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Old 03-22-2010, 05:48 AM   #1
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Default Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near you!!

Very interesting interview on Red Ice Radio.

To summerise, this guy investigates abductions via hypnosis and through his research has found a startling new pattern emerging. The Greys agenda seems to be based on creating hybrids which are starting to cohabbit the planet with us. These hybrids have mind control abilities and use their abductees to train them to fit into society.

According to this guy, they are already among us.

If this is true, it might explain the increased security we are seeing in the western world which has been by and large explained as for the fight against ‘terror’.

Maybe this is our next step in evolution

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Old 03-22-2010, 04:40 PM   #2
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

Originally Posted by Truthseeker512 View Post
Very interesting interview on Red Ice Radio.

To summerise, this guy ...
That guy is David Jacobs. Recently information has come to light that strongly suggests that Dr. Jacobs' methodology is highly suspect and it would follow that his conclusions would be as well. While everyone waits for him to respond to the allegations we can only listen to Emma Woods (not her real name) side of things. See paratopia. Quite frankly if he was indeed hypnotizing people over the phone and giving them suggestions that they have multiple personality disorder it would pretty much invalidate his work as someone conducting responsible research. As someone who took Dr. Jacobs seriously in the past I find these developments to be very disturbing. I certainly hope that the allegations are not true but from the audio presented on paratopia I fear otherwise.

Certainly a Camelot interview of Dr. Jacobs might be very enlightening and would give him a chance to make his side of the story known.
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Old 03-23-2010, 12:33 AM   #3
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

ahh thanks for the info.
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Old 03-23-2010, 11:24 PM   #4
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

Originally Posted by Truthseeker512 View Post
ahh thanks for the info.
Well, ahh sure.

Dr. Jacobs is scheduled to appear on the Paracast podcast on April 11th along with Budd Hopkins and Kevin Randle in what is billed as the “Ultimate Abduction Round table” where the Emma Woods thing is sure to be discussed.

FYI, Kerry and Bill appeared on the show a few years ago and you can listen to that show in the Paracast's archives.
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Old 03-23-2010, 11:47 PM   #5
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

We need more people like you...trainedobserver. I especially like your signature quotation. We are easily led astray...aren't we? I don't trust the mainstream or the fringe. Perhaps the fringe of the mainstream is a good place to search for truth...if you know what I mean. Perhaps looking closely at university professors, scientists, or clergy who have been recently fired for unorthodox views might yield interesting results. You know...respected intellectuals who venture a bit too far away from the herd!

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 03-23-2010 at 11:53 PM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 01:45 PM   #6
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
We need more people like you...trainedobserver. I especially like your signature quotation.
Thanks, I appreciate the sentiment greatly. Quite often I get the opposite reaction which I find extremely baffling as it demonstrates that many folks who claim to be all about the search for truth and "light" have such little regard for standards of evidence, proper methodology, and healthy skepticism. Thanks again.

The quotation is a piercing insight that Jacques Vallee had into the UFO phenomena and the community surrounding it. One that I feel is even more true today than it was when he wrote it. It is something that we ignore at our own peril.

Last edited by trainedobserver; 03-24-2010 at 02:40 PM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 08:42 PM   #7
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

Originally Posted by trainedobserver View Post
Thanks, I appreciate the sentiment greatly. Quite often I get the opposite reaction which I find extremely baffling as it demonstrates that many folks who claim to be all about the search for truth and "light" have such little regard for standards of evidence, proper methodology, and healthy skepticism. Thanks again.

The quotation is a piercing insight that Jacques Vallee had into the UFO phenomena and the community surrounding it. One that I feel is even more true today than it was when he wrote it. It is something that we ignore at our own peril.
I tend to think that this whole thing is a spiritual war...and that the mainstream either is asleep or hostile...regarding the real truth. Or...they just want to keep their jobs and their sanity. The fringe...on the other hand...may have a tendency to go crazy, become cult leaders, or go down other dark alleys. They probably lose jobs, get divorced, commit suicide, become hounded by government agents, etc, etc. So...it may be best to find respectable people who are out on a limb...just before...or just after...the limb snaps...and they come tumbling down. That's not a very nice thought...I know...but this isn't a very nice world...is it?!

I am listening presently to the David Jacobs interview...and regardless of current questions...the program is quite interesting. I also read part of a Jacque Vallee interview transcript last night...and I was impressed with his logic and methodology. To get at the truth...we can't be afraid of boring research...or be afraid to admit that we're wrong. I just keep saying that I'm crazy...and that I don't know what the hell I'm doing. And it's true. This isn't just a becoming humility. I just endlessly speculate, ask questions...and make a smart@$$ out of myself. Obviously...I'm not trying to earn tenure...or become a provost! I'm already a crazy failure! So with that out of the way...I can happily stumble through cyberspace like a bull in a china closet! The horror!

John Keel and Jacques Vallee should probably be on the required reading lists of all serious ufologists. Just a thought. Someone should start an Online Graduate Program for Conspiracy Theorists and Paranormal Researchers...and not just as a half@$$ venture. Someone should really do it right...where the methodology is much more important than any results or editorial policies. Imagine a retired Oxford Don running such a program. You know...a Joseph Farrell type of person. I'm really sorry to see this Avalon forum come to an end...because I think it is going in that direction. Perhaps that's why it's being shut-down. I don't care what anyone says to the contrary. I think this forum was getting too hot...and the plug got pulled. But then again...I'm crazy and paranoid. Don't ban me bro!

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 03-24-2010 at 09:06 PM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:43 PM   #8
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

i have personally met two of these hybrid clones -- both tell me that there are many of them here -- i sometimes wonder if this is the reason for the 'population explosion' [don't look for them among the poor, homeless, or unemployed]

Peace & Freedom, wynderer

[edit for PS: i'm not going to bother w/the Emma Woods thing -- the infiltrators do not want us to know they are here, & anyone who is exposing this is bound to have detractors]
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:49 PM   #9
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how did you know they were hybrid clones?
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Old 03-24-2010, 11:01 PM   #10
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one of them announced it to me, standing next to his boss in a dining room of the ivy league university where he worked :'I'm a clone!' -- [longer story, including his physical appearance & character traits, but that's the gist]

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-25-2010, 03:52 AM   #11
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

Wow! That's wild! It seems that 'aliens' are physically challenged. Why is this? Are nearly all 'aliens' really spirits, demons, angels, interdimensionals...or at least non-physical in the generally accepted sense of that term? Are there similarities between 'aliens' and our 'souls'? Or...are our 'souls' really aliens? Are we all 'aliens'? Are demons really spirits who have been denied physical incarnation...and are thoroughly pi$$ed for that and other reasons?

It's interesting that you mentioned 'ivy league'. I once had a theological conversation with an ivy league graduate regarding the Garden of Eden and the temptation of Eve by the Winged Serpent. I took the position that...based on the story...the Serpent got a raw deal. The ivy league person agreed...and proceded to tell me that they were a 'Talking Snake'. I wasn't into any of the Avalon stuff at that time...so I just assumed that they meant that they were cunning and crafty. But now...I wonder what they really meant by that...especially in light of this thread. I've been around several people who I really wonder about now. Nuff said.

Sherry Shriner has a lot to say about 'clones', 'soul-scalping'...and the negative view of 'aliens'. She promotes the use of orgone to get rid of them. She says the orgone burns them and causes their ufo's to crash. I don't know how much of what she says is true. I listen to her show a lot on thewatcherfiles.com ...but I'm not really onboard with alot of her views. It's just a very unique perspective.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 03-25-2010 at 03:59 AM.
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Old 03-25-2010, 04:53 PM   #12
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

It seems to me that what we may be dealing with is demonic deception throughout the alien, ufo, religious, political, and paranormal phenomenon. Perhaps we really need to study DEMONOLOGY. What is a demon...exactly? I have indicated a willingness to be friendly with all beings in the universe. Perhaps this is a grave mistake. I'm going to take the gloves off...put on my brass knuckles...and do battle with the demonic realm...in the name of Jesus Christ...and with the power of the Holy Spirit. I will, however, keep the door open to all genuine defectors from the demonic realm. But how do we identify a genuine transition from darkness to light? How do we not get duped...over and over and over again? It seems that many of our world leaders...visible and invisible...are in bed with the demonic realm. How much trouble are we really in? I don't give a damn about staying positive and keeping the vibes up. I just want the truth. Have we continued to lie, lie, and lie some more...to stay positive and keep the vibes up?

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Old 03-25-2010, 07:12 PM   #13
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
It seems to me that what we may be dealing with is demonic deception throughout the alien, ufo, religious, political, and paranormal phenomenon.
I have to say IMHO I find that highly unlikely. I think putting labels that have their origins in superstition on phenomena we don't understand only muddies the waters unnecessarily and causes us and others who hear them to apply preconceived notions to things we truly do not understand.

I was a Christian for over 30 years, and I studied and taught the Bible for many of those years. I was a "true believer" in every respect. Eventually however, after much reflection and consideration I had to eventually admit to myself that I could no longer justify my beliefs in God, Jesus, or the supernatural and that I certainly could not longer accept the "story" of the Bible's origins as presented by its promoters as the truth. The preponderance of evidence simply caused entirely too much cognitive dissonance on my part. I have valued above all else honesty with others and myself. Like everyone I have failed from time to time realize this ideal but in general I insist on honesty above comfort or consolation. I have come to the conclusion that the Bible, in the vernacular of modern Ufology, is essentially disinformation. Abandoning the Christian world view allowed me to actually entertain theories and ideas that I was previously highly discouraged from thinking about. So yes, I once thought UFOs were essentially demonic in nature because that is the only valid conclusion that fits into the Christian world view (which is in all reality a classic mythos). The simple fact is however that the Bible is not what we are told that it is, and the world view it promotes is demonstratively false. I have proven this sufficiently to myself much against my own wishes to the contrary. I understand your mileage may vary.

I have come to think that what is actually happening is what we already see happening in our relationship to species that are lower down on the food chain than we are. Some species (ETs, CTs, UTs, MDEs, or whatever theory you want to entertain) higher up on the food chain than we are is interacting with us and we are neurologically incapable of perceiving them, their motivations, or even their actions correctly simply due to the difference in our biological operating specifications. A non-biological example of what I mean would be the impossibility of an AM radio circuit to pick up FM signals. Due to their construction it is simply impossible for one to detect the signals of the other due to their nature.

John Lilly spent his career attempting to communicate with dolphins. One might argue that he achieved this to some degree, however only in a rudimentary fashion. Certainly dolphins cannot be made to understand human motivations or society no more than we can truly understand the inner workings of the dolphins mind and true social context. Its an apples and oranges kind of thing. So too might this whole UFO phenomena and other paranormal phenomena (that aren't explained by human physiological conditions) turn out to be simply a neurologically superior or should I say a vastly neurologically different species interacting with us for reasons only they could understand. Are they actually the demons of the Bible? I would say there is no more chance of that than them being Ewoks or Asgard (from the Stargate TV series). They are most likely nothing that we have imagined or can imagine for the reasons I have outlined above.

Once an individual realizes and accepts the fact that the universe is not human centric I believe they are in effect "enlightened" to some degree. (Not that I claim to be enlightened to any degree) Once an individual sheds the shackles of religion, spirituality, and superstition there exists just a glimmer of hope that he or she might see themselves and the universe as they truly are. Just a glimmer though, just a outside chance ... a snow-balls chance in hell if you will. We are psychologically misadapted to realize this sort of thing however and in the end it probably isn't worth the struggle required to achieve. You'll have to pardon my cynicism but I paid for it in full and I like to whip it out occasionally just to make sure I get my money's worth.

Have a good one.
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Old 03-25-2010, 07:17 PM   #14
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
It seems to me that what we may be dealing with is demonic deception throughout the alien, ufo, religious, political, and paranormal phenomenon. Perhaps we really need to study DEMONOLOGY. What is a demon...exactly?

I believe you are right

reminds me of a passage in Acts 19

Seven sons of Sceva - a Jewish chief priest

went around and cast out spirits by saying

In the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out.

once they came upon one particular demon-possessed man who said

Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?

and so he attacked them and beat them all up

Jesus cast out many spirits from people

and the spirits seemed to know Him and fear Him

I believe they are the spirits of the hybrids the Nephilim

the old offspring of angels and women

I believe they want a physical body
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Old 03-25-2010, 07:45 PM   #15
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What about the concept that most things are true...and most things are BS...simultaneously? That I can read the Bible...claiming that it contains profound historical, ethical, spiritual, and theological truth...and simultaneously claiming that it is mostly BS? I believe this to be the case. I think the believers and the atheists are the most deluded people on Earth. I think the agnostics are the closest to the truth. I sort of like the image of a highly educated Anglican Agnostic...who teaches at Oxford or Cambridge...who regularly attends services at Westminster Abbey...who generally disbelieves the Bible and Christian theology...yet who privately studies the subjects we discuss in Avalon...and who knows there really are things that go bump in the night. I doubt historic theology. I doubt new age dogma. My specialty is beating about on the rocks of infidelity. There is a compelling reason why I call myself orthodoxymoron. I don't go to church anymore...but I'm thinking about going back. I like the conservative Pat Buchannan (even if he is a Knight of Malta)...who is a paleoconservative and is a fan of the Latin Mass. I liked Pope John Paul I. I liked Bishop Fulton Sheen. I liked Father Malachi Martin. But I've never been a Roman Catholic...and HUGE changes and reforms would have to occur before I would join. Having said that...I think that top level Jesuits know more about what's really going on in the universe than 99.9% of humanity. That doesn't mean that they're doing the right thing. But I really think they know what the hell is going on. But they're not talking. I think that one has to be willing to go to hell and back again...thinking about and reconsidering everything...over and over and over again. I sense the truth...but I don't know the truth. In a public in-person debate...I would be completely destroyed. I'm not a quick thinker at all. But I do think that a lot of what I have posted in Avalon is getting close to the truth...but that people much brighter and braver than I will have to be the ones who really nail down in public...what's really going on.

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Old 03-25-2010, 08:01 PM   #16
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

Originally Posted by RedeZra View Post

I believe you are right

reminds me of a passage in Acts 19

Seven sons of Sceva - a Jewish chief priest

went around and cast out spirits by saying

In the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out.

once they came upon one particular demon-possessed man who said

Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?

and so he attacked them and beat them all up

Jesus cast out many spirits from people

and the spirits seemed to know Him and fear Him

I believe they are the spirits of the hybrids the Nephilim

the old offspring of angels and women

I believe they want a physical body
I belive that you are correct...but I don't know the details.
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Old 03-25-2010, 08:01 PM   #17
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good analogy, Trainedobserver -- to the animals on this planet we humans must surely appear demonic -- a visit to a chicken 'factory farm' is a visit to hell for those with hearts

RedeZra --re the possible demonic nature of the abducting ETs [as opposed to the channeled love&light/it's all good/most humans will 'ascend' ETs] --some people have reported a nasty sulfur smell w/the reptilians, as is traditionally associated w/the devil

i think there is a connection w/black ops & the satanists in many , all the way up to very high, levels of the military, some of whom Kay Griggs courageously named/exposed --abductions, some anyway, are connected w/black ops programs imo [never thought of this before --the similarity --black ops & black arts -- both are hidden, & both are evil]

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-25-2010, 08:03 PM   #18
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

Originally Posted by trainedobserver View Post
I have to say IMHO I find that highly unlikely. I think putting labels that have their origins in superstition on phenomena we don't understand only muddies the waters unnecessarily and causes us and others who hear them to apply preconceived notions to things we truly do not understand.

I was a Christian for over 30 years, and I studied and taught the Bible for many of those years. I was a "true believer" in every respect. Eventually however, after much reflection and consideration I had to eventually admit to myself that I could no longer justify my beliefs in God, Jesus, or the supernatural and that I certainly could not longer accept the "story" of the Bible's origins as presented by its promoters as the truth. The preponderance of evidence simply caused entirely too much cognitive dissonance on my part. I have valued above all else honesty with others and myself. Like everyone I have failed from time to time realize this ideal but in general I insist on honesty above comfort or consolation. I have come to the conclusion that the Bible, in the vernacular of modern Ufology, is essentially disinformation. Abandoning the Christian world view allowed me to actually entertain theories and ideas that I was previously highly discouraged from thinking about. So yes, I once thought UFOs were essentially demonic in nature because that is the only valid conclusion that fits into the Christian world view (which is in all reality a classic mythos). The simple fact is however that the Bible is not what we are told that it is, and the world view it promotes is demonstratively false. I have proven this sufficiently to myself much against my own wishes to the contrary. I understand your mileage may vary.

I have come to think that what is actually happening is what we already see happening in our relationship to species that are lower down on the food chain than we are. Some species (ETs, CTs, UTs, MDEs, or whatever theory you want to entertain) higher up on the food chain than we are is interacting with us and we are neurologically incapable of perceiving them, their motivations, or even their actions correctly simply due to the difference in our biological operating specifications. A non-biological example of what I mean would be the impossibility of an AM radio circuit to pick up FM signals. Due to their construction it is simply impossible for one to detect the signals of the other due to their nature.

John Lilly spent his career attempting to communicate with dolphins. One might argue that he achieved this to some degree, however only in a rudimentary fashion. Certainly dolphins cannot be made to understand human motivations or society no more than we can truly understand the inner workings of the dolphins mind and true social context. Its an apples and oranges kind of thing. So too might this whole UFO phenomena and other paranormal phenomena (that aren't explained by human physiological conditions) turn out to be simply a neurologically superior or should I say a vastly neurologically different species interacting with us for reasons only they could understand. Are they actually the demons of the Bible? I would say there is no more chance of that than them being Ewoks or Asgard (from the Stargate TV series). They are most likely nothing that we have imagined or can imagine for the reasons I have outlined above.

Once an individual realizes and accepts the fact that the universe is not human centric I believe they are in effect "enlightened" to some degree. (Not that I claim to be enlightened to any degree) Once an individual sheds the shackles of religion, spirituality, and superstition there exists just a glimmer of hope that he or she might see themselves and the universe as they truly are. Just a glimmer though, just a outside chance ... a snow-balls chance in hell if you will. We are psychologically misadapted to realize this sort of thing however and in the end it probably isn't worth the struggle required to achieve. You'll have to pardon my cynicism but I paid for it in full and I like to whip it out occasionally just to make sure I get my money's worth.

Have a good one.
What a great comment. Thanks for sharing it.

I met my folks the other morning to take their lawnmower to the service shop and entered a conversation about the health care bill which led to politics and then on to religion etc.

My folks are great people, very caring and loving but during our little discussion about differing points of view my dad blurts out that the world is only 6500 years old.

Now we've been down this road before and I knew where he was going and what he was trying to get at. I stood there for a moment and looked at the man in front of me, my father, 2 bum knees, aging kidneys and nearly blind and it finally occurred to me... that it didn't matter. (it takes a while for me)

Yes I knew that my folks were living in another time, God bless them. They're both 84 yrs old and the constant agitation and changes going on within the church and within the families of their 8 children (everyone knows what I mean here) must be disheartening for them. They just want to hold on to their 'truisms' until they passover.

Who was I to try and dislodge them from what's left of the reality that they grew up with and what they knew.

That realization made me a little embarrassed and I stood there for a moment and as I looked into my fathers furrow brow and fiery eyes, I grinned a little and patted him on the back "You just could be right Pop! Let's get that mower up into the truck so we can get it fixed."

I drove away watching in the rear view mirror as they wave to me. I realized that every encounter we have with any human being is another chance. Our chance to share the love that is within us... it whatever way it may manifest and to what degree our abilities. That is our earthly mission and a valuable learning experience I won't soon forget.


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Old 03-25-2010, 08:22 PM   #19
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

Two great comments! I don't corner people with my speculations and obsessions. I just argue on the internet in what seems to be an appropriate forum! By the way...Bigmo...any afterthoughts about the abraxasinas/Thuban phenomenon? I've found it very difficult to immerse myself in it...so I'm sort of engaging in a Cold Guerilla Warfare With the Thubans! I steadfastly refuse to eat my dragon. You are what you eat.

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Old 03-25-2010, 09:26 PM   #20
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

Originally Posted by wynderer View Post
RedeZra --re the possible demonic nature of the abducting ETs [as opposed to the channeled love&light/it's all good/most humans will 'ascend' ETs] --some people have reported a nasty sulfur smell w/the reptilians, as is traditionally associated w/the devil

i think there is a connection w/black ops & the satanists in many , all the way up to very high, levels of the military, some of whom Kay Griggs courageously named/exposed --abductions, some anyway, are connected w/black ops programs imo [never thought of this before --the similarity --black ops & black arts -- both are hidden, & both are evil]
the sulfur smell

the stench of brimstone

should be a dead giveaway

about the nature and habitat of these creatures

there seems to be connections

between black ops and black arts

interestingly the initiations seem to include ritual sodomy

perhaps an entrance for discarnate spirits

sadly this attraction of the paler shades of white

seems to go to the top of the pyramid of power

and hovering above that

the evil eye

that approves the evil cause

annuit cœptis
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Old 03-25-2010, 11:23 PM   #21
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what beautifully written posts, RedeZra -- someone in another thread described you as a poet

Bigmo & others who can focus just on your daily interactions & find joy in them -- sometimes i envy you -- i've had quite a few sideways or straight-on comments on the forums where i've posted re my 'negativity' -- i wish people could understand that i am a wide-ranging empath, & i feel the pain of many -- the times of the big satanic rituals are always hell for me -- also i have the unfortunate gift of sometimes seeing the future

perhaps when i get to the end of my life i'll see that i really messed up down here in a human body & should have devoted my life to being perky-- but i seem to be constitutionally unable to feel happy when there is so much evil & suffering of the innocents in this world --

i used to ask that question 'How can a loving God allow all these things to go on?' -- but my question has changed to 'How can people who say they love God allow these things to go on?' -- i'm thinking of the Pink Floyd song, 'On the Turning Away' --

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-25-2010, 11:24 PM   #22
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

what beautifully written posts, RedeZra -- someone in another thread described you as a poet

Bigmo & others who can focus just on your daily interactions & find joy in them -- sometimes i envy you -- i've had quite a few sideways or straight-on comments on the forums where i've posted re my 'negativity' -- i wish people could understand that i am a wide-ranging empath, & i feel the pain of many -- the times of the big satanic rituals are always hell for me -- also i have the unfortunate gift of sometimes seeing the future

perhaps when i get to the end of my life i'll see that i really messed up down here in a human body & should have devoted my life to being perky-- but i seem to be constitutionally unable to feel happy when there is so much evil & suffering of the innocents in this world --

i used to ask that question 'How can a loving God allow all these things to go on?' -- but my question has changed to 'How can people who say they love God allow these things to go on?' -- i'm thinking of the Pink Floyd song, 'On the Turning Away' --

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-26-2010, 01:35 AM   #23
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

Originally Posted by wynderer View Post
what beautifully written posts, RedeZra -- someone in another thread described you as a poet

Bigmo & others who can focus just on your daily interactions & find joy in them -- sometimes i envy you -- i've had quite a few sideways or straight-on comments on the forums where i've posted re my 'negativity' -- i wish people could understand that i am a wide-ranging empath, & i feel the pain of many -- the times of the big satanic rituals are always hell for me -- also i have the unfortunate gift of sometimes seeing the future

perhaps when i get to the end of my life i'll see that i really messed up down here in a human body & should have devoted my life to being perky-- but i seem to be constitutionally unable to feel happy when there is so much evil & suffering of the innocents in this world --

i used to ask that question 'How can a loving God allow all these things to go on?' -- but my question has changed to 'How can people who say they love God allow these things to go on?' -- i'm thinking of the Pink Floyd song, 'On the Turning Away' --

Peace & Freedom, wynderer

The world can be a cruel and unforgiving place, full of harsh and cold realities. All we really have to offer as we wonder through this world is the Peace, Love and Gratitude of the Logos that we carry within our hearts.

By sharing these, we diminish the satanic rituals, the murders and child molestations and abuses. By sharing we help to opens cold hearts to the Light of Love, for it is only from the heart that we know who we are.

Each of us has our own mission and some may be grand and lofty but none so as important as the sharing of our own Peace, Love and Gratitude - one human being at a time.

Thank you for expressing your deepest thoughts Wynderer.
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Old 03-26-2010, 02:48 AM   #24
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

Ussher chronology from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Annals of the World page 1 (English)The Ussher chronology is a 17th-century chronology of the history of the world formulated from a literal reading of the Bible by James Ussher, the Anglican Archbishop of Armagh (in what is now Northern Ireland). The chronology is sometimes associated with Young Earth Creationism, which holds that the universe was created only a few millennia ago. Ussher's work, more properly known as the Annales veteris testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti (Annals of the Old Testament, deduced from the first origins of the world), was his contribution to the long-running theological debate on the age of the Earth. This was a major concern of many Christian scholars over the centuries. The chronology is sometimes called the Ussher-Lightfoot chronology because John Lightfoot published a similar chronology in 1642–1644. This, however, is a misnomer, as the chronology is based on Ussher's work alone and not that of Lightfoot. Ussher deduced that the first day of creation began at nightfall preceding Sunday, October 23, 4004 BC, in the proleptic Julian calendar, near the autumnal equinox. Lightfoot similarly deduced that Creation began at nightfall near the autumnal equinox, but in the year 3929 BC. Ussher's proposed date of 4004 BC differed somewhat from other Biblically based estimates, such as those of Bede (3952 BC), Ussher's near-contemporary Scaliger (3949 BC), Johannes Kepler (3992 BC) or Sir Isaac Newton (c. 4000 BC).[1] Ussher's specific choice of starting year may have been influenced by the then-widely-held belief that the Earth's potential duration was 6,000 years (4,000 before the birth of Christ and 2,000 after), corresponding to the six days of Creation, on the grounds that "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (2 Peter 3:8). This view had been almost completely abandoned by 1997, six thousand years after 4004 BC. Today some biblical scholars, as well as a number of literalist evangelical Christians, believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible calling for a 6000-year-old Earth.[2]

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Old 03-26-2010, 07:34 AM   #25
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Default Re: Greys, Abductions, Hybridisation and now they are moving into a community near yo

Yes indeed ortho. It is amazing what one will accept as belief when there is a promise of eternal life, 100 black eyed virgins, etc.

I wonder what they promise women?

1000 gallons of Mr. Clean in the flesh?


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