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Old 11-29-2008, 07:20 PM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
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Question Why are TAPE recorders as dangerous as GUNS?

Has anyone wondered why, in certain courts in Amerika, the signs read "No guns or tape recorders allowed"?

Is this in ALL court houses of 'Justice' or just in Contra Costa County?

If it took long to answer, you might see a doctor as the reason is the term "Justice" is merely a catch phrase.

These corrupt "judges" will simply ERASE words they do not like from the digital records made of your case.
Justice has become optional and this will KILL what's left of what you THINK you know as America, one nation, under G-d with liberty and JUSTICE for A L L.

Blue Masons WAKE up, open your minds, and read the writing on your very own walls; your country is at stake and you are one of the KEY tools. Your 'adepts' are corrupt, the evidence is available to you, but only if you look. You're NOTHING to them, canon fodder, they will kill you and your children!

What's up? Are you 'warriors' of juctice af-f-f-fraid? Grow a spine and help save your country!

Proof: William Cooper, Navy Intel/American Patriot; ~400 BLUE MASON firemen, your BROTHERS(!), allowed to die while Mayor Ghouliani was warned of the impending collapse and survived; Then Dan Wallace, the ~23 year old son of a long line of firemen, suddenly dies of 'unknown causes' in his sleep! Read Ted Gunderson for the extent and horror of what your masters are capable!
(Speak to your retired brothers, and sisters, especially the people of color that suddenly left, Italians that were in KEY positions: scheduling, records, EMS, liasons with Social services, etc. Ask in such a way as they THINK you KNOW, not just suspect; put them in a position of having to LIE to their comrade.)

"Our lives in these physical bodies are like a speck of sand in the ocean of time."
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Old 11-30-2008, 04:51 AM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 503
Default Re: Why are TAPE recorders as dangerous as GUNS?

Do you want to be videotaped while appearing in court on some embarrassing charge? And do you want that tape shown on the news?

It's a matter of privacy. Most courtrooms don't allow cell phones that have cameras either.

That and showboating- lesson learned from the OJ trial, cameras in the courtroom turned it into a circus.
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Old 12-01-2008, 08:20 PM   #3
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Default Re: Why are TAPE recorders as dangerous as GUNS?

Originally Posted by 371 View Post
Do you want to be videotaped while appearing in court on some embarrassing charge? And do you want that tape shown on the news?

It's a matter of privacy. Most courtrooms don't allow cell phones that have cameras either.

That and showboating- lesson learned from the OJ trial, cameras in the courtroom turned it into a circus.
Who said anything about video? That too should be allowed to stop this rampant corruption?

Another reason is the record in my civil case was modified when the judge hinted strongly that my attorney should not use his usual tools in my case. It was simply deleted off the recorded transcript.
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Old 12-01-2008, 11:59 PM   #4
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Default Re: Why are TAPE recorders as dangerous as GUNS?

A camera is a camera.

An audio recording device is an audio recording device.

Read more carefully.
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Old 12-04-2008, 01:02 AM   #5
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Default Re: Why are TAPE recorders as dangerous as GUNS?

Originally Posted by argonacon View Post
A camera is a camera.

An audio recording device is an audio recording device.

Read more carefully.
You're right, but the same reasoning applies IMO.
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Old 12-04-2008, 08:01 PM   #6
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Wink Re: Why are TAPE recorders as dangerous as GUNS?

Originally Posted by 371 View Post
Do you want to be videotaped while appearing in court on some embarrassing charge? And do you want that tape shown on the news?

It's a matter of privacy. Most courtrooms don't allow cell phones that have cameras either.

That and showboating- lesson learned from the OJ trial, cameras in the courtroom turned it into a circus.
First of all, if I show up in court on some embarrasing charge, which is possible, it would be trumped up.

Secondly, in America, our legal system, and other areas as well are suppose to be under public scrutiny.

If you've been watching, we are now a country of goverment by 'faith', which has no place in any publicly funded areas.

"You're either with us or with the 'terrorists'"
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