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Old 10-17-2008, 12:07 AM   #1
Luigis Mushroom
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Default The need to constantly consume

This is not an advice topic, but a topic asking for advice. I spend a lot of time dishing out hypocritical advice, and it reminds me of a parable about Gandhi.

One day, a woman went to Gandhi and asked, "How do I get my son to stop eating sugar?" and Gandhi replied, "Come back in two weeks with your son." So two weeks later she comes back. Gandhi looks at her son and says, "Stop eating sugar." The woman looks puzzled and asks, "Why couldn't you have told him that two weeks ago?" and he says "Because I was still eating sugar.

I feel like I can talk a lot of **** about spiritual ascension, but I am still completely addicted to this 3 dimensional world. It has nothing to do with thinking it's meaningful, quite the opposite, I think the world around me is a lot less meaningful than anyone I've ever met. I'm pretty much on par with the main character from "The Stranger." I've had my heart broken by the only woman I could ever give it entirely to, and since then I've seen passed every ego feeding moment for the illusion that it is... but I can't STOP. I'm just waiting, always waiting until I can smoke another cigarette or pack another bowl, go to sleep and do it all over again. I cling to everything in the future, and think my way through the present with no focus and no awareness of the world around me.

I tell myself I'm fighting boredom, but I know the truth is I'm fighting fear. I can let my thoughts go and just be, if I want to, but I'm constantly asking myself, "Is this enough yet? How about now?" and I try to push myself but it just makes it harder to fight myself the next time. I hear that I'm not supposed to fight, but let it go with indifferent observance, but then I feel like I need to FIND this indifferent observance. I'm constantly seeking that thing that they say only comes when you stop searching for it. But to stop searching for it is just another action in an attempt to find it. I'm caught in the contradiction of desiring to have no desires.

So I'm looking for advice, practical advice to... in essence be happy.
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Old 10-17-2008, 12:22 AM   #2
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Default Re: The need to constantly consume

Nice post Luigi !

I don't think I can offer advice, but only reflect on my own life. Maybe that can help ?

I remember studying maths at school and doing equations. They said if you have three elements in an equation and two unknowns, you can find the third. If you have four elements and three unkowns you can find the fourth.

If however you have four elements and only two knowns...then you can spend pages rewriting the equations, but you will never discover the two unkowns.

My point ? Not enough information, means no result.

I have often felt as you do. I am ready to do something , but I have no idea what. when I look at the things around me, at the possibilities of 'normal' jobs and lifestyles, they do not fit. I am not 'cut out' for life as it is now.

Maybe it's only wishful thinking , and an indication as to why so many find solace in 'impending doom' scenarios... that maybe then we will become the person who is perfectly fit for coping and living in the new lifestyle. Perhaps you will then be a rock to others, you will have the necessary talents.

Or maybe you have just not come to that point in life that you were built for. Perhaps you are a concert pianist, but you don't know it yet? Or you will be the world's greatest gardner. who knows?

Some wines are drinkable from the off, but the better ones take time in their development.

Good luck in your search. Take heart. There is only one of you. You are perfect for the life you will lead.

peace n love

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Old 10-17-2008, 01:57 AM   #3
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Post Re: The need to constantly consume

i would suggest balancing your chakras... sounds like you have some blockages...research whatever behaviors or feelings you are experiencing associated with the chakras...then work on removing blockages...

another thing i would suggest is practicing mindfulness meditation when ever you think about it....there is no seeking or not seeking w/ mindfulness meditation.. it is just sitting there being aware of your surroundings without intention/thought/or emotion....over time your focus increases...then everything else becomes possible...

all these seemingly negative things you are experiencing are merely catalyst telling you to stop caring...you must realize this...seek out the experience of an epiphany...this is the start to changing...its like rewriting the OS of your brain...

this mental state is only temporary....you will be happy again...you will also be sad again...the point is to learn control over this...

as last advice when negativity enters your mind do not dwell on it...dismiss it immediately....this undoes the neuro net in your brain that you have associated with this...
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Old 10-17-2008, 04:36 AM   #4
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I've been where you are many times in my life. Each time I had to remind myself that I was caught in a circle of sameness. Same problem and same solution. The problem was inside of me and the solution I was seeking , or so I thought, was inside of me as well.

Each time I came out of the cycle was because I ventured outside of myself and into the world of other people. Doing for someone; caring for someone; associating with new people - Take yourself out of your routine and volunteer for a couple of hours at an animal shelter, a homeless shelter, shelving books at the library or where ever there's an opportunity. Choose one that won't be stressful to you but will be appreciated by others.
Soon, someone will give you a thankful smile and you'll be able to smile in return. That little spark of light will be your beginning.

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Old 10-18-2008, 02:34 PM   #5
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Default Re: The need to constantly consume

Maybe this will help...we are spirit beings(electro-magnetic energy fields) having a HUMAN experience. I am not a Human Being, but a spirit BEING human, and in that BEING of human I am given these wonderful expressions known as emotions....as well as the free pass card called CHOICE. Everyday we have this card, we choose to create each day, each moment, each experience. When I find myself in the human being mode (ie...caught up in the expressions) I stop and remember who and what I am. You can ask the Universe for markers if its hard for you to remember, markers to remind you. also,they say what you resist, persists....try not to beat yourself up for being human...it really is a wonderous and joyous experience. The fact that your asking shows you already have the answers...trust yourself !!!!
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Old 10-18-2008, 06:24 PM   #6
Luigis Mushroom
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Default Re: The need to constantly consume

Thank you everyone for your replies.

My journey exists beyond thoughts right now, they can do absolutely nothing for me but bring me down. I feel like I was sold a ticket to heaven but lost it on the way, and I understand this is just a process of spiritual ascension, but it doesn't make it any easier. No attempts to rationalize this experience do me any good, I simply need to "ascend."

The timing argues this is what the process is for, after all I received a bulk of spiritual information from different sources that managed to confirm itself so that for once I actually understood what existence is beyond our ordinary perception. My mind was always too skeptical to buy any of it before, but the way it was presented was so synchronistic. I learned about hermetic, kaballic, masonic and rosicrucian philosophy, and the ancient Mysteries of Polytheistic civilizations. Then, I learned about Buddhism, and everything just went *click*

And 6 months after this click, I fall harder than I ever have in my life. To say fall is an understatement, I don't quite know how to describe it. She has issues, though, and I was basically asking her to face all her fears and relationship problems to be with me, it was just the nature of the connection we had. She couldn't do it, and so here I am, trying to accept reality. I know things could get better, but the possibility of loss is just as real as loss and in the end it's irrelevant if things could get better, this is a process of spiritual ascension. It's become clear this whole ordeal has been over that.

What I'm saying though is that it's not like my heart was broken and now I want to learn about spirituality. I've been interested in spirituality for my entire life, only now that I'm going through the possibility of losing everything I care about does it seem so important. It's like I can either let myself be controlled by my negative thoughts, or do otherwise but my whole strategy is based off negative thinking. I'm stuck on the idea I'll get what I want if I stop hunting it, so as soon as I see myself letting go a little bit, I suddenly think everything's about to magically work out and I cling again. Perhaps it is just a chakra blockage. I guess maybe it feels like ascension would be robbed if I didn't get to experience it with this other person.

Last edited by Luigis Mushroom; 10-18-2008 at 06:41 PM.
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Old 10-18-2008, 09:15 PM   #7
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Default Re: The need to constantly consume

Replace you unhealthy addictions with healthy ones. Stop buying weed. If it is not there you wont be able to pack a bowl. That weed is the culprit.
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Old 10-20-2008, 02:50 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by tone3jaguar View Post
Replace you unhealthy addictions with healthy ones. Stop buying weed. If it is not there you wont be able to pack a bowl. That weed is the culprit.
Wrong, it has nothing to do with weed, don't worry about that. If it's the woman who you say broke your heart that started all this down thinking, then get over it!. Stand up, stand strong, be strong, have a backbone and look in the mirror and say" it's her loss, not mine". I've been there and done that many times,trust me, no BS here! I don't know how old you are but if you're in the 20's or something than live on, love life, go out and enjoy being free to do what you want, when you want! If you want to increase your spirituality than do so. Live for you and you only and things will happen.

Last edited by Dantheman62; 10-20-2008 at 02:53 AM.
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Old 10-20-2008, 03:56 AM   #9
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Default Re: The need to constantly consume

Love again.
Love every single person who crosses your path.
The check out chick, the mail man and your noisy neighbor.

You've loved and lost and you aren't dead, are you?
So what are you afraid of?
Wouldn't it FEEL better to BE happy than to sit around WANTING to be happy?

It is a simple choice.
YOU decide.
At every point in your day you get to choose how to respond to EVERY stimulus that comes your way.
Being bummed is not working out for you, or you wouldn't be seeking advice so BE happy.
Just start ACTING happy.
Start thinking LOVING thoughts about the people you care about and I can pretty much guarantee that if the one you lost doesn't come back?
Someone who more closely matches your ascension pattern will.

But you know what?
If you sit around in your place just chillaxin'?
You'll miss out on her.
AND on yourself.

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Old 10-19-2008, 06:38 PM   #10
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Default Re: The need to constantly consume

This is a life time problem for everyone. The mind runs in ruts. It doesn't like change and our spirits are being used by the body and mind. The mind is continually fed ideas and images. We are near the bottom of the creation. Perhaps .01 % is spirit and the rest is matter. In reality there isn't even love at this plane of existence. All that is here is the brief concentration of spirit in matter (pleasure) on it's way to dissipation (pain). If it where not for the heart chakra being linked to the heart center in the spiritual/material region where there is at a minimum 51% spirit we would not be aware of love here at all. Here, even pleasure doesn't come about without force or friction occurring. For this region, that is natural.

Trying to sit calm and quite with eyes open and disciplining the mind and body with as little thought and effort as possible may help. Just try and not do anything physically or mentally.

You seem to have a superior recognition of your real situation and condition than most people.
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Old 10-20-2008, 04:04 AM   #11
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My Friend to me it seems like you need to find SELF. How you do this is up to you. I have found that Great sacrifices will allow myself to shine through.

Give us pain and suffering so we may never forget you.

LOVE thyself.
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Old 10-20-2008, 04:26 AM   #12
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Default Re: The need to constantly consume

Your issue with that woman seems to be eating you from the inside, I agree with Dantheman62's comment on that. Get over it. It's hard to make relationships work when you have chaos in yourself. You need to start there.

If you haven't read Castaneda's books, try it. From your views and reasoning it seems to me like Don Juan could give you a couple of very good and practical tips. Or at least you could have some fun laughing at yourself, reading it. I know I did.
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Old 10-20-2008, 06:10 AM   #13
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Default Re: The need to constantly consume

The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism

1 - All human life is suffering (dhukka).

2 - All suffering is caused by human desire, particularly the desire that impermanent things be permanent.

3 - Human suffering can be ended by ending human desire.

4 - Desire can be ended by following the "Eightfold Noble Path": right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.

not trying to convert your faith as I am no Buddhist myself but I do find alot of wisdom in it - hope it helps even the smallest bit

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Old 10-21-2008, 12:16 PM   #14
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The addicts dilemma is 'How much is too much, how little is not enough?'. By fighting the situation you will sink deeper into it. Accept that you are addicted and give up the struggle as those of us in the know have (No better, no worse than you - just woken up to the quicksand that is fear and that we are who we are, not who we want to be - which is another addiction: Wealth, fame, status - the urge for attention, safety, certainty all tie us down and the only way to avoid it is to accept that nothing is certain, nothing is safe and attention, wealth, power should be earned and not worshiped or they become worthless: Service not sanctity (sacred cows/ outer appearance)).
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