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Old 03-07-2010, 07:36 PM   #251
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Quote:Originally Posted by GaiaLove View Post
After receiving complaints of sexual harassment by several members of the forum against the user abraxasinas. Those complaints as well as a review of the increasingly sexually oriented posts on this site by him leaves the administration no choice but to deny him access to the forum as well as pull all his threads and posts pending any potential legal action by the members affected.

Project Avalon deeply regrets any harm suffered by its members
A clever person like Abraxasinas should have known that posting sexually oriented content could get him banned.

It therefore wouldn't surprise me if he posted that stuff on purpose, reasoning that if he'd get banned, it would devide the members on this forum even more than they already were after the closing down of his Thuban thread.

Elementary, dear Watson.
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Old 03-07-2010, 07:40 PM   #252
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by lightblue View Post
Myplanet2 wrote

so we just let the bullies run a riot..and all is just fine...and because it is decided on another, unpercieveable dimension anyway ...

spiritually irresponsible - this theory

p. s. won't someone get bill?

We have full free will and ability to manifest whatever we want, including bullies. The bullies volunteer, the bullied volunteer, and the law of attraction puts the pieces together. You can believe it's not so all you like. That won't change it. This is the current template, and we all signed up for it, if we're here.

There is no such thing as spiritually irresponsible. Any more than there is victim. There is free will and choice, even when they are used to deny oneself free will and choice. Nobody else can do it.
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Old 03-07-2010, 07:43 PM   #253
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by gita View Post
They were not taken out of context - if you look closely they are double quoted and nor did I mention your name. It seems that you just want to drag this on and on so go ahead and continue to stroke your own ego - it's totally natural of a boy your age. Peace to you as always.
oh yes the ego scenario..."naturally"...

me not being mentioned does not matter since it was i who wrote that....

and you comparing it with the picture of a more than a half naked man stating...how that picture is all good while my words (that were used to prove a point) are - not acceptable? even offense? while borat with all but his balls in plain site is ok?

it would seem that my "ego" (a very good excuse inst it...call someone it is his ego...and than act adult about it?) does not bother with one or double quotation....

i do wonder...what else is expect of me to act...due to my age...what else should i know - so i can do it

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Old 03-07-2010, 07:43 PM   #254
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
A clever person like Abraxasinas should have known that posting sexually oriented content could get him banned.

It therefore wouldn't surprise me if he posted that stuff on purpose, reasoning that if he'd get banned, it would devide the members on this forum even more than they already were after the closing down of his Thuban thread.

Elementary, dear Watson.
You have a point Sherlock Lord Trancoso
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Old 03-07-2010, 07:52 PM   #255
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Spregovori View Post
oh yes the ego scenario..."naturally"...

me not being mentioned does not matter since it was i who wrote that....

and you comparing it with the picture of a more than a half naked man stating...how that picture is all good while my words (that were used to prove a point) are - not acceptable? even offense? while borat with all but his balls in plain site is ok?

it would seem that my "ego" (a very good excuse inst it...call someone it is his ego...and than act adult about it?) does not bother with one or double quotation....

i do wonder...what else is expect of me to act...due to my age...what else should i know - so i can do it

It will be "fun" to see the Rome fall
My 13 year old daughter make more sense than you and that’s saying something for a teenager and thanks to you I will be giving her much more credit from now on (I did anyway but that credit is about to increase). I’ve male friends your age who I believed through observation to be still ‘sleep’ but after today’s conversation with another male in their twenties, I come to realise that there are those that are comatose but yet believe themselves to be ‘awake’. This is my second thanks to you for changing my perspective on their state of ‘wakefulness’. You truly do come with gifts whether you realise it or not – I suspect we all do. The trick is whether to see those gifts and then to accept them with grace.

Energy flows where attention goes. Hence my attention is no more...
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Old 03-07-2010, 07:54 PM   #256
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
You have a point Sherlock Lord Trancoso
HOLMES is my middle name Stardust.
You don't become a LORD of the GFL just because you're incredibly handsome!
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Old 03-07-2010, 07:54 PM   #257
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Myplanet2 wrote

We have full free will and ability to manifest whatever we want, including bullies. The bullies volunteer, the bullied volunteer, and the law of attraction puts the pieces together. You can believe it's not so all you like. That won't change it. This is the current template, and we all signed up for it, if we're here.

There is no such thing as spiritually irresponsible. Any more than there is victim. There is free will and choice, even when they are used to deny oneself free will and choice. Nobody else can do it.
being a victim implies pain and hurt
being a bully implies violence exerted

it is spiritually irresponsible to deny hurt .

may noone ever be a victim of violence

bw l
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Old 03-07-2010, 07:55 PM   #258
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by gita View Post
My 13 year old daughter make more sense than you and that’s saying something for a teenager and thanks to you I will be giving her much more credit from now on (I did anyway but that credit is about to increase). I’ve male friends your age who I believed through observation to be still ‘sleep’ but after today’s conversation with another male in their twenties, I come to realise that there are those that are comatose but yet believe themselves to be ‘awake’. This is my second thanks to you for changing my perspective on their state of ‘wakefulness’. You truly do come with gifts whether you realise it or not – I suspect we all do. The trick is whether to see those gifts and then to accept them with grace.

Energy flows where attention goes. Hence my attention is no more...
oh yes the polite insults...i like those best...shows creativity...and also it is one of best ways to avoid the main point of the subject...

but at least it is entertaining...


also a nice exit cue...have to remember that next time i meet a proud mom (yes this line has hidden meaning...how cleaver of you to notice and no, still not angry, sorry)

Last edited by Spregovori; 03-07-2010 at 09:45 PM.
Old 03-07-2010, 07:58 PM   #259
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

I do not know if there has been a clear answer to this by the Moderators, but with regard to Abraxasinas, did he actually post offending material specifically in his Thuban threads or was he insulting people in their private inbox, or even their profile messages?

Also, to the Moderators, on the matter of legal issues, did you ban these threads and Abraxasinas simply because of extreme caution, even though you may think it was not really warranted, but you were just being careful. I mean, it is like for example some Christians might study the Bible and say openly that they believe it is a sin to be gay and that there is 'something wrong' with gay people. They might say this without aggression on intended insult, but, the law being 'an ass' could still mean they could potentially be sued. Or as in Britain, if a person takes a picture in public that captures other people, then the police may go up to them and want to confiscate their camera under such as the Terrorism Act 2000. And so, people may be reluctant to take pictures outside, even though they know they are not doing anything wrong. They fear the law being used to 'screw them over'.

And thus I ask the Moderators, did Abraxasinas really do anything wrong? I think that this is what the people in this forum want to know.
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Old 03-07-2010, 08:02 PM   #260
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Lightpotential View Post
I do not know if there has been a clear answer to this by the Moderators, but with regard to Abraxasinas, did he actually post offending material specifically in his Thuban threads or was he insulting people in their private inbox, or even their profile messages?
The content of the posts was within limits...but than again...depends on who you are asking. Gita here for example is ok with half naked pictures but dislikes words. Or to say it differently...she judges what is ok and what not....and what is not she bashes...one way or the other....

The content of the posts was within limits.... about private inbox etc ... i have no knowledge of this happening and also no evidence was presented
Old 03-07-2010, 08:06 PM   #261
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Lightpotential View Post
I do not know if there has been a clear answer to this by the Moderators, but with regard to Abraxasinas, did he actually post offending material specifically in his Thuban threads or was he insulting people in their private inbox, or even their profile messages?

And thus I ask the Moderators, did Abraxasinas really do anything wrong? I think that this is what the people in this forum want to know.
When we know more so will you
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Old 03-07-2010, 08:06 PM   #262
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Lightpotential View Post
I do not know if there has been a clear answer to this by the Moderators, but with regard to Abraxasinas, did he actually post offending material specifically in his Thuban threads or was he insulting people in their private inbox, or even their profile messages?

And thus I ask the Moderators, did Abraxasinas really do anything wrong? I think that this is what the people in this forum want to know.
Quote:Originally Posted by GaiaLove View Post
After receiving complaints of sexual harassment by several members of the forum against the user abraxasinas. Those complaints as well as a review of the increasingly sexually oriented posts on this site by him leaves the administration no choice but to deny him access to the forum as well as pull all his threads and posts pending any potential legal action by the members affected.

Project Avalon deeply regrets any harm suffered by its members
(GaiaLove originally posted this in Chinese. This is a translation.)
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Old 03-07-2010, 08:13 PM   #263
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posted in Chinese??
didnt know he spoke chinese..
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Old 03-07-2010, 09:35 PM   #264
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger View Post
wasn't 777 the one, who said the nazi sign was bad ???

it is one of the most ancient symbols on this planet

It is the symbol that started it all. Have a happy Carbon day all you wonderful Diamonds!!!!


The nazi's stole it as did most religions and cultures using symbols... they stole them!!!!

Symbols do not belong to 'groups' they simply borrow them to conduct alchemy for their own benefit.

So if anyone wants Truth it is in plain site all this time shrouded in fear and terror to keep you away from it.

Remember Isaiah 45:7
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."
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Old 03-07-2010, 09:41 PM   #265
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by mudra View Post
We have fared in much better waters and for a long while I have been the witness of peace within Avalon .
Until these more recent times of discordance and strugle .
Friends have now split over diverging opinions...people rejected for being different.
Have our hearts weaken and our egos strenghened over time ?
Have we lost sight that we are One and equal within this soul family that Avalon is .
Can't we accept each other for what we really are ...that Light within...the foundation of our essence.
The shadows we cast and on which we stumble are the reflections of the Love we withold from ourselves and then from others.
If everyone here would come to live by the soul free from the bounderies of the noise of the mind than we could only see peace around .
There is no other place to reach but your heart for this is Home and this is where we are One.

Peace to all

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Old 03-07-2010, 10:36 PM   #266
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The 'real' story, is 'real' interesting

it sure will be interesting, to see if the truth, is told
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Old 03-07-2010, 10:37 PM   #267
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dont believe everything you read
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Old 03-07-2010, 10:40 PM   #268
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Originally Posted by Céline View Post
dont believe everything you read
If people actually practiced this we would not be in our current situation..
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Old 03-07-2010, 10:42 PM   #269
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Excactly Jonah..thats why i always believe what i FEEL
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Old 03-07-2010, 10:44 PM   #270
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
A clever person like Abraxasinas should have known that posting sexually oriented content could get him banned.

It therefore wouldn't surprise me if he posted that stuff on purpose, reasoning that if he'd get banned, it would devide the members on this forum even more than they already were after the closing down of his Thuban thread.

Elementary, dear Watson.
if this is true, then he is manipulating the members of this forum, particularly those that were following & enjoying his material.
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Old 03-07-2010, 10:45 PM   #271
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even when your feelings may not be your own?

not asking you personally... just something to contemplate..

this is the reality we are dealing with her dear celine...

but at any rate i feel we shall bath in light at the end of the tunnel...
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Old 03-07-2010, 10:53 PM   #272
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Well, 11 pages later and what I come away with is...

Note to self: Keep working on your forgiveness.

"Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"

Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.

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Old 03-07-2010, 10:54 PM   #273
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my feelings are always my own

Influence by enviroment or experience ofcourse alters all of our emotions
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Old 03-07-2010, 10:57 PM   #274
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by Jonah View Post
If people actually practiced this we would not be in our current situation..
wow jonah, that is a profound truth ... thanks for sharing it !!!
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Old 03-07-2010, 11:02 PM   #275
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Default Re: Abraxas was banned and his group is closed

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger View Post
The 'real' story, is 'real' interesting

it sure will be interesting, to see if the truth, is told

Sounds like you know more to this. Would you like to share?
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