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Old 03-26-2009, 07:31 PM   #976
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If Barry King is PsyOps as he states he is, please read this document. It defines what PsyOps is, its aims, and the desired results. I will have no truck with people from the PsyOps world, as who can ever trust what they say? of course you cannot - for all we know, this whole thread could of been one great mind game from an admitted professional psyops operator from the very beggining, or even a group of them taking it in turns to drip, drip, drip the feed to a captive audience.

Question is then, what are they trying to persuade you about or deflect your attention or loyalties away from? after all, that is the job of a psyops unit.To change the way you think.
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Old 03-26-2009, 08:20 PM   #977
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Originally Posted by Kathleen View Post

You mean TPTs using TAA.....middle A being Avalon?
Just incase people don't know - TAA is target audience analysis / Analyst, and TPT is short hand for Information Disseminator.

In short Kathleen is asking if peoples unknown are feeding Avalon 'drip drip drip' and sitting back and watching the results.
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Old 03-26-2009, 09:09 PM   #978
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Originally Posted by Rory View Post
I am half way through 'Alien Interview' which is the apparent transcripts of a US army nurse called Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy who telepathically interviewed a grey that survived the Roswell crash. She released the info just before her death feling that humanity shoudl know the truth. You can read it here - http://www.theparacast.com/alieninte...nInterview.pdf

It presents some quite disturbing info and basically says that Earth is a 'prison planet' where rebellious, criminal or alternative/artistic souls who are rejected by their often totalitarian ET societies are sent and trapped in an eternal cycle of re-incarnation onto Earth. The souls get trapped by a planetary forcefield that catches them when they die and they are given massive electric shocks to erase their memeories of previous lifetimes and re-incarnated into Earth bodies. Any thoughts?
Rory,the alien interview was posted on here about 6 weeks or so ago,i read all of it and is very interesting and confusing in alot of ways from what i had come to learn about even the basics of alien interventions here and when we die etc.Have a look at the comments on this thread:
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Old 04-01-2009, 11:20 AM   #979
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Originally Posted by Egg View Post

If Barry King is PsyOps as he states he is, please read this document. It defines what PsyOps is, its aims, and the desired results. I will have no truck with people from the PsyOps world, as who can ever trust what they say? of course you cannot - for all we know, this whole thread could of been one great mind game from an admitted professional psyops operator from the very beggining, or even a group of them taking it in turns to drip, drip, drip the feed to a captive audience.

Question is then, what are they trying to persuade you about or deflect your attention or loyalties away from? after all, that is the job of a psyops unit.To change the way you think.

I see, fair enough, I shall be responding to this later today, the public never fail to amaze me!!

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Old 04-01-2009, 11:56 AM   #980
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The Ministry of Defence defines psy-ops simply as a way of getting "the enemy, or other target audience, to think and act in a way which will be to our advantage".
So thats what the MoD in the Uk think about psyops.


Psychological Operations (PSYOP, PSYOPS) are techniques used by military and police forces to influence a target audience's value systems, belief systems, emotions, motives, reasoning, and behavior. Target audiences can be governments, organizations, groups, and individuals, and are used in order to induce confessions, or reinforce attitudes and behaviors favorable to the originator's objectives. These are sometimes combined with black operations or false flag tactics
Look at those words. Values, beliefs, reasoning, motives, behaviour. Now why would psyops be interested in spending alot of time trying to change the way people think here on Avalon? its a no brainer really - steer them away from what they thought and believed (and was probably closer to the truth than the psyops babble) and mold them into a picture that the psyops team wanted them to replace their old beliefs with.

In short, psyops want to change the way you think because they don't like your current behaviour and beliefs and want you to believe what they say you should believe.

This disturbs me for many reasons, because in my opinion I can now look at this entire thread and throw it in the trash bin. It is now to me absolutely worthless in its entirety as I now know for fact thats its written by a self confessed psychological warfare specialist - convenient really that he was a security guard too - or was that another psychological warfare distraction?

Oh these Avalon waters are murky indeed. I wonder if all the other web pages and book authors knew / know about the watchers self confessed workings in the arena of psychological warfare?
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Old 04-01-2009, 12:11 PM   #981
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One last tbought - a psyops operator working in the area of UFO research? now that would be very handy if 'they' were able to get to and interview people with a 'friendly researcher' who just happens to be a psyops operative.

The more I think about this, the more my brain comes up with alternates to every thing you have written.
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Old 04-01-2009, 05:49 PM   #982
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Originally Posted by Egg View Post
One last tbought - a psyops operator working in the area of UFO research? now that would be very handy if 'they' were able to get to and interview people with a 'friendly researcher' who just happens to be a psyops operative.

The more I think about this, the more my brain comes up with alternates to every thing you have written.
Egg, perhaps you are jumping to conclusions, jumping the gun. Believe or disbelieve all I have written, your choice. I believe I am the only one here within the insiders camp that has bothered to give you a fully checkable, fully verifiable history of my life. Duncan O has not, Dan B has not. Do you throw out all and any info a sympathetic NSA or CIA, indeed MoD employee might risk and come forwards with?. Perhaps the Psy-Ops were more to do with actual Military operations rather than civilian operations? If this were the case as you see things, I would have had to begin this particular Psy-Op back in Feb of 1994, logically a wee bit too long timeframe, 15 years and still trying to influence the public? Influence to what end? As stated above, please take it or leave it, I'm not going to try and convince anyone of anything. Some people know me much better than you, since 2005, perhaps you should get a handle from them on what has transpired in these last 4 years. I can put you in touch with some, one of which actually has a membership here at Avalon. Have a good day egg.

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Old 04-01-2009, 06:16 PM   #983
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15 years is a long time? The soviet Union, Communist China and the United States of America and the United Kingdom have ran psyops running into decades.

The 'Cold war' for instance. 1947 - 1989. A 42 year psyop to convince us that we face a mortal peril from the 'Red Menace' behind the iron curtain. We never did - the Soviets never had a first strike mentality - they were to use the buffer incase of future German / NATO aggression.

Now thats in human time frames. Lets have a look at non-human time frames.

14 years is a drop in the bucket - I have on my hard drive an attempted alien abduction involving a ball with spiked legs trying to abduct a man in an orchard. Ground marking were found, castes taken, and the mans character was beyond reproach. This was in the 1880s. Also note the airships of the 1800s which race around years before there were such things.

Look back to the 1400s and earlier. Look at aborigional cave art. Your handlers 14 years of murky swilling is nothing, nothing at all compared to the scope of what we face. In there I think I have the begginings of an understanding as to what your possible role may be. I am not saying either way yet, I have to run some names and freedom of information requests first, and then I will be back.
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Old 04-01-2009, 08:25 PM   #984
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I shall be most interested in continuing this with you, even if its just to show you I am a genuine individual trying to open the eyes of the general public, just some are more blinkered than others and some have deep set preconceived notions!!

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Old 04-01-2009, 09:44 PM   #985
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I will not deny we live in a very blinkered civilisation - the problem is that the governments have run a generational psyop against us to keep us from seeing even a chink of light.

Hence my distrust of any one from a psyop unit past or present, blue or green badger.
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Old 04-01-2009, 11:08 PM   #986
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Originally Posted by Egg View Post
One last tbought - a psyops operator working in the area of UFO research? now that would be very handy if 'they' were able to get to and interview people with a 'friendly researcher' who just happens to be a psyops operative.

The more I think about this, the more my brain comes up with alternates to every thing you have written.
Get a grip, your acting like a paranoid jack$@$@. Barry is clearly stating information to share, while warning that psyops exists. Did he ever state that he was here to detour you from the truth? You are making claims that you have absolutely no proof of.
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Old 04-01-2009, 11:08 PM   #987
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Originally Posted by Egg View Post
I will not deny we live in a very blinkered civilisation - the problem is that the governments have run a generational psyop against us to keep us from seeing even a chink of light.

Hence my distrust of any one from a psyop unit past or present, blue or green badger.
Do you have personal experience from dealing with a individual within psyops that you wish to share?
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Old 04-01-2009, 11:37 PM   #988
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Originally Posted by Deb View Post
Get a grip, your acting like a paranoid jack$@$@. Barry is clearly stating information to share, while warning that psyops exists. Did he ever state that he was here to detour you from the truth? You are making claims that you have absolutely no proof of.
Firstly, Barry admitted he was and still contracts for psyops. Psyops don't state anything, they subtly bend you around to their way of thinking by hook or by crook.

Secondly, you say I am paranoid - no, not paranoid at all to wonder why on earth a psyops operative / contractor would be here.

Thirdly, Mr King has been civil, and I respect that. I have my views, he has his. I stated mine and he stated his. We know where we stand with each other, and at the end of the day, I only have suspicions not proven facts.
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Old 04-01-2009, 11:42 PM   #989
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Originally Posted by Deb View Post
Do you have personal experience from dealing with a individual within psyops that you wish to share?
I know how they are recruited, who they answer to, what orbat they float in, where they train, what their mission is, and have met a few as the travelled in our less than rarified air they are used to.

I wouldn't trust a psyops operative to tell me the time correctly unless I had a second person to back up what they said independently. Very 'pliable' with words are these ladies and gentlemen, and if it was in their interest to tell you the wrong time, they would.
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Old 04-01-2009, 11:47 PM   #990
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Originally Posted by Egg View Post
Firstly, Barry admitted he was and still contracts for psyops. Psyops don't state anything, they subtly bend you around to their way of thinking by hook or by crook.

Secondly, you say I am paranoid - no, not paranoid at all to wonder why on earth a psyops operative / contractor would be here.

Thirdly, Mr King has been civil, and I respect that. I have my views, he has his. I stated mine and he stated his. We know where we stand with each other, and at the end of the day, I only have suspicions not proven facts.
I have know Barry King first off for quiet a few years and I'm not part of PSYOPS, so lets get that clear first off. Barry's intention of being at this forum is not to detour anyone from the truth or give false information. The information he is offering comes from a history of events that have occurred during his life. How you interpret that is up to you. Everyone has a choice in what they believe or not. Does PSYOPS exist, of course, do you wish to find out more, I would assume you would and that maybe your own way of using a tactic of getting Barry to express or explain more. A tacticle way of presenting oneself to gain information, right?
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Old 04-01-2009, 11:49 PM   #991
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Originally Posted by Egg View Post
I know how they are recruited, who they answer to, what orbat they float in, where they train, what their mission is, and have met a few as the travelled in our less than rarified air they are used to.

I wouldn't trust a psyops operative to tell me the time correctly unless I had a second person to back up what they said independently. Very 'pliable' with words are these ladies and gentlemen, and if it was in their interest to tell you the wrong time, they would.
I'm not saying I would either, but there are different circumstances here, there seems to be already a label placed on the forehead according to what you have read on the internet or in books.
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Old 04-01-2009, 11:52 PM   #992
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Originally Posted by Deb View Post
I'm not saying I would either, but there are different circumstances here, there seems to be already a label placed on the forehead according to what you have read on the internet or in books.
Read on the internet? in books? lol you for sure didn't read what I posted then. Never mind.

The circumstances are no different to any other possible psyop. There is the bait, the catch and the reeling in and capture. Its simple - they want to start slowly, draw you in, and by the capture have changed your way of thinking to what they want it to be.

Now, I am not stating this is whats going on, but all and every one of my inner alarm bells rings when a self confessed psyops operative starts writing on a forum for alternate views, when almost every one knows what the government thinks of sites like this.
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Old 04-01-2009, 11:54 PM   #993
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Originally Posted by Egg View Post
Read on the internet? in books? lol you for sure didn't read what I posted then. Never mind.

The circumstances are no different to any other possible psyop. There is the bait, the catch and the reeling in and capture. Its simple - they want to start slowly, draw you in, and by the capture have changed your way of thinking to what they want it to be.

Now, I am not stating this is whats going on, but all and every one of my inner alarm bells rings when a self confessed psyops operative starts writing on a forum for alternate views, when almost every one knows what the government thinks of sites like this.
But this is exactly what you are stating my dear
If you truly believe what you are saying then I would hope that you go more on your gut feeling and do some more research. What the gut say's is one thing, what Knowledge and trust is.....is another....
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Old 04-02-2009, 12:00 AM   #994
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Originally Posted by Egg View Post
One last tbought - a psyops operator working in the area of UFO research? now that would be very handy if 'they' were able to get to and interview people with a 'friendly researcher' who just happens to be a psyops operative.

The more I think about this, the more my brain comes up with alternates to every thing you have written.
I stand by what I wrote. It would be amazing to ask abductees 'would you of talked to mr King had you know he was a psychological warfare operative' and find out their answers.

I know what my answer would of been. The odds on an operative amongst UFO researchers was low because its a great place to have them - but still there is that haunting nagging 'what if'.

Thats what I don't like - after all this time he states he is psyops - so why should I or any one else trust / believe him?
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Old 04-02-2009, 05:37 AM   #995
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Originally Posted by Egg View Post
I stand by what I wrote. It would be amazing to ask abductees 'would you of talked to mr King had you know he was a psychological warfare operative' and find out their answers.

I know what my answer would of been. The odds on an operative amongst UFO researchers was low because its a great place to have them - but still there is that haunting nagging 'what if'.

Thats what I don't like - after all this time he states he is psyops - so why should I or any one else trust / believe him?
Egg, I have recently shared some very personal information with Barry. I chose to share this with Barry after getting to know him as a person and sensing he is as genuine as he appears. I also shared my experiences with Barry knowing he has been connected (& possibly still is) to Psi-Ops. Did that worry me then? No. Does it worry me now? No. Why not you may ask? Because of his integrity. It was my misunderstanding (in a previous post) that Barry had never participated within a psi-operation which facilitated Barry in clearing this incorrect assumption publicly.

Is it possible that coming clean with his experiences could sway the public's thinking or understanding of the reality of Off World Intelligences, Yes. In this case, within the defined parameters you have shared above, all revealings can be construed to be a psi-op to a degree.

Acclimatization=psi ops.

It's obvious from your posts Egg you've been mind-fracked and are pi**ed off with those who perpetrated this upon your mind, and fair enough. No one likes to have their mind messed with.

I hope you read through (if you haven't done so already) all of this thread and see/feel the genuine person behind these revealings.

All the Best to you Egg,

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Old 04-02-2009, 04:28 PM   #996
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Originally Posted by Egg View Post
I stand by what I wrote. It would be amazing to ask abductees 'would you of talked to mr King had you know he was a psychological warfare operative' and find out their answers.

I know what my answer would of been. The odds on an operative amongst UFO researchers was low because its a great place to have them - but still there is that haunting nagging 'what if'.

Thats what I don't like - after all this time he states he is psyops - so why should I or any one else trust / believe him?
In actual fact, yes there is a good friend of mine and Barry who is an abductee. Of course she had her questions in the beginning but I will tell you there was never a thought in her mind that he was not genuine and a true friend. Myself, I fell into UFO research due to a sighting I had many years back. Barry has helped me along the way with direction or any questions I have had in relation to my experience. If I feel there is an area to question I do not hesitate to ask or have my own opinions on certain areas as well.
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Old 04-02-2009, 06:09 PM   #997
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It was not my intention to disrupt this forum in any way, play any psychological games or lead people down the wrong path. I came here to assist, help, in any way I can plus more selfish reasons, continuing to disclose data about my past which I feel should not be kept hidden. I have always stood by truth, Justice and freedom. I fight for those ideals and will if necessary, die in order to maintain those. I cannot blame anyone for having thoughts about my past, I cannot help that but fully understand others. If anyone feels threatened by me being here please say and this all ends here and now. I can continue only if my being here does not disrupt and causes concerns.

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Old 04-03-2009, 12:03 AM   #998
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
It was not my intention to disrupt this forum in any way, play any psychological games or lead people down the wrong path. I came here to assist, help, in any way I can plus more selfish reasons, continuing to disclose data about my past which I feel should not be kept hidden. I have always stood by truth, Justice and freedom. I fight for those ideals and will if necessary, die in order to maintain those. I cannot blame anyone for having thoughts about my past, I cannot help that but fully understand others. If anyone feels threatened by me being here please say and this all ends here and now. I can continue only if my being here does not disrupt and causes concerns.

You do not threaten or offend me in anyway, shape or form Barry, so please stay.

Sadly there may be those who feel threatened by you, for what ever reason. One cannot please all of the people all of the time Barry. The complex mind-games played upon the people does not afford this.

As they say, 'Choice is always an option' so if one feels threatened within an environment maybe it is prudent to refrain from visiting that environment? Maybe discretion is the better part of Valor?

All the Best
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Old 04-04-2009, 01:12 PM   #999
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Chill ite everyone- enough whistleblowers have either left or rarely contribute to this site,unlike you- no-one wishes you leaving Bazzer-no-one is threatened by you as i'm aware meducks. I don't reply very often to your thread but i have a look now and again and find information interesting;it feels the site is more enriched by having you here.So don't take any off handed remarks to heart mate-we all endure off days from time to time.
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Old 04-04-2009, 03:28 PM   #1000
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Barry i haven't forgotten the videos you sent me and a few others a few months back free of charge-that was very gracious of you mate, cheers.
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