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Old 10-09-2009, 02:14 PM   #251
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

I'd like to jump forward with the timeline to help people get an idea where the training, conditioning and ops as child led to-

2007 London-

I travel from Southhampton to London on this afternoon to deliver gold to a location in West London. After the delivery is complete a range rover pulls up outside, an operative gets out and I am dropped into trance on the spot. I am handed a black briefcase containing 'Drago'- a beautiful pearl handled 9mm smith and wesson pistol with a symbol of a black dragon on the handle. This is the same gun I have used for years on many assassinations. The case also contains a small handheld white cube-like device that allows me to amplify my brainwaves and control other people with, as well as a small black handheld signalling device.
I follow the jeep and we drive through London. We end up on a street and park in front of a house with a small wall in front and a garden path leading up to the door. I get out, walk up the path and knock on the front door. An MI-6/NSA female operative ( wearing a silk shirt, medium length skirt, blond hair between 30-40 ) opens the door and I activate the cube and make her let me in. We walk into the dining room and another MI-6/NSA male operative comes out of the bathroom, I make him go upstairs and wait for me. They are posing and husband and wife and the woman is sex agent/prostitute. I make her pour us both a drink from the cabinet and we sit down. I question her about the location of PEARLS that have gone missing. She tells me the location on a boat somewhere. PEARLS are NSA code for suitcase nuclear weapons. When I have the information, I head upstairs and the man is waiting for me in a chair. He ends up with a pillowcase over his head as i fire several shots into his forehead.
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 10-09-2009, 02:33 PM   #252
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

I have the file numbers for this case, the name of this man- an MI-6/NSA training operative ( one of my handlers from the 90's ). In this game people often die by their own people. The file mentions me as a 'mover' for PEARLS ( suitcase nuclear weapons ).
The guy was under so much pre-existent mind control that it went against all his survival instincts and he didn't even try to fight me before he died. My MO when sent out for LONE WOLF ops using DRAGO, is always several shots to the forehead to destroy evidence of MK related brain surgery and craniel implant in the autopsy.

Brighton 1992- 16 years old

My stepmother Jean Greer is looking after me in St Ives and I disseaper on the train up to Brighton suddenly. Before I leave I get my first ever tatto done in Penzance- an evil 'alien' face. I now have five tattoes- everytime a major event happens I get the urge to have a tatto, so many have now happened that my body would be covered so I don't get any more tattoes.
Anyway- I get off the train in Brighton, it's a hot sunny day in the summer. A man meets me and hands me a bag with DRAGO in. He bascially says you know your target, go and get him.
I walk down to the seafront and end up at a bar on the seafront ( I think it was the 'Sharkbar' ). I see two men sitting outside at a table drinking pints of lager. One man is very muscular, with a thick neck and arms, a short sleeved shirt on with short sandy coloured hair. i don't know his name and cannot get access to this file yet. Another man sits with him, taller, thinner with long dark brown/black hair. I know them both from somewhere. I respect with first guy and know he is trying to rehabilitate himself from MK, the don't resect the other guy and know he involved in terrorism, drugs and child porn. I get Drago out and walk up to the first guy and empty most of the clip into his head. I save a couple of bullets in case anyone tries to stop me. I'm not sure if I shoot the other guy as well, i don't think I did. The WHITE TIGER program then kicks in and I run off as fast as lightening. I run and run for about a mile until I meet a woman she takes the bag off me with the gun and gives me further hypnotic codes. I walk down to the beach, sit next to one those wall things they have in Brighton that seperate the beaches, I strip down to my boxer shorts and go for a swim. I get dressed, go to the station and come back to St Ives.

"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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'Angel Heart'

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Old 10-09-2009, 03:15 PM   #253
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I'm sorry but it seems I have come in on the tail end of these stories because I've just recently rejoined the forum but I was noticing in the last episode that you went "Up" to Brighton from St. Ives....well, that just doesn't happen. Brighton is, as you say, on the coast and it is the southern most coast and St. Ives is up near Cambridge, which is quite north of London (London being between Brighton and Cambridge). So, if you were going to Brighton, you would be going "down", not "up" to Brighton from St. Ives and you would have to transfer trains at Victoria Station in London to do so because there are no direct trains from Brighton to St. Ives.

If this is just a story, then the next time you tell it, this might help. If it's supposed to be a truthful story of your real life experiences, there are a few geographical issues with it....not to mention that Penzance is no where near St. Ives, in fact, it's closer to Brighton, and it's not a place that you would just stop by since it's at the very most south/west tip of England. You've got to be going there on purpose to get there.

Maybe I've just missed the whole point of this thread so I'll shut up now. /FONT]
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Old 10-09-2009, 06:20 PM   #254
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Hi Bobbie, can I interject here before James, Penzance is very near St.Ives and Brighton is way over to East from both, we might be a tiny island but distances are still distances
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Old 10-09-2009, 07:44 PM   #255
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Hi, the St.Ives I am talking about is in Cambridgeshire, just outside Cambridge near Huntingdon. I didn't know there was another one near Penzance in Cornwall....or is it that there is a Penzance in Cambridgeshire near to St. Ives? This can be confusing. I lived in the UK for nearly 8 years and used to go to Cambridge regularly from Windsor and to Brighton when the occasion arrose so I don't know of a Penzance near St. Ives, or vice versa. BTW, I love Britain and miss her as though she is my homeland. Last time I visited was 2007 so it's time for another trip.
Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Hi Bobbie, can I interject here before James, Penzance is very near St.Ives and Brighton is way over to East from both, we might be a tiny island but distances are still distances
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Old 10-09-2009, 08:04 PM   #256
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

LOL I see, Yes both myself and James were referring to St.Ives in Cornwall

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Old 10-10-2009, 05:54 AM   #257
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Brighton is up (hill). I go up to the mountains, sometimes southward, westward... depends on locations, elevation. I also go down to the rivers etc.

Brighton Elevation: 920 feet above sea level
St Ives Chase is at an elevation of approximately 163m above sea level

Maybe this is a topographical chat.
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Old 10-10-2009, 10:49 AM   #258
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

'The Balmoral Interceptions'

Balmoral, Scotland 2008 ( from a letter to a freind )

I don’t know were to begin to please allow me to flow with the pen. I have been involved with the NSA and MI-6 program known as IBIS from birth as well as many other sub-projects such as FALLOW-RIGHT, LYCAN, TIGRIS, HUNTER, OSIRIS, GOSSAMER-LIGHT, TOMMOROW-PEOPLE, PROTEUS. I go under such names as COMMANDER MICHAEL PRINCE, X4566-2, CAS-997365, LONE WOLF, WHITE TIGER and others.
IBIS started on July 10th 1972 at the Tavistock Institute in London . Dr Green ( The Nazi scientist Joseph Mengele- the ‘Angel of Death’ from the Autzwitz camp ) was in attendance that day in London, brought over in Project PAPERCLIP. The IBIS program also involved many other well known people from George Bush to the Queen Mother.
In IBIS, 42 children were tracked from birth in the UK through multi-generational genetic records, taken from our mothers at birth and transferred to other countries for cognitive behourvour contioning. Much of this involved training with wild animals to give us animal attributes for all terrain warfare that we would be involved as adults.Just after my birth I was transferred to Greenham Common military base in Berkshire, then up to Scotland ( probably Macrahanish military base ) and then over to Canada ( probably the Rocky Mountains ) were I spent the first part of my life under armed guard twenty-four hours a day with other children so we could not be rescued by rival factions in the intelligence community. We experienced continues torture in this place for trauma-based mind control, and I actually think the facility and the ‘people’ in it were controlled by an articficial intelligence based computer system connected somehow to the LOOKING GLASS program.

Around the age of three myself and other children were transferred from the facility to another location. While being moved a resque operation took place and some of us were liberated, while other children were shot by out gaurds during the resque. The rescue team was connected to COM-12 naval intelligence- MAJESTIC. After this I visited such places as Malaysia, Brazil, Mexico and Central America before the age of ten as I was moved a lot.

I will fast forward to ‘The Balmoral Interceptions’ in the highlands of Scotland in late 2008. Having been trained by MI-6, NAVY SEAL, DELTA FORCE, SAS and others from a young age, I led a small unit into the mountains in this area on a misty night. Tracking and recon of extra-terrestrial lifeforms is one of my areas of expertise and this night some kind of reptilian craft had been shot down before bio-weapons on board could be delivered to Balmoral Castle for a prearranged meeting there. I was not give all the details and had my memories erases afterwards. We helicoptered into the area with M-16’s and I was wearing some kind of artefact/metallic bracelet with four ‘angelic scroll’ symbols on, which I wore on my left wrist. We walked through the night until we saw a light up ahead.

I ordered everyone to get down and we crawled towards the light on our bellies. A triangle shaped craft was in front of us. About 40 feet from the craft we were detected by some kind of scanner and a huge spotlight switched on from the craft and we were bathed in light, seconds later some kind of EMF forcefield activated around the craft accompanied by a booming a waling sound and a huge reptilian, demonic face appeared in the air in front of the craft as a holographic display. It was terrifying to look at and the mouth on the creature opened and started to roar and laugh, images were flashed quickly in between the face of human children being skinned alive. The men started to shout in terror. I shouted “Hold your positions, stay calm”.

I had to act quickly as in a few more seconds we would be paralysed with fear and we would all die. I knew I could focus my brainwaves through the bracelet and had some control over the elements with the artefact. I pointed my left hand at the face and shouted “Four angels of the Four Directions, I command you to de-activate this forcefield. A white energy discharged from my left hand and there was the sound of crackling in the air as electrical bursts hit the face and forcefield, and they both started to short-out.

They disappeared and two bent-over-decrepide bi-pedal reptilians were exposed near the outside the craft at the front end, they seemed to be frantically trying to fix this area of the craft. They screamed a high-pitched roar in terror as their defence system went down. I yelled “Open fire” and we took them out. Strait away a couple of the unit members ( ‘John’- young John was there ), ran to the bodies, pulled out pliers they carried and removed a couple of the creatures teeth as trophies. I ordered the men to secure the perimeter and I went to the back of the craft. A ramp/door was open that lead into the craft. I looked inside and saw metal shelves on either side of the main part of the interior. These had various pieces of hardware on them ( small black boxes, rounds grey objects with small fat ‘spikes’ coming from them ).

The plan was to secure this hardware and bring it back to base but I made a snap decision because of the all the infighting in the intelligence community. I didn’t want this hardware falling into the wrong hands. I pulled out an incendiary grenade and threw it into the craft, I warned the others, got out the way and the craft went up in flames. We radioed for delta extraction and were helicoptered out of the area.

The Balmoral Interceptions were a series of similair ops around this time carried out by several different units. These events were related the
‘swine flu’ breakout. If the bio-weapons had been delivered many or all people who have caught swine-flu would have died.
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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'Angel Heart'

Last edited by James Casbolt; 10-10-2009 at 10:55 AM.
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Old 10-10-2009, 11:08 AM   #259
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Hi Bobbie, can I interject here before James, Penzance is very near St.Ives and Brighton is way over to East from both, we might be a tiny island but distances are still distances
I have to wonder if Barack Obama knows if Penzance is close to St Ives-maybe it was psy-op.

For a 'poor, lost bear', I get an awful lot of spooks coming into the area for my advice.
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 10-14-2009, 01:00 PM   #260
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Too funny!
Okay, folks, this is the 'big one'!! Yer, our beloved 007, James 'Bolt', is, in fact, an MJ-12 CLONE!! O my God, James, what will our worldwide listeners think!! Now, although the facts are somewhat sketchy, it seems James is a clone of his brother who was born on 28th Dec 1976 who was, in turn, a reincarnation of a rebel Pleiadian named 'Kamagol II' who'd died the day before on 27th Dec 1976. Yer, this is getting heavy!! Okay, with all this in mind, James himself decided to go on a bender on Fri night 28th Aug 2009 at his local pub in St Ives, Cornwall where he got himself into a drunken brawl in which he began shouting to everyone that he was a CYBORG!! Okay, James, St Anthony understands the situation, but do you feel in any way that you can overcome the 'dark side' of you? Also, you may be aware that the late Dr Karla Turner had stated that her own husband was a clone who'd been abducted by aliens and decapitated on board their spaceship and his soul removed and put inside a cloned body. In this respect, it seems the aliens prefer original body parts in their bizarre experiments and as a food source rather than an inferior cloned one. By the way, St Anthony's only begotten son, Daniel, 22, was also abducted by Zetan greys in Aug 2008 while camping in Kent and had his DNA taken as well as having his brain reprogrammed using a special headband. He does not say, however, that he was 'put to death' and his soul put into a cloned body; but, anyway, he has only partial memory recall of the whole event, so can't remember all that happened. The aliens did, however, tell him that he had an advanced form of DNA which they required. Obviously, therefore, they intend to produce a clone and/or human/alien hybrid. By the way, James has referred in his 4th July 2006 article published by us yesterday, to the first treaty with grey aliens from Orion on 11th July 1934 on a US Navy ship in the port of Balboa on the Pacific side of the Panama Canal. In this respect, I have attached a photo of the event in which a 4ft grey alien is seen shaking hands with a US naval officer. In addition, I have also attached 2 photos of the decapitated head of a reptilian alien being held by a South American Indian medicine man. The estimated height of this alien is around 7ft. So, folks, the Devil is alive and well on planet earth and is busy working hand in glove with the US/UK Govts to establish the New World Order of the Antichrist. So, anyone care to join St Anthony in the battle or are you all drugged-up, chipped-up pawns of the Antichrist? The choice, my friend, is YOURS.
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Markapur, A.P. 523316, India
E-Mail cosmicrf@hotmail.com
Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635
Date 14th Oct 2009
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Old 10-14-2009, 01:26 PM   #261
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

I am fully aware that this data is far-out, bizarre and 'trippy'.

It would be all too easy to dismiss from a conditioned point of view. That is the whole point in many ways. Most everything people have been taught about 'reality' is a lie.

We've all had a laugh on this thread ( some have told me they have cried ), but I urge people to take this data seriously.
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Old 10-15-2009, 01:30 PM   #262
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

1985 Central America- 9 years old

Two reptilian lifeforms ( tall wearing some kind of robes ) walk down a ramp from a circular shaped craft. They are met by military officers from the base with me in the background. Small Grey type beings wheel carts of hardware down the ramp and these are taken to a small buliding to the left of the camp by military personnel.
Note- treaties are occuring all the time but every ten years or so, the main ones happen. This is because technology is given to the human governments in stages. As levels of ET hardware are mastered by humans, so the next level is handed over. It took until 1988 to master the technology handed over in this treaty and many of the tests were done in Berkshire at this time.
Once the hardware is all set up in this building, children and adults are taken in for tests. I am one of the children and this equipment is able to manipulate time, space and DNA in more of advanced way than before. This is the beginning of the FALLOW-RIGHT cloning and super-soldier program. Much of the hardware centers around 'over-self' technology
This hardware is somehow able to divide one being into more than one cloned body for a limited period of time, to enable them to be in more than one place at a time. This causes time/space paradoxes that must be closely monitered and corrected with advanced quantum computers. Again this tech can only be used up to the age of thirty in a subject. Existing in more than one timeline ( in one dimension ) after this age can cause serious problems. As mentioned before, all memories must be combined into one timeline in the individual for them to operate as a whole being.
The over-self hardware in this buildings is a set of several metal rings that float in the air. The person stands in the middle of the rings and the rings are activated. The individual then comes in three or more seperate areas of the facility at the same time. Now there are three physical versions of the person who go about their business. The 'over-self' of the multiples moniters all of them now. The over-self exists beyond time and space and can do this wothout going insane. The mulitples cannot see, commuinicate or touch each other while in seperate bodies. This would be very dangerous. When the designated time period is up, the cloned bodies go into a coma as the original body 'pulls back' the seperate selvs into one body. There have been problems in the past when the cloned bodies have taken on a life of their own and tried to pull the EM fields of the original into their body at the end of the time limit, instead of the other way around. This causes the risk of 'rips' in the fabric of time and space itself.
Scientific Note: The over-self multiples are completely different from cloned brothers or sisters who are seperate beings with seperate over-selves.
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 10-15-2009, 02:35 PM   #263
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Greetings Brother

Solution to the problem of CovOps being on alert recently after clone went rogue-

The 1985 Central American treaty was another massive double-cross. While the OverSelf hardware saved countless lives in blackops, it opened us up for a Trojan Horse.
Namely dying entities from various extra-terrestrial races downloaded themselves into the cloned OverSelf bodies just before the time expired, hence the clone didn't shut down and took on a life of it's own.
Now we'll have one of these beings in custody telling everyone he is Michael Prince and convinced this is the case. There is only one Michael Prince and that is me.
As usual, simply come up behind the entities timetrack, delete my memories from his fields- thereby pulling up his authentic timetrack, and everyone will know exactly who and what he is- including the entity itself. I hope this helps to clear up the confusion regarding this recent event.
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 10-15-2009, 02:52 PM   #264
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Hi James - Did you receive my last PM re photos? Just checking

Also, I initially - first communique - sent an email with a photo of myself, birth date and so on. Did you receive that one?

If you reply, I know you got it. That was the second. The third email was a White Stripes video. I'm on one of 2 computers right now. The other one has those emails, so I don't have access to exact dates from this computer.

I may have also sent an email from a separate email account (marvelcomics.etc. When I think about trying to evade the little web bots and snoopy people, it gets confusing - it's been a complex task for me. I wonder if you could confirm what you received, just so I know if things were intercepted or just ignored by intended recipient.
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Old 10-15-2009, 03:03 PM   #265
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Hi James - Did you receive my last PM re photos? Just checking

Also, I initially - first communique - sent an email with a photo of myself, birth date and so on. Did you receive that one?

If you reply, I know you got it. That was the second. The third email was a White Stripes video. I'm on one of 2 computers right now. The other one has those emails, so I don't have access to exact dates from this computer.

I may have also sent an email from a separate email account (marvelcomics.etc. When I think about trying to evade the little web bots and snoopy people, it gets confusing - it's been a complex task for me. I wonder if you could confirm what you received, just so I know if things were intercepted or just ignored by intended recipient.

I recieved the PM about photos of scars on my body. I didn't recieve an email with a photo of you ( I'm having problems with my michaelprince2003@hotmail.co.uk account ).
No emails with white stripes video either.
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 10-15-2009, 03:05 PM   #266
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Ah. Very interesting. Thanks.
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Old 10-15-2009, 04:29 PM   #267
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Re Barry's The Watcher's thread:

Thanks, James, no doubt it will now be read by millions of netizens!! Notice, also, that Barry is still active with his 'Watcher' ID. By the way, Barry had also written to me saying that he thinks Bordon and the boys at MJ-12 are going to clone him also!! No, sorry, Barry, you were put out to graze long ago - so, no chance mate!! However, it looks like St Anthony's son, Daniel, is next on the list, but not if I can help it!! In this respect, I've been trying to get him to come to India where its relatively safer. UK, I'm afraid, is now the stronghold of Satan's kingdom on earth and its virtually impossible for anyone now to practice their spirituality without being arrested or put in the nut-house.
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Markapur, A.P. 523316, India
E-Mail cosmicrf@hotmail.com
Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635

I've had the same thoughts re Canada, i.e. "In this respect, I've been trying to get him to come to India where its relatively safer." And I'm not even exactly sure who he's talking about. One of Canada's best investigative geneticists practices at the University of Calgary.

James = St Anthony's son, Daniel?
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Old 10-16-2009, 03:12 PM   #268
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

James - I just had a brilliant idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, if you and your ilk (vampires, enhanced military units, PTSD soldiers etc.) are 'units,' the least the rest of us people can do is be units too. Think about it. I am a unit. My family members are units. The strangers I love at the convenience store are units.

LET'S ALL BE UNITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then we can give ourselves whatever funky little name we want - like... like.... holy sh%^&%*& mother%*&%& ****&^&*^&^& .... costume identities (but not really because it's real)........ XF-173, or WD40, or tinkerbell, or.... the body as a 'unit' - a kind of electromagnetic instrument......

Wow. Anyway, I like it!
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Old 10-16-2009, 03:13 PM   #269
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Sep/Oct 2009- St Ives, Cornwall

The Return of Samael? Poor Lost Bear!

I did not want to discuss too many details at this end of the timetrack before earlier events were disclosed. Recent events however has forced my hand.
The following events are closely connected to the 'Bigfoot' entities and their 'leader' which came through the gate in Malaysia on the 31st October 1982.
This latest series of events goes back to 2007 when Barry King/The Watcher came to stay at my house in St Ives with one of his female friends. I slept at my mothers house during these few days and they stayed at my flat. A couple of days into their visit I arrived one morning to find Barry in a excited and agitated state. He informed me there was some type of entity in the back alley at night. He told me he'd psionically picked up the entity stalking around the back alley the previous night.
Oddly enough the woman he was with started to become very angry and started to shout at Barry, saying- "Why are saying that!" and waving her arms around. The scene was uncomfortable for me and I walked into the kitchen. The rest of Barry's stay seemed to go smoothly and he returned to his home in Essex after this. I was sad to see him go as we had become quite close I feel.
Upon leaving he asked me to find him a flat he could rent in St Ives as he wanted tro move here for various reasons. I found him a one bedroom flat in the area quickly but then lost contact with him, as there was some event in Essex where Barry ended up in a military hospital.
It was not until the event in Worthing in 2008 when one of my associates was pulled over on the motorway in the area by a car with special forces operatives in suits, taken to a carpark and shown clones of myself, him and another friend in a jeep, that I saw Barry again. ( this event has been publicly disclosed in a number of occasions- the SF operatives were called OCTERINE-1 because of the links with stargates and the Month of October ).
My associate and I drove to Essex after this seeking answers regarding the clones in Worthing. As usual Barry and DI8 were silent and we ended up being helped by the SAS and Group 5-8 in this case.
We drove to a carpark near Barry's home and discussed several things. Amongst these were the fact that Barry could not remember having asked me to find him a flat in St Ives and was not aware that he had panned to move to St Ives. It transpired he had gone through memory erasure in the hospital.
He also informed us that DI8 and the NSA had to de-program him as some other group in the NSA had programmed him to come down to St Ives and kill me after his trip here. The plan was to get me into his car, go for a drive in the country and then drive us both off a cliff, suiciding himself and killing me, thereby ending all public disclosures of MANNEQUIN, IBIS etc.
I returned to St Ives after the meeting with many more 'paranormal' events happening after which led up to the following in mid 2009-
I started to sense a non-human lifeform in my back alley at night as Barry had mentioned, near the two large trees located there. We have two of the largest trees in St Ives just behind this area of my flat. I awoke one night with a huge hairy face peering in my bedroom window ( ground floor ). As far as I remember I blacked out just after this. The next night I performed a shamanic ritual in the back alley where I marked my territory and I didn't see this entity agian for a while.
This led up to events last month and this month. A couple of weeks ago I had my seven year old daughter stay the night. We only have one bed in the flat, which we shared. I woke up that night after hearing the letter box opening, as my backdoor is next to my bed, and a animal growling sound was coming through. I looked up at the window near the door and saw a huge bi-pedal creature around seven feet tall like a bear standing outside the window looking in. I remember jumping out of bed, grabbing Kaisha and runing out of the room, I don't remember what happened after that.
This was around the time a strange craft, like a helicopter but much bigger, had been seen over my mother's house when Kaisha was staying for the night one evening. Kaisha was asleep in my mother's bedroom when the craft went ovetr the house at an extremely low altitude. Kaisha's mother had then been taken to hosital at the exact same time because of bleeding from her private area which would not stop. Kaisha'a mother was shaking uncontrollbly for hours after this.
Just after witnessing the second bigfoot type creature at my bedroom window, Kaisha, myself and my mother went what was undoubtably an abduction by non-human lifeforms at my mother's house were we all stayed that night. This event seemed to involve cloning tanks.
To cut a long story short, I have had access to my recent NSA files and they state I have been picked up by operatives in the last couple of weeks for a Q and A session. Here I was injected with two drugs. I remember on two seperate occasions recently, american couples in cars stopping me me my flat and asking me the way to tesco. I was asked the same question on seperate occassions by seperate people. I experienced missing time around these events and others and remember after this- being sat in a chair in a dark room with a screen in front of me and men in suits asking me questions. I was shown one of these bigfoot creatures waling through a wood at night and was asked "Have you seen this entity in the area?".
This co-incides with reports of missing people in the area and the sightings of several disk shaped craft over my flat on consecuative sunday nights. When I asked one of my NSA contacts about this he informed me there had been much activity in Cornwall during this time. The 'Barack Obama' helicopter in Penzance was related to this in some way I feel and the 'Poor Lost Bear' bigfoot teddy article next to helicopter report in the Cornishman newspaper was a message that this entity or entities are loose in the area and being tracked.
A couple of days ago contact occurs with myself and SAS, I won't go into too many details but I'm informed one of the OVER-SELF clones has gone rouge and asked to check my timetrack for missing time check my body for sores. Some unit or individaul has been stupiod enough to use the tech after my 30th birthday and all hell has broken loose by the sounds of it with CovOps in the area on tracking missions. A french military ship docks in St Ives and seems to be signalling with with lights when I walk past it.
This is all closely connected to the Central American treaty in 1985 and will come to a head on October 31st/ Halloween of these month- heed my words!
It is obvious to me that one or more of the entities that came through the gate in Malaysia in 1982 has somehow managed to download into one or more over-self clones and is loose in the area as a shapeshifting human/wolf entity just like the event at the ritual in Mexico on October 31st 1984 with Dr Green in attendence.

"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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'Angel Heart'

Last edited by James Casbolt; 10-16-2009 at 04:08 PM.
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Old 10-16-2009, 03:35 PM   #270
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
Front page articles from recent edition of The Cornishman newspaper

"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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'Angel Heart'

Last edited by James Casbolt; 10-16-2009 at 04:03 PM.
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Old 10-16-2009, 03:43 PM   #271
no caste
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

I'll add bigfoot to the 'ilk' list.
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Old 10-16-2009, 04:02 PM   #272
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Side note: 2008- ET ships shot down in Poland- SWEEP-UP ops connected to IBIS-

Early 2008 I recieved reports from NSA sources about units travelling from the US to Poland to retrive hardware from shot-down ET craft. The man I was in contact went over to this country himself for DOE intelligence gathering and the possibility of back-enginnering this hardware.
At the same time, my associate who was shown our clones by OCTERINE-1 ( himself involved with the NSA ) flew out to Poland under the cover of business in the textile trade. I am not at liberty to discuss details regarding this individual but I can say he contracted symptoms which appeared to be radiation poisoning while in Poland and was almost not allowed on the plane back to the UK.
Now I come across the following report in the Nov 2009 issue of 'Paranormal' magazine-


'Numerous reports of of a bigfoot or what the Polish news agencies are calling a Yeti are being taken seriously by authorities. Piotr Kowalshi filmed a "monstrous, hairy creature" while on holiday in the Tatra Mountians. He said: "I saw this huge ape-like form hiding behind the rocks. When I saw it, it was like being struck by a thunderbolt", he told the daily Superexpress.
The film was handed over to Robert Bernatowicz of the Nautilius Foundation who said, "The film cleary shows 'something' that moves on two legs and is bigger than a normal man. But because the camera shakes so much it is difficult to sat exactly what it is. We need to go to the site and see what traces, if any, were left".
Shortly afterwards the Morningstarr reported that the wildman had been seen again, this time ogling a bikini-clad girl. 19-year-old Justyna Folgar was swimming in the river in the same location as above, as her boyfriend videotaped her. She said: "I wandered into the river for a dip when I realised that something was on the opposite shore. At first I thought it was a bear but it appeared to be stopping and then it raised itself on two legs and ran off. I couldn't believe". Mountian rangers are now searching the area for the creature. ( Source: themorningstarr.co.uk aug 2009 )
No taking the ****, no caste
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 10-16-2009, 04:12 PM   #273
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

It is obvious to me that one or more of the entities that came through the gate in Malaysia in 1982 has somehow managed to download into one or more over-self clones and is loose in the area as a shapeshifting human/wolf entity just like the event at the ritual in Mexico on October 31st 1984 with Dr Green in attendence
This happened in Bridgend in Wales when a shapeshifting entity escaped from a facility and went into the area. I was debriefed on this event by the SAS- the entity was classified a 'feeder' and MI-6/GROUP 5-8 operatives were filmed on the national news in the background as a message to the intelligence commuinity that this entity was being tracked down. Entity feeds off fear and causes suicidal tendencies when around people.
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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'Angel Heart'
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Old 10-16-2009, 04:17 PM   #274
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Apparently the pic of the werewolf in the bottom right corner is an authentic bigfoot creature

"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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'Angel Heart'
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Old 10-16-2009, 05:19 PM   #275
no caste
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
No taking the ****, no caste
Oh, those bigfeet. (Bigfoots?) Is that why the cast of Lost in the ad beside it is carrying gasoline, carrying guns and wearing masks? (and so on)

{right back 'atcha}

Last edited by no caste; 10-17-2009 at 05:13 AM.
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