are well informed, practiced and experienced in some of the above topics.

I also feel that it would be great if we can share in some spiritual and philosophical thoughts. This is very important I feel, and maybe many of you will share my sentiments. In my opinion what we do need is a shift in philosophy in order to move forwards. I also feel that for those who have begun to understand further who they are, by following the freeman route, then a great next step is to find out what you are ! This is a very spiritual path (not religious I hope we can keep the two separate) and one that is an individual one for everyone.

If you interested in attending, the please drop me a mail to thesleeperawakens@hushmail.com or just turn up on the day !!! Food may not be an option this time, so bring some munch with you ! We should have a reasonable number of people locally, but even if you are from further away, please do not hold back from coming. Together we can learn and share through Mutual Co-operation. Individually we can put our decisions into effect via Individual Responsibility.

Peace and Blessings


I really am sorry guys, hope you can make it. Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.
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Old 02-03-2009, 09:58 PM   #57
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Default Re: Midlands UK

Hi ,

Is there anyone in the Nottingham or surrounding areas that is aware and what I mean is really informed about the coming financial crisis that has stuck Bulgaria, Latvia Greece and Iceland. I would like to make contact with anyone (in the above-mentioned areas) that shares my very grave concerns of the quickening western financial melt down.

This will begin in mid Feb with the forecasted US Banking Holiday or perhaps the collapse/run of 2 to 3 hundred US Banks. This coupled with the new bills in the US Senate about to be passed as we speak (Google and find out the sponsors)

1. To Ban All Persons in the US (apart from the services and agencies) the right to bear Arms.

2. To implement the use of 100’s of newly built FEMA/Concentration camps to incarcerate the US citizens in times of insurrection/emergencies.

This is happening and is coming to a place near you very very soon. For me this is the only thing I am concentrating on. I am looking to make contact with like-minded ground crew members as I mentioned who share my thoughts about the impending manufactured calamity.

We may have to move to a position of safety and we most likely will have to be ready and move quickly before borders are closed.

Also in the UK under the Anti-Terrorisms Laws a bill was passed 3yrs ago permitting the Armed Services to drop Neutron Bombs on the citizens in times of insurrection (I recommend people look up what a neutron bomb is).

These things are not brought into play unless somebody somewhere know something we do not. Think about it!!! I could go on with more examples. Enough said.

If you feel the same way please feel free to make contact. This is happening now.

Judge a person by the content of their character not by the colour of their Skin.

Kindest Regards To You All
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Old 02-11-2009, 10:27 PM   #58
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Default Re: Midlands UK

Hi Guys, Torz Here in Derby 38 Female

I have been reading this forum for a few months now, ( plus God knows how many more!) I woke up about 6 mths ago and have spent that time since then trying to run a big family, keep my partner and I from splitting up whilst investigating this insanely driven need for knowledge and the truth as to WTF is going on....... and why do I feel like this....

From a very young age I realised I was just..... different..... I didn't think about stuff the way other peole did and I was always thinking about the stars and ET life. I read 100's of books on everyhting to do with all I am investigating and realising now...

So, that was then and this is now, I'm so much calmer and I actually take notice of everything around me now not from the point of view I had a yr ago but from a super expanded, ancient, Spiritual stand point...

I have gone from thinking we were all going to die a horrible death at the hands of a rather large, ellipticly orbiting planet that has various names and has even alledgedly been photographed by the SPT... oh and comes around every 3600 yrs!!!... was stunned to find out that the planet is actually run by a bunch of ruling families hell bent on world domination and are systematically creating a world full of fear in order to prevent our long awaited ascension to the 5th dimension by keepin us in a low vibration in order for them to delete their negative kharma with a negative harvest.( minus about 4million of us who are not on the Invite only stay below ground list)

To understanding and really comprehending that we are all Spiritual beings having a human experience. Imagine realising that Mother Earth is a conscious being and was created by source to experience what duality was like for the geneticly engineered humans from 22 different Extraterrestrial races, only at some point in our wild and varied past that someone decided to turn off most of our DNA strands and make us slaves, only just capable of surviving but minus a fully light activated body.....

I have delved into and understood Quantum Physics and the nexus wave that is to come as Earth has her quaruntine removed at some point in the near future, which will finally enable us to be re-united with our Space brothers and sisters. Aided by the Mayans, who always knew this end of an Age was coming and Ancient Tribes of the World who's path differed from ours and they retained the knowledge of who we really are and what is going to happen to us all, those who are consciously still in tune with Mother Earth and Father Sky and are aware of the ceremonies that must be performed in order to anchor the Light energies into the Earth's Crystaline Grid.

So, Love is the answer to everything then is it??............ Is it really as simple as that...... We must relearn how to live from our hearts and to activate our MerKaBa and when we do with whatever is coming our way, we will become the Golden Race and will ascend into something that sounds almost too good to be true but will be totally unlike anything we have EVER EVER experienced before...... I for one cannot wait and I am excited.

We can do this, we are more than capable of it, we wouldn't have incarnated here at this time if we didn't think we were more than capable of carry out the task at hand, but forgive us for getting side tracked along the way.....

We are here now and we are awake, we know what is happening.....


Torz xx
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Old 02-28-2009, 09:24 PM   #59
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Default Re: Midlands UK

Hy Steve-G

Many thanks for your assistance my friend,im sure we talkmuch more in te future.
Again thankyou

A broken clock still tells the right time twice a day.Love @Light
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Old 03-26-2009, 02:56 PM   #60
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Default Re: Midlands UK

Hi all

Gareth from Manchester here.

I am a unemployed design engineer with a sheetmetal background. Since November i have read, watched and tried to understand the topics that seem to dominate out WWW. 90% of it is based on USA, How can we relate this to the UK. What stories we have UK based?

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Old 07-13-2009, 12:15 AM   #61
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well im in... i live jus around down the roadby derby...let us know if you need any hands settin up..if i have time to spare.. but will come an visit on the day.
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Old 07-13-2009, 02:49 PM   #62
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so if every one in the midlands meets up ware would be a good place?

i think that if this is to be a sure unation...we should start making some suggestions...

so far ive only seen the one thread in hear for Derby.
its pretty much central to the midlands and easily accessable via public transport...

so if it is this place or could be a suitable meeting venue...

what else is needed to make this work...

postcodes maybe...a list of speakers n subjects ect....

volunteers to help make it more established...

advertising.... sponserships... wow... maybe the next best thing to live music...lol...

i m all up for re education....
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Old 07-13-2009, 03:26 PM   #63
Matthew Greenaway
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Default Re: Midlands UK

Originally Posted by Antaletriangle View Post
Yeah it's crazy here in Stoke-on-trent,don't get me wrong there are some good people here but the vast majority have "turned off ,tuned out and dropped on!"lol! What i mean they're happy with their lot mostly as long as they can carry on workin for peanuts and moan about the price increases and have a potters holiday and a beer they have no worries!!!?
I cannot converse with anyone except my mother about issues in this neck of the woods-they either think i'm a nice but crazy person and ignore me or give me mad looks and "I'm hard" vibes etc.It is a little taxing to say the least.
Hope everyone is o.k.?

very true, I'm living in biddulph and it's the same
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Old 12-10-2009, 09:58 AM   #64
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Default Re: Midlands UK

Hi All, Am the only Lincoln 'Awakener'?! Glad to see the Midland's isn't a dead Zone. Hope to share ideas with you soon. Rob
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Old 12-10-2009, 10:29 AM   #65
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Default Re: Midlands UK

Originally Posted by vericocha View Post
Hi All, Am the only Lincoln 'Awakener'?! Glad to see the Midland's isn't a dead Zone. Hope to share ideas with you soon. Rob
Welcome vericocha.........

I'm not very active on this forum at the moment, but spotted your post and as I too am from the Midlands (Redditch) I wanted to say hello.
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