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Old 02-23-2010, 06:26 PM   #51
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

soory folks for repeat, could not find this page, and thought I failed in my first attempt.( I am new to this forum, so again my apologies!)

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Old 03-07-2010, 11:51 PM   #52
Panta rhei
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

Originally Posted by Buffalo View Post
I agree with many posts, that one must be discerning to the most advanced degree, when exploring the energy system of our Time Matrix. Until one can understand the context for the struggle of this planetary system and the corresponding Angelic( Guardian)Human DNA template, one will not understand the motivations of the vast majority of the " New Age" movements It is my sincere opinion, that until one reads the Voyager Books by Ashayana Deane, and explores the information on the Azurite website, regarding the MCEO teachings, they will not truley "get' what is taking place during this unique time in human history. This information is utterly unique in its scope and detail, and leaves no room for interpretation.
My alarm bells always start ringing when I hear about a technique or a certain teaching that
says 'without following it one will never get it'. Activating the Merkabah/Kundalini/etc is a very
natural process that starts when we do our inner homework and there are no special
techniques or complicated mind-choking textes needed and it's completely for free

Sure when we do what resonates that's always the best for us, I'm just saying it always sounds a bit
strange to me when a teacher of a certain technique says that 'the New Age movement has been
undermined and my technique is the only one to save you all'. There is also a lot of 'fighting the
negative' in those textes. MyPlanet2 has written a wonderful posting recently with a similar topic.

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Old 03-08-2010, 12:05 AM   #53
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

your higher self, your essence, and, your monad
know how to do this
just ask them !!!
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Old 03-16-2010, 05:43 PM   #54
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba?

Hi All,

I largely agree with Panta rhei. It's not as though anybodies teachings are
ultimately any less illusory than anybody elses.

I noticed during my research that the (supposed) external dimensions of the
merkaba (55ft) corresponds closely with the length of the wave associated
with the lower limit of human hearing (20Hz).

Anyone here know the relevance of this, and what that would mean about the
length associated with the higher limit (20kHz) ?

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Old 03-16-2010, 07:03 PM   #55
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

Hi Panta Rhei

I agree with you that one's body should do this things naturally and it appears that it used to be like that in the past

But what if the merkaba of the planet is spining the wrong way around? what if it is true that the sun is dieing? what if spining the merkaba in the oposite direction is what has caused for humans to die in the first place?

What I see around me in the world is not promissing, I see a dieying world that is rappidly running out of resources, I see ecosystems out of balance and Earth changes that are accelerating in a exponencial way

That does not indicate to me that the planet is healthy and you know what, I think the reversed merkaba and the destruction of the ecosystems are related

I don't advise you to do either but I will suggest that it may be worth investigating the hard sciences behind each possibility, where is the information coming from and which is the agenda of the people that are promoting either way, before submiting ones body to something that may be truly damaging and aling one with a paradigm that may no support ascension

I am working myself which is truly amazing and it is a quadra universe merkaba, in other words a merkaba that alows you to go to four different universes beyond this 15 dimensional reality. I haven't master it yet but it certainly creates a different space

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Old 03-17-2010, 10:24 AM   #56
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba?

Howdy Stardustaquarion,

But what if the merkaba of the planet isn't the wrong way around, or the sun
isn't in trouble, or if spinning the merkaba (in any direction) has nothing to do with how we die?
Is there really any hard science regarding these things?

I do wonder if perhaps both spin directions were needed, and upstairs simply
delivered two appropriate teachings

It's my understanding that the only thing stopping anyone doing anything
is the belief that it is impossible.

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Old 03-17-2010, 10:42 AM   #57
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba?

Originally Posted by Zenith View Post
Howdy Stardustaquarion,

But what if the merkaba of the planet isn't the wrong way around, or the sun
isn't in trouble, or if spinning the merkaba (in any direction) has nothing to do with how we die?
Is there really any hard science regarding these things?

I do wonder if perhaps both spin directions were needed, and upstairs simply
delivered two appropriate teachings

It's my understanding that the only thing stopping anyone doing anything
is the belief that it is impossible.

Well those are the questions, aren't they. You can not tell me for certain that it is the case and I can not tell you either that my perception is the only perception

I will love to be able to give "the" answer but the spiritual path is a personal one in which one has to re-conect with ones own spirit and find one's way into the higher awareness

There is of course the paradigm of the fallen ones and for them the merkaba of the planet is spining in the right direction. They also think that to take over a planet, to destroy its life, to vampirize its energy is fine because in their paradigm the end justify the means. In a sad way we are all a bit vampires here as we have to kill other beings to support our own life, its sad but true; we can golden the pill and say that Humans are supperior to other species and therefore we have the right to kill them and brutalize them but, who has given us that right? I don't call that normal myself. I don't think dead is normal at all

Both paradigms are valid, the difference is the final outcome. If we chose to align with the laws of the cosmos we expand and become more and more conscious. If we chose to align with the opposite path, we lose our conection to source and contract, become numb until it comes the point in which our conscioussness disintegrates into space dust

Saying that, Source love us all whether we are taking the path of acretion or the path of de-evolution. All is inside source so we will always have a place to call home.

There is a lot of information about merkaba, the fibonaci sequence and sacred symbols on this link
It is a long read but worth it, at least you will have one side of the story. Anyway I am told that these days there are free document readers in the internet so you can hear it as a sound file

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Old 03-17-2010, 01:44 PM   #58
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba?

Hi Stardustaquarion,

I had already read that link, and also most of the rest of the free stuff.
I've also read works from others. I've also had my own geometrical

I just perceive duality as a necessary property of energy manifesting, rather
than a good versus bad scenario. I don't think any opposite path truly exists,
after all, what could everything that exists possibly be opposed to

I didn't really think anyone could answer my original question about the
relevance of 20Hz/20kHz with anything but an opinion.... but I do like to live
in hope

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Old 03-17-2010, 04:16 PM   #59
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba?

Originally Posted by Zenith View Post
Hi Stardustaquarion,

I had already read that link, and also most of the rest of the free stuff.
I've also read works from others. I've also had my own geometrical

I just perceive duality as a necessary property of energy manifesting, rather
than a good versus bad scenario. I don't think any opposite path truly exists,
after all, what could everything that exists possibly be opposed to

I didn't really think anyone could answer my original question about the
relevance of 20Hz/20kHz with anything but an opinion.... but I do like to live
in hope

Wonderful, opposite does not mean bad it means contrary directions as if one is going south and the other north. So, some will chose to express themselves in co-resonance with the Laws of the Cosmos and others will chose to break those laws. Both are valid choices that carry diferent consequences in energy terms as to whether a expression of conscioussness will increase or disapear

I think you are quite correct, manifested expression will always be a dual expression even in the worlds that are in co-resonance with the laws of the cosmos. What will be relative is the amount of duality expressed. It is never dead in the centre 50/50. For example in Earth 66 pct is opposite expression and 33 pct is co-resonant expression

Your original questions are the opposite of my original questions, they denote a different paradigm that in my opinion is not the one playing here so, in a opposite way your questions regarding what if the Earth... have been answered but not in the way you may have expected because what you are seeking is reasurance that what you want to be is. Reasurance of a theory that has not been elucidated is not possible because you have not put forth the elements that support your ideas as simple observation of the environment around us will rather support my theories that there is something unnatural happening in the planet

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Old 03-18-2010, 09:32 AM   #60
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba?

Me again,

Thanks for the thoughtful reply,
I don't think I am seeking reassurance for anything in particular, certainly not from anything in the (seemingly) external world.
Of course I could just be blind to it, I'll think about it.

With regard to elucidating theories, I have found that more words often does
not translate into more truth. I think I put forth a couple of ideas, I see ample evidence of their validity.
Of course we all see what we want to see don't we.

See you on the merry-go-round
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