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Old 06-16-2009, 07:01 AM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: America
Posts: 171
Lightbulb Take great care when preparing

.. your minds for the following information.

The importance and beauty of the information in these videos cannot be overstated; the time is now, as not much time remains. (This in not 'new age' 'hippy sh_t' it's actually quite ancient.)

We're very lucky to live in these times, yet the title of this topic implies, and even reenforces, the opposite falsehood.

There has never been a more special and positive time for those that can see, and leverage, the truth in the following. What do you have to lose by trying? (Two years ago, I would have laughed, but the same thing of which she speaks happened to me. This started a journey to "understand", [via the dominant male/left brain], the unknowable, yet undeniable whole truth of the Divine about which we've been somewhat misled. The hidden path is through the right brain/feminine side.)

If one is able to inculcate that which the following describes, you too will become an instant believer.

There is nothing I've experienced, ever, that comes close to this experience; sex, NOTHING. The word amazing does not come close!

The whole series is filled with 'light' for us all; doff the negative and fear mongering, left brain barriers to the light. Don that which comes from the heart via right brain activities; the purpose of the former is to create blocks to the WHOLE truth of the Divine.

A major clue to this truth is in the following image:

e.g. The LEFT eye of Horus which was his connection to the Divine as the right brain with its emotion is the secret.
Always with love,


Last edited by taadev; 06-16-2009 at 08:10 AM.
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