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Old 07-31-2009, 12:29 AM   #1601
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by mel View Post
Hi Barry,
I would be most grateful for this info too.
Thanks for all your disclosure.
No problem, will send you PM shortly

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Old 07-31-2009, 01:47 AM   #1602
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post

Christos this is a good question. I was out having my daily walks when this man would ride his bike past me and I swear he could have been James' twin. The first time it happened, here's the kicker, I was listening to James' interview on C2C on my ipod at the time.[/COLOR] I don't know how many times I said You've got to be kidding me! LOL. Cosmic Joker at work?
It would seem the Universe is full of surprises to make us laugh.

Lucky you... I think about Carmen Electra but she hasn't appeared yet, I think she fell for my double!

Certainly AI gives itself away when it can't laugh or make a joke!!!

The Universal Trickster The ultimate test to separate 'what' or 'which' may be AI...

Last edited by Christo888; 07-31-2009 at 01:57 AM.
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Old 07-31-2009, 02:47 AM   #1603
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"Certainly AI gives itself away when it can't laugh or make a joke!!! "

Met a few people like that in my time. You know the type, you're at a party and you say something witty, everyone else cracks up laughing but then one stands there with a dumb mullet look on their face going " huh I don't get it". Maybe I'm being too hard here, maybe the person was just a sour sop. Just because it happened every time a joke was made doesn't mean a thing!
As they say, laughter is the best medicine and laughter makes the world go round so everyone, stop being so Serious/sirius! Lighten Up! LOL
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Old 07-31-2009, 11:59 AM   #1604
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
From James Casbolt post #1574

Two questions for either James or Barry. Firstly, thank you both for your frankness in presenting your experiences.
Secondly, in the quote above regarding the statement of “…We, the Service-to-Other Zetas,…” is this a ‘labeled phrase’ that identifies a group within Universal systems whom follow a creed so-to-speak either for the benefit of others in sincerity or is it like a lingo to identify an agenda amongst themselves or others to coax a certain path to unfold?
Obviously, many follow the ‘Law of One’ and often state this creed as a guideline to follow but I personally see red flags all over it! Care to comment?

Thirdly, what are the odds of natural similarities of look-a-likes (meaning like clones or body doubles, naturally) within the general population? Is there a percentage of this phenomena? Or is it more likely that look-a-likes really are created for various experiments for monitoring at a distance to see what paths may unfold when left to each owns freewill?

Thanks, Barry and James… let er rip!
Dear Christo888

Hopefully my future disclosures will answer some of these questions

All the best

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Old 07-31-2009, 12:13 PM   #1605
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Just sent you an email Barry
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Old 07-31-2009, 05:50 PM   #1606
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My time daily is very limited, pressures plus bad health dictate this I'm afraid so will post as and when I can, no hurry anyways, no one is going anywhere yet. Replies to posts shortly I hope. James, yes I have that 1980 photo and will place it here asap.

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Old 07-31-2009, 07:52 PM   #1607
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Unvetted by Camelot yes, they are far too busy chasing around with others, no problem, vetted by Dr Greer and his team, that counts more in my book anyways. My perspective, well I have been called a hard nosed nuts n bolts type whom has the tendancy to speak his mind. My training and my programming enables auto responses to certain situations too. Attack my claims and I could not give a damn, your choice I tell the World. Attack me or my family then its a different ball game. Auto response is fight back, not many like that, tough. If someone opens fire on me they better be a good shot, if they miss God help em LOL. In the real World the stakes are high, very high, not for the feint hearted or the turn-the-other-cheek brigade.People demand disclosure, ok, you will get it, the good the bad and the downright ugly sides of disclosure. Dr Greer states its the PLF and Stagecraft areas of disclosure that he receives the most threats on, WELL BLOW ME DOWN, wonder if the actual individuals releasing that data in the first place received such levels of threats? Too f****** right they did!!. And still do. But we plow on with or without security bodyguards


And of course things could heat up even more nicely if Dr Greer actually briefs President Obama re this Stagecraft data, my handlers, my colleagues warn, imagine Dr Greer handing Obama the folder containing names, locations etc, could get really interesting



Last edited by THEWATCHER; 08-01-2009 at 08:06 PM.
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Old 08-01-2009, 12:11 AM   #1608
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James, your Canada 1980 piccie as requested, you can add the data about it


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Old 08-01-2009, 10:01 AM   #1609
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
James, your Canada 1980 piccie as requested, you can add the data about it


Thank you Barry. For some reason I cannot post photographs.

Photo of me taken in Toronto, September 1980, just after I was delivered into care of Kate Casbolt by naval intelligence. Kate is woman in the middle, girl on the left is my cousin Victoria.

Last edited by James Casbolt; 08-01-2009 at 10:41 AM.
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Old 08-01-2009, 10:41 AM   #1610
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To carry on timeline

1981 London-

Kate and I travel from Canada to London. We now live in a two bedroom flat in Finchley London. I attend Chal-Grove school in the area. This is a Jewish school. One afternoon after school I am picked up by two men in a car outside the school. I sit in the back seat and one of the men turns around and gives me a cup of water with a pill to take. I do this and he says something like "Bluebirds don't hear, see or speak". We drive through London, onto a motorway and end up driving through countryside. We pull up to an army base with high fences and the gate opens. I am told to lay down and not look out of the window, which I do. It appears we are entering this base from a back entrance. There are lot of tall trees in the area. I feel us drive into a building and I am allowed to sit back up. We are now driving down a two lane road that slopes downwards in an underground tunnel. We drive down here for a while and stop at a underground car park. Two secuirty booths are in front of us, with the barriers that are manned by security guards in the booths ( to let vehicles go deeper underground ). A miltary truck is parkd to the left. A group of around 15 children are huddled to the right in a group with military officers guarding them. The children all have blankets wrapped around them. I am taken out of the car and handed a blanket. I am taken to the other children. There is a door on the left and a woman comes out wearing an office type skirt and white shirt. She is in her mid thirties with blondish hair- I've seen her somewhere before. She leads us through the door and into a corridor. We walk past some large room on the right that houses hardware and through a door in front of us into a classroom. Desks are here and we are told to be seated. The woman wheels a trolley around and places parts of plastic geometrical shapes on our desks. She then tells us to put them together and tells us we have one minute. She starts a stopwatch and says go. We all do what she says and she comes round and with a clipboard marking the results. A camera is postioned in the top right of the room and she then looks up to it and nods. I feel guilty about that happens next for some reason. Guys in black military uniforms rush in through a door on the right and start to drag of out of seats. Very unexpected and we are screaming and crying. Gurneys and waiting outside in the hall ( this is the opposite side of the room which we entered the room in ) and are strapped in to them. We are wheeled down a long hallway to the left of us and injected with drugs on the way. We pass large rooms on the right. Metal seats like dentists chairs are in these rooms, it looks like parts of the seats are made of steel. We come to a two large swinging doors and are wheeled in to a large room let up with infrared. This is some kind of animal housing place with rows of cages on the right hand side that go down for quite a long way into darkness. I can see dogs are wolves in the first lot of cages and can hear birds and down further. A elevator is situated on the left hand side as you enter the room and past the life on the left is a row of computer consols with people sitting in front of them ( about four or five ). We are unstrapped from the gurneys and told to stand in front of the first cage. There is some of alsatian dog or wolf in this cage. It is barking at us aggressively. The woman hangs some multicoloured 'spirals' on the wall to the right. Each is a different colour. She tells us to each pick one. We do and she asks us who has dark purple. A little girl in the group says she does and the woman nods to one of the men in black uniform.

The following data is important to understand the larger picture of what happens next. I was always confused why benevolent factions in the intelligence commuinity would spend all the time and effort rescueing and healing us, just to be snatched again the moment I entered the UK. All the rescued children were monitered 24 hours a day by this working group. It was understood however that visits to military bases would happen and that everything that happened in these places could not be controlled 100%. The underground carpark at thhis base was used by various factions both good and bad ( considered a neutral zone- not completely safe but relatively safe ). Basically this was not like the facility in the Canadian mountians ( they could do whatever they wanted to us at the Canadian cognitive conditioning base ). It turned out later that one of guards in black uniforms was undercover for the working group to make sure most of us made it out alive. A few years later in Reading I was visited by a member of the working group in Reading hospital ( more about this later ). I asked him how they could just stand there and let the what followed in 1981 happen. He said something about the "greater good", a concept I would only became aware of later.

Last edited by James Casbolt; 08-01-2009 at 10:44 AM.
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Old 08-01-2009, 08:41 PM   #1611
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry came across this snippet from the Law of One series, immediately thought of the faceless black clad Being you had in your back yard and the Beings also present in the area where those children's bodies were found. (hope I remembered that correctly, re being in the area of those children?)

The tall being seen at that location, Barn Hill in 1974, then in back garden, then at start of abduction event on March 19th 1976 was a 'gatherer'. A programmed life form whose tasking was to gather specimens.

Barry I am yet to watch the full series Barry but am eager to do so. Glad it brought some smiles to your face!

Tagging? Energetic tagging or tagging using branched DNA?
boring old electronic tagging I'm afraid, personnel, rooms, vehicles

A few days ago I began to re-read your Voice files, hopefully I'll pick up things I missed the first time round.
Okey dokey

All the Best

Best regards, Barry
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Old 08-01-2009, 08:44 PM   #1612
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post

Christos this is a good question. I was out having my daily walks when this man would ride his bike past me and I swear he could have been James' twin. The first time it happened, here's the kicker, I was listening to James' interview on C2C on my ipod at the time.[/COLOR] I don't know how many times I said You've got to be kidding me! LOL. Cosmic Joker at work?
It would seem the Universe is full of surprises to make us laugh.

Weird LOL, I have had people say to me they saw me at certain locations at certain times when I was plainly somewhere else LOL. I thought, good grief, more than one of me ROFL. The World could not be that cruel LOL

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Old 08-02-2009, 12:08 AM   #1613
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Weird LOL, I have had people say to me they saw me at certain locations at certain times when I was plainly somewhere else LOL. I thought, good grief, more than one of me ROFL. The World could not be that cruel LOL

Oh I don't know Barry, having more than one of you could be a great blessing in certain circumstance. Ara
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Old 08-02-2009, 03:50 AM   #1614
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Oh I don't know Barry, having more than one of you could be a great blessing in certain circumstance. Ara
ROFL Oh my, his poor daughter.
Boyfriend - "Gosh, I swear no matter which way I look, I think I see your father!"
Daughter, "DAD!"
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Old 08-03-2009, 12:50 AM   #1615
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Oh I don't know Barry, having more than one of you could be a great blessing in certain circumstance. Ara

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Old 08-03-2009, 12:51 AM   #1616
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Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
ROFL Oh my, his poor daughter.
Boyfriend - "Gosh, I swear no matter which way I look, I think I see your father!"
Daughter, "DAD!"

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Old 08-04-2009, 04:56 PM   #1617
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
To carry on timeline

1981 London-

Kate and I travel from Canada to London. We now live in a two bedroom flat in Finchley London. I attend Chal-Grove school in the area. This is a Jewish school. One afternoon after school I am picked up by two men in a car outside the school. I sit in the back seat and one of the men turns around and gives me a cup of water with a pill to take. I do this and he says something like "Bluebirds don't hear, see or speak". We drive through London, onto a motorway and end up driving through countryside. We pull up to an army base with high fences and the gate opens. I am told to lay down and not look out of the window, which I do. It appears we are entering this base from a back entrance. There are lot of tall trees in the area. I feel us drive into a building and I am allowed to sit back up. We are now driving down a two lane road that slopes downwards in an underground tunnel. We drive down here for a while and stop at a underground car park. Two secuirty booths are in front of us, with the barriers that are manned by security guards in the booths ( to let vehicles go deeper underground ). A miltary truck is parkd to the left. A group of around 15 children are huddled to the right in a group with military officers guarding them. The children all have blankets wrapped around them. I am taken out of the car and handed a blanket. I am taken to the other children. There is a door on the left and a woman comes out wearing an office type skirt and white shirt. She is in her mid thirties with blondish hair- I've seen her somewhere before. She leads us through the door and into a corridor. We walk past some large room on the right that houses hardware and through a door in front of us into a classroom. Desks are here and we are told to be seated. The woman wheels a trolley around and places parts of plastic geometrical shapes on our desks. She then tells us to put them together and tells us we have one minute. She starts a stopwatch and says go. We all do what she says and she comes round and with a clipboard marking the results. A camera is postioned in the top right of the room and she then looks up to it and nods. I feel guilty about that happens next for some reason. Guys in black military uniforms rush in through a door on the right and start to drag of out of seats. Very unexpected and we are screaming and crying. Gurneys and waiting outside in the hall ( this is the opposite side of the room which we entered the room in ) and are strapped in to them. We are wheeled down a long hallway to the left of us and injected with drugs on the way. We pass large rooms on the right. Metal seats like dentists chairs are in these rooms, it looks like parts of the seats are made of steel. We come to a two large swinging doors and are wheeled in to a large room let up with infrared. This is some kind of animal housing place with rows of cages on the right hand side that go down for quite a long way into darkness. I can see dogs are wolves in the first lot of cages and can hear birds and down further. A elevator is situated on the left hand side as you enter the room and past the life on the left is a row of computer consols with people sitting in front of them ( about four or five ). We are unstrapped from the gurneys and told to stand in front of the first cage. There is some of alsatian dog or wolf in this cage. It is barking at us aggressively. The woman hangs some multicoloured 'spirals' on the wall to the right. Each is a different colour. She tells us to each pick one. We do and she asks us who has dark purple. A little girl in the group says she does and the woman nods to one of the men in black uniform.

The following data is important to understand the larger picture of what happens next. I was always confused why benevolent factions in the intelligence commuinity would spend all the time and effort rescueing and healing us, just to be snatched again the moment I entered the UK. All the rescued children were monitered 24 hours a day by this working group. It was understood however that visits to military bases would happen and that everything that happened in these places could not be controlled 100%. The underground carpark at thhis base was used by various factions both good and bad ( considered a neutral zone- not completely safe but relatively safe ). Basically this was not like the facility in the Canadian mountians ( they could do whatever they wanted to us at the Canadian cognitive conditioning base ). It turned out later that one of guards in black uniforms was undercover for the working group to make sure most of us made it out alive. A few years later in Reading I was visited by a member of the working group in Reading hospital ( more about this later ). I asked him how they could just stand there and let the what followed in 1981 happen. He said something about the "greater good", a concept I would only became aware of later.
Continuation of timeline-

One of the men in black uniforms walks over to the little girl, picks her up and carries her to the cage. He opens a door on the left side of the cage and throws her in with the dog. The animal is going crazy. The little girl is screaming as he does this. She lands on her knees and in front of the animal and he goes strait for her throat. What happens next is horrific and the little girl is killed. While this is going on, the rest of us are stood there watching. I'm stood next to a taller asian boy. The woman from the classroom is over with the computer technicians and they are watching waves on the screens and discussing them. The words "alpha" and something else are mentioned. When this is finished she orders the guards to escort us out of the room. We are walked back up the corridoor and at the entrance to the classroom are met by other men. The driver of the car is there dressed as a civilian. We are taken down a corridoor to the left. I am taken down here and we take a right before another door in front of us. A different woman comes walking up the narrow corridoor. I see one of my brothers with her again. We walked up to each other and touch hands. I then walk off with the woman down the corridoor the way she has just came. The driver walks off with my brother. I am taken down the corridoor into a life and we descend. The two of us get out and in a platform type setting and onto a train. We sit in one carriage on our own. The lights appear quite dim inside. It is quite peaceful. W are sat on one seat together facing the way we appear to be travelling. The woman does not say a word to me verbally but commuinicates telepathically with me. She assures me I am safe and I go to sleep. I wake up as we stop. The doors open, we get out and walk down a short corridoor into a large white room. The light is very bright here. There are men with some kind of protective white suits in this room. Some of them hold spray type guns ( like hoses ) and smoke like vapour comes out of them. It is very cold. It appears to be some kind of cryogenic storage place. I see cold 'mist'. A morgue like apparatus is housed on the left side of the room ( metal doors with slide out metal 'beds' ). I am placed on one of the beds by a man in one of these protective suits. I am then wrapped in some kind of material ( may have been metallic but not 100% sure ) and feel myself being spayed with something through ( I feel the pressure through ). I then go into some kind of coma.
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Old 08-04-2009, 05:01 PM   #1618
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I am informed I needed to be deeply unconcious at this point as I was then moved to another facility far away. I am also informed that another small internal war broke out in the inteilligence community when it was discovered I had been switched just before leaving the facility. This was discovered at the next DNA testing of my brother. He was returned directly to Kate Casbolt in Finchley, London after leaving the underground facility ( I think the address was Dollis Park Ave )
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Old 08-04-2009, 05:05 PM   #1619
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Chalgrove primary school in North London-

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Old 08-04-2009, 06:37 PM   #1620
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James please check your private message box, Barry
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Old 08-04-2009, 08:46 PM   #1621
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That is an interesting story...
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Old 08-05-2009, 06:30 PM   #1622
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I am confused about the clone and super soldier stuff.
A clone is a life form created from the DNA of the original person or/and animal. Like Dolly the sheep right? Dolly is exact DNA replica of her natural counter part. So I'm thinking that is what a clone is, Biological. And, as with Dolly, anything they clone like that, they'll probably make several embrios, incase of the demise of one or two. A few to study, etc..
So are the clones that you are talking about, as such. Exact DNA replicas?
And what is the difference between a PLF and a clone?
you also mentioned machine parts in you. (cyborg?) I don't understand how that comes about to a clone. Is that something surgically added?

Also, I know of a few people who have chips to create "super soldiers" Super human strength.
I know that there are chips that can do this. Deaden pain, so that you do things you normally couldn't because of pain reaction.
However as with the superhuman strength. I know that at some point, the muscle might be able to perform. But the bones, might likely break, or ligaments torn from the bones. So are there special things they do to reinforce that also?

adamantine metal infusion of Wolverine's bones comes to mind! lol.

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Old 08-05-2009, 11:59 PM   #1623
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Perhaps James can answer the clone side of topic, as for difference between PLFs and clones, PLFs are genetically created beings solely programmed for certain tasks, clones I dare say could be programmed to take on a variety of tasks, even full biological replacement

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Old 08-06-2009, 06:33 AM   #1624
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Perhaps James can answer the clone side of topic, as for difference between PLFs and clones, PLFs are genetically created beings solely programmed for certain tasks, clones I dare say could be programmed to take on a variety of tasks, even full biological replacement

Okay. Flash back to my days of color coding the genomes of my angora rabbits, for possible colors of the babies. lol. Oh I have a head ache! lol

So you're speaking of these things being GENETICALLY created. Meaning the genomes and chromosomes within the DNA being selected and even possibly spliced to create the exact traits, characteristics, and abilities they choose, by using correlating chromosomes? (This would be anything from outward appearance, such as hair, eye color, skin color, etc.. to health weakness or strengths.... and even.....psychic abilities?)
There by creating a new DNA strand?
And therefore these PFLs would be biological?
I know civil science has worked on this. (gene splicing)
Most specimens live very short period of time. But then again........ military has always been 10 to 20 years technically advanced of civil science.

Hmm, logical ponderings here. (if that's possible)
Civil science has spliced genes (choromosomes) of everything from animals, and very successfully fruits and vegetables. Hence the Plumcot, grapple, hybrid garden seeds, etc...
HOWEVER....... these Hybrids, can't not self reproduce successfully!
So if PFLs...clones are simularily spliced as such........ they are sterile or can't reproduce their exact DNA?

Well, I've given myself a headache thinking too much. Hope I haven't given you all one too. lol.
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Old 08-06-2009, 12:07 PM   #1625
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Does any of this sound remotely possible?

"The Spartan-IIIs underwent bio-enhancement procedures similar to those of the Spartan-II's. The procedures were referred to as Project CHRYSANTHEMUM. With advances in technology, however, the survival rate for Spartan-III candidates was usually 100%, as opposed to the 44% survival rate of the Spartan-IIs. The Spartan-IIIs were injected with the following augmentation drugs:

Drug 8942-LQ99: A carbide ceramic ossification catalyst to make skeletons virtually unbreakable.
Drug 88005-MX77: A fibroid muscular protein complex that boosted muscle density and strength.
Drug 88947-OP24: A retina-inversion stabilizer drug. It boosted color and night vision capabilities.
Drug 87556-UD61: Improved colloidal neural disunification solution, which in turn decreases reaction time.
In addition, the following drugs were injected into the Spartans of Gamma Company. They were illegal, but ****_051 felt that they were necessary for the Spartans to survive.

Drug 009762-OO: A mutagen that alters key regions of the subject's frontal lobe. Enhances aggression, strength, endurance, and tolerance to injury. Kept in check by the antipsychotic and bipolar-integration drugs.
Drug 009927-DG: miso-olanzapine. An antipsychotic. Counters the mutagen's properties.
Drug 009127-PX: cyclodexione-4. A bipolar-integration drug. Counters the mutagen's properties."

Please note this is written as fiction, but is fiction a mask of truth?

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