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Old 09-11-2009, 08:52 AM   #1
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Default A strengthened virus and a police state


By David Icke

I have known throughout the years that I have been warning about the global fascist agenda that what we are about to see was inevitable.

It was obvious that, despite the awakening of so many in the last decade, most people would need to see, touch, smell, hear and taste the fascism before they even began to accept that it was real.

This mass-reluctance to see the signs and act upon them was always going to condemn the population to some levels of the Orwellian control-system before it is eventually dismantled. I stress that it will be dismantled, but not before it has gone a lot further yet.
The question was never whether we would avoid the police/military state. I never had any illusions about that. The question was, and is, how deeply we will allow ourselves to be controlled by this evil and that can be answered by two other questions:
When are enough people going to give their total focus to bringing it to an end and when are the gofer administrators, dark suits and uniforms going to break ranks for the sake of their own families as well as the rest of us?
Well, we're about to find out.

The 'swine flu' vaccine is a line in the sand that will give us a serious fix on where we are in terms of awareness and backbone. If we meekly acquiesce to this most blatant attempt to gain access en masse to our bodies then frankly we deserve what we get.
No one can say they weren't warned, nor that they didn't have access to information exposing what was happening. Anyone who says they didn't know enough to say 'no' to the vaccine is lying to themselves, or looking the other way.

Even some elements of the mainstream media are highlighting the potential dangers despite the myopic perspective from which they view the world.
I have been making the point for years that we are at a fork in the road and we can't sit here gazing at the map anymore, refusing to make a decision. The swine flu vaccine is that decision.
Making the choice to seek freedom and expanded awareness will have its challenges, for sure, but the consequences of choosing ignorance and acquiescence are potentially catastrophic for those who do so.

Something very big is about to go down. I can't say exactly when, but we are talking months, not years. It has all been planned a very long time and it has been put together piece by piece while the population was watching the game, the game show or the soap, and dismissing those warning about what was to come as 'conspiracy nuts'.
You can always see the big picture in its component parts and I have kept a close eye on a council building in the last few weeks called the Westridge Centre, just down the road from me on the Isle of Wight in England.

Builders have been working there through the summer converting the top floor with a strict deadline of July to finish the work and they were told they could not miss that deadline under any circumstances.
They became suspicious when different groups of builders were brought in to do different phases and this meant that no single group knew what they were actually building. In the final stages, the local builders were replaced by men in unmarked white vans, according to people who work in the building.
It was clear from putting the dots together that this was something to do with the 'swine flu pandemic' that the crazies plan to engineer in the next few months.
I asked the council under the Freedom of Information Act what was going on at Westridge and what was being created there. A few days ago came the reply and it was no surprise whatsoever, just confirmation of what by now is obvious:

Dear Mr Icke


Thank you for your request for information dated 17th August 2009 which, as you are requesting information under The Freedom of Information Act, has been passed to me as the Departmental Information Guardian for the Strategic Asset Management Service.
I can confirm that the works being undertaken at the upper floor of the Westridge Centre are to enable proper utilisation of the accommodation for Council office use and as a Disaster Recovery Centre. The works have included creating better open plan accommodation, plus the installation of a lift and accessible toilets in order to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act.
What a coincidence that they should choose this time to establish a 'Disaster Recovery Centre' with a strict deadline for completion, but, of course, it is not a coincidence at all. A similar centre had been established in every county of the UK. Sources at the Isle of Wight's only airport with a tarmac runway are also reporting a sudden increase in military activity going too and fro in helicopters.
This may be just a small island off the south coast of England, but its very size allows you to see things that would be lost in a major town or city. What we are experiencing here is a smaller version of what is happening covertly everywhere - Europe, America, Canada, and so on. It is the microcosm of the macrocosm.
The H1N1 virus is called 'swine flu', but it is a laboratory-created combination of swine flu, bird flu and seasonal flu designed to justify a global programme of mass vaccinations that will inoculate a strengthened version of the virus with the intent of culling the population, short and long term.

Researchers say that the flu strain can be traced to the work of Dr Jeffrey Taubenberger and a team of geneticists and microbiologists at the US Army Institute of Pathology at Ft. Detrick, Maryland, who used supercomputers to map, or 'reverse-engineer', the flu strain that killed tens of millions in 1918.
It is claimed that this virus was then given to the drug giant, Novartis, in Basel, Switzerland, which was once a component part of the Nazi pharmaceutical cartel, I G Farben. It was Farben that ran the concentration camp at Auschwitz and the company was fundamental to the Nazi war machine.
If it is 'swine flu', why are pigs not affected in any way? We were led to believe that it broke out in Mexico on a pig farm, but, apart from the idiotic Egyptian government ordering an immediate mass culling of pigs, the porkies have never got a mention since. If it is not swine flu, which it isn't, how could it have emerged from a pig farm in Mexico?
The United Nations food agency said there was no justification for culling pigs or limiting their movements as there was no evidence the virus affected pigs or made their meat dangerous. Yes, because it is nothing to do with pigs - it has been made in a laboratory.
The UK government has estimated that some 65,000 people will die in this country from 'swine flu' this winter. How can they make such estimation when the symptoms of 'swine flu' have been extremely mild for most people and the numbers have been falling rapidly in the late summer despite efforts to fix the figures to present a false picture?

The number of people claimed to have been infected with 'swine flu' has been massively inflated by false diagnosis and that is why the World Heath Organization said that it should be diagnosed by symptoms and not by testing.
As a result, we have had children dying from meningitis that was diagnosed as 'swine flu' and others suffering from diseases like pneumonia that they were told without testing was 'swine flu' by untrained, unqualified members of the public working at swine flu 'call centres' ludicrously set up by the British government. Some of those diagnosing over the phone are as young as 16.

The call centres, by the way, were being organised long before 'swine flu' emerged in Mexico in April. Like I say, all of this has been planned way in advance.

The authorities have been telling us what is planned ever since the laboratory-created 'swine flu' was released in Mexico. Government and medical representatives in Britain, France, the United States and elsewhere warned very early on that the H1N1 strain 'could strengthen' in the Autumn/Fall and that is precisely what they plan to make it do.
They want to have access to every human body on the planet to inject a range of poisons, immune-system destroyers and almost certainly nanotechnology microchips, and at the moment they are not going to achieve that.
There is far too much scepticism among the public about both the need for the H1N1 vaccine and its safety. As things stand, there is going to be an enormous number of people who refuse to be vaccinated or have their children vaccinated.
The World Health Organization, a Rothschild-Rockefeller creation, has insisted that the vaccine contain live 'swine flu' virus, and it is highly likely that this will spread the disease through the very vaccinations that are supposed - supposed - to protect people from it.

This can be done by direct inoculation of the virus and through a phenomenon known as 'shedding' when the virus passes through the vaccine recipient via faeces, urine, saliva and mucous membranes and onto other people. Oral polio vaccine was withdrawn in the US because of this very problem, but it is still used in so-called developing countries.


Last edited by Paramartasaya; 09-13-2009 at 04:47 PM.
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Old 09-11-2009, 09:58 AM   #2
I dont need a label !
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Default Re: A strengthened virus and a police state

They make me sick
Would be great to be a martial arts expert so I could stick that batton up the idiots bum when he tries to make me have the vaccine
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Old 09-11-2009, 07:01 PM   #3
Northern Boy
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