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Old 09-14-2008, 09:21 AM   #1
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Talking would a republic help us ?

just putting it out there. personally i'm for a republic coz i hate the queen - but would it actually help us?

could we actually escape the clutches of the Illuminati and are we up for the fight ?

i don't know.
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Old 09-14-2008, 10:41 AM   #2
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Default Re: would a republic help us ?

HI Atama

Well I dont see how it would change.
Im sure the agenda would stay the same.
And if David Ike is right about region splits
kevin 07 is the man for asia pacific

pseudo change

It would cost a fair bit for reprinting stationary( haha)
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Old 09-14-2008, 10:58 AM   #3
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Talking Re: would a republic help us ?

no i don't mean a vote, i mean kick the commonwealth back to england. like the USA 1776.

nothing will change voting between the 2 puppets each year.
so what if we totally dismantle our government and start again from scratch, this time with guaranteed rights and a constitution that protects us.

the alternative is to do nothing..and nothing will change.
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Old 09-14-2008, 11:11 AM   #4
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Default Re: would a republic help us ?

really your suggestion is the only option

clean slate

isnt that what the age of aquarius is about?
power to the people!
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Old 09-14-2008, 11:40 AM   #5
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Default Re: would a republic help us ?

Hi Atama

This was posted by Timelord

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Old 09-19-2008, 04:00 PM   #6
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Default Re: would a republic help us ?

Originally Posted by atama View Post
just putting it out there. personally i'm for a republic coz i hate the queen - but would it actually help us?

could we actually escape the clutches of the Illuminati and are we up for the fight ?

i don't know.
"Would a Republic help us?"

Just because you hate the Queen, its not a good reason to want a Republic.

The Queen has done a good job or the best she could under the constraints she is under, and she is being controlled by the controllers! I will leave you to guess who they are.

The controllers took away our freedoms in the dominions gradually Not that long ago, we could all move and live and work in any of the dominions UK,CAN, AUS,NZ without visas and all that ********.(Real Freedom and brotherhood but they could not have that!) The commies took that away asap, bit by bit and implanted false hatred for the mother-land in all manner of ways, sport is one, of their tactics they employ, works wonderfully brings out the separatist local jingoistic out in people.Raking up old regional grudges....How many other nations spit on their motherland? None,this should be the first sign we are being played.

The Queen or the Institution of a constitutional monarchy is a safer place to be than in any Republic. Unless perhaps Switzerland which is run like no other nation and is a special case, and a few minor nations all socialist.

Australia or rather the powers that be in Australia would never choose the Swiss model anyway, because there would not be enough controlling power or positions for the lazy thieving blugger politicians for their fellow comrades, as they should be called. As the people have too much control there, though even Switzerland is not a perfect place either, politically.

Every single Republic since the formation of the USA (which has been in meltdown since WW11 or perhaps even 1913) is based on taking your wealth and freedom and giving it to others and keeping you put; socialism=communism=slavery, period.

I have travelled the globe and I can tell you the countries with the most freedom all have a monarchy.

The Monarch gives one vitally important piece of protection over a Republic and that is if you get a party or mob in power, that becomes evil wont listen to the people or if both party's become in cahoots with each other at the cost of the people, the people can rally around the monarch or the monarchs representative aka a Governor General and kick the blugers out for the people. This is the main reason the Communists who are behind a Republic want a Republic.
Because they are scared of the people, while a Monarch still has this power for the people, they cannot implement all their dastardly deeds.

This is one piece of power that the Queen still holds for the country's of the dominions and its people.

Disliking the Monarch is not a good reason to want to throw away a system that works, and Republicanism is just another word for a pyramid scheme of top dogs a one or two party system of controllers and once its in place there is nowhere to go, to get the bastards out.

If the Queen had the power, the Dominions would be united with one passport for all to live and work in any of the dominions and the UK would not be in the EU communist bloc. Instead the controllers want to destroy our ethnic heritage and to lower our IQ's via mass immigration of third world nations, who are given the nations wealth to run us down, so we wont be a threat to their schemes.

Remember what they started,rise of the idiots over those who can think, multi-cultism, feminism (should be called Manisum) to get women to act like men and in the work place so living costs two incomes for a family, using free emotionless love and contraception in the 50/60's/70's to lower the populations of the west, so we could be self sufficient with sustainable living and without wars, they said, ha! Wipe us out legally more like it; and the men and women who should have children being left single and childless because of their fraudulent lies.

Then they import on mass third world immigration that sky rockets the populations around the western nations and the world!! They the controllers just want cash cow slaves, and with no thinking Anglo's /Celts/Scandics to oppose them,so they can run the show without worry of being terminated by the nations people they have run down to the ground educationally and spiritually.

Sorry went off on a tangent there!!

I could go on here about all manner of things these secret controllers have been up to, but for time constraints today. Anyway Republicanism is just communism.


Last edited by Baron; 09-19-2008 at 07:46 PM. Reason: corrections
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Old 09-20-2008, 03:44 AM   #7
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Talking Re: would a republic help us ?

Originally Posted by Baron View Post
"Would a Republic help us?"
...How many other nations spit on their motherland?
our motherland?

Originally Posted by Baron View Post
Instead the controllers want to destroy our ethnic heritage and to lower our IQ's via mass immigration of third world nations, who are given the nations wealth to run us down, so we wont be a threat to their schemes.
this is a pretty racist statement you have made here. are you saying the third world people are less intelligent than you are?

hang on a sec.... Baron ? motherland? are you a neo nazi or something?
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Old 09-20-2008, 03:47 AM   #8
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Talking Re: would a republic help us ?

Originally Posted by manda View Post
Hi Atama

This was posted by Timelord

thanks manda, i only hope we can keep it all positive down here.
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Old 09-20-2008, 04:14 AM   #9
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Default Re: would a republic help us ?

Originally Posted by atama View Post
just putting it out there. personally i'm for a republic coz i hate the queen - but would it actually help us?

could we actually escape the clutches of the Illuminati and are we up for the fight ?

i don't know.
No point in hating anyone - we are all on this spinning globe together - have been fighting and hating for ever - Forgive and FORGET - WE as a collective can do ANYTHING - No turning back and no point in running away co's there ain't no place to hide. Be so thankful that YOU and You and the next guy have woken up - The one's who are out there waiting and looking up for the Guy Upstairs to return are just getting a pain in the neck - he never went away. We are the Ground Crew so listen to what the captain is telling us - Listen, really listen to what is coming from inside of you and that is all you need to know. We can work it out, we can and WILL work it out. We have worked it out, the guys in the future would not be there othewise !
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Old 09-20-2008, 12:13 PM   #10
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Default Re: would a republic help us ?

Originally Posted by atama View Post
our motherland?

"this is a pretty racist statement you have made here. are you saying the third world people are less intelligent than you are?"

"hang on a sec.... Baron ? motherland? are you a neo nazi or something?

Not sure what you are alluding too?

Define Neo Nazi? You should have been able to tell that's not my philosophy from my post...But because you found the post over baring, you focused in on what you perceived to be a negative blow and insult to me, with the Anti- and race card.

Now lets define Neo Nazi for you. A "Neo Nazi" is somebody who supports National Socialism. So on that count from me NO...I'm against all forms of stealth wealth stealing from the individual. Perhaps you define somebody a Neo Nazi, who dresses like a thug with lots of tattoo's etc, and likes to parade around causing violence and bathes in their own hate.
A bit like you who hates the Queen? Again the answer is NO.

You see I'm not in any one's dogma, I only look at the facts and the truth.

Multi-culture is a misnomer it does not exist, except in the minds of those who see themselves equal when they are not, and the cowering PC obsequious do gooders, both using our wealth and spirituality to do us in. Homogenized soup of decay leaves no culture just a bad mess when just a little too much of an organism gets into the mix.

You cannot let in a mass lower intelligent and often violent (reptilian brain) war like mentality people on the local populace, into a first world nation without that nation turning into a hell hole. Its hard enough when its the other way around!

There are always exceptions to this rule, and respect for the individual is the only way that serves and protects each other.

As much as the truth is sometimes painful the truth is still the truth.

I'm not wavering from hard facts and possible false insults, just because some people want to see blues sky's when the floor is caving in, as is the roof.


Last edited by Baron; 09-20-2008 at 05:58 PM. Reason: correction
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Old 09-26-2008, 10:03 AM   #11
milk and honey
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Default Re: would a republic help us ?

As stated above, the "republic" is the establishment's baby. The Throne and it's backers want an Australian republic so that Australia can be merged into the Asia Pacific region to futher centralise power in "regionalism". That is APEC's (Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation) true purpose and that is why puppet governments of all stripes have fostered it over the decades.

Like new Europe, the sellout of Australian sovereignty is happening under the cover of "trade and security" agreements but will eventually come out of the closet as barriers to union are dissolved. One of those barriers is Australia's Constitution with it's ties to the British Crown.

Whether you love or hate the Monarchy is irrelevant. The longer Australians hold out against a new republic the longer APEC will NOT be able to overtly assimilate Australia. This is the one and only issue at stake.

Constitutionally, what Australia has now is far superior to anything the globalists are promising under the guise of republican "independence".

I'm not pretending that the success or failure of globalisation hinges on what Australia decides but if you're an Australian citizen and you're against an overt Global Dictatorship, Vote NO to an Australian republic.

Last edited by milk and honey; 09-26-2008 at 10:05 AM.
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Old 10-13-2008, 11:28 AM   #12
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Default Re: would a republic help us ?

lm so glad to read the comments by milk and honey as well as the baron, so really really glad to notice people in the know so to speak.
terribly sorry to tell you this atama but they are both right on the mark l will not rub salt in your wounds by giving you additional facts in support of what they have already told you, unless you ask me to , cause l know as well as they do that a rebublic would **** over this great country of ours, we already have the best leagal system in the world,as for trying to copy the USA l would suggest you read their new laws patriot act 1and 2 then you ill know how easily a rebulic can be screwed
Do l like the queen? no do l like her children? no, do l like how she is one of the wealthiest women in the world ? no do l like the american constitution their bill of rights etc yes and guess what atama since 9/11 all those laws you are so fond of have bit the bullet, like l said check out patriot act 1 and 2 and do a real lot of research cause unfortunatelly you dont even have 10% of the total picture sorry to say that l know its not good to be told your wrong when you think your so right
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Old 10-13-2008, 11:41 AM   #13
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Default Re: would a republic help us ?

Hi Milk and Honey,
Rudd the dud is what my people call him, KEVIN 07 is really too kind, stupid me just wanted our troups back from IRAQ and some real rights for the workforce. But MR DUD and the asian union god help us, and that bull*** CARBON tax l really think he must have a thing for that aussie actress they oth like to buy into al gores inconveiniant truth. l was pleased to hear brendan nelson state the emmisions trading sceme is just another tax, unfortunatelly it was political disaster.l was also glad that the man that said there will be no GST didnt get his knighthood nor the order of the garter, damm glad about that
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Old 10-13-2008, 11:53 AM   #14
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Default Re: would a republic help us ?

Originally Posted by atama View Post
our motherland?

this is a pretty racist statement you have made here. are you saying the third world people are less intelligent than you are?

hang on a sec.... Baron ? motherland? are you a neo nazi or something?
try getting an education, the one you dont have, the nazi call germany the FATHERLAND unless she become a he l really dont think mummys and daddys are quite the same creatures, and if having a revolution just too kick out the queen so we can be just like hollywood great idea. then we also need to plan to invade every little country that has something we want under the pretext that we are spreading democracy but only if that country has the natural wealth we want or doesnt play ball if it does
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Old 10-13-2008, 11:59 AM   #15
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Default Re: would a republic help us ?

Originally Posted by atama View Post
our motherland?

this is a pretty racist statement you have made here. are you saying the third world people are less intelligent than you are?

hang on a sec.... Baron ? motherland? are you a neo nazi or something?

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Old 10-13-2008, 12:12 PM   #16
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Default Re: would a republic help us ?

Originally Posted by atama View Post
our motherland?

this is a pretty racist statement you have made here. are you saying the third world people are less intelligent than you are?

hang on a sec.... Baron ? motherland? are you a neo nazi or something?
Its great to se that you are trying to be politically correct re are you a racist.
The Fact remains that while all us white people are being sold the multicutural BS nobody else is. the asians prefer asians the blacks prefer blacks etc etc l have to tell atama that there are as many if not more racist blacks asians indians etc than there are white racists
Question do you know any third world country/people that want to treat the whites as equal l sure as hell dont.
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