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Old 10-22-2008, 10:52 PM   #26
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Originally Posted by fawziya View Post
"For those who wish information on Reptilian people, rather than waste my time, please check the entertainment sections of major bookstores or visit the local zoo and look up these particular categories: Crocodilia, Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Testudines."

I couldn't (chose not) to finish reading what you wrote. It was just TOO verbose. I'm open, but GET TO THE POINT, man. My view is NOT set in stone. It's open to change as my enlightenment changes.

Thanks, for your input, anyhow.
For the record, I stated my basic point right off the bat in my post, and then went on to post a bunch of detail and information out of some of alan watt's research that reflects my opinions, that last little bit you quoted is just a comment displayed on the front page of alan's website. in actuality he has tonnes of information debunking reptilians/annunaki, but that bit of text is just to make the point that the reptilian-theory is disinformation.
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Old 10-22-2008, 11:22 PM   #27
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Doom, / mood.... so, you are using Alan Watts logo as your avatar...

Does Alan not believe in any ET's at all?
Whatt , it's just .... us humans ? !?!

How does he explain our recent near exponential technological leaps without any benefit of reverse engineering, just to grossly simplify the argument.

Anyway, what lucrative book deals did the poor guy miss out on , and besides, what would he spend it on? Another shack behind his shack?

I know ol Watty was not asked back to Redice Creations, but I hardly think there was a mega / multi blockbuster deal kiboshed because he would not tow the reptilian line .
If Alan Watt does not believe in aliens, and you believe in Alan Watt, watt are you doing here?

Actually, I admire the roll-call of NWO facts he has at his command, it's a very good overview of the human aspect of the power structure.
But it aint enough.
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Old 10-23-2008, 03:30 AM   #28
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Originally Posted by swordsmith View Post
Doom, / mood.... so, you are using Alan Watts logo as your avatar...

Does Alan not believe in any ET's at all?
Whatt , it's just .... us humans ? !?!

How does he explain our recent near exponential technological leaps without any benefit of reverse engineering, just to grossly simplify the argument.

Anyway, what lucrative book deals did the poor guy miss out on , and besides, what would he spend it on? Another shack behind his shack?

I know ol Watty was not asked back to Redice Creations, but I hardly think there was a mega / multi blockbuster deal kiboshed because he would not tow the reptilian line .
If Alan Watt does not believe in aliens, and you believe in Alan Watt, watt are you doing here?

Actually, I admire the roll-call of NWO facts he has at his command, it's a very good overview of the human aspect of the power structure.
But it aint enough.
Yes I use Alan's logo as my avatar, great isn't it . Of course Alan has mentioned that he there is obviously life elsewhere than earth, that doesn't mean aliens are here or involved in any way with life on earth.

All of this stuff is culture creation, heavily pushed by the mainstream media. In art, movies, fictions of all kinds, etc.

And by the why, it is not that I "believe in Alan's work", it is that Alan has pointed me onto research that I have done for myself that goes beyond the typical conspiracy stuff, the patriot movement, the ufo alien agenda, etc. and shows that all of those movements have been set up, culture creations used to control population.

They know there are portions of people that are going to rebel and they have set up many leaders and cultures for the people to group those people into.

They mix fact with fiction to the point people can't tell the difference.

Broadly put, the UFO movement is heavily funded by the rockafellar foundation, and if you look into all of this stuff, it all has origins that are set up from the top down, by such organizations, as well as the CIA/Mi5/Mi6.

This stuff all goes back to Crowley, and Blavatsky...

Anyways, Alan's altercation with Red Ice should be fairly exopsed by now.
Alan's side of the story, is basically that Red Ice, Michael Tsarion, David Icke, and Chris Everard all know each other and work together. He was offered a book deal and some DVD deals by some of the same people that carry David's work etc. But they told him he had to go along with the alien and reptilian agenda. He told them "No, I know you work for Mi5 and worship your hero Crowley". Or something to that sort. Since then he mentions he has been shunned by Red Ice radio, and received threatening emails.

He also mentions that some of his friends tested David quite a few years back one time when he was in Toronto I believe. They practiced all the masonic handshakes etc. from a book before hand and when they went to meet Dave after some lecture or something they gave him all the masonic handshakes and symbols and what not and he knew them all and returned them all.

Who's side of the story you want to go is up to you, it matters not really.
The truth is in the evidence I say. And I'm not hear to "debunk UFO's and cosnpiracies", but we have to work together to sort out fact and fiction. I'm not saying I'm right, and there's no possibility that I'm wrong. But we have to base truth on evidence not possibility. That's "possibility think", a general condition of the new age, if you think anything is possible, you can be made to believe anything.

You asked why I'm here if I don't believe in UFOs. Well, first of all, I have believed in them basically my whole life since I was very young, and in the last few years only have I come to change my mind.

I've been researching the alien agenda my entire life even to the point that when I was a kid I went through a short phase of being afraid to sleep at night because of fear of abduction. I also even wrote a letter back some 15 years ago to the Arch Bishop (we had to write a letter to him for the christian confirmation sacrament - my parent's made me since they were christian and I went to a catholic school, but I never really was christian and am not anymore, I'm not anything anymore, not atheist, not anything, though I do believe in spirit... but anyways this just all goes into another subject and we don't need to get off track at this moment). And at the confirmation mass, the archbiship singled me out in front of the entire congregation, saying "this one boy wrote to me somethnig quite rare, I've had many letters of children who want to be astronauts, but this one wants to be a UFOlogist". Everyone at the church in the congregation laughed at me. So anyways, my point is that I think at least I am qualified to have an opinion on the subject.

But now that I've studied the new age and culture creation and relized that this stuff was set up for us to believe to distort reality, I've become much more skeptical. I've done much research since that disproves alot of the previous information I had. You have to keep an "open mind", but not too open, it has to be on guard.

And I'm always open to any evidence, I want to get all sides of the story. I believe there may be UFO's but just not alien's driving those UFOs, and that they are not reverse engineered from crashed alien aircraft, but simply built by us. Secret advanced technology has always been kept hidden from the public throughout all ages. There is no need for "aliens" to explain the technology we are seeing. As well, you can read all of this stuff in many works of the elites, for example, you get hints at such in a book by Zbignew Brezisnki, when talks about the 'Technotronic Era' in Between Two Ages. He talks here bout technology far in advance of what was and is known that will be used on populations in the future.

BTW, My username Doom, is just my nickname in real life. As a kid I was called "Dune Bugy" because I was so fast, which then was often miss pronounced as "Doom Bugy", which later evolved into just "Doom" for short.

Last edited by Doom; 10-23-2008 at 04:06 AM.
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Old 10-23-2008, 04:35 AM   #29
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Originally Posted by Heretic View Post
I have given this serious thought myself and William Cooper later in his years also thought he had been set up to spread dis-info concerning the info he came out with when he started. He suspect that he was shown documents and information on purpose as pat of some plot to keep people from a different truth.

My only defense in all of this uncertainly on what theories to devote time to and what to avoid is that I simply take it all in, record it and store it away without getting too emotionally attached to any of it. Some say that answers are limitations that simply inhibit the recognition of other possibilities.

This helps me alot because I can do research from various mental platforms and paradigms that conflict. It helps alot and even though I do get attached to some of it, I always accept that possibility that I am being manipulated and dis-informed.

That and it is fun HAH!

Yes, me as well. But I wouldn't say it is fun. It is a Tragic Comedy. Take it all in, all sides of the stories, and then try to make sense of it. Though, it is truly difficult not to be bias. Fantasy intrigues us and draws us in. Many are even into this stuff for the entertainment factor alone, like you said, the fun. Although I know there is a large portion that are genuine, even myself, I was heavily into believing the alien agenda, because like many others who are genuine, I wanted to know the truth, and in wanting to know the truth, like you said, you become a target for dis-information and can easily be lead to fall into some belief/culture set up from the top down for us. Very few people will make it through "waking up" mentally intact. Psychological Warfare runs rampant in these types of areas of study, obviously to obscure the truth, and mix fact with fiction to the point that people do not know what to believe.

Last edited by Doom; 10-23-2008 at 04:42 AM.
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Old 10-23-2008, 06:49 AM   #30
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Here is some supporting evidence for the hypothesis that the alien issue is a fraud

William Lyne has written 3 books and his contention is that advanced technology has been hidden since the late 1800s and that the UFO phenomenon has been generated to keep the public in the dark about what the GOV has been doing with advanced technology. He has also done some interviews concerning the Nazi UFOs and Free Energy. Whether you agree with him or not the information is still quite compelling.

Pentagon Aliens

Occult Science Dictatorship: The Official State Science Religion and How to Get Excommunicated

Occult Ether Physics: Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It

Here also is a hour long interview of him on the 33rd Parallel show called “Nazi UFO’s - How They Fly

His work reminded me of how many alien/flying saucer movies hit the theaters during the 1950s and here is a small list of some that were popular.

For the sake of balance I will also add that the UFO phenomenon is not limited to the 20th century at all and his theory in no way explains why we see them thought history from petroglyphs to great works of art.

Ancient UFO paintings

UFO File – Ancient Aliens

History Channel’s - UFOs and the Bible


Last edited by Heretic; 10-23-2008 at 09:30 AM.
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Old 10-23-2008, 09:08 AM   #31
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Post Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Doom...I have read your postings and admire your perceptions for the most part...
You appear to be a big fan of Ziggy...Zbigniew...just observing the fact...no offence meant...
It is true that the paranormal...ufo's, reptilians, etc. has and is being used to full advantage by the media disinformation network and those who wish to subdue, dumbdown and exercise mindcontrol techniques against the sheeple. Many of us on this forum are aware of that.
Just yesterday I experienced on the tube a subliminal manifestation that could only be described as reptilian (on a American channel...I am Canadian).

I would like to refer you to Antonia's comments on this thread and get your take and observations from what she has to say before I elaborate on a personal experience which happened to me in 1994.
I say this because as you say..."I don't want to waste your time".
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Old 10-23-2008, 09:24 AM   #32
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Originally Posted by Doom View Post
Yes I use Alan's logo as my avatar, great isn't it . Of course Alan has mentioned that he there is obviously life elsewhere than earth, that doesn't mean aliens are here or involved in any way with life on earth.

All of this stuff is culture creation, heavily pushed by the mainstream media. In art, movies, fictions of all kinds, etc.

And by the why, it is not that I "believe in Alan's work", it is that Alan has pointed me onto research that I have done for myself that goes beyond the typical conspiracy stuff, the patriot movement, the ufo alien agenda, etc. and shows that all of those movements have been set up, culture creations used to control population.

They know there are portions of people that are going to rebel and they have set up many leaders and cultures for the people to group those people into.

They mix fact with fiction to the point people can't tell the difference.

Broadly put, the UFO movement is heavily funded by the rockafellar foundation, and if you look into all of this stuff, it all has origins that are set up from the top down, by such organizations, as well as the CIA/Mi5/Mi6.

This stuff all goes back to Crowley, and Blavatsky...

Anyways, Alan's altercation with Red Ice should be fairly exopsed by now.
Alan's side of the story, is basically that Red Ice, Michael Tsarion, David Icke, and Chris Everard all know each other and work together. He was offered a book deal and some DVD deals by some of the same people that carry David's work etc. But they told him he had to go along with the alien and reptilian agenda. He told them "No, I know you work for Mi5 and worship your hero Crowley". Or something to that sort. Since then he mentions he has been shunned by Red Ice radio, and received threatening emails.

He also mentions that some of his friends tested David quite a few years back one time when he was in Toronto I believe. They practiced all the masonic handshakes etc. from a book before hand and when they went to meet Dave after some lecture or something they gave him all the masonic handshakes and symbols and what not and he knew them all and returned them all.

Who's side of the story you want to go is up to you, it matters not really.
The truth is in the evidence I say. And I'm not hear to "debunk UFO's and cosnpiracies", but we have to work together to sort out fact and fiction. I'm not saying I'm right, and there's no possibility that I'm wrong. But we have to base truth on evidence not possibility. That's "possibility think", a general condition of the new age, if you think anything is possible, you can be made to believe anything.

You asked why I'm here if I don't believe in UFOs. Well, first of all, I have believed in them basically my whole life since I was very young, and in the last few years only have I come to change my mind.

I've been researching the alien agenda my entire life even to the point that when I was a kid I went through a short phase of being afraid to sleep at night because of fear of abduction. I also even wrote a letter back some 15 years ago to the Arch Bishop (we had to write a letter to him for the christian confirmation sacrament - my parent's made me since they were christian and I went to a catholic school, but I never really was christian and am not anymore, I'm not anything anymore, not atheist, not anything, though I do believe in spirit... but anyways this just all goes into another subject and we don't need to get off track at this moment). And at the confirmation mass, the archbiship singled me out in front of the entire congregation, saying "this one boy wrote to me somethnig quite rare, I've had many letters of children who want to be astronauts, but this one wants to be a UFOlogist". Everyone at the church in the congregation laughed at me. So anyways, my point is that I think at least I am qualified to have an opinion on the subject.

But now that I've studied the new age and culture creation and relized that this stuff was set up for us to believe to distort reality, I've become much more skeptical. I've done much research since that disproves alot of the previous information I had. You have to keep an "open mind", but not too open, it has to be on guard.

And I'm always open to any evidence, I want to get all sides of the story. I believe there may be UFO's but just not alien's driving those UFOs, and that they are not reverse engineered from crashed alien aircraft, but simply built by us. Secret advanced technology has always been kept hidden from the public throughout all ages. There is no need for "aliens" to explain the technology we are seeing. As well, you can read all of this stuff in many works of the elites, for example, you get hints at such in a book by Zbignew Brezisnki, when talks about the 'Technotronic Era' in Between Two Ages. He talks here bout technology far in advance of what was and is known that will be used on populations in the future.

BTW, My username Doom, is just my nickname in real life. As a kid I was called "Dune Bugy" because I was so fast, which then was often miss pronounced as "Doom Bugy", which later evolved into just "Doom" for short.
wow you should start reading here : http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread403743/pg1 a lot of interesting info there. You might wanna catch up on your alien history...and when i saw your avatar I 'ed . Sorry mate but you might wanna do your own research. People that rely on others for their own beliefs are just like those that watch television.
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Old 10-23-2008, 01:30 PM   #33
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

I think he saw one to many episodes of V. Remember V, same story.
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Old 10-23-2008, 04:20 PM   #34
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

I have read some of David Icke's work and there is one thing that troubles me a little.....

Along with his motto 'Problem-Reaction-Solution' David rightly warns people not to be 'Repeaters' - which I guess means not to absorb information from the media, accept it as fact and pass it on. On this much we are agreed

My concern is that I don't think David has actually seen anyone shape-shift but appears to take his information from others.

Admittedly, I haven't read much of his work - I've mostly watched him on video so perhaps someone on this forum will be able to correct my assumption that David has not personally witnessed a reptillian shape shift

Last edited by Allie; 10-24-2008 at 02:45 AM.
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Old 10-23-2008, 07:50 PM   #35
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Originally Posted by Rebel4Life View Post
wow you should start reading here : http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread403743/pg1 a lot of interesting info there. You might wanna catch up on your alien history...and when i saw your avatar I 'ed . Sorry mate but you might wanna do your own research. People that rely on others for their own beliefs are just like those that watch television.
Nothing new there, seen all that info before many times. I've done all my research for myself and have personally studied all the "alien history" for many years. Like I said I once was a believer myself. I don't rely on any one else's beliefs or opinions - I make my own based on my own personal research. did you even read my posts? I find it insulting that you have told me to do my own research after reading what I have said(if you even did) because I have, and I try to research ALL sides of the story. And these are the conclusions I currently have, always open to learning more, but I think perhaps it is you who should seek out more information for yourself about how the UFO movement, and "alien history" is a culture creation, and not factual. believing aliens are here is a fairly mainstream belief, and has been perpetuated and supported heavily by the mainstream media. Watch Larry King's epsiodes on UFOs, and watch how the mainstream pushes both the debunkers AND the UFO/alien supporters. They want you running in circles that lead to know where.

At least respect my opinions. You know, it is possible that we have each studied much of the same alien agenda information, and yet came to a different conclusions. You have to respect that. I would understand you're post if I was some typical "debunker" who hadn't actually looked into any of this, but that's just not the case.

Last edited by Doom; 10-23-2008 at 08:23 PM.
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Old 10-23-2008, 10:07 PM   #36
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

many years ago, david was sitting in a hotel room when he first encountered the beings that gave him the information. he called out to them saying he knew they were in the room with him, but to no avail. he was then getting spiritual healing for his artheritis by a healer and on his 2nd session she started to channel the messeges from the from these beings to say that he was not ready for contact. this is when he started thinking maybe he was the chosen one, which many people have thought when they have had contacts. as time went on he eventually got into hisintuition and started to get full info on the reality of this world. and the reality is multidimensional beings controlling certain bloodlines. did u see the funeral of the queen mother? she was a short person/lizard but her coffin was twice the size of her! maybe when they die they convert back to lizard form. ever wondered why they have such long robes? maybe when they change back to lizard form the robes actually fit properly. i personally think that these lizards came from mars after they destroyed it the same way they are destroying this planet. search google for the cydonia on mars to washington dc layout. surprisingly the mouments on mars are exactly the same locations as they are on the washington dc plan of the city!

http://www.startinglinks.net/cydonia...0OF%20CYDONIA/ ....for animated gif!
http://projectavalon.net/forum/pictu...pictureid=4091 ....for layout keys!

Originally Posted by Allie View Post
I have read some of David Icke's work and there is one thing that troubles me a little.....

Along with his motto 'Problem-Reaction-Solution' David rightly warns people not to be 'Repeaters' - which I guess means not to absorb information from the media, accept it as fact and pass it on. On this much we are agreed

My concern is that I don't think David has actually seen anyone shape-shift but appears to take his information from others.

Admittedly, I haven't read much of his work - I've only watched him on video so perhaps someone on this forum will be able to correct my assumption that David has not personally witnessed a reptillian shape shift

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Old 10-23-2008, 11:22 PM   #37
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

From Alan's FAQ on his website:

I think the reason
you wont go near aliens is because you cannot go there,
as you can't explain them. You might start losing
audience unless you start addressing these issues
instead of just avoiding them, people will think you are
just blowing air. Lots of people are aware of
masons/black popes etc.

Alan: I knew all this stuff long before ___________ was heard of. I
came to speak the truth, not what is popular. Jesus was
crucified and jeered by the same mob because he didn't go the
popular way of a sword wielding messiah. Truth is always
crucified because the public doesn't want it. I could say way
more about an alien agenda than the popular stuff being
spewed out there, but it would not help stop the associations
and combinations (of men) who are plotting without the help of
any aliens to take us all down. The purpose of psychological
warfare is to have you counting your toes or gazing at the night
sky looking for aliens while you're all dying of viruses and
bacterium made by men in laboratories, paid by men in big
office towers, who associate with big elite associations of men
who have annual meetings. If I wanted to fascinate the people
and be popular, I could spin you the most beautiful tales you'd
ever hear and churn a book out every two weeks. It might not
help you but it would be giving you what you want.

Alan, you are great at explaining the Problems in society.
Can you give a talk about solutions? And arguing about
reptilians is childish. Fighting with ________ about
details is stupid, there is much more at stake here. The
main point is there is a group (Reptilian, Masonic or
Both) that is controlling this world. How do we win this
battle … We can find out if your version or __________
version is true later. Tales from the Croc Pot is not
about solutions … It’s about EGO. Drop the EGO and
let's focus on solutions. Anyone who presents problems
without solutions is not credible.

Alan: We've got to eliminate the crocodiles because apparently
they're running all over the place. Part of the solution again is
to expose the control and the control techniques which includes
psychological warfare, which has many people spinning into
outer space. The solution is for each individual to decide. If
the system is corrupt from top to bottom, how can you save it,
and would you want to save it, or like most people do you want
time to stop with everything you know intact and simply go no
further? I've been deluged with New Agers who've swallowed
every piece of candy on the bookshelves and their solution is to
stare down holes like Mt. Shasta for an answer, try and make
piece with the reptiles, or accepting the "fact" that the
commoners are a lower slave made DNA type of reptile,
therefore there's nothing you can do. Meanwhile all the little
unknown people who've been doing all the serious research
have it spun into outer space and discredited by psychological
warfare techniques. The oneness movement was put out there
by the top of the establishment for the establishment's sake.
People are divided by all religions including the New Age
Religion, the Space Age Religion and the Lord Of The Rings
Religion. The only ones who have their names on documents
regarding the New World Order and its agenda were conceived
and born the same way as everybody else. Until the public
demand a say in their own destiny and demand the
associations to which every public servant belongs be made
available, then these agendas will steamroll on. Why would
anyone give power of law over one-self to someone or
hundreds who've sworn allegiance to a secret agenda? Just
like with the FTAA, NAFTA, GATT, SOA, the public know by the
effects years after the deals have been signed into law. We
are only now seeing the effects of the next stage. America is
asleep. No one can argue they didn't notice the unification of
Europe and the subjugation of once national governments to
that of minor provinces. Where were the people of America
while all that was going on? And check the most popular books
of that era. Yes, counter-intelligence works very well.

PS - You mentioned there is a group (reptilian, masonic or
both) that is controlling this world. Who's been mining your
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Old 10-24-2008, 12:16 AM   #38
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Originally Posted by mr.komie View Post
many years ago, david was sitting in a hotel room when he first encountered the beings that gave him the information. he called out to them saying he knew they were in the room with him,
can I get a link to your source on this, I don't believe I have this info in my David Icke archives



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Old 10-24-2008, 01:13 AM   #39
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Here's a link to David Icke's site.

He was on channel 200 earlier, and when he was asked a question about Blossom Goodchilds prediction, aliens, ufo,s and the Galactic Federation of light. His answer was, "there is a project called Blue-Beam", "it's possibly". Then went on explaining what blue-beam is all about.

My throughts excactly after the non show on the 14th. And there is quite a bit of activity amongst hierarchy and the military at the moment.
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Old 10-24-2008, 02:34 AM   #40
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Originally Posted by End_Times012 View Post
I don't recognize a lot of the people in my dreams. Almost as if I'm having someone else's dreams.
I think this is in essence what Icke is saying. We ARE someone else's dream, or, in the current scenario, nightmare. But unplugging from the matrix, and gaining back our own dreams, involves confronting our deepest fears and often leaving behind people we love. This is something Icke spoke about in Santa Clara recently.
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Old 10-24-2008, 03:01 AM   #41
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Old 10-24-2008, 02:10 PM   #42
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Originally Posted by Heretic View Post
can I get a link to your source on this, I don't believe I have this info in my David Icke archives



...im sure it was on a channel 5 documentary from the uk 'was daved icke right' i believe. if not there im sure his website will beable to give u the precise info as it was a while ago i heard him talking about it. its one of those things that i really wanted to know, how he got to know all this stuff and why he thought he was the next coming and it has just stuck in my head. i will have a look thru my vids to check which one.

peace... KE
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Old 10-24-2008, 03:42 PM   #43
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

There are reptilians here, they would like to think they are in power. They do have a power base here but there are other groups here that dispute thier claim. This is a planet that many desire to have ownership over.

Do to the law that governs worlds on a higher level these groups can only do somuch in interfering with our progression. Sort of a Prim derective idea. It is more complex then this but in a nut shell that is it. The real factor in this is to see if we the humans of Earth will grow to govern ourselves in peace, and grow into higher energy beings in the near future. Well that is my 2cents...

Peace be With you.
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Old 10-31-2008, 10:26 AM   #44
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

My view on the Draconians is that they are very dominent and operate with a different soul construct than humans and for you people living in denial..it's quite pathetic because there is so much evidence out there but people will find out sooner or later(probably in 2010)
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Old 10-31-2008, 11:57 AM   #45
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Originally Posted by Jacqui D View Post

If anyone wishes to see that pic look in my album under geroge my dog flick along to the ST Eustace painting to the top right hand corner, or you can go on the canterbury cathedral site and put ST EUSTACE in it will come up, you will see what i mean.
G'day Jacqui D
Could you drop a link to your album please as I have no idea were it maybe,Thanks.

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Old 10-31-2008, 12:34 PM   #46
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Originally Posted by raulduke View Post
Lately though I have been thinking that this may have been a huge misunderstanding through time. Reptiles are cold blooded and mammals are warm blooded, so we must be at odds? Maybe that is the case, I suspect that I'll never really know though.
Reptiles are cold blooded and yet these Reptiles live in caves? a Reptile would Die down there.(earth Reptile that is).

Trying to help this Reptile theory,the only way is to say these Things look like an earth Reptile as they maybe from another planet than they may not be Cold Blooded.

Other wise this is primary school science, too easy yes?

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Old 10-31-2008, 12:42 PM   #47
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Not all Reptiles are cold blooded. Thats a myth.
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Old 10-31-2008, 01:09 PM   #48
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Originally Posted by Treckie View Post
Not all Reptiles are cold blooded. Thats a myth.
This is your myth or show me a link please.

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Old 10-31-2008, 01:13 PM   #49
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

I have to go to all is said here, but that which is written on page one, I can agree with.
my english is not so good, but I like to say something nevertheless.
I have also read this and that and heard a lot of things in my life and this is my picture now (very short and poorly):

Maybe a million years ago there was a fight between de dark-aliens and the light site. Lucifer was the first "son"of God and had a task to be the opposite of God or something that cause a move in the universe, an evolution if you will.
Anyway, Lucifer thought (or had to) he was god and had to be the dark = "wrong" site. He want the whole universe to be his. So also us.
Because the war between light and dark was endless, they made an agreement.
The dark site could have us, if we allow oneself to be let astray.
So when we (our bodies) were made (by peacful, intelligent creatures, maybe million years ago), the creatures of Lucifer (reptilians) began to manipulate our brains, so we could not remember who we where, where we came from and where we go to, if we die and also lost our ability to communicate with higher beings, our makers, our ancestors essentially.
Becouse Earth is a place where everything may happen, a place of freewill, many alien races could interfere with us. (our bodies and DNA are created out of 22 different alien races, capabel to bear a human-light soul).
The reason that the reptilians manipulated our DNA, was to let us forget our souls, our abilities, our ancestors and god, to became easy controllable slaves.
Then they make religions for us (by the way, the Jesuits are behind allmost every religion, also the Islam): we had to worship a god outside of us and we must feel weak, helpless, guilty, etc. instead find god in ourself, the god of which we are part of, our ultimate, eternal source.
Many reptilians went under ground because the climate on Earth is to cold and others left this planet.
We where bussy with religions, wars (the brains they left us with, are constructed to have fear, survival/animal instincts, anger, etc).
The reptilians learned us we needed money, wealth, etc., they set us against each other.
Finaly, they made us being dependent on money, technique, computers.
All by means of temptation, to controlle the whole world.
And the leaders of the world have a special bloodline (reptilian?) that made them easily belief Lucifer is there god. The are very fond of sex, cruelty, money and power.
I think, they are completely influenced by the reptilians, reptilian-possessed.

Jesus and others came here to remeber us who we are and were we life for, what our purpose is, but many things in the Bible is manipulated, so we still have to belief that God is outside us, but Jesus told that we are gods and that we are able to do things He could and more.

And now we are in the time we definitively must chose : this world we are prisoned in, the 3th dimension, with our feelings of separation, which give us fear and anger, this matrix of illusion.
Or feeling united in the higher dimensions and beings of light and hapiness, without fear an anger.
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Old 10-31-2008, 01:41 PM   #50
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Default Re: David Icke and Reptilian ShapeShifters

Originally Posted by Zelong View Post
This is your myth or show me a link please.

As YOU command master. Here's one link of many.http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/a590294
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