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Old 03-18-2010, 03:55 AM   #1
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Default So i didnt know you spoke sumerian...

a friend came over to me the other day with a scrap of paper saying have you heard, have you heard? I said what?

He said his friend, and mine, had stayed up all night listening to radio broadcasts of ship logs ( or something like that-- males feel free to add the jargon) but then said 'its on a place....'

Back to the scrap of paper , '..called project camelot'

i said, 'oh really so whats the story?'

He said Maaan (hes an old rock dude from the ' yeah i know somethins up' era)

He said im tellin you cos you know, you're you, in a haltingly raspy and shy voice,

Ok I said

To that my ever vigilant and sweet loved one said ' what?'

i smiled and turned and explained that our rock pal had a legitmit concern over a thing with which I could maybe helfp him ....as if

Anyway i turned back to rock and said 'I think I know what you are talkin about but i know it might seem strange to say but Im not sure its what you think it is...'

My loved one then said ' I know, you and your... well actually in this case it is a bit strange that there's 300 warships in that gulf'

No one at that this stage had mentioned anything about the gulf of aden.

So I gobsnacked looked back at rock and said, 'even so i dont think its what you think it is.'

he said 'a stargate'

I said 'not sure, anyway how do you know any of that is true?'

He said 'its written in the sumerian texts' to which I answered

'I didnt know you could read summerian'

As its the last days for some, please please add the next part to the story. I know it seems less than useful, but not everything needs to be useful !

HAVE fun, although my part is almost true, I still don't know the end...

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Old 03-18-2010, 04:46 AM   #2
no caste
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Default Re: So i didnt know you spoke sumerian...

Was it Saint Kid ? <<<<<< joke y'know, Kid Rock

Anyway. There was 300 (film) stuff in the X-men thread, 300 (film) stuff in the Casbolt thread. Here, 300 (ship, stargate?) stuff on your street. the worried, ocean faring aaron mccollum. I didn't see the movie. But it seemed to me to be inverted: the good guys were the bad guys and bad guys were the good guys at the time. Did rock say what was written (in the Sumerian texts... ?) Maybe there's NO stargate, just a military op for Iran.

See also: Senator Mellencamp?

Last edited by no caste; 03-18-2010 at 06:03 AM.
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Old 03-18-2010, 10:30 AM   #3
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Oh its ddfinately a military operation of some sorts, however doesnt all that many ships seem a little over the top to save us from Somali pirates, I mean its pretty open and reported, most large countries have admitted having fleets there, its just all a bit funky.

My point was that whatever the 'texts' said he was just sayin what someone else had said and the 'texts' could have said gone fishin for all we know.

Like most things, if you ask yourself how you know, its just cos someone else told you in some way or another.

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Old 03-18-2010, 12:22 PM   #4
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I'm not sure I understand...is this TRUE Harper ? Or are we writing a story ?

In which case....

" the texts date back over 5000 years and tell the story of how the red ibis flew down from the sky and made a scared dance with the white crane on the banks of the sumer.

Meanwhile the ancient crocodile, Bortho, watched from the shadows of the far side of the lake.

As the sun rose in the sky and the birds continued their play, the crocodile swam slowly, silently and purposefully towards them. The sun shining brightly off the white and red feathers created a rose haze above the waters and so strong was the light created by the love of these two that it shone like a mirror. As Bortho made his lunge for the birds, he passed through the mirror of light and disappeared.

No one knows what happened to Bortho, but legend has it that when conditions are right on the banks of the sumer, the mirror will appear and Bortho will return. "

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Old 03-18-2010, 06:54 PM   #5
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hey Kula,

Hows it going? Well the story I wrote was true but I thought it would make an interesting beginning to a story that hasnt happened, a spring board, but no one sprung hehehehe.

So you are saying this story of the hippo is being interpreted by people as the gulf of aden star gate? Or have I totally got you wrong. 777 also spoke of the hippo being the symbol of new birth launching out of the water.

So all en all we have ships and stories and summerians and so what next?

What do people honestly think is happening there, I have kind of stopped believing in any testimony unless its from some I know and can look in their eyes. I refer to Aaron Macollum, or however you spell it. My gut tells me he is lying about at least who he is. Otherwise how could I know what he is saying is true. But now that I know(my knowing, so no need to get your back up if aaron is your brothers wifes sisters girlfriend) So now I want to know why AAron, as its written on the video, Why that AA format?

Most people I know dont write their names with the first two letters capitalised. So what other AA's do we know and what does AA in general remind us of? So in europe they are a breakdown service for high ways = help. All around the world AA of course is alcoholics Anon = help.

So what help will this AA provide us in the future?

Just an observation
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Old 03-18-2010, 07:10 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Harper View Post

So what help will this AA provide us in the future?

Just an observation
AA is also a great way to get your business in the Yellow Pages,

Aardvark Plumbing Ltd for example.

Well, if you can see a Hippo anywhere in my story Harper, you're doing a much better job of seeing things that aren't there than I can...

and yes... I totally made that up... i thought that was the idea?

I like stories, why else would I spend so much time at Avalon?

Keep up the great detective work, and no... can't say I believe Aaron either. We're on different timelines I'm sure. So it's probably true in his world, but not in my reality just yet.

Still, if any decent whistleblowers out there would like to post a virtual tour of the Stargate site for us to look at, that would be neat.

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Old 03-18-2010, 07:23 PM   #7
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I guess your storytelling technique blinded me to the crocodile in front of my face. Well done, thats what I was hoping but I have been so shocked at how wrong I have been lately, just thought I would make sure.

You spin a good myth, maybe thats something you could get into. I still cant really feel it when someone says pointing to two triangles, a bird and a squigle, then says it means that all life as we know it will end on such and such a day ......It does not mean they are wrong of course, but how the hell would I know and even if I looked it up it sould be just all that person pals from university all saying yes, yes, clearly from the angle and know what we know......ya see

Clearly as a species we have been wrong about practically everything and we if we are honest are still only in degrees of wrongness about most things,

AAnd finanlly yes photos would be great, taken by me on my camera surrounded by witnesses who I know and their dogs ...hehehehehe
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Old 03-18-2010, 07:39 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Harper View Post
I guess your storytelling technique blinded me to the crocodile in front of my face. Well done, thats what I was hoping but I have been so shocked at how wrong I have been lately, just thought I would make sure.

Bortho was the clue to it being a made up story. Funny name for a crocodile, don't you think? Gnasher or Krok might have been more realistic...

Clearly as a species we have been wrong about practically everything and we if we are honest are still only in degrees of wrongness about most things,
You know what, I'd almost swear we were twins as this

I still cant really feel it when someone says pointing to two triangles, a bird and a squigle, then says it means that all life as we know it will end on such and such a day ......It does not mean they are wrong of course, but how the hell would I know and even if I looked it up it sould be just all that person pals from university all saying yes, yes, clearly from the angle and know what we know......ya see

is EXACTLY how I feel about everything, after passing the point of believing everything alternative that sounded plausible.

Now I'm taking nothing for granted, not even my own subjective reality. I may yet disappear in a puff of greasy smoke...

I can't bring myself to watch camelot vids any more for this reason (sorry guys, nothing personal). I need to see things that I can really experience myself, and not hear it from Bob's friend Bryan who cuts lawns for someone who told him there was this plan going down where....

So I love anything like Eckhart Tolle, living in the moment. This works. Avoiding duality. This works. Being as nice as you can to others. This kinda works. Loving yourself. Hard to do but the results pay dividends. Loving others, harder still, but you get the benefit too. Loving what is. This works, but it bends your head. Eating, sleeping, and walks in the fresh air. Not had too much of that lately.. cause we're all living in LaLa land on the internet...

Thanks for the positve comment about my writing style. I write film scripts too... well, I was doing till the world started to end...

So.. I know what makes a good story... (and that works double as a BS detector )

So where will you take the SG-1 story now Harper... gonna write some more?

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Old 03-18-2010, 07:55 PM   #9
no caste
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Default Re: So i didnt know you spoke sumerian...

Very interesting! I don't know much I can help. I thinking i's is Senator Melonkopf smashing pumpkins lol This is my head:

But I am healing fine!!

Last edited by no caste; 03-18-2010 at 08:09 PM.
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Old 03-18-2010, 07:59 PM   #10
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hhahaa, Im a scribbler too, terrible speller as you may have noticed but that doesnt matter. Hahaha Im so glad, for some reason I thought you were a consultant in one of those icky jobs like organisational redesign, now dont get me wrong, a nice trapped consultant wondering about the universe.

Or perhaps a nice strangly cake obsessed consultant looking for the answers in icing, honestly sometimes I think icying might have more to offer than the sky is falling down folks.

My stories are usually not about stargates but shur why not. I tend to take beginings of anything and start from there, like the first sentence of anything, newspaper, cereal box doesn't matter.

I will have a think how to incorporate Bortho! You are so right though writing yourself makes for a great BS detector and a teribble film companion, I say after 5 minutes oh well its the child, he did it by accident......there is no way you mention something like that in the 1st scene and not have it be important.

Have to skip off for a bit, later, if you think of something go right ahead. I have been spreading giggles galore with your cakes!
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Old 03-18-2010, 08:14 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Harper View Post
hhahaa, Im a scribbler too, terrible speller as you may have noticed but that doesnt matter. Hahaha Im so glad, for some reason I thought you were a consultant in one of those icky jobs like organisational redesign, now dont get me wrong, a nice trapped consultant wondering about the universe.

I'm getting the message 'consultant' however

Or perhaps a nice strangly cake obsessed consultant looking for the answers in icing, honestly sometimes I think icying might have more to offer than the sky is falling down folks. Here we are united too

...so you're saying as well as possibly being an an*l retentive, lol that * is in the right place for a change

My stories are usually not about stargates but shur why not. I tend to take beginings of anything and start from there, like the first sentence of anything, newspaper, cereal box doesn't matter.

This is how Bowie works, then he writes them on bits of paper, throws them on the floor and picks them up. I kid you not

I will have a think how to incorporate Bortho! You are so right though writing yourself makes for a great BS detector and a teribble film companion, I say after 5 minutes oh well its the child, he did it by accident......there is no way you mention something like that in the 1st scene and not have it be important.

Have to skip off for a bit, later, if you think of something go right ahead. I have been spreading giggles galore with your cakes!
I did write some other story somewhere here once upon a time at Avalon.. does anyone want to search through all 688 of my posts to find it ??? lol

Are you SURE we're not sharing an arm of consciousness somewhere?

I too am convinced that the way forward lies with cake and people, it has nothing to do with stargates or Femacamps. That is the real illusion.

I must again point out that No-caste is the Giver of cake (and now Melons it seems) I can not take any credit for the discovery of Cake Wrecks... that is No Caste's baby. However, I might take some credit for seeing it's real genuine worth and application around Avalon and friends and all.

The icing on the cake indeed.

Enjoy your break Harper... don't come back if you really want to improve your life...

I'm just saying....


Last edited by Kulapops; 03-18-2010 at 08:18 PM.
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Old 03-18-2010, 08:24 PM   #12
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Default Re: So i didnt know you spoke sumerian...

Kulapops - Not so much a 'heads up!' environment lol Glad you liked the cakes - seemed so funny to me too - icing on the cake ... i'll have to pay attention to someone i know who has a great cake theory of life - very fantastic baker too, pâtisserie style

coincidentally, i also have some baking to do, so that's great (me: simple simon), still tasty
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Old 03-18-2010, 08:33 PM   #13
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Default Re: So i didnt know you spoke sumerian...

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Kulapops - Not so much a 'heads up!' environment lol Glad you liked the cakes - seemed so funny to me too - icing on the cake ... i'll have to pay attention to someone i know who has a great cake theory of life - very fantastic baker too, pâtisserie style

coincidentally, i also have some baking to do, so that's great (me: simple simon), still tasty
The first time I checked out that site.. after reading your post on the laugh...I beg... thread... I laughed so much I could not breathe... tears rolled down my cheeks, the website swam in front of my face...

I can not thank you enough. In these troubled times, what the world needs, right now, more than a years supply of lentils... is cake.

I've just been spreading the good medicine ever since.

I never get tired of hunting for new cakes and giving them as gifts

And now you're showing us your melons no caste ??
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Old 03-23-2010, 01:12 AM   #14
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hi kula - melons?? like breasts? mammary glands?? melons. hm. no, i was talking about my head,
maybe my guts (spilling). if you mean gender, oh. well both genders have nipples.
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Old 03-23-2010, 01:30 AM   #15
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Default Re: So i didnt know you spoke sumerian...

Wow, confusing thread. alice in avaland
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