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Healing Spiritual and Alternative Healing

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Old 12-18-2009, 05:50 AM   #1
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Default Complex disorders...

Hello every-One. The Traveler searches for a way to heal bipolar disorder. My best friend suffers daily with this problem. I have explained to my friend that it is negative/positive thought fields becoming activated and fed to the point of depression/mania. I will continue to teach my friend new thoughts, but I would like to hear what Avalon members have to say specifically about this disorder. The people here never cease to amaze me. I hope someone can help. Thanks to all.

Last edited by Traveler; 12-18-2009 at 04:25 PM.
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Old 12-18-2009, 05:52 AM   #2
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Default Re: Complex disorders...

Where does this person live?
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Old 12-18-2009, 06:25 AM   #3
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Sorry if this comes across as mean but logic would say Seymour, TN.
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Old 12-18-2009, 06:41 AM   #4
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Default Re: Complex disorders...

Originally Posted by Phr0z3n View Post
Sorry if this comes across as mean but logic would say Seymour, TN.
Good find - thank you. Not mean at all.

I will think about the OP and try to respond later.
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Old 12-18-2009, 06:55 AM   #5
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Complex disorders...

Greetings my friend
~ if we are NOT friends,
we should be

everyone here, at PA/and, PC should be friends

it seems, this is NOT something that medical doctors

know much about

so much easier, to just drug them,

dull their pain

There are soul_utions or solutions

bi-means '2'

polar-means 'opposite'

your friend, has multiple beings living within one eXpressed time-line

you see, at the time when Atlantis ended,
many souls were blown to smitherins
and, eXperienced serious soul fragmentation
and, as, they reincarnated
more than one soul, sometimes, landed into one earth temple/or earth body

we will bet, if you look at them

at different times, different sets of eyeballs

will stare out at you, which is pretty freaky,

when they are sitting within ONE head

we recall, an instance, were a man sat across the table from us

in less than, 22 minutes, while he waited, for someone

to see, another friend of mine upstairs

i noticed, him shift, approx 3 times ~ 3 distinctly different sets of eyeballs

(this was back in 2004)

i did NOT mention, this, to my other freind

he is a eXperienced spiritualist, and, at the time

very well versed, in timeline healings

as, he friend, sat down with me downstairs,

and, he went upstairs, with my friend

i said to her, your friend,

he has, the strangest eyes,

i would swear to god, to you, but, this man

it was like 3 different men, were sitting across from me

and, you know, it make me feel very leary !!!

and, she said, you know Susan, i wanted to talk to you, about that

but, i did NOT know how to eXpalin it

maybe, Sal, will know, when he sees him

as, that is why, i brought him here

we really did NOT have the money for this work,

however, we really can NOT go on,

as something, i know, is seriously wrong
and, i just keep hoping/praying and wishing
he would get back to the original guy, i met

Then all of a sudden upstairs,
we heard, 2 major crashes,
and, the two of us,
high tailed it upstairs,
to my healing room

We could NOT believe our eyes,
all of us, being spiritualists,
but, the two most ugliest and darkest spirits
any of us, had seen, actually,
were coming right out of this guy

it was something, i do NOT think
any of the four of us, will ever forget
Sal, is a master, at this

Anyway -- it is necessary
sometimes, and/or, i would actually say
after seeing this, that you heal them
while they are onboard, a body
instead, of trying to heal them,
after you pulled them OUT



you need to 'heal' both of them,
and, sometimes, there is more,
than just '2' of them,
sometimes; there are 4, or 6, or 8

once, all the fragmented pieces
are healed, it is a simple choice,
which personality you want to keep,
and, you can send, all the rest of them,
the one, or, the ones,
that do NOT belong !!!

This type of work, is often done,
utilsing a team of 2, or 3
to accomplish it ~ but, this is a story
of truth, NOT fiction,
and, it is more common,
than, you can probably imagine.

Some children, with ADD -
which the medical community call attention def. disorder,
is NOT really that,
we look at it, and, say
it's about having additional densities & dimensions
eXpressing at once,
it is a similiar problem,
albeit, in them,
it is normally multi-dimensional
and, inter-dimensional
and, celestial-cosmic aspects
of themselves, all trying to eXpress at once

We can be contacted at eXKavier@aol.com
if anyone wants further information,
pertaining to this ~ this type of work
is called SERW or SER WORK
and, very few people,
KNOW how to do it

Susan - The eXchanger
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Last edited by THE eXchanger; 12-18-2009 at 06:59 AM.
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Old 12-18-2009, 06:57 AM   #6
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I personally don't have much experience with bipolar disorder. However, what I have seen is this. He would try to actively engage in conversation with people and be respectful. When his other self emerged he would again try to engage in conversation with people but his goal was to try and **** them off so he could fight with them. He was not respectful at all and also drank while he was in this other personality which makes it even worse.

Their family has constantly given him every chance in the world but his drinking has been getting him into trouble and I wouldn't know where to start helping him.
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Old 12-18-2009, 07:00 AM   #7
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Yes Traveler that is right in the bipolar energy field. Fragmentation and compartmentalization is our upbringing and programming. Dissassociation is normal around here in pleasantville so any type of healthy model is nill.
I would suggest:
Not to polarize events either way.
Therapy with a good therapist who can show the dissassociation.
Meditation or acts with neutral output.
Eliminate TV. TV models Bipolar behavior. Most tv personalities are either manic or depressed.
Of course nutrition, sleep and good socialization.
Patience and some good luck to boot.
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Old 12-18-2009, 08:22 AM   #8
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Most cases of mental illness, including bipolar disorder are merely a nutritional deficiency.

Some people need more of certain nutrients. Look up orthomolecular psychiatry - If you want more info, email me.

This company http://truehope.com/default.aspx started when a mother committed suicide and two of her children were affected by Bipolar. The father went to friend, and with his nutritional science - a formulation to cure ornery pigs - they made the first batch in the kitchen and the kids are off their cocktail of drugs that didn't work very well anyway, and last I knew they and many more are doing GREAT!

The powers that be tried to close this company down! Of course!

Here's a place that does testing and treatment: http://www.hriptc.org/index.php

Wow! nutrition! who would've thunk ...

Quote from:
Welcome to the world's largest site on non-drug approaches for mental health.

Thousands of people around the world have recovered from mental disorders and now enjoy the simple pleasures of a drug-free life. Most were told this was impossible. Yet we hear from these individuals regularly.

Many others have been able to significantly reduce their dependency on psychiatric medication. Commonly these people find that underlying their "mental" disorders are medical problems, allergies, toxic conditions, nutritional imbalances, poor diets, lack of exercise, or other treatable physical conditions.

Our site has testimonials, over 100 articles, and the Web's only directory of alternative mental health practitioners. You can also get information from our bookstore, support groups, email lists, and our free monthly newsletter.

We hope you find the answers you have been looking for...
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Old 12-18-2009, 08:31 AM   #9
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Default Re: Complex disorders...

Hi Traveler,

My brother has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and I went through a spirituaal crisis myself (Kundalini awakening going astray...) (luckily never hospitalized )

Check out Sean blackwell's videos on bipolar disorder. He went through (a mild) episode himself, but (as he states) because of his mental/spiritual framework he could go through this sacred process after which he became stronger. His mission in life is to help people get a better understanding of the process. Truly a beautiful person!!!

Here you can find his own experiences with bipolar:

Check out his other videos too. It's a goldmine!

This is his blogspot:

On Amazon you can find a book named Soteria, which was a project for 'psychiatric patients'. They tried to minimize the use of medication and opted for volunteers, everyday humans not biased by medical newspeak or opinions, who' s task was just 'to be with' the people in crises (to me this means to be there with an open heart!).

Here's some more info on it:

By coïncidence (yeah right... as if that exists ) I just posted my experience with Kundalini on another thread which you can check out over here: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18382

Hope this helps!!!

Peace, light and lots of love!
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Old 12-18-2009, 08:50 AM   #10
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Ola again,

And in case you missed this one on Sean's site:

A present day Soteria in Holland:

(part 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6O-AUfbzHc
(part 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m-g5FXMIXA
(part 3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4Pxx3JJtBg
(part 4) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC0k-ZvcXwY

appenix A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om7tCy...
appenix B: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0tDfb...
appenix C: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ug9Vr7...
appenix D: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0J8XI...
appenix E: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-Snkj...
appenix F: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4vkHq...

Greetz & 1Love,
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Old 12-18-2009, 10:56 AM   #11
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Default Re: Complex disorders...

Originally Posted by Traveler View Post
Hello every-One. The Traveler searches for a way to heal bipolar disorder. My best friend suffers daily with this problem. I have explained to my friend that it is negative/positive thought fields becoming activated and fed to the point of depression/mania. I will continue to teach my friend new thoughts, but I would like to hear what Avalon members have to say specifically about this disorder. The people here never cease to amaze me. I hope someone can help. Thanks to all.
I was diagnosed with bi-polar and was on medication for over 7 years. Doctors told me that I would be on medication for the rest of my life. Long story short- I've been off meds for almost 3 years now.

The person who posted about nutrient deficiency is totally on the right track but it can get more complex if heavy metal toxicity is involved. There is also the spiritual side of the equation as Susan mentioned and you have to look at and deal with the entire picture to encourage healing. We are holistic beings - the spiritual effects the physical and vice-versa.

I would like to offer some insight that might help with the physical aspect. Ask your friend if they have any mercury amalgam fillings in his or her teeth. This is a very serious and very real contributing factor for depression in people who do. If you think I'm nuts just watch the videos here: http://www.toxicplayground.com/toxic-teeth.html

As the mercury vaporizes (as seen in the videos) it enters the body through the lungs, goes into the bloodstream and gets stored in the cells of organs, fat cells and the central nervous system. It then screws up your bio-chemistry and causes the body to not metabolize minerals and nutrients properly thus causing things like depression, bi-polar disorder and migraine headaches- if left unchecked it can then lead to a wide range of other health problems like kidney stones, gall stones/liver problems, heart palpitations/heart pain, fibromyalgia and lots of other stuff- I have experienced all of this first hand.

The mercury does not necessarily show up on blood tests because the body keeps the blood as pure as possible- the only mercury that will show up on a blood test is what has entered the bloodstream in the last 2 hours.

If your friend has mercury fillings the very first priority would be to have them removed by a biologic dentist specially trained to remove mercury fillings. The next step would be a complete detox program. I have a good deal of knowledge and experience with detoxification so just let me know if you want more info. Detoxification has been an astounding process for me because negative emotions/energy actually come to the surface and need to be dealt with as the body detoxifies. It can be quite a bizarre and scary process if you don't know what to expect. I had to learn much of this along the way as not many people talk about the spiritually cleansing aspect of the detoxification process- perhaps because not everyone experiences it.

Regardless of if your friend has a heavy metal/mercury problem or not I would suggest they get a hair mineral analysis- and get on a nutritional balancing program. Nutritional balancing will help the body to detoxify itself and correct the underlying metabolic problems. Take note- there are only 2 labs in the country that do the hair mineral test properly. I'm studying for a certification in nutritional balancing but I'm not certified yet. This is the doctor who is training me- he is affiliated with the top lab in the country: http://www.drlwilson.com

Because of my own experiences I have done tons of research and have learned a great deal about this aspect of toxicity and it's effect on the body. I have also learned a great deal about how to detoxify naturally without chemical chelating agents. That's actually why I started toxicplayground.com. I would be happy to provide more information if you are interested. I'm not selling anything- I just want to help people so that they don't have to suffer as much as I have.

Last edited by shiftmonkey; 12-18-2009 at 12:53 PM.
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Old 12-18-2009, 12:14 PM   #12
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Default Re: Complex disorders...

Greetings my friends ,

You may want to add your friend's name on the healing thread and get advice from there too.


Love Always
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Old 12-18-2009, 02:53 PM   #13
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I too was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder about two years ago. I had been hospitalized for 33 days before they released me with a "solution." That solution was of course medication. The medication doctors prescribe should be outlawed, it honestly kills you from the inside out and in my opinion is not a solution at all. One has no feelings, no dreams, no moods at all while taking the these meds.

I weaned myself off the meds after a year, which I swear almost killed me. I still suffer from the "peaks and valleys" day to day, but it is much better than the "cure" the doctors use.

My heart goes out to your friend and to anyone else who may be afflicted with this condition. Although I still have this disorder, I found that it is most beneficial to understand myself, one can actually feel the shift when it is happening. Once you learn the signs, I found it to be helpful to attempt to center or ground yourself with meditation. Sometimes though the shift is so quick that you do not realize it is even happening until you lash out and drain those around you.

Travler, you are a good friend to this person. I can say from experience having even one person close to you that understands this condition makes all the difference in the world. When these shifts occur one does not even realize it until the damage is done, and many times does not even remember what was said. Your understanding becomes kind of a tether, a reminder that this condition is not what defines who your friend is.
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Old 12-18-2009, 02:57 PM   #14
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Also background history of the person, trauma, childhood, etc, influences people on being diagnosed with that.

So a full check of those things, encourage healing.
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Old 12-18-2009, 03:10 PM   #15
THE eXchanger
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iT is most interesting to us,
that you mention
the fillings ~ as, a child
for NO apparent reason
at 13 - a dentist claimed we had some pinpoint cavities
3 of them ~ strange since good teeth run in the family
and, candy, wasn't something
we ever got much off
he drilled, we remember it real well
cause, we got scared, and, cried,
and, he stuffed a rag into our mouth,
and, told us, if we acted like an adult,
he would do it - and, if NOT, to get out of his chair
however, the strange thing,
we do NOT remember the actual drilling, itself.
however - we will NEVER forget the rag, he stuck in our mouth !!!

if these were pinpoint deals, why so long ???
this wasn't just a 1 hr deal,
we think, we were there, for maybe 2 or 3 hrs

when it came to going to this evil man
(we really disliked his energies)
our skin would crawl,
and, of course, with all his deadly stuff in his office,
and, the fact he put metal into our mouth
no wonder why we disliked him
(good thing-i got tax records here,
cause looking up these bills could be interesting)

he also told us, NEVER, to get xrays
they weren't good for us, and, were not safe, in his opinion
(then, we had a jaw problem at 20)
and, we went to a tmj type of specialist
(did, a lot here, of course, this doc asked if i went to a dentist reg)
and, we said, yes - and, of course, he didn't bother then
to do xrays (he assumed we'd had them)
after about 9 years - of off-and, on visits
accomplishing nothing ~ and, him finding nothing
(and, the thing, he wanted us to wear at night)
getting flung out of my mouth, in the middle of the night
(at approx 28/or 29 years of age ~ after charging us, a lot of money
and, then realised, the 2nd tmj doc - didn't take x-rays)
we stopped going to him,
and, went in search for another dentist
what occurred here - was stranger than strange
we will have to get out our old records here
because-we think, that first dentist, did put something
into 3 of our teeth ~ and, this guy,
must of KNOWN DRILL - pardon the pun
as, he told us the same thing, as, the 1st dentist
DO NOT GET AN XRAY, its NOT good for you
(makes me wonder, what would we have seen in an x-ray)
but, this makes a lot of sense to us
it wasn't til; we found a holostic dentist
in our very early 30's - around 31/or 32
that we got all of whatever it was, taken out of our teeth
we remember, our guides, were really insistant
that the metal, had to come out
and, at the time, being quite involved
in holistic health, etc.,
we didn't really question it
we do know, that we felt different,
after getting rid of the metal - and,
it makes you wonder,
why did the little pinpoint caviities,
have such large metal filings to them ???
and, what made the whole core of the 3 teeth rot ???
we remember, that dentist, saying he'd never seen
whatever it was, that was was in there
and, why on earth, would they have done this,
that way ???
(and, he was sure glad, he used proper dams,
and, was using a safe technique to get these types of things
out of peoples mouths, cause it was dangerous)
also - we remember too;
when he told us, he had to drill
and, never having had any drilling
we got scared - and, started to cry
and, kick up a bit of a fuss - and,
he stuffed a rag in our mouth -
also makes us wonder, what was on that rag,
cause, we don't remember the drilling, he did that day
although in later years, when we tried to get a copy of his records
to send them, to this new dentist - he claimed to have lost them
anyway ~ metal in your mouth isn't good for you
there are pro-active holotistic dentists out there
and, another thought
somewhere we read, that for every 1 metal filing you have
it will likely relate to 1 major health problem you will experience

this is interesting - thank you for posting it

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Old 12-18-2009, 04:36 PM   #16
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The friend lives in Knoxville, TN Scarab. That was a stunning presentation eXchanger, thank you. Phr0z3n and Magamud you are exactly right about the conversation and the TV, thank you. I will look into the websites Karen, thank you. I can send the weblinks to my friend, dAkapacity, thank you. I will check for mercury fillings, thanks shiftmonkey. You are absolutely correct about the effects of the medication, ewhite. I will work toward getting my friend off of the poison. Thanks again to all. This has helped already.
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Old 12-18-2009, 06:26 PM   #17
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True healing has many factors:

* I agree with you Karen when you say that: '...most cases of mental illness, including bipolar disorder are merely a nutritional deficiency. Some people need more of certain nutrients. Look up orthomolecular psychiatry'.

You are what you eat and - the diet of an average westerner is totally crazy, so that's what you get...

The orthomolecular approach which you might want to explore states that mental disorders are due to a result of a chemical imbalance in the body.
By correcting the imbalance naturally, you eliminate psychiatric symptoms for good without the use of long term medications which only cover up problems such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti-anxiety medications, etc.

Getting the toxic s#%t out of the body (like mercury removed from the teeth) seems logical as it disturbs the chemical balance on an orthomolecular level. Almost needless (yikes!) to say, but keep the bioweapon H1N1 vaccine far away

Shiftmonkey, you're contributing to your own and our collective sanity & energetic shift! Gracias!!!

* Your level of insight both unconscious and conscious (I don't want to face this or that, because it's too much): do you look at it as a disease which you fell victim to (in which case you fight it on all levels) or can you look at it as an almost shamanic sacred process (in which case you surrender and try to ride/'enjoy' the ride)? It all depends of course on your personal and auric trauma

Most westerners have lost their spiritual roots (thanx to the illumiwackos or a personal one-sided focus on this material 3D world or both - one is not seperate from the other...), thus (in my opinion) when you yourself or the outside world have overstressed and drained your mind, body and soul, your body wants to reset to get the nasty (karma) stuff out and the Love and Light in. We forgot how to deal with these dark nights of the soul behind which there's a spiritual rebirth...

These videos by Sean Blackwell is explaining this in a rather funny and insightful way:
(part 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6mMb...eature=related
(part 2) http://www.youtube.com/user/bipolaro.../9/nFPZfzqjdZc
(part 3) http://www.youtube.com/user/bipolaro.../8/nHwEMkMpXRI

* I think fysical excercise is very important as well. I used to do Tai Chi, but if you do that, be sure to do it with a real master who focusses on grounding and centering, someone who can bring you back in 3D if necessary

* Like I mentioned before it's important to have people that can just 'be there' with the person suffering (respect Traveler!), who don't judge, who can show love, but can be strong and clear as well (centered and not easy manipulated) who understand the process (see earlier posts). Don't try to force your insights on them, that will just create the opposite effect!

* The energies are rising both on the light as the dark side. That can really destabilize you and make you tick, so shift the focus on the fun, love and other high vibrational states, though not too maniacal ('I have to think positive, c'mon, positive, there is no problem, everything is la-di-la-di' If you don't feel that way, accept what is, you'll eventually get through that as well)

* Yes, Magamud, kicking the TV out is a wonderful advice ... at times I'm also thinking about ditching the computer.

* I think the healing thread is also a good idea, but maybe you better ask him/her if it's allright. Or you can send Love and healing light from your higher self to his/her higher self asking to disperse it when the person is ready for it. This avoids a confronting unwanted powercharge of light which may do more harm than good... what do you think Mudra?

* Undoubtedly there are other things that I haven't mentioned. PC/PA friends, what do you think? Any other thoughts or suggestions?


Howdy eXchanger, I had some entities removed myself and even now I'm not sure if I'm not still being a host to some of them. The person who removed one said there was one who tried to me. Well, I'm still alive and kicking back with love Can you mail me to get some info on SER WORK? Thanx!

Peace, light and tons of love!
Dada (dutch for bye bye)
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Old 12-18-2009, 06:30 PM   #18
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i was diagnosed as bi-polar a couple years ago...being medicated ruined my creativity and stole my passion...

though living unmedicated ...is getting harder every season...

i need to focus on me..100% to be able to be "healed"...

sadly i have not yet found a way to do this...
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Old 12-18-2009, 06:47 PM   #19
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Hey Celine,

Do check out: http://bipolar-or-wakingup.blogspot.com/ The guy who created it went through his own episodes and is such a beautiful person!

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Old 12-18-2009, 07:05 PM   #20
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This brings such joy to my eyes, mind, and body to see such feedback on this topic! I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when i was a younger kid, however i am such a different person to day.

I'm a man of few words, and then only advice i would give on a topic such as this: would be to have your friend quiet his mind.
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Old 12-18-2009, 08:20 PM   #21
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Many others here have experienced this disorder as well? I am glad to bring help to you all as well. May all sufferers find peace. Life is for living, loving, and laughing. We can get there together. More thanks.
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Old 12-18-2009, 11:55 PM   #22
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Generational incrementation manipulation has created the optimized adrenal/energy output in the slave human. They are reveling in their behavior modification. If I analyze our emotional demeanor, our social dynamics, our interpersonal relationship I find our entire interface landscape is molded to create mania. Terror, crisis, survival, Role models, language, %100 percent, all or nothing, black and white intention coupled with the chivalrous, religious moral passion and conviction in society to full fill their job duties is astounding. For myself in this context Bi-Polar disorder makes sense as the consequence/ catastrophe for such a society. The increased separation from reality and the capturing of ones mind in the Holographic entertainment field, Schizophrenia will also increase too. As the soul/mind tries to stay in its inherit harmony while the senses/mind controlled/persuaded by the Ancients disassociates from this, more delusions will increase. Conveniently this alternate reality phases in a fantasy type of state. Allowing for the ease of someone to give into the programming. This idea rests more in the emotional body hence why entertainment is the leader in emotional direction and coercion. TV is the societal pulse in sustaining this view. Reverberating like a giant heart in the ebb and flow of symbiosis, the parasite feeds on its prey. The conglomerate itself magnetizes the masses due to its black hole gravitational field.

Its hard to maintain homeostasis on the event horizon. Dont be so hard on yourself....

Good luck & Godspeed...

Last edited by Magamud; 12-19-2009 at 12:04 AM.
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Old 12-19-2009, 04:57 AM   #23
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 296
Default Challenged....

I was given the diagnosis of bipolar disorder 8 years ago.

In between now and then, I have tried all of the "standard"
treatments advocated by traditonal medicine, including medication.

The medication was slowly killing me, and as another poster mentioned,
coming off of it almost finished the job.

Things started to shift for me when I moved to AZ and met an alternative
healer who introduced me to a book called The Ultramind Solution.
It is based off the principles of Functional and Integrative medicine.

Essentially, there are usually a few things that combine to create symptoms
of illness, which are then classified as "diseases" or conditions including:
  • Poor nutrition
  • Toxic overload
  • Genetic predisposition

So, a person can take exceptional care of themselves through excellent
nutrition and detoxification, but still experience symptoms due to a
genetic predisposition or flaw that makes it hard to absorb a certain
nutrient responsible for making appropriate quantities of a neurotransmitter, for example.

I know I am dealing with a genetic issue, as my mother experienced a similar
illness that claimed her life over 27 years ago, when I was only 6.
And, now I find myself fighting for my life, dealing with the same flaw that took her away much too soon.

Armed with newfound knowlodge that I DO have a certain amount of control over my condition,
I have been working very hard this past year to overcome and cure my symptoms.
I have made an incredible amount of progress on my own in a very short period of time.
However, I believe I am at a point where I think I need the assistance of a physician trained in
functional medicine to proceed further. It's tough to guess when you are not sure what exactly
you are deficient in and why, what you are or aren't allergic to, or what type of poisoning you are
dealing with sans testing. Without insurance or the funds to pay for care, this is currently not an option.

So, I take one day at a time and do the best I can.
I really hope that the shift to crystalline bodies and the resulting cast-off
off disease, pain, and suffering occurs sooner rather than later.

Doing my best to hang on in the meantime, and I salute the rest of you
who are doing the same despite your pain-label or no label.


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Old 12-19-2009, 06:57 AM   #24
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Default Re: Complex disorders...

I think the most interesting part of the Alternative Mental Health website is the NOTES of William Walsh, Ph.D. It doesn't read like a regular article. Each paragraph is filled with infomation.


"Commentary on Nutritional Treatment of Mental Disorders from Willam Walsh, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Pfeiffer Treatment Center www.hriptc.org
(The following information is taken from Dr. William Walsh's discussion on Safe Harbor's "Integrative Psychiatry" email list for professionals. To preserve Dr. Walsh's wealth of information, we have posted his comments here, with the notation of added commentary [with the date] as discussion goes on.)"

"Bipolar Disorder

"Bipolar disorder is not a single condition, but an umbrella term which includes a number of very different biochemical abnormalities. I'm bothered by any attempt to generalize over the bipolar phenotypes & to blindly recommend any formulation or therapy for all of them. The key is to determine a patient's biochemical individuality, and to provide focused appropriate treatment. In our database of 1,500 bipolar patients, about 25% are overmethylated, 35% are undermethylated, and the remaining 40% do not exhibit a methylation disorder.

"The three primary biochemical classifications of bipolar disorder are the following:

"A. Undermethylation: This condition is innate & is characterized by low levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, high whole blood histamine and elevated absolute basophils. This population has a high incidence of seasonal allergies, OCD tendencies, perfectionism, high libido, sparse body hair, and several other characteristics. They usually respond well to methionine, SAMe, calcium, magnesium, omega-3 essential oils (DHA & EPA), B-6, inositol, and vitamins A, C, and E. They should avoid supplements containing folic acid. In severe cases involving psychosis, the dominant symptom is usually delusional thinking rather than hallucinations. They tend to speak very little & may sit motionless for extended periods. They may appear outwardly calm, but suffer from extreme internal anxiety.

"B. Overmethylation: This condition is the biochemical opposite of undermethylation. It is characterized by elevated levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, low whole blood histamine, and low absolute basophils. This population is characterized by the following typical symptoms: Absence of seasonal, inhalent allergies, but a multitude of chemical or food sensitivities, high anxiety which is evident to all, low libido, obsessions but not compulsions, tendency for paranoia and auditory hallucinations, underachievement as a child, heavy body hair, hyperactivity, "nervous" legs, and grandiosity. They usually respond well to folic acid, B-12, niacinamide, DMAE, choline, manganese, zinc, omega-3 essential oils (DHA and EPA) and vitamins C and E, but should avoid supplements of methionine, SAMe, inositol, TMG and DMG.

"C. Pyrrole Disorder: This condition, also called pyroluria, is a genetic stress disorder associated with severe mood swings, high anxiety, and depression. The biochemical signature of this disorder includes elevated urine kryptopyrroles, a double deficiency of zinc and B-6, and low levels of arachidonic acid. Pyrolurics are devastated by stresses including physical injury emotional trauma, illness, sleep deprivation, etc. Symptoms include sensitivity to light and loud noises, tendency to skip breakfast, dry skin, abnormal fat distribution, rage episodes, little or no dream recall, reading disorders, underachievement, histrionic behaviors, and severe anxiety. They usually respond quickly to supplements of zinc, B-6, Primrose Oil, and augmenting nutrients.

"To me, a bipolar patient who becomes "well" with greatly-reduced medication requirements may have achieved complete success. I don't believe that medication doses need to go to zero, as long as side effects are absent and long-term effects are minimal or absent.

"Incidence of bipolar depression (diagnosis during lifetime):


"We have seen more than 1,500 patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder, including a few hundred who presented with a diagnosis of "rapid-cycle" bipolar disorder. Many of the rapid cycle patients exhibited a severe pyrrole disorder as their primary imbalance. The key lab test is urine kryptopyrroles. Most "pyrolurics" are prone to high anxiety, severe mood swings, depression, and may be famous for their temper. Classic symptoms include aversion to eating breakfast, poor dream recall, sensitivity to bright lights & loud noises, abnormal fat distribution, poor short-term memory (often coincident with good long-term memory), and very poor stress control. (Feb 27, 2003) "

"We have worked with more than 1500 bipolar patients & found that most have an atrocious diet. I remember one young man whose only dietary intake for the past month consisted of Pepsi and potato chips.

"In our experience, best results are achieved with a two-step procedure: (1) biochemical treatment followed by (2) life-style changes including a better diet. We learned the hard way that most bipolars are incapable of life-style changes until after their chemical imbalances have been corrected (or at least lessened). Once real biochemical progress has been made, the patient is more functional and real dietary improvements can be achieved. Trying to everything at once tends to overwhelm the patient, and they usually give up. (March 6, 2003)

"About 20% of patients labeled as bipolar have a pyrrole disorder (genetic) which is associated with (a) fatty acid abnormalities, especially depressed arachidonic acid, (b) strikingly weak immune function, and (c) severe metal oxidative stress. The definitive test for the pyrrole disorder is urinalysis for kryptopyrroles (Direct Healthcare Access is the lab, 847/299-2440). These patients might benefit greatly from therapy concentrating on zinc, B-6, and primrose oil (or borage oil). Omega-3 oils can make things worse because of the competition for Zn & B-6 between delta-5 desaturase and delta-6 desaturase.

"If a patient has a pyrrole disorder he/she likely would have at least half of the following symptoms:

"Poor stress control
Sensitivity to bright lights and/or loud noises
Preference for spicy or heavily flavored foods
Significant growth after age 16
Morning nausea
Tendency to skip breakfast
Poor dream recall
Emotional outbursts
Poor short-term memory, perhaps coincident with excellent L.T. memory
Diagnosis of "rapid-cycle" bipolar
Much higher capability & alertness in the evening, compared to mornings
Dry skin
Reading disorder. (March 27, 2003)

"DMAE passes the blood-brain barrier and converts to choline in the brain. Therefore it has cholinergic action & enhances formation of acetylcholine. As a result DMAE is generally very useful in treatment of high dopamine (low histamine, overmethylated) persons, but can seriously harm low dopamine, high histamine, undermethylated persons. We've seen more than 1,500 bipolar patients and confirmed that DMAE is generally effective for the overmethylated phenotype (25% of bipolar cases), but causes great worsening for those who are undermethylated (40% of bipolar cases). DMAE definitely should not be used indiscriminately for persons with serious mental illness. (Aug 15, 2003)

"Childhood Bipolar Disorder. There has been an explosion in this dubious diagnosis in the past 5 years. It represents an attempt to predict which children are headed for a bipolar-type mental breakdown -- The usual result is early intervention with powerful atypical antipsychotic medication.

"A very high percentage of our incoming bipolar patients exhibit elevated liver enzymes, undoubtedly a result of the added stress on the liver due to powerful psychiatric medications. There is plenty of published data showing that many psychiatric meds can cause cirrhosis of the liver.

"The benefits of psychiatric medications are often exaggerated and the risks minimized. A very common side effect of psychiatric medications is death."
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Old 01-01-2010, 12:29 PM   #25
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Default Re: Complex disorders...

I discovered that bipolar disorder (a psychiatric label for the medical condition of) is the results of regular doses of sodium fluoride. Or more accurately stated, fluoride poisoning from the toothpaste, water supply and other.

I can agree with everyone here on ways to treat. Particularly nutrition. Fluoride is an endocrine disruptor and neurotoxin. It causes dental, skeletal and brain fluorosis. ADHD and ADD are the results of brain damage caused by the accumulation of fluoridated products. Many drugs used to treat conditions of fluoride poisoning have fluoride in them. I can give examples if needed. Keeping this brief.

I've studied it's affects in my three (now) grown children. All who were dx'd with attention deficits and switching / bipolar type psychiatric labels. The 'deficit' is a psychiatric term for the medical condition for the physical and neurological damages to the body caused by accumulations of Sodium fluoride and Sodium fluorosilicate.

It takes years to accumulate in the body and affects the body in it's entirety and is not limited to just dental or skeletal fluorosis. These toxins affect the endocrine, bone and blood, and the nervous system, enters the spinal fluid and into the pineal gland and accumulates in the brain. It hardens the brain, and caused the bones to become brittle,.... simply states, the S Fluorides and fluorosilicates turns the supple body into a brittle body. The brain included... it hardens too, affecting the nerve passageways.

It Is Difficult To Treat. Holistically speaking, one must avoid fluoride which is difficult without a source of pure water. A shower or bath is enough exposure to dose the body with the poison as it's absorbed through the skin like any salt. Sodium flouride is concentrated in the hot water tank.

(sodium fluorides) is a synthetic salt. The body absorbs salt through the skin as if it were epsoms salt but it doesn't act on the body like natural salts. It accumulates in the body and brain wrecking havoc. I can't say this often enough. It causes everything from bipolar ADHD ADD autistic type behaviors to fractures of the spine and hips. It destroys the cushion between the joints. This stuff causes extremely painful skeletal conditions from curved spine to brain seizure disorders. When the spine starts to go, this puts pressure on any particular nerve that reaches out to all points in the body. It's affects on the body is in total.

Pregnant women must avoid fluoridated water and products that contain fluoride. Babies should not be given fluoridated anything. The diet must be natural including natural oils. Avoid processed eating stuffs. Eating stuffs is not fit for human consumption. Simplify the diet to pure human food. The less cooked the better. (fruits and veggies) Unless it's beans and rice of course.

Dig a well, set up rain water cachment systems and filter the rain water. Im not aware of any commercial water filtering system that eliminates sodium flourides from the water. Does anyone know of a filter that separates the water from fluoride?

There are some suggestions/protocols for chelating the body of this synthetic salt but better the interested party do their own research. Folks who are more severely demented by flouride poisoning are especially challenged to reverse their course to prevent further damage due to it's accumulated dementing affects.

My apologies for this being so long. I try to keep messages short but this issue isn't something that can be discussed in brief.

Sorry if I've offended anyone.

A doctors knows when presenting with fluoride related health problems. Skeletal fluorosis is labled, arthritis and osteoarthritis. For every disoder caused by fluoride, a diagnosis is created by the establishment with a drug to for treating a symptom (i didn't say cure). ADHD, ADD, bipolar, OCD, fibroM on and on.... likely caused by exposure to toxins, the most likely culprit is in the water.

One more on disruptions.. there is enough toxin in the toothpaste to upset the digestive system which begins in the mouth. Secretions to masticate food is an enzyme and catalyst which is essential to proper digestion. The fluoride is absorbed through the mucosa from the mouth throughout the entire alimentary canal.... The flouride kills enzymes and disrupts the catalyzing affecting normal digesting functions. (the main purpose for eating is for absorbing nutrition and some sugar metabolism)

By avoiding fluoride and with patience, it may take months or longer but the body can and does function in the direction of homeostasis leading to much better health....

All the fresh organic goodies in the world can't operate properly in the body so long as there is a steady ingestion of endocrine disruptors. Toxins.

This is my opinion based upon a combination of knowledge I gained while in nursing school, and being a practicing herbalist for 15 years.
And lots of personal research.

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