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Old 01-03-2010, 12:03 AM   #1
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Default The Good, The Bad & The Banned

I have few 'Friends' on PA. No, not really. I've got more than enough 'flesh & blood' friends.
Anyway, 2 of my Avalon friends (2 out of 6, mind you...) were banned. One of them was (is) P4BLO, someone I thought was a very funny, open minded - & quite active - member.
And then one day he did something wrong & he got banned.
Untill this very moment I wonder what it is he did that got him banned.

So, dear moderators, perhaps it is a good idea to start a BANNED LIST thread, where you put the Avatars of banned members & the reason why they were banned.

Make it an 'Archived Thread', in which way any direct communication (reply) with the moderators, on this topic, is impossible.

Because I do want to state here that the decision to ban a member should not be an issue to be endlessly discussed, but respected, as long as it is done in comform with the rules.
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Old 01-03-2010, 12:20 AM   #2
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

When there are more moderators around to discuss this issue ... we will discuss it.

I guess removing the stuff from the forum that got the people banned doesn't give the members much of a clue about why the banning took place.
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Old 01-03-2010, 12:29 AM   #3
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

So how about transparency?
Would that work or would people prefere the
'offending posts' be removed?
Hummmm would it help or hinder?

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Old 01-03-2010, 12:30 AM   #4
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Could one month suspensions be a viable alternative to banning in 90% of the cases? This might give everyone a chance to settle down and think things through. Perhaps a 'three suspensions and you're out' policy might be something to consider. This site contains a lot of difficult and upsetting subject matter...which must be properly discussed...but which can bring out the worst in people, at times.

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Old 01-03-2010, 12:48 AM   #5
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
I have few 'Friends' on PA. No, not really. I've got more than enough 'flesh & blood' friends.
Anyway, 2 of my Avalon friends (2 out of 6, mind you...) were banned. One of them was (is) P4BLO, someone I thought was a very funny, open minded - & quite active - member.
And then one day he did something wrong & he got banned.
Untill this very moment I wonder what it is he did that got him banned.

So, dear moderators, perhaps it is a good idea to start a BANNED LIST thread, where you put the Avatars of banned members & the reason why they were banned.

Make it an 'Archived Thread', in which way any direct communication (reply) with the moderators, on this topic, is impossible.

Because I do want to state here that the decision to ban a member should not be an issue to be endlessly discussed, but respected, as long as it is done in comform with the rules.
I can fill some of the story in Tran...

Pablo ended up posting offensive pics of what eventually ended in women fondling themselves.

Before that he was a accused of witchcraft by a few other members which seemed to drive him to even "edgy" antics.

I had thread going about how there should be limits and used some of the stuff he posted as an example.

Which in retrospect...I threw even more wood on the fire.

He then went back and put the on every post of his.

Not quite sure what actually got him banned but I believe these are the events leading up to it.

I hope this helped...SG
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Old 01-03-2010, 01:00 AM   #6
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Could one month suspensions be a viable alternative to banning in 90% of the cases? This might give everyone a chance to settle down and think things through. Perhaps a 'three suspensions and you're out' policy might be something to consider. This site contains a lot of difficult and upsetting subject matter...which must be properly discussed...but which can bring out the worst in people, at times.

I received a '3 points' Infraction quite recently - expired 01-01-'10 - for 'Insulting Other Member(s)' in the thread 'SNOW CIRCLES ...'.
Indeed I was rather rude, & although I had a good reason, it was against the rules.
The moderator - No, no name - who imposed the infraction on me, took into consideration that I did make a point but not in a legitimate fashion, & therefore kept my 'punishment' symbolic.
So I gather that you really have to be way, way, way out of line to get totally banned.

And again, there should be no discussion over a descision made by the moderators, on the Forum itself.
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Old 01-03-2010, 01:51 AM   #7
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 View Post
I can fill some of the story in Tran...
Pablo ended up posting offensive pics of what eventually ended in women fondling themselves.
Before that he was a accused of witchcraft by a few other members which seemed to drive him to even "edgy" antics.
I had thread going about how there should be limits and used some of the stuff he posted as an example.
Which in retrospect...I threw even more wood on the fire.
He then went back and put the on every post of his.Not quite sure what actually got him banned but I believe these are the events leading up to it.
I hope this helped...SG
That's about 1/3 of the story. Right before the ban there were two posts aimed at moderator actions asking people to be careful about the drug talk.
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Old 01-03-2010, 02:05 AM   #8
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
And again, there should be no discussion over a descision made by the moderators, on the Forum itself.
Moderator discussions are almost without bounds.

We have to attempt to figure out other posters intentions. Good luck with this.

We use bad words because we can. Its in private.

People want to be moderators for the same reason that people want to be police. They want to push other people around.

And finally, moderators love to stick up for other moderators.

If you are not a moderator, perhaps you are not living right?

I hope this post doesn't get me thrown off the moderator group. It was only done in good fun. Moderators have no self control. LOL.
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Old 01-03-2010, 02:18 AM   #9
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Because I do want to state here that the decision to ban a member should not be an issue to be endlessly discussed, but respected, as long as it is done in comform with the rules.
Here is where it gets thorny, and the nub of the issue. There are no "rules". The forum guidelines are broadly or narrowly interpreted - often it depends on context and recent history.

There are no "rules" for banning, just conventions amongst the mdoerators. Similarly there are no "rules" for lifting bans - but it does happen because we are careful about bans.

The moderators are volunteers and should not have to justify endlessly the actions they take in public - though they are often asked to do that amongst the moderator team as a way of keeping eachother in some broad consensus.

You may not like that, not everyone does, but that is the way this forum is run, has been run - and there are no plans that I know about to change it.

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Old 01-03-2010, 02:25 AM   #10
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Because I do want to state here that the decision to ban a member should not be an issue to be endlessly discussed, but respected, as long as it is done in comform with the rules.

I knew I should have put rules in brackets.
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Old 01-03-2010, 02:28 AM   #11
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned


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Old 01-03-2010, 02:30 AM   #12
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
Here is where it gets thorny, and the nub of the issue. There are no "rules". T
The moderators are volunteers and should not have to justify endlessly the actions they take in public - though they are often asked to do that amongst the moderator team as a way of keeping each other in some broad consensus.

Sorry Anchor...Did you just say MOds did not have to justify themselves for banning folks??
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Old 01-03-2010, 02:31 AM   #13
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

I would advocate posting the banned members and the offending posts.

For one thing it would show transparency which is a good thing.

For another it would reduce confusion.

Also it would serve as further deterrent to future disruptors.

I find the entire subject most fascinating. This kind of social interaction of antagonists in society. Banning people is kind of like putting them in jail (remove them from society so that others can enjoy tranquility). It is a topic that has permeated society from antiquity. I think it has a solution, however. Maybe I will start a thread about it now that Karen has shown me how.

Thanks Karen!
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Old 01-03-2010, 02:33 AM   #14
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Originally Posted by mkspllmn View Post
I would advocate posting the banned members and the offending posts.

For one thing it would show transparency which is a good thing.

For another it would reduce confusion.

Also it would serve as further deterrent to future disruptors.

I find the entire subject most fascinating. This kind of social interaction of antagonists in society. Banning people is kind of like putting them in jail (remove them from society so that others can enjoy tranquility). It is a topic that has permeated society from antiquity. I think it has a solution, however. Maybe I will start a thread about it now that Karen has shown me how.

Thanks Karen!
Yeah...why don't we hang their Avatars on a cross when you first log in as a warning to all......
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Old 01-03-2010, 02:40 AM   #15
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 View Post
Yeah...why don't we hang their Avatars on a cross when you first log in as a warning to all......
This joke makes me laugh.


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Old 01-03-2010, 02:43 AM   #16
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

This is off this thread's subject matter (or is it?) but what happened to the Avalon Lounge thread?
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Old 01-03-2010, 02:47 AM   #17
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

umm, Not gonna say what I think as this may get me banned too, but come on folks, Lighten up for gods sake.....
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Old 01-03-2010, 02:50 AM   #18
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
Here is where it gets thorny, and the nub of the issue. There are no "rules". The forum guidelines are broadly or narrowly interpreted - often it depends on context and recent history.

There are no "rules" for banning, just conventions amongst the mdoerators. Similarly there are no "rules" for lifting bans - but it does happen because we are careful about bans.

The moderators are volunteers and should not have to justify endlessly the actions they take in public - though they are often asked to do that amongst the moderator team as a way of keeping eachother in some broad consensus.

You may not like that, not everyone does, but that is the way this forum is run, has been run - and there are no plans that I know about to change it.

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Old 01-03-2010, 02:56 AM   #19
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Originally Posted by Stargazer1965 View Post
Yeah...why don't we hang their Avatars on a cross when you first log in as a warning to all......
Very funny!.........

Still laughing.
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Old 01-03-2010, 03:04 AM   #20
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Originally Posted by Ammit View Post
umm, Not gonna say what I think as this may get me banned too, but come on folks, Lighten up for gods sake.....
I think that is one thing that the moderators don't want is for the people to feel as if they are being controlled by fear.
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Old 01-03-2010, 03:09 AM   #21
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

I dont fear getting banned, more a full stop of being able to chat to those I actually hold dear to me now. Dont ever missguide fear for friendship.
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Old 01-03-2010, 03:15 AM   #22
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned


I'm new here. Based on everything read, what about moving the poster and comments to a special catagory called the "war zone". There is where things can be discussed in the open.

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Old 01-03-2010, 03:23 AM   #23
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Originally Posted by Harry_CDN View Post

I'm new here. Based on everything read, what about moving the poster and comments to a special catagory called the "war zone". There is where things can be discussed in the open.

Welcome Harry!

Sure.......this is where we put all the dirty people representing the dark side of humanity.
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Old 01-03-2010, 03:29 AM   #24
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

Originally Posted by mkspllmn View Post
Welcome Harry!

Sure.......this is where we put all the dirty people representing the dark side of humanity.
and then let them go for it.
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Old 01-03-2010, 03:34 AM   #25
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Default Re: The Good, The Bad & The Banned

I think in some sense what we should all know, is very simple. Lets just say understanding is a "singularity" of simplicity. When we communicate, it can Transmute this frequency into another composition all together. In most arguments i see the frame of view of mind believes finding or controlling a detail will synthesize an equation. In most cases this is very far from the truth, it will not result in the emotional visceral "knowing" it will cause the mind to continue to split, divide and try to conquer much like our physicist of today trying to get to the smallest particle. If the mind gets caught in this finding it will create division/drama to generate enough energy to seem like "knowing". In fact it is causing radiation to expel any natural nature to come through.......
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