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Old 01-15-2009, 12:38 PM   #1
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Default Nirvana Who is feeling it now

I sure do and It feels great it came on about 1 month ago and has not left. Since I have been it this state I have noticed many things. People walk up to me smiling every time, It is spilling out of my chakras. It is nice how my energy is affecting people that are normally grumpy. I can feel a sensation inside my body that I never want to quit. I have felt it before but never continuous or lasting this long.

I really did not do much different to engage it, but it all comes down to your morality feild you project.

"Nirvana is the most important out of all phenomena that people can perceive with their senses. But the humanity still knows almost nothing about it."

Here are the Moral Levels:

(µ > 0.6) Nirvana. People in which "µ" exceeded the threshold value of "µ=0.6" start to experience an extraordinary phenomenon described here under the name of "totaliztic nirvana".
(µ = 0.5) Adoration.
(µ = 0.4) Friendliness.
(µ = 0.35) Remaining unnoticeable. The value "µ = 0.35" represents a border value between intellects which already accumulated in themselves a reserve of moral energy, and intellects which show a deficiency of this energy. People with the value of "µ = 0.35" are usually very quiet and non-imposing. Their existence normally passes unnoticed by other people.
(µ = 0.3) Becoming provocative. (Also states of chronic mental depression seem to attack all these people whose relative level of saturation with moral energy falls below the value of µ = 0.35.)
(µ = 0.2) Lethargy.
(µ = 0.1) Destructiveness (including suicidal tendencies).
(µ = 0) Moral death.

burgundia turned me on to Dr. Eng. Jan Pajak
That is where I pulled the above chart from.
His site has alot of info, this Dr. has researched from the heart.
Every bit of his info resonates strong with me.

I will never let it stop It feels way too good.
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Old 01-16-2009, 08:02 PM   #2
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Default Re: Nirvana Who is feeling it now

I am going to list some things I have done throughout my life to make nirvana happen for me. The biggest of these is being morally correct the rewards well out weigh the labor:

No T.V

No News, only what I happen to hear from others and I block that too.

Meditation daily, exercise, even if it is just taking a walk.

Look at the colors of nature, smell the roses.

Listen to tones or classical music.

Spend time alone every day.

Think and project positive soon this becomes automatic.

Do not be in a hurry in life expereince it.

Accept things that happen in life as experience not tragedy.

Treat everyone you meet as you would like to be treated.

Tell the truth(Very hard for humans to do by the way).

Do not steal.

Listen to you inner voice.

Preserve your planet every way you can.

Do not use anger at all.

Eat a healthy diet.

As you build your morality field it pays back at 10 time the deposit rate. Once you reach the stage of nirvana your life changes things manifest almost like magic. Your creativity explodes. The world looks different to say the least. I also have tied to to excellent health.

I think it is one of the secrets that they do not want us to know about. This alone could change the world.

We have all felt it and enjoyed, so there is no denying that it exists.

I also feel in my heart that the life of nirvana dovetails with the life we are manifesting here on Avalon.

Here is a bit from Dr. Jan Pajak

social functions for which presently people use money:

In the light of findings of the philosophy of totalizm this indescribable happiness and pleasure which one feels after accomplishing the phenomenon of nirvana represents the ultimate reward and the highest compensation which anyone is able to receive for his or her voluntarily labor. As such ultimate reward and compensation, the nirvana can be utilized by morally advanced civilizations for a positive motivation of people. (This positive motivation, or "positive reinforcement", is such one which allows to receive from people their contribution of heavy labor, and also allows to accomplish by a given society all its goals, but is completely deprived of forcing the labor through the use of money, enslaving, punishment, blackmailing, or suffering.) Therefore the nirvana, amongst others, provides a principle for organizing totaliztic societies on basis of voluntarily work rewarded with nirvana, means deprived of forcing work from people with money - as it is explained more comprehensively in item #E1 of this web page, and also on a separate web page about the political party of totalizm. The motivating force of nirvana is much higher from that of the present money. So the only reason why the today people still do not strive to nirvana, is a complete lack of knowledge about nirvana in our present society. (In my opinion this lack of knowledge about nirvana is caused on purpose by these evil powers which push our civilisation into the darkness of parasitism.)

My private opinion states, although at the present stage I am not able to prove it formally, that the phenomenon of nirvana was designed on purpose in such a manner that it allows to organize the functioning of entire totaliztic societies on the basis of nirvana. This is because the nirvana displays not only the ability to positively motivate work of people, and thus in highly moral societies it can replace not only the function of present money. In addition, the appearance of nirvana is surrounded by a whole array of moral conditions. These conditions in turn cause, that the nirvana cannot be accomplished by people who do not fulfill strict moral requirements. For these reasons in my personal opinion nirvana is a kind of ultimate heavenly reward which was perfectly thought for, and wisely protected, by god, so that it serves only to these people and to these societies, which earned it with their highly moral behavior.

Nirvana displays a whole array of attributes, which give to it the character of just such an ultimate reward and the highest compensation. It is because of these attributes, that nirvana is able to eliminate on Earth the forcing of work from people with the use of money, and to replace this forced labor with the voluntary contribution of work in order to earn the ultimate reward in the form of nirvana. As such, the nirvana bears the potential for complete transformation of principles on which humanity do operates. Let us review here the most vital attributes of this heavenly reward. Here they are:

(1) The nirvana is a source of indescribable happiness and pleasure for people who earned it for themselves. The huge explosion of happiness and pleasure which literally blows apart the body of people who earned nirvana for themselves, cannot be described with any words. In order to learn it, one must experience it in person. The only commonly known sensual experience which is closest to the nirvana, is the described in item #B1 of this web page orgasm which lasts forever. Therefore everyone who once tested the nirvana, later is going to act in the way which allows him or her to experience it for as long as possible, or allows to earn it again. This in turn means undertaking by such someone the efforts of continuous voluntarily moral work for the good of other people.

(2) The nirvana in a miraculous way changes characters and personalities of people who experience it, giving to these people all attributes which are the most sought for in every society. People who just experience nirvana are extremely pleasant in relationship, nice to others, helpful, satisfied with whatever they already have, with a willingness and almost a pleasure they undertake even the most difficult and heavy work which serves to the good of other people, etc., etc. This in turn makes the society of people who experience nirvana, a kind of ideal society in which everyone would wish to live and with which everyone would like to interact on everyday basis. In fact, from my own experiences described in item #B3 below I know for sure, that all people literally are craving to companionship and for contacts with a person who just is in the state of nirvana. The attractiveness of such a person becomes irresistible. Furthermore, such a person in some miraculous manner gains all these attributes which people seek in other people.

(3) In an appropriate moral climate and social conditions the nirvana can be maintained for the duration of the entire someone's life. This in turn inspires for the intense effort aimed at the good of other people, maintained for the duration of the entire someone's life. Such a work in turn rewards with nirvana not only the person who voluntarily contributes this work, but it also increases the prosperity and happiness of the entire given society.

(4) The nirvana promotes the work which includes a significant physical component - and thus disallows the alienation of someone from a true life, prevents loosing the realism, disables the formation of classes or placing someone above others, etc. The nirvana cannot be earned just solely by a mental (office) work. Therefore it forces people to do both kinds of work, means physical and mental. As it is explained in Part #C of this web page, if one does NOT do a physical work, one also does NOT generate moral energy. In turn without moral energy there is no nirvana. This attribute of nirvana disallows that people who earn nirvana could alienate themselves from a real life and live in so-called "ivory towers". It also promotes the equality of all people and the lack of classes or subdivisions into physical laborers and mental workers - all nirvana earners must equally sweat with physical effort to earn the nirvana. Notice that in the history of Earth there were attempts to liquidate classes, of the type of forcing bureaucrats, scientists and office workers by Mao Tse Tung (and also by Pol Pot) to carry out seasonal physical labor. But because these attempts were based on forcing people, not on voluntarism, they never succeeded in practice.

(5) The nirvana inspires the voluntarily work with a significant component of physical labor towards good of other people, and the refraining from working for material compensation. After all, the only manner of earning nirvana is to undertake the voluntarily physical labor with a full awareness that, amongst others: (a) this work serves for the good of other people, (b) it does NOT serve for material gains of ourselves, (c) we are not forced in any way to carry out this work, and that (d) we carry out this work in the most effective and productive manner which we can afford in given conditions. These attributes of nirvana make it socially extremely useful, efficient, economical, etc.

(6) The nirvana opens a burst of unstoppable creativity. The extraordinary aspect of nirvana is, that in these people who experienced it, it opens the inexhaustible source of fully original creativity. Although I myself was originally creative a long time before I earned nirvana in 1998, after I experienced it a true explosion of creative ideas has opened for me. In fact, after the nirvana, creative ideas come to my mind much faster than I am able to write them down. And we must remember that at the moment of experiencing nirvana I was 52 years old, means I was in the age in which normal creators already exhaust all their creative ideas. In time when I am writing this item I am almost 61 years old. But in fact my creativity is still so intense, that if not the fact that my activities are strongly suppressed almost continually, while instead of having a chance for technical implementations of my inventions, I am repetitively made redundant from my jobs, in more appropriate conditions probably I would be able to build time vehicles and to reassure the immortality to people, still within my present physical life.

(7) In jobs of the fundamental significance for the society, nirvana can be earned in process of carrying out the professional duties. For example farmers, gardeners, millers, bakers, cooks, brick layers, nurses, etc., all these are able to earn the nirvana just only when with the required motivation they carry out their normal job duties.

(8) The nirvana does NOT tolerate any cheating. After all, everyone who experiences the nirvana immediately is aware of his or her extraordinary state. The nirvana is a source of such huge happiness and pleasure, that it cannot be overlooked. The experiencing of nirvana cannot also be hidden from others, nor pretended. Everyone who earned the nirvana by himself or by herself immediately recognizes it in others from the unique expression on their faces - see "Fig. #1" below. In turn this unique expression of happiness that blasts someone apart, cannot be faked - one needs to really experience the nirvana in order to have it etched into the face. Thus, the nirvana does not tolerate any cheating - as in present times frequently it takes place with money.

(9) The nirvana rewards in the absolutely fair manner. The discrepancies in human system of rewarding are well known. In fact, for example the highest salaries almost always receive these people who do the least work, but the most of wind. Simultaneously, the ones who really work professionally and efficiently, in the human system of rewarding usually avoid of all praises. However, the nirvana is based on the god's justice, not on the human one. So rewarded in it are the true accomplishments in all forms attempted. Thus, the more someone works, and the wider and more beneficial influence his or her work has for the good of other people, the higher level of nirvana such someone earns for himself or for herself.

(10) The nirvana eliminates all forms of social evil. For example, these ones who once tasted the nirvana cannot bother anymore with drugs, or alcohol. This is because all other substitutes of happiness are very poor in comparison to nirvana. As such, they are not worth the effort. So when the society tastes the nirvana, then none previous forms of social evil are going to tempt nor trouble it.
(11) The nirvana motivates morality and continuous self-improvement. In order to earn and to maintain the nirvana, it is necessary to act absolutely moral. Furthermore, the nirvana has a whole range of levels. So the accomplishing these next levels for oneself, motivates people to the increasingly more devoted voluntary work towards the happiness of other people, and also inspires them to intellectually invent increasingly better manners of earning the nirvana.

(12) The nirvana is able to eliminate UFOnauts-changelings from key positions. After all, the sharp moral requirements imposed by god on the accomplishing of nirvana, make impossible to earn this heavenly state by some immoral UFOnauts-changelings. So in order to eliminate these UFOnauts from the key positions on Earth, it suffices to impose a requirement onto all politicians and onto all leaders, that in sight of the nation they must continually maintain the state of nirvana. As such, nirvana is presently the only phenomenon which allows a definitive distinguishing between people and UFOnauts. Everyone who just experiences nirvana must definitely be a human, as an UFOnaut would never be able to earn the nirvana for himself.

Have a great day!

Last edited by Dominic; 01-17-2009 at 01:23 AM.
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Old 01-16-2009, 09:40 PM   #3
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Default Re: Nirvana Who is feeling it now

A great post Dominic, This has also been, and is, my experience. The moral stuff is never forced, it is just something that you "are". The experience of nirvana as you describe it, comes and goes for awhile, and then is there permanently. That inner voice is a constant companion, and guide in ones life. Love, love greater than any physical ideal. Falling in Love with that inner voice, the God Within enables one to love everyone and everything.

And I also resonate to the physical , the use or using of the body. The body wants to move, to work, to dance. Spirit is expressed in the body, especially in sensual movement. Its difficult to contain the energy sometimes. Without knowledge, people can dissipate the spiritual energy in sex or overeating, without holding it in the body and using it creatively. With knowledge of the experience, of what to expect, that does not happen.

Im not sure what is meant by the last part of your post, but I think the writer may be meaning that one is their own authority, and not to look outside ones Self for answers.

The truth thing was a biggy for me, I was always truthful, but I would hold things back from my critical husband at the time and tell small untruths. My inner Self would not allow that anymore. There was a bit of struggle with that one, but I was assured within that it would all be fine, and it was. And my energy soared, with the lesson learned. What I love about this work is that these lesson learned, becoming wisdom, are there for all eternity.

Thanks again

Love to you

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Old 01-16-2009, 09:55 PM   #4
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Nirvana Who is feeling it now

Originally Posted by Dominic View Post
I sure do and It feels great it came on about 1 month ago and has not left. Since I have been it this state I have noticed many things. People walk up to me smiling every time, It is spilling out of my chakras. It is nice how my energy is affecting people that are normally grumpy. I can feel a sensation inside my body that I never want to quit. I have felt it before but never continuous or lasting this long.

I really did not do much different to engage it, but it all comes down to your morality feild you project.

"Nirvana is the most important out of all phenomena that people can perceive with their senses. But the humanity still knows almost nothing about it."

Here are the Moral Levels:

(µ > 0.6) Nirvana. People in which "µ" exceeded the threshold value of "µ=0.6" start to experience an extraordinary phenomenon described here under the name of "totaliztic nirvana".
(µ = 0.5) Adoration.
(µ = 0.4) Friendliness.
(µ = 0.35) Remaining unnoticeable. The value "µ = 0.35" represents a border value between intellects which already accumulated in themselves a reserve of moral energy, and intellects which show a deficiency of this energy. People with the value of "µ = 0.35" are usually very quiet and non-imposing. Their existence normally passes unnoticed by other people.
(µ = 0.3) Becoming provocative. (Also states of chronic mental depression seem to attack all these people whose relative level of saturation with moral energy falls below the value of µ = 0.35.)
(µ = 0.2) Lethargy.
(µ = 0.1) Destructiveness (including suicidal tendencies).
(µ = 0) Moral death.

burgundia turned me on to Dr. Eng. Jan Pajak
That is where I pulled the above chart from.
His site has alot of info, this Dr. has researched from the heart.
Every bit of his info resonates strong with me.

I will never let it stop It feels way too good.
Your post reminds me of this video. Enjoy if you haven't already seen it,very inspirational.
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:12 PM   #5
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Default Re: Nirvana Who is feeling it now

Yes, thank you for posting this one 777The Great Work. I have this lady's book, but her video description is even better. I can barely type this for the tears in my eyes! That reconnecting of the left with the right hemisphere is the rebalancing of the male and the female and the ability to access both. What a dramatic awakening this lady had!

Love and Light


By their works Ye shall Know Them ; Jesus
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Old 01-16-2009, 11:20 PM   #6
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Nirvana Who is feeling it now

Originally Posted by Carmen View Post
Yes, thank you for posting this one 777The Great Work. I have this lady's book, but her video description is even better. I can barely type this for the tears in my eyes! That reconnecting of the left with the right hemisphere is the rebalancing of the male and the female and the ability to access both. What a dramatic awakening this lady had!

Love and Light


By their works Ye shall Know Them ; Jesus

Yea, i felt the same way, talk about a stroke of luck. I start wondering how i could get me one. I give , i'll just have to do the internal work.
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Old 01-17-2009, 07:57 AM   #7
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Default Re: Nirvana Who is feeling it now

Originally Posted by 777 The Great Work View Post
Your post reminds me of this video. Enjoy if you haven't already seen it,very inspirational.

Thank you the video was great.

Love you all.
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Old 01-17-2009, 01:57 PM   #8
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Default Re: Nirvana Who is feeling it now

I have been in the process of purging all of my suppressed garbage over the last few months, far from Nirvana. I have experience what you are referring to before. It usually means that you are on track with what you decided to do before you where incarnated.
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Old 01-17-2009, 10:15 PM   #9
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Default Re: Nirvana Who is feeling it now

I feel that the two distractions that I rid my self of this fall is what helped me to feel this way. I rid myself of a cell phone in August 08 and t.v in November 08. Those two distractions alone can keep you from ever hearing yourself calling. I think all of these distractions were put here to keep us busy doing nothing.

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Old 01-19-2009, 10:47 AM   #10
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Default Re: Nirvana Who is feeling it now

Well, I broke my magic spell of nirvana today. I had problems with my teenager, I must have dealt with it in a immoral way because I have been taken down a notch with my feelings. It is so hard to get a point across to teens. I will learn from the situation and build my moral field back up and prepare for the next ride.

morality builds your being, when you are kind to others you feel it instantly.
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Old 01-19-2009, 11:22 AM   #11
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Default Re: Nirvana Who is feeling it now

Good post Dom, i can vouch for that comment "Well, I broke my magic spell of nirvana today. I had problems with my teenager, I must have dealt with it in a immoral way because I have been taken down a notch with my feelings. It is so hard to get a point across to teens. I will learn from the situation and build my moral field back up and prepare for the next ride.
morality builds your being, when you are kind to others you feel it instantly. "

As a coach driver, i spend the day with many people. Often i get the comment that i am always smiling. It makes them smile back at me. They say" Gee its nice to have a happy person driving us around, you have such a nice nature"
What this does is everytime these people book work with our company, they always request me. I have often said to many colleagues that they should change careers. They ask why? My reply is that if you aren't happy at work, they should leave, you exude negative energy and people pick it up they want to be around positive people.

Thoughts are boomerangs,
returning with precision to their source.
Choose wisely which ones you throw.
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Old 01-19-2009, 11:00 PM   #12
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Default Re: Nirvana Who is feeling it now

Originally Posted by Dominic View Post
Well, I broke my magic spell of nirvana today. I had problems with my teenager, I must have dealt with it in a immoral way because I have been taken down a notch with my feelings. It is so hard to get a point across to teens. I will learn from the situation and build my moral field back up and prepare for the next ride.

morality builds your being, when you are kind to others you feel it instantly.
Im lovin this thread.
Its like a Consciousness epic tale with
the main character reaching those
dizzying highs and then the unexpected dramatic slide back.
Come on Dominic get back up there,
were all with you on this one, and let us know
when your back and how you did it.
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Old 01-19-2009, 11:44 PM   #13
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Default Re: Nirvana Who is feeling it now

Wonderful thread! I go through the euphoria then have to check myself. Still cleaning up the disfunction of my staggering imperfections. I can be pretty rough on myself, but I need to be sometimes. When I was younger I had quite the chip on my shoulder!

Here are the things that remind me of who I am and bring me back to solidity:

Emotional Signatures and Their Opposites:


Emotional Signatures in the Spiritual Body:

Root: Initial imprinting of the emotional challenge.

Lumbar: Fear/Courage - Feeling the initial emotional signature for the first time.

Solar Plexus: Integrating Possible Reactions, good spot to make a healthy choice!

Heart: Anger/Compassion: immediate responses that can in some people sadly manifest on the physical.

Throat: Vocal expression of feelings in the emotional body, another chance to check in!

Third Eye: Grief/Acceptance of what just happened.

Crown: Overall Action which can be service to self or to others.

I try to recognize at least one of the emotional stages as it goes through my body, then I can possibly check my reaction and vocalization before I screw up. Sometimes I just listen if I'm too confused, that in itself is usually so appreciated that the problem is gone and replaced by love before I need to express anything at all.

Notes on the Ego:
(These are my favorites from E. Toole)

1. What is my relationship to the present moment?
2. What you resist persists.
3. Accept what is first, then reaction from acceptance, not resistance.
4. How present you are defines your spirituality.
5. The ego overlooks the now.
6. People in the ego live as though the present moment is their enemy.
7. Ego constantly compares itself to others to find superiority.
8. The ego is a false sense of self based on concepts people can identify with.
9. Wanting keeps the ego alive more than having.

Love out to you!
Peace of Mind,
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Old 01-20-2009, 07:22 PM   #14
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Default Re: Nirvana Who is feeling it now

Dominic, and you to Henners, you two speak about "losing that loving feeling"!!LOL, with teenagers. That also was my experience. I find it a very different dynamic being a grandmother. I look at my grandchildren first, of course, when they are little. They look at me and "know that I know". I'm on to them always, and they know it. I wish I'd had this ability with my children when they and I were younger!

Another very powerful moral principal, I think, that goes in tandem with telling the truth always, is that of keeping ones word. I decided I would be true in thought word and deed, which meant my word was law. Whatever I said I would do, I would be true to that. When that comes down to dealing with strong-minded teenagers, that means no idle threats. Don't ever say what you will not or cannot follow through with. Kids need strong walls. They are not secure otherwise, and do not respect those parents and caregivers who's words are empty.

I will write more on this another time as I have to go work!

A parting thought though. Keeping ones word to others is one thing, for me. The hardest thing is deciding and keeping ones word to oneself. It came to me this morning as I was walking, that our personality can be like a spoilt kid out of control, and we need to treat it like that at times. The God within us, our inner Great Self is the firm parent imparting the knowledge and guidlines for our evolution. Its staying within that guiding spirit, staying connected which is the nirvana. Where we get our support and approval from. And also from where we get our stern warning from when we "lose it"

Love to you All

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