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Old 10-20-2008, 04:12 PM   #26
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Default Re: MOD release more UFO Documents

Originally Posted by orwellsbud View Post

Just as an aside; has anyone else noticed the BBC News is now openly using the term 'New World Order' in relation to the financial crisis? Not only that, they have since the beginning of this month been embedding terms like alien, and alien invasion in lots of unrelated news items.
Subliminal conditioning...

In the advertising business they know that a person has to see an ad 5 times from different sources and then it's recorded.

Sneaking terms in like that makes them common terms in the long run and soon will be common household words and thus ideas.... reduces shock value later

In my signature is this quote..

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer

It is the third part they are going for... because once it gets to that level, people will jump on the band wagon of "Alien Invasion" and say "YEAH GO GET EM"

Worked with 9/11

Last edited by zorgon; 10-20-2008 at 04:14 PM.
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Old 10-20-2008, 04:18 PM   #27
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Default Re: U.S. pilot was ordered to shoot down UFO, (posted Mon 20 Oct 2008)

I get a little worried when the govenment starts releasing stuff about ufo's especially when it has been internet and Axel Jones rumoured that that plan a false flag ET event. The older I get, the less I believe on the 'telly' or anything told me on it...
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Old 10-20-2008, 04:22 PM   #28
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Default Re: MOD release more UFO Documents

Oh it's really Orwellian here at the moment...Every Liberty is under threat and the sheep just sit there munching their ready meals and take-away's, while the media practice the art of Newspeak and Doublethink upon their poor souls.

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Old 10-20-2008, 06:26 PM   #29
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Default Re: MOD release more UFO Documents

I really want to be on the first spaceship out of here - stop the world - I wanna get off!
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Old 10-20-2008, 06:35 PM   #30
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Default Re: MOD release more UFO Documents

Originally Posted by Mark View Post
I really want to be on the first spaceship out of here - stop the world - I wanna get off!
Id like a visit to the moon so can i come?

oo thats extreme!
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Old 10-20-2008, 06:37 PM   #31
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Wink Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

honestly i dont think the govt would disclose those documnets without being

severly censored and i know if youve all watched the vidoes on project

camelot the most likely waythe gov would come clean is to announce theyve

found traces of life on a planet then after the shock of that announce

theyve found inteligent life
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Old 10-20-2008, 07:22 PM   #32
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

orwellsbud I have also noticed the pattern of initially innocent looking language on bbc news that when combined makes me feel as though some sort of event or discolure is inevitable I was gonna post this stuff about the ufo's up but I have been picked to the post on this occasion. Good work brothers and sisters.
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Old 10-20-2008, 07:40 PM   #33
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Talking Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

Originally Posted by MikeW View Post
orwellsbud I have also noticed the pattern of initially innocent looking language on bbc news that when combined makes me feel as though some sort of event or discolure is inevitable I was gonna post this stuff about the ufo's up but I have been picked to the post on this occasion. Good work brothers and sisters.

wow i was geting the same feeling recenly theyve had more stuff about ufos on the news if ne1 else have noticed
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Old 10-21-2008, 07:55 AM   #34
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

I have to agree that it is a little eerie seeing even minor disclosure in the MSM

I wonder what they are up to

most countries in the world have come clean with their UFO files, yet have not let the back engineered tech out of the box, nor have they really admitted to any owned craft

sometimes I think they are waiting for America to take that lead because they are sitting on most of it IMHO

I am watching with interest, just to see if I can catch on to what they are doing other that simply preparing us for the false flag invasion scenario

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Old 10-21-2008, 01:07 PM   #35
Richard T
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

Originally Posted by CosmicFever View Post
There's deceit going on here of universal proportions. One of my mottos is "Beware of Strangers Bearing Gifts". Your enemy always acts as a friend when they first appear on the scene. I feel the only way out of this is for the human race, along with all living things (which is everything), to come together as one and save ourselves.
Absolutely. Deceit in the form of half truths and misleading information, as well as the withholding of information. All that once added together conjure up a lie of cosmic proportions.

As Krishnamurti said, do not trust anyone who promises you something in this world, or in the other one.

Before all things alive unite to eventually break through the event horizon of this condition, the relationship with energies that lie beyond the universe will have to be horizontalized. Before this happens at the universal scale, which is an extremely long time scale, this relationship must first be horizontalized right here. And this is the goal of the next cycles.

Very good points CosmicFever.
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Old 10-21-2008, 01:26 PM   #36
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Default Re: Odd, intriguing and alarming UFO files released oct 20th

Originally Posted by Genevieve View Post
The "others" CANNOT intervene in my opinion because they really have absolutely no control over matters - WE as humans do!! That is why they need us - and have been fighting over who controls us.

There IS no other higher power (as in another life form that can help us) - we are in actual fact THEIR helpers - but we don't realise this.
If indeed we are unaware helpers, we are victims of an agenda to which we wilfully participate because the reasons behind the agenda have been replaced with the impression of serving one's own interest, namely the illusion of free will.

Originally Posted by Genevieve View Post
I have really thought this over and over thru the years and while i do believe in a divine being (something that all matter and non matter and consciousness actually belongs to) i have repeatably been shown intuitively and also thru study that somehow we HUMANS are a KEY to something more than we can ever imagine.
If that is the case, and that no really useful information is forthcoming to that effect, two things must be considered.

1- The key is not ready because the finality of the current phase of human experience is not completed enough to allow the individual to support such information without turning it into a tool for forces that would oppose this key.

2- Those intelligences who have stewardship over this planet have no interest in instructing man about his reality but would rather feed man with concepts that fit an agenda that is totally alien to the information fed.

Originally Posted by Genevieve View Post
I really hope we can remember WHO we are in the coming times instead of expecting a revelation from the skies to TELL us what to think. I feel we have all had enough of indoctrination to last us eternity already!!! lol
Remembering who we are would imply an existing memory of what that <who> is.
If we consider for a moment that this <who> has never experienced incarnation, but that the soul, the memory of the experience programmed in a mechanical form of experimental consciousness, has been investigating matter by procuration, then the soul could have no memory of the <who> but only memory of the command from its inceptor.

Then, to know who the <who> is, the consciousness of that intelligence must fuse with the consciousness of the mortal, totally transforming consciousness as we know it and disposing of the experimental parameters that were used as a scaffold during a period of construction, a period of creation, of a terminal capable of receiving it close to matter.

Then, the individual could not anymore remember who he really is, that who not being part of a world of forms, therefore lying outside of the time of memories, but would <know> who he is, as he would simply be.

At the same time, the full memory of the experience of the soul would be available to that <who> who would be one with the once mortal consciousness.

I guess that what I am saying is that we won't find our reality in our past, our past simply being the accumulation of memories by the soul during its experience as a mechanical function, but will find it outside of time, therefore outside of reflection and outside of accumulated knowledge.

Or is it <it> who will find us, when we are ready and capable to face a reality of which we are absolutely terrified until that time when we have stripped ourselves of all fears?

Last edited by Richard T; 10-21-2008 at 01:27 PM. Reason: screwed up format
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Old 10-21-2008, 01:35 PM   #37
Richard T
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Default Re: US Pilot Ordered to shoot down UFO

Originally Posted by Dantheman62 View Post
One pilot said he was seconds away from firing 24 rockets at the object, which moved erratically and gave a radar reading like "a flying aircraft carrier."
Isn't this amazing! The UFO was not downed by radar! Wow!

Originally Posted by Dantheman62 View Post
" I felt very much like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest," he said.
Must have felt quite comfortable.

Originally Posted by Dantheman62 View Post
At the last moment, the object disappeared from the radar screen and the high-speed chase was called off.
Lucky him they used their legs to run rather than kick his ass.
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