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Old 12-04-2008, 03:21 AM   #26
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

I have learned that emotions motivate us. Thoughts help us to reason and process data such as a computer. Emotions are the motivators that get us to create or take action.
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Old 12-04-2008, 03:30 AM   #27
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Hi again,
not sure about this but i think feelings and emotions are different because we can feel fear or happiness about thoughts and emotions.there are different ranges of emotion some volentary some involentary
so how do we feel about sadness, maybe it arose because we didn't achieve the desired outcome
how do we feel about grief, uncontrolled emotional expression due to the loss of a loved one
with feeling we can be objective about our emotions
with feeling into the content of things we can expand our awareness around things
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Old 12-04-2008, 05:44 AM   #28
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Originally Posted by Rareheart View Post
I'm liking the exchange happening here too...thanks all.

Could emotions be our life force energy? Existing in a spectrum form, like electromagnetic energy (in that sense anyway). A spectrum that ranges from one polar opposite to another, with hate at one end and Love at the other?

As far as being programmed...think about this:
What makes a new born baby smile or cry? certainly not programming...I'd think.

I too am just "throwing this out there".

Hi Rareheart~

When you ponder life force being emotions, does that spark intuitive clarity?
You wrote, " With hate at one end, and love at another."
Would this suggest that life force is limited to these polarities at each end? That nothing exists beyond them as the force of life?

Intuitively, I see emotions as a barrier to what IS (or God, call it whatever you want). Emotions are a sort of restless rest stop, often keeping the individual from ever reaching beyond them, due to their hypnotic, addicting,trance like glue , and if he doesn't detach, he is living self-consciously. There is more, I am sure of this.
The more, is realized & experienced when the mind is not in movement of thought, desire.
When it is content to honestly say, " I don't know."

If one gets hung up in emotion, the harmony of high vibration ceases to be experienced fully. Emotions are temporary at best and leave the individual wanting more or less, always focused on self-consciousness/emotions.
Dividing one from all that is.

Self-consciousness lives in terms of gain & loss. These are the tides of emotions.
Infinite consciousness has no boundaries, that I can imagine or that have been discovered.
And again, I don't know.

About the babies..
Reflex. And instinct.
Mirror neurons too??

When a baby is hungry, uncomfortable or tired, they'll cry, make noise.
I think that's animal instinct.
When we coo at them, smile and make faces, they will on occasion, try to mimic this..I think that is mirror neurons.
And too, my babies smiled even unprovoked..could be reflex, could be that they see what I don't..I don't know.
I don't think they're conditioned, if so, could it be from a past life (s)?
A karmic response, which boils down to a memory or memories, carried over.
What if the Akashic records were wiped clean? For all. What if the entire slate of knowledge, created from psychological time, the dead, the collective finger prints that cause recycled misery, division, what if it was totally erased?
No fear, no beliefs, nothing to reference in order to create in our relationships with others, self..

Sorry...that last part could be a whole other Oprah show.

Cool to ponder this..thank you.
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Old 12-04-2008, 06:19 AM   #29
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?


I'm going to c&p your questions here, to keep it as clean and simple as I can, without my previous statements, hopefully making it easier to follow~

You wrote;
"observing" the masses (the pain) instead of attaching emotion would then release the "chains" (emotions) the masses are chained to. ?? Gosh, what if all who knew this started to think this way?

When I saw that my past had only been kept alive through my emotional focus on it, I was then ready & able to detach emotionally from it.
I realized, that what had happened to me as a child, only ever effected me afterward, because I was programmed to think it would, that it must.
I was told to focus there, to dig into it, re-feel it, to identify with it, as if it created me or left a stain.
Little did I know that I could have looked at it without emotion, and liberated from it years earlier.
Had I been able to see this so called "abuse" as nothing, until it is labeled, I would have been far more careful to NOT label, and to not focus on it.
But you see, there is no money in a cure~
We are conditioned to think life is problematic, when in truth, we are the problem. Our conditioned minds do the labeling, and when something is labeled a problem, we self-consciously continue to manifest that very thing.

There is no controlling a society that is aware and fearless. Being emotional is encouraged.
We are also conditioned to think that if we don't feel it, we are shoving it down...
I can have an experience, see it as an experience that I either prefer or don't, and move forward.
The moment I attach a self conscious label to it, when I identify with it, as if that experience is me, it will stay alive in my now.
Even though the experience happened 30 years ago. Dead & gone.

If I allow myself to discover every moment undefined by the past or my conditioning, I am creating in high vibration.

You wrote;

Stepping into the observer mode with no emotion invokes a "vibration" that is of "god" (sorry for the 'g' word) and assists for the highest and best good of all...??? Selflessness, for the whole of humanity??

Living unconditionally, observing with neutrality, is peaceful.
No judgment, no competition, no fear of loss or desire to gain..
No division.
If motive is introduced, if you want to do this, to get that, you lose the closeness to it.
What is good for mankind, is unknown by one man. When he thinks he does know what is best for all, he is self-conscious.
Be there, and experience there, but not with desire to know it, so you can box it up, that is impossible, it is unfixed, constant movement.
Besides, the moment you think something is known, it becomes part of the collective again, a memory..let it go.
Keep experiencing.

You wrote;

Money for example is VERY emotional and very much an ILLUSION. Yes?

Money is energy. Nothing more. It is to you, whatever you label it.
I think money is best circulated, as with all energy. Just keep it moving.

Alright, Love..
I'm out for the night.
Again, thanks.
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Old 12-04-2008, 07:04 AM   #30
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Originally Posted by Buruso View Post
Hi guys, great discussion
this topic has been recurring for me for a number of years and so far my conclusion is: on a physical level emotions manifest as a feeling through various chemical combinations secreted in the brain from the thought patterns we use to give meaning to external events.
If we are asleep we repeate these pattern meanings and create suffering in our lives.
when we start to wake up we realise that these emotions are not us because we can detatch from them, giving us the ability to change the meaning we give things and lessen the suffering
so i thought that detatching was going to give me a balance somewhere in the middle of the rollercoaster ride but instead day to day existance became meaningless and my mind felt dull and my relationships suffered as i became more reactionless and spent the time observing myself rather than interacting in the relationship
i believe now that emotions are a key to evolution of the mind and that they are a necessasary energy for us to work with
through our emotion positive and negative energy currents flow (masculine/feminine , yin/yang ) being balanced all the time is kind of like being androgenous neither yin or yang, suppressing anything that might lead us out of balance
so allowing all emotion to flow freely and to accept and be ok with with what comes up, kind of a paradox, being of it but not in it, whether positive or negative be awake in that experience and moving with it is the new balance for me
with this we can start to see whether the patterns we run are serving us for the best in the current situation
sometimes it seems as though things are conspiring against us and anger or frustration arises so we push it down until finally a small event occurs and the reaction isn't in proportion to the event, so we can be vigilent and don't let any any emotion sucking energies/entities that may be present to draw us in.
so now i'm also trying to act on Joseph Campbell's statement : always follow your Bliss and Bashar says move to your highest excitment so whatever our emotional state be excited and blissfull in full awareness of it
part of being human is to experience a full range of emotion
my 2 cents worth
Hi Buruso~

Mind if I ask a couple questions? If it is too personal, no problem, I'll understand.
When you said that you thought detaching would give you balance, did you realize that you were still attached?
You were doing something, in order to gain something else..
Is that not attachment?
Hope, is attachment.
A crutch even, no? As is desire.
Detachment, to me, is giving up the desire to gain as well as the fear of loss..
It means not identifying with the emotion so much so, that it becomes me.
I can see it, and not act it out, know what I mean?

I continue to laugh, to cry..I continue to feel..yet in detaching emotionally, in being infiinite consciousness instead of self-consciousness, I experience far more balance than ever and what happens, is abundant peace on every front.
This is not a constant for me, I am still conditioned, but I am aware more often.
I find comfort in uncertainty, and not needing to know everything.
As for my relationships, I at no point feel that I am responsible for the way another feels.
That is self-consciousness. A trap to keep the burden of past & future tainting the present, which is spotless unless I get emotional, lol.

Perhaps your mind felt dull, because it was detoxing?
Emotions are the heroine of the self-conscious human it seems..
We are seemingly addicted to movement, even in the mind..
Did you become aware of what was beyond thought, beyond memory?
If so, how was that experience?
I can understand how relationships can be ignored, when constantly observing the self..
Perhaps it would have been beneficial to experience everything, without attachment, including attachment to observing self?
I don't know.

I liked when you said, being of it, but not in it..
To me that is experiencing emotion, seeing it, yet not becoming immersed in it, as if it is real or anything other than temporary.
That takes practice.
I watch how my mind wants to label things positive or negative, then I remember that which ever label I choose, the label has potential emotional consequences.
So I just don't.
I see what is, I choose what I prefer in that moment, and I let the experience go.
It's not simple..because the mind is influenced to complicate. But it's not impossible either.

Absolutely, experience emotion..see it, without activating it's hooks that are deeply rooted in past & future, and use that to blow open the doors to what IS..which is now, and create Bliss, intuitively!

Feel good~
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Old 12-04-2008, 12:21 PM   #31
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Thanks again all...this is the kind of dialog that helps people expand consciousness. We each allow the other to express opinion and speculate in varying directions, without attachment to being "right".
Perhaps it's the nature of the question...I'm not sure there are any authorities on emotion.

Circlewerk asked:
When you ponder life force being emotions, does that spark intuitive clarity?
hehehe...by no means. I wish.
The concept of emotions existing as a spectrum with polar opposite ends just sort of hit me while I was thinking about this thread yesterday at work. I likened it to the "force" in Star Wars...
With a 'dark' side and a 'light' side. Dark side consisting of slower vibrating energies (negative) and Light side opposite.
When I ponder "emotions being life force" (rather than life force being emotion)...I see myself operating or being motivated by whichever emotions I choose. My actions will reflect which end of the spectrum I happen to be 'on' at the time.

Also...on the topic of disconnecting from emotion:
Is this the same as employing the law of allowance?
If one lets go of expectations about outcomes (to just allow whatever to happen) is that the same as disconnecting?

Great thread!
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Old 12-04-2008, 12:31 PM   #32
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Hi Circlework
yeah i know that atatchment is part and parcel of any desire including the desire to be unatatched, it didn't take long to work that one out. I was part of a school that practised Advaita vedanta and we were trying to practise the idea of "not this not this" so any thought or emotion that would arise we would say that to ourselves to show that they were not who we are and see the transient nature of those things. after a while of doing that and not allowing the emotion to be expressed thats when the dullness and apathy started to appear. somewhere in the back of my mind and on a semi unconcious level the were supressed emotions attatched to an aspect of ego that felt denied. Now i try to practise the Eckhardt Tolle method of creating space around things, with that i try to feel into the experience with a kind of thoughtless knowing and usually the appropriate response arises

seeing my emotions and not acting them out i think has come from maturety and disernment, but my ego small buruso can be quite clever where i think i'm being higher minded when in fact hidden in that is the desire not to appear anti social or weak etc. so i act appropriatly in order for people to like me because my inner child is not feeling loved or approved of. anyway i think we are on the same page with how we deal with emotions ie: of it but not in it
I like to live dangerously by expiencing my emotion full on but having a safety button that can hopefully pull me back when needed

in the school we also practised TM and my expieriece caused me to see that the world is in me, i created my world by interpretations of my senses. there was a point where i would "click out" a kind of nothingness as there was no reference point to seperate me from all that is, the thing is though i would only know that once i came back to my rational mind.

I think emotion is a great tool to do inner work with a lot of our emotionally charged reactions come our multipal inner personalities ( vulnerable child, protector, good father etc, ) some of us had traumatic expierences as we were growing up and harbour insecurities that play out unconciously until the day we die, unless we wake up and try to integrate these shadow selves.
one of the ways to do this is to allow the emotion to play out until we come out the other side of it. usually we need a guide and a safe environment to help us through the expierence to become wholly integrated, light and dark it's all in us

Last edited by Buruso; 12-04-2008 at 11:17 PM.
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Old 12-04-2008, 04:24 PM   #33
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

I am deeply pleased with the insight of this thread. I am certainly contemplating all that is written.

Looking forward to diving a little deeper...
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Old 12-06-2008, 11:15 PM   #34
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Originally Posted by Circlewerk View Post
Loving this exchange Sammytray~


Not long ago, I was talking to my 12 year old daughter about thoughts, emotions..
I asked her if she thought that her thoughts were her own..
Her reply was this..
" I don't know, not always, because sometimes I hear someone talking with an accent, and they're not even female."

Has this happened to you? It has happened to me.
And if left unchecked, those thoughts could become an emotion.
Is there an agenda?
And if so, how productive could emotions be, beyond keeping man stuck in the illusion that psychological time has enabled?

I must say, what I am providing (link) is much more than emotion...
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Old 12-07-2008, 07:55 AM   #35
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Question Re: what 'is' emotion?

The effect on the body from something which is produced by the soul.
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Old 12-07-2008, 06:35 PM   #36
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Originally Posted by sammytray View Post


Not long ago, I was talking to my 12 year old daughter about thoughts, emotions..
I asked her if she thought that her thoughts were her own..
Her reply was this..
" I don't know, not always, because sometimes I hear someone talking with an accent, and they're not even female."

Has this happened to you? It has happened to me.
And if left unchecked, those thoughts could become an emotion.
Is there an agenda?
And if so, how productive could emotions be, beyond keeping man stuck in the illusion that psychological time has enabled?

I must say, what I am providing (link) is much more than emotion...

Thank you Sammytray,
I read the thread you linked when it began, and found it interesting. In some ways it confirmed what I had already known.
Both my children are aware that they are not their thoughts.
Due to my own experiences with psychic attack throughout my life, I found it necessary to discuss the movement of mind with my kids on a level that they could comprehend.
I encourage all humans to be the awareness behind the thoughts, emotions, instead of attaching to those movements as if they are real, because most of the time, they are not.
It goes beyond what voice2skull suggests as well.
The new interview with James from Wingmakers touches on it also.
At the end of the day, simple unconditional awareness is where it's at.
Realizing that our infinite truth is beyond the memories, beyond the thoughts, beyond self-consciousness is paramount.

Feel good,
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Old 12-07-2008, 07:05 PM   #37
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

FOR ME, emotion means, ""NOT IN BALANCE"".....

the energi of L O V E has absolut nothing to do with emotion

when u are in the universal love, there is no space for emotion.......

B E like this "original" smiley......

......not lauhging, not crying, not dancing, not fighting.......
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Old 12-07-2008, 11:57 PM   #38
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Originally Posted by borrasca2012 View Post
FOR ME, emotion means, ""NOT IN BALANCE""..... the energi of L O V E has absolut nothing to do with emotion when u are in the universal love, there is no space for emotion.......
B E like this "original" smiley...... ......not lauhging, not crying, not dancing, not fighting.......
Emotion is the fuel in the engine.
And it can push you all the way, or make you crash into a tree.
Love is a poison word brought into this world to confuse us.
You have never felt love, only emotions.
And when the emotions sing your song you might call it love.
But there is no such thing, there's only songs to sing.
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Old 12-08-2008, 12:39 AM   #39
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Originally Posted by coldMiner View Post
Emotion is the fuel in the engine.
And it can push you all the way, or make you crash into a tree.
Love is a poison word brought into this world to confuse us.
You have never felt love, only emotions.
And when the emotions sing your song you might call it love.
But there is no such thing, there's only songs to sing.

Well said.

And I'd add that emotion is the result of the mind trap.
Most are a lower frequency equation of thought, that has gotten stuck on something the mind perceives as real, which keeps the individual living in the past as long as that emotion is employed.

Now, is without lasting emotion or love, it is simply experienced unconditionally.

Love is another word that man has attached himself to, due in part to how it has been marketed.
No one knows for certain what love is or is not. If it is, or is not.
It is the reach to KNOW something, anything, that keeps man in an emotionally stuck place.
Not content to simply, "Sing the songs."
As long as Good and Bad exist in the mind, so will the ideas of love & hate.
Vibration, is only that. And tapping it is enough, for now.
Why does man have such a hard time being in the unknown and comfortable at the same time?
For example, if one experiences a feeling that they label love, and another says no, that is not love, it is nothing. Why does the man who chose to label
the vibration get defensive of this word he calls love?
It is attachment to a man made word, with a man made definition, that has a way of keeping the man struggling in mind.
If one can experience life as an unconditional observer, deeply aware of the functions of mind and how it attaches to situations, etc..perhaps he can then realize freedom, and that his influenced, even manipulated ways of perception have caused him all the grief & misery he has acted out, believed in, encountered & attracted.
And maybe he will see what is actual, and how that is never a constant or fixed thing.


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Old 12-08-2008, 01:10 AM   #40
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Originally Posted by Circlewerk View Post
Most are a lower frequency equation of thought, that has gotten stuck on something the mind perceives as real, which keeps the individual living in the past as long as that emotion is employed.

Now, is without lasting emotion or love, it is simply experienced unconditionally.
So glad you pointed this out, I was eager to connect emotions to the past, but was afraid that it would confuse.

It makes me remember this:
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Old 12-08-2008, 01:59 AM   #41
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Originally Posted by Circlewerk View Post
Well said.

And I'd add that emotion is the result of the mind trap.
Most are a lower frequency equation of thought, that has gotten stuck on something the mind perceives as real, which keeps the individual living in the past as long as that emotion is employed.

Now, is without lasting emotion or love, it is simply experienced unconditionally.

Love is another word that man has attached himself to, due in part to how it has been marketed.
No one knows for certain what love is or is not. If it is, or is not.
It is the reach to KNOW something, anything, that keeps man in an emotionally stuck place.
Not content to simply, "Sing the songs."
As long as Good and Bad exist in the mind, so will the ideas of love & hate.
Vibration, is only that. And tapping it is enough, for now.
Why does man have such a hard time being in the unknown and comfortable at the same time?
For example, if one experiences a feeling that they label love, and another says no, that is not love, it is nothing. Why does the man who chose to label
the vibration get defensive of this word he calls love?
It is attachment to a man made word, with a man made definition, that has a way of keeping the man struggling in mind.
If one can experience life as an unconditional observer, deeply aware of the functions of mind and how it attaches to situations, etc..perhaps he can then realize freedom, and that his influenced, even manipulated ways of perception have caused him all the grief & misery he has acted out, believed in, encountered & attracted.
And maybe he will see what is actual, and how that is never a constant or fixed thing.


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Old 12-08-2008, 02:18 AM   #42
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Emotions are the "language" of the Heart.

while everything possible has been done to distort this language, and to change its meaning, and to program automatic emotional responses to "trigger" words, in our "education" and learned behavior... this is quite simply undone.

one needs only to examine their emotional reactions, to determine whether or not they are expressing their TRUE identity, or something programed into our "word association" program...

are our reactions "knee-jerked" or heart felt?

It has been discovered that the heart has an intelligence of its own...that is quicker and more accurate than that of the mind...it is called "Intuitive Intelligence" (not to be confused with Instincts)

there are no "neg" emotional responses, if they are genuine and authentic.

we love to blame others for our emotional responses but if they are actually coming from the heart, and not the results of some mind induced chemical overload, due to a program... they contribute virtues that greatly enhance our relationships with other.

Last edited by ENdJOY; 12-08-2008 at 02:22 AM.
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Old 12-08-2008, 07:06 AM   #43
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Originally Posted by Xhaosis View Post
emotion makes us different from Instinctive animals.. Emotion is like the comet in the universe that smacks into the planet to change it, for the 1st time after 1 trillion years because a meteor smacked into it hard enough to move it over just a little to a furthest degree.. Emotion is a force that changes the landscape OF LIFE!!!!! A complex form of technology you should be thankful for in one form or another. You are something.. Not part of it, you are SOMETHING... One hell of a question man, I had to drift off into the left side of my brain to think of that one...
I'm not as sure of this as you seem to be.
I've had animals, dogs and cats, that have showed tremendous emotion.

Emotion is how we're controlled by our media; it's how we first feel the spark of something greater than ourselves, or what we think is love anyway. Later when we feel the real, non chemical/hormonal, True Love of Heart, only then, do we have a chance to find ourselves.

Emotion is what drives most of us; regardless of what we may think.

What else can both blind and allow us to see?

IMHO, there is only one true emotion and from this all others spring: L O V E.
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Old 12-10-2008, 01:03 AM   #44
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Originally Posted by taadev View Post
Later when we feel the real, non chemical/hormonal, True Love of Heart, only then, do we have a chance to find ourselves.
Then we are lost...
This makes no sense. When do I know when I feel "non chemical/hormonal, True Love of Heart". What is "True Love of Heart"? Religion? Belif? And how can I separate my false emotions from my real emotions before "I find myself "?
Sorry mate, just a pretty picture, but no logic = no solution.
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Old 12-10-2008, 01:47 AM   #45
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Originally Posted by coldMiner View Post
Then we are lost...
This makes no sense. When do I know when I feel "non chemical/hormonal, True Love of Heart". What is "True Love of Heart"? Religion? Belif? And how can I separate my false emotions from my real emotions before "I find myself "?
Sorry mate, just a pretty picture, but no logic = no solution.
Yes, coldMiner.
Love, is on the scale of the known, whether a person wants to call it emotion or not, there is still an attachment to it, which is emotional/egoistic/identification.
To be free of this scale, allows for the unfixed high vibration of that which is untitled & infinite.
"Love" is a label of memory, keeping he who thinks he has it, or desires it, in the mind of known, thwarting his ability to experience that which is beyond a memory.
If man experiences high vibration of non thought, beyond time, he may think he loves that experience, but his desire to label, his thinking of it, means he is back in the loop of self-consciousness.

It makes sense to me, to detach from desire & the known all together, so that
this infinite vibration can be tapped and allowed, so that expansion can happen without consequence or fear, so that the profundity of the unknown can be recognized without the ego sticking it's barbs into it, by trying to know it, name it.

Any logic given to an experience is also an attempt at the known.
Back in the emotional loop!

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Old 12-11-2008, 03:17 PM   #46
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Emotions and expressing emotions are what make us human!
That is except the language and the ability of development the most important trait that differentiates us from animals ...
Man are more closer to animals speeking about expressing emotions heeehee
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Old 12-11-2008, 08:05 PM   #47
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Originally Posted by Circlewerk View Post
Yes, coldMiner.
Love, is on the scale of the known, whether a person wants to call it emotion or not, there is still an attachment to it, which is emotional/egoistic/identification.
To be free of this scale, allows for the unfixed high vibration of that which is untitled & infinite.
"Love" is a label of memory, keeping he who thinks he has it, or desires it, in the mind of known, thwarting his ability to experience that which is beyond a memory.
If man experiences high vibration of non thought, beyond time, he may think he loves that experience, but his desire to label, his thinking of it, means he is back in the loop of self-consciousness.

It makes sense to me, to detach from desire & the known all together, so that
this infinite vibration can be tapped and allowed, so that expansion can happen without consequence or fear, so that the profundity of the unknown can be recognized without the ego sticking it's barbs into it, by trying to know it, name it.

Any logic given to an experience is also an attempt at the known.
Back in the emotional loop!


As you end your writings you close with the word "breathing".

That really is the magic word... If we could just take a moment and really contemplate "breathe"! IT ALL MAKES SENSE!
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Old 08-21-2009, 05:54 AM   #48
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

A wise man said: E-motion is Energy in Motion... does the wise man care to elaborate?
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Old 08-21-2009, 06:58 AM   #49
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Dolores Cannon asserts that all ETs have emotions (See Keepers of the Garden p.84f.) My telepathic direct contacts/experiences with ETs certainly suggest the same. This notion that some (all?) greys have somehow removed all emotion is pure fiction and ignorance. Even the intelligent AI beings have emotions, and not really different from other beings. However,as Dolores also notes, present-day (and past) humans seem to cultivate or experience the emotion of fear more than any other intelligent lifeforms do.

To understand what emotions are, we need not just to distinguish them from thoughts but also from intuition and sensation. That's because the word "feelings" can cover all three.

My understanding is that our intuition gives us intuitive feelings, but these are quite separate from emotional feelings. Indeed, I consider a very big part of spiritual liberation is learning how to clearly distinguish between the two -- and then to live by your intuitive feelings. Getting in touch with and developing your intuition seems closely connected with mastering meditation, and also with mastering detachment.

Emotions, as I use the term, are a very important part of our survival mechanism. They basically tell us whether to avoid or accept. They come from the electromagnetic field around our body, which stores or accesses all our memories.

Going back to "feelings", though, we experience a feeling about X whenever we experience X as not separate from us, but still not identical to us. And we experience a thought about X whenever we view or consider or experience X as separate from us and disconnected from us.
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Old 08-22-2009, 06:55 AM   #50
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Default Re: what 'is' emotion?

Originally Posted by TraineeHuman View Post
Dolores Cannon asserts that all ETs have emotions (See Keepers of the Garden p.84f.) My telepathic direct contacts/experiences with ETs certainly suggest the same. This notion that some (all?) greys have somehow removed all emotion is pure fiction and ignorance. Even the intelligent AI beings have emotions, and not really different from other beings. However,as Dolores also notes, present-day (and past) humans seem to cultivate or experience the emotion of fear more than any other intelligent lifeforms do.

To understand what emotions are, we need not just to distinguish them from thoughts but also from intuition and sensation. That's because the word "feelings" can cover all three.

My understanding is that our intuition gives us intuitive feelings, but these are quite separate from emotional feelings. Indeed, I consider a very big part of spiritual liberation is learning how to clearly distinguish between the two -- and then to live by your intuitive feelings. Getting in touch with and developing your intuition seems closely connected with mastering meditation, and also with mastering detachment.

Emotions, as I use the term, are a very important part of our survival mechanism. They basically tell us whether to avoid or accept. They come from the electromagnetic field around our body, which stores or accesses all our memories.

Going back to "feelings", though, we experience a feeling about X whenever we experience X as not separate from us, but still not identical to us. And we experience a thought about X whenever we view or consider or experience X as separate from us and disconnected from us.

"Going back to "feelings", though, we experience a feeling about X whenever we experience X as not separate from us, but still not identical to us. And we experience a thought about X whenever we view or consider or experience X as separate from us and disconnected from us. " This is mind boggling

"My telepathic direct contacts/experiences with ETs certainly suggest the same" - can you elaborate a bit?
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