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Old 06-08-2009, 04:18 PM   #26
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Default Re: Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed?

Oh, I please don't get me wrong, I don't try to defend his presentation as the absolute truth. No way... So I didn't meant to offend anyone here for criticizm...

I just wanted to point, just as you did, that we should accept what he has to say, as he saw and experienced the whole. Accept, but not blindly believe. Our personal truth, comming from the heart, is what's important. Nothing more.

And yes, I also wanted to point the year 2011...he said that his path here on earth ends on 2011. So I gues, we just have to be patient a bit more until then.

Afterwards, we will for sure determine our present point of view about his story.
I'm just curious about the outcome

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Old 06-08-2009, 05:17 PM   #27
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Default Re: Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed?

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
The bell rings Truth to me. How he couldn’t stop laughing when he saw the Big Picture. Eckhart Tolle described it the same way.
How our GodMindBeing entered into contract to experience this life, these times…

What really jumped out at me (and I’m not wanting to start a debate here) is when he said that it’s Ego that thinks we have free will. I am the only other person that I know of that has been thinking this same thing for a few yrs, a pondering really. Here’s why: Considering, that I, and most of us do, Know & have a conscious connection to God/Creator/Ultimate Higher Self, whatever suits you to call it… then the only Will that is real and true is “God‘s... your god being". To think that you have Free Will separates you from God’s. Anyway, hope you get what I’m trying to say here. To be other than lined up with God’s will (your Highest GodMind) is to be separated into your own Egoic Will. That is what really struck me the most! When you are in conscious contact, in that state of Oneness, then you ARE your GodMind's Will, utterly responsible for EveryThing that has happened in your life.

But I had not heard that this earth/the great mother goddess is to transform herself into a star, as her ultimate sacrifice at the get-go… that we are on a journey like no other ever in the history of creative manifestation. And the three paths that will ultimately present itself to you, will naturally draw your soul into the path, his definition of gravity.

And the way he describes the “negative ETs’ as utterly beautiful unlike anything you‘ve ever seen and very powerful, able to activate your kundalini into blissful euphoria, we are warned to be careful in our discerning….. that WE are much more powerful than they when our vibration is raised, was very comforting to me.

Ultimately, we must TRUST the Process of Life… and our Heart will Lead us…there is no place for worry. I came to that realization some yrs back, to trust the process of life, my god consciousness. George mentions that our body holds ALL the codes to existence & knowledge within. I invited 777TheGreatWork to check out the Gematria parts (excuse me if I spelled that wrong)....

AND, to those who question whether he is mind controlled… don’t forget that WE ourselves are, to a greater degree than we’d like to admit. BUT, not only was he tampered with (he does tell), he also experienced the power within himself that transcended theirs and is here to tell you about it. That we all have this power and don't know it.

Is a great find Yiolas, thank you.

Well put my friend. I agree with you wholeheartily. I have been reading alot of Lauren Zimmermans work and she is on the same line as you are. It is really what I try to keep in the back of my head all the time

David Icke is another one that laughed at the findings our there. He tells us not to run or fight back but tell everyone what we are learning, as hard as that all is. LOL Afterall we are all crazies schizo's.

What a lovely world this will soon be
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Old 06-11-2009, 05:03 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Moxie View Post

What really jumped out at me (and I’m not wanting to start a debate here) is when he said that it’s Ego that thinks we have free will. I am the only other person that I know of that has been thinking this same thing for a few yrs, a pondering really. Here’s why: Considering, that I, and most of us do, Know & have a conscious connection to God/Creator/Ultimate Higher Self, whatever suits you to call it… then the only Will that is real and true is “God‘s... your god being". To think that you have Free Will separates you from God’s. Anyway, hope you get what I’m trying to say here. To be other than lined up with God’s will (your Highest GodMind) is to be separated into your own Egoic Will. That is what really struck me the most! When you are in conscious contact, in that state of Oneness, then you ARE your GodMind's Will, utterly responsible for EveryThing that has happened in your life.
I've had this explained to me, and so I now have a different perspective from what I wrote earlier in this thread. GK mentioned free will in terms of the false dimensional hierarchy which he says has been created to mirror the upper dimensions in the astral...and I do think this exists. So, within that structure we believe we're evolving upwards, but really we're going nowhere at all, we travel in circles, and so free will subverted within that system.

We're told we have karma and need to physically incarnate to evolve, but we lose our accumulated experiences every time we do it, so it's difficult if not impossible to make progress and become the advanced beings we've been promised we will become.
Why would we do this intentionally, over and over again? Why incarnate into suffering and sickness, war, abuse and pain?
Maybe because we're misinformed in the false heavens that have been created between the material plane and the actual heavenly vibrations.

For myself however, I feel as though I've known this and came into this plane intentionally, planning on being reminded and remembering, so as to do something about it. Therefore I don't feel my free will has been so subverted, though I see where most of the planet is filled with those who are deceived.

There is something else about free will worth mentioning. The beings who use it most liberally seem to be the darkest, because those who are aligned with love are more limited in their choices and actions.
So...Moxie, there is something to your God-Mind observation that I didn't see before. Still I stand by my earlier contention that we use free will to explore and experience novelty and thereby create expansion for the One consciousness we share. If Love is the only choice, the only possible experience, there is no chance of expansion. We have to see what else there is and choose...with our will.

Also, if what GK is saying...that we're all god-beings, and have entered into the microcosm of another god-being (which appears to us as the macrocosm), who's to say that the being we've entered is the purity of light and love that we imagine?
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:40 PM   #29
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We're told we have karma and need to physically incarnate to evolve, but we lose our accumulated experiences every time we do it, so it's difficult if not impossible to make progress and become the advanced beings we've been promised we will become.
Why would we do this intentionally, over and over again? Why incarnate into suffering and sickness, war, abuse and pain?
Maybe because we're misinformed in the false heavens that have been created between the material plane and the actual heavenly vibrations.

Exactly! "told" & "misinformed"... I heard something today that caught my attention... Our Ego (for lack of a better word) is Artificial in its Intelligence, that our God/Utimate Creator/Higher Self is the Only Real Will (free) in actual existence. Your ego, seen as 'separate' from this is the false intelligence. Just wanted to share this as it was an ah ha moment for me.

Also, if what GK is saying...that we're all god-beings, and have entered into the microcosm of another god-being (which appears to us as the macrocosm), who's to say that the being we've entered is the purity of light and love that we imagine?

EXACTLY! This is what I see. Once I had the seed planted into my mind (w/all the reading I do) that higher dimensions are not necessarily filled w/goodness/benevolence, that there are other Gods (besides ourselves) of which we might be subject to in this life........ wellllll...
that just cracks a whole new skull right?

There is something else about free will worth mentioning. The beings who use it most liberally seem to be the darkest, because those who are aligned with love are more limited in their choices and actions.

A very power filled insight indeed Sun-Toon*

GK mentioned free will in terms of the false dimensional hierarchy which he says has been created to mirror the upper dimensions in the astral..

My recollection was that it was in context of our Ego, being the false free will & I find that extremely enlightening. The Ego that thinks it has Free Will has been duped. AND, have we not been conditioned alllllll out lives about this free will subject? I agree tho that our free will has been subverted by the cultivation of our self perceived separateness & uniqueness (which we are not). We are all the same substance w/the same source, but then again, so is the proverbial bad guy!
I still can't wrap my head totally around the idea that we contracted to come into this existence to run ourselves around.... that's supposed to be a joke... the big belly laugh? deep sigh...
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Old 06-11-2009, 09:11 PM   #30
14 Chakras
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Perhaps free will is the law for all life on planet earth. The true hiearchy, enlightened beings who wish us to evolve ourselves and take back our power, respect ultimately our free will and will never do anything to interfere with it. They wish us to learn the lessons we need to learn and experience what we wish to experience without tipping the scales. However, when we are ready to come up higher, they are more than happy to help us untangle ourselves from any mess that has been created and bring truth to the illusions we are operating under.

Whereas the false hiearchy need us to follow them under our own 'free will' however, they have no problem bending the rules of the game to virtually insane limits where they are really doing the thinking for us. Our egos generally partner with them because the ego was born from the illusions in the first place. Humanity operates under the illusion that they are making their own decisions, but much of the time, dark forces are working through them and around them to get them to think and act in a certain way.

So maybe part of what we need to do now, is take back our power, and separate ourselves from the illusions of the world so we can start to think freely and make decisions again for ourselves, from an enlightened standpoint. It's not that our higher Selves don't have free will, they simply see clearly what is helpful and not helpful for own evolution, whereas in this dense vibration, it is much more difficult for us to see what is actually in our best interest, so by our own free will, we often end up following the wolves in sheeps clothing and the blind leaders.

Perhaps there are several dimensions between here and the "heavenly / spiritual" realms and each one of those dimensions between here and there is caught up in their own illusions. Often when we read a channelling of some alien or being, it is from a being that is in one of the middle dimensions and is not coming from a pure place. Maybe the only way to get a connection to the spiritual / heavenly realm is to surrender our own illusions and purify our own consciousness so we can connect to that high of a vibration. And maybe very very few of us here on this planet have done so yet to a high enough degree, so the vast majority of information we are getting here is coming from beings in dimensions that have their own illusions, and their own agendas.

The astral realm being the 4th dimension, the land of illusions and the lower levels very much where hell is found... maybe not a good idea to be getting too much of our 'truth' from the astral, nor to be aiming to "ascend" to the 4th, which would actually be a step down in vibration for most of us!

My 2 cents.
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Old 06-11-2009, 09:23 PM   #31
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"We are God dreaming that we are not God" - Don Miguel Ruiz
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:43 PM   #32
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Thanks so much for posting these videos.
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Old 06-12-2009, 11:08 PM   #33
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Default Re: Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed?

Good post 14 Chakras. :>)

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
This is what I see. Once I had the seed planted into my mind (w/all the reading I do) that higher dimensions are not necessarily filled w/goodness/benevolence, that there are other Gods (besides ourselves) of which we might be subject to in this life........ wellllll...
that just cracks a whole new skull right?
The key to it, to me, is that what may appear to be higher dimensions are actually more like holodecks.

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
My recollection was that it was in context of our Ego, being the false free will & I find that extremely enlightening. The Ego that thinks it has Free Will has been duped. AND, have we not been conditioned alllllll out lives about this free will subject? I agree tho that our free will has been subverted by the cultivation of our self perceived separateness & uniqueness (which we are not). We are all the same substance w/the same source, but then again, so is the proverbial bad guy!
I still can't wrap my head totally around the idea that we contracted to come into this existence to run ourselves around.... that's supposed to be a joke... the big belly laugh? deep sigh...
I'm not at one with the notion that ego is something bad or that we need to get rid of it. I see it as more of a tool that we use....but to go along with what you're saying, if Ego "thinks it has free will and is duped" what part of us does have free will and how does it manifest?

Another thing to consider here (and going against GK's paradigm) is that everyone is not the same. It sure seems as if different sorts of beings have incarnated into physical Earth. Some are legitimate entities, some are what are being called "OP's or organic portals"*...no free will there, some are outright psychopaths...perhaps an alien, parasitic life form which is able to imitate human behavior while feeding from it's interactions. And there may be more types of soul patterns involved.

For the entities anyway, they would almost have to be misguided to believe that the path of endless re-embodyment into the hell that's been overlaid on the Earth pattern is also the path to enlightenment.

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras
The astral realm being the 4th dimension, the land of illusions and the lower levels very much where hell is found... maybe not a good idea to be getting too much of our 'truth' from the astral, nor to be aiming to "ascend" to the 4th, which would actually be a step down in vibration for most of us!
And here you seem to support my contention that most, if not all the channeled beings are being accessed from some level of the astral plane. That in itself doesn't mean they're not benevolent, or can't be helpful, but it does mean that it's very unlikely that "8th Dimensional" beings are talking through humans....though they could be on the 8th Dimensional Holodeck, entirely caught up in their own delusions, and sincerely attempting to help, even though they are not.

Since I haven't seen this mentioned here...only "OP" in reference to "original poster"...
*From Montalk.net:
The organic portals concept was derived out of necessity to fit a consistent pattern of anomalous data gathered through experience. Experience shows that there is a difference between infant souls and “embryonic” souls, the latter being spiritually deaf, dumb, and blind because they have not yet been “born” as individuals.

Infant souls may be immature, slow to learn, maybe taking cruder classes in the school of hard knocks, but they still evolve over a lifetime, still question things every now and then, and still show a glimmer of something sentient behind the eyes.

Embryonic souls – the organic portals – adapt rather than evolve. The difference is subtle but important. They lack the faculties for introspection, empathy, and have no use for those life lessons that would otherwise be of soul-deep significance. Thus they go through life like broken records recycling whatever meme groove their needle is stuck on. Their eyes have a peculiar emptiness, as though merely ornamental rather than functional windows to the soul.

Last edited by sun-toon´; 06-12-2009 at 11:55 PM.
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Old 07-06-2009, 08:49 AM   #34
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Question Re: Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed?

One thing thing that was noticed, that is off-topic, is an apparent 'Transfer from YOUTUBE' when I went to create a 'new reply' to this thread. This was visible on the bottom of my Opera browser.

Is there a connection b/t Project Avalon and Google/Youtube?

That would be disturbing, as both of those are connected to the PTB, and are controlling/censoring information in several ways.

Regards and love,
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Old 07-06-2009, 11:10 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by taadev View Post
One thing thing that was noticed, that is off-topic, is an apparent 'Transfer from YOUTUBE' when I went to create a 'new reply' to this thread. This was visible on the bottom of my Opera browser.

Is there a connection b/t Project Avalon and Google/Youtube?

That would be disturbing, as both of those are connected to the PTB, and are controlling/censoring information in several ways.

Regards and love,
The same thing happened to me on my home computer where I dont have a firewall. What could that mean?
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Old 07-06-2009, 11:34 AM   #36
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There is no direct connection, it is a feature of embedding youtube videos in this manner on the forum. When you jump from them to youtube, youtube is able to learn where you jumped from.

The only potential privacy exposure I can think of for you is possibly it could enable youtube to discover the relationship between your avalon id and your youtube id.

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Old 07-06-2009, 01:45 PM   #37
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I had a problem listening to this guy, don't know why!
Just a feeling i get listening to him.
I watched the Ian Lungold videos first before this one that was posted and Ian's interpretations based on the mayan Calendar come across with more sincerity, for me anyway.
I guess you just have to go with your own intuition on these things.
Here is the link to Mayan majix, all Ian's videos are on here worth a look!

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Old 07-06-2009, 01:48 PM   #38
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ooops sorry here is the main link to the website MayanMajix.

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Old 07-22-2009, 02:04 AM   #39
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MyPlanetToo wrote: "...it just comes down to one personal accepting another persons mental construct, which is like the difference between watching a movie, and living the movie personally.?
yeah, remember that, when you read or listen to another, you can be certain that it is THEIR experience that you are taking in... and it does not even require your belief of what they share for you to be affected, for your view to have been altered. Hear me?

We must not dismiss others' contributions, especially not dismiss their effect on us. It's a humbling thing to admit (let in) how very much you have been influenced by others.

Tonight, I'm very much affected by Cliff High's latest release... very much so, it's driving home like never before what's coming down the pike! I caution others before reading.... let me say, that I felt almost alone, for the view I have of the world is not attractive, however, this has driven home that I most certainly am not alone.

If, as is Cliff's premise, that we are in fact psychic and that our vocabulary is predictive of our direction. well, enough said...
it's very dire indeed!

and I am so sorry for my contribution, I shake my head, really.
I have no faith in mankind as a whole to effect a real change in time..
YET, at the end of it all, the cycle, the cleansing....
the TPTB, the institutions, politics/religions/medicine... all that will be GONE to start anew!

How profound can it get! Stunning, absolutely in your face, here it come!

Love blessings, let's get it on!
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Old 08-06-2009, 10:02 PM   #40
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Hi Guys,
George has another set of videos out.
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