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Old 01-07-2010, 01:46 PM   #1
frère Claude
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Default France Aliens Résistance UN+ON




This message is being broadcast to you by a group of resisting humans located in France, who have become aware of the extraterrestrial intervention, that is occurring without the consent of the people of Earth, and of its grave consequences for our world.
In response to this and taking into account the nature of this information, we’re contacting French speaking UFO groups, and people with vision in order to transmit to them the following. 


Events are accelerating and we don’t have the time any more to prove to you the credibility of these extraordinary revelations. The URGENCY of the situation compels us to publicly ALERT the HUMAN FAMILY of the grave DANGER that threatens it.

Let’s be clear: YES, there is life in the Universe, the most beautiful proof of this is us, humans of Earth. YES, EXTRATERRESTRIAL beings have been visiting our planet for millennia, and the ancient texts inform us about this.
And YES, and HERE is the most important part, some of these beings are PRESENT NOW IN OUR WORLD and have HOSTILE AND RADICAL INTENTIONS towards the human family.
Many "government leaders" of our planet are aware of these facts and are deliberately hiding this GRAVE SITUATION that concerns us ALL. In fact, taking into account the latest information that we have uncovered, we don’t have A CHOICE ANY MORE, we must bring a stop to these terrible activities: the abductions, the experimentations, the inseminations and the mutilations of human beings. We must react and express our dissent in regard to these criminal acts. These facts have been proven. Nonetheless, this information has been classified as "top secret" and enjoys a higher level of security than the H bomb.
The time for DISCLOSURE has come.

If nothing is done, we will lose this precious FREEDOM that we and our ancestors have always fought for. This world will then simply become a space colony under an extraterrestrial dictatorship and the human race will become enslaved.
We, Human brothers and sisters in unison, will NEVER accept such a condition.
In this sense, we resist with all of our being, as would any Man or Woman worthy of this definition when confronted with such evidence.

Some may wonder what reasons and what proof allow us to make such statements. Know ye that people of great integrity and honesty have searched unbiased and against all odds for the TRUTH about these phenomena called UFOs for their entire life. It has taken them a lot of time and courage to undergo the ordeals and to brave those ignorant people who deny that which they don’t manage to conceive.
The document you’re reading today is a short summary of the results of their research.

We owe it to our brothers and sisters, known and unknown, who have sometimes paid with their life for the disclosure of these facts, to recognize them and express our gratitude.

The way you receive this message may be unusual, but this is due by the very essence of the troubling facts that it reveals. It’s one of the roundabout ways that we have found to ALERT THE PEOPLE.


Noting the complete submission of the media to political and economic powers, you cannot rely on them to inform you about this situation. They’re either completely unaware of the situation, or they’re "under the thumb" of these powers who do not want such revelations to be made. Indeed these announcements, if well founded, which they are, would put them in a very difficult position in fact. Concealing such information could be considered by some as an act of treason and a crime against Humanity.

It doesn’t seem sane to us to hide such BIG NEWS that has such deep impact on the entire human race. One can hide a secret airplane, but as far as we are concerned, it is immoral to keep CONTACT with other beings from the Universe a secret from humanity. It is too VITAL an event.

According to some sources, there is an official disclosure project, stipulated at the highest level of many Nations with the purpose of preparing people step by step to the reality of the extraterrestrial presence in the world.
Careful observation of the media outlets seems to confirm that this project has been underway for many years. But, it is possible that after this phase has been completed, it may be followed by the unexpected announcement by certain nations that contact has already been established previously with these beings.
If this proves to be true, taking into account the previous and explicit information that we’re bringing to
light, it could be a decisive maneuver to gain humanity’s COMPLETE ALLEGIANCE. We must be VERY VIGILANT here. We insist that contact with a civilization from beyond this planet, must be subject to debate and to the worldwide consent of the PEOPLE OF EARTH. 

We cannot give you a rallying point, each one of us is responsible for themselves and stands alone before this information that cannot be ignored. Those who will hear and understand this communication will brave their fear and will know what to do; we will all meet each other again, that is sure. WE ARE HERE. 

We have to mention that during our research into The Human Resistance, we have found brothers and sisters from all over the world who are also aware of the truth and who are fighting on their level for its disclosure. "United we’re strong".

Moreover in the spirit of appeasement, we have to mention that during our research, we have been delighted to discover that humanity has great allies in the Universe, who are aware of our predicament and who are assisting us during this difficult trial in a benevolent and altruistic way.
"As above, so below".

NOW YOU KNOW. What you will do with this information is entirely up to you.

Lastly, we want to make it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that we’re not part of any sect, or any religious, political or other group, we simply consider ourselves as free and sovereign men and women.
Brothers and sisters united in resistance for the disclosure of these facts and the deliverance of this world.
Therefore, we are in favor of cooperation, organization, and action. 

frère Claude/brother Claude
25 December 2008

" The Sacred Hearth of the Men "





Ce message est transmis aux Groupes ufologiques, aux radios, journaux et televisions Francophones.

Le 2è Communiqué d'Information Civile de - FRANCE ALIENS RÉSISTANCE -

Le 3è Message d'Appel à l'Union de -FRANCE ALIENS RÉSISTANCE-

Le 4è Communiqué d'Information Approfondies de -FRANCE ALIENS RÉSISTANCE-

Le 5è Communiqué d'Informations Suivies de -FRANCE ALIENS RÉSISTANCE- en audio-vidéo sur Dailymotion

Le 6è Rappel de Prévention Nationale de -FRANCE ALIENS RÉSISTANCE-

La 7è et dernière transmission -FRANCE ALIENS RÉSISTANCE UN+ON / T7

frère Claude

Last edited by frère Claude; 01-07-2010 at 04:28 PM.
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Old 01-07-2010, 02:06 PM   #2
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

nous venons en paix
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Old 01-07-2010, 02:08 PM   #3
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON


Tu peut expliquer SVP?
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Old 01-07-2010, 02:17 PM   #4
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

Originally Posted by frère Claude View Post

we’re contacting French speaking UFO groups, and people with vision in order to transmit to them the following. 

frère Claude

Vous allez trouver que beaucoup de personne ici connait bien cette information...rien de nouveau vraiment...mais j'ai une question...

Pourquoi seulement les groupes UFO française??
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Old 01-07-2010, 02:29 PM   #5
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

juste un peu d'ironie, je ne sais pas trop qui c'est "nous"
salut Céline

à part ça vous faites quoi à Aliens résistances?

Je regarderai les vidéos dés que j'aurai le temps

ce serait bien si vous pouviez expliquez avec vos mot ce que c'est le "new message" de dieu.

on en a tout le temps des new messages, qu'est-ce qui différencie celui-là?

Si vous ne faites pas partie d'un groupe, d'une secte ou quelque chose comme ça, alors c'est que vous avez le vrai message de dieu?

ce n'est pas très clair, comme dirait mon prof d'histoire des religions

si ça vous intéresse, on peut s'arranger pour se voir et discuter en vrai, je suis sur qu'on peut s'entendre, je suis assez d'accord avec le contenu de votre message, mais je voudrais savoir de qui il vient.

en toute amitié
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Old 01-07-2010, 02:31 PM   #6
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

Vous etes un frere de quoi, Claude?


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Old 01-07-2010, 03:21 PM   #7
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

Hello Brother Claude,

Akopij wrote:
je suis sur qu'on peut s'entendre, je suis assez d'accord avec le contenu de votre message, mais je voudrais savoir de qui il vient
I and likely others on this forum would want to understand this as well.

Celine wrote:
Vous allez trouver que beaucoup de personne ici connait bien cette information

frère Claude-Your message is received with open arms here as Celine pointed out....

However. I would like to respectful ask that the communication used could mirror that which is predominantly used on this forum. The initial message was sent in English and based on the premise of a call to "all" (and French UFO groups) to assist, it would be beneficial if we could maintain this thread/communication in English?

cordialement (kind regards),
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Old 01-07-2010, 03:24 PM   #8
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

Good point about language...i am unsure about the rules but i would suspect you are correct..

i am Quebecoise...language is a sore issue...
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Old 01-07-2010, 05:21 PM   #9
frère Claude
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

Bonjour à tous

Celline, l'appel de F.A.R. UN+ON est lancé aux pays francophones, parce que c'est la seule langue que je maitrise. Nous envoyons cependant nos transmissions dans le monde entier à l'attention des francophones. S'il avait été nécessaire d'expliquer cela à un chinois, nous en serions rendu aux dessins dans le sable. Même l'anglais est difficile pour une conversation approfondie. D'autre part, il m'a clairement été signifié que d'AUTRES FRERES ET SOEURS dans TOUS LES PAYS du monde, font la même chose à leur niveau. ILS sont conscient de cette nouvelle et la transmettent dans leur langage. Pour cette raison, je ne pourrais pas communiquer en anglais sur ce forum. Je ne pensais pas m'y attarder, mais s'il y a des francophones intéressé, j'y reviendrai.
Pour "l'anglais", les messages des ALLIES DE L'HUMANITE est révélateur.

Akopij, je suis ouvert à la rencontre, sachant que notre prochaine convergence de groupe se déroulera le 14 février 2009. Nous pouvons envisager un contact téléphonique si tu le souhaites.

Harper, je suis frère de l'Humanité. Ce serait un peu long à expliquer.
Je suis un disciple pur de Jésus-Christ. Je ne reconnais aucune autre autorité spirituelle. Je ne fais partie d'aucune congrégation, je suis un frère HUMAINS.

gscraig, sorry i'm not understand ;-)

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Old 01-07-2010, 07:13 PM   #10
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

Hi, problem understood, will translate the above shortly

Ok Claude je vais me renseigner sur le F.A.R. et je viendrai surement.

je te dis tout de suite que je me méfie du concept de pureté
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Old 01-08-2010, 02:50 AM   #11
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

Greetings to all,

This thread is based on truth. Those of us who have found and responded to the inner calling of Knowledge understand this. Our numbers are small but growing. The real priority is first to reclaim and unite with our true mind and self. That being Knowledge. We must be able to correctly discern and then correctly respond to all that is happening. Those we are destined to attract for our purposes will only be found if all take "The Steps to Knowledge". This must be our first priority, for without this, all else is conjecture and wish.

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Old 01-08-2010, 03:36 AM   #12
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

Hi Frere Claude, I respect what you are doing very much, but I am a little surprised you posted your warning here, we are all very much aware of what is going on, so you posting your warning here is kind of like taking sand to the beach...

One thing I have found, is that you can only wake up those who want/ready to wake up, everyone else just thinks we are nuts....

I wish you well Frere Claude
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Old 01-08-2010, 09:43 AM   #13
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

Claude original post:

Bonjour à tous

Celline, l'appel de F.A.R. UN+ON est lancé aux pays francophones, parce que c'est la seule langue que je maitrise. Nous envoyons cependant nos transmissions dans le monde entier à l'attention des francophones. S'il avait été nécessaire d'expliquer cela à un chinois, nous en serions rendu aux dessins dans le sable. Même l'anglais est difficile pour une conversation approfondie. D'autre part, il m'a clairement été signifié que d'AUTRES FRERES ET SOEURS dans TOUS LES PAYS du monde, font la même chose à leur niveau. ILS sont conscient de cette nouvelle et la transmettent dans leur langage. Pour cette raison, je ne pourrais pas communiquer en anglais sur ce forum. Je ne pensais pas m'y attarder, mais s'il y a des francophones intéressé, j'y reviendrai.
Pour "l'anglais", les messages des ALLIES DE L'HUMANITE est révélateur.

Akopij, je suis ouvert à la rencontre, sachant que notre prochaine convergence de groupe se déroulera le 14 février 2009. Nous pouvons envisager un contact téléphonique si tu le souhaites.

Harper, je suis frère de l'Humanité. Ce serait un peu long à expliquer.
Je suis un disciple pur de Jésus-Christ. Je ne reconnais aucune autre autorité spirituelle. Je ne fais partie d'aucune congrégation, je suis un frère HUMAINS.

gscraig, sorry i'm not understand ;-)



Hi to all,

Céline, the call of FAR UN+ON is addressed to french speaking countries because it is the only language I master. However we send our transmissions to the entire world for the attention of the french speakers.
if it were necessary to explain this to a chinese, we would have used drawnings in the sand. Even english is hard for a deepened conversation.
It has been indicated to me that other brothers and sisters are doing the same thing all around the world on their own level. They are conscious of this news and are transmitting it in their own language. For that reason I couldn't communicate in english on this forum. I didn't think of staying around here, but if there were interested french speakers, I could spend some some time.
For the "english", the message of "the allies of humanity" is revealing.

next meeting on 14 february, possible to contact by phone

Harper, I'm a brother of humanity, this would be a bit long to explain. I'm a pure disciple of Jesus Christ. I don'ty recognize any other spiritual authority. I'm not in any congegation, I'm a HUMAN BROTHER.


Well he doesn't recognize any other spiritual authority, so he must be anaware of me, because I'm the only spiritual authority here

Go ahead and explain what you think is the truth, and why your group isn't a group.

Claude Je te souhaite bonne chance dans ton combat contre les méchants aliens.
j'ai rien contre Jésus, ni contre les autres dieux et déesses
business is business
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Old 01-09-2010, 02:35 AM   #14
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

Originally Posted by Draecon13 View Post
Greetings to all,

This thread is based on truth. Those of us who have found and responded to the inner calling of Knowledge understand this. Our numbers are small but growing. The real priority is first to reclaim and unite with our true mind and self. That being Knowledge. We must be able to correctly discern and then correctly respond to all that is happening. Those we are destined to attract for our purposes will only be found if all take "The Steps to Knowledge". This must be our first priority, for without this, all else is conjecture and wish.

I've been spreading this message since about a year here, and since longer time on other forums, but the interest is very small. It is literally seeding into a jungle of all sorts of information, hehe.

Anyway, I am well aware of the message Marshal Vian Summers and others have brought to us. If I can be of any use... I'm the voice in the desert...

Originally Posted by solent View Post
Hi Frere Claude, I respect what you are doing very much, but I am a little surprised you posted your warning here, we are all very much aware of what is going on, so you posting your warning here is kind of like taking sand to the beach...

One thing I have found, is that you can only wake up those who want/ready to wake up, everyone else just thinks we are nuts....
I am still shocked to notice it is not the fact. There are very few here who are willing to hear this message. Just saying that there is actually an intervention on Earth by ETs alliance with the purpose to progressively take over the population into full scale slavery/tyranny and you will not attract many minds to your claim.

Even if there are many whistleblowers, first hand contactees and witnesses who says it so, among them, many interviewed by Bill and Kerry. So, it is always a good thing to bring up the topic once again and I'm glad to see it is from someone else this time.

Frere Claude, je suis quebecois. Si je peux etre utile a quelque chose, dis-moi le. Je connais bien Allie de l"humanite et beaucoup plus. Avez-vous un groupe au Quebec?

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 01-09-2010 at 10:00 PM.
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Old 01-09-2010, 03:09 PM   #15
frère Claude
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

Bonjour à tous

Steven, je suis enchanté de faire ta connaissance, nous sommes rares (prémices) et il est nécessaire maintenant que nous nous mettions TOUS en CONTACT rapidement.

Un des services que tu pourrais me rendre s'il te plait, serait de traduire tes posts en anglais, comme je l'ai dit, l'anglais m'est très difficiliment compréhensible.
Merci de prendre contact directement à l'adresse suivante: Christave(at)free.fr

Merci pour les traductions de dialogues. Bravo, la résistance humaine s'organise.

Nous constatons qu'une personne qui prend réellement conscience de ces faits les manifeste de toutes ces forces.

L'avenir de notre CIVILISATION en dépend...

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Old 01-15-2010, 01:11 PM   #16
frère Claude
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

...ça médite...!?

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Old 01-28-2010, 02:55 PM   #17
frère Claude
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

Bonjour à tous,


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Old 03-17-2010, 05:10 PM   #18
frère Claude
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Default Re: France Aliens Résistance UN+ON

L'excellent ufologue Jean Casault en ce moment sur la Radio Québécoise FM93. 17/03/10-17h30

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