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Old 02-12-2009, 11:21 PM   #1
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Default Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

Inside source reveals FEMA & DHS preparing for mass graves and martial law near Chicago


By: D. H. Williams @ 10:41 PM - EST

An Indiana county municipal official in the vicinity of Chicago reveals the contents of his meetings with FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security. The initial requests seem reasonable enough when FEMA asks the county officials to prepare a Hazard Mitigation Plan to deal with flooding, fires, high winds and tornadoes.

But as the required meetings and calls with FEMA and DHS continue over a two year period their request become more unusual, raising suspicions of county officials

Listen to the audio: (go to the link page for the audio)

“We want to know every important thing in this county. We want to know where police departments are. Where weapons are stored. Hazardous material. Where can we land a helicopter. Where are the airports. How big a plane can you land at the airport. Where are all the bridges. Where are all the power stations. Where are all the generating stations.Where are all the substations. They literally wanted to know where everything was. I’m sitting there thinking man if there was ever martial law. This kind of information is exactly the kind of stuff they are going to want. We’re just laying it all out for them right there.”

During the legally mandated meetings held with FEMA and DHS different disaster scenarios were reveled to county officials:

* In late December 2008 municipal officials were invited to Indianapolis for a briefing on the state of Indiana. There were told if industry were to collapse for example GM going bankrupt resulting in mass unemployment a depression would soon follow and municipalities could expect to loose 40% of their funds.
* Every county in the nation would be required to prepare a Hazard Mitigation Plan.
* The county should prepare a plan to vaccinate the entire population within 48 hours and practice the plan several times.
* FEMA inquired to where mass graves could be placed in the county and would they accept bodies from elsewhere.
* The sheriff’s department via the state sheriff association was told that no .223 ammunition rounds would be available as the military would be purchasing all stocks.
* The county was asked to make plans for “hardening” of police and fire stations, putting in hardened bunker type buildings around town.
* The county was asked to make plans for the possibility of up to 400,000 refugees from Chicago.

This ain't a joke folks! - Can some one verify this??

Last edited by Adarajones; 02-12-2009 at 11:26 PM.
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Old 02-12-2009, 11:40 PM   #2
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

Thats scary stuff Adarajones. The guy on the audio, was questioning the reasons why. Hopefully there's enough questioners, and people who are thinking for themselves to thwart FEMA's plans!!!!
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Old 02-12-2009, 11:43 PM   #3
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

Hi Adarajones,

I listened to the recorded arquive and was drawn by the guy saying that Fema was wanting to vaccinate everybody within 48 hours (around -4.45 in the recording).

I was watching CNN (I think) yesterday and there was a report about some organization wanting to vaccinate millions of children against Polio within 48 hours.

Could this be a dummy run for something?

Did this guy see this and make his call just to frighten everyone?

I'm looking for my source...


I'm not sure if this is the right story, but it's similar.

Best regards,


Originally Posted by Adarajones View Post
Inside source reveals FEMA & DHS preparing for mass graves and martial law near Chicago


By: D. H. Williams @ 10:41 PM - EST

Last edited by Steve_A; 02-12-2009 at 11:55 PM.
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Old 02-13-2009, 03:16 AM   #4
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

Just a related note: When I was going to volunteer for Katrina relief they wanted me to do vaccinations for fema workers. There was nothing available to directly help the people.
Even if it is a natural disaster, there are strict laws now that your organization can not just show up and help. It's much easier to do disaster relief in 3rd world countries than it is here.Thank you for posting this I think it's important to keep this kind of communication network open.
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Old 02-13-2009, 03:21 AM   #5
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

What could be the reason they want to vaccinate you? I'm in the dark on that one. Is there something they will add to the vaccine that is used against you? And vaccine for what?

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Old 02-13-2009, 04:07 AM   #6
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Heres Their answer to that question...

Hitachi MU-Chip tiny RFID Tag


Powder RFID Chips next to a Human Hair

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Old 02-13-2009, 04:38 AM   #7
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

If only "each person" were to ask the same questions this man is.

WHY??? What are you expecting?

What do "THEY" know that is not being said to us???

This same Get ready thing has been going on all around the U.S. of A.

Way up here in the edge of no where there was a big come one come all sign up to "help". There were people who were needing for the mass shot clinic they had plans for "in case" others were needed who could "help the ill" or just have some medical knowledge..

I asked why, and when told "in case" I stepped away.. I have never been one to spend time thinking about the "what if" I still think that what we let our minds think can become.

So bottom line is think good pure peace, and love thoughts. Do not let this kind of "fear thinking" take up any space in your head..

That is all I know to say about this.. Remember Life is a gift and each of us have a great gift to be here now...

ONE last thing as this maybe my only post for the week.. How many of you were tuned in last SAT?? Plan to set aside a hour this Sat. The more minds we put on this the better it is.
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Old 02-13-2009, 05:18 AM   #8
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

I was afraid that might be the answer...I was not aware they were that small
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Old 02-13-2009, 05:39 AM   #9
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

Unbelievable ................sick b..........really keeping it a secret aren't they.

This man sounds so shook up and it makes me think he didn't have a clue. That is what is really sad, the fact that so many are still in the dark on things.

I know that so much is being shown on the history and discovery channels and as I watch I wonder how many are really listening to the videos. They are showing so much and I personally feel in awe of all of it.

We know it's coming and we can't reach everyone and all I can think of is to pray for everyone.

Peace............Love...................to all
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Old 02-13-2009, 06:04 AM   #10
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

Tagging is an option, of course, but I think they're calling it in prep for the avian flu or something of that sort. Or even some sort of biological attack from "the terrorists" -

Originally Posted by BROOK View Post
What could be the reason they want to vaccinate you? I'm in the dark on that one. Is there something they will add to the vaccine that is used against you? And vaccine for what?

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Old 02-13-2009, 09:13 AM   #11
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

The vaccines themselves can have anything in them. They are an agent of death and chronic debility. I was born in 1952 and in grade school we lined up for our dose of oral polio vaccine that most likely carried a monkey virus that causes cancer in humans. A virus loves to change up DNA and injects us with DNA from monkey, chicken, dog, or whatever tissue the virus culture in grown in. Then it injects the animal DNA into us. Now there are stealth viruses that our immune system does not even recognize.

Here's my articles:
18) September 2007 - Stealth Virus Shock and Awe

1) April 2006 - Hootin’ and Hollerin’ ‘bout Autism, Vaccines, and PARENTS!

25) April 2008 - Three Generations of Vaccine Damage and It’s Getting Red Hot Under that Coverup! http://tinyurl.com/6aa8c2

Dr. Carley talks about VIDS - Vaccine Induced Diseases
Her weekly radio show is archived here:
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Listen to her Dec 2008 interviews with Dr. True Ott:

GUEST: Dr. True Ott
TOPIC: Mind Control and Psy-Ops in Health/Freedom Movement
Subliminals and "Sound of Silence" Technology
HD TV, GWEN Towers, Medical Doctors, Judges

Dr. True Ott- MEMinerals.com
John Hammell- IAHF.com
TOPIC: Psy-ops in the Health Freedom Movement--
Stubblebine, CODEX, Remote Viewing;
1918 Pandemic/Vaccines, Mind Control, Scalar Weapons
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Old 02-13-2009, 02:45 PM   #12
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

Thanks for the post. He does sound very disturbed by this info.
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Old 02-13-2009, 07:46 PM   #13
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

I don't understand why they want to chip everyone????
I was thinking the vaccine was to kill us not to chip us
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Old 02-13-2009, 07:53 PM   #14
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

I remember Astralwalker in his thread "Unknown form of energy..." warned against getting vaccinated. was it because of that?
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Old 02-13-2009, 07:55 PM   #15
One One Seven
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
I don't understand why they want to chip everyone????
I was thinking the vaccine was to kill us not to chip us
I'd assume so they could track us and gather information on us, what else they might be able to do I do not know.

God speed, 117
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Old 02-13-2009, 10:19 PM   #16
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

Bob Chapman on Alex Jones show today discussing this subject!!.



CDC's vaccination Genocide!!


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Old 02-14-2009, 01:05 AM   #17
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

Originally Posted by One One Seven View Post
I'd assume so they could track us and gather information on us, what else they might be able to do I do not know.

God speed, 117
But what do they care about Jim Browns movements??
Chipping makes no sense to me. People have talked about chemtrails dropping chips or them just being in our food but if they don't know who has the chip it makes even less sense to track it.
I think a vaccine would be to kill not to chip.
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Old 02-14-2009, 01:06 AM   #18
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

Interesting, Very Interesting. Over my dead body am I getting a vacination.
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Old 02-14-2009, 02:32 AM   #19
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

This reminds me of that recent Court ruling in the past couple days saying that Vaccinations do not cause Autism in Children which is a complete Crock. Wow, what timing for this

Vaccinations are all full of nasties like Mercury and whatever Pathogens they want to include in them to "test" the Public. More for the NWO Population reduction I believe

No one will force Vaccinations on me or my Family!

I just talked to a friend today who lives across the Country from me. She said one of her Sons knows the Policemen in their area. It is their (the Police Dept.) consensus that if Martial Law were declared, they would fight against the Military because according to them no Military or otherwise is going to come in and take over their jurisdiction overthrowing the Constitution

I guess they can try their Martial Law BS and they just might, but they it sounds to me that they better prepare for their plan to backfire on them in a big way

So how many other Precincts around the Country feel the same?

That doesn't mean I'm not nervous about it because it makes me uncomfortable. I am always keeping tabs on this. But it's the outcome that is completely out of my hands

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Old 02-14-2009, 04:57 AM   #20
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Arrow Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
But what do they care about Jim Browns movements ??

Chipping makes no sense to me. People have talked about chemtrails dropping chips or them just being in our food but if they don't know who has the chip it makes even less sense to track it. I think a vaccine would be to kill not to chip.
You have to understand that there are many Agendas - Plans within Plans...

Of Course the Vaccinations are meant to ultimately make You sick and kill You off but there are Issues here NOT being thought about when comments like this are made.

Lets explore the Agendas in relation to the above Issue shall We ???

Agenda - To keep the People docile and controlable.

> Vaccinations are done for 4 reasons. 1 - To introduce Antigens into the Body to fight disease. 2 - To introduce DNA/RNA into the Body to force Genetic Changes or Mutations. 3 - As a vehicle for other Agendas (Chipping as an Example). 4 - To introduce into the Body poisons and chemicals that will utlimately result in that Body's degredation and eventual collapse.

> ELF is used to do the following (HAARP, Cell Phone and Microwave Towers, etc.). 1 - To produce conditions that will cause stressors to those being affected by the ELF (Makes people NOT want to know anything more than They have to so as to be able to survive). 2 - To produce conditions favourable for the Control of Minds and Attitudes by those affected. 3 - Control the Weather. 4 - Maintain the Holgram/Matrix...

Now You've said - "Why would They Chip Everyone with Vaccinations ???"

Thats simple. As a Tactician (Which is how They think BTW) You would want to be able to get it done as quick as possible and not delay it once it was ready to go live. Now most People would say no way to being Chipped and so the small size is necessary to be able to hide it in other Initiatives or Agendas.

That stated - Do You really think They don't know Who gets which Vaccination ? Think again - You sign up for Them or at least when They are given to You - IT IS known Who You are and that is linked to the Chip's Serial Number in Solution with the Vaccine.

Voila - They have You and know Who You are. At that point You''re set up with that Chip and Its Number in perpetuity until Your Death.

If You get out of hand in the NWO or won't go along ? They can just overload The Chip like in Mission Impossible III so as to cause a small explosion in a Vien or Artery. Result ? A pretty quick Death...

Or Again - They can just wipe all of Your Records and Bank Accounts out.

Plus - Its allows for more effective Mind Control as well as detailing all of Your personal information to Them in-situ. If something amazing starts happening to You - They can arrive and nip it in the Bud so to speak before You get out of Hand.

Now what happens to those not getting Vaccinations ? How do they get Chipped ?

These individuals will be told to either get Chipped to be in the New Economy or be outide of It with no ability to Work or Buy Goods and Services in Their NWO. Those will be the only two choices given to those People (Us).

What will We do then ? This is a choice We must all face if We are not successful in changing things for the better as the Shift approaches...

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Old 02-14-2009, 02:25 PM   #21
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Default Re: Chicago preparing for Martial Law- Listen to Audio PLEASE!

Here in the netherlands where I'm now, they want to make (polio, for starters) vaccination mandatory with the argument that non-vaccinated people are a risk for the rest of the population. We are in the middle of a silent war and most people don't have a clue.
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