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Old 02-20-2010, 01:58 PM   #226
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
I don't think Stewart has had multiple personality disorder. He was subjected to mind control experimentation but I didn't think it was for the purpose of implanting alters to get him to carry out tasks. He was used for time travel and as a Vessel in Illuminati blood-ritual ceremonies in the 70s.

Do you have other information about him?
My understanding is that anyone who is subjected to extreme torture especially in mind control, then in order to deal with trauma their mind is likely to split off and compartmentalize. In normal abuse scenarios this manifests into detachment of personality and a small part of the soul (I’ve dealt with this many times through my healing work and hypnosis). I wouldn’t be at all surprised that when it comes to mind control then alters are highly probable – also don’t forget these alters are not always aware of each other. Obviously, I can’t say for sure that this is what happened to Steward but probabilities cannot be ruled out. We can never be sure.

It’s a very strange world out there.

Can’t remember of any other info about him but if I come across some, I’ll post them on this thread. He’s a very interesting being.
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Old 02-20-2010, 02:40 PM   #227
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by gita View Post
Can’t remember of any other info about him but if I come across some, I’ll post them on this thread.
Okay, good.
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Old 02-21-2010, 04:53 PM   #228
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
What is in the KB and what is happening in front of us, is part of simultaneous existence that has a foundation in the "Eternal Now."

All happens at once. There is no cause and effect. There is no karma or reincarnation--because all experience is simultaneous.

Hello all!

Hmm, I really don't get it. I have read some Expansions Q & A and Janet and Steward said many times that your Earth issues are taken with you to another lifetime. So, there is a reincarnation. What is more, one of Steward soul personalities was transferred in a fetus, so literally it was a forced reincarnation, but still a reincarnation and a result is Steward Swerdlow among us.

And about karma, again Janet and Steward said many times that God-Mind is always in a process of balancing itself, so whatever you do or did, it will echo in the next lifetimes.

"However, God-Mind is always in the process of balancing Itself, so therefore anyone who does this has to learn the other side of the coin to balance out what he/she did.

It is best to stay with the known and work through that rather than go into the unknown and start all over again.

Leaving this Earth plane does not change anything, because wherever you go, there you are. You take your issues with you, which are now compounded by the act of suicide so you have one more thing (BIG thing) to work on out top of whatever happened to push you over the edge in the first place. No physical body, but same issues plus one more."

Janet Swerdlow answer on a suicide question.

Heh, seriously guys, I don't know what to think now. Consider it as a belief system shattered..
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Old 02-21-2010, 05:42 PM   #229
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by ojajebie View Post
Hello all!

Hmm, I really don't get it. I have read some Expansions Q & A and Janet and Steward said many times that your Earth issues are taken with you to another lifetime. So, there is a reincarnation. What is more, one of Steward soul personalities was transferred in a fetus, so literally it was a forced reincarnation, but still a reincarnation and a result is Steward Swerdlow among us.

And about karma, again Janet and Steward said many times that God-Mind is always in a process of balancing itself, so whatever you do or did, it will echo in the next lifetimes.

"However, God-Mind is always in the process of balancing Itself, so therefore anyone who does this has to learn the other side of the coin to balance out what he/she did.

It is best to stay with the known and work through that rather than go into the unknown and start all over again.

Leaving this Earth plane does not change anything, because wherever you go, there you are. You take your issues with you, which are now compounded by the act of suicide so you have one more thing (BIG thing) to work on out top of whatever happened to push you over the edge in the first place. No physical body, but same issues plus one more."

Janet Swerdlow answer on a suicide question.

Heh, seriously guys, I don't know what to think now. Consider it as a belief system shattered..
I'm confused, too.

Stewart is supposed to have his own radio show soon. Maybe he will clarify things on that show; I hope so!

I am beginning to feel that I might be better off not exploring topics such as time travel, multiple universes, and life after death and just focus on the here and now!
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Old 02-21-2010, 05:46 PM   #230
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by ojajebie View Post
Hello all!

Hmm, I really don't get it. I have read some Expansions Q & A and Janet and Steward said many times that your Earth issues are taken with you to another lifetime. So, there is a reincarnation. What is more, one of Steward soul personalities was transferred in a fetus, so literally it was a forced reincarnation, but still a reincarnation and a result is Steward Swerdlow among us.

And about karma, again Janet and Steward said many times that God-Mind is always in a process of balancing itself, so whatever you do or did, it will echo in the next lifetimes.

"However, God-Mind is always in the process of balancing Itself, so therefore anyone who does this has to learn the other side of the coin to balance out what he/she did.

It is best to stay with the known and work through that rather than go into the unknown and start all over again.

Leaving this Earth plane does not change anything, because wherever you go, there you are. You take your issues with you, which are now compounded by the act of suicide so you have one more thing (BIG thing) to work on out top of whatever happened to push you over the edge in the first place. No physical body, but same issues plus one more."

Janet Swerdlow answer on a suicide question.

Heh, seriously guys, I don't know what to think now. Consider it as a belief system shattered..
A big welcome to Avalon Ojajebie.

Here you’ll find yourself asking more questions than you’ll find answers – this is the rabbit hole and you can either stay close to the surface or dig deep down and say goodbye to your sanity but you will love it.

Also congratulations on ‘a belief system shattered’ as this is good ground work to receive higher truth.

Now, without meaning to, I’m probably going to get you a bit more ‘confused’ as I give you my take on it based on years of research and also experience as a past life regression therapist. Here it goes;

I was also of the belief that reincarnation and karma were real and they are to a certain point. I’ve concluded that reincarnation is another system put into place by TBTB and their interdimensional handlers since beginning of human life on this planet in order to feed off our energy and stop us from ascending and going back to our source – this keeps us in a never ending loop and a great source of energy for these negative beings who have decided to denounce the source. However, this could not possibly go on indefinitely as our consciousness is growing alongside the consciousness of our planet Earth which makes many people realise that we are kept in a prison belief system which in my opinion also includes ‘heaven’. As souls, connected directly to the divine, we have the power to go anywhere we choose and to heal any negative and heavy load in an instance and this negates for me the need to come back to this plane to set things right – although I do think that this may have been necessary in the past but due to growth in consciousness I see it as becoming obsolete.

I also like to point out that there are much more people on Earth than ever before and the question begs where have all these extra souls come from? I’m also aware of the alarming rate of suicides among indigo children especially in Australia. These beautiful beings obviously found the energies here far too heavy and chose to leave – I don’t think for one minute that these beings have incurred upon themselves the wrath of karma.

I remember that I was forced to reincarnate in this life time and at the time I did not dare to question it but as time went by and I came across much needed info (thanks to synchronicity) then I started applying my own experiences and logic and my new found sense of freedom to start questioning all this and then demanded answers. I have received them mostly in dribs and drabs- and no longer will I chain myself to any doctrines that tells me how things are and how I’m meant to behave or what secret rituals I have to perform in order to get close to my source. I know I’m a good person and of service to other but my kindness is no longer my weakness and I will not allow fear attach itself to me and suck away my energy for ‘others’ ungodly purpose. If I have anything to do with it, I will not allow my soul to be trapped and regenerated one more time. When I die, then all this knowledge will still be with me and I will be demanding some answers when I get there for my free will rejects any kind of slavery in this or any other dimensions.

This is just a brief snippet of what I’ve discovered/remembered on my journey so far. I do wish just as a fruitful journey for you Ojajebie. Share with us what you discover.

Ps, I’m done with the known and look forward to the unknown for fear will not stop me in my growth.

Peace. xx
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Old 02-21-2010, 05:51 PM   #231
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Pps – check out this post by flying pyramid on Transcending Karma & Reincarnation = Awakening From The Lie – it may help.

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Old 02-21-2010, 06:51 PM   #232
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

May be Gregg has some answers!!

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Old 02-21-2010, 07:07 PM   #233
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Thanks for ur kind replies.

In previous books (True Blood Blue Blood, Montauk: The Alien connection) Swerdlow also said that a lot of soul personalities now on Earth are Maldekian and Martian. Since Maldek was destroyed and Mars stripped from atmosphere, there were no collonies to inhabit by humans.

He was also talking about victim & opressor soul personalities and criminals from other worlds who are all dumped here on Earth. Victims & opressors have to do their release or forgiviness work here on Earth. Criminals also have to do their work here, probably as karma punishment.

So, If Steward in the close future will announce that karma and reincarnation do not exist, then I will consider him as a another disinformation agent..
But we shall see soon.
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Old 02-21-2010, 07:39 PM   #234
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by ojajebie View Post
Thanks for ur kind replies.

In previous books (True Blood Blue Blood, Montauk: The Alien connection) Swerdlow also said that a lot of soul personalities now on Earth are Maldekian and Martian. Since Maldek was destroyed and Mars stripped from atmosphere, there were no collonies to inhabit by humans.

He was also talking about victim & opressor soul personalities and criminals from other worlds who are all dumped here on Earth. Victims & opressors have to do their release or forgiviness work here on Earth. Criminals also have to do their work here, probably as karma punishment.

So, If Steward in the close future will announce that karma and reincarnation do not exist, then I will consider him as a another disinformation agent..
But we shall see soon.
Have you thought of filling out the form on his Q & A and asking him?
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Old 02-21-2010, 08:16 PM   #235
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by gita View Post
I was also of the belief that reincarnation and karma were real and they are to a certain point. I’ve concluded that reincarnation is another system put into place by TBTB and their interdimensional handlers since beginning of human life on this planet in order to feed off our energy and stop us from ascending and going back to our source – this keeps us in a never ending loop and a great source of energy for these negative beings who have decided to denounce the source. However, this could not possibly go on indefinitely as our consciousness is growing alongside the consciousness of our planet Earth which makes many people realise that we are kept in a prison belief system which in my opinion also includes ‘heaven’.
You may be right about that, after all reincarnation and karma are still a part of a program and our programming, but in this case designed by God-Mind itself. We may be free of it, it is up to us if we choose to live another life on Earth or go elsewhere to join a hive mind or to become a non-physical being from higher dimensions.

Personally, I have a mixed feelings about this "karma and reincarnation" program. Being a human on Earth really sux sometimes (if not all the lifetime). If my soul personality choosed Earth, that means, Earth is the best place for me to do my release and forgiviness work. "Want to experience something else? Change your mind."

Anyway, Alex Collier is Andromedan soul personality. He reincarnated here on Earth to help us in some way. Steward Swerdlow never said that Collier and his Andromedans are an hoax. He said that he supports Collier's work.
So what happened that changed Janet's and Steward's views of reality? I really can't wait to know the truth.
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Old 02-21-2010, 08:44 PM   #236
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Have you thought of filling out the form on his Q & A and asking him?
Yeah, I should ask them by myself about that. I will read Q & A from February soon, and if none asked this by now I will submit a question.

Anyway, I wanted to hear from other followers of Swerdlow activities, that is why I registered here.
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Old 02-21-2010, 09:06 PM   #237
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by ojajebie View Post
Yeah, I should ask them by myself about that. I will read Q & A from February soon, and if none asked this by now I will submit a question.

Anyway, I wanted to hear from other followers of Swerdlow activities, that is why I registered here.
I'm glad to have another person on the forum who is interested in Stewart's work. I've also read Blue Blood, True Blood and Montauk - The Alien Connection. I've read parts of Stewart Says and The Healers's Handbook. I went to his teaching conference in St Joseph, Michigan in November 2008.

Speaking of questioning Stewart's credibility - we have a person on this forum, Waterman, of http://simplyyourhealth.wordpress.com/, who claims to know Stewart personally and charges that Stewart was not in the Montauk Project!

What do you think of that?
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Old 02-21-2010, 09:20 PM   #238
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Speaking of questioning Stewart's credibility - we have a person on this forum, Waterman, of http://simplyyourhealth.wordpress.com/, who claims to know Stewart personally and charges that Stewart was not in the Montauk Project!

What do you think of that?
The plot thickens. Clearly someone’s not telling the truth but whom??

Although a thought – if both were victims of mind control then maybe Waterman did not recall seeing Stewart in the same circles as it were? – Was Waterman a victim of mind control? (I don't know - just surmising!). Also there’s the business of implanting false memories..

Questions to ponder on...
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Old 02-21-2010, 09:36 PM   #239
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by gita View Post
The plot thickens. Clearly someone’s not telling the truth but whom??

Although a thought – if both were victims of mind control then maybe Waterman did not recall seeing Stewart in the same circles as it were? – Was Waterman a victim of mind control? (I don't know - just surmising!). Also there’s the business of implanting false memories..

Questions to ponder on...
I love your approach to the problem... Considering various possibilities...

Why would Waterman say with such authority that Stewart was not in the Montauk Project, just because he has no knowledge that he was?

Waterman uses a pseudonym whereas Stewart gives his real name. What this has to do with it? I dunno!!
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Old 02-21-2010, 10:02 PM   #240
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
I love your approach to the problem... Considering various possibilities...

Why would Waterman say with such authority that Stewart was not in the Montauk Project, just because he has no knowledge that he was?

Waterman uses a pseudonym whereas Stewart gives his real name. What this has to do with it? I dunno!!

I’m intrigued to know what authority he’s talking about?

Also pseudonyms are used so that the people can mostly protect their families and their own reputations amongst their peers in their specialist fields. However the authors of The Mars Records have stated that those who choose pseudonyms are more likely to get killed off than those who use their real names.

I must admit, I don’t hang on to every word of any of these people who put the ‘truth’ out to the public especially if they were victims of mind control as so much programming and false programming goes on that even if they believe they’re stating the truth, it may turn out to be implanted info. I normally take what resonates with me on different levels and leave the rest.
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Old 02-21-2010, 11:32 PM   #241
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Speaking of questioning Stewart's credibility - we have a person on this forum, Waterman, of http://simplyyourhealth.wordpress.com/, who claims to know Stewart personally and charges that Stewart was not in the Montauk Project!

What do you think of that?
Many shameful events in our history are debunked. Al Bielek is also considered as a fraud. Dunno about Al Bielek participation in MP, but I trust Swerdlow. And MP and earlier Project Philadelphia are not an hoax.

" Ye shall know them by their fruits."
Swerdlow helped so many people with his hyperspace techniques. He helped people with some weird experiences like sleep paralysis or people targeted to be programmed. He also helped people like me who are looking for answers for events we see on the sky. (Soon, almost on a daily rate).

Anyway, the final test for Swerdlow credibility will be "staged alien invasion". These all dictated from satellites channeled materials like Cassiopeans or Pleiadans also say that we will start seeing big events on the sky soon.
But unlike Swerdlow, they don't say it will be a Blue Beam holographic projection. They say that it will be real - Orion Confederation (Reptilians) vs Galactic Federation. Of course, I trust Swerdlow that it will be just an attempt to trick us in one global goverment.

Probably, like Alex Collier or Dan Winter, Janet and Steward are not liked, because they say harsh words about religions and their programming and mind control purposes. But they are the most honest people on Earth (still alive). And they all experienced attempts to bring them down to a line. Because they are dangerous, and well-protected by forces whom they serve.

And speaking about forces whom they serve, especially Steward Swerdlow. I trust him, but I don't know what is his agenda.

"One learns that he (Steward) is a harsh critic of religions, the medical and legal professions, and encourages a non-traditional view of the family. Furthermore, he states: "Personally, I am not opposed to a single, global government. This would help dissipate wars and nationalism that breeds violence and hatred"

And again - Ye shall know them by their fruits. So, whatever following Steward Swerdlow brings to ur life, it will be the best for all involved!
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Old 02-21-2010, 11:57 PM   #242
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by ojajebie View Post
Anyway, the final test for Swerdlow credibility will be "staged alien invasion".
One thought that I have about this is that Stewart has warned about this so much that the powers that be might change their game plan simply because the word is out and they might fear it won't work! So, in that case, it would not be that Stewart would turn out to be wrong - because what he's doing is warning us about what they are planning.

Originally Posted by ojajebie View Post
"Personally, I am not opposed to a single, global government. This would help dissipate wars and nationalism that breeds violence and hatred"
Interesting. I've never heard him say that. I've heard Ben Fulford say that, but not Stewart. They're wrong about that, in my opinion. Government needs to be small and local.
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Old 02-22-2010, 01:26 AM   #243
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Interesting. I've never heard him say that. I've heard Ben Fulford say that, but not Stewart. They're wrong about that, in my opinion. Government needs to be small and local.

Stewart said that in a handbook "Stewart Says...".

And about "Staged alien invasion" - IMHO, Swerdlow doesn't have so many followers. A lot of people consider him as a disinformation agent. I don't know what part makes him "disinformation agent". Because he was a part of Montauk Project, because he speaks about regressive aliens, about our true history, about our control via religions and goverments etc?

Some people think that he spreads disinfo, claiming that Illuminati rulling families are reptilian-human hybrids. A lot of people know about Illuminati, but they think that 13 rulling families are just Jews and it is not even partially true. But yeah, Jews (not Aliens) are roots of all evil, so they automatically classify him as a B.S. Probably you will not find a Swerdlow fanboy or fangirl among Alex Jones or Jeff Rense followers.
For them Swerdlow is a Jew and a communist .
And for left-winged people he is a racist, because he wrote in True Blood, Blue Blood that blacks are genetically inferior as a Annunaki/Nibiurian-African ape hybrid.

For a lot of people it is hard to accept Stewart and it is harder to follow him and to believe him.

So, I think not enough of Earth population knows about "Staged alien invasion" to have it cancelled or moved in time.. But we shall see really soon. As Stewart said "2010 will be a roller coaster ride".
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Old 02-22-2010, 02:03 AM   #244
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by ojajebie View Post

... Illuminati rulling families are reptilian-human hybrids...

..."Staged alien invasion"...
Do you know of any other source who says either of these two things? (I can't think of any right now.) It must be lonely for him; both of these are radical statements...
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Old 02-22-2010, 03:34 AM   #245
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Do you know of any other source who says either of these two things? (I can't think of any right now.) It must be lonely for him; both of these are radical statements...

About 13 Illuminati families being reptilian-human hybrids also David Icke speaks a lot, but he is a researcher and he says the same things after Stewart or Alex Collier. Anyway, David Icke keeps a good job up, but he is not as well informed as Stewart.

In 90s Alex Collier was speaking a lot about reptilian-human hybrids, about pure reptilians, the Greys (Dows), Lyraens etc.. but he was warned and threatened by the Shadow Goverment agents. Of course Alex Collier like Steward Swerdlow is aware about staged alien invasion and underground bases like one in Dulce. They both don't say a lot about horrible things taking place there.

Anyway, not many whistleblowers say these radical statements. So, like u said, Swerdlow is almost lonely in his works. It is also the reason that not many people hear about staged alien invasion.

David Icke don't speak about staged alien invasion, he rather concentrates on Illuminati/reptilian-human hybrids agenda, symbolism, rituals, mind control and mind programming, HAARP, connections with Zionist Jews etc..
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Old 02-22-2010, 04:27 AM   #246
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by ojajebie View Post
In 90s Alex Collier was speaking a lot about reptilian-human hybrids, about pure reptilians, the Greys (Dows), Lyraens etc.. but he was warned and threatened by the Shadow Goverment agents. Of course Alex Collier like Steward Swerdlow is aware about staged alien invasion and underground bases like one in Dulce.
Thanks... I'm not as familiar with Alex Collier; I'd forgotten about him...

I guess he cannot be discounted because of having been mind controlled, like Stewart...
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Old 02-22-2010, 08:58 AM   #247
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Do you know of any other source who says either of these two things? (I can't think of any right now.) It must be lonely for him; both of these are radical statements...
Ian R Crane always talks about a staged invasion and he's convinced this will happen at London's Olympic games!


He's been a guest on Edge Media quite a few times - he was on again last Thursday and mentioned the staged alien invasioin.
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Old 02-22-2010, 11:16 AM   #248
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by gita View Post
Ian R Crane always talks about a staged invasion and he's convinced this will happen at London's Olympic games!


He's been a guest on Edge Media quite a few times - he was on again last Thursday and mentioned the staged alien invasioin.
Thank you!

That's very interesting.

That would be so dramatic. I'm so glad I know about this. And many other things...
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Old 02-22-2010, 11:26 AM   #249
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Thank you!

That's very interesting.

That would be so dramatic. I'm so glad I know about this. And many other things...
Yes, this is also one of the stages of Blue Beam Project. At least we have a date for the london olympics - 27 July to 12 August 2012. The 2012 logo is quiet worrying as it seems to spell out Zion.

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Old 02-22-2010, 11:30 AM   #250
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Default Re: Stewart Swerdlow's "Illuminati News"

Originally Posted by gita View Post
Yes, this is also one of the stages of Blue Beam Project. At least we have a date for the london olympics - 27 July to 12 August 2012. The 2012 logo is quiet worrying as it seems to spell out Zion.

Very, very interesting...
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