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Old 03-20-2010, 03:21 PM   #1
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Lightbulb Time for peace

The recent times have been hard and the pressure heavy for all of us.
and I believe many here could recognize having said words or taken actions
that could have been better and wiser.
I myself feel I have lost my equanimity some where along the battle that took
place here in Avalon.
The circumstances we have found ourselves into lately have been wild
and discernement myself included has at times been lacking.
Due to this many did get hurt and the community split.
I apologize to all for my own grain of sand I have added to the mess we have been in.
I am human as you and embarked in the same journey.
When I see my own flaws I do understand yours .
We are souls and form a family .
Time has come to rebalance the flows and strive for peace.
The peace we carry within and that makes us able to see that beyond disagreement, doubt , anger , fear or despise Love is the unifying factor and that through Love we are One.
We need to forgive ourselves and one another for then constructive undertakings will take place and progress be made.
The new world we dream of is one of unity and harmony .
This is a moment to moment challenge and not one of the easiest kind .
We can not change the world unless we change ourselves and make that work within a point of honor .
The quantum leap we must take is a move in our Heart .
For that door is the path beyond the veil .

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Old 03-20-2010, 03:38 PM   #2
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Default Re: Time for peace

Originally Posted by mudra View Post
The circumstances we have found ourselves into lately have been wild
and discernement myself included has at times been lacking.
Due to this many did get hurt and the community split.
Thanks mudra for your time and insight into this ...

I've repeated this a couple of times on the forum ... the cause to repeat it is the indication it indeed is profound:

Bashar: "Circumstances don't MATTER ... state of being MATTERS !"

The more I feel the need to repeat this wisdom ... the more I see it is true.

And the trap is wide open ... I also fall victim to this trap but fortunately more and more often I remember these
words and change course in time ...

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Old 03-20-2010, 03:40 PM   #3
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Yes Mudra.
My heart has been heavy to see friends expressing,
in ways, out with there normal nature.

I found frustration arising within me too
Thankfully a rare event now.
Frustration and similar emotions can only come from non acceptance of what is.
I was not in acceptance.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things I can
The wisdom to know the difference.

Eckhart Tolle sugestion comes to mind.
"Dont take your thoughts too seriously"

Dr Hawkins
" The perfect relationships occur when there is alignment of intention"

We can disagree without being disagreeable.

Scottish/ UK, Universal sayings

"If in doubt say nowt".
"Least said, soonest mended"
" It seemed a good idea at the time"

With love and respect.
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Old 03-20-2010, 03:56 PM   #4
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Peace to everyone.
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Old 03-20-2010, 04:01 PM   #5
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For weeks my heart has been sad.

Peace is always prefered..

First step to peace ...is much appreciated.

i find it hard to type/talk about it...

i type things out...i erace them...

unsure if exposed feelings are worth the risk.

I am sad for any pain, any words or actions of mine caused another.

please know, i mean it when i say it..

be well, and know you are loved,
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Old 03-20-2010, 04:34 PM   #6
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Default Re: Time for peace

Hey folks...

Time has come to rebalance the flows and strive for peace.
Now your speaking my language!!!



and mudra...you have provided the answer in this thread for the path to be taken to world peace!!!

The quantum leap we must take is a move in our Heart .

I almost feel balanced today...almost I still got my eye open! New Clear Peace Until We Get It!!!

Thank you again for keeping the PHIYER burning in all of our hearts!



Last edited by JesterTerrestrial; 03-20-2010 at 04:38 PM.
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Old 03-20-2010, 04:47 PM   #7
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Default Re: Time for peace

Hi All

No one responded to my "sandbox" analogy but that doesn't mean it wasn't read in the "I went to look ay AV4 and it looks good" thread.

This is a good place to start. There is a lesson here for all of us, and I think it is a big lesson indeed. I know it has been for me. I personally haven't felt quite this depressed in some time, not emotionally but spiritually. A dark cloud engulfed Avalon and her children all succumbed......all of us, none not tainted.
The darkness recedes as light once again raises her voice and demands to be heard. The attacks are down to mere skirmishes and whereas the attacks were met and joined a mere few days ago, they are now being met with the disdain and scorn they deserve.

This is question time for all of us, like in the movies where the patients sit in a circle and bring out their deepest fears....therapy, they call it. Every single thing that happens has it's reason, never underestimate that. The thing we do need to do right now, as Mudra said, is to forgive, we need to love too. Here is a big one, we need to love those that hurt us the most and went runninng off to another room where we either could not or did not want to go to.
Hands are being offered in peace, hearts are broken, spirit is crying but Love WILL prevail......if that is our desire. Remember darkness is mere the absence of light, it is in our own interests and that of all our kindred here in Avalon, to keep that light switch on.

As Celine says

Know that you are Loved.......that is all the truth you need to know, but I will add one thing....Know that YOU ARE LOVE.......but it is a choice one has to make as to whether or not one behaves in light or hides forever in dark.

This whole affair can be put to a positive, and that is if we choose to learn from it.

Thank you for this thread my dear Star Sister....

Much Love Always

Neil (AKA Z)

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Old 03-20-2010, 05:22 PM   #8
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Default Re: Time for peace

From Eternal Grey
Fantastic Times Await

So, Let Them Rake In
All They Wrought

No One Can Get At You
If You're Caught - On A Wave
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Old 03-20-2010, 09:17 PM   #9
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Default Re: Time for peace

Originally Posted by mudra View Post
The recent times have been hard and the pressure heavy for all of us.
and I believe many here could recognize having said words or taken actions
that could have been better and wiser.
I myself feel I have lost my equanimity some where along the battle that took
place here in Avalon.
The circumstances we have found ourselves into lately have been wild
and discernement myself included has at times been lacking.
Due to this many did get hurt and the community split.
I apologize to all for my own grain of sand I have added to the mess we have been in.
I am human as you and embarked in the same journey.
When I see my own flaws I do understand yours .
We are souls and form a family .
Time has come to rebalance the flows and strive for peace.
The peace we carry within and that makes us able to see that beyond disagreement, doubt , anger , fear or despise Love is the unifying factor and that through Love we are One.
We need to forgive ourselves and one another for then constructive undertakings will take place and progress be made.
The new world we dream of is one of unity and harmony .
This is a moment to moment challenge and not one of the easiest kind .
We can not change the world unless we change ourselves and make that work within a point of honor .
The quantum leap we must take is a move in our Heart .
For that door is the path beyond the veil .

Thank you, dear Soul!


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Old 03-20-2010, 11:27 PM   #10
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Default Re: Time for peace

Give away the things you don't need
Let it all go and you'll soon see
And you'll wash your spirit clean
Wash your spirit clean
Go and pray upon a mountain
Go and pray beside the ocean
And you'll wash your spirit clean
Wash Your spirit clean
Be grateful for the struggle
Be thankful for the lessons
And you'll wash your spirit clean

Love Always
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Old 03-21-2010, 12:02 AM   #11
Lost soul
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Default Re: Time for peace

Golden Rule rules! Peace to one and all. Life is too short and time is wasted if we squabble over things. Discord brings disharmony and unbalances the being.

That said, dibs on the raisins in the raisin bran.
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Old 03-21-2010, 12:07 AM   #12
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Default Re: Time for peace

The darkness we fight is the Love that we are holding back.
The pain we carry is the love that we are witholding .
We are living these unprecented times where it's no longer
of any use to hide ourselves from ourselves .
To look at our shadows and believe this is us .
There is nothing but Light in us and it has no bounderies .
In that state of pure Light we are One always .
All that is needed is to switch that Light on.
How many forum members will it take to bring the Light back on Avalon

Love from me
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Old 03-21-2010, 03:44 AM   #13
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All that matters is the love in you & the love in me!
Blessings to all! Peace!

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Old 03-21-2010, 04:00 AM   #14
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Default Re: Time for peace

Thank you mudra & waitinginthewings!
I like this song also (sorry embedding is disabled)


Love to all,
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Old 03-21-2010, 04:05 AM   #15
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Default Re: Time for peace

Originally Posted by truthseekerdan View Post
Thank you mudra & waitinginthewings!
I like this song also (sorry embedding is disabled)


Love to all,
Here you go truthseekerdan: lovely song...thank you.

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Old 03-21-2010, 04:07 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by waitinginthewings View Post
Here you go truthseekerdan: lovely song...thank you.

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Old 03-21-2010, 04:57 AM   #17
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Default Re: Time for peace

now truly is the time for peace ...
peace within ...

peace of simply BEing ...
coming to realize who we really are ...

taking responsibility for our words and our actions ...
becomes effortless ...

knowing ... we are sovereign ...
but we are not separate ...

we are one ... in more ways than is imaginable ...

now is the time ... to release the ego ...
allow it to lovingly fall away ...
yes ... LOVEingly ...

there is no requirement to be right ...
to know more than ...
to be greater than ...

now is the time ... to hear and see with heart ...
to smile upon what resonates with us ...
to smile upon what does not feel appropriate ...

it matters not ... as all is neutral ...
it is the energy we afford it ... that makes the difference ...

it is time ... to find our peace within ...
it is only then ... that this world will change ...
be where it needs to be ...

one heart at a time ...
beating as one ...

the time for peace ...
within ...
is now ...

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Old 03-21-2010, 11:21 AM   #18
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without the grain of sand, no pearls of wisdom.

If you are in a body you're only human, why expect anything else? May as well accept it and keep communicating. What happened was expression and since we are not made of glass, if any real harm was done I don't think the opportunity to learn was taken. Perhaps we have all played a part for greater understanding. That's pretty real...I'm not going to waste it feeling bad about a boil that needed lancing . Our hearts are pretty resiliant if not perfect, after all the crack is how the light gets in.
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Old 03-21-2010, 08:50 PM   #19
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Default Re: Time for peace

Thank you all friends for adding your wise energy here.
Lovely to read your posts .
Where love goes ..peace flows .

Love for You Always
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Old 03-21-2010, 10:02 PM   #20
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Default Re: Time for peace

Dear Mudra
I honestly cant see that you lost your equanimity Mudra.
Given the information that you/we, had your words were measured and appropriate at that time.
It was a shock for all of us that our beloved "Home" Avalon was likely to disappear and not much information on the reason for this and what the future for Avalonians might hold.
My opinion now is that out of the seeming chaos arrives an even brighter possability.
We have "Avalon2" and we have "The mists of Avalon" both have different essence and both of value, so its a win win situation. NOW!!!!
With Love Chris

Mudra said
"The recent times have been hard and the pressure heavy for all of us.
and I believe many here could recognize having said words or taken actions
that could have been better and wiser.
I myself feel I have lost my equanimity some where along the battle that took
place here in Avalon.
The circumstances we have found ourselves into lately have been wild
and discernement myself included has at times been lacking.
Due to this many did get hurt and the community split.
I apologize to all for my own grain of sand I have added to the mess we have been in.
I am human as you and embarked in the same journey.
When I see my own flaws I do understand yours .
We are souls and form a family . "
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Old 03-21-2010, 10:22 PM   #21
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Old 03-21-2010, 10:25 PM   #22
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Old 03-21-2010, 10:50 PM   #23
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Default Re: Time for peace

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
Dear Mudra
I honestly cant see that you lost your equanimity Mudra.
Given the information that you/we, had your words were measured and appropriate at that time.
It was a shock for all of us that our beloved "Home" Avalon was likely to disappear and not much information on the reason for this and what the future for Avalonians might hold.
My opinion now is that out of the seeming chaos arrives an even brighter possability.
We have "Avalon2" and we have "The mists of Avalon" both have different essence and both of value, so its a win win situation. NOW!!!!
With Love Chris
Thank you Greybeard.
In a post of mine I mentioned that " PA2 is Gaialove and Celine's forum approved by Bill ".
This was unverified and incorrect data received in a mail .
That line was'nt necessary in my post .
A lack of discernement on my part that just added to the steam we were seeing around.
Apologies to Gaialove and Céline for this.

As for the rest I concur with you Chris , as you say " Out of the seeming chaos a greater possibility arises.
It is my wish that PA2 and the Mysts of Avalon will sail on a peacefull journey of mutual respect and free flowing exchanges . These are two entirely different entities but their members are of the same family .

Love from me
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