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Old 02-26-2010, 08:25 PM   #1
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Default Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

Not sure that there will be anyone here who wants to discuss this; but, as I see it, Christianity, Inc. is, almost certainly, one of the greatest instances of "theft by deception" in the history of human civilization. Over the past almost 2,000 years, it has hoodwinked its hundreds of millions or billions of adherents out of billions or trillions of dollars of donations with the lie that Jesus taught a Pharisaical interpretation of the Doctrine of "resurrection" as the raising of a dead physical body from the grave; when, in Truth, he taught the Doctrine of "resurrection" as a Doctrine of 'Rebirth' (as did Isaiah, Daniel and Mohammed, as well).

But it is really much worse than that.

Certain doctrines of Christianity--in particular, the doctrine of the 'Rapture' and the doctrine that Jesus will return 'riding a white horse out of the sky'--constitute, in fact, specific threats to the very survival of human civilization itself inasmuch as such doctrines have been used to 'justify' any number of current (and future) military conflicts between Judaeo-Christian civilization and Islamic civilization.

Certainly, there can be no genuine Peace on this planet unless the Truth about the Doctrine of "resurrection" is more widely known. And quickly.
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Old 02-26-2010, 08:38 PM   #2
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

I mostly agree with you...and I have been rather irreverent here in Avalon. I lean strongly toward the actual words attributed to Jesus...regardless of their source. But there is a problem here. How does one throw out the bathwater...without throwing out the baby? How does one tell people the truth...without causing divorces, firings, nervous breakdowns, suicides, running in the streets, martial law, etc? If one tears something down...there had better be something better to put in it's place. To me...in the area of politics and religion (which are two sides of the same coin)...less is more...more less!

Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom
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Old 02-26-2010, 08:43 PM   #3
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

Thats a very sweeping judgement, Christianity encompasses many methods of belief. While you may have issues with it, it brings a great deal of comfort to many. Is it any worse than New Age beliefs that are adept at parting people from their money? Each to their own, everyone has the right to their belief, who's to say what is right or wrong. Perhaps you could tell us abou your belief system?
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Old 02-26-2010, 11:17 PM   #4
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

Originally Posted by Phoenix View Post
Thats a very sweeping judgement, Christianity encompasses many methods of belief.
Not one of which, to the best of my knowledge, includes the Truth that Jesus taught a Doctrine of 'Rebirth' and that Mohammed was Elijah and John the Baptist 'raised from the dead'.

Originally Posted by Phoenix View Post
While you may have issues with it, it brings a great deal of comfort to many.
Well, for me, there is a much more immediate problem: At this very moment there are probably tens of millions of Fundamentalist Christians in the United States foaming at the mouth for a military attack by the Israel and/or the United States against Iran.


Because they 'think' they will be 'Raptured' if such a war breaks out.

Because they 'think' that they will never have to suffer the consequences of such a war.

And that religious belief makes them recklessly irresponsible.

They simply do not care about a war breaking out.

Rather, they desire that with all their heart because they 'think' that they will be 'going home' as a consequence.

Never mind that the origin of this false doctrine is the contradiction of the Teaching of Jesus on the "resurrection".

Originally Posted by Phoenix View Post
Is it any worse than New Age beliefs that are adept at parting people from their money?
Well, how many millions have been slaughtered as a result of "New Age" beliefs?

Originally Posted by Phoenix View Post
Each to their own, everyone has the right to their belief...
Not when someone's belief 'justifies' the slaughter of millions upon millions of others because they are "goyim", or "heretics" or "infidels".
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Old 02-26-2010, 11:33 PM   #5
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

Originally Posted by 4Q529 View Post
Not one of which, to the best of my knowledge, includes the Truth that Jesus taught a Doctrine of 'Rebirth' and that Mohammed was Elijah and John the Baptist 'raised from the dead'.

Well, for me, there is a much more immediate problem: At this very moment there are probably tens of millions of Fundamentalist Christians in the United States foaming at the mouth for a military attack by the Israel and/or the United States against Iran.


Because they 'think' they will be 'Raptured' if such a war breaks out.

Because they 'think' that they will never have to suffer the consequences of such a war.

And that religious belief makes them recklessly irresponsible.

They simply do not care about a war breaking out.

Rather, they desire that with all their heart because they 'think' that they will be 'going home' as a consequence.

Never mind that the origin of this false doctrine is the contradiction of the Teaching of Jesus on the "resurrection".

Well, how many millions have been slaughtered as a result of "New Age" beliefs?

Not when someone's belief 'justifies' the slaughter of millions upon millions of others because they are "goyim", or "heretics" or "infidels".
Very well put!!!! That is exactly the arrogance of my family members, and me as well growing up, to a tee!

And then you find out its a whole different world of reality!!!!
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Old 02-27-2010, 12:06 AM   #6
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

the slaughter of millions of Muslims in the Middle East over the past some 30 years
Can you explain this inflamitory statement?

Look, either you are a troll or you have serious issues with Christianity but you might be more careful with your tone. While there is and should be freedom of expression, making bigoted and hateful sectarian remarks against a particular group in our society should have no place in a public forum such as this and IMO goes against the collective objectve of PC and Avalon.
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Old 02-27-2010, 02:34 AM   #7
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Best Greetings,

Consider one fact at a time:

(purpose mis-spelling to throw-off the Bot-Trackers)

During the time of the Inquisition, the unholy roamin catlick chirch murdered more innocent Human Beings than ever did the Naxis in WWII. So many were tortured into false confessions, then burned alive for heresy, are counted in the Millions. Speaking of which, look close at who's running that chirch now.

There is a factual finding, that of all the papas of that chirch, only 20-percent actually believed in any god or power above themselves. Through the centuries, fully 80-percent of the papas thought of THEMSELVES as "god-on-Earth" with NO belief in any other above them.

From corruption comes more corruption: all of the off-shoot protistint chirchs are derived from the same tree.

The name = "jesus christ" = was an invention of the early fathers in the time of the roamin emperors. The mans true name was Immanuel ben Joseph (means Immanuel-son of-Joseph).

Immanuel did not die on the cross. After he was rescued from the tomb, he took his family and others closest to him across the desserts and settled in the mountains in the North of India, in the region of Nepal. He lived a long life and died surrounded by his wife and children.

In truth, Immanuel taught the reality of reincarnation which applies to all Human Beings. The so-called "resurrection" is another fabrication of the early papas.

This may be considered as an "appetizer." The banquet may follow for those seeking Truth.


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Old 02-27-2010, 03:28 AM   #8
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

Originally Posted by J_rod7 View Post

The name = "jesus christ" = was an invention of the early fathers in the time of the roamin emperors. The mans true name was Immanuel ben Joseph (means Immanuel-son of-Joseph).

Immanuel did not die on the cross. After he was rescued from the tomb, he took his family and others closest to him across the desserts and settled in the mountains in the North of India, in the region of Nepal. He lived a long life and died surrounded by his wife and children.

In truth, Immanuel taught the reality of reincarnation which applies to all Human Beings. The so-called "resurrection" is another fabrication of the early papas.


And you know this from the "Holy Spirit"...

Oh my bad, must be what they call "new age religion"!

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Old 02-27-2010, 03:48 AM   #9
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

I thought Jesus and Mary Magdelene and their kids went to France and lived out the rest of their days at 'Rennes Le Chateau'? It's where the 'Flower of Life' is carved into the wall that Drunvalo Melchizedek claims to have invented.

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Old 02-27-2010, 05:34 AM   #10
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

For many centuries the secret that Jesus did not die and indeed had a family of his own was a well guarded secret. Few man of the cloth will discussed this out in the open. I spend half my life studying the bible and theology, during this time I met incredible devoted man of faith who despite guarding many of these secrets where still part of the Church , I could not do this so I went in search of the real Jesus. Many nights I lay in bed thinking about how different Christian history would had been if the real Jesus was reveal.
Even after 2000 years, it is never to late, I am sure that Jesus is smiling as we finally begin to know the real Immanuel Ben Joseph.

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Old 02-27-2010, 06:38 AM   #11
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Hello TruthSeekerDan, and all other Truth Seekers,

The right path to explore for truth, is NOT found in the "new Age" nonsense, nor in any religion. In truth, every religion is wrong, teaching false doctrines, enslaving the minds of people, sucking the treasure from people all over the Earth, misleading, misguiding, and manipulating mankind in all respects.

There are many well documented accounts of Immanuel on his 16-year journeys before he finally settled in Kashmir / Nepal. There is an ashram dedicated to preserving his memory, documents, and his and his family's tombs.

Here follows a part of one such account: ...

[ "Jesus Lived in India"

[ "The Russian scholar, Nicolai Notovich, was the first to suggest that Christ may have gone to India. In 1887, Notovich, a Russian scholar and Orientalist, arrived in Kashmir during one of several journeys to the Orient. At the Zoji-la pass Notovich was a guest in a Buddhist monastery, where a monk told him of the bhodisattva saint called "Issa". Notovich was stunned by the remarkable parallels of Issa's teachings and martyrdom with that of Christ's life, teachings and crucifixion.

[ "For about sixteen years, Christ travelled through Turkey, Persia, Western Europe and possibly England. He finally arrived with Mary to a place near Kashmir, where she died. After many years in Kashmir, teaching to an appreciative population, who venerated him as a great prophet, reformer and saint, he died and was buried in a tomb in Kashmir itself.

[ "The first step in Christ's trail after the Crucifixion is found in the Persian scholar F. Mohammed's historical work "Jami-ut-tuwarik" which tells of Christ's arrival in the kingdom of Nisibis, by royal invitation. (Nisibis is today known as Nusaybin in Turkey) . This is reiterated in the Imam Abu Jafar Muhammed's "Tafsi-Ibn-i-Jamir at-tubri." Kersten found that in both Turkey and Persia there are ancient stories of a saint called "Yuz Asaf" ("Leader of the Healed"), whose behaviour, miracles and teachings are remarkably similar to that of Christ.

[ "The many Islamic and Hindu historical works recording local history and legends of kings, noblemen and saints of the areas thought to be travelled by Jesus also give evidence of a Christ like man; the Koran, for example, refers to Christ as "Issar". Further east, the Kurdish tribes of Eastern Anatolia have several stories describing Christ's stay in Eastern Turkey after his resurrection. These traditional legends have been ignored by the theological community. ... "]

[ "Further clues are cited from The Apocryphal Acts of Thomas, and the Gospel of Thomas which are of Syrian origin and have been dated to the 4th Century AD, or possibly earlier. They are Gnostic Scriptures and despite the evidence indicating their authenticity, they are not given credence by mainstream theologians. In these texts Thomas tells of Christ's appearance in Andrapolis, Paphlagonia (today known as in the extreme north of Anatolia) as a guest of the King of Andrappa. There he met with Thomas who had arrived separately.

[ "It is at Andrapolis that Christ entreated Thomas to go to India to begin spreading his teachings. It seems that Christ and Mary then moved along the West coast of Turkey, proof of this could be an old stopping place for travellers called the "Home of Mary", found along the ancient silk route. From here Christ could easily have entered Europe via France. He may have even travelled as far as the British Isles, for in England there is an ancient oak tree called the "Hallowed Tree" which (says local legend) was planted by Christ himself.

[ "In his travels through Persia (today's Iran) Christ became known as Yuz Asaf (leader of the Healed). We know this because a Kashmiri historical document confirms that Isa (the Koranic name for Christ) was in fact also known as Yuz Asaf. The Jami - uf - Tamarik, Volume II, tells that Yuz Asaf visited Masslige, where he attended the grave of Shem, Noah's son. There are various other accounts such as Agha Mustafa's "Awhali Shahaii-i-paras" that tell of Yuz Asaf's travels and teachings all over Persia.

[ "It seems that Yuz Asaf blessed Afghanistan and Pakistan with his presence also. There are for example two plains in Eastern Afghanistan near Gazni and Galalabad, bearing the name of the prophet Yuz Asaf. Again in the Apocryphal Acts of Thomas, Thomas says that he and Christ attended the Court of King Gundafor of Taxila (now Pakistan), in about 47AD, and that eventually both the King and his brother accepted Christ's teachings.

[ "Kersten claims that there are more than twenty one historical documents that bear witness to the existence of Jesus in Kashmir, where he was known also as Yuz Asaf and Issa. For example the Bhavishyat Mahapurana (volume 9 verses 17-32) contains an account of Issa-Masih (Jesus the Messiah). It describes Christ's arrival in the Kashmir region of India and his encounter with King Shalivahana, who ruled the Kushan area (39-50AD), and who entertained Christ as a guest for some time."]

Source: http://www.sol.com.au/kor/7_01.htm

Recall, as before, the man was NOT called Jesus, nor Jesus Christ, as it was said in this account. That Immanuel was also in France, and probably also England before going to the far East, is not disputed.

Peace be with you

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Old 02-27-2010, 06:43 AM   #12
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

The facts regarding the millions of people who have died in the last century alone due to Meglomania of Dictators etc are presented in some of the books by Dr David Hawkins,
Chairman Mou (Dysexic cant spell) caused the death of Millions of Chinese through his farming policies.
The world has been at war for 95% of its known history.
The root cause of this has been the prevailing level of consciousness.
Hence Jesus words on the cross "God forgive them for they know not what they do"
In other words spiritually ignorant. Unaware of the consequences of there actions,
You cant blame a tiger for killing to live.
The ego is me first and thinks it has to kill to survive. It would rather die than admit it is wrong.
The cure and the only cure that I know of is the raising of consciousness to the level where love and understanding prevails amongst all.
Everything else has been tried without success.
Look at the effect of Gandhi a spiritual genius, Nelson Mandela also a shining example.
So how do we raise the consciousness of the world -- simply by raising our own, and its happening.
A rising tide lifts all boats.
The thread T"he ego what is it? How to transcend" is about raising consciousness and the reasons for the urgent need to do so.
Resurrection is about the death of the ego and therefore being born again anew.

We may disagree about this or how to do it but being angry or obsessive is just more of the same. Basically if anger or frustration worked we would have peace but no we have war because of anger and frustration.
Spiritual enlightenment is not all about love and bliss and flowers, its about discernment,
Firsrt love flow with out discernment then the Buddic third eye opens and discernment is there ( beware of wolves in sheeps clothiing)
The naivety of Love without discernment is dangerous.
Loving tigers is great but it is inherent in their nature to eat meat, you are meat, and eventually it will love you that much it will have you for lunch. Recent whale killing trainer an example. You cant blame an animal for doing what it does.
You cant blame a spiritually naive terrorist, but you need to do what you can to avoid the consequences of their actions and hopefully find a way of raising the level of consciousness to the point that terrorism is a thing of the past.
Defending a principal is not the same as gong to war.

Much of this has already been covered in various spiritual treads which are also read by people who are not as yet on any path.
This forum is visited by thousands of people through out the world so what we say has impact.
Criticizing religious groups or other people is frankly non-productive. If we want peace harmony and love to prevail we must act in a fashion that nurtures that.
We have a responsibility to act in accordance with our desire for world peace and an end to the needless slaughter of life on this planet.
With respect to all points of view
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Old 02-27-2010, 01:21 PM   #13
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
Criticizing religious groups or other people is frankly non-productive.
I sharply disagree with this.

The War of the Sons of Light is a Warfare at the level of consciousness and Truth.

It must be pointed out that the Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious 'authorities' who do not teach the Doctrine of "resurrection" as a Doctrine of 'Rebirth' are teaching doctrines of Satan.

Over the past at least 30 years, there have been thousands upon thousands of religious 'authorities' and media officials who have been specifically suppressing this Truth; and you see the consequences of that in what has been going on in the Middle East.

In other words, bloodshed is the consequence of people not knowing that the Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious 'authorities' are teaching doctrines of Satan.
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Old 02-27-2010, 02:04 PM   #14
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
The facts regarding the millions of people who have died in the last century alone due to Meglomania of Dictators etc are presented in some of the books by Dr David Hawkins,
Chairman Mou (Dysexic cant spell) caused the death of Millions of Chinese through his farming policies.
The world has been at war for 95% of its known history.
The root cause of this has been the prevailing level of consciousness.
Hence Jesus words on the cross "God forgive them for they know not what they do"
In other words spiritually ignorant. Unaware of the consequences of there actions,
You cant blame a tiger for killing to live.
The ego is me first and thinks it has to kill to survive. It would rather die than admit it is wrong.
The cure and the only cure that I know of is the raising of consciousness to the level where love and understanding prevails amongst all.
Everything else has been tried without success.
Look at the effect of Gandhi a spiritual genius, Nelson Mandela also a shining example.
So how do we raise the consciousness of the world -- simply by raising our own, and its happening.
A rising tide lifts all boats.
The thread T"he ego what is it? How to transcend" is about raising consciousness and the reasons for the urgent need to do so.
Resurrection is about the death of the ego and therefore being born again anew.

We may disagree about this or how to do it but being angry or obsessive is just more of the same. Basically if anger or frustration worked we would have peace but no we have war because of anger and frustration.
Spiritual enlightenment is not all about love and bliss and flowers, its about discernment,
Firsrt love flow with out discernment then the Buddic third eye opens and discernment is there ( beware of wolves in sheeps clothiing)
The naivety of Love without discernment is dangerous.
Loving tigers is great but it is inherent in their nature to eat meat, you are meat, and eventually it will love you that much it will have you for lunch. Recent whale killing trainer an example. You cant blame an animal for doing what it does.
You cant blame a spiritually naive terrorist, but you need to do what you can to avoid the consequences of their actions and hopefully find a way of raising the level of consciousness to the point that terrorism is a thing of the past.
Defending a principal is not the same as gong to war.

Much of this has already been covered in various spiritual treads which are also read by people who are not as yet on any path.
This forum is visited by thousands of people through out the world so what we say has impact.
Criticizing religious groups or other people is frankly non-productive. If we want peace harmony and love to prevail we must act in a fashion that nurtures that.
We have a responsibility to act in accordance with our desire for world peace and an end to the needless slaughter of life on this planet.
With respect to all points of view
It's not the so important the meglomania of the 'dictators' what it more important is that we accept we manifested them into our reality. For instance it wasn't Hitler who killed 6 million Jews it was the Germans.
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Old 02-27-2010, 02:19 PM   #15
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Actually the holocost or take down of the german nation has scorpio written all over it. A big shiva strike ! From the red and the black, to the eagle to the shinny boots. Its trully something when you see it.

Taurus builds and scorpio destroys, metaphorically speaking they are the circle of creation. This is not meant to condone anything its just an observation.

So dont invoke godwins law please?

Back to cheerier stuff

brittany spears=Baptistry Snare=Spartan By Rites=Satan Tribe Spry

of course it also makes Pasta Berry Nits, which is just silly hehehehe
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Old 02-27-2010, 02:28 PM   #16
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

Originally Posted by K626 View Post
It's not the so important the meglomania of the 'dictators' what it more important is that we accept we manifested them into our reality. For instance it wasn't Hitler who killed 6 million Jews it was the Germans.
That is of course true but its the same egoic mechanism that Hitler had.
He sold them on the idea that they were special, a master race that wrongs had to be righted. They the enemy deserve to die for what they did to us.
That is very much an egoic position and the ego of the populous bought it and paid dearly for it.
The ego can justify anything.
So Hitler was a master ego maniac and yes the ego of the population wanted and manifested him.
All wars without exception have fought from an egoic position. You have what I want and the end justifies the means.
So in order to get to the place where we stop manifesting war we have to individually transcend ego in my opinion.
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Old 02-27-2010, 04:44 PM   #17
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

A short time ago, someone on these threads introduced me to Ralph Ellis. I don't know why at that time I watched the posted videos, but I did. That led to Ellis' books, as I now own several and will shortly own the series.

Ellis is a self-made Christian theologian of sorts. This is not the sort of theologian that Christians would follow or admire. He is an extremely intelligent and thoughtful man who, like millions around the world, has found the flaws of Christianity to be far more prevalent than the grounded truths.

What he has studied and discovered and disclosed, is rather chilling. I have found his discoveries to be shocking to my core. This is a man who backs up everything that he writes about. He has studied the ancient languages and has traveled to the ancient ruins and appears to be in direct connection with the validity of his findings.

He doesn't write solely about Christianity because the rabbi was, before the pope became.

Books by Ralph Ellis


Ralph Ellis - Origins of the Bible-2006


Ralph Ellis - Jesus and the Pharoahs-Jan. 2007


Conscious Media Network - archived free video interviews

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Old 03-10-2010, 11:10 PM   #18
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From my experience I think that he may in fact be real, and Christianity was used as a tool for control no doubt.
But is it as we are taught?

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Old 02-27-2010, 04:52 PM   #19
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
That is of course true but its the same egoic mechanism that Hitler had.
He sold them on the idea that they were special, a master race that wrongs had to be righted. They the enemy deserve to die for what they did to us.
That is very much an egoic position and the ego of the populous bought it and paid dearly for it.
The ego can justify anything.
So Hitler was a master ego maniac and yes the ego of the population wanted and manifested him.
All wars without exception have fought from an egoic position. You have what I want and the end justifies the means.
So in order to get to the place where we stop manifesting war we have to individually transcend ego in my opinion.
Of course. Of course.

And the role of Christian doctrine in all of this is that it very firmly validates the "ego" perspective of reality; by asserting that it is actually possible for a man to be "God"; that this 'God' was willing to sacrifice 'H'imself for even one human being; all of which causes the individual to be primarily concerned about, ultimately, his or her own personal salvation rather than the over-all betterment of human civilization and the diminishing of all human suffering.

Were the Truth about the Doctrine of "resurrection" to be widely understood, on the other hand, the focus would be shifted to the betterment of the entire civilization in that, in one's subsequent lives, he or she may very well be 'raised from the dead' as a member of any other race, religion, nationality, economic class, or sex.

As in Buddhism, such a perspective would lead necessarily to an abhorrence of war and violence; whereas, on the contrary, the followers of the Pharisaic-Jewish, Pharisaic-Christian and Pharisaic-Muslim theologians have been very extensively involved in both violence and warfare.

And the same goes for Isaiah's, Daniel's and Mohammed's Teaching that the Doctrine of "resurrection" is a Doctrine of 'Rebirth'.
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Old 02-27-2010, 04:58 PM   #20
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OM 52:8

January 12th, 2005 - Vivienne Legg
Around the world there continues to be interest, as well as heated dialogue concerning the mass of physical evidence of extraterrestrials provided by the Plejaren, the human extraterrestrial people who have maintained intense contact for several decades with Swiss man, Eduard Meier. But there’s far more to this story, which goes a long way to explaining why the facts surrounding this case have been so successfully and relentlessly obscured.
The Plejaren have facilitated the re-delivery of the uncorrupted, universal spiritual teachings for Earth humanity, and thus they have exposed the spirit-enslaving, evolution-stunting nature of religion.

Claims and controversy continue to swirl around the ongoing case of Billy Meier and the extraterrestrials who have been visiting and guiding him since the 1940s. This fantastic sounding story received world wide media attention in the 1970s but then fell out of the media focus. Meier was savagely branded a hoaxer. Stupid and malicious arguments still rage against the authenticity of his “too-good-to-be-true” hundreds of daytime photos, film segments and other hard evidence which was provided by these advanced people. Smaller arguments also continue around the prophetic material and the exquisitely detailed astronomical information given to Meier before it was discovered by Earth scientists. But these ET people didn’t come just to demonstrate the reality of advanced ET technology, certain astronomical facts and the obstinate and idiotic nature of Earth people, or even just to dissuade us from becoming a menace in the cosmic neighborhood. They came, in an act of love, to show us that our world is gripped by spirit-enslaving, evolution-robbing, false religious teachings, which had been set in train on Earth millennia ago by some of their own distant ancestors, who were intent on subjugating the primitive people by misrepresenting themselves as creator gods. The resulting madness and delusion has brought us to the brink of global catastrophe, despite necessarily

1 of 5 1/22/05 11:10 AM
Therefore the Human Should Become http://gaiaguys.net/GodsHuman.htm
strident warnings given over the millennia.

This matter – the exposure of the deception of Earth religions - is largely what has kept the Meier case obscured, including, even especially, within the ufology community, which is among the first to pour on ill-informed or ill-motivated scorn and bile. It is the main reason Billy Meier is the subject of such constant and vicious attacks, which have even included many attempts on his life. And this is the reason that the true nature of the teachings, promoted by the Plejaren, Meier and the highly advanced spirit forms, is still so poorly understood. This is why it is avoided, or distorted and ridiculed, by people working at all levels at keeping this message from taking hold. The message of the Plejaren and Meier threatens the highest political and religious powers on this planet; manifestly insane powers who, exploiting our weakened understanding of our true spiritual capabilities, and also exploiting our weakened level of critical thinking, are apparently intent on leading us to our doom, and the planet with it.
The prophet Jmmanuel, as quoted in the Talmud Jmmanuel said the following, in Jmmanuel’s Farewell, verse 17:
“Humans should develop within themselves the power to judge over good and evil and to correctly perceive all things, so that they may be wise and fair and follow the laws.”

Ironically, (or rather, predictably) one of the common lies promoted about Billy Meier and the FIGU* group is that it is a cult, or the start of a new religion. This is complete nonsense (though brilliantly distracting) which is readily taken in by countless people who don’t make their own enquiries. As you will see, Meier, while teaching tolerance of people’s beliefs, unambiguously opposes the idea of bowing down to any other being, or seeking outwardly for salvation. He teaches self-responsibility. Each person is responsible for his own spiritual evolution and for his own life, although, of course, he may have teachers and helpers. And importantly, along with teaching love and peace, Eduard Meier teaches that we should seek to evolve through knowledge, wisdom and logic.
*Free Community of Interests for Fringe and Spiritual Sciences and Ufological Studies

In Dekalog (resp. Dodekalog), the book in which Eduard Meier has written down the original, un-falsified 12 Commandments, with explanations, it says the following.

p.15, 75. Die neue Zeit fordert nur noch allein Verstand und Vernunft von dir, und die Wahrheit zu finden und sie zu erkennen.
The new time demands alone only understanding and rationality from you, to find the truth and to recognize it.
It might be surprising when the new reader sees in Billy Meier’s writing familiar

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Therefore the Human Should Become
sounding phrases and presentations, reminiscent of religious doctrines, and to hear that these teachings are not in the slightest bit based on belief, and are actually very different in meaning to the familiar distortions of which we have often become enamored. It is hard to think this way at first since, or course, it is the original material which would now be strange to us. But we are NOT meant to accept this information unthinkingly, through belief. Meier’s teaching says that wise people hear, see, listen, think and feel but don’t speak about something, or take it on as their own, without first considering, and getting to the bottom of, everything. In the introduction to Dekalog he writes:
Alles immer prüfe sehr genau, Und dan nur dem Guten trau. Always test everything very exactly, and then only trust that which is good.
It is confronting and confusing to discover that these spiritual teachings of love are sometimes delivered in very harsh language. But diplomacy is dishonesty and results in misunderstandings, and we are seen to be sorely in need of the plain truth. What better to make us really, honestly think, than to have our cherished, erroneous opinions stridently challenged?
OM, Meier’s most important work, includes the following verse.

OM 23:14. Suchet daher nicht euer Wohl bei denen, die da sind falsche Propheten und Sektenführer und dergleichen und die euch gestohlenen Honig um das Maul schmieren, sondern suchet euer Wohl bei den wahrheitlichen Führern und beim wahrlichen Propheten, die da euch mit harten Worten treffend die Wahrheit sagen, und die da von euch Mühe fordern und harte Befolgung der Gesetze und Gebote der Schöpfung.

Do not seek your well being from those that are false prophets and sect leaders and the like, and who smear stolen honey around your muzzles. Rather, seek your well being from the truthful leaders and by the truthful prophets who say to you the truth with hard, pointed words, and who demand effort from you, and hard adherence to the laws and directives of Creation.

My primary aim here is to make this information known to those who want to know, regardless of to what extent we agree with it. Here we have manifestly advanced people of some kind, with extraordinary resources and capabilities, delivering all kinds of intelligent and wise information, and strange insights to Earth humanity (and pointed criticism). Regardless of how I personally view it, we, supporters and opponents alike, have an urgent need and obligation to our fellow Earthlings to find out what it’s all about. Naturally my writing will convey how I stand. So I should clarify that, for me, along with the mass of evidence of the reality of these ET people, which can be assessed with reasonable logic, the over-all integrity of the teaching and wisdom speaks for itself. But the nature and quantity of the material is such that, to really be familiar with it all and truly understand it could take lifetimes. And as far as the spiritual teachings are concerned in particular, if someone does not recognize them as representing true Creational, universal wisdom and love, then
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arguments from me will not be persuasive.
Following is an explanation from Billy Meier regarding how he and FIGU regard themselves and their role with the dissemination of the teachings. (From the booklet, An Interview With a UFO Contactee.)

...We are not a religious nor a sectarian group, nor are we a political, military nor civil community group based upon any totalitarian and autocratic truth. Neither are we perfect in any way or all-knowing, and for this reason we cannot disseminate perfect teachings – many questions remain for which we have no answers. But we can disseminate the truth about the Creational-natural laws and directives with which we are familiar and for whose accuracy we can vouch. We state that it is the sole, pure truth for which everyone can search within and by themselves, in nature and one’s surroundings everywhere, and that everyone can experience and see it, provided the person is willing to look for and retrieve it. To this end there exists no other truth than the one that actually exists. And this is the precise truth we advocate...

By reading the contact notes, (of conversations between Billy Meier and the Plejaren) we know that there have been errors and misunderstandings throughout the decades of the intense Plejaren involvement with Meier. But we also know that the Plejaren and Meier do not pretend to be perfect, or to be anything other than humans (albeit very advanced humans) still subject to limitations, who admit to, even advertise, their mistakes. We must learn through our own thinking and reasoning, and it is in this spirit that we present the following. (Below is the recommended reading order.)
2. OM – The Book of Books – The Book of Truth
3. The Jschwjsch is Human 4. True State of Earth Humanity 5. The Creation Itself is Your Spirit

Source: http://theyfly.com/PDF/The%20Gods%20...re%20Human.pdf

Peace Be With You
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Old 02-27-2010, 06:12 PM   #21
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

There are so many different interpretations to scripture that it is impossible to be dogmatic about it. Everyone has their view of how to interpret the Bible, all one needs to do is ask someone and you will get their view. The majority think they are right and everyone else is wrong, but I have learned that the only absolute is that there is no absolute in interpreting scripture. Some of the ways the Bible may be interpreted are as follows: The natural historical view, the spiritual historical view, the prophetic, the spiritual inward view, the esoteric, the metaphysical, the mystical and these are just a few. So how can anyone claim to be the authority of Biblical interpretation? It is just your viewpoint, your level of understanding. And that may change! I have had so many paradigm shifts in my understanding of scripture that I am amazed by it all. I can view and understand what anyone is trying to say and ALLOW them to do so. I may not fully agree, but who am I to correct them, that is their understanding. If you are a teachable soul you can be at peace with what anyone has to say, and you don't have to be offended by another viewpoint; everyone must come into their own understanding their way. The main point is that we all learn and grow in our understanding, and if we can share with one another in open honesty and in acceptance of another view we will all be the better for it.
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Old 02-27-2010, 06:19 PM   #22
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

This thread does not resonate with me and I can see where it may be in conflict with the rules here at Avalon.

Is this not the preaching of darkness?


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Old 02-27-2010, 06:27 PM   #23
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

Naughty boy Bigmo, dont be bold, mommy's busy right now doing adult things-use your inside voice. The adults are talking

you definately know better
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Old 02-27-2010, 09:46 PM   #24
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

Originally Posted by HORIZONS View Post
There are so many different interpretations to scripture that it is impossible to be dogmatic about it.
I am focusing on one specific Doctrine here: the Doctrine of "resurrection".

The Doctrine of "resurrection" is either a Doctrine of 'Rebirth', as it was taught by Isaiah, Daniel, Jesus and Mohammed; or it is the doctrine of the physical raising of a dead body from the grave, as it was taught by the Pharisees; is now taught by at least tens of thousands of Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious 'authorities'; and is believed by hundreds of millions of Jews, Christians and Muslims.

And just look at the horrific condition of this world as a consequence of such a false belief; with almost two thousand years of religious warfare and genocide and torture.

As Jesus said, "By their fruits you will know them"; and, "Either be for me or against me."

There is no middle ground here; just as Moses taught in Deuteronomy with regards to the 'path that leads to life and the path that leads to destruction'.

One either tells the Truth or one is lying about the Doctrine of "resurrection".

And the religious 'authorities' are lying.

And the officials of the media and Wikipedia are preventing that from being widely publicized.
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Old 02-27-2010, 10:09 PM   #25
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Default Re: Christianity, Inc.: theft by deception

Originally Posted by 4Q529 View Post
I am focusing on one specific Doctrine here: the Doctrine of "resurrection".

The Doctrine of "resurrection" is either a Doctrine of 'Rebirth', as it was taught by Isaiah, Daniel, Jesus and Mohammed; or it is the doctrine of the physical raising of a dead body from the grave, as it was taught by the Pharisees; is now taught by at least tens of thousands of Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious 'authorities'; and is believed by hundreds of millions of Jews, Christians and Muslims.

And just look at the horrific condition of this world as a consequence of such a false belief; with almost two thousand years of religious warfare and genocide and torture.

As Jesus said, "By their fruits you will know them"; and, "Either be for me or against me."

There is no middle ground here; just as Moses taught in Deuteronomy with regards to the 'path that leads to life and the path that leads to destruction'.

One either tells the Truth or one is lying about the Doctrine of "resurrection".

And the religious 'authorities' are lying.

And the officials of the media and Wikipedia are preventing that from being widely publicized.
I understand and sympathize with your frustration and yes I agree with you re "resurrection"

But I would respectfully point out that "human beings" were slaughtering each other big time for thousands of years before Jesus or any other biblical teacher.
It may be that the problem did start with the eating of the apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we have been told "Judgment is mine sayeth the Lord" it might have meant judgment is duality get back to oneness

I am not coming from a position of saying I am right about anything just putting forward observations
The Course in Miracles reputed to be channeled from Jesus says
"Know that when you take up a position you are identifying with an illusion"
All thoughts of separation from God is to my mind are an illusion.
The body being the home of the indweller God.
God is to be found within.
When the bliss of the Love of God is experienced it is unmistakable and that is my personal subjective experience.

Regards Chris
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"resurrection", 'rebirth', christianity, jesus, mohammed

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